TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. If anyone has see that one picture of G1 Megatron doing the 'Killing Joke' Joker cover, that is this but with Transformers Prime . Sunstreaker - In the coda, we find out his head is still somewhat active and his life flashing before his optics, over and over. It ends up being forgotten pretty quickly, and then Andy dies and the subplot is never resolved. Thanks to Soundwave, the missiles guidance systems are easily scrambled and miss their targets. Follow-up ads used a Communist propaganda visual style. Artist: Guido Guidi. Megatron stops an immediate retaliation by Starscream, wanting to let the humans get a few shots in first. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Synopsis Prologue "After years of war, MEGATRON and his forces had finally conquered Earth. Optimus and Spike's dialogue while Sideswipes finds Hunter, and the subsequent actions. I read everything that had been put out by IDW and there's no disrespect of what Simon's done coming from me. Also included is an art gallery consisting of. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Sol Fury, May 5, 2008 #1. Bonus material includes a cover gallery and the art sketches from previous collections. Cliffjumper's Earth mode is seen, which is essentially. a truncated version of the original scene, he fights for a people that hates and fears their kind, Notice how Roadbuster's shoulders are scraping on the ceiling, will have done so by crushing me beneath your heel. All Hail Megatron - book 3 chapter 1 | Cinematic Comics! This idea ultimately fell through; instead, the four "Coda" issues were appended to the end of the series as issues #13-16, and mostly featured stories set after All Hail, paving the way for the upcoming ongoing series.[5]. I found this a fascinating story and a different perspective on on the war of the decepticons and autobots.One of the more interesting plot points was the autobots dealing with a crushing defeat to the decepticons. The easy-to-apply treatment greatly enhances surface lubricity for extreme, long-lasting resistance to corrosion and accelerated wear caused by friction and heat. The Complete All Hail Megatron HC ( July 27, 2011) ISBN 1600109551 / ISBN 978-1600109553 Collects issues #1-16, and the Spotlights of Volume 3. This article needs to grow up a little bit. This all-new series picks up one year after the Revelations saga, and finds the Decepticons alone and triumphant on Earth, with not an Autobot in sight. Lasting from 2008 to 2009, the series ran for sixteen issues (including four "Coda" issues of short stories), with a small handful of vaguely associated Spotlight-series tie-ins. 10, January 1929, The American Cinematographer, Vol. The revived Autobots arriving to foil Megatron's plans. 6, No. Scrapper: "Human creatures of Earth, we come in peace. The Seekers make their grand entrance soon after. Comic V/f+, The Amazing Spider-Man Issues 352, 353, 355, 357, 358, 359, 364, 366, An. All Hail Megatron #3 Epilogue series (also in IDWords section) Galaxy Quest comic Doctor Who: The Forgotten New Classics of the Fantastic: Nightwing Star Trek: Romulans The Reign of Starscream #5 Igor Movie Prequel CGC grading The Arrival (back cover) Reprints Other than full or partial collections of All Hail Megatron. and nothing short of a miracle will save them from utter extinction!Collects All Hail Megatron #1-16, as well as Transformers Spotlight: Blurr, Transformers Spotlight: Jazz . The first details of the series were revealed on the trashy Australian tabloid current affairs programme Today Tonight on January 16, 2008. The first advertisement for the series was simply a red Decepticon symbol on a black background with "Swear Allegiance 2008" written in red. This is one of the first comics available for Sony's Digital Comic Service for the PlayStation Portable. The "B" variant covers for each issue were drawn by Trevor Hutchison in the style of Soviet Union propaganda posters. the head of Special Operations and fully willing and capable to taking him apart with his bare hands, Andy Reid is searching for DJ's girlfriend Meg; after, Some fans have pointed out how the Transformers are basically walking. Articles, Best Supporting Object: Rare And Valuable Movie Props, Walt Disney Studios Celebrates 100 Years of Happy Cartoons. 11, November 1954, The American Cinematographer, Vol. Pay attention, there will be a test. Cover art inspired by Batman: The Killing Joke (1988) Issue Publisher Low Mid High; Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1 IDW $20: $80: $200: Key Alerts; Daily Updates; Terms & Agreements . All times are GMT -4. Apocalypse Comics Exclusive Cover - Megatron taking a picture with Reflector (Batman: Killing Joke homage). In issue 10, Starscream attempts to usurp Megatron's position with help from the Insecticons. As the human jets are decimated, one of the pilots, a man named DJ, attempts to crash his crippled fighter into Megatron, who just swats him away. One of the men beats on his door, yelling that Long Haul is going to kill someone. The Complete All Hail Megatron was translated and released in Japan by Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions. 2, February 1944, The American Cinematographer, Vol. After the whole event; Sarah, Bridge, and Charles are never mentioned again, while Spike and his dad become important in the next series. Occasionally, I'll re-draw an drawing to see how much I have improved since last time. 3, June 1925, Columbia Records Hail Columbia Happy Land (July 1921), 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. The viewpoints expressed are from the creator, and do not represent the opinion of any other company or individual.Content contained within this video are used for entertainment purposes, and no infringement is intended. This page was last modified on 8 June 2022, at 22:09. Tim Formas, May 6, 2008 #1. The Transformers: All Hail Megatron was the second major "act" of IDW Publishing's first ongoing comic universe, intended to serve as a "soft reboot" of IDW's increasingly complicated storylines and create a jumping-on point for new readers following the truncated ending of the previous collection of mini-series and one-shots. Mixmaster takes a moment to marvel at how fragile everything feels. Sol Fury The British Butcher Veteran. 36, No. Issue #14 added an epilogue to Sunstreaker's story by the returning McCarthy and Santalucia, while line editor Andy Schmidt planted the seeds for future stories with his contribution to issue #14, covering the return of Galvatron, with art by IDW cover contest winner Andrew Griffith. Hunter, Deluge, and Dropshot. ***PAYPAL PAYMENT ONLY.GHOST SHIP COMICS strives to provide the best premium comics with top-notch customer service. 01. New York City suddenly comes under attack from a horde of giant transforming robots; although the city's residents initially think it is some sort of stunt or movie project, the Constructicons prove them wrong when they start firing into the crowds. 9, No. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Bonus material consists of a cover gallery. 1, January 1955, The American Cinematographer, Vol. . Responses by Shane McCarthy at the IDW forums. To then see so much of this ignored or thrown out as another creator took the reins of the universe proved aggravating to fans, and garnered All Hail an especially negative reputation at the time. Each of the four "Coda" issues was split into two eleven-page stories, written and drawn by several different creators. plugged to a machine, missing his arms and his lower torso and basically catatonic looks quite a lot like Colter Stevens's fate in. Characters in italic text appear only in flashbacks. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Content is used in good faith under \"fair use\" guidelines and no infringement intended. New cover by Trevor Hutchison. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, TRANSFORMERS ALL HAIL MEGATRON #1 Apocalypse Comics CBCS 9.8 Killing Joke IDW. Megatron is far from impressed, showing them the true meaning of destruction as he takes out a skyscraper with one blast of his fusion cannon. All Hail Megatron Book 1: Megatron Conquers Earth | Cinematic Comics! Judge Dredd Megazine (2003) 211-C (Magazine) By Rebellion. Long Haul looks at Scrapper. Megatron walks through a blazing fire, laughing maniacally. On the flipside, characters such as Prowl, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker were updated into new forms based on their concurrently-available Universe toys, at Hasbro's request. On Cybertron, the Autobots are in a sorry state. Satisfied with his demonstration of power, Megatron then orders his crew to attack, which they do with gusto. Volume 1; cover art by Klaus Scherwinski Volume 2; cover art by Trevor Hutchison A brief flashback shows the war on Cybertron, its evacuation, and a battle on Earth. This edition is erroneously referred to as. Joe comics Terminator Salvation official movie adaptation (back cover) Reprints. In the flashback panel on page 1, Jazz is missing his car doors on his forearms. "The Decepticons were forged through honorable combat, not senseless slaughter. )Condition: FN 6.0 range copy.Impact ding to bottom right corner of the comic, affects the whole bottom right corner, also has some spine stresses, and minor cover edgewear. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for The Transformers: All Hail Megatron . Writer Shane McCarthy pitched All Hail Megatron in direct response to a request from IDW for a tale that would change the whole direction of the line in hopes of regaining some of the ground lost as Simon Furman's run had wound on. Specifically featuring a cast made up almost entirely of 1984-1986 characters for their high recognizability, the series was originally intended as only six issues; Chris Ryall requested its expansion to twelve. It was Andy Schmidt's Galvatron story from #14 that proved most chaotic, full of legitimate errors rather than conscious changes, as the writer mixed up which of the Dead Universe Transformers could survive in the living universe longer than their comrades,[9] and invalidated an earlier reference to Scourge as a modern-day Decepticon (a nixed plot point that would have seen him presented as the Decepticon equivalent of Kup[10]) by presenting him as another of the Dead Universe legions. Bonus material includes a cover gallery and a 2-page art gallery featuring sketches of Reflector, Frenzy, Kup and Hot Rod. and our Scrapper makes a brief speech that they have come in peace, to Hook's confusion. Megatron, Astrotrain, Blitzwing, Jazz, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Ironhide, and Optimus Prime manage to retain their unique-to-IDW bodies. Thundercracker, who's disgusted that the Decepticons are no longer a. Andy Reid set out to find his dead pal DJ's girlfriend, who might still have been somewhere in the ruins of New York City. Joe Volume One TPB CGC grading various G.I. Scrapper makes a brief speech that they have come in peace, to Hook's confusion. We're lead to believe that Mirage is responsible for the Decepticon ambush that nearly killed Optimus Prime, but it turns out that's not really the case. One year after the events of Maximum Dinobots, a traitor in the Autobot ranks has given the Decepticons the means to conquer the Autobots, win the Great War, and do as they will on the unprotected planet Earth. He also made a secret deal with Starscream, where the Autobots would get Megatron in exchange for Earth, instead the Autobots get ambushed, Optimus nearly dies and many Autobots outposts fall after a security breach in their access codes This becomes too much for him to bear and. These opened with an Optimus Prime and Ironhide story by returning fan-favourites Simon Furman and Don Figueroa in issue #13, which saw Figueroa debut the new "skeletal" art style he would then employ as artist of the soon-to-debut ongoing series, and the first tale by incumbent ongoing writer Mike Costa, centred on Starscream with art by Chee Yang Ong. The Matrix of Leadership was promptly retconned in as a key factor in IDW's history, despite not appearing in the story depicting the war's origin (years later, James Roberts's "Chaos Theory" would expand and explain this glitch), while the paucity of energon that drove the backstory of Furman's new vision seemed a thing of the past. Touch. Something went wrong. Note Thundercracker in the background of pages 8 to 10, looking a bit unhappy about the rampage. A short lead-in time coupled with personal and family sickness meant that Guidi was not able to illustrate every issue, so Casey Coller, E. J. Su, Robert Deas and Emiliano Santalucia stepped in to provide back-up line art, while Deas also helped with coloring. Prowl, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker are now in their, Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp are now in their. Moundsville, West Virginia, United States. Having spent some time as a disembodied head in earlier arcs and becoming mentally bonded with Hunter took his toll on him. Cyclonus was just about to pull this on a dying Scourge until Galvatron showed up. The viewpoints expressed are from the creator, and do not represent the opinion of any other company or individual.Content contained within this video are used for entertainment purposes, and no infringement is intended. J. Su, Definitive G1 Collection: Volume 43; cover art by Don Figueroa and Guido Guidi, Definitive G1 Collection: Volume 44; cover art by Don Figueroa, Guido Guido and Emiliano Santalucia, Transformers: Best of Bumblebee; cover art by James Biggie. I COMBINE SHIPPING FOR FREE IN THE U.S.I SHIP FAST, AND SAFE IN A BOX.NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON CGC BOOKS, SORRY!PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER COMIC LISTINGS THIS WEEK FOR MORE RARE VARIANTS, MODERN KEY ISSUES, KEY 1ST APPEARANCES AND CGC GRADED COMICS. Written with some assistance from James Roberts, this story transformed the "Rocherts" team into fandom darlings, resulting in their collaboration on the Last Stand of the Wreckers mini-series and defining the character of Prowl for the IDW universe. Starscream is far from happy. Fighter pilots are sent to intercept the Decepticons, but they think it's just a joke until they see the robots in person. Megatron is far from impressed showing them the true meaning of destruction as he takes out a skyscraper with one blast of his Fusion Cannon. Discussion in 'Transformers News and Rumors' started by Sol Fury, May 5, 2008. The way the Decepticons managed to get all the Autobot intelligence, and disable all their global defenses, was through a comatose and mutilated Hunter and its bond with Sunstreaker. For more information, please see our Idw Transformers All Hail Megatron #12 Apocalypse Comics Free Shipping, All Hail Megatron #1 Apocalypse Variant CGC 9.8 IDW Transformers Killing, Transformers All Hail Megatron #1 Variant CGC 9.8, Idw Transformers: All Hail Megatron #12 : Apocalypse Variant :romita Hom, All Hail Megatron #1 - Super Rare Apocalypse Variant (KILLING JOKE HOMAG, All Hail Megatron #1 CGC 9.9 Batman Killing Joke Variant Transformers Sc, All Hail Megatron Killing Joke Variant CGC SS Remark Print 1 Transformer, Transformers #1 All Hail Megatron CGC 9.9 Apocalypse Variant 1/1000 Kill, Idw Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1 : Apocalypse Variant : Romita Hom, Transformers All Hail Megatron #1 Cgc 9.8 Killing Joke Homage Variant, The American Cinematographer, Vol. As time has gone on and more and more creators have contributed to the IDW universe, making their own changes to what has gone before them, hindsight has seen All Hail's changes stand out far less in the grand scheme than they did when they first occurred, but as one of the more controversial aspects of a series that lasted an entire year, we here dedicate some space to noting the major offenses. One of the men beats on his door, yelling that Long Haul is going to kill someone. log in try for free log in . DC/Transformers References Pt 1: The Killing Joke [Artwork] Killing Joke by Brian Bolland, All Hail Megatron by Casey Coller and Transformers UK #187 Lee Sullivan I COMBINE SHIPPING FOR FREE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. Click below to begin your paid subscription. Shrapnel and Bombshell have modified Generation 1-esque designs, transforming into more bug-like insect modes. Mid-grade copy, presents fine in a bag & board.I DO NOT GUARANTEE CGC GRADES, THIS COPY IS ***NOT NM****SHIPPING: FREE BOXED PRIORITY MAIL/TRACKING/INSURANCE. As noted above, All Hail Megatron has some odd discontinuities with the preceding storylines. The machine guns, surprisingly, have no effect on them. This is what happens when your Photoshop skills improve! IDW Publishing's editor-in-chief has revealed the pencils to the All Hail Megatron #1 retailer-exclusive variant cover. Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1 (2008) Variant Listing Loading. Transformers: The Complete All Hail Megatron Hardcover - August 9, 2011 by Shane McCarthy (Author), Simon Furman (Author), Andy Schmidt (Author), 130 ratings Hardcover The Decepticons have won, the Autobots are defeated, and the time for conquest is at hand! All Hail Megatron - book 3 chapter 1 | Cinematic Comics! Starscream instantly grovels, saying that their destruction of the city is going well. Facebook: the Autobots returning to Earth, and didn't think about the fact that the humans might be able to use Transformers weaponry. All Hail Megatron On your knees, human scum, and bow before the great and glorious Megatron! Listen to Cinematic Comics voice overs as I go through the retelling of the All Hail Megatron series.#IDW #BLUR #TRANSFORMERSHey There!This video is intended for entertainment purposes only. This story also mistakenly reiterated Cyclonus's "patriotic" personality, which was dismissed as a facade in Revelation, but future stories would continue to run with this depiction of the character as it proved far more interesting. It is revealed that Sunstreaker betrayed the Autobots due to Bombshell messing with Hunter. It marked a radical shift in tone and content in the ongoing story, showing a victorious Decepticon army on Earth while the Autobots are defeated and on the run throughout the universe. 10, October 1940, The American Cinematographer, Vol. The Decepticons have won, the Autobots are defeated, and the time for conquest is at hand! In New York City, the Autobots and Decepticons continue to battle. N/A References Indicates a raw comic with no grade info entered. less sense, as Hunter was Sunstreaker's headmaster partner, so whatever Hunter would have known Sunstreaker would have known as well. Omega Supreme, Devastator, and the Statue of Liberty. Much to the man's amazement, Long Haul transforms and joins the other Constructicons who have arrived. All Hail Megatron Book 1: Megatron Conquers Earth | Cinematic Comics! Follow-up ads used the visual style of post-revolutionary Communist propaganda. Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. We come to you to preach the message of unity, co-operation, and goodwill. Despite their initial remit of trying to fix glitches, the four Coda issues did not fare too well on the continuity front, immediately doing away with Starscream's change in heart from the main story's conclusion and partially re-writing a scene from Furman's Sunstreaker and Hunter story to skew it in another direction. Fighter pilots are sent to intercept the Decepticons, but they think it's just a joke Until they see the robots in person. All Hail Megatron was translated and released in Spain by NORMA Editorial. The Transformers: All Hail Megatron is the overarching title of a widely-promoted event in the IDW Comics Generation 1 universe in 20089. Transformers: The Complete All Hail Megatron (:), This comic series, compliation/TPB, feature or continuity article is a stub and is missing information. 7, July 1956, The American Cinematographer, Vol. Lots of characters show up with new bodies! (CHECK OUT THE CGC 9.8 SS VERSION OF THIS VARIANT FOR SALE SEPARATELY IN MY EBAY STORE! The Decepticons conquer New York City and hold the population hostage, and the United States military proves unable to stop them. ", After it is revealed that Sunstreaker betrayed the Autobots, Drift tells Ironhide that the Decepticons had knowledge that Sunstreaker couldn't possibly have known, meaning there was another traitor in their midst. *****TRANSFORMERS ALL HAIL MEGATRON #1 APOCALYPSE COMICS VARIANT*****IDW, 2008.Super rare Apocalypse Comics Casey Coller KILLING JOKE homage variant cover!One of the most sought-after and hard to fi Lots of characters show up with new bodies! Megatron, Blitzwing, Jazz, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Ironhide, and Optimus Prime manage to retain their unique-to-IDW bodies. The time now is 8:09 PM. We answer questions fast, and ship even faster! With no one to stand in their way, how will the planet survive? Most visibly, several characters were redesigned into their original Generation 1 forms; though done in the name of recognizability,[7] for characters like the Seekers, Astrotrain, and Ratbat, who had previously been given modern alternate forms in earlier stories, this stood out as especially technologically incongruous and illogical. Everything we have done here has brought dishonor to the Decepticon name. All Hail Transformers Prime Megatron Returns. Megatron walks through a blazing fire, laughing maniacally. Astrotrain does too, in his one-panel appearance, but starting next issue Guido Guidi began drawing him using his. In the flashback panel on page 1, Jazz is missing his car doors on his forearms. Skywarp mocks the humans, telling Starscream that the humans will really be terrified when Megatron arrives. Before All Hail, IDW's Transformers universe had very much been the vision of one creatorFurmanand was written very tightly, with most stories across different publications interrelating and forming a complex, unfolding tapestry. Issue #15 was dedicated to explaining character transformations; while Denton J. Tipton and Casey Coller dealt with Perceptor's change from scientist to sniper, writer-artist Nick Roche returned to the character of Kup with a story that bridged Roche's earlier Spotlight: Kup with All Hail. Transformers: All Hail Megatron. Astrotrain's locomotive form was anachronistic even in 1985, The Wreckers originally and later on, Omega Supreme, Almost all the events in AHM can be traced to Sunstreaker and what he went through in the Escalation miniseries, as seen in the Coda Flashbacks, with one of the main and most iconic flashbacks being Sunstreaker's disembodied head asking for a, Sunstreaker. The Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Originally, the series was slated to be issues #3546 in the IDW overarching "sub-numbering" scheme,[3] leaving Furman twelve issues set during the "missing year" to wrap up any loose ends he could (though in the end, only nine issues were published across Revelation and Maximum Dinobots). Writer: Shane McCarthy. Starscream instantly grovels, saying that their destruction of the city is going well. Joined: Nov 22, 2002 Posts: 36,301 News Credits: 7 Trophy Points: 422 Likes: +1,667. Of course, this is all a joke and the Constructicons begin blasting into the crowd and street, blasting everything and everyone in sight. The Decepticons question their place now that the war is apparently over; Starscream begins to doubt Megatron's goals and secretly teams up with some Decepticons in another bid to overthrow Megatron. Drift was not all that set the fandom's sensibilities ablaze: the abandonment of not just Furman's storyline, but nearly all of the unique elements (discussed in more detail below) he had introduced into IDW continuity, also sat ill with many readers. Illustrator: Guido Guidi. And what of the missing Autobots? In New York City, a green construction vehicle nearly runs over some humans in Times Square. The Transformers: All Hail Megatron was a story arc in The Transformers from IDW Publishing. I simply love that developement of the characters and struggles they face. 1-E (Comic Book) By IDW. You have everybody in the decepticon ranks challenging Megatron and his decision to take over earth.#Megatron #IDW #ComicsHey There!This video is intended for entertainment purposes only. Cliffjumper's Earth mode is seen, which is essentially the same design as Bumblebee's, but adapted to turn into a sports car. Tim Formas Old Man Administrator. In this case, we show the FMV for the most common condition. VERY RARE APOCOLYPSE COMICS CASET COLLER KILLING JOKE HOMAGE, ALL BOOKS ARE NEW, UNREAD & NMIF YOU HAVE BOOKS THAT SHIP ON DIFFERENT DATES ORDER WILL SHIP WHEN LAST BOOK RELEASESNO CANCELLATIONS ON PREORDERSCOVERS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BY PUBLISHERS, *AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #61 MIKE MAYHEW ASM 238 HOMAGE VARIANT LIMITED TO 800 WITH NUMBERED COA CGC 9.8 PREORDER, *AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #61 MIKE MAYHEW ASM 238 HOMAGE VARIANT LIMITED TO 800 WITH NUMBERED COA CGC SS PREORDER, 01/01/2020 THOR #1 1:25 MATTEO SCALERA VARIANT, 01/01/2020 THOR #1 1:50 RYAN STEGMAN VARIANT, Copyright 2023, SAD LEMON COMICS. It doesn't appear to be battle damage, and he has them later on in the present. You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. Entertainment Listen to Cinematic Comics voice overs as I go through the retelling of the All Hail Megatron series.. All Hail Megatron Book Club Edition; cover art by Trevor Hutchison, The Complete All Hail Megatron; cover art by Trevor Hutchison, The IDW Collection, Volume 5; cover art byE. During a running battle with the Swarm, Sunstreaker reveals that he was the traitor and sacrifices himself to save the others. The first page's snapshot-to-snapshot, bare-bones retelling of the Transformers backstory mimics the first page of 2006's. With the autobots at a loss and infighting going on. And Optimus Prime dying after that event. All Hail Megatron #10; The Arrival TPB More than Meets the Eye Volume 1 and 2 TPBs All Hail Megatron TPB Star Trek: Countdown miniseries Classic G.I. Shane McCarthy on fan reaction to the changes in All Hail Megatron[6]. One year later. On Cybertron, the Autobots are in a sorry state. (Numbers indicate order of appearance.). The event spans the 12-issue All Hail Megatron maxi-series, a 4 issue "Coda" (appended to the main series for publication) and various Spotlight-series tie-ins. 35, No. Then it cuts to the plane with the Nuclear bomb, and inside a Decepticon symbol flashes, as Tankor heads to New York. This mix-and-match approach to design would only increase with the onset of the ongoing series, as artistic freedom resulted in characters changing designs from issue to issue, depending on artist. Apocalypse Comics Cover. Retailer Incentive Cover for All Hail Megatron #1 is a Killing Joke. ", may be considered "All Hail Megatron #0". As part of the 25th Anniversary celebration of Transformers in 2009, this comic book run, All Hail Megatron, was published in an alternate storyline where Megatron and his Decepticons finally win the war against the noble Autobots and Earth falls to. Me Wheelie say, it lucky day when not used for AHM ay. In 2012, a motion comic version of All Hail Megatron was pitched to IDW Publishing by Sideshow Productions. is robert flores married, patrick ewing illiterate, jeffrey stone obituary,
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