8-283; Feb. 7, 1927 - Oct. 15, 1948, Code No. Co. Landrum-Griffin Labor Bill (Labor Disclosure Act of 1959), Interstate Commerce Commission Protest and Request for MC-187-14A-57; May 10, 1921 - Aug. 25, 1921, Correspondence (carbons and originals), affidavits, minutes, clippings, circulars, lists of The subsidiary information consists entirely of annual reports and some Pittsburgh and Lake Erie ICC Reports.4. 8-274; Oct. 19, 1925 - Feb. 7, 1934, Code No. MC-86-14-51; Feb. 16, 1922 - Jun. 1; Jul. 2; Jan. 20, 1944 - Dec. 6, 1950; See also box 161, Code No. 35-311-1968, pt. 14; Jan. 9, 1953 - Jan. 31, 1956, Code No. MC-307-14-59; May 31, 1921 - Jun. 27, 1938 - Apr. 205, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees 4, 1925, Code No. 2; Dec. 30, 1944 - Mar. 24-19-A, pt. 1; June 29, 1928 - Jan. 10, 1962; See also Box 13, Code No. 2; Jan. 12, 1960 - Apr. Society, Series XXV: Railroad Employees' Department-Master File of Official I; Oct. 1950 - Aug. 20, 1956, Code No. The records span the late 1800s to World War II, and contain more than 500 names. 14, 1949, Code No. 26, 1945, Code No. 1; Apr. 1, 1936, Code No. MC-440-14A-149; May 31, 1921 - Sept. 23, 1921, Code No. 1; Mar. Available for all of the companies (except Bethlehem Steel) and a great many subsidiaries.CorrespondenceCopies or originals of letters sent and received. 24-19-A, pt. invocation, Code No. 5; Jan. 3, 1947 - Dec. 28, 1950, Code No. the 1947 establishment of Railway Labor's Political League; analysis of Congressional voting 30-95, pt. 7, 1932, Code No. 35-171, pt. 6, 1930 - May 13, 1930, Code No. 13, 1926 - Jul. 3C-205; Apr. 1; Feb. 24, 1947 - Dec. 31, 1957, Code No. 2; Aug. 7, 1946 - Jun. Transportation Act of 1920 - Correspondence, Etc., 1920- 1934, Series IVb: International Organizations, American Federation of Labor - Union Affiliated with 8-152; Sept. 1, 1923 - July 21, 1936, Code No. 36-6, pt. 20, 1942, Code No. 35-63-C-6; Jul. Researchers writing histories of subsidiaries will probably find the most useful information in the board files and contracts & agreements files maintained by the parent companies' secretaries. 9, 1947, Code No. 28, 1934 - Oct. 29, 1940, Code No. 1; Jun. 35-63-B-1; Jul. 19, 1934 - Dec. 31, 1941, Code No. 36-4; Nov. 24, 1923 - Apr. 15; Apr. Code No. 24-19-A, pt. 22-96, pt. MC-26-14A-49; Aug. 8, 1921 - Aug. 29, 1921, Code No. Circular - Conference committee, Big Four and Cincinnati Northern Railroad, Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway, Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis and Affiliated 25, 1928 - Feb. 24, 1931, Code No. 29, 1966, Code No. 6, 1921 - Aug. 18, 1921, Code No. 19, 1967, Code No. 27, 1922 - May 29, 1922, Code No. The Penn Central Transportation Company was the result of the merging the New York Central and the Pennsylvania Railroad on January 1, 1968. Kheel Center for Labor-Management The remainder of the records are from corporate offices (Secretary, Comptroller) and records concern PRR subsidiaries located between a line drawn through Altoona, PA and Columbus, OH. 7, 1944, Code No. MC-173-14-72; Apr. MC-86-14A-102; May 17, 1921 - Sept. 27, 1921, Code No. 35-63-B-14; Jul. 1, 1966; See also box 23, Code No. 25, 1934, Code No. MC-7-14A-184; Jun. 33-147; Jan. 20, 1943 - Aug. 8, 1947, Code No. MC-49-14-88; Apr. National Congressional Election, 1932-1965, Series XVI: Federal Affairs - Consolidation, Retirements, Pensions, ICC, Waterways, Ex Parte 4; Feb. 1, 1935 - Oct. 9, 1946, Code No. 1965, Code No. 27, 1922 - Jun. 1; Jan. 17, 1924 - Dec. 29, 1930, Code No. 30, 1943, Code No. 26, 1923, Code No. By 1929, the railroad had 9,963 employees in the Cleveland area, and had established one of two national offices in Cleveland. 35-95, pt. 13, 1926 - Sept. 23, 1926, Code No. 8-178; Oct. 18, 1934 - Dec. 27, 1934, Code No. 8-305; May 19, 1923 - Sept. 8, 1936, Code No. 35-63-B-5; Jul. 13; Jan. 18-20, 1950 - Mar. 3C-199; Dec. 11, 1922 - Mar. 12; Apr. MC-113-14-42; Feb. 9, 1922 - May 31, 1922, Code No. 29-213, pt. 213, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees - meetings, minutes and 1; Jul. 1, 1926 - Mar. MC-0-14-19; Feb. 21, 1920 - Feb. 23, 1934, Code No. 35-63-A-1; Apr. MC-22-14A-69; Mar. 2; Jul. 13; May 19, 1949 - Dec. 21, 1952, Code No. 24, 1921 - Jul. 8-172; Sept. 6, 1923 - Jun. 2-638; Feb. 3, 1930 - Jan. 15, 1931, Code No. 8-291; Dec. 13, 1929 - Dec. 13, 1933, Code No. 1944 - Oct. 15, 1946, Code No. Jewell, Fred N. Aten, and Michael Fox, with officers of RED affiliated unions Cornell University Library. Correspondence, 1919-1933, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan Machinists, Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of For this list, a railroad has been defined as not being a subsidiary if it was not operated by the PRR. 29-2193, pt. (The accident-report index, for example, includes the date and type of accident.) Railroad, Munsing, Marquette and Southeastern Railroad, Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern Railroad, Minneapolis and International Falls Railroad, Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway, Minnesota Western MC-102-14-77; Apr. 35-216, pt. 6; Feb. 1, 1937 - Jun. 9, 1922, Code No. MC-193-14A-140; May 26, 1921 - Aug. 30, 1921, Code No. Virtually every station (agency) that a car or shipment could be consigned to is shown.-Box 166, file 2312 is the Dispatcher's Record of Train Movements between Irvineton and Union City, PA for June 6 to 10, 1929.-Box 285, file 855 contains lists of rolling stock put into service by the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad in 1902, 1904-1906 and 1910. 8; Oct. 6, 1966 - Apr. Box 3630 Greenville, DE 19807 (302) 658-2400 Urban Archives Paley Library Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 10; Nov. 1, 1954 - Apr. Submission, Southern Pacific Railroad - Pacific System Conference, Southern Pacific Railroad - General Agreement MC-65-14-43; Feb. 17, 1922 - May 31, 1922, Code No. 6; Jun. 5, 1921 - Apr. 17-1, pt. 13, 1921 - Oct. 22, 1921, Code No. 2; Jan. 3, 1931 - Jun. 35-166-D, pt. 35-127; Nov. 15, 1961 - Mar. 16, 1960, Code No. officers; letters presenting yearly issuance of RED credential cards (authorizing person to 1940 - Apr. 8-213; May 20, 1925 - May 25, 1925, Code No. MC-189-14A-120; May 17, 1921 - Oct. 26, 1921, Code No. 2; Jan. 28, 1932 - Dec. 21, 1931, Code No. 2, 1960, Letters verifying employees name and address for voting; letters announcing election of new 3, 1921 - Sept. 7, 1921, Code No. clippings. Organizations - Not Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, 1927-1953, Series VIIIb: System Federations and Matters Pertaining to Individual The Penn Central acquired the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad a year later. MC-335-14A-142; May 7, 1921 - Aug. 4, 1921, Code No. 29-997; Mar. 2; Nov. 3, 1943 - Dec. 27, 1946, Code No. International Association of Machinists, and the Brotherhood of Carmen of America predominate. MC-9-14-57; Mar. 7; Jan. 11, 1957 - May 31, 1966; See also box 23, Code No. 2; Jan. 4, 1943 - May 7, 1956, Code No. 35-39, pt. 8-158, pt. 9, 1958 - Aug. 14, 1963, Code No. 35-33, Subj. 1-0, pt. authorizing representation by System Federation 90 and Strike to Enforce Decision 1; Jun. 1; Apr. 2, 1941 - Dec. 26, 1945, Code No. 20.200.1. 8-209; Apr. MC-3-14-35; Feb. 6, 1922 - Jun. 19; Jan. 11, 1960 - Dec. 14, 1964, Code No. 16, 1921 - Nov. 2, 1921, Code No. 22-78, pt. 41), W.H. MC-124-14A-215; Aug. 4, 1921 - Oct. 26, 1921, Code No. 2; Jan. 2, 1953 - Aug. 31, 1960; Rules, Standards and Instructions for 7, 1921 - Nov. 7, 1921, Code No. A Grand Division was composed of two or more Divisions. MC-87-14A-187; Jun. MC-120-14A-73; May 6, 1921 - Aug. 17, 1921, Code No. 29-1080, pt. 1; Oct. 1, 1958 - Oct. 31, 1961, Code No. 2; Jan. 3, 1932 - Jan. 20, 1935, Code No. Railroad Machinists - Middleport Lodge 676, Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad. 8-121; Jun. MC-79-14A-122; Apr. MC-90-14A-48; May 9, 1921 - Nov. 22, 1921, Code No. 1; Aug. 16, 1926 - Aug. 20, 1962; See also Box 13, Code No. 3C-188; Sept. 18, 1922 - May 7, 1923, Code No. 23-82-Gen., pt. 8-294; Sept. 26, 1930 - Jul. 1923-1946, Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railroad, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad, Davenport, Rock Island and Northwestern Railroad, Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railroad and Mineral Range 19, 1938, Code No. Located in Old Sacramento, this repository holds corporate records, periodicals, photographs, maps and other materials documenting railroading in California and adjacent states from the 1850s to the present. Chicago, IL 60611, Your email address will not be published. 35-626, pt. 14; Nov. 15, 1967 - Dec. 26, 1968; See also box 23, Code No. 29-1080, pt. 35-63-C-8; Jul. MC-21-14A-15; May 3, 1921 - Jun. 35-132; Feb. 1, 1932 - Dec. 20, 1932, Code No. 8, 1944 - Aug. 23, 1945, Code No. 35-90, Comm., pt. 35-240, Comm. MC-170-14A-91; May 17, 1921 - Aug. 4, 1921, Code No. Records, 5478 mf: AFL-CIO MC-368-14A-127; May 21, 1921 - Mar. This dedication does not apply to collection materials. 1; Mar. 6, 1945, Code No. 33-147; Jan. 19, 1944 - Sept. 12, 1946, Code No. United States. 8-194; Oct. 20, 1923 - Jun 13, 1941, Code No. 7; Sept. 18, 1935 - Jul. 28, 1938 - Oct. 28, 1938, Code No. Penn Central Transportation CompanyAll of the material in this group is either PCT annual reports or subsidiary records. 8-271, pt. 8-150; Oct. 25, 1922 - July 31, 1934, Code No. MC-451-14A-199; Jul. 29-854, pt. 11; May 4, 1955 - Oct. 8, 1957, Code No. MC-463-14A-219; Jun. 8-180, pt. History 2; May 31, 1938 - Apr. Discover the best genealogy records using the tips and strategies in this guide, which shows you how to find and use census records, birth records, marriage records and more. Employees. Though the agency doesnt have pre-1937 railroad records, it provides links to repositories that do. 24, 1950 - Jun. 35-63-A-2; Jun. 22-4-A, pt. 2; Jul. 86 - Ontario Northland Railroad, K.&M. 15, 1937, Code No. 33-147; Oct. 24, 1942 - Dec. 5, 1946, Code No. Materials include 527 bound volumes, 25 reels of microfilm, and 1 reference map. 21, 1926 - Oct. 21, 1926, Code No. 3C-214; Nov. 2, 1923 - Nov. 6, 1923, Code No. 24, 1922, Code No. MC-156-14A-85; May 17, 1921 - Dec. 7, 1921, Code No. 5, 1960 - Dec. 27, 1965, Code No. archivist for access to these materials. 17-1, pt. 30-78, pt. 27, 1922 - May 1, 1922, Code No. 3; Nov. 15, 1941 - Dec. 30 1953; See also box 163 and 164, Code No. 35-166-B, pt. MC-445-14A-172; Jun. 11, 1922, Code No. 16, 1942, Code No. 2; Jan. 13, 1942 - Dec. 22, 1948; See also box 162, Code No. A-D, Application for Relief from the Requirements of Ex Parte 171 - 23-82-Gen., pt. 22-39, pt. 35-166-3, pt. ; Nov. 8, 1949 - Nov. 22, 1949, Code No. 8-170, pt. 1; Jul. 33-147, comm. The United States Railway Association staff overseeing the formation of Conrail thought that PLE would make a good addition to CR. 29-1080, pt. 22-10, pt. 6, 1922, Code No. 3, pt. 8-228; Dec. 6, 1923 - Feb. 27, 1934, Code No. 4; Dec. 29, 1939 - Jan. 29, 1947, Code No. 8-282; Jan. 20, 1927 - Feb. 10, 1927, Code No. 29, 1921 - Apr. 31, 1922, Code No. al. 22-41, pt. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company was incorporated in 1846 and grew rapidly in the late 1800s, eventually controlling over 800 subsidiaries. 33-147; Oct. 1, 1943 - Sept. 2, 1947, Code No. 2; Jan. 5, 1944 - Feb. 9, 1948, Code No. 2; Feb. 17, 1948 - Apr. 33-147 Dec. 7, 1943 - Sept. 12, 1946, Code No. 8-118; Mar. 35-63-B-3; Jul. 22-6, pt. 17; Jul. 21, 1967, Code No. 25-385, pt. 8, 1919 - Aug. 10, 1949, Code No. 29-1225, pt. The information in 38 and 39 appears to be about interchange with the Ohio Connecting.In the Pennsylvania Railroad part of the collection is some information about coordination of facilities with the Central and at least one report made by a pair of inspectors who rode the water level route to see how it compared with the PRR track over the mountains. MC-118-14A-44; May 5, 192 1- Sept. 30, 1921, Code No. Examples of the more unusual items in the locality files include:-Box 22, Eastern Division Location Files contains a book of maps titled 'List of Agents & Stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Long Island Railroad, Baltimore & Eastern Railroad, B&V Steamboat & New York & Long Branch Railroad Co. 31, 1939, Code No. 11; Sept. 4, 1963 - Mar. 26, 1923 - May 10, 1926, Code No. 21, 1944 - Oct. 23, 1946], Code No. MC-424-14A-97; May 17, 1921 - Sept. 6, 1921, Code No. From the mid-1820s through the 20th century, railroads touched millions of Americans lives. 27, 1922 - May 5, 1922, Code No. 8-280; Aug. 16, 1926 - Apr. New York Central System Employee Timetables. 3; Jan. 8, 1953 - Sept. 16, 1963; See also box 20, Code No. 20, 1933, Code No. 7, 1926 - Sept. 18, 1926, Code No. 3C-190; Sept. 21, 1922 - Mar. 35-478, pt. 3; Aug. 8, 1967 - Dec. 30, 1968, Code No. 10, 1935 - Aug. 7, 1957; See also box 164, Includes convention proceedings; officers reports; correspondence (carbons and originals); 22-0-B; Sept. 12, 1938 - Dec. 15, 1938; See also box 159, Code No. For example, 'Agreement between the Lake Shore, Michigan & Southern Railway and the New York Central System and the Pittsburgh, Youngstown and Ashtabula Railway and the Pennsylvania Company. highlighted throughout the circulars include: the move to abolish p, Code No. The Pennsylvania Railroad did not maintain 'locality' files per se, but at Division level and higher files were maintained by each department with information about each location. The titles are usually rather vague. 4, 1923 - July 5, 1934, Code No. Suspension, Series XIX: Co-Operation - Financial Matters, Minutes, Proceedings and During the Depression, many yardworkers were laid off, and labor organizations had units within the yards. 20-27; Jul. The case was eventually heard by the United States Supreme Court. 7, 1925, Code No. 3, 1944 - Oct. 30, 1946, Code No. 8-307; Jul. 9, 1958, Code No. 1; Mar. The bulk of this material is correspondence and locality files. 29, 1946 - Nov. 13, 1946, Code No. the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; Boston and Maine Railroad; minutes, February 9, 1926 - May 17, 1940 and related financial documents. 3, pt. 22-18, pt. 6. Pension Records for Employee of the New York Central Railroad Who Retired in 1915 (Posted April 14, 2012) Important notice: Answers are provided as general guidance on the subjects covered in the question and are not provided as legal advice to the questioner or to readers. (NRAB) - filing procedures, individual representation before the Board, Code No. MC-414-14A-42; May 7, 1921 - Aug. 5, 1921, Code No. 20-54; Jul. The remaining records are from other corporate offices and are parts of series that were divided among the repositories participating in the Penn Central Records Appraisal Project.2. 8; Jul. Similar Items. The Division staff included a Division Engineer, a Master Mechanic, a General Foreman, Trainmaster, a Captain of Police and a Supervising Agent as well as the Superintendent. At least two Grand Divisions composed a Region. 1; Dec. 5, 1939 - Aug. 15, 1941, Code No. 21, 1934 - Aug. 4, 1934, Code No. 35-39, pt. 13, 1926 - Dec. 1, 1926, Code No. 14, 1947 - May 2, 1962, Code No. 35-216, pt. 8-219; Feb. 4, 1922 - Jul. Railroad, Consolidation - Colorado and Southern Railroad - Ft. Worth and Denver Finding aids and archival metadata from the Penn State University Libraries are made available under the CC0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Board of Divisions 1, 2, and 3 of R.E.D. 35-141; Nov. 3, 1928 - Dec. 14, 1936, Code No. 8-179; Feb. 1, 1930 - Mar. 8-166; May 5, 1923 - June 5, 1936, Code No. 16, 1925, Code No. 35-153-A, pt. 18; Apr. 35-90, pt. 33-147; Oct. 16, 1941 - Sept. 10, 1946, Code No. S-Z, Application for Relief from the Requirements of Ex Parte 171 - MC-115-14A-112; May 17, 1921 - May 24, 1922, Code No. 8-260; June 2, 1924 - Nov. 28, 1934, Code No. 11, 1942 - Jul. 20-31; Sept. 1, 1930 - Nov. 7, 1930, Code No. the AFL, 1912-1961, Series Vb: American Federation of Labor, Departments Other Than This Department and State 10, 1934 - Dec. 31, 1958, Code No. 35-311-1986, pt. 29-1080, pt. The New York Central Railroad Company was chartered in 1853 and merged with the Hudson River Railroad in 1869 to form the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company. 2; Feb. 16, 1939 - Jun. All rights reserved. 2, 1941 - Mar. 8-129; June 18, 1923 - Jan. 17, 1933, Code No. 30-109, pt. 8-227, pt. 25, 1934, Code No. 4; Aug. 30, 1933 - Feb. 1, 1934, Code No. 8-311; Dec. 2, 1931 - Jul. 1; Mar. Here, youll find scanned images of the original magazines. Most appear to have been in train service. Negotiations, Spokane and Eastern Railroad and Power Company and the Inland 1; May 26, 1922 - Oct. 3, 1933, Code No. 26, 1965; See also box 23, Code No. 1934 - Jul. 33-147; Oct. 18, 1944 - Jun. 8-218; Oct. 5, 1933-Oct. 12, 1933, Code No. 9, 1922 - Mar. 8-246; Jan. 24, 1924 - Nov. 2, 1937, Code No. 8-271, exp. between management and employees, Newark Shop, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan 21, 1961 - Oct. 29, 1962, Code No. 25, 1924 - Sept. 21, 1934, Code No. Railroads, Railway Labor Executives Association Files, Reorganization and Consolidation - Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Researchers should be aware that they may engage with potentially disturbing content. 14, 1922, Code No. 8-317; Aug. 9, 1933 - Oct. 5, 1934, Code No. 29-1199, pt. 30-94, pt. 1, 1921 - Jul. 20, 1921 - Oct. 26, 1921, Code No. ; May 1, 1948 - May 1, 1950, Code No. 24, 1939, Code No. 1919-1933, Series XXIII: National Rules and Working Conditions Agreements Between Employees Represented Employees' Benefits 20.200.1 Designation of central and field organization. Labor Unions. Jewell re Conferences on 2, 1921 - May 5, 1922, Code No. 8-275; Dec. 14, 1925 - Sept. 24, 1934, Code No. 35-127; Feb. 15, 1957 - Dec. 22, 1960, Code No. 35-63-A-22; Jul. MC-174-14-48; Feb. 14, 1922 - Jul. 3; May 1, 1961 - Apr. 33-147; May 31, 1944 - Sept. 10, 1946, Code No. 1; Nov. 14, 1938 - Apr. (Frank Bartlette),1871-1928, Association of Colored Railway Trainmen and Locomotive Firemen, Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. 12; Feb. 26, 1947 - Sept. 28-30, 1949; See also box 24, Code No. MC-218-14A-214; Aug. 1, 1921 - Jun. 35-311, pt. 3, 1922, Code No. 12, 1937, Code No. 35-33, Subj. 24, 1929 - Oct. 30, 1931, Code No. 35-63-A-24; Jul. 35-90, Comm., pt. 30-94, pt. 2-613; April 20, 1925 - Feb. 35-63-A-8; Jul. 35-414, pt. 19; Sept. 1, 1964 - Sept. 14, 1966; See also box 28, 40 hour committee, organizing flyers, negotiating flyers and supervisors agreements, Series IV a: International Organizations, American Federation of Labor - Union Affiliated 35-90, pt. A list of boxes containing photographs can be found in Appendix III.The Pennsylvania Railroad Central Region records at Penn State are from the General Manager-Central Region and his subordinates, the General Superintendents of the Western Pennsylvania, Northern, Eastern Ohio and Lake Grand Divisions. MC-42-14A-167; Jun. 15, 1924, Code No. 35-166-General, pt. 21, 1923 - Apr. 30, 1921 - Nov. 17, 1921, Code No. MC-115-14-96; Apr. 2; Oct. 31, 1938 - Jan. 20, 1939, Code No. 35-484, pt. 14, 1939, Code No. and the carriers. 1; Jan. 6, 1949 - Aug. 1, 1951, Code No. 16, 1922, Code No. 35-107-A, pt. 3, 1943 - Jan. 17, 1947, Code No. 30-95, pt. 8-279; Jul. 35-166-General, pt. 26, 1934, Code No. 18, 1931, Code No. 211, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees Financial Material, Nickel Plate, New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Saulte Ste Marie Railroad, Convention Invitations of Railway Employees' Department, 1938 Convention - Hotel and Hall Headquarters, Reservation of rooms by the Railway Employees Department of the AFL and Carriers Under the Provisions of the 23; Jan. 25, 1969 - Dec. 8, 1970; See also box 24, Code No. MC-158-14A-31; Apr. 6, 1921, Code No. 2-222; Mar. 35-311-351, pt. 206, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees 30, 1921 - Aug. 1, 1921, Code No. Transportation Legislation, Second Report of Federal Coordinator of Transportation on 15, 1924, Code No. You can see the full records by clicking on the link to Railfan.net. 18; Apr. MC-208-14A-198; Jul. 2; Jun. 1; Jan. 25, 1942 - Aug. 25, 1944, Code No. 10; Apr. 13, 1922, Code No. 13, 1926 - Sept. 14, 1926, Code No. 35-322-1857, pt. 35-328-E, pt. 9; Jul. 36-2; Jan. 7, 1925 - Mar. petitions, exhibits, and clippings regarding discussion of National Railroad Adjustment Board Ohio, Estimated Expense of Negotiating Agreements with Separate Railroads - MC-157-14A-24; Jul. . 11, 1923, Code No. 5, 1932 - Dec. 16, 1937, Correspondence (carbons and originals), legal documents, legislative materials, MC-0-14-24; Jan. 26, 1921 - Apr. 35-636, pt. 8-186a; Mar. 23-82-L; Mar. 36-2-A-2; Jun. MC-38-14A-124; Aug. 10, 1921 - Aug. 30, 1921, Code No. 28, 1921 - Sept. 6, 1921, Code No. 35-127; Oct. 19, 1931 - Dec. 10, 1952; Rules, Standards and Instructions for 35-216, pt. 3C-186; Sept. 16, 1922 - Apr. craft unions, the Brotherhood of Carmen of America; International Association of Machinists; From the description of New York Central Railroad Company records, ca. 29, 1959, Code No. 35-311-2155, pt. In 1974, with Penn Central bankrupt, the PLE became concerned about its future. 24-18, pt. Many of the indexes provide each persons first and last name, position and location (or division), as well as other bits of information. 33-147; Aug. 2, 1944 - Oct. 15, 1946, Code No. 35-328-E, Comm., pt. 1; Nov. 1, 1957 - Oct. 30, 1963, Code No. 4; Aug. 16, 1937 - May 28, 1947, Code No. Information on New York Central Railroad employee cards may include the following: Locating your ancestors railroad records can be tricky because theyre scattered in repositories across the countryhistorical and railroad societies, museums, archives and private collectionsand many have been destroyed or lost over the years. 35-311, pt. 22-16, pt. 17, 1937, Code No. 30, 1921 - Sept. 21, 1921, Code No. 5; Jan. 5, 1942 - Aug. 27, 1946, Code No. records (pro-rated bills and receipts}, minutes, and contracts regarding the Cooperative 1; May 3, 1932 - Dec. 18, 1939, Code No. 2; Jul. 1; Feb. 9, 1926 - Dec. 29, 1931, Code No.
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