And its not just NQTs. This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. The teaching assistants role needs to be clearly defined. How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, dene differentiation and avoid time-wasting marking Conference chair Ian Warwick addresses some of the questions posed by delegates at the 'Stretch and Challenge the More Able' event. CPD: Stretch and Challenge Ideas (teacher made) - Twinkl Independence, resilience and TAsAsk any teacher what they want from their students and nearly all of them will say I want them to be more independent. Stretch and challenge can be described as an agenda or philosophy as opposed to an outright teaching strategy. What is hard for me might be easy for you. Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task. Stretch and Challenge - Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task.Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. Please view our Terms and Conditions before leaving a comment. 10 challenging enrichment activities to engage more able learners Lead Practitioner of MFL - St Antony's Roman Catholic School, a Stretch & Challenge! The strategies below(link for original source) are about empowering students and fostering curiosity without huge amounts of preparation and added work. To go one step further, the graphic organisers included in the membership are an engaging tool for adding shape to your pupils thinking. At their worst, stretch tasks ask pupils to do things which are largely unrelated to the learning intention of the lesson. Ofsted - Excellence in English Good-quality oral work engages pupils, including boys and pupils who might otherwise take little interest, and yields benefits in all areas of English. Identifying what we can do for 'High Potential Pupils' (HPPs) needs to start with looking at what we shouldn't be doing and why our efforts may be misguided or faulty. The awarding bodies were given guidance that 'stretch and challenge' questions should: use a variety of stems in questions - for example analyse, evaluate, discuss, compare - As apprentices are progressing through the curriculum, you can set stretch and challenge activities to help them build advanced knowledge. Try to focus on progress for learners across time and not just pushing every learner in every lesson. To asking the students to create a performance in a shorter space of time. Stretch and Challenge: A teacher's guide - Structural Learning The new focus on progress measures in performance tables will reward schools that stretch their brightest pupils. We all know that we need to be stretching students whatever their starting points, we know that we have to challenge every child in a class. It can also be hard to create stretch through this approach, because it is difficult to pitch tasks at exactly the right level. measure progress will motivate learners to complete more learning, increase their progress and reach their targets. A useful metaphor is a chasm that must be crossed: those learners who struggle need you to build a bridge to help them to get over it. Places cost 99. This will help you create a learning baseline to build upon throughout theprogramme. <br><br>My academic and professional career has spanned Higher Education . Ofsted's 2015 Common Inspection Framework explicitly highlights the need to ensure effective teaching, learning and assessment for the most academically able pupils. If students see there is a choice of how much they will learn in a lesson, then it is too tempting for them to coast along doing the bare minimum. DEFINITELY AGREE WITH THIS ESPECIALLY; There is no real challenge posed if a student is told to As an early years practitioner, all pupils are given the skills required to set each child up to succeed. Introduction. In fact, OneFile has everything you need for the new apprenticeship standards thats why its the most used apprenticeship software. If students know that they are expected to complete a set number of the homework challenges by the end of the topic, then this stops the arbitrary setting of homework at inconvenient times. To find out more about OneFile and how you can use it to improve your apprenticeship delivery, with a OneFile expert. 3. CPD Briefing: Stretch and Challenge | Hartsdown Academy Use Title Questions. This may seem like a pretty obvious statement to make but often, without recognising it, we set a limit on what we think students can do. PDF Students' views of stretch and challenge in A-level examinations - AQA By visiting our site, you agree to our privacy policy regarding cookies, tracking statistics, etc. There cant be a teacher on this planet who doesnt know by now that feedback has a significant effect on students outcomes. Apprentices will have access to the samequality oflearning, butwont be repeating work or learning about things they already know, so theyll have more opportunity to progress. They give employers validation that theirapprenticeship levyis being well spent. Following an intensive 2-day internal CPD event at one outstanding school, I asked the teaching staff to complete a survey; the number one area that they requested more input on was stretch and challenge. Something went wrong while submitting the form. We've updated our privacy policy. Now, in my work as an education consultant and teacher trainer, one of the areas I am asked to support schools with most often is "stretch and challenge". In regards to Stretch & Challenge, what is working for you and your students? For many years, stretch and challenge was seen as something for the gifted and talented group. Its often the last thing we think about after weve planned our lessons. In 2015, Ofsted commented on stretch and challenge in the context of 'the most able'. Second, it is the teacher who holds all of the power because they are the ones initiating the questions and deciding on the direction of the discussion.One way of embedding a stretch and challenge model is to experiment with different ways of encouraging greater participation in discussion. How To Stretch And Challenge More Able Pupils In Maths [Even When Thank you! One way is with. The learning actions extend the opportunities to provide challenge across a wide ability range. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. This cycle is repeated several times with different students. In 2019 I met Umair Shafique at the Service Design Fringe Festival in London, and heard . Rather than waste time getting students to copy down vague learning objectives and outcomes, move towards an enquiry question that will anchor the learning and everything the students do in a lesson or series of lessons to respond to the question posed by the teacher. Using visuals to accompany the word as a memory cue helps students to remember the work. Feedback needs to be framed in such a way that it is clear to the student what their learning gaps are and how they can close them before moving onto new learning. Stretch and Challenge Enrol The 21 Best Maths Challenges (KS2) For Your More Able Pupils Your submission has been received! The registered office is: 6th Floor, Cornerblock, 4. Linda Amrane-Cooper - Chelmsford, England, United Kingdom 80% of the lesson should be about student action, not teacher action, Delegate leading activities to students e.g. It isn't a new concept, but rather one which has been renamed. For instance, it might include adaptations to the teachers use of language, or in the moment changes to a lesson, based on the teachers knowledge of individual learners. Once students have attempted a piece of work, teach students how to use pre-flight checklists which ask students to check their own or a peers work against the criteria and highlight areas for development before handing in their very best effort. Primary PE Stretch and Challenge | The National College Tollbar MAT Sixth Form College - Stretch & Challenge Webinar 1hr. As apprentices are progressing through the curriculum, you can set stretch and challenge activities to help them build advanced knowledge. Then through means of support, the lower ability learners are given the opportunity to find their 'flow' and make progress towards the learning intentions. Begin by providing a description of the word before asking students to create their own description and example in their own words. Session 4: Staff work in subject or year group teams to develop and implement ideas from the morning. progression Ensure that students engage with academic vocabulary on a regular basis through discussion, word games and vocabulary notebooks to consolidate knowledge. Not yet a NACE member? Varying levels of literacy is one of the most significant factors in how well a student will do at school. Yet what isnt as well promoted is that feedback can also have a negative impact on students. One way of embedding a stretch and challenge model is to experiment with different ways of encouraging greater participation in discussion. Accessibility 4 March 2015. Top Revision Tips: 10 ideas for the classroom, The Knight in Shining Armour: coming to the rescue, Blue Peter Heres one I Prepared Earlier: pre-digested resources, Negator of Challenge: over simplifying and over scaffolding, Accepting the first response too readily and not grilling students, Life Support Machine: creating need not independence, The nodding dog: over praising and giving approval too readily, Have a starter that students can be doing from the moment that they enter the room to ensure a prompt start to the lesson, Use homework to prepare students for the learning in the lesson, Prepare learning resources that students can use independently without reliance on you, Set a strict time limit for speaking to the class. Stretch and Challenge Training, INSET and CPD | Mike Gershon 4 Steps To Ditching Differentiation - TeacherToolkit The best group work is when the cognitive demand of the task actually necessitates more than one students input. Ofsted seem to be using 'most able' now, but of course, 'most' will depend on what the rest of your cohort looks like. Our vision is to 'Create a climate of great learning, success . 2) Categorise those benefits into different criteria? How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, define differentiation and Liked by Ellie Stretch. In . Encourage your son or daughter to talk to the older generation at home about their perspective on events in the past and how views and opinions have altered. Here's how not to stretch and challenge: Extra work - It's fair to say that this is a common 'no no' for stretching and challenging learners, purely because it is hard to motivate learners to do more work week in week out. To get over the problem of setting homework for homeworks sake, an alternative is to create a Homework Challenge Bank featuring a range of tasks that require students to consolidate and master key concepts and apply their knowledge in different contexts. Accepting the first response too readily and not grilling students. February 21, 2023, 1:00 PM GMT. - Ideas to support the effective use of Challenge in lessons by Verity Holman | This newsletter was created with Smore, an online tool for creating beautiful newsletters for educators, nonprofits, businesses and more. stretch and challenge ofsted. In order for this to happen, set up a series of structured questions that require students to think hard and ensure students have enough time to grapple with the difficult concepts. Key Stage 4 team take on Physics Challenge - Latest News - Colyton Differentiation - Geoff PettyGeoff Petty If students dont respond to our feedback, then whats the point in marking their work?Another frustration teachers experience is when students hand in work that is just not up to standard due to carelessness or lack of effort. Talk happens in all English lessons but it is not always well-structured or taught explicitly. If students know that they are expected to complete a set number of the homework challenges by the end of the topic, then this stops the arbitrary setting of homework at inconvenient times. So how do you know when apprentices are ready for that extra push? Cut it into strips. The effective use of questions is vital for stretching your highest-attaining learners. Learning intentions are an integral part of communicating to your students that you expect all of them to think deeply every lesson. More activity by Ellie. Even though using a learning experience such as oracy doesn't always end up with written evidence in a book, progress can be documented with the right assessment approaches. Rather than waste time getting students to copy down vague learning objectives and outcomes, move towards an enquiry question that will anchor the learning and everything the students do in a lesson or series of lessons to respond to the question posed by the teacher. Expect to feel tension while you're stretching, not pain. Privacy Notice Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Are your colleagues running any research projects or courses? Using an apprenticeship software like OneFile to. However, getting homework right makes such a difference to the challenge culture. Ofsted reports have identified a range of good practice in parental engagement. pass, merit, distinction. Differentiation is the process by which differences between learners are accommodated so that all students in a group have the best possible chance of learning. Challenge varies by subject. Eportfolio Strategy 1: Avoid the following teaching styles, Strategy 3:Plan lessons that encourage independence, Strategy 5: Get students involved in the learning process, NQT Secondary Adviser at Herts for Learning - supporting NQT induction. However, if you stay resolute and communicate with students the changes you are making and the benefits these changes will bring, they will end up appreciating your high expectations of what they can achieve. Follow along to this full body stretching routine to get flexible fast - perfect for anyone from beginners to. Graham Nuthalls research in The Hidden Lives of Learners found that most of the feedback students get is from their peers and that, alarmingly, 80 per cent of it is wrong! Create a Place for stretching (I used to have a fluffy rug in front of a mirror with my stick figure stretch routine where I . Secondary RE Stretch and Challenge | The National College stretch and challenge ofsted - Stretch and Challenge | CLF Conference | Dan Nicholls ont be repeating work or learning about things they already know, so theyll have more opportunity to progress. Keep it focused and manageable for yourself and relevant to your learners. When thinking about how to make an aspect of a subject more challenging, it is helpful to think about curriculum as being made up of both surface-level material and at the same time ideas that require much deeper levels of understanding. 10 stretch and challenge ideas you can easily use in your classroom Every child deserves maths challenges that stretch them. 10 Tips for Developing Your Skills in Stretch and Challenge These can be facilitated 'on the fly' and challenge learners to adopt new perspectives on familiar knowledge. Instead of just providing additional learning materials for those who have finished the task, the framework enables children to deepen their learning experiences by changing perspectives and looking at topics from different angles. The idea comes from the criticism that some children could be working at a greater depth or taking their ideas to new levels. There is no real challenge posed if a student is told to go off and be independent if, once they get there, they dont have the knowledge or skills to complete the task successfully.The aim is to encourage students to work for extended periods of time without relying on the teachers constant input. This will help you create a learning baseline to build upon throughout the, learners no matter their level. Stretch and Challenge Developing Deeper Understanding . Based in the north west of Leeds, Benton Park is a large, successful and oversubscribed school. To do this, youll need to use the apprentices starting point and create a. curriculum that builds on their prior knowledge. For me, the key to stretch and challenge is to pitch the learning at the higher ability learners. You'll receive the newsletter every Tuesday, Designing activities to really stretch pupils, Stretching a learners thinking with the Universal Thinking Framework, Stretch and Challenge activities using visual tools, Using resources such as 'Writers Block' to stretch students comprehension, Learn more about the Universal Thinking Framework, Learn more about the Learning Skills Framework. A key frustration for high attainers is the feeling that they are being taught things in school that they already know. You can measure prior learning, build a. curriculum, track progress, and set stretch and challenge activities in one place. Participants will develop a tool kit of strategies to support teaching and will reflect on how . Ego-driven feedback, focusing on the student rather than the task, and grades rather than comments, leads to a decrease in student progress.Feedback needs to be framed in such a way that it is clear to the student what their learning gaps are and how they can close them before moving onto new learning. First, only a handful of students are forced to participate those that are chosen by the teacher. One way is with OneFile's Learning Hub. Most students can be a bystander rather than an active participator. these revisions was to introduce 'stretch and challenge' into A2 assessments to prepare students better for the skills required in higher education and employment. If it hurts, you've pushed too far. Ofstedwants to see that all learners have been stretched and challenged to achieve ambitious targets so set them! 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