Falco has proven to be a very merciful and compassionate person, risking his life to save Gabi from incoming fire,[8] bringing in an injured enemy soldier in order to cure him in the trench,[9] and taking care of a war veteran in the homeland. Unable to recognize his allies, Falco begins attacking the Survey Corps members and Pieck who tried to calm him down but to no avail as he almost completely bites through her Titan's nape. As they escape from the harbor, a grieving Pieck embraces Gabi as they witness general Magath sacrifice himself by blowing up a Marleyan cruiser on the dock.[67]. [46] During an emergency meeting, Theo Magath explains Pieck's theory that Zeke Yeager has been planning his raid with a team of co-conspirators from inside the Marleyan Military. Falco respected Eren as an elder and fellow Eldian soldier. The two are taken away from the soldiers and are stunned to see that Zeke, who was thought to be dead by Marley, is still alive and was one of the coordinators behind the attack on the internment zone. They manage to fend off their attackers and resume firing upon Eren and Zeke; however, the artillery cannon is then destroyed by the efforts of both Armin Arlert and Mikasa Ackerman. need to kill Falco, it'd be pretty cool if he did but i dont think he'll. One month later, Falco has carried many letters as a favor to Mr. Kruger, even though there was a risk of him getting caught. [64] As many of the other prisoners demand to be released, Nile Dok suggests to Falco that the attack could be an attempt to rescue him, but Falco is unconvinced. Pieck still hopes for a peaceful resolution, which is why she is willing toput aside her goals in order to stop Eren. [50], The children soon witness the Attack Titan defeating and trying to bite through the nape of the Jaw Titan, which prompts them to yell desperately for Reiner to save him. However, his words can be completely false as well. She tells Galliard that what they need to do is protect Zeke. Connie claims to have found him unconscious in Shiganshina and saved him. Pieck orders her unit to prepare her Titan's armor, and Galliard prepares to go and join the battle. Pieck is able to stay in Titan form for so longthat her muscle memory acts out Titan-like movements even when she is in human form. He also does not appear to be a vengeful person, as despite Connie abusing his trust to try and feed him to his mother and holding a blade to his neck, Falco never seems to hold a grudge against him for this and works alongside him. [56] Just then, a small group of Yeagerists arrive and begins to target them, forcing Pieck to retreat. Jean attempts to reach the explosives Pieck left at Eren's nape but is cut off by more Titans, and Pieck sullenly admits that even her abilities are not enough to clear a path to the explosives. She is present as Zeke and the soldiers transform the inhabitants of a small village into Titans. Pieck rarely exhibits the attributes common of Leo, but no one can argue with the fact that she is a queen. [72], The group returns to Fort Salta, where Pieck is able to reunite with her father. He also reveals his feelings to Gabi, admitting that he joined the Warrior program to give her the chance at living a long and happy life with him. Jean will say something like: "hey Potato girl, take it easy. I wanted you to live a long life, so that we could get married and you could be happy forever.Falco to Gabi Braun, Falco Grice(Faruko Guraisu?) As the Armored and Female Titan are overrun, Falco Grice rushes into the battle transforming into the Jaw Titan. After performing well enough to be selected to inherit one of the Marleyan Titans, Pieck was able to secure her father the treatment he needed. Luckily, Isayama's editors talked him into creating Pieck Finger instead, and the rest is history. She is also very concerned about the future of the Eldian race as a whole, due to recognizing that the world wants them gone and fears that they will not be of use anymore with the growing increase of technological advancements. While her allies engage the Yeagerists, Pieck uses her Titan form to transport the members of their group who are unable to fight. We still don't know who the mystery guard who trapped her and Porco is, and she's the only one who recognized him, so it's highly likely that she'll be the one to reveal his identity to us. Falco tells him that Reiner is stuck in the ground and it is all his fault. Even if he ends up being a new character or insignificant Marleyan guard she's encountered before and not someone from Paradise, she'll have to be the one to explain that to the reader. Some of Eren's foes respect his dedication, but sometimes his dedication is so much that it costs him that respect. However, Gabi's desire came about due to Eren. Mikasa, Connie, Hange, Falco, Gabi & Pieck VS Jeagerists - (AoT Season 4 Part 2) 4K UHDShingeki no Kyojin Final Season Episode 86: RetrospectiveCredits for t. [58], Later on, Falco goes with Gabi and the Blouse family to the restaurant where Niccolo is working. He drops Jean and Reiner off near Eren's nape to continue the attempts to detonate Pieck's explosives and drops Mikasa, Annie, and Connie off near Eren's tailbone to try to rescue Armin. Liberio As Eren transforms into the Attack Titan, Falco is grabbed by Reiner to try and save him by absorbing the resulting blast of energy. [62], Pieck and Magath later agree to join forces with Hange and Levi in order to stop Eren. [19] After they see traumatized war prisoners and Udo gets angry because of the harm done on the Eldian reputation, Reiner arrives and is coldly saluted by Falco. [32], Pieck later attends a military meeting discussing the logistics of an assault on Paradis Island. Furthermore, his boosted self-esteem helps him perform better in training. [68], As the flying boat reaches Eren it comes under fire from the Beast Titan. Press J to jump to the feed. She and her Panzer Unit become the focus of the Survey Corps, and one of her gunners is shot in the head. I think Magath will die in the next chapter. Eren Yeager's insane attempt at omnicide sidelines a number of secondary and tertiary characters' motivations, but that doesn't mean that someone like Pieck doesn't have her own set of goals and aspirations. Based on the manga by Hajime Isayama, the Attack on Titan anime launched in 2013 and looks primed. She charges towards the soldier who killed him, but Jean Kirstein intercepts her and launches a Thunder Spear at Pieck. After conversing with both Reiner and Eren Yeager, he gains a greater degree of confidence; this allows him to assert himself better and speak his mind, even to someone as forceful as Gabi, whom he also has a crush on. This endurance is beyond impressive, considering that most Titan Shifters can only hold their Titan form for a few hours at most. Jean and Connie were converted into Titans in Attack on Titan chapter 138. As Magath fires another shot into the head of Eren's Titan, both him and Pieck come under attack from Floch Forster and the Yeagerists. When Gabi is under fire, he leaps from their hiding place to rush to her aid and protect her. Galliard questions the identity and intentions of the soldier who trapped them. Exiting his Titan on the ground, Falco is ecstatic to see that the Eldians have all returned to their human forms and immediately begins searching for Gabi. The majority of the Warrior candidatesembrace the same mindset that Gabi shows viewers in Season 4 ofAttack on Titan - glory for Marley and the Eldian people. need to kill Falco, it'd be pretty cool if he did but i dont think he'll. As they have breakfast, Falco sees Gabi swat away Lisa Blouse's hand; he quickly apologizes for Gabi's behavior and coaxes her to eat. Through his journey both heroic and villainous, Eren met a lot of enemies, some of whom respected him while others found him a menace. Using her Titan form, Pieck abducts Jean, Onyakopon and Yelena and take them back to Hange, Levi and Magath. Thus, seeing Eren break down in tears left Kenny feeling apathetic. Along the way, the soldier dismisses Zeke, causing Pieck to become suspicious. Falco wakes up on route to Ragako with no memory of any of the events immediately preceding his transformation. She is incredibly intelligent, able to quickly deduce a situation. He looks around in horror at the fighting and destruction around him and notices Eren's Attack Titan trapped inside the web formed by the War Hammer Titan. [25], After arriving in Liberio, their hometown, Falco recalls how Reiner took full responsibility for the failure of the Paradis Island Operation, and wonders why Reiner risks his life and power so many times. Have my upvote you cheeky bastard . [42] Thanks to Reiner's partial transformation into the Armored Titan, Falco emerges unscathed from the ruins of the building that he, Eren Yeager and Reiner Braun were just in. With no artillery to continue shooting at Eren and Zeke's Titan forms, Pieck is forced to engage her two assailants; targeting them both, Pieck proclaims it is over and charges towards Mikasa. I know its extremely late but I think it does mean something. Alec Farmer recently graduated from LMU with a degree in Film and TV Production and a minor in Asian and Pacific Studies. His arc from season one to season four has seen some well-developed changes. At one point, Eren . [25], Pieck's Titan during the battle of Fort Slava, After returning to Marley, Pieck is among those that send off the initial survey ships sent to Paradis Island. Kruger asks Falco about his injuries and training, who shares his grievances with him. [39] Falco stays and listens to Lord Tybur's presentation from inside the cellar. Her torso is long and flat, allowing for materials to be easily packed onto her back. The Survey Corps try to remind her that her homeland, which she joined the volunteers to save from Marley, will be destroyed by Eren and Pieck shocks them all by revealing that she has discovered that Yelena is, in fact, Marleyan. Falco met Eren during this time and befriended him. [55], After running all night, both of them stop at a stream for water and to rest. In her Titan form, Pieck is 4 m tall while on all fours[3] and walks on all four limbs in a quadrupedal fashion. This shifting opinion of the show's protagonist allowsAttack on Titan to be consistently fresh and engaging. For chapters being adapted, it is speculated that it will adapt Chapters 131-134. Not suppose to truly mean anything, but tell you that this isn't the previous seasons anymore. Alias As her Eldians all begin to recover memories of Eren which he temporarily erased, Pieck jokingly laments that she would have liked to speak with him as well. [23] He finally states that he will be the one to inherit the Armored Titan power. thats good enough a reason for me. Their screams are successful as Reiner surfaces in an un-armored Titan form and manages to take Galliard away from Eren, although he is knocked down by him. Pieck is different from Gabi. They observe the lack of space to transform, so decide to wait with the supplies provided. [37], Pieck and Galliard are shocked to see the arrival of the Survey Corps, Pieck's unit informs them about the Attack Titan's sudden appearance, and how the War Hammer Titan is currently engaging it in battle. Zeke attempts to talk Eren down, but the arrival of Levi forces the two to abandon Bertolt. [41] Pieck then sees the explosion caused by the transformation of the Colossus Titan at the edge of the city, realizing that Bertolt Hoover was killed and had his Titan ability stolen by the enemy. This fact might not be such an obscure one, considering that fans of the anime have already seen two different attachments that the Cart Titan can carry, but it should be noted that Pieck's titan can be outfitted in a nearly infinite number of ways. Attack on Titan Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Though she isn't one of the best fighters on her own, she helped the other titan shifters win battles or saved their lives when they almost died. I remember in episode 1 of season 4 Falco said he was flying around killing titans or something at the very beginning like he was daydreaming or dreaming, he kind of snapped back into reality like Eren from the first episode. [80], Returning to Fort Salta, Falco touches down and exits his Titan to tearfully reunite with his parents. Falco is then taken to a separate room to bathe but is interrupted when the Yeagerists arrive. During the train ride to Liberio, Pieck gladly gave Colt Grice a drink when he asked for one, which led to him getting drunk and leading the other Eldian soldiers in a chant in favor of Gabi Braun. Attack on Titan Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Pieck is different from Gabi. Finger familyFinger (father)[4] Before they can start, they are interrupted by the arrival of Gabi and Armin. TL;DR: Falco will eat Eren in the future and has somehow gained his memories in Episode 1 of Season 4. They meet Yelena at the roof; Pieck whimsically recalls her treachery in Liberio, mentioning that Yelena looked nice with the fake goatee. After the reunion, Falco and the rest of the group work with Jean, Mikasa, and Pieck to escape the Yeagerists in Shiganshina. Lets not forget guys Gabi, who is nearby, has a gun. Of course, this respect does not form instantaneously, but the two brothers learn to work with one another. RELATED:Attack On Titan: 10 Ways Eren Yeager Was Never Free. I'd respect him even more, as the Marley Erwin. She serves as a supporting antagonist in the Return to Shiganshina arc and a supporting protagonist . [28] Falco then sees a group of veteran Eldian soldiers, many of them with notable injuries. [7] However, she can be seen walking on all fours when there are few people around, as she claims it "feels more natural. It took 3 entire seasons to finally understand who the trueantagonists of this series was, and even that reveal was nothing more than misdirection to set Eren up as the final antagonist. He tells Reiner bitterly how Reiner only has two years left before dying and, if Gabi inherits the Armored Titan she will only live to be twenty-seven. RELATED: Attack On Titan: 10 Ways Eren Played A Better Hero Than Villain. August 5th[2] Today he uses those skills to share his opinions of the strongest, smartest, and most resourceful anime and manga characters with the viewers of CBR. If anything, it will be better, she's way too smart and thus quite an inconvenience. Maybe eren sent memories back to falco or something? For more information, please see our After getting Yelena to reveal Eren's next destination, Pieck informs Kiyomi that she intends to lock Gabi and Falco in their room on the ship so that they cannot board the flying boat. [41], As Eren offers his hand to help Reiner stand, Falco begins to process everything he just heard when he sees Reiner quickly turn towards him. Falco tries to shove his brother aside but Colt refuses to let go, proclaiming he will always be with Falco. When the soldiers enter the Internment Zone, Falco and his brother are greeted by their parents. Falco respected Eren as an elder and fellow Eldian soldier. He begins a conversation with Reiner while Falco listens intently. Falco then reveals to her that he likely received a memory of a previous Beast Titan who was capable of flight and theorizes that he could do the same due to the unique appearance of his Titan which is presumably because he ingested Zeke's spinal fluid. so sad :)Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 Episode 11Attack on Titan Season 4 Meme#attackontitan # #attackontitanseason4 #shingekin. [79] After the group manages to detonate Eren's nape, Falco collects them again and flies them to a safe distance so that Armin can transform atop Eren's Titan. In the previous chapter, Armin had transformed into the Colossal . Pieck deduces that the tremors are from Titans fighting outside and that this would be the reason they were trapped. Despite this, Pieck recognized that her father now had a sadness in his eyes after learning that she would only live for thirteen more years due to the Curse of Ymir. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In Falco's case, his mouth is somewhat similar to the beak he has in his titan jaw shape. So I guess it's either jean who dies, or maybe Sasha saves Falco and only Pieck dies? If only the Marleyans saw her in the same way fans of Attack on Titansee her. Pieck Finger has built upa massive fan base since her reveal in Season 4 of the anime. A severely injured Pieck emerges from the Cart Titan into Falco's arms and is witnessed by the Survey Corps coming off the roof of the building, who quickly surge into the attack. She tells Reiner to go find the Warrior candidates. As Eren comes out of his Titan form after running out of strength and leaves the battle scene with Mikasa, Gabi decides that she will not let them escape, and takes a rifle as she runs out of the building in their pursuit, while Falco tries to stop her. Marleyan militaryWarrior Unit [57], Later that day, Falco is working with Gabi in the stables. Eren said that Armin fell in love with Annie because of Berthold's memories. Reiner is more vital to the plot than Porco. Managing to barrel through the fight, Floch attempts to destroy the ship's hull with a Thunder Spear but is shot down by Gabi and falls into the sea. Who really cares if a situation is cliche? He also surpasses Gabi in training by beating her in a race and is commended by Udo, Zofia and the two officials at the Internment Zone gate. Eren spent the majority of the series wanting to kill all the titans. As the Eldians regroup, the surviving Marleyan soldiers from Salta come out to confront them. A subreddit for Attack on Titan , Shingeki no Kyojin! As she fires again, Falco knocks Gabi aside and narrowly saves her from getting shot by another soldier. [43], Remembering that Reiner bit his hand to transform, Falco turns around and searches for Reiner in the incomplete body of his Titan. As the ambassadors sail to Paradis to begin peace talks in the year 857, Annie points out that the odds of them successfully negotiating with Paradis are low. She comments that the soldier feels familiar, but becomes distracted when she sees the Panzer Unit that operates the artillery her Cart Titan carries in battle. Former rank Pieck and the group retreat to give Armin room to transform and uncover Zeke's location with the blast, but he is overtaken by an army of Titans which begins generating atop Eren's Titan. Falco almost ate Reiner out of his titan's nape, but then he noticed Galliard and overpowered him and ate him, thus inheriting the powers of the jaw titan. They are still alive as Titans, and there is still a slight possibility that they might turn back into humans IF Ymir decides to lift the curse. He is still in disbelief that Eren deceived him and then wonders how he managed to survive. [61], Falco later regains consciousness, and while being taken to Shiganshina by the Yeagerists, he experiences a sudden shot of electricity run through him as a result of Zeke's scream from the Titan Forest. For instance, after encountering the family of Sasha Blouse, and he rapidly created a convincing alibi for both himself and Gabi explaining why they were supposedly in woods by themselves. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. After Eren massacred those at Willy Tybur's declaration of war, Gabi swore vengeance against Eren. His nomadic lifestyle makes it difficult to pin him down, but his affinity with technology makes it easy for an audience to stay in touch! The chance is 50/50. Eren sent ymir memories to falco? Occupation [16] Falco contemplates the airborne attack against Fort Slava and seems very shocked by witnessing Titans eating soldiers[17] and Reiner's defeat against the Armada. Not only that, but the visions they'll see will also be the . Falco just pretending hes not in control .