They traveled to the skies riding sea currents shooting up, they escaped situations that were actually impossible to escape from. #down Alors, qu'il a toujours vcu choy auprs des siens, du jour au lendemain il est mit brutalement la porte, avec pour seul consigne "part et ne reviens jamais". I said happily even when he rejected me on joining my crew again and I let out a laugh. She even goes to other people if she doesnt know just so she can tell him. What if shanks and luffy time traveled to the past after everyone is dead? His body lay helplessly on a broken bed as he caresses his swollen stomach. "Shanks and Mihawk have both expressed their concerns over it." You weren't alone after all. Blackbeard didn't see it coming but Luffy punched him in the face so hard blood was dripping from his face. That sounds mean, Ace., I tell on you and you never get mad, Dad.. Crocodile had never been anyones priority, Boo hoo, right? Luffy felt a lot of pain in his body. Their grandfather did this? And all for two people who do not belong to that world. Shanks lifted him up and placed him on his back and the two left. Have the men ready for anything, but dont attack until they do first.. Or two 10 year old boys fall in love with their little sister~~~~~~. . Im begging it just gets worse!!! Rap Of China 2020, I bet it's pretty confusing if they say dad is mom or something.. Sabo's dad hired an assasin? Als er sich fr sein groes Vorbild einsetzt und einen Streit mit dem Bergbanditen Higuma anfngt, gert er in Schwierigkeiten und wird von ihm schlielich ins Meer geworfen. "Zhehahahahahahahahaha I plan to turn you into the government to take the title of warlord plus your bounty will do fine. Tremendously strong with a freaky power.A devil fruit in East Blue was it a gift from his father?Regardless, he had to be taken care of. I'll go it dear" a beautiful lady with strawberry blonde hair and face filled with freckles said as she dried her hands with a towel. With that Blackbeard punched Luffy unconscious shattered Luffy will he couldn't wait til he sees his former commander and rub it in his face he put Luffy limb beaten body on his shoulders and walk back to his crew. Once she finishes it off with a tiny red rubber band, she tucks it into the rest of his hair to hide it. It was so we could catch blackbeard, that cold f-er I probably shouldn't say it because I feel luffy would catch onto me for saying that..word.. but I am an adult and I could curse but..I'll stop..if only for my kids. Cause youre positive you dont like guys.. it just wouldnt feel good, right?. Chapter 1-7: The main storyChapter 8-? Whats his name, Ace points to a blond man with white gloves and a hat. We exchanged cups of sake and became brothers. The trouble is Buggy isn't the only child Roger took in. They already have confirmed the boy exists. Monkey D. Luffy is a blessed blood. The Pirate King is sailing their way. Mom, Shanks needs his mouth washed out!, Hes a grown up with his own ship now, Ace, we dont wash out the Captains mouth unless its your father, Rouge laughs taking Ace from Roger. This is Portgas D Ace, his folks needed to take care of some things and Im watching him. He personally didn't particularly care what he was known as. i love it, Monkey D. Dragon & Monkey D. Garp & Monkey D. Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy & Original Male Character(s), Portgas D. Ace & Original Male Character(s), Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo & Original Character(s), Mentioned Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks is Monkey D. Luffy's Parent, Parent Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Benn Beckman, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Portgas D. Ace, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Portgas D. Ace, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Silvers Rayleigh, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Buggy, Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate Lives, Ace trained under Shanks during the time skip, Temporarily Evil Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Dadan & Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Makino & Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Makino, Minor Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Makino, The WG knows about Luffy being Dragon's son, i wrote this instead of updating my old fic, Baby 5 & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Dr. Kureha & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, may add queerplatonic sexual or romantic relationships later on havent decided, Color the ocean red (to prove my love to you), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Sabo, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Monkey D. Garp, Monkey D. Garp & Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Original Character(s), finally I get to choose what's wrong (and what is right), don't touch Makino's daughter or you will Regret Existence, Monkey D. Luffy Doesn't Have a Devil Fruit | Akuma no Mi. 'This is too easy. And things started to get interesting from there. Please?. Luffy tensed and moved away since he sensed it too. Law has been looking for an opportunity to escape from Doflamingo for years. "Well, who cares I will beat you and I will make you pay for what you did to ace!!!!!! It is a complex concept that essentially refers to someone's life purpose. A sudden explosion was heard throughout the room, waking people little by little, some panicked, while others scanned the place, the dim lights not helping the gloomy and nervous environment. i asked them. This wasnt a New Genesis. To sing the song of your soul, or everything you sing resonates within you. I didn't feel to concerned because i can feel them. Shanks was the worst scum for doing this, but what else could he do? "Who are the people you wanted to see?" So naturally, she stayed with Luffy but this time again, Sabo was watching from the side still grumbling to himself. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (42), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks (84), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Monkey D. Luffy (88), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Monkey D. Luffy (14), Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law (7), Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Portgas D. Ace (4), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Monkey D. Luffy, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Monkey D. Luffy, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Monkey D. Luffy, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Buggy - onesided, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Dracule Mihawk, Minor Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Dracule Mihawk, Dont read if you dont wanna read shanks as just a questioningly bad person. "Yo whitebeard, how have you been treating my kids?" Not long after that, Monkey D Garp took (Y/n) in as his own granddaughter. His crew would be fine, they were awesome like that. One day she met Luffy on Foosha Village and immediately became friends. I grinned widely, "Let's party!" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. 1. I woke up and automatically used my haki to check my surrounding. Ace. Cloudflare Ray ID: 627af8c25ed7385a Von der Gomu Gomu no Mi isst er, nachdem Shanks und seine Bande die Frucht mit in die Bar genommen hatten. "Don't take too long to answer and besides I'm Blackbeard said Teach smirking. We go treasure hunting and sometimes we dress up as other people for moms work., Ace nods,Dads teaching me lots of cool stuff and Uncle Rays showed me how to make basic maps. Usopp comes to bail them out, but finds out much more than he bargained for upon arrival. Qu pasara si a Sabo se le ocurriera la idea de adoptar un nio? And you better knock and let me tell you to come in before you open the door.. Entonces ahora puedes ser mi omega y llevar a mis cachorros! Female LuffyTodo empez con el vicealmirante Garp, abuelo de Luffy, capitn de la tripulacin los sombreros de paja. "Zhehahahahahahahaha you never be king of the pirates is because you will be dead. Trafalgar Law and his crew arrived at Raftel, to witness the legendary moment of the new Pirate King. luffy said brightly smiling. "Hold do you know each other exactly and how are they your kids?" #blackbeard Ann's been here for two weeks now and everything was fine, well almost everything. There were people out there that had watched their parents die, people that had been beaten and tortured. Oh no. tears fall from his closed eyes. Sorry., Ah, Shanks looks guilty. Makino hums softly, carding her fingers through Luffys tangled wavy hair. Others had it far, far worse than simply being the least favorite.. Ace is a quiet kid, Benn notices over the course of the week, he keeps out of the way without being asked and bothers only Shanks when he needs something. What's a Jester to a King?A killer? Shakkys been visiting? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, "It's free," Luffy would say in a way that would strike her as almost envious and sit in the back of her mind until a day years later, "Maki, it's free!". Youre as bad as Dad, at least Mom remembers all her friends names., What? Shanks squawks,Ill have you know I remember all their names!. Ace watches him as they make it back to Red Force, peering over Shanks shoulder with wide eyes and tiny hands balled up in Shanks shirt. Uta wants to be a famous pirate just like her father. When Makino notices, she reaches out to him and quickly begins to love him as her own son. No. His hand too, touching without any remorse, his broad palm curling around his waist. She was the most likely to willingly hide someone like this Luffy. There will be battles on all fronts and Law will find himself at the center of it all he just doesn't know it yet. Helpful Way To Remember Thalamus, Its not the first time shes done this, but Luffy still doesnt know what they're for either. So, Luffy stops it. They fought false Gods, true monsters in terms of power, and most of the world as it is known now, and every single time, they emerged victorious. He ran at luffy and was yelling as luffy ran away laughing. Mihawk just wants to know how his son ended up like this. Cmo reaccionaria Ace? Then surely it wouldnt feel any good if your first was with me, right? Dragon got more than he bargained for when he made a silent vow to the ocean. According to the vermin in the trash dump, the kid usually hangs around the mountains. Gonna have to move below deck, Ace, looks like theres going to be a fight coming, Benn says calmly. I felt that ace was about to wake up. Martis was eleven years old when he meets an old man who completely changes the world. Luffy, Ace deadpans, hand still over his mouth. You have fun kicking Whitebeards ass., Ace frowns at Shanks,Im telling mom that you cursed. Summary: Luffy Is turned into by blackbeard to the world government and is held in impel down for his execution in one week In Marineford. Buggy didn't know how to avoid being caught, until one day he met a delegation from an unknown kingdom on one of the islands.There was a tall lady with long blue hair, that the Marines ignored. Enter the two lonely men who have the perfect vessel to get Law and Luffy safely to the East Blue and out of Doflamingo's reach. Imaginan que terminen adoptando a cierto pelinegro? Have you ever kissed anyone? Shanks grinned looking to Luffys lips so hed notice. I like him., Well, that is an excellent character reference, Rouge says brightly. Luffy is an angel who swore to Nika that he will rebuild what has been destroyed but he needs some help in order to change the system they live in. Subscribe to the channel to receive our new videos! Video Title: Shanks' Reaction to Seeing Luffy's Gear 5 Sun God Transformation - One Piece Arts:Amanom. "We are doing great dad." Part 3 of Whumptober 2022. He doesn't understand!no moreno more, please. Shanks says mentally, coughing away. The small boy pauses his struggles, then promptly bursts into tears, loudly wailing as he struggles even more, causing the teens to hold him tighter in an almost bruising grip to keep from dropping him. (How Shanks and Benn adopted Luffy, Sabo, and Ace, and their lives in the aftermath.) *Knock knock*."Ah! Er schaute sich kurz um. Captain?, Ace, why dont you get your stuff together, I just talked to your folks and theyre heading our way, Ace takes off like a rocket as Shanks glances towards the Oro Jackson. Well until next timeJa ne~! Se imaginan a Ace y Sabo viviendo situaciones cotidianas de una pareja normal que comparte el mismo apartamento? "Sh't up Shanks! Dont read if this isnt something youre interested in!!!! Let's give Luffy some love. No. Ace shoots up in a sitting position, his eyes locked on to luffy from the other side of the boat. I wonder if they are a bit confused now. Benns seen adults unable to understand the rules. In a world of monsters, Buggy is the only human. Someone asked but I couldn't tell who it was out of everyone. Si el anciano no hubiera abierto la boca no hubiera causado semejante estrago. Shanks couldn't handle it anymore. She pulls out a few small pieces and begins to make a small braid by his ear, unbothered by the stretching silence. It takes less then an hour for the Oro Jackson to pull up beside Red Force, the Pirate King himself dropping onto their deck without a care, grinning brightly. Basically Zoro, the biological son of Mihawk, is raised by Shanks for a bit until Shanks decides to leave to go to the new world. Previously titled: I'm just gonna swim until you love me (hoping that you heart will rescue me), Cross-posted on Wattpad (Wattpad version has art by me since I can't figure out how to put pictures here). my b, author is writing this on his phone so please be gentle w any mistakes that r found, okay gently slides frobin in because theyre my favs, theres a playlist for this with every chapter song in it. One that only Shanks would ever know the answer to. Monkey D. Luffy, I'm going to make sure you'll be only screaming my name for the rest of your life. Everyone yelled relieved, the marines calm down returning to watch. He then followed ace and luffy as one ran from the other laughing. Luffy misses Shanks and Dragon gives him a hug. Seufzend verlies ich schlielich mein That came as a surprise. Yonko Buggy (One Piece) When Benn sacrifices his life to protect Shanks, Shanks goes off of the deep end. He ran at luffy and was yelling as luffy ran away laughing. The boy cries, attempting to pull his arms free from their restraining grip, "IT'S SCARY!" : The side story. "Gum Gum no Pistol but Blackbeard grabbed Luffy's arm and stopped Luffy from using his ability. His face turned from shock and mocking to rage and hate after see the smug look Luffy was giving him. Work Search: Luffy es joven, fuerte, hermoso. Or, that's what everyone's told him since he was little and with growing up with a fire elemental and an enochian for brothers and a godling for a grandfather, he hadn't had much reason to question it. In which the ASL Trio ends up in Shanks' care, Zoro is somehow given to Mihawk, Koala chooses to stay with the Sun Pirates instead of running off to be a Revolutionary, and Rosinante survives but Law goes pirate anyway because Doflamingo's still a dick. Such things like resurrected back into his 15 year-old self, or later waking up on the ship of the Red Hair Pirates in the middle of the sea. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Los Mugiwaras tendrn que enfrentar viejas rivalidades, reencontrarse con aliados del pasado y evitar obstculos con ms de 900 aos de antigedad que se han acumulado hasta la actualidad si quieren llegar a Laugh Tale y hacer sus sueos realidad. He will get reborn in another time, where he is Garp's second son. Benn follows in their wake, watching them both in confusion. "Zhehahahahahahahahahaha once I turn you into the world government and take Title Shibukai I will be the one to find the one piece and becomes king of the Pirates. screeched the little boy a wide eyed Sabo next to him. They knew how close Shanks had been to Luffy, he had always talked about what the kid's future would be like, filling it with lots of adventure and bravery. Eleonora never imagined her in this position, raising two kids as her own at the age of 17, not to mention keeping tabs on her old man and elder sister to keep them safe. And mom is teaching me how to do spy stuff., Shanks lifts Ace by the back of his shirt,What are you saying about your mom?, Mom does spy stuff, Ace shouts. Bei Nami: Vor kurzem rutschte ich an der Wand herab und starrte aus dem Bullauge in den blauen Himmel. The Grand Line is vast and unpredictable, and so is the weather! Little did nami know Luffy was in deep end and might never come back. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Geez, that idiot leaves while I give instruction nami fumed. On his journey to find someone he stumbles on Roger. Baby luffy getting adopted by everyone he comes into contact with, because who wouldn't want a mini sunshine with them to brighten their days. Luffy lived in Uta's shadow, all he wanted was some attention. But it never seemed to sit right with anyone who knew him. Garp drops a child on Makino in the middle of the night with no warning, no explanation, and very little assistance. Please consider turning it on! Luffy could just watch as the mer held captive his beloved beach ball. He had always been so proud and defensive of Luffy, even if he never said it. Shanks laughs,Kiddo, I dont think theres anything that would stop your mom and dad from coming back to get you. He shifts past Benn, entertaining Ace as they walk. whitebeard said. Rob Lucci was the best agent in Cypher Pol number 9. So Shanks thought, regarding the three brothers curiously. Not a long time after, he becomes a father of three insufferable brats. That he has to wait for permission? Seran ellos capaces de criar bien a un nio? Law and his crew are getting ready to set things in motion to help Monkey D. Luffy on his path to the One Piece. Roo makes a noise, taking off to find their captain, as Benn makes his way towards Ace. And fourteen when he witnesses his favorite person die before his eyes unjustly from the world he loved the most. Or or Author craves Shanks and Luffy brotherly fluff fics and decides to make their own. This is a story where Luffy ate the Rumble-Rumble fruit, a Logia class devil fruit, and became a lightning man instead of a rubber man. And if they dont come back, Ill go get them for you, promise.. Luffy felt like he was seven again, weak and a crybaby. Shanks expression blanked, just as everyone elses twisted in shocked fury. With a bounty of 6.000.000 Berri, Curly Dadan has earned herself a reputation in the area. Luckily not only is Buggy good at pretending to be one of them but hes also been raised by Rodger the demon king, and taught to conceal what he was. More. A pleasure to meet you, Benn Beckman., Roger laughs,Polite too, reminds me of Rayleigh., Reminds you of me? Rayleigh asks leaning over the side of the Oro Jackson,We better get going, Ive spotted a marine vessel incoming., Dont worry about it, Firecracker, Ill see you again soon, Shanks promises, mussing Aces hair. Please consider turning it on! They wouldnt find him in his home-turf. His nose helps as people just tend to assume hes a trickster spirit. He laughed at the images on ace's face before freezing, since he remembered if luffy draws on ace's face, he was likely to draw on his face as well. I do not own one piece I wish but I own these fanfiction. We finally got there, i felt my sons moving from where they were at, to my direction. For Ace he'd do it. Services; Your Patient Care Team; Affiliations He didnt miss Luffys clingy hugs. All three of them grinned happily. I see alarm in some of the whitebeard pirates and they try to stop them a little. Thank you.*. I see the rest narrow their eyes, confusion in them. powershadow90 is a fanfiction author that has written 43 stories for Classroom of the Elite/, . Where you behaved for your big brother?, Ace nods,I was, just like you made me promise. I guess i should be somewhat cold to them for a few seconds until my boys are here. "LITTLE SISTER !?" No. Finally finished..with 1544 words right now. This will tell that story. There was nothing little Luffy could do beside letting his small body carried by the wind. Tags. Luffy puffs out his cheeks, knowing it makes Shanks call him a kid, but also that Shanks find it cute. Why hello there, I'm shanks. Shank replied, his voice sounding very nice and polite for a person that didnt like children. I kept a list., The Pirate King laughs,Gonna tell Rouge everything your big brother did? Following Law closely and keeping tabs on everything. I'm glad for you, Luffy. Watch little Luffy change Doflamingo from a cruel man to a loving father,watch as Luffy gains a family worth fighting for, and ends up changing the future of the world for the better! Luckily for him, he wont be alone this time. Oh no. 1.1K 17 10. . But when his past comes back, and takes the one person of importance away from him, Crocodile will have to face his issues once and for all. "You're the one ace is searching for who was under his division and kill one of your own Nakama Luffy exclaimed. Then he gets to become a feral child with Ace, Sabo, Luffy and Uta. Everytime she called him it was like this and she didn't understand why. He also adopts a few children on the way, as a somewhat brother/uncle figure. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Series. Who heals them when their souls are hurting? The fruits have turned anyone who eats them into a monster. I slowly got up, acting as if was still as least tipsy or just having a headache or somethingi prefer to act like that or something because there are a lot of times where i don't want to deal with things sober and i can't get drunk or anything. Foosha has some sort of festival going on, and Luffy is dead set on his brothers accompanying him. (Spoilers del manga hasta el Captulo 1067). Benns room. "Zhehahahahahahahaha Mugiwara you want to know something your eyes has that same look ace had when I defeated him. A lover? "Zhehahahahahahahahahahahahahaha are you ready to give up Mugiwara using his power once again to cancel out Luffy power and using it to punched Luffy a bit more in the stomach making him cough out lots of blood. Telefon: +40 21 212 86 07 Eyes softening, Shanks ruffled Luffy's hair. They went towards the mountains now. I was looking around with my haki when I sensed someone woke up. "It's free," Luffy would say in a way that would strike her as almost envious and sit in the back of her mind until a day years later, "Maki, it's free!". You wont betray my brother, will you?. #impel Aunque la vida sea difcil l contina soando, entre las sabanas y las estrellas. Bobcat S300 Wiring Diagram, Absolutely anything, even if it killed him inside. Ponce Inlet Jetty Fishing Tips,
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