Fort Wainwright,AK99703 Division of Risk Management. , P.O. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Ensures suppression services are provided on: The BLM Alaska Fire Service was created in 1982 to lead its statewide fire and aviation programs, provide fuels management direction, conduct and support fire ecology research, and assist with fire planning and policy interpretation. March 3, 2023. Cohn previously worked for BLM AK managing a variety of activities on public lands in the Last Frontier including wildlife, recreation, oil & gas regulation, & placer mining.Read more ?? BLM Alaska's Tweets. stream Fish and Wildlife lands, 40 million acres - Alaska Native Corporation lands, 1.6 million acres - Military withdrawn public land under an Interagency Service Agreement with the U.S. Army-Alaska, 1.2 million acres - Alaska Native allotments for which the Bureau of Indian Affairs has fire management responsibility (non-contiguous parcels 160 acres or less). The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Division of Personnel and Labor Relations. To meet this commitment, we continue to monitor and update our content to make sure our documents meet these standards. Specifically prohibited is the use of these publicly owned computing resources to distribute bulk email for profit or political purposes. These interagency employees are vital to the BLM AFS mission. Division of Retirement and Benefits. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1345 Official websites use .gov Phoenix, AZ 85004-4427 Lakewood, CO 80215-7093 If this sounds like the job for you, download this fillable form and email it to ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The BLM AFScoordinates daily interagency planning, coordination, and sharing of resources, with each agencys strengths and resources complementing each other. }%|Ro}4^QU*Sn*?k}7gH_t7T5?~7w( .G#R>1>~7c#>~?!n}M7>3z<3vL^W)_}OHq?g$_DLufh7W}=D#R}|BZcG~:j99ffW/ggi2c-ehQOQRz*o^gJ$XQU%,U?/_WE/+_^s^|Y!/g[t;[Ez/rG?E/'e%??[_$QST|.s5.jQ%BE/vb/Vc63@>;g9/iFK_g>>_{|gih5?k?PJLP'4OR/'O3} -5P'n5utXi//vXw5k9FbpSQW9R"X>c_C5%.2hgckiFReB!MiP>hvif6XONnX &G|VC6vd^TsjMsegNGh\blmS.k813f+DA3{skR-RM\ ulEhDz:e0+nL/OTAGzJj?hJnJYzWS9T Please review Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and Social Media Policy for terms and conditions for use of this site. For any issues using SDMS in your web browser, please use the FAQ link. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. Please note that the on-line data and documents available through this site do not constitute nor replace official legal records, documents or case files. of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Records & Information Management Services. These agreements provide a mechanism to implement the direction in departmental manuals. 2023 Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation Operations (Red Book) National WildFire Coordinating Group. Upon completion of initial training, a performance-based selection will identify 16-18 regular crewmembers. Scanned images of federal Alaska Public Laws, Orders and Directives. Boise ID 83705-5398 Sacramento, CA 95825 Invalid survey number, re-enter number. Layers within the map provide direct hyperlinks to case information, master title plats, historical indexes, survey information, and mining information. It's important to #KnowBeforeYouGo and #RecreateResponsibly while enjoying your public lands. Email: BLM_WO_NEWMEDIA@BLM.GOV Phone Number: 1-202-208-3801. Anchorage, AK 99513 @'h*eT{iNGt_AtMSR As the largest and most complex fire program within the Department of the Interior, BLM Fire is directly responsible for fire management on more than 245 million acres. Scanned images of federal easements across native lands, presented on USGS quadrangles. He held many other important assignments throughout the west in his tenure at the BLM including Utah Associate State Director (acting), Division Chief for the National Landscape Conservation System and the Branch Chief (acting), Planning and NEPA. This employee directory is provided as a resource to aid in conducting business with the State of Alaska. Fax: 801-539-4198, 5335 Yellowstone Rd Box 35005 Ft. Wainwright, Alaska 99703-5005 Email: BLM_AK_ACCMOB_dispatch BLM_AK_ACCINT_dispatch A lock ( He lives with his family in Anchorage, Alaska, where he enjoys fishing, hiking and paddling rivers in remote sections of the state. Spotlight Offices Popular Links BLM Alaska frontiers Blog Cohn is returning to BLM from The Nature Conservancy, where . GS-7 Human Resources Assistant in, partner agencies. Box 35005Fort Wainwright, AK 99703Phone: (907) 356-5600, Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, Check out AFS photos and video footage on Flickr, 70million acres - BLM- administered surface lands, 51 million acres - National Park Service lands, 73 million acres - U.S. Phone: 907-356-5500 Print directly to a printer or to mimic a booklet, print to a pdf and then print the pdf using booklet or multiple page options. Health and Optional Benefits. GGU. Bureau of Land Management 208-387 + ext. He is a highly skilled and respected policy expert on Alaska public land and resources issues and his expertise will benefit the BLM and Alaska constituencies we serve.. The BLM regional office in Alaska is located in Anchorage. Cohn is returning to the BLM from The Nature Conservancy where he was the Alaska State Director since 2018. Make a difference in wildland fire as an HR extraordinaire. As BLMs Alaska State Director, Cohn will be responsible for overseeing the management of 70 million surface acres and 220 million acres of Federal sub-surface mineral estate. He will rejoin the BLM by the end of May. The transfer of Cribley, who has been BLM's Alaska state director since November 2010, comes just weeks after Zinke toured the state and announced plans to open new sections of the National . /Length 2 0 R He also oversees 650 permanent staff and approximately 200 seasonal employees who help manage public land uses and resources, including the Federal Subsistence Management Program, the Alaska Land Transfer Program, the National Petroleum Reserve, and the Trans Alaskan Pipeline System. Fairbanks, AK 99709 Tweets & replies. View BLM Alaska Regional Office Boundaries Map. ?BLM AK welcomes back Steve Cohn as State Director. BLM Washington Office1849 C Street NW Rm. LockA locked padlock 2022 SoA DoF MASTER-IMT Supplemental. Division of Corporations, Business & Professional Licensing, Dept. accepting applications for the program now through May 12. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 202-208-2680. This employee directory is provided as a resource to aid in conducting business with the State of Alaska. , 222 University Ave Cohn holds a bachelors degree in government from Harvard University and advanced degrees from the University of California at Berkeley College of Natural Resources. Reports include native, state and private land conveyance cases, as well as, leases, permits, federal mining claims, easements and more. Call 541-473-6230. Division of Corporations, Business & Professional Licensing, Dept. Fax: 303-239-3811, 1387 South Vinnell Way Fax: 307-775-6098, Contact Us: NWCG Comments & Questions | USA.GOV | Notices | Accessibility | Copyrights | Linking Policy | Records Management | FAQs, USDI - Bureau of Land Management Directory, M-581, Fire Program Management Course Steering Committee, M-582, AA Advanced Wildland Fire Course Steering Committee, Committee Roles and Membership Information, Course Steering Committee Guidance & Templates, International Association of Fire Chiefs Roster, National Association of State Foresters Roster, Alternative Pathways to NWCG Qualification, Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program, STATE - National Association of State Foresters. Chapter 70 Dispatch Directory 68 2020 Alaska Interagency Mobilization Guide ALASKA AREA COORDINATION AND DISPATCH CENTERS Alaska Interagency Coordination Center ALASKA INTERAGENCY COORDINATION CENTER 1541 Gaffney Road P.O. 907, TheSpatial Data Management System (SDMS)website provides access to on, A growing selection of Alaska maps andGIS dataare available for your, BLMs Resource Management Plans (RMPs) form the basis for every action and, The Dingell Act's 5-year-long Alaska Native Veterans Land Allotment, We provide educational opportunities for adults, children, and families as, Plan your next camping, hiking, biking, goldpanning, hunting and fishing, At ~23-million-acres, the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska comprises, Placer mining, long a mainstay of Alaska's gold mining industry, still, The BLM Alaska Fire Service provides wildlandsuppression services for, The Red Devil Mine is an abandoned cinnabar mine and mercury production, In Alaska, the BLM managesSteese National Conservation Area, a, Alaska has two Public Information Centers (Public Rooms), one in Anchorage, Steese National Conservation Area Details , Fortymile National Wild & Scenic River Details , White Mountains National Recreation Area Details , Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, BLM Campbell Tract welcomes Iditarod fans for ceremonial start activities, BLM seeks artist for weeklong residency on the remote Dalton Highway, BLM Publishes Public Land Order for 20-year Extension of Withdrawal for Chugach National Forests Russian River, BLM publishes final supplemental analysis for Willow Master Development Plan, Secretary of the Interior Appoints Members to Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils, Interior Department Releases Draft Guidance for $500 Million in Formula Grants for States to Address Orphaned Oil and Gas, Bureau of Land Management seeks public input on draft environmental assessment for Campbell Creek Science Center Access, BLM seeks input on proposed fee modifications for White Mountains National Recreation Area and Taylor Highway recreation, Bureau of Land Management Releases Policy to Support Habitat Connectivity on Public Lands, Dingell Act Alaska Native Allotment Program Still Open for Business. These maps portray the Bureau's record of current federal land ownership and land status. This includes over 70 million surface acres and 220 million subsurface acres (Federal mineral estate) in a state with a landmass equivalent to about one-fifth of the entire contiguous United States. Telephone Directory National Interagency Fire Center 3833 South Development Avenue Boise, Idaho 83705- 5354 . Overall, BLM Fireimplements fire protection on approximately 650 million acres of public land with other fire management agencies. Scanned images of BLM Alaska land conveyance documents including: Patents, Tentative Agreements and Interim Conveyances issued since 1965. Public users are responsible for using this directory and the communications systems in an efficient, effective, ethical and lawful manner. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Department of Administration. 1 0 obj Union Health Trusts. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. USDA-Employee Directory This application is a partnership effort of the OIP, CAMS and Affiliate projects and includes contact information for federal and non-federal personnel at USDA Service Center partnering Agencies. The Bureau of Land Management ( BLM) is an agency within the United States Department of the Interior responsible for administering federal lands. Phone: 602-417-9308 Labor, Trades and Crafts. No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data. Bureau of Land Management Employee Directory Bureau of Land Management corporate office is located in 760 Horizon Dr, Grand Junction, Colorado, 81506, United States and has 11,694 employees. Email the Webmaster. of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Find a State 332 Following. BLM Alaska manages the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, the Steese National Conservation Area, the Iditarod National Historic Trail, and six Wild and Scenic Rivers. 1541 Gaffney Road Official websites use .gov Fax: 406-896-2950, 1340 Financial Blvd Provides wildlandsuppression services for Department of the Interior agencies, Alaska Native Corporation lands, and military withdrawn public land under an agreement with the U.S. Army-Alaska. Division of Motor Vehicles--On-line Services. BLM Alaska Combined Service Center 907-786-3610 BLM Arizona State Office: . Learn more below! bureau of land management bureau of land management bureau of land management llc bureau of land management bureau of land management Status Change - AlaskaCare / Select Benefits only. This service is provided by the USDA-Office Information Profile System. BLM Fire, located at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, manages program budget at a national scale, sets policy and program standards,and works closely withthe DOIs Office of Wildland Fire,DOI sister agencies, the USDA Forest Service, state and other organizations. Masters, Mates & Pilots. Forms: Bureau of Land Management Forms. Check out the fire restrictions across the BLM. This section includes a print button at the bottom of the page. Official profile of the Bureau of Land Management in Alaska. Phone: 303-239-3809 Fax: 775-861-6668, 1220 SW Third Ave BLM Washington Office 1849 C Street NW Rm. The agency's national fire and aviation program, BLM Fire, which focuses on public safety as its top priority, consists of fire suppression, preparedness, predictive services, vegetative fuels management, community assistance and protection, and fire prevention through education. Likes. Alaska Joined June 2011. >> Fax: 503-808-6799, 440 W 200 S, Ste 500 Phone: 208-373-3873 +>!KU TLRFGtvw g ,anJZ4O} UG- Kln@5CSb80:WxD/8R7Ku}-0:JlkTe%am4$( 2]r=|. Office hours for applications are 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. MT Monday-Friday. His career in federal service began with the Bureau of Land Management more than two decades ago as a presidential management fellow. You can also listen to our Wildfire Matters podcasts. Competitive benefits and pay An official website of the United States government. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of Americas public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. The agencys national fire and aviation program,BLM Fire, which focuses on public safety as its top priority, consists of fire suppression, preparedness, predictive services, vegetative fuels management, community assistance and protection, and fire prevention through education. Applicants must bring a picture ID card and social security card. Division of Finance. glennallen field office anchorage field office eastern interior field office central yukon field office. Billings, MT 59101-4669 lFOE>'7o'A\!mN?iRNoJud~*/ )(kV(x; BLM Fire advertises open positions using USAJOBS, the federal government's website for listing job opportunities (called vacancy announcements) with federal agencies. 5665 Washington DC 20240 Fax: 202-208-5242 Phone: 202-208-3801 Follow BLM Alaska on: Back to Top This week BLM Oregon & Washington announced the application process for wildland fire equipment under the Rural Fire Readiness program. I-9 Paper Verson (This version is not fillable and must be printed for completion on paper), 2022 Alaska Federal Geographic Area Supplement (GAS), Exhibit 02 - General Clauses to EERA 04-2022, Exhibit 03 - Permanent Exemption to the IIBMH Chap 20-Policy Concerning Contract with Govt Employees, Exhibit 04 - Service Contract Act Wage Determination 1995-0221 rev 55, Exhibit 05 - Emergency Facilities and Land Use Agreement 02-2021, Exhibit 06 - Checklist For Rental Of Temporary Emergency Facilities, Exhibit 07 - Checklist for Rental of Dipping Sites Ponds Land Use Agreement, Exhibit 08 - Checklist for Creating Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) For Meals, Exhibit 12 - Federal Acquisition Regulation Clauses EERA 2022, Exhibit 12a - Section 889 Representation Form v7.1, Exhibit 13 - FBMS Vendor Request Form 2022, OF-297 Emegency Equipment Shift Ticket Fillable, Training OF-286 Emergency Equipment Use Invoice, Training OF-297 Emergency Equipment Shift Ticket, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE FOR PAYMENT INFORMATION, 2022 BLM Standards for Fire Business Management, 2022 NWCG Standards for Interagency Incident Business Management, 2023 Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation Operations (Red Book), Alaska Wildland Fire Information (, Alaska Wildland Fire Response Plan and COVID-19 Library.
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