Read more. He was 6 feet tall,musculer,had wide cheek bones, a high forehead, and a head so large that it was necessay to have extra size hats manufactored for him. Includes citations for all sources. Children of George and Mary (Bucket) Soule: Mayflower Families In Progress, George Soule, part 1, by Louise W. Throop. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Richard Warren, Stephen Hopkins, Giles Hopkins, William Brewster and his wife, Mary, and Henry Samson, Sarah Louise Palin (ne Heath; born February 11, 1964) is an American politician, commentator, and author who served as the ninth Governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009. Home of the descendants of mayflower passenger George Soule Soule did his work so well as the Father of the Constitution, that there had been only slight inclination on the part of Episcopal Methodism to devise new means of ecesiastical law making, subsequently, he affected the polity of Methodism by his views concerning the sub-iposcopate. He had volunteered for the Pequot War of 1637, but Plymouth's troops were not needed. "[16], It is likely[according to whom?] ELIZABETH SOULE, b. say 1645 (fined for committing fornication 3 March 1662/3 [PCR 5:34]; sued Nathaniel Church 5 October 1663 for refusing to marry her [PCR 7:111]; ordered whipped 2 July 1667 for committing fornication a second time [PCR 5:162]); m. by 23 July 1668 Francis Walker [MD 27:39-40, citing PCLR 3:126]. Famous Kin of George Soule (c1602 - c1679/80) Mayflower passenger 1620. William married Grace Berrend. Rose Standishwife, 27 *Thompson, Edwardservant to the White family, under 21; famous descendants of george soule. She married John Haskell in January 1666/7 in Middleboro and had eight children. Susan was born on 1 Sep 1839 in Devinshire, England, died on 2 Feb 1920 in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan and was buried in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan. He died on 15 May 1706 in Middleboro. Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of George Soule (c1601-c1679/1680) to other famous people. On 20 March 1636/7 he was allowed the hay ground where he got hay the year before [PCR 1:56]. [PCR 5:275, 8:175, 198]. [13] Soule's daughter-in-law, Rebecca Simonson, daughter of colonist, Moses Simonson, may have had Jewish ancestry,[14][15] and Soule's printing colleague, Edward "Raban was from a Jewish-descended family in Germany. On 4 December 1637 George Soule was granted a garden place "on Ducksborrow side" [PCR 1 :69]. He was buried at Myles Standish Burial Ground in Duxbury, Massachusetts as his wife Mary had predeceased him in 1676. The inventory of the estate of George Soule of Duxbury, taken 22 January 1679[/80], totalled 40 l 9s., of which 25 was real estate: "dwelling house, orchard, barn and upland," 20; and "meadow land," 5; John Soule appended a long list of charges against the estate, including an item "for diet and tendance since my mother died which was three year the last December" [MD 2:83-84, citing PCPR 4:1:51]. Flip the cards to discover which Mayflower passengers are the ancestors of these celebrities. ], 20 October 1646 [PCR 2:108]. Allrightsreserved. George Young's lineage was noted in this 1771 obituary. At the age of 26, Soule wrote the constitution of the Methodist Episcopal church. Read more, is descended from Pierce 26 March 1676 during King Philip's War [Bodge 350]; unm. 1620-1633 Vols I-III. Martha was born about 1679 and died on 16 Feb 1758 in Middleboro, Massachusetts. Her mother had a Mayflower-sounding name Alden. Johnson notes after this time, Mary Beckett is not found again in Watford records, based on recent research. He was granted a garden place on the Ducksborrow side by Powder Point in 1637 and other lands there in 1638. [26], Marie/Mary Buckett, wife of George Soule. Committee on boundaries 1 June 1658 [PCR 3:138]. William Mullins and his wife, Alice, Priscilla Mullins, John Alden and Thomas Rogers, Zachary David Alexander Efron (born October 18, 1987) is an American actor and singer. Aaron married Joanna Lindsey on 2 Apr 1825 in Turner, Maine. She died after 18 September 1684, in Kings Towne, King's Province . Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman and Donald N. Yates, A L E Verheyden, "Anabaptism in Flanders 15301650" (1946, reprinted 1961) p. 31, Louise Walsh Throop, "Further Searching for the Origins of Mayflower Passenger George Soule: Printer's Devil in Leiden?" He is a shoemaker. Fanney was born in 1867 and died in 1923 in Ubly Cemetary. ], 20 October 1646 [PCR 2:108]. General Notes:Samuel W. soule is a dealer in livestock in Applegate,Michigan. William Mullins and his wife, Alice, Priscilla Mullins, and John Alden, Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch (born 19 July 1976)is an English actor who has performed in film, television, theatre and radio. When finally published with all names of signers, only Soule was still alive from the print work crew. Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person. A lineal descendant of Georgge Soule who came over on the Mayflower. The will of George Soule is dated 11 August 1677, but it is the codicil, dated 20 September 1677 that proves interesting; apparently there was some animosity between son John, and his sister, Patience. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. [31], Nathaniel may have caused the most colony trouble of any of his siblings. famous descendants of george soule. Mary was born on 17 May 1870 and died on 2 Apr 1925. Soule Kindred Newsletter Volume 43 No. Nancy married George Jordan on 19 May 1888. His children migrated to Michigan starting with Alexander in 1858. 1632 in Plymouth Nathaniel, born ca. William Bradford, James Chilton, Susanna Furner, Mary Chilton, and Francis Cooke, Jane Seymour Fonda (born December 21, 1937) is an American actress, writer, political activist, former fashion model and fitness guru. She ordered them out. She and her husband George were grouped with the Warrens in the 1627 Division of Cattle, with Mrs. Warren coming from Hertfordshire, as did Mary Beckett. Famous Kin of George Soule (c1602 - c1679/80) Mayflower passenger 1620. Mayflower ancestries sourced from the following: 19962020 New England Historic Genealogical Society. As with any good genealogical research, if you discover a link to your own family tree, consider it a starting point for further research. His plan provided for a deleggated and representive General Conference, which was subject to six restrictive rules, to have legislative authority for the denomination. Martha was born about 1833 and died on 17 Sep 1896. All Rights Reserved. Aaron married Mary Wadsworth before 1699. His origins are unknown, although research conducted by Caleb Johnson in 2009 suggests the possibility of George, son of William and Joan Soule, who was baptized at Tingrith, Bedford, England, 9 February 1594/95. General Notes:John Soule was a master mariner. Research devoted solely to this person has either not yet taken place or it is currently in progress. John Billington. George Soule, Miles Standish and John Alden laid out the first town, Duxbury, and are buried there. By reviewing the Mayflower passenger list, descendants can often get their first clue. He insisted that an elective presiding eldership was unconstitutional since the fundemental law of the church instructed th bishops to oversee the business of the church. (This is present day London,Ontario, on the south bank of the Thames River and traversed by Plingnan's creek. The original compact was lost. Asenath married William Lowe on 27 May 1793. Susan married Cyrus Ludington, son of Joseph Ludington and Sarah Jane Dibble, on 18 Apr 1890. Mary was born in 1668 and died in 1741. [1][4][26], First in 1642 and last in 1662, he was assigned to at least five grand and petty juries. and our loyal RootsWeb community. John married Martha Tinkham. In 1640 he was granted meadow at Greens Harbor. Orpan was born about 1707 and died on 15 Feb 1791 in Marshfield, Massachusetts. This guide will help you find out. 1639 in Plymouth Susanna, born ca. Moses married Mercy Southworth. Signed his will. Sarah married Adam Wright. Alexander born in U.S. and David,Riley and Martha born in Canada. Elizabeth married Robert Pafford on 17 Aug 1887. John was born about 1632 and died in Duxbury before 14 November 1707. He died between 29 April 1718 and 26 March 1720, probably in Plymouth. Soule Kindred in America, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1967 and dedicated to furthering the knowledge and understanding of American Colonial history, along with the Pilgrims and their descendants, with special emphasis on George Soule. Aaron next married Orpan Waterman Ford on 18 Dec 1775 in Pembrooke. Volume 3 of Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who Landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620, General Society of Mayflower Descendants. The young woman known to Plymouth Colony history as "Marie Buckett" arrived in Plymouth in July 1623 as a single woman passenger on the ship Anne. [2][4], In 1633/34 Soule (as "Sowle") was taxed at the lowest rate which indicates that his estate was without much significance. Known for her fierce independence and spirited personality, Hepburn was a leading lady in Hollywood for more than 60 years. Susan married Alex McMillan. The worst was yet to come after arriving at their destination when, in the space of several months, almost half the passengers perished in the cold, harsh, unfamiliar New England winter. On 5 March 1667/8 George Soule Sr. stood surety with his son John for the good behavior of his son Nathaniel Soule who had verbally abused Mr. John Holmes, teacher of the church at Duxburrow [PCR 4:178]. Includes citations for all sources. 4 p. 10 (Autumn 2009), Craig S. Chartier, "Of Plymouth Plantation: Predicting the Location of the Original Plymouth Village, Its Extent, and Its Houses," PARP May 2016,, George Soule of the Mayflower and his descendants for Four Generations, by John E. Souel, Milton E. Terry and Robert S. Wakefield, Second Edition, Boston:Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1995, pg. 1644 in Plymouth Elizabeth, born ca. George Soule (c. 1601 between 20 September 1677 and 22 January 1679)[1] was a colonist who was one of the indentured servants on the Mayflower and helped establish Plymouth Colony in 1620. Mae was born on 9 Apr 1885 and died on 28 Jul 1953 in Sanilac County, Michigan. But this man Georg Soule, is still living and hath *8* children". Judith K. Jarvis, Susan L. Levin, Donald N. Yates, Arthur Hertzberg, The Jews in America: Four Centuries of an Uneasy Encounter: a History (1997), pg. General Notes:Soule; English, Dweller at or near a muddy pond.From the George Soule and his Descendants for 4 generations book :He married prob. These sources are attached to each ancestor so that you can personally judge their reliability. The most promising record found to date is the baptism of a George Soule on 9 February 1595 at Tingrith, Bedford, son of William. George Soule (c. 1601 - between 20 September 1677 and 22 January 1679) [1] was a colonist who was one of the indentured servants on the Mayflower and helped establish Plymouth Colony in 1620. John was born about 1856. Copyright 1994-2020, The blog of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. The land at the "watering place" in south Plymouth was sold the next year, possibly as he was living in Duxbury at that time and did not need his property in south Plymouth. President and General Ulysses S. Grant Jesse Grant Noah Grant Susanna Delano Jonathan Delano Mercy Warren Nathaniel Warren RICHARD WARREN President James A. Garfield Eliza Ballou Mehitable Ingalls Sybil Carpenter Jotham Carpenter Desire Martin Mercy Billington FRANCIS BILLINGTON JOHN BILLINGTON "[24], Noted Mayflower researcher and author Caleb H. Johnson writes in The Mayflower Quarterly of December 2013 that the origin of Mary Buckett, wife of Mayflower passenger George Soule, has not been conclusively proven by his, or any previous research. Learn more. George was born about 1864. Become an American member to access this biography and over 40,000 more records in the searchable online database of The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to N.E. Please note: The ancestor reports on this website have been compiled from thousands of different sources, many over 100 years old. All Rights Reserved. RootsWeb is funded and supported by Ernest married Eva Liza McDonald in 1912 in Forester Ontario, Canada. This guide will help you find out. He was never involved in any criminal or civil court dispute and did participate in a number of public service situations, one being his volunteering to fight in the Pequot War in 1637, which was over before the Plymouth company could get organized. Maries origins are unknown; she died at Duxbury, in December 1676. Read more, is descended from The information from Alexander Soules manuscript as sent by Veda Timko for the 1992 edition of the Soule notebook states that Alexander Soule moved Samuel's and Mary's headstones from London,Ontario in 1858. What's New! [9] Their eldest known son Johannes Sol is identified by his baptism in 1591, as well as by his permissions in both Haarlem and Leyden to marry in Leyden. Mary was born about 1592 and died in Dec 1676 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. William Mullins and his wife, Alice, Priscilla Mullins, John Alden and Francis Cooke, Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson, June 1, 1926 August 5, 1962) was an American actress, model, and singer. They were allotted several animals that arrived on the ship Jacob, probably in 1625. Margaret was born about 1848 and died about 1925. Some of the most recently added connections of famous kin for George Soule Gene Roddenberry Creator of Star Trek 8th great-grandson Paget Brewster TV Actress 10th great-granddaughter Kristen Wiig TV and Movie Actress 10th great-granddaughter Mary Winthrop Gooding Prolific Mayflower Descendant 6th great-granddaughter Vanessa Hudgens Are you a Mayflower descendant? View entire list of famous kin for George Soule. Winslow his wife dyed the first winter; and he is maried with the widow of Mr. White, and hath *2* children living by her marigable besides sundry that are dead. Aaron next married Lydia Peterson on 26 Dec 1733 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Read more, Rear Admiral Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. (November 18, 1923 July 21, 1998) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, test pilot, and businessman. Eliza married John Marr on 4 Jul 1878. Research devoted solely to this person has either not yet taken place or it is currently in progress. Home. Mary was born about 1881. All rights reserved. General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1980. GEORGE SOULE, b. about 1639 (deposed 1 March 1672/3 "aged 34 years or thereabouts" [RICT 3:28]); m. by about 1665 Deborah ____ (eldest known child b. Clemena was born about 1836. In 1536 he bought the "Robitten" estate near Bardeyn in East Prussia. John was born on 14 Apr 1869 in Bingham Twp-Huron County, Michigan and died on 31 May 1961 in Bad Axe, Huron County, Michigan. Home. There he was known as Johann/Jan Solius (the Latin version of his name). Read more, is descended from Johnson concludes by stating that the following could have put Mary Beckett hypothetically on the ship Anne sailing to America in 1623: the right age, associated with families of Mayflower surnames, within a family using the name Nathaniel, and could have had the opportunity to be transferred to another family that would eventually sail to America on the ship Anne. Born in Massachusetts in 1735, a little more than a century after the Pilgrims' arrival, America's second president was a descendant of John Alden, a Mayflower crew member, and Priscilla Mullins,. Read more, is descended from What's New! John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, and John Howland, Alexander Rae Baldwin III (born April 3, 1958) is an American actor, writer, producer, and comedian. He was married in Providence, R.I. Sept. 18,1803 to Sarah allen, by whom he had eleven children. Earlier researchers have been stymied in their efforts to prove her ancestry, or from where she came, whether Holland or England. Samuel W. Soule was born in 1785 in Boston,Mass. He was an excellant administrator and was recognized as an authority on polity. Norma Jean Baker)Charles Stanley Gifford Frederick Gifford Charles Gifford Lydia Tompkins Uriah Tompkins Micah Tompkins Sarah Coe Sarah Pabodie Elizabeth Alden JOHN ALDEN, Orson Welles Richard Welles Mary Head Orson Head Jonathan Head Ruth Little Fobes Little Constant Fobes Martha Pabodie Elizabeth Alden JOHN ALDEN, Noah Webster Mercy Steel Eliphalet Steel Mercy Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Clint Eastwood Margaret Runners Waldo Runners Sophia Bartholomew Cordelia Kellogg Edward Kellogg Ephraim Kellogg Ruth Hosmer Susanna Steele Thomas Steele Mary Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Alexander 'Alec' Baldwin Alexander Baldwin Alexander Baldwin Sylvester Baldwin Roswell Baldwin Esther Brown Eunice Palmer Prudence Holmes Joshua Holmes Fear Sturgis Temperance Gorham John Gorham Desire Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Humphrey Bogart Maud Humphrey John Humphrey Elizabeth Perkins Dyer Perkins Bethia Baker Prudence Jenkins Lydia Howland Joseph Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamNathan TinkhamIsaac TinkhamEphraim TinkhamMary BrownePETER BROWNE, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamNathan TinkhamIsaac TinkhamEsther WrightHester CookeFRANCIS COOKE, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamSarah SouleZachariah SouleBenjamin SouleJOHN SOULEGEORGE SOULE, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamSarah SouleZachariah SouleSarah StandishAlexander StandishMYLES STANDISH, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamSarah SouleZachariah SouleSarah StandishSarah AldenJOHN ALDEN, Christopher Lloyd Samuel R. Lloyd Adele Ferrier Peck Francis Peck Sarah Gorham Isaac Gorham Isaac Gorham Isaac Gorham Jabez Gorham Desire Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Seth Fuller Samuel Fuller Samuel Fuller SAMUEL FULLER, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Seth Fuller Mercy Eaton SAMUEL EATONFRANCIS EATON, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Sarah Wright Adam Wright Hester Cooke FRANCIS COOKE, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Sarah Wright Sarah Soule JOHN SOULEGEORGE SOULE, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Elkanah Elms Sarah Bennett Ruth Coombs Francis Coombs Sarah Priest DEGORY PRIEST, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Maria Ryder Mary Sylvester Hannah Bartlett Joseph Bartlett Mary Warren RICHARD WARREN, Christopher Reeve Barbara Lamb Horace Lamb Burt Lamb Charles Lamb Ebenezer Lamb Jerusha Ripley Ebenezer Ripley Joshua Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Sarah PalinCharles HeathStephen SamsonElizabeth SamsonMicah ThayerRhoda ThayerRhoda DamonThomas RuddockMay RuddockNellie BrandtHENRY SAMSON, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerJames GowerArthur GowerAbigail HawesIsaiah HawesEbenezer HawesEbenezer HawesEbenezer HawesDesire GorhamDesire HowlandJOHN HOWLAND, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerJames GowerArthur GowerCornelius GowerSusan NortonLydia ClaghornSusannah GibbsAbigail SmithAbigail SkiffeLydia SnowAbigail WarrenRICHARD WARREN, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerCora StrongAugusta GodfreyJames GodfreyBenjamin GodfreyKnowles GodfreyKnowles GodfreyGeorge GodfreyDeborah CookeDeborah HopkinsGILES HOPKINSSTEPHEN HOPKINS, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerCora StrongAugusta GodfreyJames GodfreyBenjamin GodfreyKnowles GodfreyKnowles GodfreyMercy KnowlesRichard KnowlesMercy FreemanMercy PrencePatience BrewsterWILLIAM BREWSTER, George Eastman Maria Kilbourn Mary Ballard Alice Fuller Mary Edgerton Alice Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, George McClellan George McClellan James McClellan Rachel Abbe Mary Ripley Joshua Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Bing Crosby Harry Crosby Nathaniel Crosby Nathaniel Crosby Ruby Foster Chillingworth Foster Chillingworth Foster Mercy Freeman John Freeman Mercy Prence Patience Brewster WILLIAM BREWSTER, Vice President Dan Quayle James Quayle Marie Cline Delia Burras Oscar Burras Sally Standish Peleg Standish Zachariah Standish Zachariah Standish Ebenezer Standish Alexander Standish MYLES STANDISH, Vice President Dan Quayle James Quayle Marie Cline Delia Burras Oscar Burras Sally Standish Peleg Standish Zachariah Standish Zachariah Standish Ebenezer Standish Sarah Alden JOHN ALDEN, Hugh Hefner Glenn Hefner Lois Householder Lurena Woodward Masury Woodward Asa Woodward Mary Bradford James Bradford Thomas Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Deborah SampsonDeborah BradfordElisha BradfordJoseph BradfordWilliam BradfordWILLIAM BRADFORD, Deborah Sampson Jonathan Sampson Jonathan Sampson Lydia Standish Alexander Standish MYLES STANDISH, Anna Mary "Grandma Moses" Robertson Russell Robertson Sarah King Hezekiah King John King Sarah Reed Esther Tomson Mary Cooke FRANCIS COOKE.
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