Shake up your music routine with some channels you might have overlooked! Nash the Slash, Swing-Shift (Children of the Night) Public Image Ltd., Low Life (First Issue) Super spooky playlist Matt it totally slayed (pun intended)!!!! Exclusive channels, sports play-by-play, A-list hosts. Christian Death, Figurative Theater (Only Theatre of Pain) The most recent two episodes also are available viaSirius XMs On Demand service for online subscribers. Thank you! Ride Seagull The Damned Nasty Great episode. My Bloody Valentine, I Only Said (Loveless), HOUR 3 Front 242, Rerun Time (Official Version), HOUR 2 Open main menu. Virgin Prunes, Pagan Lovesong (Heresie) Bunnydrums, Smithson (PKD) KMFDM, Vogue (Money) Thanx! Killing Joke, Butcher (Laugh?! Veteran journalist and former music critic Matt Sebastian launched in 2009 to celebrate the legacy of 80s college modern and indie rockmusic that paved the way for the alt-rock revolution. Sex Gang Children, Shout and Scream (Song and Legend) Listen toRoxy Music Week from July 1824, featuring songs from the band plus the stories behind the music from members. Picked this track from listening to the classic Chicago WBMX house mixes of Saturday Night Live Aint No Jive. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Front 242, Until Death (Do Us Part) (Front By Front) Thanks for the reminder. After two auditions, they hired me as the first MTV VJ." The most recent two episodes also are available viaSirius XMs On Demand service for online subscribers. He was instrumental in breaking many new wave bands, including Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, and Tears For Fears. Depeche Mode, Love In Itself (Construction Time Again). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lush Monochrome. If you like The Cure, Depeche Mode, U2, R.E.M., . Perhaps Worlock/Skinny Puppy for next week? Heart - 2001 Remaster Pet Shop Boys 8. Kevin Hewick and New Order, Haystack (From Brussels with Love) Public Image Ltd., Tie Me to the Length of That (This is What You Want This is What You Get) Great show. The variety you want, where you choose to listen. And of course, Bela Lugosis Dead is pretty much mandatory. xmplaylist. Corporate Events, Private Parties, Clubs, Concerts, Birthday! HOUR 1 Concrete Blonde, "Everybody Knows" (Pump Up the Volume OST) Lead Into Gold, "Faster Than Light" (Age of Reason) It was having a day, apparently. Can you play Shriekback Black Light Trap sometime. 1st Wave - Listen to 80's Classic Alternative Music on SiriusXM,, 45 Grave, 45 Grave (Sleep in Safety) After the interview he personally got on the phone and made a dinner reservation for me! Shoegaze set was amazing Matt! Ghosts (one of my all-time favorites) was an especially inspired choice. See the current show broadcast schedule below: UPCOMING BROADCASTS:u0003. Sluggo, aka The SlugMonstrosity and/or Baron Von Slug, spent the early 80's sitting in front of MTV (just like you), started playing music on the radio in 1984, lost his concert virginity to Adam AND the Ants, did the blue hair, Rocky Horror and tacky buttons thing and finally ended up at KROQ in Los Angeles. Same argument. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; "There will be a continuous mix of 80's new wave dance classics, featuring music that includes by Depeche Mode, The Cure, The Smiths, New Order, Devo, and Tears for Fears." DJ Bueller started. SIRIUSXM - Alt Nation Playlist - RADIOWAVE MONITOR SIRIUSXM - Alt Nation SiriusXM NETCAST RECENTLY PLAYED Most recent radio airplay activity from SIRIUSXM - Alt Nation. Yes, Swedish Egil really is Swedish. Marky Ramone, brings his Blitzkrieg to Sirius XM 1st Wave!! Got a request? I feel like alt 2k is the station for you. Plasmatics Concrete Shoes or 12 Noon. The Cure 4. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (The Black Album) All in all, it's my favorite channel on Sirius and a major contributing factor to why I paid for the subscription in the first place. Catherine Wheel featuring Tanya Donnelly, Jude Staring at the Sun (Happy Days) Matt- Thanks for playing Catherine Wheel and even though my request was played in hour 2, I like hour 1 mix the best this week. Nine Inch Nails, Suck (Broken) Here are a few requests for next week! Alien Sex Fiend, Dead and Buried (Dead and Buried) How about Siouxie and the Banshees Night shift or Ultra Vox Lament this Sunday. Thanx! This was one of the best shows in some time. Larry The Duck has been a DJ since alternative rocks first wave. I listen to 1st wave almost exclusively. Thanks for playing that Crime and the City Solution, good stuff. I know Iceberg is available on the app but thats not the same. Have a great week. Adrian Borland, We Are the Night (Cinematic) From early U2 and the Police to Depeche Mode and R.E.M. Classic Alt/Punk Rock, Classic Rock, Live Performances, Music, Rock, Singer/Songwriter. Personal Jesus - Pump Mix Depeche Mode 2. Playlist: Sirius XM's 'Dark Wave' hosted by Slicing Up Eyeballs (1/9/22) "Dark Wave," hosted by Slicing Up Eyeballs' Matt Sebastian, airs 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eastern every Sunday on Sirius XM satellite radio's 1st Wave (Channel 33). Tora! More Front 242/Nitzer Ebb the better.. BPM has become more like a regular FM radio station. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Also good calls on Jazz Butcher, Gun Club, and The Cure. I guess First Wave Deep Cuts (just added to Xtra channels) is exactly what it says it is. Guess I am in the minority but I really dont like shoegaze. I miss Pete a lot A pre-shoegaze pioneer request for Revolution by Spacemen 3. 1st Wave is a commercial-free Internet radio station provided by XM Satellite Radio. As a child, Darrin Smith was interviewing visitors to his house with a toy microphone. Shes young but has great taste in music. Swans Love Will Save You I had a jacket that could be folded up into a purse. Worst interview? She had a great time in the '80s despite a fashion faux pas or two: "I had a jacket that could be folded up into a purse." Richard Blade hosts min-themed playlists with songs that share a common theme. There are so many songs and artists out there, so why do I want to hear Anti-Hero or Lionheart over and over? Sister Machine Gun, Cocaine Jesus (The Torture Technique) Front 242, Crushed (05:22:09:12 Off) Skinny Puppy, Hexonxonx (Rabies) amzn_assoc_asins = "B07VRFZ63F"; Rites of Spring For Want Of I especially loved hearing Pretty Girls Make Graves, as it is my favorite Smiths song. Worst interview? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Both are killer songs, underplayed, would work well together (;)! Soft Cell, Ghost Rider (Live) (Keychains & Snowstorms) Required fields are marked *. Kate Bush, Cloudbusting (Hounds of Love) ", Mark Goodman, Nina Blackwood and Alan Hunter count down the Big 40 hits of each week from a particular year of the decade of "excess!". Sorry for the multiple posts Im now seeing. Entertainment magazine editor, author and Sirius XM Volume morning host, Lori Majewski, shares her Lust For Lists with you! amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "slicingupeyeb-20"; Everything from Bunnydrums to the end of Hour 2. Google Richard Blade, and youll find several sites about the best of the 80s. Crime and the City Solution, People Are Strange (People Are Strange) I've migrated over to Deep Tracks for some better variety more interesting music. From her influences and contemporaries to the stories behind her own music and beyond! Click here for details. Tuesday, Nov 01 at 8pm ET/5pm PT (Will replay Thursday, Nov 3 at 11pm ET/8pm PT) Nine Inch Nails, Metal (Remix Version) (Things Falling Apart) Cocteau Twins, The Hollow Men (Garlands) That was absolutely NOT the live 101 version of Black Celebration. Rosetta Stone, The Witch (Adrenaline) Ministry, Flashback (Land of Rape and Honey), HOUR 2 amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Hi Matt, can you play, Stories of Old by DM? You rock! Any night you play Sisters of Mercy, probably going to be a top notch night. I suppose I am technically an zennial so for me this station hits the spot. Requests will be considered as long as they fit the shows format and generally within the 1stWave era and provided the host doesnt harbor an intense dislike of the song. The Chameleons, Tears (Strange Times) request. The Lords of the New Church, New Church (Killer Lords) The most recent two episodes also are available via Sirius XM's On Demand service . Thanks for playing Suffer Little Children by the Smiths! Goodnight! The Snake Corps Look East for Eden Alan Hunter, official First VJ, is probably to blame. The Sisters of Mercy, No Time to Cry (First and Last and Always) Hit That Perfect Beat - 12" Version Bronski Beat 5. In Sweden, he pumped gas, but moved to the US in the 70s and started his radio career as a booking agent to major nightclubs. Hear Richard Blade count down the 7 biggest classic alternative songs from a week in 80s history! Skeletal Family, Promised Land (Futile Combat) The Wolfgang Press King of Soul. Public Image Ltd., Rules and Regulations (Happy?) Mark Goodman confesses hes more nostalgic for vinyl than cassettes, but this original MTV VJ admits the 80s were very good to him. The Creatures, Standing There (Boomerang), HOUR 3 That is my favorite song of their debut. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; The Jesus and Mary Chain, Cherry Came Too (Darklands) Minimal Compact The Next One Is Real Dark Wave, hosted by Slicing Up Eyeballs Matt Sebastian, airs 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eastern every Sunday on Sirius XM satellite radios 1st Wave (Channel 33). The Bollock Brothers, Horror Movies. The most recent two episodes also are available viaSirius XMs On Demand service for online subscribers. From Depeche Mode and the Cure to Blondie and Talking Heads. Each hour had the right amount of dark wave mixes! What I wouldn't give to hear a true college rock radio station. Love and Rockets, Haunted When the Minutes Drag (Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven) synthpop, darkwave), or guitar-based music (e.g. Gang of Four, Paralyzed (Solid Gold) Hear him play these acts and more every morning. Going to miss seeing Fletch up there on his keyboards, thats for sure. Great show as always! HOUR 1 Imagination by Sad Lovers and Giants, Matt love the show but the sweepers are cringe as hell. He seems to be on at a different time every day . Sol Invictus In the Rain, For next week, please consider: The rock icon and SiriusXM host dropped the video and announced the September 23 release of his four-song EP. Lex called XM radio in an attempt to get the Club 80s mixshow on the Classic Alternative "Fred" Channel. She Passed Away Kasvetli Kutlama amzn_assoc_asins = "B000GIWS4M"; 1st Wave rock Hear the first wave of Alternative and New Wave from the late '70s through the '80s. Lush, Breeze (Gala) Blue Monday '88 New Order 3. Richard Blade is a host on 1st Wave (Ch. Alien Sex Fiend, Shes a Killer (Acid Bath) Classic Vinyl/Classic Rewind play the same 5-6 songs (if that) from every band. Keith LeBlancs or Ministrys version of Move We'll show you to the best plans and pricing for you. . Im turned off from listening to the show Ive listened to for years now. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The Flaming Stars, London After Midnight (Sell Your Soul to the Flaming Stars) Hes interviewed Duran Duran, Erasure, The Psychedelic Furs, John Lydon and Pil, the Ramones, Patti Smith, Johnny Marr, Siouxsie & The Banshees, and Robert Smith. John Foxx, Miles Away (Metamatic) Stellar show as always Matt. Inca Babies, Big Jugular (Rumble) I 2nd Matthews request for Prodigal Son (A Libertines Lament) by The Electric Hellfire Club!!!!!!! Playing the same songs over and over. Bauhaus, In the Night (The Skys Gone Out) The most recent two episodes also are available viaSirius XMs On Demand service for online subscribers. Skinny Puppy, Sleeping Beast (Remission) Lords of the New Church, Holy War (Holy War) Love from Michigan, Your email address will not be published. 295295 6 Comments 21 Shares Share Corpus Delicti Twilight. Hear the first wave of Alternative and New Wave from the late 70s through the 80s. Like to hear : Such a beautiful song:) Sisters of Mercy Poison Door The Church, Metropolis (Gold Afternoon Fix), HOUR 3 Really dug the Bad Seeds, Birthday Party and Jazz Butcher cuts. Stations 1st Wave For A Day. The Smiths, Half a Person (Louder Than Bombs). You can listen on your connected device, on the app, or with our web player. Billy Idol is going on a 15-stop tour across North America from March through May with his longtime guitarist Steve Stevens. My 12yo son says its their only bad song. HOUR 1 Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/siriusxm. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Because I completely whiffed last week, forgetting that this last Sunday was Halloween themed, could I punt my request for New Model Army 227 to the upcoming show? I was also so excited to hear Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me by The Smiths. PiL Low Life. Kissing the Pink, Watching Their Eyes (Club Mix) (Naked) Au Pairs, Tongue in Cheek (Stepping Out of Line) How about Fat Accompli By Curve? Joy Divisions Decades. Joy Division, The Kill (Still) Great show, Matt. Revolting Cocks, You Often Forget (Malignant) (Big Sexy Land) The whole thing needs an overhaul. Required fields are marked *. How about Meat is Murder (or Hamburger Homicide by the Snuffs) for next week? Rock The Bells Mix Down Radio I think can be better. Test Dept., New World Order (Legacy 1990-1993) Thanks for Ghosts by Japan. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; What a killer MBM remix of DM classic! A Certain Ratio, Knife Slits Water (7-Inch) (Id Like To See You Again) Im always introduced to something great on your show so thanks again! Requests will be considered as long as they fit the shows format and generally within the 1stWave era and provided the host doesnt harbor an intense dislike of the song. Alan Vega Fear. Clan of Xymox Moscoviet Mosquito amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "slicingupeyeb-20"; If 1st Wave sprinkled in just a few tracks played on dark wave, I'd be happy. Love those. hot damn!! - Howard JonesShout - Tears For FearsFascination Street - The CureSafety Dance - Men Without HatsPeekaboo - Siouxsie And The BansheesHeavenly Action - ErasureDJ Bueller is a dynamic duo DJ team: Aaron Scofield \u0026 Lex de Azevedo IIYou can hear the mixes on Sirius / XM 1st Wave channel on \"The Saturday Night Safety Dance with DJ Bueller\".Book DJ Bueller for your next event. I loved the show opening with Caucasian Walk, far far away from shoegaze. Love and Rockets, Holiday on the Moon (Express) Unfortunately though, like you mentioned it's app only . And Ill be streaming last nights during trick-or-treating at my house tonight. The Bollock Brothers, Horror Movies (The Best of The Bollock Brothers) Dave Kendall created, produced, and hosted MTVs120 Minutes, helping to bring Midnight Oil, Sinead OConnor, The Cure, and more to a mainstream audience. After the merger, the SiriusXM 1st Wave channel is born. Richard Blade was instrumental in breaking many new wave bands, including Duran Duran, Depeche Mode and Tears For Fears. Believe it or not Rush and Bryan Adams werent the only Canadian hit makers. A request Buzzcocks / why cant I touch it. Thank you in advance! Join Lori as she curates an hour-long playlist highlighting special events or themes in classic alternative music! Hes collected more than 50,000 recordings and is known for his incomparable music knowledge. *Currently certified in CPR and First Aid by the American Red Cross. The Birthday Party, Release the Bats (Hits) 33) and The Pulse (Ch.15). The Cramps, Surfin Dead (Smell of Female) Siouxsie and the Banshees, Red Light (Kaleidoscope). I will definitely catch up via on demand. MCL (Micro Chip League), New York (New York) Machines of Loving Grace, Golgotha Tenement Blues (The Crow OST) The Cult, The Witch (Pure Cult) Some possible suggestions for next time: Pale Saints Sight of You The Mission, Wake (RSV) (The First Chapter) The Fatima Mansions, Only Losers Take the Bus (Against Nature) These were the only places to hear artists from SST, Rough Trade, Mute, 4AD, and other stuff never played on . End of Your Garden, A Displaced House in the North (Celebration/Er Det Tirsdag M Vre Belgien) Get the Balance Right. Thanks for playing a couple of my requests Matt. The Smiths, Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me (Strangeways, Here We Come) James Ray and the Performance, A New Kind of Assassin (Merciful Releases 1986-1989) First Wave is consistently inconsistent. Acid Horse, No Name No Slogan (Cabaret Voltaire 12-Inch Mix) (Side Trax) Sluggo 1st Wave Sluggo, aka The SlugMonstrosity and/or Baron Von Slug, spent the early 80's sitting in front of MTV (just like you), started playing music on the radio in 1984, lost his concert virginity to Adam AND the Ants, did the blue hair, Rocky Horror and tacky buttons thing and finally ended up at KROQ in Los Angeles. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "slicingupeyeb-20"; Thanks for playing. Thank you so much again and have a great week! 1st Wave 1st Wave Classic Alternative Channel 33 Hear the first wave of Alternative and New Wave from the late '70s through the '80s. that Russian band Another great show. Still got a mullet and a ten-second attention span? X, Nausea (Los Angeles), HOUR 2 Depeche Mode Tora! DJ Buellers Breakfast Beatmix scrambles up classic alternative music every weekday at 8:50am Eastern. Id like some Gin Blossoms here and there but I also like DCFC and Two Door Cinema Club, 1975 etc. I cant pick a winner hour this weekAll three hours were absolutely amazing. Sisters of mercy Alice. The Electric Hellfire Club, Prodigal Son (A Libertines Lament). Grauzone Eisbaer Revolting Cocks, Something Wonderful (Beers, Steers + Queers) And great opening track. Nitzer Ebb, Shame (Belief) Hour 2: arguably the greatest hour in the esteemed history of Dark Wave. We'll show you to the best plans and pricing for you. I dont need to make a request because you have never failed me, i.e., you play a JD song every week. X-Press2, Kill 100. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Required fields are marked *. "Dark Wave," hosted by Slicing Up Eyeballs' Matt Sebastian, airs 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eastern every Sunday on Sirius XM satellite radio's 1st Wave (Channel 33). Above The Ruins The Killing Zone or Song Of The Wolf, Id like to request a song for a friends daughter who has been fighting some health issues. Trust me, youre not losing any listeners that matter or appreciate eclectic music. Hear Billy Idol's brand new satellite radio program LIVE TRANSMISSION exclusively on SiriusXM's 1st Wave Channel 33! "Frank Zappa. Straight down the middle until next Sunday, Request for future show: Killing Joke, Eighties (Live) (BBC In Concert) Shouldve never changed to Soft AC. The most recent two episodes also . "REM." After two auditions, they hired me as the first MTV VJ, Blackwood said. Public Image Ltd. Dont Ask Me Where Are They Now Wednesday answers all your questions about the artists you grew up with. Mabuse (A Secret Wish) The Mission, Beyond the Pale (Children) Blood and guff ooze out and stain, Your email address will not be published. Trisomie 21, Logical Animals (The First Songs)
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