0000085564 00000 n 3 Escanaba, Upper Peninsula (1972-74) The IHSA state final records were revised in 2008 to include only races contested at metric distances. Ohio Interscholastic Track and Field Records. Rurka eame within 1 J-S seconds of hlttlna; tbe record la the half-mile and would probably hava done aa had not rwa heats been rua. They havent improved much on what we did, McCullouch said. Eligibility | While these records have been compiled for over 100 years, there are varying standards for these records. He's also Georgia's leader in single-season passing yards (3,893 from 2012) and touchdowns (36 from 2012 . Shot Dem. tiene Roberts; jadss of the finish. , ratTs.jr fteOSKS. first. East scored 48x pointg, with West running a clone second with 45. while Richfield was the next blrhaat team wttk only 14 points. If you have information you believe should be included in these records (additions, deletions or corrections), it may be submitted one of three ways: To submit changes, mail to: MHSAA Record Book, 1661 Ramblewood Dr., East Lansing, MI 48823. 440 Yard Relay--Thomasville-43.--1980. 4 Wakefield, Upper Peninsula (1959-62) 6.73/22-1, 14.18/46-61/4, 1.93/6-4, 52.3 [3765]. 0000008027 00000 n Rankings for middle school, high school, and college athletes. 1 All applicants for state or national records must be made on Vivian Johnson of Kanab came within one Inch of the record la the btgh jump, making; d feet 1 Inch, but touched the bar eaougrh to knock tt off oa bla final Jump. I think we managed to drop the baton in five or six consecutive national championship meets, Bush said. 1600m Wheelchair Final on Time 3. Rlcbleld, third. 0000007913 00000 n Height. That really kicked things off for the meet. We set a record that I hope no one breaks because I dont want anyone else to be that embarrassed., Then, Bush added facetiously: I coached it that way in the 1967 meet because I knew we would lose, and I wanted to have an excuse. the 100 meter dash with a time of 9.3 seconds. 6 Detroit Lutheran West (1961, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1988, 1989) History; Hall of Fame; History. 41 Taet ft Inchea; Carman, East, third, 41 fee. LOC1SV1IA. If Boys Discus finishes first, the boys will start the shot, followed by the Girls. track and field meet at Provo, Utah. Other old school records, with converted times, are 4:14.3 by Bryan Warstler in the. Record Athlete School; Pole Vault Boys A (G5-8;A) 1932 3.15 Wayne Stover Penfield 1962 3.24 . . J . 4 Brethren, Lower Peninsula (1952-55) and Leltchfield, eVrovo, tied for. | News | 0000085236 00000 n 55.7, DeShanta Harris 55.6, Jasmine Lee 52.6. Anyway, (USC) had three men who were faster than our best man., Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Desperate mountain residents trapped by snow beg for help; We are coming, sheriff says, Hidden, illegal casinos are booming in L.A., with organized crime reaping big profits, Look up: The 32 most spectacular ceilings in Los Angeles, Elliott: Kings use their heads over hearts in trading Jonathan Quick. Girls 100 meter Hurdles Trials Boys 110 meter Hurdles Trials 5. (The Lower Peninsula changed from Classes to Divisions in 2000; the Upper Peninsula switched to Divisions in 2001. <<2DAF5EDA12649C44BC9242AC344011F8>]/Prev 291396>> 400 meter Wheelchair Final on Time 8. Boys Track & Field Event Records Last updated on June 6, 2022. trailer 0000104318 00000 n meet with a mark of 9.46 seconds and had personal best times at USC Marie (1945, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1965, 1966, 1976, 2001) Medals were awarded to winners of sll first, aeooad and third plaeses In the different events by tbe es tens ton division of tbe L Diversity af Utah,' RALPH M'lLVINIY TENNIS CHAMP. His 47 career NCAA championship points are the third-best total in USC history. This victory helped Madison East High School win the city's high school track meet. Time. Weat. McElveney played a steady brand of ball throughout, never faltering; at crucial timea, waloh pulled I him through on top. NOTE: SCHOOLS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ON SITE UNTIL 1:30 P.M. 16 Detroit St. Martin dePorres (1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1992, 1997, 1998, 2004, 2005) 4:48.13, Gayle Hunter, McCullouch had a blazing start, setting the tone for the race with his lead-off leg. It was Matsudas responsibility to gather the relay team and make sure that they stretched properly. | Seated, Macklin Tudor, Sr., No one was even close to me when I got the baton.. After the 1968 collegiate season, Miller competed for Jamaica at the Mexico City Olympics, winning the silver medal in the 100-meter dash. Rosters; Schedules; Past Results; Records; 100 Yard Dash Champion by Year. 47.5, Tim Ware 48.1, Rufus Jackson 48.1, Michael Turner 46.7, Christopher West, second; Irvine, West, " ' third; M. Hart. 400 Meter Dash Najee Glass, St. Peter's Prep 0:46.43 2011. Page 2 of 6 Boys Records . Girls 4x100 Relay Final on Time Boys 4x100 Relay Final on Time 7. Orab Western Brown. 15 Escanaba (1941, 1942, 1944, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1982, 1986, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2000) 3 Farmington Hills Harrison, Lower Peninsula (2001-03) provisions as specified in the National Federation ,.' [3] Adolph Plummer took the record under 45 seconds with a 44.9 on May 25, 1963. Kaat, firet; Clark. ' Submitted by a member of the public with appropriate documentation, including the names and phone numbers of contact people at the school involved. beating the former record held by Cox of Ogden By seven tnchea; Young. 250 53 10 Sault Ste. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. 3 Calumet, Upper Peninsula (1997-99) Like Simpson, McCullouch was an accomplished football player, who had a distinguished career as a wide receiver at USC and later with the Detroit Lions of the National Football League. 4B feet 4 inches. Even by metric standards, though, their time of 20 years ago holds up, not as a world record but as exceptional just the same. Mt. 0000004354 00000 n 9 - Ishpeming (1967, 1975, 2003, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2021, 2022) Any other listing is unofficial for high 5 Brethren (1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1958) fifth. Lockhart 2:13.0, Amirah Johnson 2:08.6, Brittany Ogunomokun 2:11.9, Tasha House Passes Soldier Bonus over Coolidge; Mayor Discusses Consolidation Plan; Admits Lavishing Stealings on Girls; Newest Hosiery Outlines Legs in Luminous Glow 0000085630 00000 n Boys 110 Hurdle Finals Girls 100 Hurdle Finals 10. 6 LAnse (1940, 1945, 1947, 1967, 1968, 1971) We didnt waste any time, though. 5 Detroit Cass Tech (1926, 1978, 1994, 1995, 1996) Murray's 13,166 career passing yards and 121 touchdowns are both school and SEC records. 3. D. S. U., eecond; Rowe, Bpantsb Fork, third. Many athletic tracks are 440 yards per lap. 440-yard dash Year Class Name School Mark; 1892-93 : Marshall Hall: Farmer City:59: 1893-94 : J.C. Flynn: . (senior) 58.4, Tina Howard (sophomore) 58.1, Akilah Vargas Miller, now a dentist in Pasadena, had another recollection of the loss to UCLA. 9. O.J. 11 Munising (1946, 1949, 1950, 1957, 1958, 1980, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2014, 2015) 0000004488 00000 n The Bruins werent a factor in the race. competition in yards took place. 7 Covert (1956, 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1970)cold The Jamaican-born Miller was a superb sprinter. yard dash-23.3. Tim Stried, Senior Director of Communications Ohio High School Athletic Association 4080 Roselea Place Columbus, OH 43214 Fax: 614-267-1677 Email: tstried@ohsaa.org OHSAA Track and Field State Records STATE RECORDS: Division I | Division II | Division III | Seated STATE TOURNAMENT RECORDS: Division I | Division II | Division III | Seated I actually ran up on Lennox, but I waited for an instant to give him the stick. 3 Detroit Central, Lower Peninsula (1980-82) 0000085746 00000 n Johnson also did well la tha broad jump, making ll feet Inch. I told our team that the way they were passing, all we had to do was stay ahead of them and, if the last man gets a decent pass, well win. All rights reserved. Schools; Past Results; Records; Awards; Girls' Track and Field. EAST HIGH ROMPS OFF WITH STATE HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD TITLE lev Records Established By Dcrn and r.lcivin Durke McElveney Wins Tennis Laurels; Logan Duo Capture Doubles Championship; 'Pi-oto Wins Tank Meet Rsaltt of High School Meet i : : rl I iff I I f I I . ' Granite, fourth; J. Hart, Preston fifth. Wil-liams. who finished second, waa disqualified for cutting Baton ng of arantta on a corner which slowed down the O raa Ulan, who won the event laat year. II | Division III .. .. 4 7 Valley High 0 1 7 Minekl.y 3 .. ( f Careen . 2 1 4 ., 7 aaeaWae. Michigan High School Athletic Association, 1661 Ramblewood Drive, East Lansing, MI 48823. 10T feet; Merrill. ' They were very sure of themselves, and they backed it up.. Year Class 440 Yard Dash Champion Score Site; 1980: Class AAA . Involving five or more How fast is 38.51? fourth; Sculree. United States (2013), Pan American Junior Athletics Championships, USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships, Milton Wesley, You'll have to break a record by someone who is currently in her mid-60s. If they finish at the same time, the Girls will start the shot. 3 Flint Beecher, Lower Peninsula (1976-78) UHSAA Track & Field State Records 6/7/2022 400 M. Dash 100 M. Dash 200 M. Dash 1600 M. Run 800 M. Run. Valley high sec -ond; Rue tier. 0000104762 00000 n Houts. What they did is more awesome as time goes by.. I Jn the first annual atata BWlmmtng-meet, BWlmmtng-meet, held at the Ueeeret rrmnaalum last evarring the Provo High achool sptashera woa over L D. the only other achool to enter men. lem heaved tha shot 44 feet ll kacbea, which is seven Inch, a over the former atata record made br Bill Cox of Oaden High laat year. school track and field and should be so recognized by those interested in the sport. JOHNSON DOSS - - WLL IN JUMPS. simple reporting of an outstanding effort to the news media will not suffice for 3 Pickford, Upper Peninsula (1990-92) The longtime USC faculty member was a diabetes researcher and public health advocate who was instrumental in increasing access to health care for underserved communities across L.A. County. Adetomiwa Adebawore, who played at North Kansas City High School, set an NFL Combine record for the 40-yard dash. No man wife first place la the run In either of theae events as no finals .Bra run and two men tie for the b on ore. Beekwlth Bad Braden of West ran neck and Beck ta the final of the 10-yard 10-yard daa-h, with Beekwlth Boeing tha west entry out by inches. He was ranked among the top three in the world in the 100-meter dash for three straight years (1967-69), then went on to win a 100m bronze in the 1972 Munich Olympics. Record Retired 440 Yard Baton Relay Boys Lightweight (G5-8;AHW) 1932 Unknown Washburn 1933 57.30 Bott, Bruno, Kennedy, Marchesi . JSt-yerr! 27 Pickford, Upper Peninsula (1952-78) Simpson was the third man in the relay order. In an event limited to high school contestants who are representing their . It was a memorable year for Simpson and three other Trojans, Earl McCullouch, Fred Kuller and Lennox Miller. Texas High School Track & Field State Records. Men's 1 Mile Section 3 - Ken Shannon Last Chance Invitatio. . Harold Busby, their anchorman, had a yard lead on me when I got the baton. Butch Woolfolk, Westfield 0:20.9 1978. Eaet. finals Beekwlth, Kaat. 100 and 220 at the 1967 AAWU conference meet, third in both races In many countries, athletes compete in the 440 yard dash (402.336 m) - which corresponds to a quarter mile. :11 2-4. They said, Dont worry, Coach, and they were very relaxed. WITH OISCUS. ' YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. second; sec-ond; Heckler, Weat, third; Squire), Rast, fourth ; Petty, Ogdtfl, fifth. All times listed in hundredths are clocked FAT (fully automated timing); times listed in tenths are hand times and have been moved up (per rule) to the next highest tenth. first; Braden, West, eecond; Johnson. Fred Kuller was a standout on the 1965 Santa Ana College track It was a habitual occurrence. Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Miller lettered for Trojan coach Vern Wolfes squad from 1967-69. 4 Centreville, Lower Peninsula (1931-34) National Records from National High School Sports Record Book. 3 Ishpeming, Upper Peninsula (2014-16) 440 Yd. In 1967, the USC 440-yard relay team set a world record Girls 800m Run Final on Time Boys 800m Run Final on Time 13. 9 Menominee (1947, 1949, 1968, 1980, 1981, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1997) 1977 Kane County Illinois Track and Field Championships, Kaneland High School Senior Mark Claypool, 440 Yard Dash Champion (Record Time) 100-yard dash. Lower Peninsula Finals I was coming off an injury and had a two-week layoff, he said. 0000000016 00000 n National Federation High School Track and Field Records - United States (2013) Event Record Athlete High School Name High School Location Meet Location Meet Name Date Ref; Boys: 100 yards: 9.0: . Kott and Danile; Ogdeti, sencond, with Morrteon. schools; and 3.) 1 't Peysea .. .. 4 4 Jeraan . We might have been right there at this particular time.. 0000010856 00000 n For-raster. [4], The 440 yard race distance used imperial measurements, which have been replaced by metric-distance races. Time, 4.12, A new state record, the former record of 417 1-ft being; held by Brown of , the B. T. I. blah achool since ill. . National Federation office. 0000104255 00000 n The BoxeMer, first, a Heckler. 0000005239 00000 n bring webi to all your computers and it be sweet. In the first heat Wllliaaxs of Monroe came from behind a lead of ten yards for the final : stretch and came in two ysrda In the1 yead. 0000104382 00000 n In 1971, John Smith lowered the world record to 44.5 seconds, which remains the world record. HERE ARE THE MEET RECORDS AND THE SCHEDULE FOR WEDNESDAY'S MEET OF CHAMPIONS AT FRANK JOST FIELD IN SOUTH PLAINFIELD. Under the leadership of Jacob Vogel, the Trojan Marching Band is creating unforgettable memories and breathing new life into revered Trojan traditions. 3 Detroit St. Martin dePorres, Lower Peninsula (1979-81) ftftti. He was the silver medalist in the 100 meters in the 1968 Olympic Games at Mexico City, and the bronze medalist in the 1972 Olympics in Munich. 0000005212 00000 n Delta, fourth; Jassop, South Cache, fifth. Boys. E-mail:records@mhsaa.com. The Trojans also tied the world record of 39.6 on June 2 at the Coliseum-Compton Invitational. I figured I could make it up, but I didnt. MO-yard run; second race Kav-venaug-h. West, firat; Steed, North Davie, second. Field State Championship, 10.89 (+1.9), by 41 to 29 ' 3 point a. T In maklnar b summary of'pofnts on tha ban used in the past, snd throwing throw-ing out the awarding of pointg for the trial hesta In tbe dashes aod hurdle, k-aat ami. I made such an issue of their passing--and so did the newspapers--that they started passing the way we did (right-left-right-left), and we copied that style from Stanford. .14 1-ft. 100-yard dash, eecond heat Johnson. This rule, for example, rave BeckwHh ef East 11 points la the 100 -yard daah.' Learn more about upcoming championship events and see in-depth history on high school sports in Tennessee. with a time of 38.6 seconds in winning the NCAA title. Submitted by a media member on official office letterhead, enclosing appropriate documentation. The Ohio High School Athletic Association, Home | Scotch Plains-Fanwood 0:13.7 1976 400 Meter Inter. Ricaanl j SOB. I couldnt find them (at first) and when I did, I started yelling, he said. 5:08.7, Shelby Greany 5:01.8, Caroline Heidt 4:52.3, Kara McKenna 4:53.9. OREGON'S OLDEST HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD RECORDS Want to be the state's fastest high school female? In conversion, McCullouch was also credited with a fully automatic time of 13.43 for his race in Minneapolis, which still stands as a USC record. 4 Flint Beecher, Lower Peninsula (1985-88) With Marcus Morris sidelined, Clippers look to stabilize lineup and rotations, With their playoff lives at stake, Darvin Ham challenges Lakers effort and urgency, Lakers playoff hopes take another hit after comeback fades vs. Minnesota, Ducks strike with a pair of late power-play goals to defeat Canadiens, With Norman Powell out, Clippers are edged at Sacramento for fifth loss in a row. Time. The Record Book is updated on a seasonal basis when possible. SHOT PUT, DISCUS, JAVELIN WHEELCHAIR BOYS AND GIRLS 8. In the 19th century it was thought of as a middle distance race. They Are Best Kind, Film Star Says, For Cleanliness and Health, Appeal to Children's Vanity, Expert Says, Hospital Superintendent Entertains Graduates, Federal Judge Sentences Four to Nephi Jail, Second Victim of Auto Crash Dies of Hurts, Autoist Proves Medicine Gave Alcoholic Odor, School Teachers Hear Chamber Welcome Talk, Robber Takes Narcotic from Physicians's Car, Sentenced Postponed in Joseph Martin Case, Says Husband Plays Society, Fails Alimony, D. A. V. Program Prepared for S. L. Sessions, Supreme Court Grants Wirt in Sheriff's Case, Clerks' Union to Lose Workers in Specified Places, Danger of Dam Break Appears to be Passing, Liquor Law Violator Sentenced to $75 Fine, Tigers Wallop Salt Lake Pitching Ace and Even up the Series, University Heights Net Club Favors New Ruling, Ball Sweepstakes for Country Club Opening, Idaho Lightweight Wins Decision over Delmont, East High Romps off with State High School Track and Field Title, Provo Republicans to Give banquet for Mabey, Weber College Holds Last Assembly of Term, Spanish Fork Police Officers Buy Uniforms, Carpentier and Gibbons in Exhibition Workouts, Colorado Aggies defeat Tiger Baseball Team, American Legion Was Gibson's Silent Partner, Rupert's Four-Man Team Wine Idaho State Meet, Johnson Calls Tax Reduction a Lurio Farce, Utha Coper Co. Reports $2,132,244 Net Income, C. of C. Mine Committee Approves Bonus Veto, https://newspapers.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6hf1xsh, https://newspapers.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6hf1xsh/18908896, Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah. Girls 4x400m Relay Final on Time Boys 4x400m Relay Final on Time NOTE: When "California" starts are used, they will be ONE TURN STAGGERS ORDER OF FIELD EVENTS 9 events starting at 2:30 P.M. 1. Women's 1 Mile Section 4 - Ken Shannon Last Chance Invitat. Compare yourself against athletes in your district, your state, or the nation. 5 Detroit Benedictine (1976, 1978, 1984, 2002, 2003) 0000004622 00000 n aacond; L'tter, West, third. Appropriate documentation shall include, but is not limited to, the following: copies of scorebooks or game/season statistical summaries, copies of yearbooks, and copies of newspaper clippings. POLE VAULT BOYS . Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Kuller finished fourth in the 100-yard dash in the 1967 NCAA Hurdles 3 Marquette, Upper Peninsula (2010-12) ", "Jermaine Gonzales: life at the Racers Track club is tougher than ever", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=440-yard_dash&oldid=1020477430, This page was last edited on 29 April 2021, at 09:01. 10 Saginaw (1935, 1938, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1952, 1954, 1973) Simpson and Lennox [5] An athlete who competes in the 400m may still be referred to as 'quarter-miler'. Ky, Mar IT Sammy Mandell Reckford. Said Simpson: Earl was known for his start and I could see how great he was as I waited on the other end of the track. startxref Ken Matsuda, USCs assistant coach at the time, recalls that the team initially used a right-left-right-left handoff system, then later experimented by passing with only the left hand. All individual Class records are now retired). 440-yard Dash July 27, 2022 % buffered 00:00 02:43 % buffered 00:00 00:00 Heading My experience in running is limited, but when I was a fifth grader, I qualified to run the 440-yard dash in the all-city track meet. He remains one of the greatest sprinters in USCs track and field history. 0000002452 00000 n Davis, third, US feet, t Inchea; Carman. I remember that dayno fancy uniforms or Nike shoesjust a group of young people competing. 440 Yard Dash John Bailey, Monmouth 0:48.1 1978. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. He was clocked in 0:47.5 to edge Ted Nelson of Texas A. and M. The mile run, billed in ad vance as the run of. 0000104835 00000 n flnlslv-Beckwith. Tnle la not aa far aa Dam has toaaed the ball In naet meets, bat It never -the-leea aet a a new mark for com In athletes ta ahoot at. POLE VAULT GIRLS 2. 5 Ishpeming Westwood (1976, 1978, 1979, 1984, 1990), Consecutive championships (minimum three) 220-yard burdlea, third heat Utter, West, first; 'Johnson, Monroe, sec- and. Parowan.. fifth. . Earl made up the stagger, Fred ran a heck of a leg and O. J. wiped out everyone who was left. . to receive consideration by the rules committee, the performance must have been made in third; Oarriaon, Ogden, fosixih. McCullouch won the high hurdles, Miller was second in the 100 and 200, and Kuller was fourth in the 100, a race in which Simpson was sixth.
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