Additionally, public education is a mirror, in terms of socioeconomics and diversity, of the world in which we live. Both sides need to be restored.. by Tevin Stinson. Continuing professional growth through educational meetings, visiting related facilities, reading professional literature . Teachers need to have protected planning time. As chairperson, I believe I have demonstrated strong leadership and the ability to bring our board together and move forward on items that are important to our kids, teachers and parents. Always being an advocate throughout for various roles of my career. Brown-Gaither taught middle and high school mathematics in the district for 19 years. It also lists prevention and intervention strategies at each violation level, with restorative practices like problem-solving circles and mentoring. how to solve trig functions without a calculatorhow to open otterbox ipad case Navigation. Ive attended countless sporting events, PTA meetings, parent conferences, and awards ceremonies in elementary, middle and, high schools. I would want to reach out to our many local businesses, area hospitals, and non-profit organizations and begin exploring the development of specialized funds to offer supportive services for our staff, especially those that might be facing financial issues such as struggling to pay their rising housing costs and making sure they and/or their family members are able to afford their medications or any other personal needs that they may have. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. It is classified as a mid-sized city school district by the National Center for Education Statistics. These areas are the basics of a productive educational environment, so I think the majority of board members would support these solutions. My passion for students and the teaching profession has no bounds. WSFCS Board of Education candidate responses, Michael Hardman, At-Large. In a crowded school board election, how do you stand out among the candidates? I support options for learning, including home schooling, public career and technical education such as our Career Center and Atkins Academy, private or parochial schools, magnet schools, charters, schools, online learning, and early-college high schools. Additionally, low performing schools should have assistant teachers in all classrooms. The candidates were asked about how the school board, with regard to policy and practices, should relate to students who find their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religion marginalized. Force them to do something that they might not necessarily want to do, but now they have to do because of their actions. As a leader of the Office of Communications and External Relations, responsible for facilitating and leading all aspects of a robust community engagement plan that supports the WS/FCS strategic . Each parent should continue to make that decision. Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools; Cable 2 Television; Visit Us. There are 14 candidates vying for nine seats on the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education. Felicia Quick's Phone Number and Email Last Update. She is a mother of five and has worked as a substitute teacher and volunteer reading tutor in the district. All students are equally important, he wrote. Part of that is state policy, but part of it is the programs provided by the experts to make up for learning loss. Jan. 5 marked the beginning of a new era for Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. News and public media do not highlight what teachers and administrators are doing behind the scenes to help students succeed. To start, I supported teachers by voting for a pay raise as I agree this has been a tough year for our teachers and they have done a wonderful job for our students. WSFCS Black History Month story from the February 2023 Board of Education Spotlight features stories from Parkland High School, Ward Elementary School, Meado. Winston Salem/Forsyth County Schools Location Winston-Salem, NC, US Salary Competitive. I have cofounded the Coalition for Equity in Public Education, which has worked with various educational groups locally and statewide and have sent recommendations to our school board concerning various issues affecting WSFCS including the budget. They told during the presentation that "under the leadership of Town Manager Randy Hemann, the team, which included Tiffany Shelley, Megan Suber and Nancy Rath, found both in-person and electronic ways to engage employees and share the work of United Way in the Mooresville . Other candidates said inclusivity shouldnt be the districts concern. This includes TAs, EC case managers, more social workers and therapists, etc. At this point I cant make a good case for public education. Retention bonuses would also help build a deeper bench of young teachers. In my opinion, we have stacked the deck against the children by increasing the stress placed upon the teachers. The Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools have policies that protect student diversity. Ideas would be speaking with teachers about their needs and then implementing those needs. . This is the disclaimer text. The town of Mooresville, it was shared, recruited a team of employees to lead their outreach in education activities. Hardman said he believed these teachings dont need to come from school. I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. I was a classroom teacher at Wiley Middle School. The current 4-2-3 method of election is antiquated, cumbersome, ineffective and inefficient. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Balance the budget, cut out wasteful spending and maintain a budget that is predictable and sustainable from year to year. Assisting in the selection of . Ive participated in career days and read to my childrens classes. Long Term Substitute at Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools . When it comes to the five District 1 candidates running, I think I stand out through the work that I have done and continue to do in the community when it comes to education, as well as the work that I have done as an educator in K-12 and higher education. Many of our teachers have been feeling unappreciated and our school system has not treated them as professionals. I regularly attend WS/FCS Board of Education meetings as well as county commissioner meetings. Most of the time, it is going to be more time, and more freedom, to teach what they know their students need. Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Dedicated to Excellence Translate. Hartsfield had board members say parts of the oath together to show unity. Republican and former Reagan High School principal Stanley Elrod . Assisting in upholding and enforcing school rules, administrative regulations, and School Board Policies.i. For my family, public schools have been a great choice. One of the biggest things that we can do as board members is to listen and hear what our educators have to say. 3/3/2023 3:52 PM. I possess the small business and entrepreneurial experience that most of the other candidates do not. If you have questions regarding a position posted in TeacherMatch, contact the Human Resources Department at 336-727-2786 or by email c. Working in coordination with other basic education teachers and other departments in planning and developing the basic program. Lastly, teachers should have two protected teacher workdays each quarter prior to when grades are due. Candidate for WS/FCS Board of Education 2022 If there are empty positions, they need to be filled. There should be zero tolerance for bullying, or threatening behavior or language, by anyone associated with our schools toward anyone at any event associated with our schools.. Thats like being deeply in debt; so deep I know I cannot possibly get caught up in five years. While doing that, I have also continued to further my education and have focused my research on educational inequities/inequalities. After weighing these suggestions against requirements from the state, the district drafted a calendar that is largely the same as the 2022-23 calendar.The first day of school for students will be Monday, Aug. 28. Students cannot learn if they are not in school; but no student can learn in a chaotic environment. EDUCATION: Bachelor's degree in mathematics, bachelor's degree in computer and information sciences. Our older students have opportunities to follow education paths that will allow them graduate with not only a high school diploma but an associate degree or certificate that will allow them to go straight into the workforce if they choose. Heres how other candidates answered the question about inclusivity, and more: Including Coone-Godfrey and Garner, there are seven at-large candidates, and only three at-large seats available on the board. Our District is diligently working to expand mental health access, school counseling as well as working with other community providers who focus on different aspects of emotional health, she wrote. There will never be enough private or charter schools to meet the needs of every student. Engage via Email. Members of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board of Education are divided into two districts District 1 representing the city's urban core and District 2, which encompasses the ring . document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. See K.S.A. Many have told me they cannot be openly conservative, they fear retaliation from their teacher and some classmates, Absher wrote. I have spent the better part of my parenting life trying to be my sons advocate. 5 talking about this. In a crowded school board election, how do you stand out among candidates? Job Details. Contact. policy) with a minor in history; paralegal certificate with a concentration in civil litigation; graduate of City of Winston-Salem University; certified notary, OCCUPATION: Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods community residential leader/liaison. Working as a paralegal for Litigation Attorneys has taught me to be fast paced and a critical thinker. A VOTE for Trevonia Brown-Gaither "BG" for WSFCS Board of Education ensures you have a S-E-A-T- at the table concerning the education of our children. You need to sign in or create an . I have also been an advocate for the Latino community for many years, and I can make sure that we finally bridge the gap between our Latino community and our schools. Voters in District 1 will pick 2 members, voters in District 2 pick 4 members, and all voters elect 3 At-Large members. No amount of restorative discipline is going to resolve that right now. It may be difficult not to feel marginalized if you identify with a group that is small in number. Here's a look at the candidates. We must make sure teachers receive the pay and benefits they are promised. Harry Leake Jr is an Instructor at Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools based in Winston Salem, North Carolina. EDUCATION: Virginia Intermont Jr. College; UNC Summer School; East Carolina University. Advocating for public schools, educators and students is my passion. FOLLOW BG ON SOCIAL MEDIA . As a parent, Im often on school grounds with other families and school staff several times a week. That's just due diligence., However, in a blog post from earlier this year, Absher wrote that social-emotional learning is rotten to the core and has no place in WSFC schools., In a WFDD questionnaire, Barr wrote that the school district should prioritize the correct role and responsibilities of our guidance counselors in the school., This role needs to be prioritized and we need to hire more counselors to ensure support for our students, teachers, and faculty, he wrote. WS/FCS Board of Education candidates talk inclusivity, discipline, and mental health, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education, Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. If It is working, then we must commit to it for the success of our students.3) What would you do as a member of the BOE to establish relationships with the schools and students outside of being present for all meetings?I pledge to visit schools to see the facilities as well to meet staff and students and to ask the questions: what are we doing well? 475 Corporate Square DriveWS/FCS Administrative Center. Voters throughout the county are eligible to vote for at-large candidates. I am honored to be here to do this; I am ecstatic about what this board holds for the kids of Forsyth County and I am determined to help in any way that I can.. Worked with infants-adults in hospital, community and home setting. The filing deadline for this election was March 4, 2022 . of . user id password warning . Kindergarten Classroom Teacher job in Winston-Salem, NC, US with Winston Salem/Forsyth County Schools. EDUCATION: High Point Central High School, Meredith College, UNCG, OCCUPATION: Chairwoman of the WS/FCS Board of Education. The lone Democratic candidate is Jennifer Castillo. I taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades at Moore Elementary. And it is essential that we continue to allocate resources to make public schools the grand halls of learning that we know it can be. Now he works for Crosby Scholars, a local organization that helps students prepare for college. Winston Salem Forsyth County Schools is now hiring a Second Grade Classroom Teacher in Winston-Salem, NC. I also received my master's degree from Appalachian State University and a bachelor's degree from Wake Forest University. h*** Students and adults must feel safe daily as they go about the work of teaching and learning. Endorsements. The school districts website explains what social-emotional learning looks like in schools, offering a definition from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. Back to fundamentals with reading, writing and math, no ideology teaching. Information about the campaign of Stan Elrod for Forsyth County Board of Education This protected planning time should not include cafeteria, bus or hallway duty. More. 4) Listen. As a district, we need to focus instruction on helping every student attain proficiency in the requirements for graduation and for success in life after high school. EDUCATION: Bachelor's degree in Spanish, UNC-G; master's of education degree, University of Southern California. My passion for students and the teaching profession has no bounds. WSFCS Board of Education Candidate Responses, Allen Daniel, At-Large. Though Barr did not attend the forum, he provided written answers. b. Teacher AssistantFUNCTIONAL PURPOSEThe purpose of this position is to work cooperatively with the principal and teacher to provide a classroom . The opportunity here is to try something new, and it's not throwing out consequences or accountability, she said. Neither can perform at their best while this is the case. They need to be supported with supplies, a safe environment, clean facilities, professional development, fewer students in each class, teachers assistants, and administrative support with student discipline. We need to make sure that we are a supportive board, and that we have resources in place that can assist all of our staff as needed. Its the duty of the board to ensure that we offer a safe and inclusive environment for all of our families, she said. All citizens must have the opportunity to be engaged and provide input into what our schools should be doing to educate students and how to create a learning environment where staff are supported to do what is best for academic excellence.A: Academic Achievement: Our school system must seek ways to improve the educational success of all students in elementary, middle and high school. My top issues. To show support for teachers I would: 1) Schedule periodical Town Hall meetings for all educators. Please make sure you include all prior experience in your portfolio (application). We need a firm policy that sends disruptive students to an alternative setting, with the support they need to get back on track.I spoke to a middle school English teacher recently who said they calculated that they spend eight weeks every year assessing students; then we wonder why they are so far behind. I am a triple threat to the other candidates. It states that a commitment to educational equity involves the removal of institutional barriers so all students can benefit from the learning environment. Republicans Jason Lucero and Stephen Wood did not respond questions from the Journal. 2. I do my research. The Board of Education approved a salary schedule in December that turned out to be $16 million more than the budget would allow for. The local community also must embrace and support the school community by finding ways to show respect for educators. The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board of Education approved a $125,000 contract Tuesday night for a new after school program.The program is called Transforming Teens, and aims to address . Nine members of the W-S/Forsyth County Board of Education will be elected this year with a primary election in May and general election in November. Distractions and fear have led to an unprecedented teacher shortage, low morale, and failing scores among our students. We must provide teachers with support, respect, and eliminate the barriers that keep them from doing what we hired them to do, TEACH OUR STUDENTS! Students should be able to express their views, as long as they do it respectfully., Absher has shared multiple transphobic messages on her Twitter page, including retweeting Trans Kids are the new Gucci Handbag for the Upper Middle Class Wine Mommies who need attention.. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. 1. If you have questions regarding a position posted in TeacherMatch, contact the Human Resources Department at 336-727-2786 or by email. I was selected Principal of the Year twice by my peers. What I'm concerned about is, again, the private companies that we use that get a nice chunk of our school budget, she said. After the new board was sworn in, Deanna Kaplan was voted board chair and Alex Bohannon was voted vice chair. I know what it is like to have a large number of families depend on my decision-making skills to feed their families. Brown-Gaither recalled a couple of instances from her time as a teacher, where she recognized signs of mental illness or emotional problems in her students and learned to step in to support them. I will be a steadfast champion for students, teachers, and parents, dedicated to making our public schools the best in NC. EDUCATION: WS/FCS, Appalachian State & UNCG. After retiring, running for the Forsyth County Board of Education was always in the back of my mind. Schools should be inclusive of all types of people and help others to better understand and tolerate differences, even if we dont identify with them. She did provide answers to questions that were sent to all candidates.
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