Eadith volunteers to sneak in with the villagers. And so, Uhtred has to save her as he promised he would. His eyes lock with Eadiths over Uhtreds shoulder. Finan ("Episode 2.4"), Uhtred, Ragnar, Hild, Finan, thelwold, Steapa, and Beocca head to Eoferwic, where they gather with Brida. She expects Danes, danger, and adventure. Requests are OPEN!! Edward explains that he made no such order. All but Uhtred is slain when Ragnar steps in and tells Guthrum that he will have to kill him first if he wants to kill Uhtred. Wihtgar tries to sink it by catapulting boulders, but he fail. He recognizes Offa from Winchester and takes him prisoner. Follow her as she tries oh so desperately to stay alive, get home, and not, she means NOT, fall for a very sexy, very funny, oh so pretty Irishman. They are joined by Father Pyrlig and King Hywels army. ("Episode 3.2"), Cnut informs Uhtred and Finan that he has an army of 200 men though hes not sure where they are headed next. lswith claims that she is gifting Uhtred his life and tells him that he shall leave in peace. Uhtred isnt destined to be the Lord of Coccham any more than shes meant to live a small life there. thelwold follows behind Steapa. That is why he invited Uhtred. Eadith never sought to disrespect thelfld, but only to protect her brother, but he did not protect her in return. All the villagers have fled and a small grave is marked outside Uhtred's house with a wooden cross. He wonders why Eadith didnt betray them when she had the chance. ("Episode 2.4"), Uhtred, Ragnar, Brida, Hild, Finan, Sihtric, thelwold, Steapa, and Beocca lead an army of men to Dunholm. Uhtred and Brida decide to travel south to look for Ubba. There is a Dane army marching. Moments later, Finan arrives with thelfld, Aldhelm, and the Mercian guard. All the while Edward, lswith and Cenric watch from above. For protection, they have gathered a group of sickly men, who suffer with the White Riff. Shes told Sigtryggr much about Uhtred, such as how hes lost his home in Bebbanburg. Their men would need to be fed and remain sober, for months. Someone who loved her. There are no Gods, no Nornir who weave the threads at the foot 'i must abide by the duty that was brought upon me by God and the King; no matter how fearful that road may be.'. He heads upstairs and smashes a hole in the roof. She said that is why Uhtred will always have the strength to stand up when others fall and to go on when those around him say it is hopeless. To live beside him and through him. Young Uhtred explains that its not his God that Uhtred hates, but the fact that young Uhtred is not his father. Sihtric releases Halig. Alfred is enraged by Uhtred's continued insolence, and even moreso in the presence of God. Uhtred suspects that should Guthred rise to the throne, he would be prepared to raise an army against Sven, so he is willing to help. They realize that at least one man is still alive but that hes dying of a sickness. There are no objections from the Witan and Uhtred is crowned king. Lord thelfld has sent a pair of monks up north to strike a bargain for it. And so, Abbot Eadred lets Gisela go. Theyre willingly walking into a trap. The real Uhtred was not raised by Danes and did not fight with them. The rest of the men, Uhtred wants Halig and Clapa to remove their heads so that he may send them as a gift to Kjartan. Uhtred hands his weapons off to Finan and Sihtric and informs Steapa that he will come peacefully to the king. Alfred demands the Danes exit Wessex by ship back to East Anglia in one month's time. Uhtred has had many great relationships on The Last Kingdom, but one friendship that had a special place in the fans' hearts was Uhtred and Brida's. Although Brida considers herself to be Uhtred's enemy now, there was a time that they considered each other "soulmates." Finan or Harwin? In "The Last Kingdom", Uhtred was born into status as son of Uhtred, Ealdorman of Bebbanburg, and raised to have hatred towards the surrounding kingdoms of Mercia, East Anglia, Wessex, Scotland and the Danes. Eadith assures Uhtred that shes fine, and then thelfld tells Eadith that thelred is asking for her. He bounds their hand and they kiss. Its its everywhere, Uhtred!. Thyra pleads with him to no do this, but Ragnars decision is final. Avoiding the Roman roads which are filled with Danes, they travel by way of Lyscombe, only to find death and destruction. Lastly, Bloodhair challenges Uhtred to a fight to the death with Skade as the prize. Once Hsten is gone, Uhtred asks about Alfreds health, which has only gotten worse. Leofric reappears and tells Uhtred that now he knows how Alfred feels. There, they will make camp a short distance from London. ("Episode 3.2"), Uhtred is growing weaker by the moment. Guthred takes Saint Cuthberts hand and swears to defend Cumbraland. Aldhelm arrives to report that thelfld has taken Eoferwic and the Danes there have submitted to her rule. She confronts him for sending thelwold to kill Ragnar and stabs him with his own sword. Shes seen 50 men become 5,000. In the meantime, she orders Uhtred to go to Ceaster and take her daughter somewhere she can be protected. Do they sit in judgement. The Lord of Mercia must be Christian. Brida refuses to look at Uhtred but Ragnar remains both his brother and friend. ("Episode 3.5"), Uhtred, thelfld, Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth arrive in Aegelesburg to see Edward. Uhtred arrives outside of Dunholm with the heads of Kjartans men. Season 5 of The Last Kingdom is streaming on Netflix now and, after two years of waiting, fans are reunited with Uhtred of Bebbanburg. Uhtred assures Halig that their journey wont end with them as slaves or in a grave. thelfld is prepared to give herself up so that no one else has to die for her. Uhtred warns them that Danes are rogues and wont listen to thelstan. Which Uhtred argues created more bloodshed. ); Uhtred, young Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric cross paths with Hsten as hes with younger Cnut and Esgar. Unbeknownst to them, Bjorgulf arrives with a fleet of soldiers just up the hill. Characters will include Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, and Ragnar the Younger Add to library 41 Discussion 6 Suggest tags Regardless of all else, Beocca reminds Uhtred that it is because of Alfred that he has had a good life in Wessex. ("Episode 2.3"), Uhtred, Halig, and Finan are shivering cold on the slave ship. ("Episode 1.5"), Taking inspiration from a grease fire, Uhtred prepares wads of pig fat soaked in oil and sneaks into the Danish camp, successfully setting fire to all their ships. People staring at them as if they were mad but he didn "Perhaps I may let you live." Uhtred assures them that they dont need an army. He then gives them a loaf of bread to share. Enraged, Uhtred breaks formation and leaps over the enemy shield wall and begins killing Danes at will. Uhtred tells Ragnar that Dunholm is his to take and then calls Sihtric over and asks why he lied to him about Dunholm not having weaknesses. Uhtred, Halig, and Finan dump the water out of the ship using buckets. Wessex was the last unconquered Saxon kingdom in England and thus always under constant threat from the Danes. The sole survivor attempts to shoot them with arrows before Brida hurls her axe into his back. They all know the great army will never hold. And because of that, Alfreds not willing to pay a great sum. ("Episode 2.5"), Uhtred, Finan, and Clapa are joined by Hsten and Eilaf. She enjoys the beauty of nature and loves reading about the history of such lands. Gender Although, if Eardwulf comes for them, Uhtred will not hesitate. ("Episode 1.2"). Sounds like a good idea as long as it's not a story about his "throbbing dick" and her "dripping pussy". He agrees and asks Hild to bring the demands of the king. Uhtred then leaves to find Stiorra. Theyve come in search of Skade, who stands in the church with a human heart in hand. Uhtred cuts off Sigefrids hand and then drags him out the tent for all to see. Miscarriage is a sad but common experience in the Christian life, especially among those who believe in following Gods command to be fruitful and multiply. I will send out an army to find you, However, Alfred reiterates that they will maintain the peace. Sverri gives them whats left of the carrots. And so, Alfred orders thelred to go to Beamfleot and negotiate. Uhtred tells Bloodhair to spare the hostages and send them across the burh. Eadwynn, she had a good life living in Northumbria at Bebbanburg. ("Episode 4.5"), Saltwic, Mercia; Uhtred arrives at thelflds estate to find that everyone is safe. Odda is getting old, with no son to follow him. Lastly, he has the captives taken to the chapel and fed. While shes distracted, he flips his shirt over her head and proceeds to drown her in the river. Eadith has proof off his crime. ("Episode 2.3"), The slave ship nears East Anglia. Wihtgar fires an arrow at young Uhtred, but Beocca jumps in front of him, taking the arrow in the chest. At first Ripley is the perfect distraction. Brida takes Storri away to the woods, with the intention of killing him if Uhtred doesn't return. Uhtred questions if Hild sent Beocca to keep an eye on him. She wants them to meet her at the ruins of St. Milburgs Priory. Bebbanburg, Northumbria;Uhtred and Finan take out the two guards by the gate and wait for young Uhtred to open the gate. thelhelm pleads with Uhtred to tell him the location of lfwynn so that they dont have to torture him, but he refuses. The Battle of Edington won, Alfred admits that he is indebted to Uhtred, that Wessex is indebted. However, Uhtred fears that the next Lord may banish thelfld. Hes trying to find a candle that burns from midday to midday. A compromise is agreed upon and later that night in the English camp, Alfred and his witan begin their long term plan to defeat the Danes in the years ahead. This slave is marked to become a king. Hopefully, in time, things will change for them. I am writing this to get it out of my head, I am really going hard on the crack in this one, I have wandered far from my crack and into the vast land of angst, The Warrior Chronicles | The Saxon Stories - Bernard Cornwell, Aethelflaed Lady of Mercia/Erik Thurgilson, Osferth (c. 885-934)/Original Character(s), Takes Place Between Seasons Three And Four, Uhtred of Bebbanburg/Original Female Character(s), Gisela/Uhtred of Bebbanburg/Original Female Character(s), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Robb Stark/Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Rossart the Pyromancer (A Song of Ice and Fire), I was not going to post this until I finished it, but I don't want to lay around and do nothing, I have gotten addicted to writing everyday, I got distracted by another sexy dark haired warrior, they really dont like each other at first. She now travels south with her army. Uhtred dislikes the Scots, but has a grudging respect for their fighting abilities. As his first act as Lord of Mercia, Uhtred relinquishes the throne in favor of thelfld. He chose Saxons over them, and so Brida will let him live with knowing that hes the reason Ragnar is dead. Otherwise, her mother will have Uhtreds killed. ("Episode 4.6"), Mercia;Osferth proposes to Uhtred that they rest. Brida arrives at their camp and takes them to Dunholm. They've taken Hsten prisoner and tortures him. ("Episode 2.3"), Sverri arrives ashore looking for Jonis. , "", - . , , . thelwold does so reluctantly while begging to have his life spared. She puts a curse on Uhtred. If Uhtred is to truly be a Dane, she tells him that he must undo the past and destroy Alfred. Hild then gives Uhtred a silver cross, telling him to turn it into hack-silver and pay for bribes along the way. ("Episode 2.6"), Odda tells Uhtred that Alfred wants him to return to Coccham. Again, Uhtred asks thelfld to leave with him, but she fears that if she leaves, shell never be able to return. As a result, Osbert becomes the new Uhtred and is baptised for the second time in front of the common folk so that they may recognise him as the new heir of Bebbanburg. And he does so willingly. But soon after, Ragnar was killed. Bloodhair was killed by Skade, who knows of Uhtreds promise to shadow walk, but there are too many guards. Can Finan and Aisling keep their love strong and their bond tight while trying to raise their children and deal with the upcoming battles? Northumbrian woods;When lfric, Uhtred's uncle, learns that he is still alive, a meeting is arranged to ransom him back to Bebbanburg. REQUESTS ARE OPEN - - Uhtred - Sihtric - Finan - Sigtryggr - Ragnar - young Uhtred - Osferth - Stiorra - Athealfled +. 18+. " She starts to cry and tells Uhtred she will miss him, giving him one last kiss goodbye. He initially asks if Cenric was sworn to Alfred before realizing that Cenric fought at Beamfleot. What will happen when she realises that she is too late? Uhtred has told thelfld this story. Portrayer Bebbanburg, NorthumbriaFagranforda, Mercia (formerly)Cocham, Wessex (formerly)Oxton, Wessex (formerly) ("Episode 2.5"), Uhtred approaches Erik, who claims that he didnt come to fight but rather to meet with a dead man. In a desperate attempt to give Uhtred the dignity he deserves as a warrior, Leofric requests a fight to the death instead. Father Pyrlig will return to Aegelesburg to inform Edward while the others head to Winchester. ("Episode 3.4"), All doors have been blocked except for the front door. Uhtred is released and lights the signal beacons as Alfred instructed. Uhtred insists that they mean him no harm and will pay for information. ("Episode 2.5"), Uhtred, Gisela, Finan, Alfred, and Odda have dinner together. sihtric x fanfic ("Episode 4.1"), Uhtred spends the entire night sitting in front of a fire, waiting to hear back from his men up north, though he receives no such news. They join thelfld and Aldhelm as they leave for Tettenhall. ("Episode 3.10"), Steapa retrieves Uhtred from his cell and escorts him out of Winchester. Eleven years later, she is back with them and trying to forget the time they spent apart. Afterward, Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth follow them out. While they re distracted, Finan helps Halig break free of his chains. lfric isnt convinced and orders for young Uhtred to be executed. And it is Uhtred who must rule when that happens. During the chase, thelwold hits his head on a branch and falls off the horse. Ragnar didn't want to agree, he didn't want to put his brother in a fight to the death when he had barely recovered from his previous injury. Uhtred wants to go to Ragnars grave. Uhtred is not fond of the name Dane-Slayer and tells Cnut to stop referring to him as such. Beocca reveals that Thyra died in a fire, which he suspects was set by men of Wessex. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (462), The Warrior Chronicles | The Saxon Stories - Bernard Cornwell (309), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (3), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (3), Aethelflaed Lady of Mercia/Erik Thurgilson (85), Finan (The Last Kingdom)/Original Character(s) (81), Aethelflaed Lady of Mercia/Aldhelm (The Last Kingdom) (72), Alfred the Great/Uhtred of Bebbanburg (71), Finan (The Last Kingdom)/Original Female Character(s) (55), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (166), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (69), What Could've Been, Would've Been, What Should've Been You, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Finan (The Last Kingdom)/Original Female Character(s), the crossover of my fave sexy dark haired warriors. ("Episode 4.7"), Uhtred informs Pyrlig of the offer made to him by King Edward to be the Lord of Mercia. Could be Ours (x Reader) Within These Walls (x Reader) Sihtric's Eir (x OC) Wildflower Series ( x OC) * Fields of Wildflowers; Seeds We Sow; Liquid Courage * Hot Nights * Fireflies, Embers, and Ash . Alfred instructs Uhtred to further test Edwards ability. Sigtryggr has been reading Alfreds chronicle and Uhtred isnt mentioned. Iseult slyly lets on to Uhtred that she lied to Peredur because she had foreseen Uhtred as the one to free her. thelfld greets Uhtred as she did not see him at the church, but he assures her he attended the wedding. Some may not want to go looking for her again. ("Episode 4.4"), Mercia; Uhtred and thelfld kiss in the nearby woods. They plot to find a way inside. She assures them that she is well, as is her family. This decision leads her to seek refuge in an unlikely ally. He later got baptised a third time before the ealdormen of. ("Episode 3.7"), Uhtred walks with thelfld, who informs him that her husband will be coming to her estate soon. At this time, the young Uhtred was 19 years of age whilst Osbert was around 9/10 years old. ("Episode 4.1"), Winchester, Wessex; Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric arrive in Winchester. Across five seasons, audiences have watched as Uhtred's loyalties be tested, and by Season 5, Uhtred is working closely with King Edward's son Athelstan (Harry Gilby) in a bid to secure, not only the future of Bebbanburg but the future of England itself. Uhtred sends Offa back to thelwold to inform the Danes that he is coming as a shadow walker. Pray you, love, remember. Finan and Osferth alert the others that the Danes are charging towards the gate. Aldhelm then politely requests that Uhtred let thelred go and apologizes to Gisela on his lords behalf. However, Ludeca explains that it was never a rule that women cant take the throne. He surmises that the real reason Beocca came was to ask that Uhtred save her. Gisela is certain that shes pregnant with a boy as he will not keep still. Until then, thelfld will go to Winchester to comfort her mother. Uhtred informs them that London has been taken by Sigefrid and Erik. As Cnut kneels there with his sword in his chest, gasping for air, Uhtred reveals that both of Cnuts boys are alive just before he dies from his wounds. Uhtred releases thelred and parts ways. Instead, she asks that Edward first find a suitor and they will arrange a match. But then why is it, he is also the only one Aisling feels safe and comfortable with? While they may have suffered, turning on each other wont save them. Later . ("Episode 3.9"), Bishop Erkenwald struggles to understand why the king panders to Uhtred. ("Episode 4.4"), Uhtred, young Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric devise a plan to fend off the Danes. On their daily pray, they discussed their friendship. He instructs young Uhtred to take a horse and ride the road north, close to the shore, where hell find the monks and join them. He then kills two more women. Uhtred wants to see his children but also save Ragnar. The only survivor child from their marriage. Uhtred and thelred argue over the best method of attack. Furthermore, he is the man she trusts most. Uhtred makes his presence known and tries to explain the truth behind the death of Earl Ragnar, much to the displeasure of Ubba. We want to do our part to reverse that trend. Uhtred tells Alfred that he would have never killed him, not even when he held the knife to his throat. ("Episode 2.8"), Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth find Odda drunk at the pub. He tells everyone to form a line and they will be given what is needed. Uhtred tells Brida that he is sorry for her. Bishop Erkenwald joins them and asks about Uhtreds wife, ensuring that shes well. ("Episode 2.1"), Uhtred, Hild, Halig, and Beocca arrive in Cumbraland. Hakka practices his aim, throwing his blade into the tree, right next to that of an archers head. This interests Sigtryggr as he too lost his home, and so that puts them in common ground. He wants Beocca to marry him to Gisela before they ride off to Eoferwic. Although he shows a dislike for his first son with Gisela, as he wants to be a Christian and not a warrior. Every year, Congress invites the President to provide an address on the state of the nation. Uhtred recalls how Beocca held him on the ramparts, when Earl Ragnar rode to Bebbanburg. However, Brida sees this as a betrayal. Will they though when he is married to another and has a crown on his head? Not long after, Earl Ragnar returns, riding Uhtred's horse to the gates of Bebbanburg, only to toss the bloodied head of the younger Uhtred, horrifying Osbert. ("Episode 4.10"). ("Episode 3.4"), thelfld is grateful to Uhtred for answering her call even after she freed him of his oath. East Anglia; Uhtred and Brida finally arrive in East Anglia. Last Appearance ("Episode 4.2"), Bebbanburg's waters, Northumbria; Uhtred, Beocca, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric scout out Bebbanburg from afar. Uhtred comes to a standstill. And Wessex is saved. Uhtred makes a stop in Exeter to see Bishop Alewold regarding the outstanding debt on his and Mildrith's land as well as the wergild he is being summoned to pay for Oswald's murder. who have clearly been the best worst influences ever, timeline where Eadith's characterization didn't pull a 180 halfway through season 4, Eadith (The Last Kingdom) & Osferth (c. 885-934), Inspired by Agatha Christie's Crooked House, Sihtric (The Last Kingdom)/Original Character(s), Osferth (c. 885-934)/Original Female Character(s), Brida/Ragnar the Younger (The Last Kingdom), There will be an investigation at some point, My House of Stone, Your Ivy Grows, and Now I'm Covered in You, I love writing about the horrible way Finan got on the slave ship, I decided since I am writing a whole bunch of AUs with my girl Aisling, Aethelflaed Lady of Mercia/Finan (The Last Kingdom), I'm sorry I sound like a used car saleman, I do not know how Aethelflaed could want Uhtred, mildred isn't dead by the end of season one, Finan (The Last Kingdom)/Original Character(s), (i miss you like we both died) our time together a star-crossed endeavor, Athelstan of England (894-939)/Original Female Character(s), Athelstan of England (894-939)/Original Character(s), this fic was written for the target audience of me, Osferth (c. 885-934)/Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra), Amnesiac Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra), Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Unstoppable force meets immoveable object, The Tales of The Complete Non-Legend Of Yesterday. Uhtred takes control of the situation. He is trapped in Niflheim. ("Episode 3.8"), Beocca returns home to find Thyra and Uhtred awaiting his arrival. "Episode 1.1" Wihtgar tortures young Uhtred for answers. Later that night, Ragnar gives Uhtred a necklace of Thor's hammer, letting him know that he is proud of him. Press J to jump to the feed. At first Ripley is the perfect distraction. lswith pushes back, as she refuses to have Uhtred guide her son, but Alfred again tells her to leave. Beocca pleads with Uhtred to spare Sven, who is begging for his life. Uhtred then proceeds to assure his men that he will lead them down a path of reputation. Uhtred informs them that Alfred and thelstan wish to negotiate. And for that, she will always have his protection. Its what the Romans used the area for. Uhtred is a complex character with his own loyalties constantly being questioned, even by himself, though he is a trustworthy man. ("Episode 2.2"), Uhtred, Guthred, Gisela, Hild, Halig, Ulf, and Abbot Eadred discuss the small army of Danes led by Sigefrid and Erik. They are afraid now that Uhtred is gone and Alfred is sickly. Uhtred promises that hell be with Ragnar when the time comes. ("Episode 2.2"), Uhtred meets with King Guthred and tells him that he cannot continue to be a friend to all men. ("Episode 3.5"), Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth lead a group of men to Beamfleot. Uhtred, Halig, and Finan are held up in the stable with the pigs. Theyre traveling North with Alfreds blessings and silver. Alfred retorts that men die, though the chronicle is permanent. It is why Uhtreds men love him and are willing to follow him wherever he goes. The Last Kingdom Season 5 is streaming on Netflix now. ("Episode 3.3"), Uhtred enters Skades cell. He then tells Hild that he would like to see his children at Winchester and asks for her help. Uhtred is determined to use the Saxons to his personal advantage, but Brida is adamant in her refusal of the Saxon way. When Emese is stolen from her home country and sold to a really vicious slaver in Iceland, she did not have high hopes for the future. 'Last Kingdom' Star Alexander Dreymon on Uhtred in Season 4: 'He Goes Through So Much S' (SPOILERS) By Joe Otterson Joe Alblas SPOILER ALERT: Do not keep reading if you have not watched " The. ("Episode 2.7"), Uhtred goes to see thelfld and informs her that theyve arranged her release. He suspects there may even be bodies laying in the fields. The Danes breach the shield wall, and Uhtred is knocked to the ground. ("Episode 4.10"), Uhtred reunites with Stiorra, who tells him that shes willing to go with Sigtryggr.
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