Master Duel with us! It may take 3 of your opponent's monsters to summon it on their side of the field, but if they have a monster that needs one monster to tribute summon, kiss your god goodbye, cuz they just made an omelette outta the Mega Ultra Chicken. Legacy; Commander; More. Quando viene Evocato Normalmente, non possono essere attivate altre carte o effetti. How Can We . 9, Issue 1 promotional card, WSJ Jump Pack Spring 2018 promotional card, Yu-Gi-Oh! I think this should be called "Crusadia Mekk-Knight", not "Crusadia". How to get magician of chaos in yugioh legacy of the duelist link evolution? This card could buy you a lot of turns in the right situations.. The Arcana Knights were once seen as support to a legendary King of Games, being fodder for tribute for a certain Egyptian God Card. Because we only have one copy of The Winged Dragon of Ra available there will be a lot games where you wont draw him, if you would like to draw him more consistently you could try out this card. Notes-This mod was intended to add content only, not remove or alter existing stuff that much, so it can be used as a . If you can draw a load of Normal Pendulum monsters, you can Pendulum Summon them to the field then tribute them to summon Ra. qliphort deck would work pretty nice for this. We do not recommend you to spend a lot of gems just to create this deck. The Virtual World Deck can easily swarm the field to get key cards in that can neutralize the Deck's game plan, as well as deny the Graveyard through Virual World Kyubi - Shenshen. Dont forget you can also use Transmodify on a Mystical Shine Ball to special summon The Agent of Creation - Venus from your deck. + The Arabic, Croatian, Greek, Irish, Russian, Serbian, Swedish, Thai and Turkish names given are not official. Speed Duel: Battle City Box The Winged Dragon of Ra. Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 - YuGiOh - A dragon commonly found guarding mountain fortresses. I'm coming back to YuGiOh from a long damn time ago, like I only played it back when getting a blue eyes in a booster was a big deal and the effect seems nonsensical. Because you can only run 1 copy of The Winged Dragon of Ra, you wont be able to consistently bring it out every duel. Legendary Duelist: Rage of Ra (LED7) Dragons of Legend The Complete Series (DLCS) Rise of the Duelist (ROTD) Battles of Legend: Armageddon (BLAR) Legendary Duelists: Season 1 (LDS1) Toon Chaos (TOCH) Eternity Code (ETCO) Secret Slayers (SESL) Ignition Assault (IGAS) The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack Secret Edition (MVP1-S) No pode ser Invocado por Invocao-Especial. Some beasts youd want to run with this card are Hane-hane and Mogmole. The Winged Dragon of Ra is one of 3 Egyptian gods from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Presenting my deck of The Winged Dragon of Ra. If you start with this card in your opening hand, a way to protect your monsters, and The Winged Dragon of Ra, you could possibly summon The Winged Dragon of Ra on your second turn, boosting his attack and destroying all your opponents monsters with the help of Life Cost 0. page. I just watch a youtube video summoning the 3 God cards ans the 3 pseudo god cards all in 1 turn lol. Egyptian God + and The Winged Dragon of Ra (series) + Attack Cannot attack + and Manages attack targets + Attribute DIVINE + Belongs to Main Deck + Card category Monster Card + Card image TheWingedDragonofRaSphereMode-GFP2-EN-GR-1E.png + Card type Monster Card + and Effect Monster + Card type (short) Monster + Class 1 Official + DEF string ? Yu-Gi-Oh! Lorsque cette carte est Invoque Normalement: vous pouvez payer des LP jusqu' n'en avoir plus que 100; cette carte gagne une ATK/DEF gales au montant des LP pays. Despite having a low ATK average, Sky Strikers can easily go up against The Winged Dragon of Ra through their own focus of Spell Card supports, including one that can even steal away the titular Egyptian God card. Erfordert 3 Tribute, um als Normalbeschwrung beschworen zu werden. All other content 20162023 YGOPRODeck. Event Announced! Virtual World Deck Guide Sky Strikers I just had a darklords summon ra agaisn't me,it was the last thing i was expecting, obviously i lost, imean what would you do if were stared by 8100 attck winged dragon ra ? For the character, see The Winged Dragon of Ra (character). Cuando es Invocado de Modo Normal, no se pueden activar otras cartas ni efectos. As daunting as The Winged Dragon of Ra's various forms are, they are all still Effect Monsters in nature. We update this Yu-Gi-Oh! Thank you for visiting Duel Links wiki by GameA! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. If you paid Life Points for Ras ATK and DEF value, leaving you with only 100 Life Points makes you very vulnerable to your opponents effect damages. Exodia is just flat better than Holactie (Five cards instead of four, but they're easier to search and you don't have to do anything except draw them and can therefore devote your entire deck to doing that). All other content 20162023 YGOPRODeck. Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about The Winged Dragon of Ra Deck List & Card Guide | Yu-Gi-Oh! This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. Inspired by Passion. Collaboration Campaign. Because Ras Disciple is a level 4 Light Fairy monster, you can use Transmodify on The Agent of Creation - Venus (level 3 Light Fairy monster) to summon Ras Disciple. . its one of the worst cards in the game unfortunately. Ra's Disciple x3 . If he attacks with 3 monsters on the field, all of those monsters (in attack position) would lose 2400 attack points, which in most cases means theyll have 0 attack points remaining. Quando este card for Invocado por Invocao-Normal: voc pode pagar PV at restarem apenas 100; este card ganha ATK/DEF igual aos PV pagos. your computer and could take a minute or so to complete so please do not close the tribute decks work best, you can still tribute sphere mode with your own monsters and use his effect right away instead of waiting a turn. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Monsters: Slifer the Sky Dragon . Prices not found for the following cards: This will download all images used in this deck and zip them up for you. If you are having trouble getting 3 monsters on the field, and often find yourself with just 2 monsters, you could try out Soul Exchange to get that last tribute. Leveling Up for Limited Formats #1: The Basics of Limited, TCG Meta Snapshot: Kashtira February 2023, The Design of Yu-Gi-Oh 1: Built for Spectacle, 2 New Cards: Elemental HERO & Code Talker. Master Duel or Neuron using our Web Browser extension! Non pu essere Evocato Specialmente. World Championship 2008 promotional cards, The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix, Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe, A Invocao-Normal deste card no pode ser negada. Quando Invocado por Invocao-Normal, outros cards e efeitos no podem ser ativados. There's a Marik "skill" that uses what you've described. (Kann nicht Normal gesetzt werden.) 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Even though we said The Agent of Creation - Venus/Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat are essential cards, to get 3 copies of those cards would be expensive because you would need to reset Flame of the Tyrant/Electric Overload multiple times, other version of this deck can be made with other cards. The Winged Dragon of Ra (Alternate Art) Ultra Rare. New player guide: What packs to buy first? Use ATK: 8800 Pulse skill to boost its ATK. would prefer not to use xyz or synchro cards, i like the classic feel, although i could try pendulums if they work well enough. NAS Konami Digital Entertainment The copyrights of videos of games used in our content and other intellectual property rights belong to the provider of the game.The contents we provide on this site were created personally by members of the Game8 editorial department.We refuse the right to reuse or repost content taken without our permission such as data or images to other sites. , 3 . franchise. On top of having one of the strongest effect-negating monsters in the game in Herald of Ultimateness, Drytron Fairy Decks can easily overpower the titular Winged Dragon of Ra on top of having multiple ways of clearing the board. This deck does use the Adventurer Token cards that help provide the Tributes and ATK power need to make Ra a powerhouse. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! you can try this deck, Even with the new support thats not even in Linked Evolution, Ra may not compete with todays meta but its still a deck to ply for fun. You can play three of a kind with ras disciple and a bunch of stall and draw cards like crystal seer, defense draw, curse if anubis etc. Slifer Deck | March 2023 | DarkArmedDuelist, SPIRIT MESSAGE DECK (YAMI BAKURA INSPIRED). When Normal Summoned, other cards and effects cannot be activated. No. The Insanity of YCS Sydney: TCG DABL Metagame Report. Open New Zealand is Now Live! Open New Zealand is Now Live! Puedes pagar 1000 LP, y despus seleccionar 1 monstruo en el Campo; destruye ese objetivo. You can export your deck directly from YGOPRODeck to Yu-Gi-Oh! Compared to the more meta-defining decks, The Winged Dragon of Ra is rather slow in comparison. Different Dimension Capsule to place your Winged Dragon of Ra from deck to your banished zone face-down, and add it to your hand during your 2nd Standby Phase after this card was activated. The Official Magazine promotional cards, Duelist Road -Piece of Memory- Side: Yami Yugi, Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes, The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix, Armityle the Chaos Phantasm - Phantom of Fury, Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage, Firewall Dragon Darkfluid - Neo Tempest Terahertz, Gandora Giga Rays the Dragon of Destruction, Harpie's Pet Dragon - Fearsome Fire Blast, Meklord Emperor Wisel - Synchro Absorption, Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon - Air Raid, Raviel, Lord of Phantasms - Shimmering Scraper. This effect can be used multiple times in 1 turn provided you have Life Points to spend. Cope. I used to use Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragons to tribute, which used to give The Winged Dragon of Ra 13,500 ATK and 11,400. Choose your product line and set, and find exactly what you're looking for. Puoi pagare 1000 LP, poi scegliere come bersaglio 1 mostro sul Terreno; distruggi quel bersaglio. Keep in mind, we know this deck probably wont be strong, and better versions will come out in the future that run The Winged Dragon Ra, we just wanted to bring you some example decks as soon as possible, and maybe give you some inspiration. 9, Issue 1 promotional card, Yu-Gi-Oh! It won't come to DL because the only way to get all 3 gods into the field requires more than 3 monster zones. Obelisk The Tormentor . I was wondering what kind of category of cards would be the best with RA. Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news. It's a shame that it doesn't have better support to be better. Also deep diver can be used to topdeck Ra. Sphere Mode can end up clearing pesky monsters on the field by turning them into tribute fodder, much like the Kaiju archetype is known for. We finally have one of the long-awaited Egyptian God Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! In this case the very rules are cheating, so following them is cheating as well. For the non-legal card, see, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. These three are obvious picks for a deck that wants to stall and keep monsters alive for as many turns as possible. The Official Magazine Issue 2 promotional card, WSJ Jump Pack Spring 2018 promotional card, Yu-Gi-Oh! Wenn diese Karte als Normalbeschwrung beschworen wird: Du kannst LP zahlen, sodass du nur noch 100 hast; diese Karte erhlt ATK/DEF in Hhe der gezahlten LP. Since it is flip summon and Special Summon performed by Bubonic Vermin, you can use Normal Summon on Ra. :ftlzoltan::TalismanSorceress: DDR Lives Matter. PK Fire of RaMain Deck: 40 CardsMonsters: 31x1 Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx1 Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx2 Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx3 Destiny HERO - Maliciousx1 Fabled Soulkiusx3 Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx1 Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx1 Plaguespreader Zombiex1 Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx3 Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx1 Speedroid Taketomborgx3 Speedroid Terrortopx2 The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloakx1 The Phantom Knights of Ragged Glovesx3 The Phantom Knights of Silent Bootsx1 The Winged Dragon of Rax1 The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenixx1 The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Modex1 Tour Guide From the UnderworldSpells: 6x1 Foolish Burialx2 Mask Change llx3 Twin TwistersTraps: 3x3 Phantom Knights' Fog BladeExtra Deck: 15x1 Dante, Pilgrim of the Burning Abyssx1 Masked HERO Dark Lawx1 Crystal Wing Synchro Dragonx1 PSY-Framelord Omegax1 Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyssx2 Beatrice, Lady of the Eternalx3 Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyssx2 Inzektor Exa-Beetlex1 Leviar the Sea Dragonx1 Number F0: Utopic Futurex1 The Phantom Knights of Break SwordSide Deck: 15x3 System Downx3 Anti-Spell Fragrancex3 Mask of Restrictx3 Effect Veilerx3 Maxx \"C\"Find out where to get each card here: Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Update: Okay so Mai does have a line with Ra, but Marik doesn't tell her she can't read Egyptian, which would have been awesome exclusive (sorta) dialogue. Cyberstorm Access Premiere! CardFight. The Winged Dragon of Ra-Sphere Mode has one glaring weakness. On top of that, the low monster count on the field for Sky Strikers makes sure the Winged Dragon of Ra player has to use their own monsters for tribute fodder as well. Du kannst 1000 LP zahlen und dann 1 Monster auf dem Spielfeld whlen; zerstre das gewhlte Ziel. For a Deck focusing on a central Monster, it uses quite a lot of Spell Cards as support. $83.80. This makes you very vulnerable to virtually any cards that burns your Life Points without going through Battle Phase. 0 reactions Cool 0 Funny 0 Angry 0 Sad 0 Depends on what you're trying to do with it. By Loukas Peterson. Bubonic Vermin is able to Special Summon other Bubonic Vermins from your deck, but you must protect the 1st Bubonic Vermin. : , / / . Sometimes I even used Five Headed Dragon to tribute for more power. The titular monsters all share one thing in common: once they are on the field, they command the pace of the game. Let me know your thoughts on this deck in the comments below. tbh nowadays i think qliphort is the best tribute deck but adding ra kinda makes it YGOPRODeck Cup - Master Circuit Sign-ups! 3000 (5000 in the Dub) years later, Maximillion Pegasus created cards depicting the three . well, other than the DSOD version, Blue-Eyes already has several variant artwork in the game that share the same summon animation. La Invocacin Normal de esta carta no puede ser negada. The Insanity of YCS Sydney: TCG DABL Metagame Report. L'Evocazione Normale di questa carta non pu essere annullata. Yu-Gi-Oh! How To Play The Winged Dragon of Ra Deck 3 Ways. For Ra, you want Sphere Mode to Kaiju (Tribute your opponent's monsters to summon a monster to their side of the field in order bypass protections) your opponent's boss monsters to summon a 4000/4000 Ra. Valve Corporation. Soul Crossing, Ancient Chant and Millennium Revelation all make the summoning of the Divine-Beast monster easier; Blaze Cannon provides a choice for benefit for the monster between effect immunity, an ATK boost or a field wipe; and Mound of the Bound Creator being a powerful Field Spell that provides card advantage and protection to the Egyptian God. This article is about the legal Yu-Gi-Oh! when it is released, that will be a different story. When you get Ra out hell probably have a very low attack because you only tributed tokens and/or low attack monsters, but dont worry, when you summon the The Winged Dragon of Ra you can activate its effect to transfer all your life points (except the last 100) to boost his attack. If your opponent controls 2 monsters you can normal summon this card and instantly have 3 monsters on your side of the field, but youll have to protect them for one turn before summoning Ra because you will already have used your normal summon that turn. The Life Points paid to increase this monsters ATK and DEF is not optional, meaning you will be left with 100 Life Points and that is the mandatory result of this effect. Online Shopping at a cheapest price for Automotive, Phones & Accessories, Computers & Electronics, Fashion, Beauty & Health, Home & Garden, Toys & Sports, Weddings & Events and more; just about anything else Disfruta de las siguientes ventajas: Envo gratuito a todo el mundo Oferta disponible durante un tiempo limitado Devolucin sencilla Episode Decks: Joey Wheeler's Duelist Kingdom Deck. To help bring out the God card with relative easy while being able to protect yourself, you need to maintain presence on the field. It's through this combo that the Winged Dragon of Ra can end up banished and unusable for the rest of the Duel.
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