Latest answer posted December 07, 2020 at 5:10:16 PM. Let's be honest I was glad she died. [P3] The manhunt ultimately results in the death of Lennie. Picking up the dead pup, he leaves to go to the hiding place. Curley objectifies his wife by threatening the other men, monitoring her movements, and dismissing her individual needs. Why Did Curley's Wife Get The Blame For Of Mice And Men | As she talks, she moves closer, confiding in him about the life she might have had. Who scolds Lennie after he kills Curleys wife? How do you make Israeli couscous not mushy? Lennie becomes angry with Curley's wife because he is afraid she will tell the other men that he touched her and he will get in trouble. and any corresponding bookmarks? She knows she can get Lennie to talk with her while the other men are playing games outside. Curley's wife basically confided the future she would have liked EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. He was willing to lie about being Lennies cousin to get him a job. He tells Lennie about the 'little place' that they are going to get with 'a cow' and the 'little piece alfalfa' that is 'for the rabbits'. A struggle ensues Lennie panicking and Curley's wife's eyes "wild with terror" until her body flops "like a fish" and then she is still. Lennie easily lets down his guard. George has no responsibility to take care of Lennie, yet George is willing to do anything for Lennie. He doesn't mean to do it; as always with Lennie, he doesn't . She believes that there is both a lack of reason to truly hate this woman, and the undeniable urge to do so. I myself find Curley 's wife to be a bit misunderstood. When Lennie realizes that she is dead, he panics and paws the hay to partially cover her. In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? Indeed, the gentle giant's final downfall is caused because of the vain wife. . Curleys wife is introduced just like any other; however, the emphasis on her feminine features are metaphoric to where women stand in society. After all, Lennie is a big man, and Curly figures that fighting him will either raise his stature amongst the men. Lennie is responsible for killing Curley's wife because he did it. This quote shows that George is killing Lennie for Lennies own good. Curley's Wife in Of Mice & Men | Quotes, Description & Personality Curly's wife has many reasons for being lonely. Curley shows his vindictive nature in recommending that Lennie be shot in the stomach. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. He did this . Lennie easily lets down his guard. Curly's wife does not have a name in the story. She is usually described as Curley's possession and is frequently objectified by the ranch hands. Lennies death paralleled Candys dogs death because they were both considered burdens. They treat her wrong because in this novella they only calls her Curleys wife they never called her by her name so no one will ever know what it was. Curley was also rude towards everyone and, he even attacked people who he thinks were with her wife. The curls, tiny little sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head, and her lips were parted. People who are murdered should not get the blame for the killer's actions when not due. Curley's wife says he can get another one. Lennie is fascinated by her and cannot take his eyes off her. Is Lennie guilty of killing Curleys wife? Lennie is responsible for killing Curleys wife because he did it. What does Lennie think of Curley? Immediately after killing Curley's wife, Lennie travels back to his hidden meeting spot by the river and waits for George while Curley leads a lynch mob after him. The death of Curley's wife comes as a tragic result of Lennie's ignorance of his strength. Curley's Wife. How Does Steinbeck Present The Death Of Curley's Wife When Curleys wife is killed, George knows that Curley will likely torture and kill Lennie. Curley's wife is promiscuous and prettyshe dresses in a provocative. To make up for her misery and loneliness, she tries to connect with other people, but finds herself thwarted at every turn. He thinks that killing the puppy has more consequences. Instead of companionship for George, there is a future of loneliness. She is extremely lonely and views Curley as mean-spirited. Explain what happens between Lennie and Curley's wife? - GradeSaver Lennie becomes so angry that he hurls the dead puppy across the barn. Of mice an men film (1992) In Chapter Five, Curley's wife enters the barn in a dress decorated with red ostrich feathers. Curley's wife was murdered by Lennie in John Steinbeck's story, Of Mice and Men. What happened between Lennie and Curleys wife in the barn? Lennie, who gets frightened and uses his strength to hold on to objects, is just like a child. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. She is painted as an emotionless tramp who is looking to get with anyone she can. < (1 of 2) Next argument > The Argument The death of Curley's wife sets off a chain reaction for the events that close out "Of Mice and Men". Curley's Wife Abuse Quotes - 490 Words | Bartleby What does the swamper tell George about Curley's left hand? One is Aunt Clara who scolds Lennie for letting George down and not listening to him. This is largely due to his intellectual disability, which makes it difficult for him to understand other people or anticipate the consequences of his actions. She is the only woman on a ranch full of grown men who work all day, I can see how she could get lonely and seek attention to herself to pass the time. While the initial reaction to her death is a manhunt led by Curley, her death eventually leads to Lennie's death at the hands of George. In Of Mice and Men, George feels anguish after killing Lennie, but he knows that killing Lennie was the most humane thing to do. Curley's wife is a critical character in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Also I believe that Curley's wife obviously knows that Lennie broke Curley's hand and therefore that shows that Lennie is shown as powerful and I think that Curley's wife likes a powerful man and finds that attractive hence the reason why she chose Curley to marry in the first place as he's quite powerful as we know. For example, in Of Mice and Men George tells Lennie, No, Lennie. When Slim asks George where Lennie might be, George tells Slim Lennie would have gone south (knowing all along that the little pool is north of the ranch). What is are the functions of diverse organisms? Why was the decision Roe v. Wade important for feminists? Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife by shaking and breaking her neck. But was she? What happened to Lennie's puppy? Curley's wife wanted to be an actress and she's lonely because Curley does not pay attention to her. See answer (1) Copy. Before he knows it, he has broken her neck. As she tries to get her hair away from Lennie, he becomes scared and holds on more tightly. What happened after Lennie kills Curley's wife? She is defined by her role: Curley's wife or possession. As a result, he broke her neck. What did she tell Lennie? On what page did Curley say he wanted to shoot Lennie in the guts in Of Mice and Men? Why did Curley's wife rush to marry Curley? Lennie has a soft spot for touching soft things, this has caused him to make outrageous action like killing Curleys Wife: "I like to pet nice things with my fingers, sof' things." (Page 90). She starts to wish that she would have lived somewhere else and became an actress. Why does Curley's wife always seek out the ranch hands? Her "best laid plans" involved a stint in the movies with all the benefits, money, and pleasure that would provide. Why does Curley attack Lennie and what happens to Curley? This adds extreme tension to the story. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# He then disappears from the barn with the dead puppy in hand. George and Lennies dream is impossible once Lennie has killed Curleys wife. Curley's wife begins to struggle, which sends Lennie into a panic. with Curley. Lennie is physically very strong (so his name is ironic), but cannot control himself, leading to escalating acts of accidental violence through the book. treated him as if he was her closest friend ,but Lennie was warried Got kinda used to each other after a little while. (40) George takes care of Lennie because Lennie is his friend; George does not have to, but he wants to. On page 90, Curley's wife said When I do my hair sometimes, I jus set an stroke it cause its so soft. To show this she did it, she ran her fingers over the top of her head. Explain what happened between Lennie and Curley's wife? How does Curley's wife treat Lennie? - Answers A bit hurt and confused, Lennie points out that George was looking at her too. And it's her who. Latest answer posted December 31, 2020 at 3:22:45 PM. In the scene in Crooks' room, she reminds Crooks of his place and threatens to have him lynched if he doesn't show her the proper respect as the wife of the boss' son and a white woman. When Lennie shows her the dead puppy, she tells him it was just a mutt and no one will care, but Lennie explains that George won't let him tend the rabbits because he did a bad thing again. Curley's wife is lonely, Lennie is mentally slow, Candy is old and without a right hand, and Crooks is black in a sad time when that is not extremely acceptable. I aint mad, an I aint now. In Chapter 5, Lennie is sitting alone until Curley's wife enters. curley's wife tells Lennie that "You are nuts , but you kinda nice fella". Meester states that John Steinbeck isnt being outright. He tries to make her stop screaming and kills her by accident. What did slim tell Lennie about the pups? - Sage-Answers He says I could go with that show. Candy says they need to let Lennie get away because Curley will lynch him, but George realizes how hopeless escape would be. The reactions to her death start a manhunt against Lennie. What happens as a result? Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Multiple time throughout the book she is insulted by the men, who call her things such as a tramp, or a tart. When Curleys wife screeches and shouts when Lenny will not let go of her hair, he shakes her violently to make her stop, yet he does, Curleys wife begins to regret living on the ranch with Curley. In Chapter 5, Lennie is sitting alone until Curley's wife enters. Lennie was touching Curley's wife's hair when he went too far, and touched her too hard. First, Curley's wife insists on talking with Lennie even after he warns her that he "ain't supposed to" because "George's scared [he'll] get in trouble." Then Curley's wife invites Lennie to pet her soft hair, but when he gets too rough, she " jerked her head sideways, and Lennie's fingers closed on her hair and hung on His death was symbolic because it could have represented the American Dream and the hope for a better tomorrow because it showed how their dreams did not come true and that their hopes were ruined by the end of their life. George shot him in the temple of his head for a quick and painless death. Already a member? person she could talk to. Curley's wife is a. from your Reading List will also remove any This shows that George is caring because he got Lennie out of a dangerous situation. He does, but his big, clumsy fingers start to mess it up, and she angrily tells him to let go. 2 Pages. George considers what will happen to Lennie: They could lock Lennie up, but he'd starve, and people would be mean to him. George and Candy call her by other names such as "jailbait" or "tart." She wears too much makeup and dresses like a "whore" with red fingernails and red shoes with ostrich feathers. In Of Mice and Men, how and why does Lennie kill Curley's wife? What happened after Lennie kills Curley's wife? Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Lonely 878 Words | 4 Pages. bookmarked pages associated with this title. George goes to the bunkhouse. "What did Lennie say about Curley's wife?" Character Analysis I chose Curley for no empathy because, Curley didnt care about anyone except for his wife, and I think that Curley didnt even care about her wife, it was just lust. He was her friend because Curley never spend time with her and that times women were treted not as they are treated now .She treated him as if he was her closest friend ,but Lennie was warried. A stomach wound results in a most painful death. George first shows that hes caring when he and Lennie run away from Weed because Lennie touched a girls dress. As she tries to get her hair away from Lennie, he becomes scared and holds on more tightly. When she continues to struggle, Lennie grows angry. Describe The Relationship Between Lennie And Curley's Wife My opinion towards Curleys Wife, is that she can be a little too flirty at times. George cares about everyone, he makes them feel good, George is the only one who is thoughtful, compared to everyone else, the others mostly care about. Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 Questions and Answers Describe Curley's wife. Carlson follows Curley out of the barn, going for his Luger. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. After Curley finds out that his wife has died, he becomes determined to kill Lennie gruesomely for revenge. She is pretty with nice clothes, painted nails, and red hair. Why does George kill Lennie in Of Mice and Men? from your Reading List will also remove any What did Lennie do to curleys wife? Curley's wife observes that Lennie is "[j]us' like a big baby" (99) and invites him to stroke her soft hair. First, Curley's wife insists on talking with Lennie even after he warns her that he ain't supposed to because George's scared [he'll] get in trouble. Then Curley's wife invites Lennie to pet her soft hair, but when he gets too rough, she jerked her head sideways, and Lennie's fingers closed on her hair and hung on . In fact, Curley's wife leads to all of the trouble Lennie has on the ranch. 490 Words. Lennie's innocence is what originally draws Curley's wife to him, but his strength will be her downfall. Although Lennie is the one who physically kills Curley's wife, Of Mice and Men consistently shows that Lennie is not to blame for her death. Why did curley's wife rush to marry curley? - JacAnswers Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Character Analysis. How does George feel after killing Lennie? And then about a year later when Lennie accidentally killed Curleys wife, the whole farm was after him. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Lennie is crying because he has killed his puppy. She brings evil into mens' lives by tempting them in a way they cannot resist. Curley treats George and Lennie poorly when he first meets them. Without Lennie, George cannot envision himself carrying on, and he realises that the dream was never really possible. What are the Physical devices used to construct memories? Curley's wife tells Lennie of her life and her missed opportunity to travel with the show that came through her hometown. Who finds curley's wife dead? Explained by FAQ Blog How Did Critics React to Of Mice and Men? He grabs a hold of her hair and muffles her screams. Of mice and men book. George sacrifices the chance to have a better and more fulfilled life to stay with Lennie. George helps him by giving him short commands and telling him to repeat things to himself to remember things. The death of Curley's wife comes as a tragic result of Lennie's ignorance of his strength. After Lennie kills Curley's wife, George shoots him in the back of the head to protect him from what would have been a horrible death at the hands of Curley and the other men. According to the text All the time he coulda had such a good time if it wasnt for you. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Removing #book# This also shows that George could have had a good life, even a better life if his dream of being able to take care of Lennie did not become a burden upon himself and influenced his life so greatly. Then she had let him touch her hair, causing him to grab on and him basically killing her. companionshipt with Lennie. When looked at more in depth, Curleys Wife can be seen as a victimized character. Curley objectifies his wife by threatening the other men, monitoring her movements, and dismissing her individual needs. Lennie is certainly strong; in the very opening of the book he is described as a bear and is constantly referred to in animal terms. If you're interested in learning more about Curley's wife, I've provided a link to a copy of a letter that Steinbeck wrote to an actress who was playing Curley's wife in a stage adaptation of the story. When he first meets her, he says that she is "purty," and then soon thereafter says, "Gosh, she was purty.". When she continues to struggle, Lennie grows angry. George is not being deliberately hurtful to his friend, however, he simply sees the danger that the two interacting could pose. Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Character Analysis |
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