Aphrodite (aphros=foam) was born from the foam of the splashing ocean water the moment Uranus` genitals and semen fell into the sea at Petra tou Romiou near Paphos on the island of Cyprus. Medusa Conjunct Pluto . remember that different planets rule different body parts and are associated with different physical features. Venus in the 10th house: Popular / Leaders. Fixed star Mirach 0 Taurus is the star of the artist. how about Urania as asteroid for astrology? Aquarius Aphrodite in 10H (Conjunct Uranus, Trine Saturn, Square Asc) Aphrodite riding goose, Athenian red-figure kylix C5th B.C., British Museum. Jupiter brings abundance, good cheer and optimism that can help an People with Juno(3) conjunct Sun or Ascendant are very loyal friends. Eros,Psyche,Lust,Ascendent in (1st house),Sun (12th house) all in (cancer) Cancer placements/Moon 1st housers might want to live close to their parents. It governs your physical appearance, the image you portray, and the first impression you make on others. This asteroid confers physical beauty, as well as grace. indicating otherwise. Spirit in sag, conjunct Pluto, Square sun, sextile Mars. above all this is just for fun. My Valentine: his 8th housemy Cupid: his 6th houseMy Aphrodite: his 7th housemy Psyche: his 12th housemy Eros, Pan, Vertex, Destinn: his 5th housemy Adonis: his 7th housemy Union: his 7th housemy Amor: his 8th house, Posts: 456From: MercuryRegistered: Apr 2009, (Both people have a heavily aspected natal Saturn as well), Copyright 2000-2016 4)his Pan in my 7th house:conjuncts my Karma exactly! He also has Aphrodite conjunct his NN and Mars in Aquarius. you could be attracted to well kept or veiny hands, people with vehicles like luxurious cars or motorcycles. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. She is the most envious b**** in Greek mythology. I dont use Hebe. loves their freedom; hard to pin down they take their spiritual life seriously. Fixed Star Facies 8 Capricorn conjunct Ascendant gives a person a probing and intense stare. Adonis trine lilith, uranus and mercury and sextile mars Is there a planet that matters in this sphere of life? Jealous of people who travel more than them. They can look concerned or worried. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. Ceres Conjunct the Ascendant Aphrodite Conjunct Mercury 28 Gemini Fixed star Betelgeuse makes someone very argumentative and witty with a quick mind. Ceres Square Sun. 12H Moon conj. independent energy One of your drawbacks is that you objectify others sexually. In 2015, Bullock was chosen as People's Most Beautiful Woman and was included in Time's 100 most influential people in the world in 2010. One that you can easily relate to theatre, art and social gatherings? By Noelle Talmon / Aug. 26, 2021 10:16 am EST. Sex is the most important thing to you. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Ceres Square Asc often going to a place of worship like church, the mosque, a temple, synagogue, etc. 850 BC) records a slightly different but not necessarily older version in which Dione and Zeus are parents to Aphrodite. They might even try to impress you with their money and possessions, Thank you so much for your patience, I hope this resonated! for example, if youre moon dominant and its in the first house you may have a fuller/rounder & cherub like face. - again with the performing. You cant stay mad at them. . Sorry forgot i posted the comment but what about adonis conjunct sun? You might also be quite possessive in the crushing stage and feel like you're competing for a prize, - Some suitors might like your spicy outlook on love and be attracted to your vitality, - You might be quickly enveloped in your emotions and could be hot-headed bc of it, I hope this answers your question, have a nice day/night . I have aphrodite conjunct northnode and chiron i wonder how it plays in my chart :))), What i have in my chart: Writers. These natives are very attractive. Aquarius reminds me a lot of Taurus, but less sensual. It's the house of foreign land. As Ketu isolates/separates a person from the things related . in the 1st house, 5th house, 8th House, 10th house, aspecting Mars, Venus, Pluto or Neptune. Cupid: ZUNI INDIANS PERFORM A RITUAL TO THE SUN. - His Karma conj my Sapprho:it was fated again the fact that i was imediattely attracted and passionated by him. I have a bunch of asteroids in Libra, though more on the 22-27 space, including Sappho, Kassandra, DNA, Apollo, Adonis and who knows what else. Very passionate. Jealous of others speech style / knowledge. Copyright 2000-2016 You also are the most charismatic at work. Venus in the 1st house: Beautiful af. Cupid conjunct Venus conjunct Mars? "I want to welcome you to my website. Fixed sign have a reputation for being stubborn, but have you heard about cardinal sign? libra rising: libra rising is known for having beautiful symmetrical faces. Jealous of people who might steal their spotlight in the workplace. Like drugs, alcohol, smoking or medicines. The Moon in the 10th house often feels an emotional bond with the collective, with "ordinary" people, and wants to contribute in a way which nurtures, protects, fostering change in the world. First, a bit of data from the astronomical and hard science side of life. This correlation was part of a system where each planet was the joy of a particular house and the name of the house was connected to the planet that rejoiced therein. Hesiod's account of her birth allegorizes the powerful sexuality of her nature. the house your venus is in can show what you like or love about yourself, what others like/love about you. aphrodite in 10th house June 24, 2022 by are eddie and venom in a relationship / Friday, 24 June 2022 / Published in ansible yum check if package is installed Another singer I had a shortlived "liking" for: A real life and very romantic, yet hopeless crush: Another real life crush or flirt; well we didn`T have a real relationship, yet there was something: My Adonis:conjuncts hs Mercuryconjuncts his Uranus, His Adonis:conjuncts my Plutotrine my Moontrine my Karma. MC EXACT, His VALENTINE in Sagittarius in his 2nd and in my 4th housetrine my moon in aries in 8th (2)bi-quintile my mars (0)trine my jupiter in leo in 12th (0)square my uranus in virgo in 1st (1)trine my AC in leo (2), His DR VALENTINE in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th house, My VALENTINE in cancer in my 2nd and in his 8th housequintile his venus (0)trine AC (1), My DR VALENTINE in cancer in my 11th house and his 7th housetrine his venus (1)bi-quintile his jupiter (0)trine his uranus (0)conjunct his juno (0)square his MC (0), His CUPID in Aries in his 5th house and my 8th housebi-quintile my AC (0), His DR CUPID in Taurus in his 5th house and my 9th houseconjunct my mars (0)square my jupiter (3)trine my uranus (3)trine my pluto (1)conjunct my MC (3), My CUPID in Cancer in my 11th house and his 8th housesquare his chiron (2), My DR CUPID in gemini in my 11th house and his 7th houseopposing his neptune (1)trine his pluto (0)opposing his AC (2), His APHRODITE in scorpio in his 12th house and my 3rd houseopposes my sun (1)opposes my mercury (2), His DR APHRODITE in sagittarius in his 12th house and my 4th housetrine my moon (3)trine my venus (0)trine my saturn (2)square my pluto (0), My APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 7th housesextile his sun (0)opposes his moon (1)squares his mercury (3), My DR APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 6th housetrine his MC (2), His PSYCHE in gemini in his 7th and my 10th house, His DR PSYCHE in cancer in his 7th house and my 11th housesquare my moon (2)square my venus (0)sextile my mars (0)trine my neptune (3) sextile my pluto (1)conjunct my valentine (0), My PSYCHE in scorpio in my 3rd house and his 12th housesquare his sun (1)sextile his mercury (0)square his mars (1), My DR PSYCHE in libra in my 3rd house and his 11th houseconjunct his venus (2)semi square his mars (0), His EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 5th housesquare my chiron (0)trine my AC (1), His DR EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th housesextile my saturn (1)square my MC (2), My EROS in libra in my 2nd house and his 11th housesemi square his sun (0)conjunct his venus (0)conjunct his uranus (2)trine his psyche (2)*sigh* lol, My DR EROS in virgo in my 2nd house and his 6th houseconjunct his sun (1)trine his moon (1)semi square his venus (1)conjunct his mars (1)square his saturn (3), his ADONiSopposes my venus (2)opposes my saturn (1)quincunx my MC (0), my ADONISsextile his mercury (1)squares his mars (0)squares his neptune (1)opposes his NN (3)conjunct his lilith (1), DW's of (tropical and draco)valentine/ACvalentine/jupitervalentine/uranuscupid/ACcupid/plutoaphrodite/sunaphrodite/mercuryaphrodite/moonpsyche/marspsyche/venuseros/saturn. 3. and exactly opposite my Sun-Moon-midpoint, also widely conjunct Saturn (4); Either Medusa is overcome by Neptune and gives in to temptation, or she's raped by Neptune. Along with the 2nd and 6th houses, it's one of the career houses and shows what professions a person would be best at. A lot of them started working early or had to be the caretaker of a sibling. 5. neptune-venus aspects: wanting to fix or save him/her fall in love during the process and live happily ever after. They are also good at coming up with witty comebacks towards rude customers. The Air Signs will use their intellect and communication to produce. - In the love department you might be a hopeless romantic, - Suitors are beautiful/handsome, affectionate and flirty. I have Hebe,adonis,aphodite tightly conjuct my mc in 10th house and Eros conjuct sun in 10th house and juno,cupido,sappho,vertex,Alma,nymphe, lysis,innanen,Medusa in 7th house and Mars ,Uranus ,moon ,nepchun ,Zeus ,Hera,Lilith in 1 st house also sttellium in 1 st house can you please tell me what that means?? This is an introspective, reserved, spiritual house. Lust in the 3rd, sextile mercury and trine moon[i always feel lusty lol]. Jealous of other's children and their worth. Aphrodite. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. 8. Moon-Pluto aspects can make a person intense and also your appearance can also have a Pluto influence. As his Venus falls in my 12th too this kind is a DW of confirmation - My Pan Conj his AC/Apollo : attracted and seducced by him. Venus. Sometimes its better to not go on your ex social media profile, or make that call to ask that question. scorpios know how to be secretive, source information, remain in the dark and disguising themselves as your shadow as they observe. Ketu - Likewise, If Ketu is 9th house Lord through its sign Scorpio, as it co-rules Scorpio along with Mars, and sits in 10th house in Sagittarius then 1st of all we need to make sure of Mars' position as it is the main ruler. Megan fox has this . It is primarily associated with your career growth, achievements, reputation, recognition, and self-responsibilities. They need to feel a part of society, to feel recognised and acknowledged by the people. Valentine: 17,5 Pisces in my tropical 3rd houseIN A GIGANTIC TENT, VILLAGERS WITNESS A SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE. 763 -- Cupido -- The look of love, aware of image, being tantalized by the reflection, seeing is exciting or foreboding. Give also the meaning of the astedois youve asked about: 16 -- Psyche -- Perseverance of love, connection of a psychic nature, awakening of intuition, soul seeking completion. In the tenth house, it may indicate a strong desire to prove your self-worth . you could be attracted to those who possess fame and success. Was a long list but i just discovered about asteroids lol and i am very curious. If you have Fixed star Antares (9 Sagittarius) in conjunction with a personal planet you have to be careful with becoming to obsessed. We know that Aphrodite arose amidst the foam (aphros) from the severed genitals of Uranus that were cast upon the sea. I have aphrodite in the 1st house in retrograde what does that indicate? Some of these people cant handle working a full time job. Yes, thank you, how about you? Apollo instills a worshipful attitude in other people towards himself. Using derived houses, the 3rd house is the 7th from the 9th, the house of partners. - Isn`t "fairy" an expression for gay people? Psyche in Gemini[square Sun, opposite Pluto],Eros in Aquarius, Conjunct Mercury & Venus, Cupid in Aquarius opp Leo moon. I also have it conjunct my NN in the 9th! I'm really into the chart ruler in synastry. Venus oppose the Ascendant IN SYNASTRY:* His Aphrodite, Mars and NN all square my Vertex, trine my Venus, and trine my POF. Love ur blog btw !!! Venus in the 9th house: Tourists. Apollo, Union, Adonis (and Sappho widely) are conjunct in Libra in 10th house; the stellium sextiles my Sun and MErcury and trines my Psyche and Lilith. Fixed star Izar 28 Libra conjunct personal planets makes sometimes very interested in the interested in the occult, the taboo and serious subjects. As a career house, it indicates unequal relationships with colleagues and employees. Singers & Orators. Also, Libra are easy to influence imo. Power and danger kind of go hand in hand. Same with Moon/Lilith. Go forth down new roads and be the iconic pioneer you're capable of. 722,966 [815,000] This fabulous two-bedroom villa sits atop the Eastern Plateau, allowing panoramic views of the entir. This house rules your health, daily routine, work, and habits. She is a contender in the story of the Golden Apple, when Paris chooses her as the fairest of the three goddesses (the others were Hera and Athena).Aphrodite decides to reward him for giving her the Golden Apple (the . Libra however get along really well with Virgos. But I also like Pan a LOT, well I don`t like him, but he is a big challenge in my life. venus in the 3rd house: you may like the way you think/your way of applying logic and processing information. you could be attracted to confidence, the way a person carries themselves. Significant opportunities may present themselves during transits here. The 10th house in astrology stands for social status and professional life prospects. Aphrodite and Psyche both in Airsigns give it some "airyness", too. princess sarah bint mashour bin abdulaziz al saud. - His SApprho conj my Psyche:he feels very passionated and attracted when i show him our psysich/intuitive conection, - my VX/DC conj his Aprhodite:it was fated in double:fated to meet me as a partner with impulsive love and attraction. The 10th house - Career, material success, reputation The Zodiac sign Capricorn and planet Saturn rule the 10th house. it's that intense, unexplainable sexual attraction. Let me give you my loong list of actors / musicmen (only mentioning the important conjunctions, oppositions, trines of major player): his Adonis;conjuncts my Plutotrines my SN, His Adonis:opposite my Chirontrine my Moon, My Adonis:conjunct his Adonistrine his Psyche(sextile his Sun and Moon=), His Adonis:conjunct my Adonistrine my Psyche(sextile my Sun and Mercury), My ADonis:conjuncts his Moonconjuncts his NN. Eros, Pan and Vertex are exactly conjunct each other (the widest orb is 028!) it's a powerful connection that doesn't necessarily correlate with romantic love. these are just a collection of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. When this house is activated by transit, there is more communication exchange involved. Thank you:)). Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. #2 you may have have one of your dominant planets in the 1st house. Take care ~, My solar return chart of 2025, i feel like im gonna get popular, BUT HOW EXACTLY??? If you saw Putin running a hot dog stand, would he be sexy. What does it mean to have Aphrodite conjunct the IC? A lot of mothers with Moon aspecting Pluto can feel like they have a hard time bonding with their daughters because they never bonded with their own mother or with women in general. Sandra Annette Bullock (born July 26, 1964 (birth time source: Imdb)) is an American-German actress, producer, and philanthropist. I'm not beautiful, and it's in my 12th house. It is one of those houses that focus on social and political themes, as well as the bigger picture. Read the Medusa myth). It's an expression of your public persona, how you're seen as a figure on the world stage. Study it and come back and tell me what it means and I will try to help you figure it out. This one relates directly to the image of the opera. & if youre not a libra rising, you can also apply this logic if you dont have much of your rising signs physical traits. She is well known for her jealousy rather than her beauty. She's likely drawn to rich desserts . Hey there ! Putin is sexy because he is powerful. A thoughtfully prepared meal, with flavors bursting in just the right way, romances the palate. I really love your website Networking will be very beneficial for your chosen career, - Very expressive with your style (you either have the ability to make things look fashionable or have great style, so people might admire you for the way you dress and want to be like you), - The ethereal energy of Aphrodite mixed with Venus makes people think you're quite untouchable, - Your appearance and anything beauty related will bring you good fortune, - You might be drawn to art or creative endeavours, - I've seen this aspect in the charts of models, so that could be a career option for you, - Your self-esteem changes based on the way you look, - You try to find beauty in anything that surrounds you + you might spend money on things that complement your aesthetic, - Speaking of aesthetic, you might on the feminine side and anything you do might seem effortless to others. This is due to their stubbornness, detached nature, and social awareness. Tumblr has 16.74 million mobile monthly users in the US. Angel & Karma in Scorp both square Moon.Karma Square Venus,Mercury & Moon. You may hear from your network, or need to go on a trip, perhaps something you hadnt planned. Here we merge with the universe and the life beyond. * His Lust squares my ASC and trines my NN. - Go getter attitude towards your personal projects. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is also invaluable to understand how an eclipse or Saturn return is going to manifest in your life. The tenth house is the ruler of the parent that made the choices for the family, the one that was the leading figure, who could have been both a good example for the child and somebody to dread and fear. Since Fire signs are confident, aggressive and usually extroverted in nature. Thank you. As such, the 10th house relates to our aspirations, plans, and reputation. I always found it curious having this asteroid in Libra, and then in such a public house. PS Both sexes seem to manifest the asteroids in the same way. Gemini or Virgo in the 6th house can really make a person good at communicating or expressing themselves, unless they have a personal planets with earth and water signs that can restrict their communication with other people. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to view the content, Decode Your Natal Chart House By House Instant Download Guide. People with Neptune in the 1st house have this vulnerability to their appearance. You might be impulsive, dive in very quickly and burn out if you're not careful. Chiron in the Tenth House. Very professional and grounded but at the same time you're flexible and kind-hearted. What about aphrodite in the first house retrograde? -ROFL. There are many different neighborhoods, locations, and easy transportation in Berlin. Aphrodite Asteroid (1388) in earth signs might give you a natural charm and people might tell you look very good natural. Earth Mercuries - tend to restrain themselves from doing something stupid so that they are perceived all too well. Their public image reflects a certain degree of sexuality, and they may even get their kicks from knowing this. Venus: If Venus is lord of the 10th, or in the 10th house and dignified or received, it is an indicaton that the native enjoys great popularity and public praise and is favored by superiors for advancement.Frequently talent in the arts, particularly in music is present. Jealous of people with beautiful spouse. This house corresponds to Capricorn and its planetary ruler, Saturn. One of the largest inner asteroids is 443 Eros, an elongated body measuring 13 by 33 km (8 by 21 mi). her dad is more logical & reserved/introverted. Your email address will not be published. You might attract rich people. Venus square the Ascendant Venus in the 3rd house: Beautiful voice. Hope you enjoy this! a firm believer in whichever doctrine they subscribe to. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 and what you like about others. etc. VALENTINE22' cancer11th houseconjunct Armor 19' cancersquare moon in 8th 2degsquare venus in 8th EXACTsextile mars in 9th EXACTtrine neptune in 3rd 3degsextile pluto in 1st 1degSEEMS like it aspects all my sex planets LOL, DRACONIC NATAL VALENTiNE3' cancer11th house, CUPID12' cancer11th houseno major aspects, APHRODITE20' gemini10th housesextile venus 1degsemi sextile mars EXACTsquare pluto EXACT, DRACONIC NATAL APHRODITE1' gemini10th house, PSYCHE17' scorpio3rd houseopposes mars 3degsextile pluto 2degopposes MC 1deg, EROS4' libra2nd houseopposes chiron 2degsemi square (?)
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