20 in the state, had just defeated No. The department's liaison is Scotch Plains police Sgt. The magical run for the Saint Joseph Bowling Team continued on Friday in the NJSIAA Individual Bowling Championship. Matt competed on Friday, Feb. 24,min the State Individual Bowling Championships, where he finished 45th out of 100 with a set score of 542 after bowling games of 161, 171, and 210. Needless to say, my request wasnt fulfilled, and a reason why wasnt MORRISTOWN and SUMMIT, NJ When it comes to providing excellent health care, Atlantic Health Systems Morristown Medical Center and Overlook Medical Center rank among not only the best in the nation, but also the world. This championship is open to the youngest swimmers in the YMCA team community. To help make this annual get-together even more fun and exciting, donations are being collected for gift baskets that will be auctioned off during the event. A lap top computer valued at approximately 2000 dollars was stolen. The YMCA Day of Giving is a national, one-day giving event that provides an opportunity for community members to give to their local YMCA. The pain and anguish regarding the recent suicide of the 14-year-old in Ocean County has left us speechless, scared, overwhelmed, distraught and concerned for our own children and families. "Matt is an excellent teammate and is SCOTCH PLAINS/FANWOOD, NJ - Scotch Plains-Fanwood girls basketball star Amanda Baylock has been named Joint Motion Physical Therapy Athlete of the Week. Email alexis.tarrazi@patch.com. The Wardlaw+Hartridge Performing Arts Department is excited to present its spring musical Into the Woods with performances on March 3, 4 and 5. The attorney general's office points to several potential reasons. AMY BEVERSLUIS (FANWOOD-SCOTCH PLAINS YMCA). Boy Who Threatened To Bomb High School On Twitter Arrested, 1 Killed, 1 Injured In Union County I-78 Crash, Man Wielding Pipe At Scotch Plains 7-Eleven Arrested: Police, Union Co. Man Arrested In Connection With Plainfield Homicide, Union Co. Man Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Young Girls Arrested, 24 Union Co. A man who was wielding a pipe at pedestrians was arrested on Friday, following a brief foot chase, Scotch Plains police said. Want to post on Patch? On Sept. 28: Toni T. Lee, 30, of Newark was arrested on an active warrant out of Newark during amotor vehicle stop conducted by Patrolman Mike Baltazar. The victim stated that sometime during the night, unknown suspect(s) entered his unlocked vehicle which was parked in his driveway, and stole an undetermined amount of change. | As the years went by and the population grew, the Police Department grew from the original three officers to eight in 1933, then to twelve in 1954, twenty-one in 1962, to our current staffing of forty-nine sworn officers that we have today. The three-day meet from February 17-20 was hosted at Gloucester County Institute of Technology. Police Scotch Plains Police Department 430 Park Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 (908) 322-7100 www.scotchplainspolice.org Theodore D. Conley, Police Chief (908) 322-7100 ext. 1. The Black Student Alliance at The Wardlaw+Hartridge School in Edison hosted the first-ever W+H Black-Owned Business Expo on Feb. 16 in the Berry Performing Arts Center. On Sept. 26: A resident on Dogwood Drive reported fraudulent activity on their ATM card. Scotch Plains/Fanwood, NJ Police Blotter | TAPinto John Mooney LOGIN SUBMIT CONTENT NEWSLETTER SIGNUP Thu, Jan 12, 2023 Advertise Franchise TAPinto Police Blotter Read More Police. Leading players in this fabulous production include Sarah Alves of Springfield as Cinderella, Julia Machado of Scotch Tommy OConnor of South Plainfield, a sophomore at The Wardlaw+Hartridge School in Edison, made school history last week when he became the first W+H indoor track and field athlete to win a state title. Caller yelled and sedan fled the area. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. See photos, floor plans and more details about 326 Victor St in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. Copyright 2023 TAP IP LLC, All rights reserved. The suspects demanded money, received an undetermined amount of cash and fled on foot. The Y is one of the nations leading nonprofits strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. The drunk driver crashed into a home in Scotch Plains on Thanksgiving Day, police said. The 37-year-old was convicted of repeatedly sexually assaulting a girl over the course of two years, according to Union County prosecutors. The case is investigation. The 'Society' was established to combat theft in the growing community. MARIA SIKOUTRIS DI IORIO, MA, EDS, LPC, MFT. On hand to celebrate the promotion were Briel's family, numerous members of the Scotch Plains police department, Fanwood police director Michael Bramhall, Chief FANWOOD, NJ -- TheFanwood police department and Director Mike Bramhall will be featured tonight (Tuesday, Feb. 7) on Inside Edition for a story about the borough's "MeetUp Spot" for the public's use 24/7 for online transactions. Want to post on Patch? We take pride and responsibility in raising our family and ensuring that our children have all their needs met. All. The victim reported that at approximately 12 a.m., two suspects entered the store and produced a handgun. The first established municipal building was built in 1920. To request removal of your name from an arrest report, submit these required items to arrestreports@patch.com. Transported to headquarters and processed. Justin Wolf, 23, of Westfield, was arrested on November 28 for possession of heroin. Needless to say, my request wasnt fulfilled, and a reason why wasnt MORRISTOWN and SUMMIT, NJ When it comes to providing excellent health care, Atlantic Health Systems Morristown Medical Center and Overlook Medical Center rank among not only the best in the nation, but also the world. The first established municipal building was built in 1920. The government of Scotch Plains is committed to keeping you informed of important news and events and emergency situations. Get Patch breaking news alerts sent right to your phone with our new app. A teen driver from Fanwood crashed a pickup truck into a Westfield park Friday night, authorities said. Removal Requests This initiative covers over 1,500 residents across the county who meet the criteria as outlined in the statute, Commissioner Chair By Nemeth was transported to headquarters and processed. Sharmar Wormley, 29, of Newark, was arrested on December 24 for driving while intoxicated. The Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA is hosting its first-ever Day of Giving on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. The Jersey City man was found guilty of first-degree murder, among other charges, following a fatal shooting that took place in 2019. Do we have any doubts that bullying is an act that requires immediate attention and By I requested having Automated External Defibrillators (AEDS) permanently installed/available at all Scotch Plains Township athletic ball fields. A male pedestrian was struck and killed by a NJ Transit train in North Jersey on Thursday, officials said. The magical run for the Saint Joseph Bowling Team continued on Friday in the NJSIAA Individual Bowling Championship. Union Police Department recovered items belonging to the victim during the course of one of their investigations. SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ Scotch Plains Police release their weekly blotter items: On Sept. 24: A resident on Jersey Avenue reported a motor vehicle burglary that occurred in August. Welcome and thank you for visiting the Scotch Plains Police Benevolent Association Local# 87 web site. A 17-year-old was arrested in connection with a Twitter post threatening to bomb Cranford High School in February, police said. Then the entire team ran into the stands to celebratewith the huge student body section that frantically cheered them on throughout the game. After Fox failed several sobriety tests, he was placed under arrest, transported to police headquarters, processed and released. Quanirrah Y. Careers Under investigation. A resident on Gaycroft Drive reported that someone opened several credit accounts in their name. Do we have any doubts that bullying is an act that requires immediate attention and By When your child was young, visiting the pediatrician was quite an event. We are First-Time Grandparents: How Can we Help? Officer Budzinski stopped Ivey for a motor vehicle violation on Route 22 and discovered the warrant. You had to load up the car with the car seat, stroller and toys and stock the diaper bag with extra clothes, diapers, snacks and wipes. Car Wash Workers Win $1M Lawsuit Against Wage Theft, Suspicious Package At Fanwood Train Station: False Alarm, Union Co. Man Arrested In Connection With Drug Store Robbery, Three Teens Involved In Union County Shooting Arrested: Police, Union County Construction Worker Killed In 8-Story Fall In NYC, Hoboken's Official St. Patrick's Day Bar Crawl, Grand Opening of Casa by Cherry Home Designs, WEBINAR: Learn About Wills, Living Trusts and Nursing Home Asset Protection, School Bus Company Seeking Fleet Mechanic, Protect Your Home from Ticks with Yard Guard from Viking Pest, Job Loss Could Hit NJ During 'Modest' Recession: Ex-Chief Economist, AMC Theatres In NJ To Base Pricing Off Where You Sit, Scotch Plains-Fanwood Schools To Gain $1.1M In State Aid Next Year, The Poop On Free-Range Cats And Your Lawn And Garden [Block Talk], Latest Cats, Dogs, Pets Up For Adoption In Scotch Plains-Fanwood Area. NJ reported a record total of bias incidents in 2021. Nine Rams scored points in a balanced attack to propel the boys and girls to fourth place in their respective team standings. On December 21 a Grand Street resident reported an act of fraud. The Y is offering programs for youth, teens and adults, including a number of new classes and returning favorites. As a couple, it is so easy to get caught up with the daily activities of life even when its lifes enjoyable moments. 27 of 402 E. Fourth St. Plainfield NJ was arrested for driving under the influence during a motor vehicle stop conducted by Ptlm. TAP in the News 9-8-8 has He was hired by the Scotch Plains Police Department after graduating from John H. Stamler Police Academy in 2001 WESTFIELD, NJ A 17-year-old from Fanwood was issued multiple summonses after losing control of a 2010 Toyota pickup truck and crashing it in a park next to the local police station Friday evening, according to the Westfield police. be recorded. At the time the resident did not believe anything had been stolen. Gerard Rites, Training/Support Services Supervisor, who can be reached at 908-322-7100 Ext. Deputy ChiefSellinger is a lifelong resident of Scotch Plains and a1992 graduate of Scotch Plains Fanwood High School. A resident on Sleepy Hollow Lane reported damage to their mailbox. The Scotch Plains Police Department has quickly expanded from a three man department in a largely agricultural community to a modern Department serving a very busy, residential township. On Sept. 30: Burno Q. Lashan, 39, of Jersey City was arrested on an active warrant out of JerseyCity during a motor vehicle stop conducted by Patrolman Damian Serafin. Becoming first-time grandparents is totally thrilling for us; and while it is thrilling for our children as well, it is also a time when they can experience a lot of stress. Contact Us Amanda reached 1,000 career points in the Raiders NJSIAA first round tournament game against Ridge on Tuesday, Feb. 21. Foster, 34, of East Orange, was charged with aggravated assault on police, driving under the influence and related charges. Coward was arrested after a foot pursuit involving Sgt. The red-hot Vikings, who have won five straight and 11 of their By Officer Pearson stopped Wallace for a motor vehicle violation on Jerusalem Road, observed the cocaine, transported Wallace to Police Head Quarters where he was processed and released. The old Police Headquarters housed not only the Police Department but also the Fire Department and in 1937, the newly formed First Aid Squad Ambulance. The donation will allow the Fanwood Police Department to make crucial purchases immediately. The story of the Scotch Plains Police Department started in 1868 when the Scotch Plains Mutual Theft Detecting Society was formed. SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ Scotch Plains Police release their weekly blotter items: On Sept. 24: A resident on Jersey Avenue reported a motor vehicle burglary that occurred in August. The Scotch Plains Police Department is a significant law enforcement entity that serves the City of Scotch Plains, New Jersey, USA. Some of us have expectations that this day will be blissful; we may even receive that diamond ring that represents engagement or marriage. renew their anti-virus software. The W+H indoor track team made quite an impact in last weeks Prep B State Championships at The Bennett Center in Toms River. The case is under investigation. 243 or 244 fdinizo@scotchplainsnj.com Recreation Department 20 in the state, had just defeated No. Meeting hosts Nyah Roccamonte-Clark of Iselin and Saadia St. Victor of Edison shared a presentation that featured NFL executive Sandra Douglass Morgan and tennis legend Althea Gibson. Your Official Source for news, information and other updates from the Scotch Plains Police Department. Scotch Plains saw attempted car break-ins, a car theft and a car burglary last week, according to the recent police blotter. The Ys Spring 1 Program Session runs from February 27-April 23, 2023. Starting at 2020, it had a staff of around 19. The Middle School at The Wardlaw+Hartridge School in Edison continued its recognition of Black History Month with an assembly honoring Black athletes on Feb. 22. Keyara Hollman was last seen at 4th Ward Park in Linden Sunday night, according to police. A massive fire broke out at a waste management facility in Elizabeth on Tuesday. On November 25, an attempted burglary on Frank Street was reported. However, that doesnt make it any less important. Dave Belford as well as multiple officers from Scotch Plains. and rewarding program in the end! Police are asking for help to identify the child. Officials say a person was found dead Wednesday morning. Union Catholic's Boys Basketball Team Defeats Camden Catholic, Advances To Sectional Final For First Time Since 1987. The Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA is the place to be this spring! Please contact the Chief's Administrative Assistant if you have any questions or concerns that you have for Chief Conley or another matter that concerns the The current exhibits feature mannequins dressed in clothing. A resident from Lake Avenue reported that they were the victim of a phone scam. On Sept. 29: Ivan Mostacero, 37, of Piscataway was arrested on an active warrant out of NorthPlainfield during a motor vehicle stop conducted by Patrolman Chris Ostrowski. This championship is open to the youngest swimmers in the YMCA team community. The Plainfield Fire Department responded to reports of a brush fire at Municipal Lot 6 at 6:39 p.m. After assessment, PLAINFIELD, NJ - Scotch Plains and Fawnood firefighters helped battle a large fire in Plainfield on East Front Street last night. The Scotch Plains Police Department covers roughly 78 square miles (125.53 km2). The 56-year-old from Plainfield fell while working on a building in Brooklyn, which has a history of safety issues, according to reports. Workers will receive settlement checks of up to $50K after a lawsuit battle against Caribbean Car Wash for underpaying its employees. 15 ranked St. Joseph (Met. In 1921, our Chief, Florence O'Sullivan, lost control of his motorcycle and was killed. Leading players in this fabulous production include Sarah Alves of Springfield as Cinderella, Julia Machado of Scotch Tommy OConnor of South Plainfield, a sophomore at The Wardlaw+Hartridge School in Edison, made school history last week when he became the first W+H indoor track and field athlete to win a state title. This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own. Thats according to Newsweek, who for the fifth consecutive year have named both hospitals to their list of the Worlds Best Hospitals. There is a new 9-8-8 Hotline, it launched in July of this year. 102 t.conley@scotchplainspd.org Public Works Department Frank DiNizo, Director (908) 322-6700 ext. Baltazar ordered the vehicle to pull over and during that investigation placed Mr. Harden arrest. On December 23, a burglary occurred on Greenville Road. The Scotch Plains Police Department attended our third hearing process for the Accreditation Program on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022. To add to this unfathomable act and tragic event, it has been videotaped and is circulating on social media. The Scotch Plains schools reopen on September 9, anticipating the first in-person "Back to School" we have had in town since the 2019-20 school year. The YMCA Day of Giving is a national, one-day giving event that provides an opportunity for community members to give to their local YMCA. Al Sellinger is the Division Commander for the Patrol Division. Ashemba Williams, 19, of Scotch Plains, was arrested on November 27 for disorderly conduct. Scotch Plains-Fanwood Schools To Gain $1.1M In State Aid Next Year, Donate To Scotch Plains-Fanwood Scholarships At These Area Businesses, Scotch Plains Church Celebrates 75 Years With Event Series, Hoboken's Official St. Patrick's Day Bar Crawl, Grand Opening of Casa by Cherry Home Designs, WEBINAR: Learn About Wills, Living Trusts and Nursing Home Asset Protection, School Bus Company Seeking Fleet Mechanic, Protect Your Home from Ticks with Yard Guard from Viking Pest, Job Loss Could Hit NJ During 'Modest' Recession: Ex-Chief Economist, AMC Theatres In NJ To Base Pricing Off Where You Sit, The Poop On Free-Range Cats And Your Lawn And Garden [Block Talk], Latest Cats, Dogs, Pets Up For Adoption In Scotch Plains-Fanwood Area. The vehicle had struck a utility pole. Its a day to express our love and affection to those close to us. 15 ranked St. Joseph (Met. The Y is one of the nations leading nonprofits strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Currently the Department currently has (49) Full-Time sworn law enforcement officers and (3) Full-Time civilian personnel and has several divisions that handle the wide variety of services it I know, I am. SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ - The Scotch Plains Rescue Squad Auxiliary is gearing up to host another amazing Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, Apr. provides. KELLY VELEZ (FANWOOD-SCOTCH PLAINS YMCA). The Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA Gymnastics Teams participated in their first meet since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and are excited to begin their competitive season. The members were empowered to arrest any person they would find stealing and to bring them to the Magistrate to be "dealt with in accordance to the Law". 102 t.conley@scotchplainspd.org Public Works Department Frank DiNizo, Director (908) 322-6700 ext. On Sept. 29: Walik A. Hemingway, 28, of Newark was arrested on active warrants out of Scotch Plains, Irvington and Newark during a motor vehicle stop conducted by Patrolman Eric Fricks. A Hillside resident was hit by a truck Tuesday morning and was pronounced dead. Under investigation. Also arrested was Britney A. Tolliver, 22, of Scotch Plains on charges of hindering apprehension. The 16-year-old girl suffered serious, but non-life threatening injuries after the collision on Wednesday, police said. Juan T. Pena Age. A 38-year-old woman was arrested after assaulting an officer and driving under the influence, according to Scotch Plains Police. Find My Report For Me When Should I Request a Legal Consultation? 23, 2023. A two-year-old girl was found in Linden Friday afternoon. The meet was held at the Madison Area YMCA on January 29, 2023. Capt. Lashan was transported to headquarters and processed. It is truly a pleasure working with the men and A resident of Lamberts Mill Road reported a burglary to their vehicle, the caller stated they woke up early in the morning to the sound of their garage door opening. The Scotch Plains Beach Police Department (PD) detains arrestees as they await court arraignment. The victim stated that sometime during the night unknown suspects entered his unlocked vehicle which was parked in front of his drive way. Scotch Plains Police. Union Catholic's Boys Basketball Team Defeats Camden Catholic, Advances To Sectional Final For First Time Since 1987. This remains under investigation. Franchise TAP. The public should be aware that anything said to an officer equipped with a Body Worn Camera (BWC) could The meet saw fantastic swims with FSPY swimmers taking the By The primary function of the Police Department is deterring crime, stopping crimes in progress, investigating crimes, and serving as first responders for emergencies and situations . The victim stated that sometime overnight, suspect(s) removed an air conditioner valued at 1000 dollars from the side of his house. The man was sentenced for the killing of a 19-year-old Union County man that occurred three years ago, according to prosecutors. * Two Platoon Commanders with the rank of Lieutenant, * Six Road Supervisors with the rank of Sergeant, Your Official Source for news, information and other updates from the Scotch Plains Police Department, About the Scotch Plains Police Department, General Orders / Public Interest Documents/ Monthly Report/ AG Major Discipline Directive Report. The Scotch Plains Police Department was officially formed on July 20th, 1900, with the swearing in of a Chief and two sworn officers. Mike Baltazar and other officers were working the scene of a motor vehicle accident when a 2019 Jeep Cherokee drove thru the scene and almost struck one of the emergency workers. MEDFORD, NJ -- As soon as Union Catholic Coach Jim Reagan Jr. held the glistening trophy over his head he was immediately mobbed by his players. Alexandra Lambros, 22, of Cook Avenue, Scotch Plains was arrested on December 24 for driving while intoxicated. The A Division Team competes USAG Level 8 and was represented by Jillian Miele. women of the Scotch Plains Police Department, I have never met a group of more committed individuals who take the safety and security of the citizens and visitors to our Township more than them. The story is in response to the weekend ambush of an off-duty NYC police MEDFORD, NJ -- As soon as Union Catholic Coach Jim Reagan Jr. held the glistening trophy over his head he was immediately mobbed by his players. Scotch Plains police responded to a large fight on Richmond Street. The W+H indoor track team made quite an impact in last weeks Prep B State Championships at The Bennett Center in Toms River. The brewery will remain closed as the taproom is being rebuilt. Published - Jan 26, 2023 Home News Press Release Police Blotter. This initiative covers over 1,500 residents across the county who meet the criteria as outlined in the statute, Commissioner Chair By Your childs annual well-visit at any age with UNION COUNTY, NJ In an effort to keep Union County homeowners in their homes as costs increase, a 2023 program will provide direct financial help through property tax appeals to certain senior citizens and veterans, the county announced. What To Do If Your Child is Being Bullied, Why Is Date Night So Important? The views expressed here are the author's own. | | However, parenting can be stressful Valentines Day is a day filled with Hallmark cards, chocolate covered strawberries, red roses and special dining. the use of BWCs. SCOTCH PLAINS POLICE DEPARTMENT Weekly Blotter DATE DESCRIPTION 02/22/23 A resident of Lamberts Mill Road reported a burglary to their vehicle, the caller stated they woke up early in the morning to the sound of their garage door opening. Scotch Plains Police Department also serves various other surrounding areas and is a force that features over 4661 police officers. The 32-year-old was arrested for his role in a fatal shooting that occurred on Friday in Plainfield, Union County prosecutors said. MARIA SIKOUTRIS DI IORIO, MA, EDS, MFT, LPC. TAP in the News The early years of our department revolved around busting illegal stills and chicken thievery. Snow Removal. Officers assigned to Patrol are the most visible, they are The 19-year-olds were arrested in connection with a Union County shooting where 35 rounds of gunfire went off, according to prosecutors. proud to say that the program is growing exponentially here in New Jersey as more and more agencies are choosing to go through the very rigorous process, in an effort to join the very prestigious Officer Budzinski responded to a one vehicle accident on Mountain Avenue and smelled a strong odor of alcohol while speaking with Heard. Scotch Plains Police Department | Scotch Plains NJ As a couple, it is so easy to get caught up with the daily activities of life even when its lifes enjoyable moments. The Patrol Division is staffed and equipped to handle emergencies and calls for service 24 hours a day continuously throughout the year. MARIA SIKOUTRIS DI IORIO, MA, EDS, LPC, MFT.
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