Lundgren is a very avid Soccer fan, or how he refers to it, a Football Fan. Franks time as a Marine is vital to understanding his character and the environment he came from, Ennis says. I just dont. Over the years, Marvel has made various attempts to save Frank Castles image from having him kill a lot of Nazis after Charlottesville to berating cops that use his symbol. Those who use the symbol to condone brutality do so not despite its meaning, but because of it. Offscreen, he was one himself. 10 Facts You Need To Know About The Punisher, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, 10 Things To Do In Hogwarts Legacy Most Players Never Discover, Wesley Crusher Is Now A Big Star Trek Picard Season 3 Question. Frank Castle is Marvel's Punisher - but how much do you really know about the character? But while Tony's origins have been retconned to be based in the Gulf Wars, Frank has remained a Vietnam vet through the 00s. Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix have broken up after he allegedly cheated on her with Raquel Leviss. The Punishers Skull, a ghostly white cranium often painted over a pitch black background, perfectly occupies the uncomfortable shaded areas in the venn diagram of politically conservative audiences, law enforcement, and hyper-masculine power fantasies. The show revolves around an ex-Marine turned vigilante who hunts and kills criminals after his wife and children are murdered by gangsters. With nothing but rage and hatred for those he feels are responsible for his familys death, he begins killing everyone on both sides of the law. Bernthal attended at least one WWE event to see Angle in the ring in 2017. Youve got some Janning to do! The film wasn't received too well, but maybe Lundgren could try to get a spot in the MCU. No political correctness, no rules other than his own, he just does what needs to be done. At the same time, Frank's former best friend Billy Russo is slowly turned into the psychotic Jigsaw. In one scene, the mutilated corpse of a woman is shown lying in a bed. Although his skills with a gun do seem supernatural at times, Frank Castle is actually the only Marvel hero we've met so far that doesn't have any super powers. The main protagonist himself is repeatedly shot, stabbed, beaten, and tortured throughout the series. As far as fandoms go, its a controversial one. There he learned and honed his skills and killer instincts. The main antagonist's mother is a heroin addict. Look, I know how important this character is to you guys, and I know how important he is to law enforcement, to the military, he said. Many hate and fear his unrestrained violence. He previously suffered a brain aneurysm on February 18, and was ultimately taken off life support. The best musical instrument is a love triangle. He does not respectAmerican politicians, laws, orthe reasonsfor the country'swars abroad, though (as was said before)he admiresboth police and soldiers for their service. Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site, 20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Dolph Lundgren, With his comeback seemingly not slowing down, Ranking 15 Of Marvel's Non-Superpowered Characters, From Weakest To Strongest, The 20 Best Sports Movies That Have Ever Been Made, 15 Surprising BTS Facts About Sylvester Stallone's Biggest Movies, 19 Shady Things About Sylvester Stallone Everybody Ignores. Gerry Conway, the writer, had initially pitched the idea of the misguided antihero as a throwaway villain. The Assassin, as Conway called Castle, was an ex-soldier bent on revenge, wearing a small totenkopf on his breast as the badge of his war on crime. Artist John Romita Sr. reworked the symbol into a stylized version of the Waffen S.S. skull before publication. Thin Blue Line USA, whose spokesperson Pete Forhan tells Inverse is a law enforcement support company that makes merchandise for law enforcement families, has a popular Punisher collection of flags, shirts, patches, and other items that combine the skull with the thin blue line design. Punisher is famously a lone wolf, but he has had some allies in the past, as his stint working with Daredevil showed. Later, Police Chief Cameron Logan told io9: Were getting so many calls, and theyre saying that the Punisher logo [means] were out to kill people, and thats not the meaning behind that. Cameron added that he would do a little more research in the future. Before you start bingeing The Punisher, here's everything you need to know about the gun-slinging anti-hero. Multiple scenes of graphic shootings. While Walter Brennan was preparing for his role in "To Have and Have Not", his friend, sound effects technician Jack Foley suggested to him that he put a rock in his shoe to create a limp. Somewhere along the line, he picked up the name, stating that it comes from a distant relative on his mother's side of the family. Bernthal went to Russia and was accepted into the schools program. Showing the nagging effects of injury don't suit his unstoppable killing machine thing. Lundgren's studied at a lot of different institutions all over the world, one of them being the University of Sydney where he got his master's in chemical engineering. But producing high-quality, independent work is not cost-free , If you found the piece above useful, informative, or inspiring, please consider supporting, To donate by check, phone, bitcoin, or other method, see our, Gender-Affirming Care Ban in KY Could Have Deadly Consequences, Experts Warn, Walgreens Restricting Abortion Pill Sales Due to Coordinated GOP Threat, TX Lawmaker Proposes Tax Cuts for Straight Parents Who Have Never Been Divorced, East Palestine Residents Confront Norfolk Southern at Town Hall Meeting, Truthout Center for Grassroots Journalism, Trumps Federal Police Surge Could Provoke an Election Day Constitutional Crisis. Pretty surprising considering how you probably couldn't have found anyone who could have fitted into the role better at the time. If youre committing violent acts, one way or another, you will be meeting consequences., Another reason, Forhan says, is to honor officers who have given their lives in the line of duty. So when you wear the skull with the thin blue line, you say, Here are my fallen brothers, and what Im doing is to keep that legacy going.. In the previous Marvel Netflix series, fans have known pretty much exactly what to expect when boiling it down: Daredevil is a ninja with heightened senses, Jessica Jones is a detective with super strength, Luke Cage is indestructible, and Iron Fist is well, that one is the most self-explanatory of all. I'm content with how beat up his face looked for the season. Very sad. Before that, he was encouraged by his acting teacher, Alma Becker, to try out for the Moscow Art Theatre School. The real enemys in Washington! On the anniversary of Rodney Kings beating by the Los Angeles Police Department, Frank Castle in March 1992 put on blackface and lectured prominent Black superhero Luke Cage about Black-on-Black crime. Like every other comic character out there, Frank Castle has met his demise in the pages of his comics. I think the aspect of the guns and tactics and just how kickass he is written is what draws a lot of military people to him, says Army veteran Jeff Holman, whose unit in Iraq spray-painted the skull on Humvee turret armor and rooms they stayed in. The original Punisher from the Marvel comics chose the skull while in Vietnam. Id be surprised if data said otherwise. But he says hes very aware that extrajudicial killing is outside of the ethos of the military and is just part of a larger fantasy. But I dont think that has to do with the superhero genre. It follows the tribulations of its titular antihero, an embittered former Marine named Frank Castle, who uses his talents to lethally take down wrongdoers in the wake of the murder of his wife and children. A man is permanently blinded by being punched in the eye. He screams in agony and his face is left bloody, chunks of glass stuck in his skin. The loss of Frank's family haunts him, but it also is what lets him carry outhis war. If you found the piece above useful, informative, or inspiring, please consider supporting Truthout with a tax-deductible donation. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Punisher: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Frank Castle, Punisher Villains Ranked: The 10 Worst Frank Castle Ever Faced, The Punisher: 5 Heroes Frank Castle Has Beaten (& 5 He Can Never Win Against), 10 Punisher Moments We'll Never See On Netflix, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! Despite that, like its predecessor, the series was wildly successful. The character and his iconography are totemic for many cops and soldiers, wrote Abraham Riesman for Vulture, adding that his popularity spiked when Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, the subject of American Sniper, appropriated the skull as his own. I blame the media selling and supporting war., Fans with that viewpoint will find much to love in the Netflix show. Yup, the role that Dolph Lundgren is most known for isn't the first one, even though most people couldn't name anything he was in before. - user001. . Their relationship developed dramatically, and he moved with her to New York City. There are plenty of heroes and villains that have massive arsenals. Its time we treated it like one. There is no place for a Punisher in society, says J.D. The blood looked more real as well in season 1. Coarse language such as "pussy" is occasionally used. Some surgical type scenes. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive email correspondence from us. I got respect for those people, he told Esquire. And now the latest design has been published in the comics surprisingly early. Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. The Punisher skull is a hate symbol, and has been for some time. His goal is to kill those who deserve to die. He made wrongdoers fear him, Kyles memoir reads. Few superhero emblems are as provocative as the Punishers. A man is brutally interrogated and then shot to death. A gift of any size makes a difference and helps keep this unique platform alive. A group of men savagely beat their former accomplice. Breaking down the contenders in the seasons most unpredictable Oscar race. Hes fascinating, yet at the same time, repelling. Related: Ranking 15 Of Marvel's Non-Superpowered Characters, From Weakest To Strongest, Lundgren turned down an opportunity to appear in the film, or at least an early version of it, six years before its official release. Its a defense people throw up when they dont want to be associated with the actual meaning of the symbol., If he seems dismissive, it may be because Conway is close to law enforcement; he had police for family. Simply. Lundgren persevered, getting into boxing trunks and sending the photos to Stallone, who hired him six months later. Wipe out organized crime hah! Its like people saying the Swastika was a Hindu symbol that means family and love. Current events are only one in a long line of regressive uses that the Punisher skull has been put to. With his anti-hero persona and tragic background, Frank Castle has remained just under the surface of mainstream audiences attention. As Americans learned that their government had conspired with drug lords to sell cocaine in U.S. cities, Frank was knocking over crack houses in Spanish Harlem with a bazooka. Related: The 20 Best Sports Movies That Have Ever Been Made. With his feature film career still developing, Bernthal was excited to get a role in 2009s I Love You, Man, starring Paul Rudd and Jason Segel. For season 2 of The Punisher, an original Netflix series premiering on January 18, Castle is up against a fundamentalist group that embraces their right to bear arms; lurking in the margins is. He and the other host, Jacob Williams, are civilians, but they regularly hear from police and soldiers. In the comics and in the show The Punisher is a force of nature. There are several crucial aspects of Frank Castles past that directly lead to him becoming The Punisher. The first role that Lundgren appeared in after his iconic role as Ivan Drago in Rocky IV was none other than He-Man in the 1987 film, Masters of the Universe. The two disgraced men have both been sentenced for sex crimes. He's also told others who wanted to follow his example to look instead to Captain America for inspiration. Find the bad guys. Plot Keywords. On August 11, 2017, white supremacists held a rally in Charlottesville, Virgina. There is a lot about the man behind the monster that most people who have seen either Rocky IV or Creed II do not know about Dolph Lundgren is most well known in the world as Ivan Drago, the terrifying Russian giant that killed Apollo Creed in the boxing ring and nearly did the same to Rocky Balboa. Bernthal played Shane, one of the survivors of a zombie-infested wasteland, for two seasons. Whats Next for Convicted Sex Criminals Harvey Weinstein and R. Kelly? In his free time Gregorio likes to make short films and take photographs. Conways father was a cop and his uncle was captain of the academy of New York City. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. In front of everybody here, I will beat your a**.". Micro is a technologically gifted hacker who provides Punisher with all the guns and information he needs to help him in his mission. There is lots of moaning and panting in the sex scenes, akin to what you would hear in an adult film. He was born on 3 November 1957 making him 62 years young. The main motivation of the Punisher in this new series is entrenched in his origin story, which we learned about in Daredevil. He was always a cautionary tale about what happens when someone decides that the ends justify the means. He began to sense he might not be around much longer. 129. Liberal Democrats have sold this country down the river! Jon Bernthal's Punisher made his on-screen debut last year in Season 2 of Daredevil, in which he initially butted heads but eventually teamed up with Daredevil to take down a group of mystical ninjas known as The Hand. The novel offers an alternate-reality allegory about the rise of Trump and the right-wing movement that supports him. And I look at this as a huge honor, a huge responsibility, and I give you my absolute word: Im gonna give everything that I have.. More often they would fight over their differing views of justice. Not long afterward it began to inspire violent action. The Punisher's skull was partially inspired by the "totenkopf," a skull-and-bones logo worn by the Nazi SS during World War II. While Lundgren was preparing to move to Boston, he was working as a bouncer in Sydney in order to bring in some extra cash. The idea that the police are supposed to be given a pass on laws theyre held to enforce is incomprehensible. That said, when cops go rogue and attack civilians in emulation of him, he gives them one chance to quit before adding them to his kill list. This inability to forgive and motivation to hand out justice on his own terms is what directly led to his crusade to punish. Yup, the man whose most iconic and known role is a giant Russian boxer isn't Russian, what movie magic! Frank knows he's no hero. If you say he went into a drug neighborhood and killed all the drug dealers, would that make that neighborhood better? He ends his crusade when he finally kills his best friend Matt Murdock, Daredevil. Protect the innocent. He does not want to numbhis senses, as they give him an edge in his crusade against crime. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. Here is Screen Rants 10 Facts You Need To Know About The Punisher! The show features very emotional themes throughout that may upset some viewers. The skull on the Punisher's chest says it all: he lives with deathand shares thisgift with the world. I think thats part of the characters fascination, and I think its an aspect that, given time and future issues, well certainly try to explore. Years later during the Civil War story, when Steve Rogers was beating Frank senseless for murderingtwo supercriminals under Cap's protection, Frank refused to defend himself. If you talk to soldiers, they will tell you the Punisher is the epitome of what they all strive to be and do. A number of people support him or even work with him. Gregorio Len graduated cum laude from the Visual & Media Arts department of Emerson College, Class of 2020. Some knife violence, showing people being stabbed, sometimes brutally. Some of the best all around stories come from Garth Ennis's work on Punisher MAX in which an elderly rugged Castle takes on much younger fitter criminals. In his first appearance, Frank Castle was introduced as a villain in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man # 129 in 1974. Kill the bad guys. Executives and hosts privately trashed the claims they aired but worried about "stock price," according to court filing. Jon Bernthal, whose father was a corporate lawyer (and now chair of the board of directors for the Humane Society), enjoyed a privileged upbringing in Washington, D.C. where he attended Sidwell Friends, the same private school that counts Chelsea Clinton and Sasha and Malia Obama among its alumni. In a 2017 interview with Esquire, Bernthal said he hit the man, who was following him home, and was brought in for questioning when the man hit his head on the pavement and was slow to regain consciousness. With the tactical mind, especially of the MAX version of Frank, he also uses the spray-painted skull on his chest as a distraction so that criminals will aim for that instead of his head. The content matter may upset some people. A little fact about Sweden you probably didn't know is that the country had mandatory military service for men from 1901 all the way to 2010. I think patriotic war movies brainwash young men to idolize war and killing enemies/terrorists more than fictional vigilantes ever will. People are divided on how to feel about the Punisher. For years, the military, the police and white supremacists have displayed the skull symbol of Marvel's comic-book outlaw the . Bernthal said he was largely ignored by the cast (no, he had not threatened to beat anyone up on this set). You dont have no rules you have to follow or anything. Car_Hack April 29, 2009, 8:14pm #5. He was a mainstay in The Amazing Spider-Man and frequently crossed over into other popular lines like Daredevil and Captain America. In a wartime scenario, the main protagonist kills many enemy combatants by shooting, stabbing and violently bludgeoning them to death. Most of the time it is more mild. Years of scraping by as an actor were followed by a few breaks for Bernthal, including a part in director Oliver Stones 2006 feature World Trade Center. They like watching that guy, and go, No ones going to write him up for that. They look at that as kind of wanting his job, without the whole dead-family thing., All of that said, not everyone in law enforcement and the military consider the characters nuances. Marine Corps veteran Christopher Neff plans to take the day off of work so he can binge it all. There he encounters a local military owned by the narco-traffickers, and no sign of U.S. involvement to be found. Though some things may be lost if Twitter fades, the real magic behind the platform was never the app, but the people. The Villain Known As The Punisher. It was during this time that, on January 1, 1986, Frank Castle was given another shot at a solo-series. The beginning of the new series sees Castle accurately shooting a man in the head from miles away, and he even without his guns, he's an expert in hand-to-hand combat and strategy. Permanently. A few notable ones are Batman, Green Goblin, and Iron Man. It lasted just one season. The Punisher has been a comic icon for quite some time. In the early 2000s the Punisher was chosen by U.S. forces to represent U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Punisher was fiction, of course, but it was a particular kind of right-wing fiction that ran directly opposite reality. Everybody brings to it their interpretation, and I have no problem of any of those, so long as theres a fundamental understanding that this is not a good guy. Conway himself even admits to owning Punisher merchandise.
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