Unfortunately, they stopped producing it in 1971 so it hasnt been available for a lot of years now. The following are comments left about Chum Gum from site visitors such as yourself. My sister and I talked about it often. So glad so many people loved it as I did, brings back childhood memories. Barrels and Buckets Some anglers freeze chum in 5 gallon buckets, but you need a lot of freezer space to do that. Mr. Canning called his new gum Dentyne which is a combination of the words "dental" and "hygiene." Dentyne Gum Memories It was the New, Improved Hawk Missile, of greedy, pork-barrel-proficiency peddlers Raytheon Corp. That damned systems mobile radar units were so dependent on (apparently) cheaply made electronics that they were constantly failing when taken to the field and bounced around two-tracks and farmers fields. Oh my gosh, I have dreamed of Chum Gum for years. I loved the Chum Gum and the name! The crocadile did the commercial. And who can forget that great flavor? no one else seems to know what im talking about, so i'm glad I found this page. I grew up in Kansas City and had Chum Gum in the 60's. So it's pricy but it's out there. I'm 54 and over the years have looked for Chum Gum. This candy now days cost almost $200 a bar and is not worth the cost. Milky Ways dont even come close. Bubble Beeper Bubble Gum. Do they still make beemans gum? The gum is made by Fleer and if you want the EXACT taste you remember, they are packing it inside of the Movie cards from the Spirit movie being released December 19th 2008. Best gum ever!!!!! Well she spoke about this gum and how much she loved it so I just had to go on E-Bay and get a stick for her. Certs. If I could just go back. I know that not many people remember the 10:30 bar, but those of us who do remember miss it still. Walters Variety Store in Riverside, CA. I too remember chum gum, I am 61 years old and can still taste it in my mind. If not treated, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis and eventual tooth loss. Woolworth's on Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta, GA. We also used Dippity Doo on our hair and Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific! He instead focused solely on Dubble Bubble, much to his success. Barney-Google Maps wouldnt co-operate for a finer search.). Tasted great, too! Thank you! It was so much fun going to Freedom Park to the playground then walk up to Wad's to get the Chum Gum and a real cherry Coke at the fountain. French Chew is very similar. I have been telling my kids about Chum Gum and how I wish I could find it for them to experience. The other candy I have looked for were watermelon flavored, oval shaped, were light pink in color, and came in a clear wrapper with a white checkered pattern at the edges. Unfortunately, not, Susie. I agree with so many of the comments that have been made by othersyou ask people if they remember or have ever heard of this gum and they look at you like you are crazy. Eventually, Chum Gum sales dwindled enough that Fleer simply stopped production. I grew up in Alabama, I'm 49, Chum Gum is the best gum ever made. Miss it. I remember it was 3 sticks for a penny, then one day it was 2 sticks for a penny and boy was I TICKED OFF! about the only way i ever got it was on Halloween. I tried Jr Caramels but they are not the same they are too soft and gooey and Milk Duds are too hard LOL, can we get the marathon bars back? They were relish!!! I loved the flavor and it smelled so good! Omg.nothing compares.I am 50 and remember Chum Gum was the best ever.I remember sneaking into my mother's purse and taking it.Brings back lots of fond memories. Along with many others I too would interested being contacted if it is available again. I am dying for a piece of CHUM GUM! Loved the flavor and the big bubbles! I grew up in Chicago in the Lincoln Park area and bought it at a store called Nick's. Yes, yes, yes! I recently purchased some hair products and I kid you not it smelled just like Chum gum. Geez Louise, how I LOVED Chum Gum. What a great time to be a kid! Never could find any. Not as good as Chum Gum, but still good memories. PLEASE BRING THEM BACK! The best gum ever for blowing bubbles. I would put the chewed chum gum on my headboard for the next day, it did lose its flavor but I could wake up and blow bubbles till I would get together with the friends go to Melchens candy store and purchse more. Loved the smell, loved the taste. Top Rated Plus. I cant live without them. I agree with yo all! The big size was our favorite too but the manufacturer reduced the size a few years ago. they can bring back Beemans and Black jack, why not Chum Gum??? altoids Tangerine sours. I am 56 years old and have been searching for it for years. Great tasting molasses and chocolate candies were included in candy corn mix now boring, only sugar,no DISTINCTIVE flavor. I would so love to have chum gum back1. I read a story on the net that the Scrunch was and is Johnny Depps favorite bar too! Is this something that is still available to get? I remember especially liking the flavor which was unique, and different from other gums. I also loved the little hotdog gum--that was very tasty too. Sometimes the flavor is decent, but you can't blow a bubble if your life depended on it. I cannot believe there are more chum gum lovers out there. Wow! I was just thinking about Chum Gum. No comments | | | 0 No comments. Nicole, I feel your pain! I too have yearnd for Chum Gum. For the longest time, I couldn't remember what it was called and then by chance I was looking for some unique halloween candy and found the name!! I REALLY FEEL LIKE I HAVE MISSED OUT! Treasure Island lasted from 1962 to 1977. We bought it in the penny candy section. Best gum ever! The last time I remember even seeing the name on anything was about 12 years ago for Easter. I am so glad that I am not the only one that loved this gum. 6. At her 2nd birthday party I gave her a present with no name on it, but I had a certs setting on top, she looked at it and came up to me and said thanks for the present. I grew up in Danville, Californiasmall town, still relatively small, and the local 5 and dime store had it. That wasn't the case with Black Cat Bubble Gum. Im 54yrs old, and still want ChumGumlol. AT THE CORNER STORE WE WOULD BUY IT IN THE 60S. You only gave Gatorade Gum 4 years before discontinuing it. So, it was very odd to me that after I had not had any Brachs Red Twists for several years had even forgot about them that I was at a Speedway Gas Station on the South Side of Bloomington, Indiana. After that, I was on my own when it came to buying it. In fact, when I started dating, I would make my date (whoever it was) bring me a bag of Chum Gum bubble gum when he picked me up. I would cut coupons and take them to the local independent grocery store who would pay you face value that was printed on them, up to a dollar per day, then I'd go to the 5 & dime and buy a dollar worth of candy. NOT KitKats - Kits - those square wrapped taffys -in banana, chocolate, strawberry flavors - I think they came three to a package. And only A PENNY! Thank you! :-). No gum compares to the taste or texture. I used certs to help me quit smoking, I always carried a roll of speartment in my shirt pocket. So many candies of yesteryear have disappeared and it is doconcerting. Try itYou will not be disappointed;). In the 50's and into the 60's Chum Gum did come 3 pieces for a penny. The BEST candy bar on the planet! Couldn't blow two bubbles. Now those were the days. !BRING IT BACK FOR THEM TO TRY!!!!:). And you all are right if you ask some one about it they think you are crazy. I appreciate Cracker Barrel for selling Clove & Teaberry but they are missing the best gum of all time, i can't believe i miss a GUM so much! Takes me back to my childhood every time ( I am 57). I was sitting at my desk and decided to Google Chum Gum. But there are a lot of other choices on that website that will bring back memories, at today's prices. Has not been made in many years. there is a man on ebay that sell chum gum for $7.00 a stick.. i used to save my money from my grass cuttin when i was a kid and head in town to Rehoboth and go to Snyders candy store and get my marvel comic books and a brown paper bag full of chum gumthen i was set to go into battle alongside Captain America and soar the outter most regions of the universe with the Silver Surferbring Chum Gum back.PLLLLLeeeaaassssee.? Wazoo bars where can I get them? Today, Bubbaloo is sold in more than 25 countries and in three different continents across the world. When I was a child the candy bars were large and worth the money. Loved chum gum I Remember you would get 2 pieces for a penny!! I am so glad I found this website. In fact, as explained by Chewing Gum Facts, Thomas Adams, creator of the brand Chiclets, is considered one of the founders of the chewing gum industry. Is there anywhere that still have some? They were so delicious! I've asked a co-worker who is from New York, did she remember chum gum and she looked at me like I lost my mind. I sure wish some company would find the original recipe and make more!!! It is Bio Silk Fruit Cocktail reconstructing shampoo. Very spicy. As to whether they sold the formula for Mint Juleps remains to be seen. I have a co-worker that loved this "Chum GUm"and she is always so thought ful to others. I do remember it and it was quite cute. 2 for a penny. At the time, I was about 3 or 4 years old. I grew up in the Boston area and we would buy this at the penny-candy store. I wish I could find it somewhere. In the 1960's, if I found a penny or two, I would run to the Dog Gone Grocery Store on South Merritt Island, FL., Then I'd eat both pieces before all my sisters found out. Fleer Please Bring It Back!! Rob Lambert, thanks for all the info you have shared about this product. I mentioned Chum Gum, and people thought I was crazy. The refreshing chewing gum with the savory flavor of ground fish entrails. I too loved Chum Gum and have searched to no avail,but find Big League Chew very close if not the same. This man started yelling at me for casually asking if/when they would get a reorder of this product. They were a white mint with a green jelly center. Fleer owned the market on bubble gum sports trading cards at the time. I,m 67 and can still taste it. There was a small corner market (Rosita & 5th) that sold many of the "treats" I fondly remember like Scooter Pies, licorice by the foot, pixie sticks, Kits and my all time favorite Chum Gum. Can not get it. Wow.what a treat to find so many other Chum Gum fans. He was yelling that No! 4. If anyone does bring it back, I hope they make it the way they used to and not w/ artificial sweetners they way the did when they brought back 'Fizzies'. Beets have 2.8 grams of protein per cup or .5 grams per ounce. I am a bubble gum freak and Chum Gum was my absolute favorite. There was nothing like the late 50's to early 60's. Maybe the makers of Chum Gum put a special ingredient to make us want it, kind of like cigarettes or something! Glad to know I am not the only fan. The taste was phenomenol,sure wish they would make it again, it was the best. So nice that I am not imagining how good Chum Gum was and would order a box of it right now if I could find it. I also googled it and I found all of these postings. Chum Gum was a favorite of mine and my siblings! With the popularity of dark chocolate I would think that the Hollywood Candy Bar would have a huge following now Cant some company get the recipe and please bring it back. Wish I could get the recipe and have it made again. Since Chum Gum was only around for a limited time, and that was mostly before the days of internet, its a bit challenging to find a lot of history for the brand. Two for a penny. Not only did this have the most fabulous flavor, but it had such a wonderfully smooth texture - not all gritty and sugary like regular bubblegum. I miss you, Chum Gum. Bring back Sqeeze pops, Gatorgum, and especially Whistle pops. I stay on the look out at Cracker Barrel, but nothing yet. They had all kinds of penny candy, and Chum Gum was my favorite. I am from Lockport, IL and I, too, couldn't make anyone believe that I remembered Chum Gum! I lived in Stanton, Calif. We use to go to the corner store with a quarter and by a bag full of different candies to watch Astro Boy and Zolar. I am 63 and remember summer days walking a few blocks to the little mom and pop grocery store in my neighborhood in Tulsa with my friend or sisters to buy my Chum Gum. Man, how I'd love to see it back on the market. I have ordered them by the pound, so I could get enough to last him a year at a time. . It came in a white package with blue lettering and was a pretty pink color. CHUM GUM was the best! Going off in washington dc I got my chum gum from the corner store next to saint theresa's school in anacostia washington dc. Perhaps we should find out who the company was that made chum gum and take it from there. We paid $10.00 for a piece but it was well worth it to see her reactions!!! I wish they still made it. I remember Chum gum and got some in the mid 70s in Folsom at an old town general store,on a family vacation. Is there any other bubble gum that even comes close to chum gum? I WAS TELLING MY DAUGHTER ABOUT THIS GOOD OLD GUM. Bought it from woolworths in the penny candy section. If there is anyone that reads this that knows the manufacturer's address or is it still being made please post a comment with the info! "To prevent decay, To sweeten the breath, To keep teeth white," read the package. I think if I could buy it now I might be tempted to mortgage my house & spend it all on Chum Gum. It never lost it's flavor and the smell was heavenly. :). I found a number 45078 but cant find the candy. Was fun reading everybody's memories about Chum Gum and simpler, better times. I am 69 and I also loved Chum gum. And yes, just like someone before me said, right next to the hot dog gum. I was wondering if anyone out there happens to remember Light Blue Sugar Coated gumballs. Three sticks for 0.1 cent. Where can I find Chum bubble gum or do they still make it? My mom would walk with us to the neighborhood candy store and we would purchase it along with turtles, bazooka joe bubble gum, Wish they would get the recipe and reintroduce it! I used to buy Chum Gum in St. Mary's, Pa at Johnson's Market, next to the Market Basket grocery store. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF AND WHERE IT IS AVAILABLE NOW??? I retired as a pastor. Theres never been a candy bar like the 10:30 before or since. CHUM GUM WAS THE BEST GUM IN THE WORLD TO ME,I WAS BORN IN CHICAGO AROUND 47TH STREET,I USE TO SNEAK INTO THE REGAL HIDE UNDER THE CURTAIN AND WATCH THE GREATS PERFORM,WHEN THE SHOW WAS OVER I WOULD GO TO THE CORNER STORE AND GET MY CHUM GUM,BOX OF FRIUT COCKTAILS AND MINT JULIPS,I NEVER KNEW PEOPLE HAD BAD BREATH WHEN THEY WERE CHEWING CHUM GUM,SO SOMEONE PLEASE BRING IT BACK, THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR NO SHORT CUTS PLEASE.THE KIDS TODAY MISSED OUT ON THE GOOD STUFF. I miss those candy crackers. It was so unique to chew. Loved Chum Gum, lived on High School Road Indianapolis 1964-1969,most people I asked about it have never heard of it, good to know I wasn't dreaming..it was the best..those were the days. IF someone finds it my e-mail whiteki@realtracs.com that is how serious I am at 57 years old. For the longest time I could buy it at a shop in my hometown of Kenosha , WI. And also does any one remember the sputnik gum - round blue gumball with sugar coating? Chum Gum is one that many of you might remember. It's great to hear all these stories. Clove, Black Jack and Juicy Fruit were expensive, penny a stick! I remember Chum Gum from a candy store across the train-tracks (scary!) As to why we are not sure but we do address this in one of our web pages dealing with changing products. Now does anyone remember Chik-O-Stix (sp??). I emailed you guys back when I did my initial research and never heard. Please announce it to the world so we all can get some. In the 1920s Sorry to see them go. i use to walk to my corner store and buy the individual sticks for a penny a piece. I've searched for it everytime I see an All Candy store. We would put two pieces in at one time. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. Almost cried because they dont make Branchs dem bones anymore. I was engaged and my fianc was in the Air Force. Does anyone remember how good the candy lipsticks were, the ones they make now are nothing like the ones we could getOh to be young and free again..miss those days. I think there were 3 pieces for a penny. Name one other bubble gum besides Chum Gum that holds it shape when you took it out of your mouth (by twisting the end). Looked at the ingredients and they now have mixed in synthetic sweeteners and other crap. !I CAN'T IMAGINE WHAT IT TASTES LIKE BUT I STILL REMEMBER THE TASTE OF THE GRAPE GUM THEY USED TO MAKE. I'm 57 and loved Chum Gum, Dots, Wax tubes filled with syrup, Black Cows, baseball cards, candy cigarettes, paper straws filled with Kool-Aid type power and many more great candies. I am 54 and still crave it after all these years. When I was a kid, my favorite candy bars were Milkshake candy bars and Marathon bars. I remember the taste and smell so well. Hi Noon candy bars were my favorite candy back in the mid fifties. Any chance they will reintroduce Certs? This is great that I am not the only one who remembers this gum it was the best ever!! If you got yours there get in touch w/ me torileec at zoom town dot com. Does anyone know? What I wouldn't give for one stick! Remember the cinnamon toothpicks? We all stopped at the corner store on the way home from school each day and buy them.YUMMMMMM !! They had a penny candy counter there and I ALWAYS bought Chum-Gum. I love Chum Gum, too! 2 for a penny. Well. The packaging was very similar to Charms Squares which were fruit flavored squares, but no gum in them. :-). I miss them more than any food product. I keep searching for alternatives, but they all fall short. It's so comforting to know there are others who feel the same way. If you have reached this page, chances are, you searched for a candy that has been discontinued. only 2 sticks to a pack. Skittles Bubble Gum. It had a good taste, but the flavor was gone quickly. I would betcha that no other beer in Europe or anywhere on planet tasted like that stuff. Every time we went I got him a case of something and mailed it to him. My boyfriend thinks I am crazy and has no idea what I am talking about. Sure would like to but some it was the BEST. Heres a link to a section of our blog that deals with exactly that https://www.candyfavorites.com/blog/is-it-really-goodbye-necco-may-close-its-doors/, Wacky Wafers! I did not know what the two piece penny gum was called. But it was wonderful bubblegum, and so much for the penny! It is never easy to let go, but we hope that by sharing your memories on our blog, you can memorialize that sweet treat with the respect it deserves. Everybody write to Fleer and get them to bring back Chum Gum. The colors were red, orange, yellow, green, and purple. Chum Gum Alum. I'm 55, grew up in San Bernardino, California, and I went looking for Chum Gum because it had the best TEXTURE! Wow! anyone else remember them? I just went to my 45 year class reunion in Mobile, AL and they had a center piece on each table with retro candy like the cigaretts, wax coke bottles, windmill cookies but no Chum Gum. Certs I miss you but I have tons of memories. Youve shared lots of very special memories that will always be cherished. It was the best gum everpowdered sugar coating the green, yellow or raspberry-colored gum. In the 1990s, Skittles came in the form . I have enjoyed reading all the stories. On sale, if you bought any ten Fleer penny gum products (Chum Gum included), the eleventh was free. At CandyFavorites.com, we feel your pain and would like to assist in your candy therapy. Yum! I remember going on our summer vacation every year to a cabin in Crosby, MN and the office had a little candy section and we would load up on Chum Gum. Used to get that from the Helms Bakery Truck that used drive thru the neighborhood in the mornings. The closest I have come to this flavor is Wrigleys Extra classic bubble flavor. As a child in the mid fifties I discovered it at Glazners Market in Carrollton Texas (a Dallas suburb). BEST TIMES OF MY LIFE I'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER,MY GRANDCHILDREN WOULD LOVE IT!! I think we bought it at the local 7-11. Fleer made it. Oh why cant they bring back Chum Gum like they have brought back so many other old time candies?! Let's start a petition to bring back our beloved Chum Gum. However, we know a lot about bubble gum as a whole. In fact, I realized that I have had chicken bones candy; and while it does include coconut, there is also a peanut butter inclusion. Best wishes to all Chum Gum lovers! Why did they stop manufacture? Retro Candy Vintage Candy Sweet Memories Childhood Memories Nostalgic Candy Penny Candy Chums Old Ads Candy Store I see racks in some stores that are bribing back old time candies, but never Chum Gum. Oh my goodness! Cinnamon and spearmint, especially. I just discovered a new productBlowpop Minis.disk shaped fruit flavored candy(same flavors as original Blowpops) with gum in the center. A trip down memory lane can start with a photograph, a story, or a taste of something sweet. So I brought these Brachs Red Twist and shared them with my wife. Wonderful flavor and texture . google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; they took me home in the police car and my mom was pissed!!!!!! I'm 50 and from St. Louis. In my opinion it was the best gum out there. Ive reminisced about Chum Gum since 1958. I cant believe they discontinued my favorite Wazoo Bars. Then my dad told me a man probably empties his pocket change into a huge vat of peanuts. I AM 61 YEARS OLD AND HAVE NEVER HEARD OF CHUM GUM! I used to go and buy them by the box. I'm a baby boomer!N. I dont think any of these products were marketed as well as they could have been. We would drag our wagon all over town!!! As The Saturday Evening Post lamented, however, the Chiclet disappeared in 2016, leaving, in its words, "only sad imitations of the brand" in its wake. The old ad piece may still be availablebelieve it was around $15. This was in the 60's in Augusta,GA and only at Carpenter's 50-50 Store. Now I would pay 2 sticks for a buck if I could find it. We used to get Marathon bars up at the store at the Dells Camp Resort just outside of Wisconsin Dells. What happened to Nestles Chocalite candy bar? I am a 60's kid from Indiana.I am happy to find others who recall Chum Gum. Does anyone remember Adams brand fruit flavored gumsgreen apple, grape, cherry, and so on? Now all we need is the ingredients. If we found an empty soda bottle, we would redeem it at Wright's market in Dansville, Ny for the 2 cents and buy some Chum Gum. anyway, just wanted to share. I feel like my sanity has been restored! Chum Gum!I've been searching forever.. They were classic chewing gum and are missed! I can still remember the smell and taste of it. I have been craving Chum Gum for 50 years. Thanks, Candy. I loved them. But I'd rather chew Chum Gum. it also came 2 sticks in a pack for a penny, it was in a red outer paper wrapper with 2 red sticks of gum in plain white paper sleeves. Good bye Chum Gum. You would think with all the baby boomers in the world who remember this gum (including me) someone would bring it back. I believe it has been permanently discontinued, Oh My God!!! I'm almost 60 and sure wish I could chew a piece. This is because it's a type of soluble fiber, which can slow the absorption of sugar and lead to a reduction in blood sugar levels ( 7 ). Do they still make it? As to why, we are not sure. Like another fan, I always licked the paper first and then chewed the gum. I only remember one of them selling Chum gum and that was on Millington Lane, right next to St Benedicts school. I have thought about that stuff off and on but, like most of you said, nobody else remembered it and I had almost convinced myself I had made it up. But this isn't true. Anyone remember sputnik gum? So im just thankfull that i got to taste chum gum and i will never forget the taste. (3 stick package) Can anybody remember the names of the 3 cent candy bars? It was a sad ending to a fruitful history for the company. Just the smell through the wrapper would make my mouth water. Or at least tell me where I could buy some other than eBay. If not, you should find the recipe and redistribute it! Used to be able to get it at ONE and only one ice cream place in Virginia. You could get bagfuls of all types of candy (remember the candy necklaces??) I am 53 and remember chum gum when I was in grade school. Thanks so much for the candy you supply and the website. loaded up a bag of penny candy like red licorice, hot dog gums, candy lipstick and best of all chum gum !! They made it into a round barrel shape and colored it pink. Im 67 yers old and would purchase a case of Chum Gum if we could find it. I remember absolutely loving the flavor of this gum. I thought people forgot the greatest gum ever! It was my favorite from the penny candy at Farley's Grocery store. I grew up in East Point Georgia All of us teens sat in the balcony of the East Point christian church We started passing the chum gum around. I remember the gum in pink too but blue was better!!! Beemans is sporadically produced by Cadbury Adams as a nostalgia gum, along with the other historic gums Clove and Black Jack. Oh yes, good Lord, I thought I had lost my mind or was having hallucinations and here there's a whole club of people with the Chum Gum jones, just like me! Wish someone would make it again. It was coated with powdered sugar, and at two sticks for a penny could not be beat! Since you haven't heard from anyone from Iowa yet, I just had to write. I havent had them yet. I CAN STILL TASTE IT! Folklore suggests that swallowed gum sits in your stomach for seven years before it can be digested. I'd buy fifteen sticks for a nickel from the corner store outside Riley Elementary in Muncie, Indiana. The flavor didn't last long, but it was unique! How does Google autocomplete this search? $19.95. But the original wafers, there is no comparison to them. I love Chum Gum. I still can get Bottle Caps, Laffy Taffy, Now N Laters, Sprees, Nerds and Sweet Tarts. Beech-Nut Gum You can't find it officially anymore, unless you want to pay $37.49 for a decades-old pack on eBay. :). When I was 7or8 chum gum was 3 sticks for a penny. I wish they still made it I been searching for this gum. I'm 66. Please? I can smell it! I can't believe I found this site. Bring back. and the "record" was a piece of gum. Chum Gum ROCKS!!!! Although chewing gum is designed to be chewed and not swallowed, it generally isn't harmful if swallowed. Chum Gum was the best gum ever! It takes me back to a time when life was simple. ___ But anyway, from our semi-permanent tactical missile site we Glorified Grunts would often have to drive a lil ole Jeep or a Deucen-a-Half truck the 60 ks to headquarters for some part or circuit board for repairs. Our old homestead is under H2/0 so sad. Waaaaah! to the park and ballfields east of there. Please somebody make it again before I leave this world! Chum gum ruled. We used to turn in soda bottles so we could buy it. The Sunday Milwaukee (WI) Journal had a supplemental ad section for Treasure Island, a discount chain store operating as a lower-budget retailer under the JC Penney umbrella. Certs and my first granddaughter. Garlic and Chicken Skin. I remember ChumGumit had a sweet and unique flavor. Chiclets History Adams developed Chiclets over a century ago and it quickly became known as the candy coated gum. I grew up in Santa Ana, CA in the early 1960's. The same Beech-Nut company famous for its natural baby foods used to make minty chewing gum for adults, as per CNN. THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO FELT THIS WAY ABOUT CHUM GUM. They company had Wacky Wafer candy bags with little bunnies, eggs, and Easter basket shaped Wafers. I don't understand how many gum companies there are and no one makes it. I found an old wrapper while deep cleaning a while back in my store . some one must have a stash somewhere! Comment. Along with Banana Splits, they were true classics! It is described as having a very unique original bubblegum flavor with a smooth but powdery pink gum. I love all of you, my wife thinks I'am nuts. It brings back so many great memories. I see a few people say these were the best times of their life. Also, a similar store in Gettysburg Pa sells these old-time treats. After the flavor wore off, the sting would last for hours on your tongue. BRING BACK DEM BONES. I also remember Chum Gum. I am from lakewood California and always bought it from the liquor store accross the street from our hoiuse.I have looked for it in everystore i go into no one had it or knows what it is so sad. God!
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