Ctrl+F Move cursor forward one character. Administratively configuring a VLAN on an 802. Fiber ports always have a status of MDIX. Disable WebView and show the current state. You have the nonexclusive and nontransferable right to use only the one (1) copy of the Program provided in this package subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Configuring SNMP Procedure 12-3 Configuring an EngineID (continued) Step Task Command(s) 4. Configuring Syslog If, for any reason, an event that is to be sent to the secure log gets dropped, resulting in the failure to record the event, an SNMP trap will be generated. Figure 23-3 Multi-Backup VRRP Configuration Example Default Gateway ge.1.1 VLAN 111 Default Gateway Default Gateway VRID 1 VRID 2 VRID 3 Router R1 ge.1.1 VLAN 111 Router R2 ge.1.2 172.200.2. show file directory/filename Delete a file. Table 26-3 show macauthentication Output Details. Use the set system lockout command to: Set the number of failed login attempts allowed before disabling a read-write or read-only user account or locking out a super-user account. Configuring LLDP Table 13-1 LLDP Configuration Commands (continued) Task Command Clear the optional LLDP and LLDP-MED TLVs to be transmitted in LLDPDUs by the specified port or ports to the default value of disabled. set sflow receiver index ip ipaddr 3. sFlow Table 18-7 lists the commands to display sFlow information and statistics. Switch (config-if)#ip address {your ip address} {mask} Switch (config-if)#no shutdown Configuration of default gateway takes place in the configuration mode and the command does not include the mask for the ip. Project with a 2nd level client. set ipsec encryption {3des | aes128 | aes192 | aes256} 4. Disabled. ACL Configuration Overview 2: deny ip any 3: deny ip any 4: permit ip any any Inserting ACL Rules When you enter an ACL rule, the new rule is appended to the end of the existing rules by default. If the address is a multicast or link-local address, then you must also specify the interface to be used to contact the DHCPv6 server. Refer to page Configuring SNMP doorstep. 1. Actively sending IGMP query messages to learn locations of multicast switches and member hosts in multicast groups within each VLAN. Both transmit and receive traffic will be mirrored. Can be no less than the max advertisement interval. Understanding and Configuring Loop Protect Valid values are 065535 seconds. User Account Overview The emergency access user is still subject to the system lockout interval even on the console port. Telnet Enabled inbound and outbound. Examples This example displays the current ratelimit configuration on port fe.1.1. Understanding and Configuring SpanGuard Monitoring MSTP Use the commands in Table 15-8 to monitor MSTP statistics and configurations on stackable, and standalone switch devices. When a packet is received, the packet is mapped to a CoS index based on the packet 802.1 priority, port, and policy role, if a policy role is present. To display additional screen output: Press any key other than ENTER to advance the output one screen at a time. index DisplaytheconfigurationoftheTACACS+serveridentifiedbyindex. PoE is not supported on the I-Series switches. By default, every bridge will have a FID-to-SID mapping that equals VLAN FID 1/SID 0. Therefore, Router R2s interface will be Master for VRID 2 handling traffic on this LAN segment sourced from subnets Link Aggregation Configuration Example The output algorithm defaults to selecting the output port based upon the destination and source IP address. System(su)->show port ratelimit fe.1.1 Global Ratelimiting status is disabled. A Fixed Switch device uses one OSPF router process that can be any number between 1 and 65535. Upon receipt, the RADIUS client software will calculate its own authenticator response using the information that was passed in the MS-CHAP2-Response attribute and the user's passed clear text password. Creates a CoS setting of index 55. Authentication Configuration Example Authentication Configuration Example Our example covers the three supported stackable and fixed switch authentication types being used in an engineering group: end-user stations, an IP phone, a printer cluster, and public internet access. Table 16-5 Displaying Policy Configuration and Statistics Task Command(s) Display policy role information. SNTP Configuration b. Automatic IP Address Pools When configuring an IP address pool for dynamic IP address assignment, the only required steps are to name the pool and define the network number and mask for the pool using the set dhcp pool network command. Decides if the upstream neighbor is capable of receiving prunes. A relay agent passes DHCP messages between clients and servers which are on different physical subnets. By default, this value is 10 link flapping instances. For information on the command syntax and parameters, refer to the online help or the CLL Reference for your platform. With this operation, an SNMP manager does not need to know the exact variable name. Access Control Lists on the A4 A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list mac mymac permit 00:01:00:02:00:01 any assignqueue 2 A4(su)->router(Config)#show access-lists mymac mymac MAC access-list 1: deny 00-E0-ED-1D-90-D5 any 2: permit 00:01:00:02:00:01 any assign-queue 2 A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list interface mymac fe.1.2 in A4(su)->router(Config)#show access-lists interface fe.1.2 24-14 Port-string Access-list ----------- ----------- fe.1. TACACS+ Procedure 26-4 TACACS+ Configuration (continued) Step Task Command(s) 8. macauthentication port Enables or disables MAC authentication on a port Disabled. Use the clear port broadcast command to return broadcast threshold settings to the default of 14881 packets per second. If that fails, the device uses the proprietary capacitor-based detection method. Procedure 22-2 OSPF Interface Configuration Step Task Command(s) 1. Meraki MS Switches have many valuable key features. User Authentication Overview When the maptable response is set to tunnel mode, the system will use the tunnel attributes in the RADIUS reply to apply a VLAN to the authenticating user and will ignore any Filter-ID attributes in the RADIUS reply. RSTP bridges receiving MSTP BPDUs interpret them as RSTP BPDUs. 12-18 Display SNMP traffic counter values. show ip mroute [unicast-source-address | multicast-group-address] [summary] Refer to the devices CLI Reference Guide, as applicable, for an example of each commands output. Use the area virtual-link command in OSPF router configuration command mode, providing the transit area ID and the ABRs router ID, to configure an area virtual-link. The creation of additional port groups could be used to combine similar ports by their function for flexibility. Table 14-1 Syslog Terms and Definitions Term Definition Enterays Usage Facility Categorizes which functional process is generating an error message. Tabl e 147providesanexplanationofthecommandoutput. Packet flow sampling will cause a steady, but random, stream of sFlow datagrams to be sent to the sFlow Collector. For ports where no authentication is present, such as switch to switch, or switch to router connections, you should also set MultiAuth port mode to force authenticate to assure that traffic is not blocked by a failed authentication. Default Settings Configuring OSPF Interface Timers The following OSPF timers are configured at the interface level in interface configuration mode: Hello Interval Dead Interval Retransmit Interval Transmit Delay Use the hello interval (ip ospf hello-interval) and dead interval (ip ospf dead-interval) timers to ensure efficient adjacency between OSPF neighbors. Refer to the CLI Reference for your platform for more information about the commands listed below. Syslog combines this value and the severity value to determine message priority. Licensing Advanced Features Node-Locked Licensing On the C3, B3, and G3 platforms, licenses are locked to the serial number of the switch to which the license applies. Configuring SNMP Procedure 12-2 SNMPv3 Configuration (continued) Step Task Command(s) 6. For a subnet with the address, the directed broadcast address would be Syslog Components and Their Use The following sections provide greater detail on modifying key Syslog components to suit your enterprise. Optionally, set the timeout period for aging learned MAC entries. Procedure 9-2 provides an example of how to create a secure management VLAN. Dynamic ARP Inspection Loopback addresses (in the range Logging Invalid Packets By default, DAI writes a log message to the normal buffered log for each invalid ARP packet it drops. If the port is configured so that it is connected to a switching device known to implement Loop Protect, it uses full functional (enhanced) mode. Using the Command Line Interface Connecting Using the Console Port Connect a terminal to the local console port as described in Connecting to the Switch on page 1-2. TheCLIsupportsEMACslikelineeditingcommands.Tabl e 13listssomecommonlyused commands. show mgmt-auth-notify 2. Quality of Service Overview Figure 17-4 Hybrid Queuing Packet Behavior Rate Limiting Rate limiting is used to control the rate of traffic entering (inbound) a switch per CoS. Rate limiting allows for the throttling of traffic flows that consume available bandwidth, in the process providing room for other flows. Using Multicast in Your Network Figure 19-1 IGMP Querier Determining Group Membership IGMP Querier IGMP Query IGMP Membership IGMP Membership Router for Router for Member of Member of As shown in Figure 19-1, a multicast-enabled device can periodically ask its hosts if they want to receive multicast traffic. 3. Configuring DVMRP System1(su)->router#configure Enter configuration commands: System1(su)->router(Config)#ip igmp System1(su)->router(Config)#ip dvmrp System1(su)->router(Config)#interface vlan 1 System1(su)->router(Config-if(Vlan 1))#ip address 255.255.255. IPv6 Routing Configuration Setting Routing General Parameters IPv6 routing parameters are set in router global configuration mode. Implementing VLANs building has its own internal network. By default, all applications running on the Enterasys switch are allowed to forward Syslog messages generated at severity levels 6 through 1. Thefollowingtabledescribestheoutputfields. ARP poisoning is a tactic where an attacker injects false ARP packets into the subnet, normally by broadcasting ARP responses in which the attacker claims to be someone else. The order in which servers are queried is based on a precedence value optionally specified when you configure the server. Refer to page Power over Ethernet Overview Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) IP surveillance cameras Devices that support Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) such as wireless access points Ethernet implementations employ differential signals over twisted pair cables. The authentication server verifies the credentials and returns an Accept or Reject message back to the switch. It is designed for use where there may be many devices communicating at the same time, and any one of the devices could be the sender at any particular time. show snmp engineid Display SNMP group information. Interpreting Messages For more information on how to configure these basic settings, refer to Syslog Command Precedence on page 14-8, and the Configuration Examples on page 14-12. Telnet Overview identifier configured in this example must be 01:00:01:22:33:44:55. Spanning Trees primary goal is to ensure a fully connected, loop-free topology. Configure the owner identity string and timeout value for an sFlow Collector in the switchs sFlow Receivers Table set sflow receiver index owner owner-string timeout timeout 2. 12 Configuring SNMP This chapter describes basic SNMP concepts, the SNMP support provided on Enterasys fixed stackable and standalone switches, and how to configure SNMP on the switches using CLI commands. Press ENTER to advance the output one line at a time. Terms and Definitions LoopProtect Lock status for port lag.0.2, SID 56_ is UNLOCKED Enterasys->show spantree lpcapablepartner port lag.0.2 Link partner of port lag.0.2_is LoopProtect-capable. The RP router, for the group, is selected by using the hash algorithm defined in RFC 2362. Configuring OSPF Areas injected into the stub area to enable other stub routers within the stub area to reach any external routes that are no longer inserted into the stub area. set system login username {readwrite|read-only} enable (All other parameters are optional.) Thisexampleenablesmulticastfloodprotection. Configuring a Stack of New Switches 1. Tabl e 203providesanexplanationofthecommandoutput. 3. EAPOL authentication mode When enabled, set to auto for all ports. Configuring IGMP Table 19-4 Layer 3 IGMP Configuration Commands Task Command Set the maximum response time being inserted into group-specific queries sent in response to leave group messages. Configuring Policy Table 16-5 on page 16-11 describes how to display policy information and statistics. Using the all parameter will display all default and non-default configuration settings. C5(su)->router(Config)#show access-lists 121 Extended IP access list 121 1: deny ip 0.0.255. For example, you could assign WRR to queues 0 through 4 by assigning 20 percent to each of those queues, and then setting queue 5 to SP. Ctrl+E Move cursor to end of line. Additionally, a received BPDU will be treated as any multicast packet and flooded out all ports. STP Operation STP Operation Enterasys switch devices support the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) as defined in the following standards and described in IEEE 802.1Q: IEEE 802.1D (Spanning Tree Protocol) IEEE 802.1w (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol) IEEE 802.1s (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol) IEEE 802.1t (Update to 802. Display current IPv6 management status. Meraki MS Switches Features. Managing the Firmware Image Downloading from a TFTP or SFTP Server This procedure assumes that the switch or stack of switches has been assigned an IP address and that it is connected to the network. In the event any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby, and that provision shall be reformed, construed and enforced to the maximum extent permissible. If this state is disabled, LACP PDUs are transmitted every 1 second. Procedures Perform the following steps to configure and monitor port mirroring using SMON MIB objects. show port [port-string] Display operating and admin status, speed, duplex mode and port type for one or more ports on the device. The ARP Table This example shows output from a successful ping to IP address C5(su)->router#ping is alive Use the traceroute command to display a hop-by-hop path through an IP network from the device to a specific destination host. If you clear a license from a member unit in a stack while the master unit has a activated license, the status of the member will change to ConfigMismatch and its ports will be detached from the stack. Three ICMP probes will be transmitted for each hop between the source and the traceroute destination. Link Aggregation Configuration Example on each device is to ensure that LAGs form only where we configure them. 3. Each area has its own link-state database. Hardware troubleshooting and replace when it was necessary. Table 15-5 on page 15-19 defines the characteristics of each MSTI. Enabling DVMRP globally on the device and on the VLANs. Configuring Link Aggregation This section provides details for the configuration of link aggregation on the N-Series, S-Series, stackable, and standalone switch products. Optionally, enable the aging of first arrival MAC addresses on a port or ports. By convention, the higher the port speed, the lower the port cost. Only a system administrator (super-user) may enable the security audit logging function, and only a system administrator has the ability to retrieve, copy, or upload the secure.log file. Configuring VRRP The master advertise-interval is changed to 2 seconds for VRID 1. In this way, VACM allows you to permit or deny access to any individual item of management information depending on a user's group membership and the level of security provided by the communications channel. In this way, both upstream and downstream facing ports are protected. On the Enterasys switch, define the same user as in the above example (v3user) with this EngineID and with the same Auth/Priv passwords you used previously. Using Multicast in Your Network IGMP snooping is disabled by default on Enterasys devices. Super-users can copy the secure.log file using SCP, SFTP, or TFTP. Managing Switch Configuration and Files Displaying the Configuration Executing show config without any parameters will display all the non-default configuration settings. Configuring Node Aliases C5(su)->show nodealias config ge.1.1 Port Number ----------ge.1.1 Max Entries ----------32 Used Entries -----------32 Status ---------Enable The following command disables the node alias agent on port ge.1.8: C5(su)->set nodealias disable ge.1. For example: C5(su)->dir Images: ================================================================== Filename: c5-series_06.42.06.0008 Version: 06.42.06. However, Enterasys Networks strongly recommends that you use NetSight Policy Manager, not CLI commands, to configure policy in your network. Configuring CLI Properties Basic Line Editing Commands The CLI supports EMACs-like line editing commands. 3. set port vlan port-string vlan-id [modify-egress | no-modify-egress] Optionally, specify whether or not the ports should be added to the VLANs untagged egress list and removed from other untagged egress lists. Syslog Components and Their Use Table 14-1 describes the Enterasys implementation of key Syslog components. Router 4 is configured as an ASBR connected to a RIP autonomous system. Specification Guide (English) Quick Setup Guide (English) User Manual (English) Installation Instruction (English) DFE (PLATINUM) WITH 60 10 100 1000BASE-T 7G4202-60 Table 14-4 show netstat Output Details. 21 IPv4 Basic Routing Protocols This chapter describes how to configure the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and the ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP). This allows VLANs to share addressing information. Step 10. Determines if the keys for trap doors do exist. The router with the highest priority is elected the DR, and the router with the next highest priority is elected the BDR. For commands with optional parameters, this section describes how the CLI responds if the user opts to enter only the keywords of the command syntax. IPv6 Routing Configuration Enabling an Interface for IPv6 Routing In addition to enabling an interface for routing, you must enable unicast routing on the switch with the ipv6 unicast-routing command in global router configuration mode. System baud rate Set to 9600 baud. By default, Syslog server is globally enabled, with no IP addresses configured, at a severity level of 8. Configuration Digest 16-octet HMAC-MD5 signature created from the configured VLAN Identification (VID)/Filtering Identification (FID) to Multiple Spanning Tree Instances (MSTI) mappings. Valid sid values are 04094. set snmp targetaddr targetaddr ipaddr param param [udpport udpport] [mask mask] [timeout timeout] [retries retries] [taglist taglist] [volatile | nonvolatile] If not specified, udpport will be set to 162. 9 Configuring VLANs This chapter describes how to configure VLANs on Enterasys fixed stackable and standalone switches. The information about Power over Ethernet (PoE) applies only to fixed switching platforms that provide PoE support. 3. A value of 0 means that two consecutive SPF calculations are performed one immediately after the other. Thisexampledisplaystheneighborsinthecache. The PIM specifications define several modes or methods by which a PIM router can build the distribution tree. Enterasys S8-Chassis Hardware installation manual (68 pages) Pages: 68 | Size: Policy Configuration Example Configuring Guest Policy on Edge Platforms All edge ports will be set with a default guest policy using the set policy port command. set port inlinepower port-string {[admin {off | auto}] [priority {critical | high | low}] [type type]} admin Enables (auto) or disables (off) PoE on a port. Policy Configuration Example A CoS of 8 Create a policy role that applies a CoS 8 to data VLAN 10 and configures it to rate-limit traffic to 200,000 kbps with a moderate priority of 5. If it finds a match, it forwards the frame out the appropriate port, if and only if, that port is allowed to transmit frames for VLAN 50. The set port mdix command only configures Ethernet ports, and cannot be used to configure combo ports on the switch. Configuring IRDP Configuring IRDP Using IRDP in Your Network The ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP), described in RFC 1256, enables a host on multicast or broadcast networks to determine the address of a router it can use as a default gateway. The highest valid port number is dependent on the number of ports in the device and the port type. Connecting to the Switch If the adapter cable requires a driver, install the driver on your computer. (Optional) Configure the allocation mode for system power available for PoE. How RADIUS Data Is Used The Enterasys switch bases its decision to open the port and apply a policy or close the port based on the RADIUS message, the port's default policy, and unauthenticated behavior configuration.
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