I wasnt good at most things but I was good at men, Ava confides in the reader, and Julian was the richest man Id ever been good at.. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, I was more interested in her thoughts and experiences with class than her relationships, to be honest, even as they played proxy for amplifying her feelings around status. Written in a Woolf-esque internal monologue from Ava's perspective, we are met with an inner conflict that struggles to reconcile her disapproval of capitalism and a hyper-sensitivity to class structures . She talks to Ava about Ava, and delivers the odd riff on her mother or Judy Garland, but we never delve deep into her own feelings or get to see her vulnerabilities exposed. ), On a personal level, I found Avas character very insular and detached, but the moments that worked their way under my skin were those where she drafted text messages which she didnt send. About the author (2020) Naoise Dolan is an Irish writer born in Dublin. Why do you like me? Ava asks him. Our parents had divorced when I was a baby, and now lived in different counties in the west of Ireland. Youre not easily pleased with how other people put sentences together, Julian accuses, but when it comes to money, youve got no taste. It all adds up to a bracing, refreshing first novel, with hints of greater things to come. I loved Exciting Times and could see within the first few chapters why it's on lots of best books 2020 lists. Aperus are . Avas character provides us with biting social commentary. When he leaves to go work in London again, Ava is left wondering what their exact relationship status is, caught between being a sugar baby or being Julians girlfriend. Reviews | Nolan does a brilliant job of harnessing technology to her story, specifically the phone. @brigittesbookshelf, "Lovers of Sally Rooney will absolutely devour this book. Abbi Jacobson $28.00 in cart add to cart About Support / Help Become an Affiliate Gift Cards Careers - We're hiring! They form a digital counterbalance to Avas aloof and guarded in-person presence, and through this duality Dolan captures perfectly the nauseating insecurity of growing up today. Click here and be the first to review this book! influencers in the know since 1933. by Dolan seasons the novel with insights about class, gender, race, colonialism, and language, though the result does not always bring depth of flavour. Given my absolute adoration of Rooney, its no surprise I loved this debut by a writer who counts Rooney as an inspiration and mentor. Its a story about intimacy, vulnerability, being alone, and being different versions of yourself with different people. Dolan explores the uncertainty that can come with queer dating in Exciting Times, Ava spending hours analysing Edith's Instagram for clues about her sexuality when they first meet. I 'm sorry. I am a huge Sally Rooney fan, ergo, this book was such a treat for me. Naoise Dolan An intimate, bracingly intelligent debut novel about a millennial Irish expat who becomes entangled in a love triangle with a male banker and a female lawyer As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Everyone should read it right now. Your ultimate guide to the (arguably) best film genre: the romantic comedy. I really am. Most recently, she was the Managing Editor at Coveteur, where she oversaw the sites day-to-day editorial operations. It reads fairly quickly and isnt long, so would make a great summer poolside story!" Search: Do you take delight in words like "gormless"? Similarly to her feelings about Julian, Ava becomes obsessed with Edith, to the point where she begins wondering if Edith will be her girlfriend. But that's what I really enjoyed about thisthe characters felt real and the uncertainty and non-committal situations also felt very real. Politics, class, and race anxiously hover over the entire novel. HarperCollins. NOTE: I am coming in here a little over a year after writing this because I have changed a bit as a reader and reviewer, and want this, which is still getting eyes on it pretty constantly, to reflect that. Trouble signing in? An exquisitely rendered portrait of a unique father-daughter relationship and a moving memoir of family and identity. 23 year old Ava moves to Hong Kong to escape Ireland. I cant wait to read what Dolan writes next. Dolans writing is extremely sharp both cutting and tart but there are places where it feels overly cynical. [2] She experienced homophobic bullying in school. This novel is a tedious account of one girls romantic flings during a year of living abroad in Hong Kong. The comparison was mentioned repeatedly in the book's marketing materials, in reviews, in interviews, and in the 28-year-old's author biographies. But even though shes divorced, Lily isnt exactly free. As Ava grapples with the newfound vulnerability Edith has exposed in her, she finds herself observing her own actions like a zoologist peering into a cage. The story centers on conflict within Ava, the main character. Both are well-educated and earning a good living. But Im going to just get it out of the way, for Naoise Dolan is Irish, in her mid-20s, and her debut was previewed in literary magazine The Stinging Fly while Rooney edited it. "The angst of your twentiestrying to figure out who you are can be exhaustingyoure trying on identities like outfits. Exciting Times : A Novel [PDF] PDF Under: Categories eBooks & Readings. I am not in my twenties although still full of angst. . It seemed farcical that I even needed to explain to Edith . Ava makes it her mission to get him to admit some feelings for her, purely because it would give her the upper hand. Get help and learn more about the design. Sally Rooney-endorsed. I know its frustrating that any new young female writer must find themselves compared to Sally Rooney. Three-syllable words spread out like the spokes on an umbrella: "attaches" became "a-tach-iss.". Founded in 2009, The Rumpus is one of the longest running independent online literary and culture magazines.Our mostly volunteer-run magazine strives to be a platform for risk-taking voices and writing that might not find a home elsewhere. Millennials floundering in the realms of the heart. She, a . Judy Blume, edited by Now I know what the phrase razor sharp wit really means. She has been short-listed and long-listed for several prizes, including the Women's Prize for Fiction, the Dylan Thomas Prize, and the Sunday Times Young Writer . $15 for 3 months. In a novel where human connection is such a challenge, these flickering pixels provide one of the most affecting and powerful moments. Not long after her arrival, she finds herself on a lunch date with Julian, an Oxford-educated British banker in his late 20s. I related to it immensely. She's a young Irish woman, after all, and she'd written a . She also launched and managed the sites virtual book club, #ReadWithMC. This can be really interesting territory for a novel, but it didn't completely work for me here. A refreshingly wry and insightful debut." More Books, Published Jun 2020 Theres a certain dry, almost deadpan quality in her observation of the lives of her twentysomething characters the complications of attraction, and the gap between whats felt and whats spoken; calmly articulated self-loathing, and precise capturing of class differences that both authors nail down dead. Naoise Dolan's Exciting Times drew instant comparisons to Sally Rooney's Conversations with Friends (2017) and Normal People (2019)perhaps because Dolan and Rooney are both brilliant Irish . this book is insane because not only does the protagonist have the same birthday as me but also the male love interest has the same birthday as the man i didn't shut up about all of last year. In stylish, uncluttered prose, Naoise Dolan dissects the personal and financial transactions that make up a lifeand announces herself as a singular new voice. If you love prose sprinkled with sarcasm, characters who could use some serious self-improvement, and complicated love stories, thenExciting Timeswill likely appeal to you. June 2, 2020. I rolled my eyes a few times. Phoebe Dynevor, the glamorous lead of Netflix's Bridgerton, is set to star and executive produce Exciting Times. There are intimate moments here, even if they do occur at one remove. This model of relationship-as-power-struggle is hardly new, but Dolan brings a fresh 21st-century sensibility to it. She spends so much time telling us how lacking she is that I started to believe her. Exciting Times. The characters are refreshing, I think particularly for me because they are not American, thus allowing for some exploration of how differing cultures analyze and observe class, race, and politics. Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan. That doesnt make for a worthy heroineor it might make me 'too old' to empathize. GENERAL FICTION, by I wasn't immediately sucked inI think when Edith entered the picture, I became a lot more engaged. A literary and hilarious tour de force. . A heartbroken scientist searching for a cure finds a second chance at fatherhood when one of his test subjectsa pigdevelops the capacity for human speech. The prose is interesting; the way Dolan writes the dialogue is natural; the conversations back home with family felt real in a way that many writing about calling home don't. With a similar rhythm of detachment and sparsity found in Rooney and Ottessas writing, I can see why comparisons are being drawn, and I dont think this comparison does Dolan any disservice. Ill update in the comments if I ever figure it out. ), She and Edith are a love story, but also a fear story. Straight romance. I think these were used as great insights. Condition - Very Good. I know its frustrating that any new young female writer must find themselves compared to Sally Rooney. Do you marvel at clever sentence structure when encountered in a book? 1. Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan. Naoise Dolan will be an auto-buy for me in the future." Ava feels safer, more shielded from harm with Julian, but happier with Edith. She is highly attuned both to the power dynamics at play (do you want me to depend on you? she asks him) and to her moral predicament, as she adds up how much money she is saving on rent, as well as on the clothes and meals Julian pays for with the funds he doesnt know what to do with. Naoise Dolan is a queer and autistic Irish writer born in Dublin. From the jump, Ava approaches the world with cleareyed humor. As I started reading this novel, I realized I had to take my time with it. On a sentence level the novel delivers one perfect zinger after another. anyway i picked this novel up solely because of the sally rooney comparisons and in the second chapter itself a sentence begins like because i lacked warmth [] which reminded me of the quote in rooney's second novel that goes [..] marianne lacks warmth, by which she means the ability to beg for love from people who hate her. what i will say in my measured judgement is that rooney's writing, especially considering. Despite the chip on her shoulder, she falls in with Julian, an Eton-educated English banker who she enjoys being with because they (supposedly) arent that interested in each other: It wasnt like normal friendships where I worried if the other person still liked me. She moves into his swanky apartment, rent-free, and they have sex. A young Dubliner in Hong Kong struggles to connect in this fresh and funny debut about love and self-knowledge. Spam Free: Your email is never shared with anyone; opt out any time. But real life is messy and people are messy, and this book dramatizes that in a way that rings profoundly true. Her relationships are dysfunctional and we see her repeatedly make choices that we know (or think we know) are wrong for her. @what_leah_reads. GENERAL ROMANCE | Naoise Dolan is an Irish writer born in Dublin. DAS APASIONANTES es una novela social (casi generacional) disfrazada de historia de amor. Buy Exciting Times: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER and shortlisted for the An Post Irish Book Awards 2020 By Naoise Dolan. However, I soon grew to really like this, as I became used to her inner thoughts. Categories: You have to understand that this is the kind of story I have very high standards for because the plot is an evergreen plot: young person at loose ends making her way in the world and deciding who to love. While Julian is back in London for six months, Ava meets Mei Ling Edith Zhang, a corporate lawyer from a well-off Hong Kong family. Exciting Times PDF Details. In stylish, uncluttered prose, Naoise Dolan dissects the personal and financial transactions that make up a lifeand announces herself as a singular new voice. It read as slow-paced indecisiveness. Politically alert, heartbreakingly raw, and dryly funny, Exciting Times is thrillingly attuned to the great freedoms and greater uncertainties of modern love. And damn I wish I could figure out why exactly. "Jealousy and obsession, love and late capitalism, sex and the internet all come whirling together in a wry and bracing tale of class . After a local waiter replies to her English greeting in Cantonese, an irritated Edith points out one of Avas blind spots: Youre not noticing because youre white, she says, people see me and assume Im from here. Edith might let Ava off the hook, but why should todays reader do the same? Oh . Naoise Dolan's debut novel Exciting Times is to be made into a television series in the United States by Black Bear Pictures, whose credits include the 2014 Alan Turing biopic The Imitation Game. RELEASE DATE: May 8, 1998. , RIYL: Sally Rooney. Ava, a 22-year-old Dubliner living in Hong Kong, describes herself as good at men. Categories: Here goes apologies if this review gets a bit ranty. I'm highly anticipating another Naoise Dolan book, I wonder if there could be another instalment of Ava going by Exciting Times book ending. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Naoise Dolan captures perfectly the nauseating insecurity of growing up today. Politically alert, heartbreakingly raw, and dryly funny, Exciting Times is thrillingly attuned to the great freedoms and greater uncertainties of modern love. The dark and light sides of friendship breathlessly explored in a novel best saved for summer beachside reading. Heavily influenced by Sally Rooneys Normal People in terms of the tiresome indecisiveness of committing to a relationship, its as if Exciting Times is just Normal People set in China with some extra LGBT content packed in. Its unusual and contemplative and just very different. Nordstrom has been the go-to destination for fashion editors alike, and this season is no different. Exciting Times is very funny in its cool observation and the way it takes us inside Avas spirals of overthinking. Por supuesto que la historia de esta joven irlandesa buscndose la vida como profesora de ingls en Hong Kong y tratando de sobrevivir a dos amores casi opuestos (aunque no tan diferentes) es maravillosa, sexy, extica y fascinante, pero es que ese personaje protagonista est tan bien construido que el libro sera igual de interesante si no le pasase nada de todo lo extraordinario que le sucede. As they fall into a quasi-relationship, Ava moves into his apartment, where Julian allows her to live rent-free. Fiercely intelligent, brutally funny and written with such heart, Exciting Times announces an impressive new voice in literature. Ultimately, this one was a miss for me. When Lily runs into Atlas Corrigan, a childhood friend who also came from an abusive family, she hopes their friendship can blossom into love. I also really loved how the author addresses the Irish English references in the novel and wondered if non-Irish readers understand them. Telling neither the full truth about the other, Ava finds herself falling in love with Edith. I personally see the appeal for Sally Rooneys fans (and thats why I chose it as my next rec), but I also think that Dolan deserves praise of her own. It was as if someone else ironed everything for her her whole life, Ava thinks, and her role was to make new creases. Dolan is also funny about Irishness, pointing out the irony of Ava having to teach her young ESL students how to aspirate the th in things when, as a Dubliner, she has gone 22 years without once pronouncing it herself. Find books by time period, setting & theme, Read-alike suggestions by book and author. The fact that Naoise Dolan is being touted as "the new Sally Rooney" is nothing short of an insult to Rooney's work. The project, based on Irish writer Naoise Dolan's debut novel, hails from U.S. financier-producer Black Bear Pictures, which optioned rights to the book ahead of its June 2020 U.S. release to . And then Julian writes to tell Ava he is coming back to Hong Kong Should Ava return to the easy compatibility of her life with Julian or take a leap into the unknown with Edith? When you purchase an independently reviewed book through our site, we earn an affiliate commission. Omnipresent yet subtle, Hong Kong doesn't overshadow the characters and their struggles in trying to figure out life. Exciting Timesfollows Ava, a young Irish woman living in Hong Kong and her relationship with Julian and Edith. The story follows Ava, a quick witted, self-loathing Irish 22-year-old teacher and Julian, an almost-30-year-old British banker, both living as expats in Hong Kong. Her debut novel, Exciting Times, was a Sunday Times bestseller, widely translated, and optioned for television. , Dry humor can be hard to execute on the page, but Naoise Dolan does so effortlessly and its evident from the very first pages. Those whove spent time in Hong Kong cant help wondering what its like to be among the Anglophone transplants who work and party there. Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan was published April 16th with Weidenfeld & Nicolson and is described as 'accessible, acerbic, smart and fun' Skip to content. I have a feeling this one is going to be popping up on lots of summer 2020 must read lists! I have no love for a novel which only uses my home town as a colorful backdrop and doesn't give a shit about what is happening to the local people. It also turned into a really beautiful queer love story, taking turns I hadnt anticipated at the outset of the novel. This book really does navigate the muddle of thought and inaction cleverly. But Caitlin, whose own demons have been hinted at, will not be so lucky. Judy Blume Regardless of whether this will be a standout favorite for you, I believe we can all appreciate the hype it has whipped up and the skill of Dolans writing." Naoise Dolan. The book is fast-paced, but with finely-wrought moments of stillness. You get annoyed when a book includes references to politics/political issues/cultural references and you have NO IDEA what they mean (lots of info on politics in Ireland and Hong Kong, neither of which I knew OR cared to Google), While this style is definitely not for me, if you were a fan ofNormal PeopleandEleanor Oliphant,I can see you really enjoying this read and encourage you to try. And also coming out: Ava slowly falls for Edith, a Hong Kong lawyer. 2019 Naoise Dolan (P)2019 Orion Publishing Group. Blume knows the way kids and teens speak, but her two female leads are less credible as they reach adulthood. Ava is pulled into the orbit of wealthy, privileged banker Julian who comes from London. If Sally Rooney couldn't write, was more cynical and forgot everything about subtlety and realistic characterisation and dialogue. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Honestly. Join BookBrowse today to start discovering exceptional books! Exciting Times is published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson. But Im going to just get it out of the way, for Naoise Dolan is Irish, in her mid-20s, and her debut was previewed in literary magazine, Naoise Dolan: 'I'm not good at presenting myself as likable', Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan review a witty, deadpan debut, 'The stakes were really high': the stars bringing Sally Rooney's Normal People to TV, 'My family are too frightened to read my book': meet Europe's most exciting authors, Sally Rooney: 'I want the next thing I do to be the best thing Ive ever done', 'All words are not equal': the debut novelist who's become a lockdown sensation, Tiger King and a bloody mary: Hilary Mantel, Simon Armitage and other writers on lockdown life, Introducing our 10 best debut novelists of 2020. Ava eventually comes to recognise that her cynicism is the protective garb of youth, but it is something the book also struggles to shrug off. Already drawing comparisons to Sally Rooneys work, Exciting Times, by Naoise Dolan, has many of the familiar tropes of the millennial novel covered: Jealousy and obsession, love and late capitalism, sex and the internet all come whirling together in a wry and bracing tale of class and privilege. It felt authentic, less an added 'interesting' point, but a way of being that felt effortless. "Telling Time to Minute" contains high-end 3D animations that explain abstract topics visually in detail to understand it more easily. Often when I read a queer novel some of it feels forced; this was seamless. A banker who likes to spend money on Ava, to have sex and discuss fluctuating currencies with her. Naoise Dolan is an Irish writer born in Dublin. Exciting Times is a fun, snappy read ordinarily, Id say its short chapters could be torn through on your commute, but itll brighten lockdown too. There is just something I really appreciate about women writing about women making terrible choices and being honest about that while they are doing it. dynamic. Offline, shes likely watching a Heat game or finding a new coffee shop. Youre not a fan of unreliable narrators (hiit me), 3. Aperus are withering. Naoise Dolan'sExciting Times (opens in new tab)drew instant comparisons to Sally Rooney'sConversations with Friends (opens in new tab)(2017) andNormal People (opens in new tab)(2019)perhaps because Dolan and Rooney are both brilliant Irish writers who instill a dry sense of humor in their characters. Since the content is visually instructed, it creates excitement in learning by the users and improves the retention rate to a greater extent which . Pre-publication book reviews and features keeping readers and industry Dolan was born in Dublin, Ireland. Retrieve credentials. Ava admires how Julian handles his advantages, how he could calmly note where he benefited from unfairness not self-indulgently like I often did, but factually. As their undefined relationship goes on, she begins to develop her own brand of romantic longing, which begins with a desire for his life of privilege. - Booklist (starred review) 3. However, its the authors style of writing that really grew on me. Some will declare Ava sharp and wise and funny, a hyper-relatable protagonist. m sorry. Any "Author Information" displayed below reflects the author's biography at the time this particular book was published. But boy, this novel feels so liveless and fake. Very . I don't do that often. BookBrowse seeks out and recommends the best in contemporary fiction and nonfictionbooks that not only engage and entertain but also deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. It finds her teaching English while abroad and indecisive about two lovers. Do you re-read witty comebacks to try and bake them into your mind should you ever need them? But when she asks whether he loves her, he cannot say more than "I like you a great deal." Her sentences are sharp and confident, especially for a debut. I hope youll give her debut a tryit was exceedingly worth it!" But now theyre co-parenting a daughter, Emerson, who's almost a year old. She obtained an English degree from Trinity College Dublin in 2016 and later a Master's Degree in Victorian Literature from Oxford University. "Exciting Timesfollows 22-year-old Ava as she leaves Ireland to teach in Hong Kong. Lily wont send Emerson to her fathers house overnight until shes old enough to talkSo she can tell me if something happensbut she doesnt want to fight for full custody lest it become an expensive legal drama or, worse, a physical fight. Are they as insensitive and indifferent as they seem to the foreign city they call home? I worried this might endanger our friendship, but so far it seemed to be facilitating it., Their friendship eventually moves through phases of awkward flirtation into a romantic affair, taking place mostly in Julians apartment, and in secret, as Edith is not out to her parents. She hopes hell be as impressed by her youth and attractiveness as she is by his salary, which she has Googled, thoroughly. @bookcrazyblogger. Through palpable tension balanced with glimmers of hope, Hoover beautifully captures the heartbreak and joy of starting over. Edith Zhang Mei LingEnglish name Edith, Chinese name Mei Ling .
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