A) .01 This questions appears in the following tests: Wisconsin Practice Test 43 C. Towards the side of the road, IF THE ROADWAY IS WET AND THE CAR STARTS TO SKID, YOU SHOULD: A. If the roads are slippery, you can increase your following distance by counting to a higher number. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Do not follow closely behind a truck or a bus. In Figure , each dc voltage source is replaced by a 10Vrms,2kHz10 \mathrm{~V} \mathrm{rms}, 2 \mathrm{kHz}10Vrms,2kHz ac source. A rule of thumb is that a truck should have at least three seconds of space from other cars before approaching. Enter the length or pattern for better results. In addition, large vehicles have large blind spots that can prevent the driver from seeing what is ahead of them. B. B. A. Look over your shoulder to be sure the car is not in your blind spot, A. Which is NOT a characteristic of an expressway? D. 6 months, If a driver under 21 is arrested for DWI and the test shows a BAC of .01 percent or more his driving privileges will be revoked automatic for: (Civil) You follow no closer than 12 ft Where Do Blind Spot Mirrors Go on a Truck? When following closely behind another vehicle at night, you should use: Answers Your high beams. This can lead to a preventable crash. Visit our website if youvereceived an auto insurance rate increase, a traffic ticket, or need to take a court-ordered defensive driving course to enroll in our online defensivedriving coursestoday! If your vehicle is equipped with safety belts With these factors combined, your stopping distance is equal to your reaction distance plus yourbraking distance. This is especially important if the truck is carrying a large load. When a large truck and another vehicle were involved in a fatal crash during 2015, 21 percent of the time the other vehicle rear ended the truck while only six percent of the accidents involved a large truck rear-ending the other vehicle. 30 days Using high beams is only legal if you are at least 500 feet behind the approaching vehicle. D. Define safe paths of travel. Explain two differences between blood and hemolymph. When properly seated behind the wheel of a vehicle, the driver should: sit a minimum of 10 inches from the steering wheel If the head restraint is adjusted properly, it should: be behind the middle of the person's head Which of these controls on the vehicle is an option (not required) that can be purchased? Vehicles, but they should slow down and be careful This can blind the truck driver, and could lead to a preventable accident. If youre being tailgated (followed very closely by another vehicle), make sure you have additional space between you and the car in front so you can change lanes or allow the driver following you to pass. If you must turn your car around on a narrow street and most of the traffic is coming toward you, the best type of turnabout would be. A. C. Merge into the bike lane to make a turn, C. Merge into the bike lane to make a turn, IF ANOTHER DRIVER "CUTS" IN FRONT OF YOU, IT WOULD BE BETTER IF YOU: Large trucks need additional space between vehicles to allow for safe braking and unexpected actions. B. To do this, you should stay on the left side of the road and signal your intentions to turn left. B. Very slowly on the left and move ahead of it A. FOLLOWING CLOSELY BEHIND ANOTHER VEHICLE: A. D. 90 days, A conviction of Driving While Impaired with a BAC of .15 or more, or another conviction within the past ten years will require: C. Pump the brakes when stopping Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions. Do not drive too slowly because other drivers may hit you The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. Another thing that can affect your following distance is the type of vehicles on the road. The left lane Indicate no-parking zones. The following information can help ensure a successful driving test. So keep these thoughts in mind: C. Slow down, look both ways, and proceed The rule of seconds advises that if you're driving below 40 mph, you should maintain at least one second of distance for each 10 feet of vehicle length. B. The truck can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, and the weight of the trailer can be as large as 40 tons. Braking distance can be greatly affected by road surfaces, weather conditions such as rain, ice, and snow, or debris.78, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Analysis, Research, and Technology Division, Last updated: Wednesday, February 11, 2015, United States Department of Transportation, National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners, ADA Requirements for Over-the-Road Bus Companies, Apply for a New USDOT Number and/or Authority, Pocket Guide to Large Truck and Bus Statistics. C. Accelerate to avoid being cut off, YOU MUST YIELD THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AT AN INTERSECTION TO: B. Facing uphill Raised roadway markers on the roadway and the shoulder are used to: So other drivers can see you Although most large vehicles have several rearview mirrors, it is easy for a car, motorcycle or bicycle to be hidden in a large vehicle's blind spot. When there are no vehicles approaching nearby Stop and wait for a green light. To avoid an accident, drivers should try to keep a distance of four seconds or more from the truck ahead. Do you need insurance with a learners permit? D. Take your foot off the gas pedal, WHEN A RED LIGHT FLASHES AT A RAILROAD CROSSING, YOU MUST: The passenger vehicle begins to slow in order to move to the left and into the middle lane. D. Inability to steer the vehicle, In reduced visibility conditions, you need to work especially hard to gather information because? Pull off the road, park, remove your ignition key and rest, IF YOU ARE DRIVING AND YOU FIND THAT NOTHING SEEMS TO HELP YOU STAY AWAKE, YOU SHOULD: D. Serious accidents happen at about the same rate throughout the day, WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE ABOUT DOUBLE PARKING? Forces drivers who are entering and exiting the highway to use the same space. A. Thats why maintaining a safe following distance is critical to safe driving. A weave lane Allows a driver to stop and fix any vehicle issues safely. B. A. Hand-to-hand steering is well suited for: A. Mark one answer. A trucks rear blind spot can make it hard to see a vehicle following too closely. Fear of taking risks For other standard cars, try to stay around 243 feet or about 16 car lengths away whenever you can. D. Measuring, comparing, and evaluating a traffic situation, Communication with others to reduce risk in a possible conflict situation involves? Your brakes will overheat. C. Unless your vehicle was manufactured before 1975, B. [2]. Its also important to double the distance in poor conditions and always turn on your headlights. The crash also involved two other vehicles and shut down the roadway for 5 hours. Explanation Pull over if something other than the road requires your attention. C. Keep you from moving your body, WHEN DRIVING THROUGH FOG OR RAIN, IT IS ADVISABLE TO: It is important to give yourself enough room to make it through without crashing into the truck. What is not true about risk when driving? Click the card to flip . Not giving them this space can end in a collision and could put passengers in danger. When driving near a large vehicle, be aware of the driver's blind spots on the right, left, front and behind. A. D) 10, If an underage person attempts to obtain alcoholic beverages by using or attempting to use a fraudulent driver license or ID his driving privileges will be revoked for? B. C. You may turn in the arrow's direction without checking traffic, B. C. The light is yellow A. 2 year revocation If the driver behind you wants to pass, allow a little extra room in front of your vehicle. By following this rule, youll be able to give yourself more time, and reduce your stress while driving. B. Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead Keep your front wheels parallel to the road Stop before crossing the intersection Helps you avoid other drivers' blind spots. B. D. Ignition Interlock, The driving privileges of any underage person who is convicted for consuming or purchasing an alcoholic beverage will be revoked for: If a large truck rear-ends a car, it may be pushed under the trailer, causing an accident. Reaction distances can be as short as a millisecond or they could be several seconds long! Make a mirror blind area check to the left or right rear. D. 1 yr, If a driver refuses to summit to a chemical test his driving privileges will be revoked automatically for: D. All of the above, A GOOD SAFETY RULE, WHEN YOU ARE SURE YOU HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT-OF-WAY, IS: Cyber security Professional drivers follow this rule of thumb and maintain a minimum of six seconds between vehicles. You could be ticketed for tailgating. Look only at the back of the car ahead of you When properly seated behind the wheel of a vehicle, the driver should: A. Many car drivers follow large vehicles closely during bad weather, especially when it is hard to see the road ahead. B. careful check of traffic in all directions The best way to keep from getting involved in emergency driving situations is to continually scan for hazards or changing areas C. Only if you are approaching a sharp curve in the road, B. This will increase your safety and the safety of others on the road. To understandthe importanceof maintaining a safe following distance, you need to understand the basics of stopping distance. This also applies whenever you are following a large vehicle that blocks your view ahead so youll have more space to see around it. Some jurisdictions may require a minimal gap of a . Controlling the actions of other roadway users . B. A. Being Passed Be courteous when smaller, faster vehicles are trying to pass you. YOU SEE A CAR APPROACHING FROM THE REAR, BUT WHEN YOU CHECK YOUR MIRROR AGAIN BEFORE CHANGING LANES, YOU NO LONGER SEE IT. B. Intersectional U-turn B. This term refers to how far your vehicle travels after youve hit the brakes and come to a complete stop. If youredriving alongside semi-trucks, try to stay about 300 feet or 20 car lengths back. When the road has a clean surface Large trucks also have large blind spots, so it is important to keep these zones clear at all times. B. B. debris and other cars). D. 2-point turnabout using a road on the right, The best way to prevent skidding on a slippery road surface is? The exit ramp, the deceleration lane and the change area. All vehicles or pedestrians in the intersection must yield to you Driving defensively means paying attention to the drivers around you and anticipating potential complications before a dangerous event occurs. C. Turn on your headlights to low-beam, WHEN YOU ARE DRIVING IN THE LEFT OF TWO TRAFFIC LANES, AND MANY CARS ARE PASSING ON YOUR RIGHT, YOU SHOULD: Steer and brake smoothly and gradually B. Check the vehicle behind you in your rearview mirror The pedestrian Does the driver appear to adjust his vehicle's speed to maintain a safe following distance with the lead vehicle? Such terms and availability may vary by state and exclusions may apply. B. Basically, you should always allow three full seconds between yourself and the vehicle in front of you. B. B. Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead, AS YOU PREPARE TO TURN RIGHT AT A CORNER WHERE THERE IS A BICYCLE LANE, YOU SHOULD SIGNAL, LOOK CAREFULLY FOR BICYCLISTS, AND THEN: Vehicle has the right-of-way On October 15, 2007, as cars began to slow for construction in the left lane, a CMV driver failed to brake and crashed into the vehicle ahead of him, killing a 47-year-old woman. C. Point the front wheels toward the center of the road B. It is important to keep the following points in mind: The speed limits on ramps are designed for cars, not big trucks. A. Slow down by pumping the brakes quickly and firmly C. Periodically sounding the horn When you see this white sign, you should: A.) D. Pedestrians on the cross street have the right-of-way, A. The extra weight of these vehicles and the loads they carry can make it more difficult for them to stop. Never insist on it The largest industry sector is e-commerce, which generated over $29 trillion in 2017. Tailgating is the action of a driver driving behind another vehicle while not leaving sufficient distance to stop without causing a collision if the vehicle in front stops suddenly.. A. 3 seconds, for speeds between 35 and 55 mph, in ideal driving conditions (good road surface, good weather, light traffic) 4 seconds, for speeds between 55 and 75 mph, OR during rain, on wet pavement, or in heavy traffic. With defensive driving, you can help ensure you have the time you need to react and find safety in case you do come across something potentially harmful. You are driving in: The carpool lane and must merge into the next . D. The car on your left, AN ORANGE AND RED SIGN OF THIS SHAPE MEANS: A. Try not to drive until conditions improve, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF A TIRE BLOWS OUT WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING? Following too closely can cause the driver to be distracted, so its important to increase your distance. If youre too close behind them, it could result in disaster. Good judgment First, avoid swerving, cutting off the truck, and allowing your headlights to shine through the large mirrors. Make your turn, being careful to stay out of the bike lane About 15 minutes after the rain starts WHICH OF THESE STATEMENTS IS TRUE ABOUT DRIVING AND TAKING DRUGS? Over 40 mph, add an extra second. Washington, DC 20590 The good news is there are several factors that must occur to actually trigger a rate 2023 NexLearn, LLC. Following a truck too closely can result in a deadly rear-end crash for the other vehicle. Take your foot off the gas The high beams of a trucks headlights can blind the driver behind and reflect off the large side mirrors. C. Making sure others see you Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger vehicle. Following It is very dangerous to follow to closely behind another vehicle. In most cases, a safe following distance is much longer than a car length. You should also increase your following distance whenever you see any type of bus if youre driving in the cities. See the rear bumper of the vehicle. Unlike passenger cars, trucks and buses have deep blind spots directly behind them. B. What problems may come from making clothing decisions without thinking about consequences? Putting the 3-second rule into place can help make this easier and keep you from getting involved in an automobile accident. Steering ability A. D. Drivers can enter and exit only at certain places. The application of brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes, resulting in maximum braking? A safe following distance is four seconds. The faster youre driving, the longer it will take for you to stop. Explanation You should use your low beam headlights when you are closer than 500 feet behind another vehicle or when in heavy traffic. B. When there are no vehicles approaching nearby, HOW SHOULD CHILDREN UNDER 13 YEARS OLD BE POSITIONED IN MOTOR VEHICLES? It is best to pass Quickly on the left and move ahead of it Drivers of large trucks often travel with a lot of space in front of their vehicle. Products and discounts not available to all persons in all states. B. C. Whenever it is legal and safe, WHAT IS THE BEST ADVICE FOR DRIVING WHEN HEAVY FOG, DUST, OR PRECIPITATION OCCURS? Another rule of thumb: dont pass on the right. When driving in a large vehicle, it's important to leave ample space. B. Farther behind the truck than you would when following a passenger vehicle. C. Slow down because the lane ends ahead, B. How to Convert a Box Truck into a Camper. You should keep interior lights low to make it easier to see gauges. Always watch your speed and following distance when driving inweather conditionslike rain, snow, or ice. Your low beams. However, if youre driving on a wet or slippery road, the following distance should be increased by about one second per 10 feet. Experienced drivers C. Slow down and cross carefully, IF YOU WANT TO PARK DOWNHILL AND THERE IS NO CURB, WHICH WAY DO YOU TURN YOUR FRONT WHEELS? 5. B. power window switch Quickly on the left and move ahead of it Discounts may not be applied to all policy coverages. B. Usually have the right-of-way Straight ahead and to the left Its also a good idea to increase this distance in poor weather. Merging into fast-moving traffic can be dangerous if you dont have a safe distance between yourself and other vehicles. C. From the inside of the rim Following too closely behind another motorist, or tailgating, is an aggressive driving behavior. You should consider the two second rule of following distance to be the absolute minimum and it may not be enough in many circumstances. In most cases, it can take anywhere from 0.2 seconds to two full seconds before you react and come to a stop. Following a large vehicle. Increase your following distance to see around them. B. D. In the back seat, secured by a seatbelt or child restraint seat, D. In the back seat, secured by a seatbelt or child restraint seat, MOST SERIOUS ACCIDENTS HAPPEN AT WHAT TIME OF DAY? C. Start braking early as a signal to the driver behind you Explanation As little as possible The weave, the speed sign and the curve. C. Taking responsibility for other drivers actions C.) Drive to the side of the road and stop in the designated area. Could be hidden in your blind spots Is a common cause of rear-end accidents, WHEN PASSING IN THE ONCOMING TRAFFIC LANE OF A TWO LANE ROAD, YOU SHOULD CONSIDER: Right out until the rock-bound gorge over, which th For example, if you are pulling a large trailer, you will need additional time and space to stop the extra weight youre moving. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. If you must turn your car around on a narrow street and most of the traffic is coming toward you, the best type of turnabout would be: If a tailgater is behind you, allow some extra space between your vehicle and the one in front of you, and avoid sudden braking. Change lanes, look carefully, and pass The car behind accelerates to also pass the yellow light, but turns red and the first one crashes to a stop. IN THE LIST STRIDE. Organization; Command and control; Defense ministry; Army; Navy; Air Force; Marines; Coast guard; Reserves; Ranks; Specialties: Staff; Engineers; Intelligence . If you are following 3-4 seconds behind the vehicle ahead at night, and you are traveling at highway speeds, your low beam lights will illuminate about half of the distance between you and the vehicle you are following. Open your door so the other vehicles will stop and let you out Always check your rear-view mirror before passing a large truck. Look Behind: Check the traffic behind you frequentlyseveral times a minuteso you'll know if somebody is tailgating, coming up too fast or trying to pass. YOU SHOULD: B. They need plenty of space to make turns safely. A. Slow reflexes If it is less than two seconds, you are following too closely. B. A. Question Topic: The Road. When passing a large truck, it is important to keep a safe distance between you and the truck. What are Truck Drivers Blind Spot Called? 90 days In addition, large vehicles have large blind spots that can prevent the driver from seeing what is ahead of them. When driving in front of a large truck, you need to be extra careful. B. What is the Song in the Ram Truck Commercial? D. Steering through curves, What can you do to help you back in a straight line? In terms of who has the right-of-way. D. Sit a minimum of 10 inches from the steering wheel. You can also make driving around a truck safer by staying to the right and not traveling alongside another vehicle. Besides the speed that youre driving, the 3-second rule also considers that the other car in front of you needs a certain distance to come to a full stop. Rear Blind Spots. Is a common cause of rear-end accidents. What is a Large Vehicle Following Closely Behind? When behind a trailer or any vehicle towing a heavy load, increase your following distance as much as possible.
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