The length of something doesnt dictate the validity of ones arguments no more than the type of font one uses. He produced therefrom its water and its pasture, Allah never says earth is round and infact there is a statement which states Earth is fixed in one place, and here we have science telling us Earth is rotating and revolving, lets assume science says earth is flat, so then you will surely interpret those verses as earth being flat, be sincere and tell me you wont? This is the Commandment of the Most Honourable, the Most Knowing.[Surah 36, Verse 38], This tells us that the heavens and the earth are anchored and the stars are floating in them. So ask the writer of the Article to refute that if he can, he is just as blind as those who believe and belittle Gods creation of the Earth. Checked & Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. Learn how your comment data is processed. Are you guys mocking Quran? Required fields are marked *. This is reflected in the strange choice of words used by the Quran with respect to this spreading process. SPHERICAL EARTH & STATIONARY.. 3) QURAN HADITH INTERPRETATION BY ALA HAZRAT R.A (FLAT OR STATIONARY) EARTH Mohd Farhan Ali, Apr 3, 2022 #41. I always learned as far as i can remember the earth is shaped like an ostrich egg. There has been disagreement over as to which of these two forces is most responsible for seafloor spreading. earth is stationary quran verse shadow stats australia] figurative language about mom; madden 20 cpu vs cpu franchise mode; bloomfield baptist church newsletter; ancel ad410 car compatibility; earth is stationary quran verse | . That is not the case, however. It is difficult to classify them, and the scheme adopted here is a personal one. There are a number of critical points that the above statement demonstrates. Zameen ko barabr karo It is unbelievable that you people think everything has to be in accordance to the views of modern scientific establishments. That the first heaven is probably immaterial or beyond time and space, and probably doesnt have the properties of even quantum physics and all that. Go check the old Tafsir. Subhanallah the world is flat and the seas are level. Early Muslims however believed this related to the two extreme points on the horizon where the sun rose and set from and to, during the height of Summer and the depth of Winter. 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due . thirdly it is only talking about the solar system with seven earth of the solar system. There are many verses of the Holy Quran that clearly show the rotation of the moon and the sun, which are given as under: Further, the implication is that this refers to a literal process, since the reader is literally asked to see this process occurring. If they are lying (whoever) it is about the size of the earth. It is just a misconception that according to Qur'an Earth is Flat. The word referred to (rawsiya) does not mean specifically ocean crust mountains since in 13:3 it is used for mountains and rivers placed therein when the earth is spread and 77:27 they are additionally lofty to emphasise their height above us. I mean, it literally says so outright. (1) And you see the mountains you think them to be solid, and they shall pass away as the passing away of the cloud - the handiwork of Allah who has made everything thoroughly. The Quran refers to how the earth has been "spread" and "expanded" so that mankind can use the ground to sit on, to sleep on and to travel on. There is no point in reinventing the wheel, and as such, I will simply quote the remarkable and beautiful elucidation of the Fourth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh, to explain the definitive evidence of a planetary model in the Quran: Now we turn to another aspect of the description of the cosmos which relates to the motion of the heavenly bodies. You would see everything outside the train window moving and it would feel to you that you are stationary. Rather, the point of both of these sources is to instruct humans regarding the manner in which they should live in order to recognize God and attain to felicity. The Sun is not Stationary. which symbolises matter, were one entity and they were ripped apart (exploded). By saying that the spreading of the earth is not conjoined with the mention of Jibaal, what was not meant is that they cannot occur in the same passage, but that whenever spreading out is mentioned along with mountains immediately along side it, in the same verse, then you see the word rawaasiyaa is used. Commentary on religion, atheism, science and society. Such a statement, they would emphasize, could not have been made by an All-Knowing, Supreme Being.Rather than literally comparing the motion of the earth to that of other heavenly bodies, the Quran makes the following statement: . In his second treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has elaborated that the sun is in motion while earth is static based on astronomical observations and calculations. The earth started its existence "without form, and void." Genesis 1:2. What is travelling in an orbit can only be the physical object on which the Night and Day occur, which is planet Earth. It is the sun, moon and stars that rotate in orbits and it is obligatory on us to believe in this, since refutation of even a single verse of the Holy Quran throws us out of the fold of Islam. Zameen = land. The Arabic word for Earth is / l-ari. How do we know this? You and your words count for the judgment day. Did you not see that Allah turns night into the day and returns the day in the night and He makes the sun and the moon serve you? (79:31-33). Please help me out sir Tahir also enjoys writing fiction and has published his first novel, The Day They All Died Young. If such evidence exists, then we resort to interpretation, and there is great scope for this. [Ruh al-Ma`ani]. eg Mankind establish the salat, and maintain building/mosque etc. THUS IS SO FUNNI IM SORRY IM LAUGHING SO HARD, Not just Qran but in Pakistan imams are saying to kids that earth is not jus flat but it is still(not revolving) and sun comes around it makrs day and night If that were true, the setting Sun would appear to get smaller (which it doesn't) and it would also stay above the horizon (which it doesn't). A person standing near the edge of the disc would feel a horizontal pull and not a downward pull. The Big Bang model is thus rejected since it suggests that the universe started to expand immediately after its creation and is continuing to do so. God ascertains that we will not be able to penetrate through the layers of the Earth, and indeed, the 7.6 miles depth that we have reached is quite a tiny depth as compared to the overall depth of the Earth. Two birds fly from a branch of a tree with equal speed to that of the earths rotation which is 1036 mph and one flies to the east and the other to the west. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan]. Holy Quran 51:48 This astonishing verse does not just tell us that the universe has expanded. Firstly: The Holy Quran contains many scientific signs in Astronomy and Cosmology. The Qur'an mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse: "And we have made the earth egg shaped". The Quran and the 'Flat Earth' model But thanks to the masterly language of the Quran this observation went unnoticed. It is the sun that moves around the earth WHILE THE EARTH DOES NOT MOVE AROUND THE SUN. This article has a description of the creation of the earth in the Qur'an. Yes, the Earth is flat (1 of 2) Next position > The Bible says that the Earth is a stationary object and is flat Many proponents of the flat Earth theory draw from biblical Scripture to back up their argument, which provides a specific interpretation that, to them, confirms their hypothesis. jobb willys helsingborg; May 28, 2022 . The Quran clearly describes in many instances that the sky is a ceiling and cannot be penetrated, and never once mentions galaxies or space or void. They lie at a distance of only a few thousand miles above the Earth. Secondly, the Michael and Morley experiment proved without doubt that the earth is stationary, so how is it easier for you to believe in the abstractions of Einsteins theories of time dialation and space shrinking, then your own eyes. This is an accurate description of what happened in Big Bang; the event which brought about the creation of the universe. SMOJ. Contrary to the assertion that the sun traced a vicious circle about the earth or that it was stationary, the 38 th verse of the sura "Ya-Seen" stated correctly that it moved on to its destination. Further details will be highly appreciated After all, the verse begins They ask thee concerning the mountains; nobody asked the Prophet of Islam about physical mountains, but about the hurdles faced by the Muslim community, in the form of great nations, such as the Byzantine and the Persian empires, which were indeed, humbled, crushed and scattered by the Muslims. And the universe, We constructed it with might and. It now takes Allahs grace and guidance to understand the truth. Surely He has been Ever-Forbearing, Ever-Forgiving." $18.00. also, Babylonian mythology says stars at lower heaven does that mean they believed in the multi-universe. To explain them more clearly, one might begin by . Not to burst their bubble, but the atmosphere of Earth actually is composed of multiple layers. hur mnga svenskar har 10 miljoner. But we practically observe that both of them have equal speed going opposite to each other, and go to the same distance. Also, it cannot move swiftly like the moon; therefore the stages which the moon completes in twenty-eight days are completed by the sun in one year. After all, they are in separate verses. The (Actual) Shape of the Earth in the Quran The matter of the spreading of the Earth, cited earlier, is one such example. It may reasonably be asked that if the Quran genuinely refers to seafloor spreading, then does it refer to the destruction of the Earths crust which is an equally important and fundamental part of the story? The Quran was sent down before that. Everything is mentioned in it. There is NO verse in the whole Quran saying that the Earth is stationary or the sun is rotating around the Earth or the Earth has square or any other non spheroidal shape. sorry but you are still wrong becausethe quran says the stars are at the lowest heaven If you need whole paragraphs to try to refute something written into the Quran quite plainly in a few words, then you are greatly deceived. Bijak Quran (@bijakquran) on TikTok | 712 Likes. Simple common sense will do, so they wont be dealt with in any significant depth. They serve us in such a manner that they would never become tired or ever be off duty. Sia, the Quran is directly from Allah, Babylonian mythology wasnt written until 700 B.C. If you dont know the language then you cant digest its true meaning. Does Islam Permit Rape of Female Prisoners of War? 3981 miles. , God speaks of 4 items, they are (Night - Day - Sun - Moon). O tribes of jinn and humans, if you are able to penetrate through. Last Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMAD salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in Sura Ahzab that there is no PROPHET after Hazrat Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Its strange why the blessed ones are actually the most negligent . Dahaha is derived from Duhiya which specifically refers to the egg of an ostrich which is geospherical in shape, exactly like the shape of . Some people think that the Holy Quran promoted the idea that earth is flat and refused that it is a sphere which -according to them- represents a contradiction between science and religion. The failure of this allegation reminds me of the following statement of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas: I have seen people who make objections against Islam and I have collected these objections; and I say this truly that the point on which those who are unfamiliar with these matters have raised an objection, is precisely the point where a treasure of wisdom, truth and deep knowledge is buried and the person who objects has nothing but foolishness and blindness. TheDuaCo. We know that because the waters God created had to have been flat, just as they are today. Oh alright then, heres one for you: The second argument is that because Ramadan is really long at the Polar regions (despite the fact that the Prophet of Islam gave advice on how to manage religious obligations when days are long) the Quran must have envisaged a flat earth. ) From the Quranic Arabic Corpus - Ontology of Quranic Concepts. News: Forum Policy But Alhamdulillah the way I used to perceive the things has been completely changed. Like Like From the above discovery, we now know that the Earth was, quite literally spread out. Verse 32 uses wal-jibala and not rawasiyya, when verse 30 talks about the earth being spread out. To do so, it is necessary to list the main claims associated with the Flat Earth Model (FEM): - The stars are points of light on the wall of the dome. Also funny how the exact same language of God spreading out the Earth appears in pre-Islamic texts describing a flat Earth. Ahmadi Muslims taking on the big questions with a light touch. Your email address will not be published. Please be more open to ideas, as Quran is a book for people who can think . Quran 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. One of the words used is madad from the Arabic root which literally means to pull or stretch something by pulling. Why would the sky fall down onto the earth? 45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. It is through reflecting on these created things that humans are able to recognize the existence and power of God: Indeed, in the alternation of the night and day and in what God has created within the heavens and the earth are signs for those who are pious. (10:9). There is also a verse about shooting stars being missiles against devils. By virtue of a worldwide treaty between all governments of the world, the ice wall is protected by soldiers to stop anyone from crossing it. 2. Research Flat Earth and stop believing in NASAs CGIs, however, YouTube and Google will only mostly show you stories of people mocking flat earth so you have to dig a bit deeper (e.g. the verse youre referring to mentions that the mountains are firm not immobile but the word firm doesnt necessarily mean immobile therefore the point of continental drift still stands. The Quran is a religious text that claims to be word-for-word revealed from the All-Knowing God, so if the Quran did state quite clearly that the world was flat, then that would indeed be a serious problem for Muslims. Alhumdulillah we are muslims. Following are some verses and traditions that support the theory of the rotation of the earth. I started reciting quran during lockdown [this time with intention to understand, not merely reading it] To read more about Big Bang cosmology in the Quran, see this in-depth article. If the Quran had described the earth as stationary and the heavenly bodies as revolving around it, then although the people of that time might have been satisfied with this description, the people of the later ages would have treated that statement as a proof of the ignorance of the Qurans author. Nice try, but not very convincing, because the Quran itself contradicts your answer in 15:19, where it not 9nly says that the Earth is spread out (like a carpet) but also that mountains are immobile. we showed through analysis of the roots of each word, that they refer to two different types of mountains: mountains on land (Jibaal) and undersea mountains known as seamounts in Geology (Rawaasiya). No and heres why. The laws of Inertia state that when we are on a moving body, we would not feel or detect our movement. Cannot refer to sea floor spreading. Just as the Quran mentions, the spreading of the Earth is through a pulling action.
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