WebThe Sonora Cartel, also known as Caro Quintero Organization, was a Mexico based criminal cartel. Yes 3:17 hes the main reason this is going on. Dejected, Najera said he called relatives his wife had in Hermosillo, the capital of the state of Sonora,to let them know what was happening. Thank you. even adding sonora, How about the quote she posted "Her angel eyes saw the good in many devils----". Before Grupo Beta created a wait list and began to transport migrants directly to the border crossing, volunteers at the shelter would take turns escorting them. On May 4, 2004, three gunmen shot and killed Leonel Paredes-Peru, as well as Leobardo and Mara del Refugio Paredes-Machado in a restaurant in Agua Prieta. Bad move. draft of this story, I inadvertently hit publish or as Sol said everything of smuggling routes. Inframundo where the police authorities found two people who had been kidnapped, Jose Javier Rascon Ramirez reportedly killed in Agua Prieta Your Paredes hroes. [see video]. Is there any possible specific reason why cjng/cds/lfm never tried moving to MX ? Manlio Fabio Beltrones, has been in since he was a teenaged PRIISTA who grew in power and influence by sitting at the knees of ferns do Gutierrez barrios. Or is he el camello. Founder of DFS and former mexican army captain.Before them it was the Cartel de los APSON, but alvaro Obregon and Putarco Elias Calles consolidated Sonoran political power after murdering Pancho Villa and all the real heros of the mexican revolution, Total power begets total corruption. They came, walked around,then they left.". said DEA spokesperson Ramona Sanchez.. El que mal anda, mal acaba. The Paredes are the Sinaloa cartel's number one franchise. Will keep researching and redoing the maps as I go. Ppl were terrified of R5. Below him, is martin siqueiros (tin tin) jefe de sicarios. PROFILE: El Peter is originally from Agua Prieta and he is believed to be the plaza boss of Villa Hidalgo, Divisaderos and Tepache. CDS is trash! maybe at some point explain the structure of CDS, how it all works. Some family members had crossed through Agua Prieta and had encouraged them to come here too, Najera said. But police did nothing. He was the brother of El Jaguar and helped him lead Los Jaguars. Sonora has experienced an explosion of violence since the end of December when Macho Prieto of the Sinaloa Cartel was killed in a violent shootout with police in the city of Rocky Point.. This place could be a war zone. I think I used too many 2019-2020 sources who were reporting on Los Jaguars recent incursion into those areas, which may have been quelled by La Linea now. Najera's encounter with the cartels has left him shaken. I am sorry. He Use to drive a nice silverado? (. It sits on the MexicoU.S. Well there were not that many left prior to the BLO CDS war. The shelter is full to overflowing, but staff and volunteers remain committed to finding ways to extend hospitality to the migrants who knock at their door. Those people are punteros and they didnt steal anything , they took all the stuff before military got there . Chasov, a software engineer whofled political repression in Russia and had landed in Mexico several weeks earlier, didn't fully understand what they wanted. Like other cities along the U.S.-Mexico border, Agua Prieta has drawn a rising number of families mostly from Central America and southern Mexicobut also from other parts of the world who are seeking asylum in the United States. This Mexican American family (Paredes Cartel) has controlled drug trafficking in the northwest of the country since the 1990s. could his nephew been with them? "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. Mexican Cartel Convoy Violently Patrols Town Abutting At this time, in 2007, Jorge was reportedly working for Arturo Elias Machado, who reportedto Marco Antonio Paredes-Machado (El Junior's father). They agreed to support El Jaguar's efforts to retake Madera from La Linea. Thanks again, this is new info for meKathi, All excellent questions. Would be a interested read. It considered to be the "seat of power" for the Paredes empire. The attack began at approximately 3:15am and resulted in two deaths with several vehicles torched. Linea is mowing down these Paredes guys in Chihuahua. Para quitarle la plaza a los paredes Esta bien pelada esa familia tiene mucho power pinches pendejos los que creen que el cjng Esta en Sonora jajak imbeciles, Asta mas imbeciles ellos que se estan matando solos todo por ratas nimodo el cjng nomas va a esperar que uno de los dos lados pierda y bolas se va a poder meter fasil, pero que se queden con su agua prieta cjng ya tiene tijuana la entrada mas grande de usa para que quieren agua prieta? Thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine and heroin have entered this corridor to Arizona, New OTHER NAMES: Gente Nueva del Jaguars, Gente Nueva del Jaguars y sus Lobos. Im from Jalisco and trust me they are bunch of Maruchan eaters. 7:14 and that makes you proud dumb ass. Thanks for your work and effort . seems like a "i don't like it" if you don't provide the proof bro. The one-time top Sinaloa Cartel operative who controlled the region around Douglas, Arizona and Agua Prieta, Sonora has agreed to a 22-year federal prison sentence after admitting his role in trafficking millions of dollars worth of drugs into the United States from 1991 to 2011. Jorge LaMadrid pleaded guilty in court to conspiracy to distribute more than 1,000 kilograms of marijuana and he was facing between 7-9 year sentence on these charges. all you have to do if something in question is to ask. El que esta en la foto aun lado del fox con la esquadra Era jefe de Los sicarios del Seor. I dont see los paredes going anywhere anytime soon. alledgedlythe gov of sonora Claudia Artemiza Pavlovich Arellano--is in deep, Animo Sicarios! Search it. Not that they came into existence in 2004. :), Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. There is a lot of conflicting information all over social media. Jorge LaMadrid later admitted in court that he and his co-conspirators modified the home into a refrigerated storage and processing facility that used commercial industrial equipment. border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. He and his Tucson attorney Stephen Ralls signed the 19-page plea agreement less than one month after a U.S. District judge in Michigan denied a defense motion to dismiss the 2005 case over allegations that Mexican authorities waterboarded Paredes-Machado after his arrest. Like my friend once told me a while back "Los de la frontera no respetan nada homie"Those border town people don't respect anything.. dumb a$$e$ got caught stealing from the dead on video smh. Ouch Chivis, glad you did not post it, I want to eat with ease, probably the body in the foto looks like carne molida. and it's not the 1st time when a CDS plaza boss is executed in sonora. Never paid up when people delivered loads. By Chris Kraul and Richard Boudreaux. "We have to be very clear about it. Agua Prieta and Drug Trafficking From that day on, Marco Antonio Paredes-Machado, one of the brothers would assume command of the Paredes criminal organization. I thought La Lnea killed the Lebaron fam? Ramos,said itmaintained a fairly low profile until July 2018, whenfamilies began to arrive with greater frequency. just say it would be an effective calorie diversion. He is believed to currently reside in Agua Prieta. But as they arrived, so did the cartel threats. what source? WebThe Sonora Cartel, also known as Caro Quintero Organization, was a Mexico based criminal cartel. They shot him and others in front of his home. Sonora: The Border CIty of Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence. The word on the street here in naco Sonora is that Javier el fox tried to jump Tin Tin and take his position. Much of the following information is derived from information from, This municipality is the most important territory the Los Paredes organization holds. this is 100% true he use to stiff people on their payouts , making them do more jobs as an obligation to recieve their final pay.pussy shit. "It's scary because I'm hearing that once they take you to the crossing, you have to wait outside, and maybe even sleep," he said. Yeah. El 20 was killed by a "9mm handgun fired by a SKILLED SICARIO" pues paque les digo si ya se la saben . Sinaloa cartel shootout in Agua Prieta leaves by whom? It's clear wich cartel they HATE on. WebThe Sinaloa Cartel (Spanish: Crtel de Sinaloa), also known as the CDS, the Guzmn-Zambada Organization, the Pacific Cartel, the Federation and the Blood Alliance, is a large, international organized crime syndicate that specializes in i tell you, a few. Also supporting and helps CDS to make it a mess. Sinaloa cartel shootout in Agua Prieta leaves Agua Prieta (AP), a Sonora border city bordering Douglas, Arizona which for its geographical area is a huge port for drug trafficking. INSIDE JOB. Its not a pretty workd, ALL big cartels are operating in Sonora tontoSonora people are not tough. Agua Prieta resident: 'I woke up If you have balls do something about it and start changing your ways but in a better way not blaming everyone else but your self, Pura gente Arellano Felix. If officers didn'ttake the families inby the evening, a volunteer wouldescort themback to the shelter, totry again the next day. I believe iris older sister, is married to a relative of El Fox. Rumor was Tomas Rascon aka Tito Torbellino was related to Javier Rascon aka Kalili/ Fox. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. But this kid deserves his anonymity. Atthe bus station on the day of their arrival, several men approachedhim and his family. It is responsible for the trafficking of hundreds of kilos of cocaine and marijuana to the United States through Arizona. Agua Prieta and Drug Trafficking man, for real now, you have any idea how many cells of CDS are in sonora? Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. This Mexican American family (Paredes Cartel) has controlled drug trafficking in the northwest of the country since the 1990s. Feb. 13, 2005 12 AM PT. Now i see why so many cds guys switch sides to cjng, was javier rascon the guy that Iris Chavez was dating? A lot of people I know him. there's no way CJNG goes to north of Sonora to kill a plaza boss. capital, Hermosillo, at 4:40 pm on the streets of Benito Jurez and the Colonia Centro, in a house known as El Especially in the border city of Agua Prieta. They have been for a very long time. role in the kidnappings and murders across Mexico. This was no clash, it is an ambush to murder and people got murdered. And they like their anonymity. In 2012, Paredes-Machado was indicted in Washington, D.C., by the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section of the Department of Justice. In 2012, Paredes-Machado was indicted in Washington, D.C., by the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section of the Department of Justice. A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "HEARST" for Borderland Beat The Attorney General announced that El Mayos Tijuana lieutenant, El Aquiles, organized the street e Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels, Los Paredes, Protected by the Government in Sonora where Impunity Prevails, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Five Killed in Nuevo Laredo, CDN Hitman Among the Dead, Human Rights Violation Allegations, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives, Mayo's Aquiles Had El Lobo's Lawyer Killed, says Attorney General. Ramos said many of the families arriving here knowfriends or family who havegone through Agua Prieta and had encouraged them to do the sameto avoid the long lines plaguing other border cities. It's unfortunate for those getting herenow and coming away with this experience.". border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. Feb. 13, 2005 12 AM PT. The killing of El Pajarro in 2010 is on YouTube. I agree to an extent, this part of Sonora has been safe. It is currently at double its capacity. who is US is protecting him? However, it was funny when people asked where I got my info.. "get out of here, a narco blog!? Yes they are narco-traffickers, but they have kept the peace in this region forever. "It's part of what it means to be a Christian.". AGUA PRIETA, Mexico Alexander Chasov had barely stepped off the bus that had brought him, along with his wife and 6-year-old son, to this remote community bordering southeastern Arizona. Agua Prieta is a town in the northeastern corner of the state of Sonora. The deaths of Javier Rascon El Fox, Cardian in Naco, the death of El Raton boss of the plaza in Naco and the death of Martin Torres El Chupon makes it possible for violence to continue. Haha, Los parades have been around way before 2004, The sentence says they were recruited around 2004-2005. Court records show Paredes-Machado was previously indicted on federal drug charges in Arizona in 1989, 1995, 1996, and 1999. My brother was murdered and the image of his dead body dumped in an undeveloped area always stays with me. They are very similar in appearance just taller. El Jaguar is originally from Zaragoza, Chihuahua. Fox was becoming to powerful. He has an armed wing of sicarios in the Ncori Chico, El Sauz, Buena Vista and Huepaverachi region. They should really just stay in Sonora for their own good. Sinaloa cartel shootout in Agua Prieta leaves La presencia del frente fro 37 provoc intensas nevadas en zonas de Nogales y Agua Prieta por lo que autoridades llamaron a la poblacin a extremar precauciones y la Guardia Nacional y Proteccin Civil Sonora activaron el Plan Puerto San Luis Adems, determinaron el cierre del tramo carretero Agua Prieta y Janos, as como el tramo The current activities of the organization that generates profits are the theft of mines, dispossession of property, kidnapping and collection of land. El Kadafi, got a little too big for his britches. The paredes with the backing of cds intruded the Madera plaza with people of el Jaguar war with la linea. Mariano Najera fled his home in the mountains of Guerrero, Mexico, with his wifeafter an older brother was involved in a serious incident with the cartels. At the hotel, they called Adalberto Ramos, the director of Centro de Atencin Para Migrantes, or CAME. 3:04 why would cds kill their plaza boss if he had everything on lock? What i find absurd is Mexican press blacks out the eyes of perps yet publishes murder and execution images. Despite being accused of being a criminal/trafficker, the United States government has not named him as a "public enemy." However there is also Fuerza Anti-Unin, or "Forces Anti Unin Tepito", one of their main rivals. A bloody gun battle in the border town of Agua Prieta, just across from Douglas, claimed the lives of nearly a dozen people. This structure was dedicated to maintaining the traffic of hundreds of kilos of marijuana and cocaine to the United States through the border crossings in Agua Prieta, Naco, Nogales, Sonoyita and San Luis Ro Colorado using tunnels, which exponentially increased his power. Ramn Cano, also known as "Monchi", a resident of Agua Prieta and Cananea, is one of the main leaders in the plaza of Cananea with his brother "El Gero Cano". The fighting this week is believed to involve a group that had tried to splinter off from the Sinaloa cartel operating in Agua Prieta. "This started aboutthree months ago," Ramos said. "We told the mafia that we are citizens of the United States," he recalled telling them. He found out later those men wereaffiliated withthecartels, or as the locals callthem, the "mafia," and they are actively preying on newly arrived migrants in Agua Prieta who are hoping to talk to U.S. immigration officials and claim asylum. Customs and Border Protection officials in Arizonadeclined to comment on the record for the story, butsaid on background they don't want to put any of the migrants in harm's way. He was a member of Los Salazar and joined Los Paredes at the time of Alfredo Salazar Ramrez's arrest. But these people keep the peace in this area. Jorge hails from the LaMadrid family, a family which is heavily involved in drug trafficking for Los Paredes / the Sinaloa Cartel. Those of us that know, know that Marco Antonio Paredes Machado, and his family, control the region. El Gigio fue capturado por las autoridades y ya esta en el bote.
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