The illegal player shall be removed from the offending teams Official Online Roster and additional penalties may be applied to the illegal player and / or team manager / coaches. (This will help the tournament keep on time). Non-starters are not allowed to re-enter. Leading off or stealing is allowed when the ball enters the hitting zone. The bat has in any other way had its on-field performance improved by physically changing the bat (other than by hitting the bat at game condition swing speeds against a USSSA approved ball traveling at game condition speeds). A protest may be filed at any point after the pitcher in violation records any out beyond his legal limit AND while the pitcher in violation is in the game as the pitcher of record. Amounts to be charged as entry fees for Qualifying Tournaments shall be at the discretion of the State Director. A runner who jumps over a player will be called out whether or not contact is made with the defensive player. No "butcher boy" allowed (Show bunt, pull back to swing). will be awarded based on PG Seeding and Tie Breaker Rules. 7.05.B.4(c). Pitcher's Line: There shall be a line drawn from the pitcher's circle to the safety arc. The fee shall be returned only if the protest is upheld. 13U Futures Series. If warranted, the offending party shall be ejected from the game at the discretion of the Umpires and / or the League / Tournament Director. Protests must be declared to the Umpire-in-Chief and then to the League / Tournament Director before the next pitch following the dispute. 8.13, The batter shall receive a maximum of six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes. The bat has been subjected to pressure in a manner that exceeds that of striking the bat at game speed swing speed against a USSSA approved ball traveling at game speeds. 7.02.E.7(c). SFS&+^I0dvSc@g;r/g5vS9enik/N(4Iz wp7D`zr^R0S4-Uei3T:h*g0=^!pr'{7d0e%+qy*cyniEPc"hOhbM%0FKD}L"dh`6DWq#r p^: Rule 8.08 Penalty: The play continues. It shall be the responsibility of each team to challenge pitching violations by notifying the Umpire and then filing a Protest with the League / Tournament Director. If time has expired, the last three hitters from previous inning will load the base with 1 out. League Participation: In all USSSA Baseball sanctioned leagues, teams shall qualify for State Championships and / or World Series play. Individualized graphics (such as a, team name, different color, player name or number only changes for a team or player), however, do not constitute custom. The ball shall be declared dead before making the award. No bat is legal for USSSA sanctioned play, if it is damaged in any way. PitchCom is legal to use in PG Events. Blackout 7u. The Shamrock Spectacular III (7:00 AM - 4:00 PM) is a USSSA Fast Pitch event in Wilkes Barre, PA and will be held from 03/12/2023 to 03/12/2023 13.02.C.11(b), The bat has had the plug, or the knob removed / replaced or changed in any way. #Eyk;E0~nJjt)0xQ#"Z/D/D)'N;~B'gp5:YsUD}Ap?MD,[JXFp.xJiR/[&eQ$PweETQja:de\upk #.1T_?Y/pV y9 N1N499gpvTFbmi@%4~IC( WL!fQyLPJPz. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. Rule 9.00 - Machine Pitch Specific Rules 9 Rule 10.00 - T-Ball Specific Rules 9 Rule 11.00 - 7U & 8U Kid Pitch Specific Rules 10 Rule 12.00 - Drafted League and All-Stars 10 Rule 13.00 - Safety Rules 11 Rule 14.00 - Sportsmanship 13 Rule 15.00 - Umpires 13 Rule 16.00 - Protests 13 Rule 17.00 - Global Baseball 13 Rule 18.00 . The batting order shall constitute all present players on the team roster at the beginning of the game. To coordinate the providing of an opportunity for teams to compete in league and tournament competition that leads to state championships and world championships in their respective competitive classifications and age divisions. If a team uses a line-up that contains substitute players, all starting players may be removed and re-enter the game once but must re-enter in their original position in the batting order. A team may score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning. The pitching coach shall position himself as not to be an obstruction to the defensive team on any possible play once the ball has been hit. These Tie Breakers will be for all events: Qualifying, State and World Series. Additional penalties may be assessed at the discretion of the League / Tournament Director. The Ball. PITCHING GUIDELINES: Innings pitched are not limited by innings daily on 2-day events. Dugouts are not assigned. ONLYTWOschool grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 4th grade who turn 11 years old before May 1st, 2023. The bases will be set at 60 feet and the mound at 46 feet. National High School Federation Baseball Rules will be enforced with the following exceptions. Pitching Coach: The Pitching Coach shall be an adult at least eighteen (18) years of age. Players born on/after May 1, 2014are eligible. This will allow both teams to have a fair and even shot at getting unlimited runs in their last at bat. All USSSA marked bats made by a USSSA approved manufacturer must be available to the public for purchase. Protests must be filed and ruled on before the next pitch if during game, or before umpires leave field if after a game. After the Director, Altered Bat Committee and Manufacturer examination of a bat to determine if it is altered have all been completed, or upon the decision of the owner / user to not allow further inspection of the bat pursuant to USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2, the bat shall be returned to the owner. Both must always stay in the same batting spot. The Panther Baseball Club 7U. Game 3 Sat 12:15 PM. Whenever a tag play is evident, a runner must slide or seek to avoid contact with the fielder and / or catcher. 8.15, A player may NOT be Intentionally Walked. 6:30 PM. Metal spikes may be worn in divisions 13U and older. 13U: Games will be be played on 54x80 or 60x90 as specified per event, 14U: All Core events (Red Flag) will be played on 60x90. The only question is whether the bat is altered or whether the owner / user has refused to let the bat be examined to determine if it is altered. 7.01.K. Rule 7.05.B.1 Example: In the 7U 14U age divisions, a player may legally pitch a maximum of three (3) innings in one (1) day and still legally pitch the next day. endobj For all cumulative totals in this rule, one (1) out equals one-third (1/3) of an inning, two (2) outs equals two thirds (2/3) of an inning and three (3) outs equals one (1) full inning. 6U Division Players who turn 7 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. While these bats are currently still certified by their manufacturers, performance of these bats over the extended life span continues to become increasingly unsafe for our participants. If a game is called due to rain, weather, light failure or other acts of nature and cannot be resumed it is a regulation game if: For a six (6) inning game, if three (3) innings have been played or if the home team has scored more runs after two and one half (2 1/2) innings the game shall be declared a complete game. If there is a contradiction with language found in any printed copy of this addendum and the version most recently updated online, the online version shall supersede. In case of scheduling changes, it is the teams responsibility, not the tournament committee, to make sure they are aware of the new schedule or any scheduling changes. school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 7th grade who turn 14 years old before May 1st, 2023. 8U: All games will be played on 40x60 fields. 13U/14U. This decision is up to the individual player. 5U Division Players who turn 6 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. All Playing equipment shall not contain undue commercialization of the product. If there are no eligible subs the player leaving the original lineup will be recorded as an out until he is able to return. This rule could result in a dispute and the tournament committee reserves the right to look at and rule in the fairest possible way. If no one claims to be the owner, USSSA shall retain the bat. If an individual uses an altered bat in USSSA sanctioned play or is the owner of an altered bat that is brought into a USSSA facility, the suspensions pursuant to USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2 shall be imposed without regard to what the individual actually knew about the altered bat. Texas Twelve 10u Gold - Victoria. GEORGIA SUNDAY SERIES EVENTS - Time limits apply for all games, including Championships. If the last pitch is fouled, the batter gets an additional pitch. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2016 to be eligible, THE WORLD'S LARGEST AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE SCOUTING ORGANIZATION. If a player is listed on more than one roster, the player listed will make a decision as to which roster, he is legally on. (District, State, Area, Regional, and World Series) Descending (more than 2 teams tied, skip this tie breaker) 5) Avg. A RUNNER STEALING FROM 2ND TO THIRD BASE MAY NOT ADVANCE TO HOME ON AN OVERTHROW BY THE CATCHER. All players on the roster shall bat before returning to the top of the batting order. The DH role for a team is terminated for the rest of the game if: A replaced DH re-enters the game on defense (the acting DH is disqualified from further participation. A team may continue a game with a minimum of eight (8) players. Pitching Circle: There shall be a ten (10) foot diameter circle with the front edge at forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate. Please be reminded that unsportsmanlike conduct can result in a game or tournament suspension in the discretion of the Umpire or tournament director and up to a year suspension in the discretion of the State Director. If at any time, a courtesy runner is determined to be ineligible, a proper replacement pursuant to these rules (if available) shall be used without penalty. c. All offensive players shall use a double ear-flap batting helmet whenever at bat, on deck, on base or any other time outside of the dugout and the ball is live and in play. Altered Bat Director Inspection and Suspension: A USSSA Director may at any time ask to inspect a bat that has been brought into the location of a USSSA sanctioned event or any other USSSA facility. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. This will make the machine at 44 feet. A team will take an out in the absent 9. USABat, BBCOR and Wood bats are also allowed. 9-10u Games are 1 hour 30 minutes; 6-8u games are 70 minutes. PLAYER PITCH RULES 7U/8U. The defensive player listed as pitcher shall not leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit. The tournament committee will rule on all forfeits. Pitchers Line: There shall be a line drawn from the pitchers circle to the safety arc. The exception would be if there were tournament games during the week. Game times may vary by state or region. 2nd violation (Same Game) - Batter is pronounced out (if discovered before a pitch to next batter) and head coach is ejected. 'y\nX J#^-lb^\);?j]x&8'BjkIAl&`!v]k+i e\kq;Qepf3+rQfarSH6^!1o[#RbjqXd|'v5SE}j$/Y_Ec5cE<058:fnF^EG- "Jymk6;W0lq~QQ_OSPmu In age divisions 13U and older, traditional metal baseball spikes shall be permitted. Hugh Duffy played in baseball from 1888 to 1906 and set a record for the highest average in a single season. *This does not apply to Pitch Smart violations. Games that for any reason extend past midnight (12:00 AM) or start late at night, past midnight (12:00 AM) and are completed before the teams take the night break, shall count as being played on the scheduled day. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2014 to be eligible. Effective January 1, 2021, the following bats may not be used in Perfect Game events: **Re-tooled models of these bats may be used in Perfect Game play. Awards and Coach Suspensions: If an owner / user chooses to submit a suspected altered bat to the USSSA Altered Bat Committee or Manufacturer no awards may be given to the team until the bat is determined not to be altered. Bat Restrictions: 13u & Younger: All bats -5 or greater must be stamped BPF 1.15 USSSA or USA stamp. 8.10, The Infield Fly Rule shall not be in effect at any time. Any bat permanently stamped with the official USA Baseball logo is legal to use in any USSSA baseball event, except where BBCOR is required. Competing under an assumed, false and/or altered name. A player may only be Intentionally Walked once per game by announcement from the defensive team. Malicious contact shall supersede all obstruction penalties. b. In addition to any other penalties pursuant to USSSA Rules, any coach or manager of a youth team that has more than one suspension imposed on his players in connection with USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and /or 13.02.C.2 may be suspended from all USSSA activities for any time period, including life. PLAYER BAT RULES: Must be a baseball bat. State Directors may sanction others with the approval of the Baseball Committee Chairman. (Run Rules still apply). Sat 12:15 PM. Base Coaches - Not allowed to touch player when ball is in play. 13.02.C.7. Replacing the grip, adding tape or adding a build up to the handle is not considered altering a bat. Directors will rule in the fairest way possible. State Directors shall set guidelines for teams to qualify for the All-Star State Championship and World Series. The player would be ineligible to pitch the next day. 11U-12U: All games will be played on 50x70 fields. The game is over, when the opposing team is mathematically eliminated from scoring enough runs to win or tie the game. Batter may not run on dropped 3rd strike. In the event of severe head trauma in a USSSA sanctioned activity, the injured person will not be moved, and an ambulance will be called, unless otherwise directed by a qualified medical professional. If the DH enters the game on defense, the player he was batting for must come out of the game. Please double check your events specific bat restrictions as some events have stricter bat restrictions. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his free foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber. Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits. A replaced DH can re-enter the game one time since he was considered a starter. Time does not have to be called by the defense for the purpose of this rule. Physical attack on an umpire, tournament official, associate director, associate officer, and/or any player or fan prior, during, or immediately following a game played under the authority of Perfect Game. If a player fouls off the 6th pitch it will be recorded as an out. The responsibility for knowing whether a bat is altered is that of the users and the owner of the bat. 2) RAINOUTS - A decision to cancel games due to weather will be made at 4:30pm. A player may not pitch in more than one game per day regardless of pitch count. A courtesy runner for catcher of record only the previous inning may be used. x\mSHNa>mWa_Ru@+6`C\8fI/{$F K*+~g|z=4'{|3mp6dfz?Og{OWst2'hD(^pb7zwmp"\z{a#A.sywg#`K]x9i7F}@C4:="u,JE&1+Hf(OukDT-zrr::wFxr|UXAiF d The base runners will be placed as follows: Last hitter from previous inning @ 1st Base, Hitter before him in the lineup @ 2nd Base, Hitter before that in the lineup @ 3rd Base. Lineup cards must be fully filled out with players first name, last name, position, and accurate jersey numbers. Defensive coaches shall not be allowed on the field of play and shall coach from the dugout. the home team has scored more runs after two and one half (2 1/2) innings the game shall be declared a complete game. 1. For example, while bats shall surely get dirt on them under normal use and may have pine tar added to the grip, if the dirt or pine tar obscures Key Graphic Information or adds to the thickness of the bat, such bats cannot be used in USSSA play until the dirt or pine tar has been removed to the extent necessary to make all such Key Graphic Information readable and the bat not have increased thickness. Time Limit. When using the continuous lineup and a player has to leave the game for any reason, that position in the line-up becomes an out when that at bat comes around. You may bat 9,10,11 players or bat your entire roster. oXrJ+3F&Qn}NN R{$}z=[ICvq} $f 13.02.C.9(f). We recommend that all teams (home and visitor) keep a scorebook. ONE DAY MAXIMUM: The maximum number of innings a player can legally pitch in one (1) day. 3 0 obj Upon becoming aware that a participant or coach/manager of his team has received a suspected concussion (or has been struck in the head area with any significant force), the Team Manager will not allow that person to participate in any USSSA sanctioned event and if occurring during a USSSA sanctioned event, shall have that person removed from the playing field of any USSSA sanctioned event. Perfect Game shall utilize officials who are registered with Perfect Game and administer the contest in accordance with Perfect Game rules and expectations. Time will be kept by the PG Field Director. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2014 to be eligible. Special Protective Gear: USSSA continues its long-standing policy of permitting players to determine the use of the protective equipment when they deem it appropriate. In age divisions 5U 12U, non-metal cleats shall be worn. No team shall be allowed to compete in any USSSA Rec League Baseball program without first paying their team registration fee. The DH must be listed next to or under the player he is batting for in lineup. All 10U Leagues, except 10U A. A tie is equal to a win and loss for each team. Such pressure would include, but is not limited to, compressing the bat, rolling the bat, vicing the bat or hitting the bat against an object such as a tree or pole. 8.11. RULE 3.00 INDIVIDUAL PLAYER & TEAM ELIGIBILITY. In all 14U Events all Players and all Teams must use a max drop 5 (-5) bat. A batter who swings after showing bunt shall be called out and no runners may advance. A tie is equal to a win and loss for each team. Damaged bats include those with damage to the knob or end cap, those which have loose knobs or end caps, and those with cracks or dents in the bat material. school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in Kindergarten who turn 7 years old before May 1st, 2023. 11U-12U: 50/70. Any player, coach, manager, sponsor or spectator whose conduct is unbecoming or abusive shall at a minimum be reprimanded with a warning. All players participating in USSSA Rec League Baseball play shall have photocopies of their original birth certificate in the possession of their team manager at all times. If a game is called due to rain, weather, light failure or other acts of nature and. The first team a player participates for is their official team. In enforcing this rule, the home team shall not bat if they are winning and the mercy requirement is met prior to the start of the bottom half of the listed inning. In addition, USSSA has added the following to the rule books of each USSSA sport which does not defer to another organization for its rule book. 11U Division Shortened because the home team needs none of its half of the last inning or only a fraction of it to win. Top Gun Sports-USA did not adopt the new 2020 NFHS DH Rule. Late arrivals shall be inserted at the bottom of the batting order. For a second-time offender pursuant to USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2, any such suspension shall be lifetime. A runner is out for leaving the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate. In League, Qualifying Tournament and State Championship play, time limits may be used with approval of the League / Tournament / State Director. Metal cleats cannot be worn for divisions 12U and younger. 1/2018) 1. Bat / ball boys / girls under the age of eighteen (18) shall not be permitted. Players who turn 15 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. In 10u baseball pitching is now a big part of the game. % The bat has in any other way had its on-field performance improved by physically changing the bat (other than by hitting the bat at game condition swing speeds against a USSSA approved ball traveling at. The starting pitcher is allowed to DH for himself and bat in any slot in the order but must be listed a P/DH on the lineup card. grades, pitchers mound height and slope, batters and catchers box dimensions, and base and home plate size and construction should be referred to the Official Rules of Baseball as published by Major League Baseball on )HLaZZ_XbwVI$NW\bf}swW"~ao?W'":M(0fUEp ESkLo$5*. In addition, the same substitute CANNOT run for more than one position (Pitcher or Catcher) in the same game. If an individual uses an altered bat in USSSA sanctioned play or is the owner of an altered bat that is brought into a USSSA facility, the suspensions pursuant to USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2 shall be imposed without regard to what the individual actually knew about the altered bat. An individual must know that his bat is. Recommended pitching machine speeds: 38 M.P.H. The official scorebook and lineup card for the game will be kept by tournament staff, in case of emergency where staff cannot keep book the home team will be the official scorer. 7U Division Players who turn 8 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. 9U Division Take at least 4 months off from throwing every year, with at least 2-3 of those months being continuous Make sure to properly warm up before pitching Set and follow pitch-count limits and required rest periods Avoid throwing pitches other than fastballs and change-ups Avoid playing for multiple teams at the same time If there is a contradiction with language found in any printed copy of this addendum and the version most recently updated online, the online version shall supersede. The USSSA National By-Laws and the National League Major League Baseball Rules shall govern all . count limit while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until the batter reaches base safely or is put out per CR rules. Z_-- Protests on uniforms shall not be allowed. In World Series play, time limits may be used in pool play and consolation bracket games with approval of the Baseball Committee Chairman. Texas Tie Breaker, last 3 hitters on base with 1 out. USSSA reserves the right to deny admission to or eject any person/team who USSSA, in its sole discretion, determines poses a risk to the health and safety of other participants, officials, or spectators and/or whose conduct violates any applicable code of conduct, or whose conduct is otherwise disruptive or disorderly. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. The player, parents and managers could face suspension. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base. In double elimination brackets, the highest seeded team shall be the home team until the championship game. Descending (more than 2 teams tied, skip this tie breaker), 6) Avg. Leagues shall conform to all the requirements pursuant to USSSA Rules 12.01.A.1 12.01. If in the Umpires judgment, the coach did make a legitimate attempt to avoid contact, the ball becomes dead and a no-pitch is declared. Runs Allowed Ascending 6) Avg. Then you need to attend a Perfect Game Showcase! Leagues that conform to the below guidelines and register one hundred percent (100%) of their league teams shall be allowed to participate. West Columbia Oilers 10u. Any event that results in physical altercation (before, during or after a game) could result in a forfeit for both teams. After the Director, Altered Bat Committee and Manufacturer examination of a bat to determine if it is altered have all been completed, or upon the decision of the owner / user to not allow further inspection of the bat pursuant to USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2, the bat shall be returned to the owner. Worn / Abused / Damaged / Foreign Substance Bats Not Allowed in USSSA Sanctioned Play: No bat is legal for USSSA sanctioned play, if it is damaged in any way. Players are responsible for their equipment and must clean such substances off of their bats so that the substance does not add to the thickness of the bat or obscure any Key Graphics Information about the bat. Players, coaches, managers, fans, spectators, or sponsors threatening an umpire, tournament official, associate director, or associate officer with physical harm. Pitching Circle: There shall be a ten (10) foot diameter circle with the front edge set at forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate. A flip of a coin between the two teams shall determine the home team for each pool play game The highest seeded team shall be the home team for bracket play games in single elimination brackets. RULE 18.00 TOBACCO & TOBACCO RELATED PRODUCTS, The use of ANY tobacco or any electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes, vape pens or atomizers shall be prohibited by all participants (including but not limited to players, manager, coaches, umpires) within the confines of the playing field and dugouts. For participants and coaches/managers, the medical written medical consent form must be presented to the Team Manager and retained permanently by the Team Manager. 1) Winning Percentage Descending 2) Number Wins Descending 3) Number Loses Ascending 4) Tied Teams (vs. each other) Winning Pct. 8.16, Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. All bats for age divisions 14U and younger must be permanently stamped with the new USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark (Chart 7.01.C), or BBCOR.50 Certified Mark or made of wood and manufactured by a licensed USSSA manufacturer. Pitching Coach: The Pitching Coach shall be an adult at least eighteen (18) years of age.
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