Address: 800 East Monroe, Springfield, IL 62701 Background Form The Springfield City Council is seeking an interim Councilor to serve Ward 4 through December 31, 2024. The complete Agendas and Minutes are in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Springfield, IL 62701 His primary concern is making sure people get the one-on-one service they deserve. Cardinal will provide routine monthly preventative maintenance services on the Dallman Plant complex stack elevators. Email Us:, AMTRAK-Rail Passenger Service "Back On Track", United Way 2021 Campaign KOB September 9, 2021, Springfield Fire Department Promotion Ceremony July 15, 2021, Citizens Club of Springfield "SangamonCEO Entrepreneurial Education" August 27, 2021, Organized Labor, Lawmakers & Municipal Officials Against Closing CWLP, Prematurely. GE Grid Solutions, LLC. Ms. McCurley is a former Project Manager for the T&D Division of the Office of Public Utilities. Email:, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH HMN PROPERTIES, LLC, FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 618-622 E. WASHINGTON STREET UTILIZING CENTRAL AREA TAX INCREMENT FINANCE FUNDS THROUGH THE OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $600,000,00. PW23-02-102 WITH P.H. * City Council Council normally takes a recess during the months of August and December of each year. I think some of our most vulnerable clients, some of our most famous citizens in this community, are going to be not looked at and appreciated the way they should be.". Meetings are bi-monthly on the last Monday at 6pm at First Church of the Brethren, except the picnic and annual meeting. There was a problem saving your notification. Agenda Type: Agenda Item Department: General City Business Amendments: Documents: 061.pdf 2023-062 on July 12, 2021 City Council Meeting - July 12, 2021 City Council Chambers Historic City Hall, 830 Boonville Council Meeting Agenda July 12, 2021 6:30 p.m. Address: Municipal Center West, Room 106 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A FIVE-YEAR AGREEMENT WITH CARDINAL ELEVATOR LLC FOR ROUTINE STACK ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $199,481.04, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. Our Environment the big picture; ePlans; Festival of . Mayor & City Council; City Council Meetings . Failure of the protection systems can cause more prolonged outages and high costs due to damaged equipment. Email: Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. is not a local vendor. Flick's Package Liquor Inc. PO Box 221 3320 Sterns Rd. City Utilities Board; Park Board; Planning & Zoning Commission; Build Your Community, Build Your Career; City Council. General Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WAND)- At the city council meeting next week, the Springfield alder people will vote on whether a question regarding local townships will be on the ballot. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO THE ENERGY AUTHORITY, INC. AND MIDCONTINENT INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS OPERATOR, INC. FOR TRANSMISSION SCHEDULE FEES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,651,988.00 FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. The use of Adobe Acrobat Reader X is recommended for viewing these documents. An average total number of monthly cylinders on-site was calculated to determine the total five-year cost. * Year If the ordinance or resolution is on Emergency Passage, you need not file a request. Videos of the meetings are available the next day on the City's YouTube channel at 20-00493-00-TL, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS, AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF BRANDON KUHL TO THE SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A DECREASE IN THE NUMBER OF CLASS D LIQUOR LICENSES BY ONE DUE TO CLOSURE OF BUSINESS BY PARKWAY PASTA, INC. D/B/A BEEF O BRADYS LOCATED AT 2599 WEST WABASH AVENUE, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A DECREASE IN THE NUMBER OF CLASS D LIQUOR LICENSES BY ONE DUE TO CLOSURE OF BUSINESS BY SEAFOOD WORLD, INC. D/B/A ANCHORS AWEIGH LOCATED AT 518 EAST CAPTIAL STREET, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF $33,000.00 FOR SETTLEMENT OF CENTRAL DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS FEDERAL COURT CASE 18-cv-3250 WILLIE FLOWERS V. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, HERNANDEZ-RENFRO AND DAVIS, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH TOWER CAPITOL GROUP LP, FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 700 E. ADAMS STREET UTILIZING TAX INCREMENT FINANCE FUNDS GENERATED BY THE PROJECT AND OTHER INCENTIVES FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $18,750,000.00 DURING THE TWENTY THREE YEAR TERM OF THE TARGETED TAX INCREMENT FINANCE AREA, FOR THE OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE AND EXECUTION OF GRANT NO. "It eliminates duplicate of government, and we don't need double layers of government," said McMenamin. Current City of Springfield employees need not file a request. WATCH AGAIN 139 Posts City Council Meeting - February 21, 2023 7 days ago | 98 views City Council Meeting - February 6, 2023 22 days ago | 168 views City Council Meeting - January 23, 2023 1 month ago | 185 views Three exceptions to this rule exist: Your request to address the City Council may be delivered in person, mailed, or faxed to the following address/fax number: IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $80,148.77, FOR SERVICES IN RELATION TO METER READING DATA, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. We all have a story and our Channel 4 (Public) and Channel 18 (Government - City of Springfield) is available to our residents to share their insights with the rest of our community. FD23-09-59 WITH MULTIPLE VENDORS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THREE NEW FIRE HOUSES FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,787,263.00, FOR THE SPRINGFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT RFP PW23-36 WITH SITESCAPES, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRASH AND RECYCLING RECEPTACLES FOR DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFICATION IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,552.00, FOR THE SPRINGFIELD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT NO. 3 were here. Adjourn to Special City Council Meeting - Closed Session. Live streaming of actual City Council meetings is available on Comcast Cable Channel 18, and it re-broadcast at 9am, 2pm & 7pm each day after. Currently showing the summary for the City Council meeting on 3/7/2023. 300 S. Seventh Street Ordinance 306-07-22 extended her contract and authorized an additional $23,500.00 in funds. It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your voice on the Springfield City Council. You may reach out to them directly by City Council Agenda Packets(from March 5, 2007 to present) and Minutes (from January 1993 to present)are available and can be accessed using Online Public Documents. The amount goes from $50,000 to $10,000, generally considered a rebuke . Watch archived meetings at WATCH AGAIN 156 Posts NOTICE: Moving to YouTube 2 years ago City Council 2020-12-21 2 years ago | 332 views City Council 2020-12-14 2 years ago | 120 views New vote to dissolve townships heading to Springfield City Council, more," said Budd. Ninth St., Room 102, Springfield IL, 62701 or email Aiello at CWLP load represents approximately 0.4% of MISO total load. Springfield, IL 62701 . Click here to view the full agenda packet and virtual meeting information. Failure of the protection systems can cause more prolonged outages and high costs due to damaged equipment. January 30th; March 27th; May 22nd (adjusted to week before last Monday due to Memorial Day) . APP-51975 in the amount of $650,000.00 for funding from the Illinois Housing Development Authority Home Repair and Accessibility Program ("HRAP") 52370, for the Office of Planning & Economic Development. Fax: 217.789.2109 The 2023 branch pick-up takes place in March, May, August, and November. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A MASTER INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTRACT SERVICE WITH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, DEPARTMENT OF INNOVATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY (STATE) BY ADDING 404 N. 5TH STREET TO SAID AGREEMENT FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. Schedule 26 is payments for the Transmission Expansion Plan (other than Multi-Value Projects). "You have a system you have to call them and if they, might call you tomorrow or the next day, but it's not going to be that personal touch. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF NEW RELAYS FOR VARIOUS SUBSTATIONS FROM SCHWEITZER ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, INC. Wednesday April 6, 2022 10:37 am 06/14/2022 Momentum on Main Street. Get the latest information about ICON meetings, events, and news! June 4, 2021, Animal Protective League, Earth Awareness Fair 2021, The 2021 State of the City Mayor Langfelder, Facebook Live with The Mayor, "Conversation on Gun Violence", Community Call to Stop Gun Violence March 5, 2021, Springfield City Council Meeting..September 21, 2021, Creative Reuse Market Place Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting, HSHS Saint John's Panda Cares Check Presentation. He says having extra administrators is increasing costs for taxpayers. Address: 800 East Monroe, Springfield, IL 62701 Phone: 217.789.2000 Fax: 217.789.2109 Email: communicationsdirector@springfield . 12:00 am Tomorrow at 12:00 AM See Something, Say Something 12:00 am Tomorrow at 12:00 AM Springfield Police Department Promotion Ceremony, January 26, 2023 12:17 am . The stack elevators are rack and pinion type and require service from a vendor specializing in this type of system. STAFF: Susan Kacoyannakis, Toggle navigation. This ordinance approves payment for various hardware, software, software maintenance, and hosting services involving the meter reading data with Itron, Inc. (Itron) in an amount not to exceed $80,148.77. Springfield, MO, USA City Council meets every other Monday at 6:30 pm in Historic City Hall, Springfield MO. Keep it Clean. Aiello says Capital Township assess 50,00 parcels of property and the City of Springfield doesn't have the capabilities to take on this responsibility. Watch the City Council or Committee meetings live each week on Channel 18. All hearings and regular City Council Meetings will continue to stream live on Focus Springfield and the Springfield Municipal Meetings YouTube Page, and all sub-committee meetings will continue to be recorded and posted on the Springfield Municipal Meetings YouTube Page. Watch the City Council or Committee meetings live each week on at 5:30 pm on Channel 18. Residents may have an event or perspective that is important to share specifically with Springfield and our Access Channel 4 provides this service. Garbage Collection ~ a Dirty Springfield is Everyones Problem! Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Current Ward Map The proposal has township leaders and city leaders split on what is best. This annual contract covers June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024. He is concerned people will fall through the cracks if the city of Springfield takes over. The State requested both 1,000 Mbps and 100 Mbps Ethernet and has paid $1,100.00 per month for the 1,000 Mbps site and $500.00 per month for each of the 100 Mbps sites. The advisory question would ask citizens if they want to dissolve townships located within the city. In 2018, Kone Inc. was awarded the last five-year contract (UE18-01-74) for $733,500.00 that covered nine (9) elevators. Address: 800 East Monroe, Springfield, IL 62701 It is necessary under Section 90.17 of the 1988 City of Springfield Code of Ordinances, as amended, to control the number of liquor licenses authorized per classification. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF REBUILD KITS FOR EXISTING RELAYS AT VARIOUS SUBSTATIONS FROM GE GRID SOLUTIONS, LLC IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $79,548.63, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. For several years, the Utility has awarded contracts to SEL (UE14-04-023, UE15-06-030, UE16-03-08, UE17-03-05, UE18-063-04, NB19-85U, NB20-82U-1, NB21-115U-1, NB22-50U-1, and NB23-148U). AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO AZTECA SYSTEMS LLC FOR A JOINT PURCHASE OF CITYWORKS ENTERPRISE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND MAINTENANCE FROM APRIL 15, 2023, THROUGH APRIL 14, 2024, FOR THE OFFICES OF PUBLIC WORKS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $157,500.00, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS, AND CHARLES W. MCLAUGHLIN AND PAMELA S. MCLAUGHLIN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3720 BISSELL ROAD, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS, AND EVERETT AND ANNA LANGLEY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4108 CHINQUIPIN ROAD, AN ORDINANCE REGARDING THE VARIANCE REQUEST OF SECTION 153.158(b)(2) PERTAINING TO CROSS ACCESS AND LOT ARRANGEMENT FOR PLANET FITNESS - THE REDIVISION OF LOT 2 OF DIRKSEN MARKETPLACE, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS, AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE LOCATION AND SKETCH MAP OF PLANET FITNESS - THE REDIVISION OF LOT 2 OF DIRKSEN MARKETPLACE, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH AXIM GEOSPATIAL, LLC FOR VARIOUS SUPPORT SERVICES AND DELIVERABLES FOR THE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERIZED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $275,000.00, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC., FOR STORMWATER MASTER PLANNING, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $315,000.00, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS, AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE LOW BID AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NUMBER PW23-02-103 WITH LINCOLNLAND CONCRETE, INC., AND CAPITOL READY MIX, INC. TO PURCHASE READY MIX CONCRETE AND RELATED MATERIALS FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $325,000.00, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BID AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NUMBER PW23-01-89 WITH REYHAN BROTHER, INC. D/B/A SANGAMO CONSTRUCTION FOR THE FY2024 BRICK STREET REPAIR PROGRAM IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $409,568.00, FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS, AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE LOWEST BID AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. Depending on the type of project, allocation to CWLP may be based strictly on the CWLP proportion of MISO load or a combination of load proportion and local benefit. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE AND EXECUTION OF ILLINOIS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GRANT NO. The service includes examinations, adjustments, and lubrication as deemed appropriate by Cardinals Mechanic. The full agenda packet and instructions for joining the meeting virtually, along with additional information can be found at https: . All rights reserved. 1 TO AN AGREEMENT WITH HAROLD O'SHEA BUILDERS, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND OVERSIGHT OF THE CONSTRUCTION FOR THREE FIRE STATION LOCATIONS FOR AN ADDITIONAL $405,000.00 AND TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,300,000.00, FOR THE OFFICE OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT, AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING RFP #LL23-33 AUTHORIZING A THREE-YEAR CONTRACT WITH MIDWEST TAPE, LLC., A STREAMING MEDIA DATABASE, TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE HOOPLA APPLICATION FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $165,000.00 FOR LINCOLN LIBRARY.
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