Articles PDF 10 Meter and 6 Meter Rotatable Half-Wave Dipole Antenna But even with the poor conditions on 10 meters, I wanted to give it a try, too. This is one of many amateur/ham radio related videos on my channel. So, place it near my bed inside my room. many challenges to the ham radio operator but when everything, including Product ReviewsHintsand ProjectsHumorHam SWR over the entire 10M band. Base Station Antenna 2000 WattsAlso called the Antron (A99) Cheap 10 Meter Homebrew Vertical Antenna - Amateur Radio Antenna Projects - AC6V 0000004344 00000 n If you use 50-ohm coaxial cable as your feed line, you'll need a matching device at the base of the antenna to make the antenna work correctly. Years ago (probably 40) I had a store-bought antenna that most people called a "Trick Stick." And, besides the super well-built and elegant AX-1, QRP Guys sells an interesting looking kit, and there are some good 3D printed designs I might want to try out. Pay no attention to the wire going-off horizontally from the base. 95. How to Build a 10 and 11 meter 1/4 wave Ground plane that almost no one can see. - One-to-one help you in buiding it. 8 years ago But both sides of the antenna must be extended to the same length. wirewon'ttouch on each coilin other words, it has "air" in Matching Stub = 71cm Westflex 103 coax 0000002519 00000 n LEVITATING BANANA - Electromagnetic Levitation, Make Your Own Flashing Lights Freeform Sculpture With a 555 Timer, Rock Paper Scissors Using Tinkercad Circuits and Arduino,, 1 - 3/8" x 10' hard copper pipe (Cut it in half to make 2 - 5ft radials), 1 - 1/2" x 10' hard copper pipe (Cut it in half to make 2 - 5ft radials), 2 - 1/2" copper male adapters14 awg solid core, insulated wire, 1 - 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" metal (NOT PVC) conduit body T with cover and weather seal gasket, 1 - 3/4" x 4' steel black pipe2 - U Bolts 3/4"wide x 1 1/2" long, 1 - 4" x 8" mild steel plate (Or what ever size you need ). For My Experiment in Building a Vertical Dipole Antenna (2013 pricing)OUCH! whole band with minimal SWR, yet has good performance, is light weight, tuner), Solarcon A99 Omni Directional Fiberglass Traps simply act like a switch electrically cutting off the rest of the antenna at its design frequency, and . Antenna for Condo Backyard-Stealth. google_ad_channel = ""; Assemble the wiring so that the balun can be inserted into the conduit body T. Insulate any exposed electrical connection with tape, or liquid tape, etc so that it dosent ground out against the conduit body. The copper color represents Why not equip your bicycle for 2 meter/70 cm mobile operation? Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Same Small Business. wire. 5/8 Wave 10m Vertical Antenna Build March 05, 2022 5/8th Wave 10m Vertical Antenna Build If you have an old CB (11-meter) 5/8 wave antenna, you may be able to convert it to 10 meter use. The 10-Meter Cushcraft AR-10 Ringo is a halfwave antenna, which does not require ground radials. tipsfrom N4UJW: Many builders of the "Wonder bar" 10 meter homebrew vertical antenna - Homebrew a 5/8 wave ground plane antenna for 10 meter band. Any swr tuning, if needed,can be done by expanding 73. 0000001132 00000 n 44Feet: #14,16, or 18 copper wire for ground radials(make sure at least2 feet is solid for coil). Your total length of 21.2 ft is correct, but your equation is wrong. SWR is under 2:1 from 26.960MHz to 29.890MHz. google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; the antenna.The pattern should be broadside. 0000002010 00000 n 7 MHz Vertical Antenna plans : vertical antenna projects for the 40 0000005149 00000 n Homebrewing Traps - IW5EDI Simone - Ham-Radio 0000005170 00000 n ShortwaveLicense StudyLinksMidi MusicReading RoomRepeater BasicsRepeater BuildersRFI shop bought in this case is cheaper. (Been there done that and it's a PAIN). 4 ISSUE 2 SUMMER to mount the coil. Air-Wound Choke = 3.6m RG58 coax (or) 9 Turn Ferrite Choke = 73cm RG58 coax (+ the ferrite) - a 12 Turn on a 52 or 61 core will use a little more coax, say 1m in total. Seal the end of the standoff boom where the coax comes in to prevent moisture intrusion with tape or caulk or what ever you have. (IMAX 2000), Handles 5000 With the 1:1 Balun it dosent matter which side is the top or bottom element. insulators were used to fasten the elements (at the triangles apexes) and 5/8 Vertical Ground Plane antenna for 10 meters A Ground Plane antenna project for 10 meters band by N4ZAW. 2 months ago. It had a plastic hub that connected the two elements. //-->. recently the local phone service had its lines cut on 3 separate occasions. Antenna, Vertical, 6 and 10 Meter Base, Ground Plane, Aluminum, 500 W PEP, UHF female/SO-239, 22 ft., Each. i may get a longer standoff arm later but for now it works. antenna.You will have to rig some type of insulated support for the 0000031890 00000 n rejection. I have been told that I dont need the balun But I decided to build it in anyway because I want to use this antenna later on a ham radio. 0000007592 00000 n Againprobably. The copper colored lines are the wire "triangular ham bands! Interchange lengths for 5 band HF fun in the Wild! All contents As far as a the small homebrew scanner ground plane you can see in the picture and interference I didn't notice any at all. Full 5/8 Wave Antenna 24 If you have a question or comment about one of my blog posts, or a question about any of the material in my study guides, or just a question about ham radio in general, you can email me at, KB6NU finally builds an end-fed, half-wave antenna, Magnetic loop antenna might be a solution for 80m, AE5X: A CW-centric blog from Kingswood, Texas, Dashtoons The Hammin' Comedy by Jeff K1NSS. Your email address will not be published. Ive also heard that 4000FEET of 12 guage aluminum electric fencewire is only about $110.00 from, A project originally available at, Supposed to be Copyrights and credits to n4zaw, 5/8 Vertical Ground Plane antenna for 10 meters. google_ad_height = 60; PDF A Ten Meter Vertical Antenna for All License Classes I used thin copper tubing instead of aluminum and rafters using mono filament fishing line. Search, 10m Bent attic Yagi by KE4UYPThis is a horzontally polarized three Element Yagi. I do that a lot. The main category is Vertical antennas plans that is about Vertical Antennas Projects. Tune The copper color represents Another method of building the main coil They are a simple design and offer more gain than a half wave dipole antenna. google_ad_width = 468; Secure the final coil well when If not, they come to about 5 for the air-wound choke model, or about 10 if you go for the ferrite choke model. Market,Works with GPK-1 Ground Plane Does not include Roof Mount You can easily refer and get from the 10 best 10 Meter Vertical Antenna Homebrew for you. actual bare # 14 wire and the tap point shown with little red G5RV Multi Band HF Dipole Antenna. Manufacturer's Website Product Website Additional Product Info AR-10 Accessories and Related Items COAX-SEAL UNV104 Malleable Plastic Material for Sealing Coaxial Cable Connectors $4.95 INCLUDE CW10B Coax Wrap Roll - Black - 1 Inch Wide by 10 Feet Long When I first got it assembled and tested it I had it mounted low to the ground so that I could reach it to tune it. FREE delivery Thu, Mar 2 . be stiff enoughto support it's weight plus the tap point good luck on the projects. The 10/15/20 Meter Trap Vertical Antenna by KGZZ This antenna project came out very nice. endstream endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 10 0 obj <>stream worldwide! A list of parts: The main longer coil was originally /* Ad banner 160 x 600 */ H*22530P Acc#s;9K3P%+ O hb```f``V X8xPP |aWW _ B) According to my research, one method For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these web sites: Performance on other HF Amateur Radio bands is good enough to qualify as stand alone HF antenna if you can only erect one HF antenna. Radios!Shortwave ListeningSSTVSupport I made one for 11 meters.with some modifications. KL7JR, Popular CB Antennas used on 10 meters and other I still have my old cb but really don't work it so I took this antenna down and now have other things in its place. coil.Editor Notes and pvc after they are wound. I actually took this antenna down a few years ago. Thank you and nice to meet you here. But this will make the antenna somewhat bi -directional and horizontally polarized and would require an antenna mast rotater to allow you to rotate the antenna to transceive in in what ever direction you want. The SiteSTOREVhf and This enhanced model is tuned specifically for the 10m amateur band and also adopts a ferrite choke, which is an improved option over the air-wound choke which is also shown in the build. Terry- WB0VQP, Reply dot.Black coil (insulated) wire attaches directly to coax feed to 80-meter dipole and I really enjoy CW on that band. A modified version for 20 and 40 meters is described too. Downloads The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. This is the standoff leg to allow the antenna room to work with out interference from the mast. Ask ElmerAbout BatteriesCode PracticeComputer HelpElectronicsFCC These particular verticals come with a tuning adjustment that will enable them to be used even down to 20 meters with a tuner. 21K views 7 years ago My $3 Melbourne, FL Hamfest find, a 3 dollar 20 meter hamstick, and i reworked it for 10 meters. Add an antenna "tuner", a sturdy rig, such as the Yaesu FT-817, a microphone/cw key, and a simple grounding system, and you have a fully functional, nearly invisible ham station in your backyard. The antenna can be mounted on the ground or on a mast., The HF Satellite Antenna by W4SATThis is a no compromise dual band antenna. google_ad_client = "pub-9377297764300878"; This builds the telescoping point that will allow us to tune the antenna for the frequency we want later. This is nothing more than a factory built On channels 1 and 40 I had a max swr of 1:4 to 1:5 +/-. 80-meter dipole and I really enjoy CW on that band. It deteriorated and broke. Rotateable with large forward lobe. 10 Meter Antenna 1 12 piece of 2 PVC electrical conduit (fits nicely outside of the 1.25PVC for super strength). I made another 10 meter 5/8 wave vertical using the mind set from the below you tube video. the antenna was 59 bucks but the experience was an extra 41. :) I'm actually planning on purchasing some more of their antennas to use as a future home repeater project and possibly a GMRS and a 1.25 meter. This video is to show the newcomer or the seasoned operator WHY it is. I noticed in your drawing of this antenna project that you use 565 divided by the frequency 27.5 mhz for the radiator. antenna have had great success with it.Although not mentioned in the 1 -PL259 Coax plug connector Or what ever connector your radio needs. You could always shorten the elements and use it on 6 meters.. As a retired cop who lives less than a mile off of interstate 80 and 3 large truckstops, I find the CB chatter interesting when the snow and ice hits and they all pull off to wait it our '73 and Merry Christmas- Terry WB0VQP (also an Extra), Question coil.Result of all these cheapskate shortcuts? The G5RV is an excellent choice for the 20 meter band. Post #1555. But I saved the elements and am going to rebuild it using PVC pipe to join the elements. Greater Wind Loads SWR Tuning DC Grounded Insulated up to 14,500 Volts Because of limited funds this project took a while to collect materials. Your antenna usually works like my 2m half wave ground plane. Thread in the 3/4" x 4' black pipe into the final conduit body opening and tighten down with pliers. under the elements.My cost was about $20 for the tubing and screws. 0000009906 00000 n Thanks! Within that gizmo is the 50 ohm to Hi Z matching device. But it was still a fun project that I learned a lot from. However, I didn't keep track of the finished cost, but some of the parts cost me nothing since they were scavenged, salvaged, or just given to me.
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