He pointed out that since independent people may be ostracized, it takes courage to stand up for the Truth and what is right. After uniting a group of courageous doctors to join her last year, Dr. Gold invited a pioneering team of lawyers to join AFLDS to bring cases to defend our rights. Through its website, Mike says,. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. More info [.] If you know college students in any of those states, send them the form. Renz brought the Alabama suit on behalf of Americas Frontline Doctors, a conservative-backed campaign group that has fought government efforts to contain the pandemic. Learn how your comment data is processed. Join Citizen Corps Read more AFLDS provides leadership, facts, and action plans to victoriously defend freedom. Enter your email address to follow Vaxopedia and receive notifications of new posts by email. Dr. Gold graduated from Chicago Medical School before earning her Juris Doctorate from Stanford University Law School. America's Frontline Doctors' Legal Eagle Dream Team America's Frontline Doctors has their own Legal Team. Now our children are being pressured to take a needle in order to return to their old, normal lives (school, sports, friends). He would sometimes be flipping the burgers, pouring the beers and setting up the pins, said Riley. Until the fda shut them down. Legal Advice by Sidney Powell Know Your Rights When Dealing with the Vaccine Mandates. Leigh Dundas, Esq. The products offered or linked to on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Americas Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today announced the creation of its Legal Task Force, a combination of legal professionals committed to the cause of freedom. Kudos to Biden for taking this stance, absolutely the only correct choice to protect constitutional rights--but, he MUST prove a true leader by preventing corporations from similar violations. A breakout moment was his announcement at a July conservative rally in Anaheim, Calif., that he had found a whistleblower with evidence that the coronavirus vaccine caused at least 45,000 deaths. Its finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Tom has created a work environment that is unacceptable, one of the women wrote to the credit unions chief executive in July 2015. Bailey declined to comment after the decision, but his lawyer said he was delighted. (LogOut/ Scientists around the world have noted extreme danger and believe the danger is even greater for young people due to their stronger immune systems. In a subsequent email, Renz said: I simply am unable to comment on some of the questions you asked as I am subject to NDAs, or nondisclosure agreements. Feel encouraged to reach out! The lack of permits hinders access to employment, livelihoods, and social programmes, leaving at least 1,000,000 Venezuelans in need of shelter, food, education, and health. America's Frontline Doctors Joe Biden admin says they will "not now, nor will we be" requiring vaccine passports. Vaxopia is the definition of disinformation. Information about the record level of deaths and injuries must be suppressed and ignored in the push to inject everyone even down to babies six months old. Lockdowns, this guru maintains, have mental health effects that are more harmful than those caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which according to her, are minimal. Members of the controversial America's Frontline Doctors group attend the pro-Trump Freedom Tour U.S.A. rally in Washington D.C. on October 17th, 2020. . Renzs first two federal lawsuits contained language that exactly matches part of an annotated Constitution published by the Congressional Research Service. America`s Frontline Doctors has officially launched the Legal Eagle Dream Team, and we intend to sue across the country to challenge the constitutionality of COVID-19 warrants and restrictions. If you know there are safe and effective treatments and actively work to cover them up to promote sales of an untested injection that is only able to be categorized as a vaccine after the definition of the word vaccine is changed, then it is my personal belief that what is happening is akin to murder, he wrote. 73 links. Lets stick to the facts and the truth. Report: Federal Authorities Hesitant to Charge Honduran Nationals Suspected of Killing a Bald Eagle. https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/legal/legal-eagle-dream-team. Op-Ed: Banal ButtigiegBlaming Trump for Ohio Train Derailment Found Bogus by, Florida Man Killed by Rare, Brain-Eating Organism In Tap Water, Tennessee Governor Signs New Bills Banning Gender-Affirming Care, Drag, Op-Ed: Should DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Be Changed to ADH, Op-Ed: Patriot & 45th President Donald Trump to Speak, Op-Ed: Libs of TikTok & Defender of Children, Op-Ed: Hersheys Chocolate Can Go Melt Themselves for Using, Op-Ed: Detransition Awareness Day is March 12 No, Op-Ed: You Can Blame The Victim For Making A Mountain Out, Op-Ed: She Persisted: Rachel Levine is Akin to The, Fauci in Potential Hot Water After New Report Concludes, Biden Promises to Ban Assault Weapons, High-Capacity, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Loses Reelection Bid; Blames Racism,, U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Reconsideration for Lawsuit, Op-Ed: Busy Bee DeSantis is Buzzing Around the Honey Hive, Op-Ed: Former Left-Wing Activist Amala Ekpunobi & Host, Op-Ed: DeSantis Has Penned Two Books: The Courage to be, Op-Ed: Dastardly Democrats Try to Ban Prez Trump From, Op-Ed: U.S. State Department Funds Transgender Group in, Op-Ed: Kentucky Republicans Aim to Protect Children From, Op-Ed: City Council in Naples, Florida Kowtows & Allows, Op-Ed: Nobody is Banning Adult Drag Queens from Entertaining, 2 Year-Old Dies In Back Seat After FatherForgets to Drop. Dr. Simone Gold, an Emergency Room doctor and lawyer, is the founder of Americas Frontline Doctors (AFLDS). 5. When Was the Last Case of Polio in the United States? EIN: 85-2279624 Dr. Gold's mission is to make America's Frontline Doctors the leading voice of common sense and scientific clarity in the fight to defend our Civil Liberties. He later emailed responses to some of the additional questions. Natural Holistic Health News - Creative Commons 2020 The site urges visitors to support MAFA by buying products or memberships from Poppers program. Renz frequently stresses his humble roots while also embracing his newfound role in the international anti-vaccination movement. Attorney Deanna De Paoli explained that as doctors and lawyers, they deal in facts and evidence to battle the fictions that have become our reality. Related Posts No one has had a summer learning offense or defense and getting to know their teammates and coaches. Many attorneys work on matters not handled in court, and some court cases in Ohio, such as prosecutions of juveniles, are not public. WITH CHARLIEWARD, You want to help this society? However, I do believe that AFLD and ICAN (The Highwire/Del Bigtree) are very sincere in their efforts to help and get ppl thru the legalities of the mess we find ourselves in. More info on their website: at the Metropolitan Republican Club, 122 East 83rd St, New York City, Documentaries about Vaccination Pre-COVID, Americas Frontline Doctors Legal Eagle Dream Team. The document does not explain the methodology behind the calculation. In July 2011, more than a year after he got his law degree, he registered to take the Ohio bar exam. My doctor followed the CDC & left me for dead so I went to a doctor from Americas Frontline Doctors & she saved my life with hydroxychloroquine. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. of these lawyers are handing any FAKE Covid-19 cases. Ive been elevated to a position I probably dont deserve as a leader in this globally, and its because Ive been willing to fight, he told an interviewer in August. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Renz withdrew his first federal lawsuit in March after U.S. District Judge James G. Carr of the northern District of Ohio called the suit an almost incomprehensible jumble of dubiously sourced material and asked the plaintiffs why he should not dismiss it. Law Offices of James R. Kneisler, Jr. (TX), The posting of this list is for informational purposes only. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death - as fraud. Parts of his complaint in New Mexico were identical to a 2016 Yale Law Journal article and a 2014 journal article by a political scientist. You won`t meet everyone. I left for other reasons, declining to provide details. RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN ASSESSMENT, FEBRUARY 27, 2023. It is a highly visible role for Renz, 44, who passed the Ohio bar exam in November 2019 on his fifth attempt and has limited litigation experience, according to a Washington Post examination of his career. The people that are dying are vaccinated, he said on a conservative online talk show in July. There were some on the list I hadnt contacted but I have now including the firms you list in Virginia so well see how that goes. Other high-profile clients include Patty Hearst and Sam Sheppard, the Ohio man whose case inspired the hit TV series and movie The Fugitive. Renz has teamed with in-state lawyers to sue a hospital system and federal, state and local authorities on behalf of residents over restrictions aimed at halting the pandemic. Lawfare for Freedom Why Do We Keep Talking About Waking People Up? They want to steal our freedom of life and liberty. I called a ton of lawyers on the list you guys have up and not 1 of them are handling cases to do with COVID-19 vaccine.I strongly feel there just up there or offered their services for free advertising. America's Frontline Doctors has their own Legal Team. Required fields are marked *. In response to an interview request for this story, Renz initially proposed a contract with The Post that would set conditions for the storys content and restrict whom reporters could contact. Such as Vincent Iannelli. A day later, they signed Asomugha, Babin, Lee, and Young, and the next day they added Jenkins. (LogOut/ Renzs quick public ascent illustrates how promoting misinformation about the pandemic can be an effective fundraising tool and lead to renown within the portion of the country that remains suspicious of coronavirus vaccines, despite their general acceptance by the medical and scientific communities. What a crock of lies. Renz told The Post he regards himself as a reluctant leader in a global movement to stop coronavirus vaccines. VAERS shows that injuries from the COVID injections are greater than from all vaccines combined since VAERS was introduced. As God is my witness, he said in Anaheim, hell will freeze over before I stand down on this., From corporate America to conspiracy theory promotion: How a Minnesota man made a career out of anonymously amplifying dark plots, How the election-fraud myth was spread by Russell Ramsland, Follow @wpinvestigates on Twitter | Latest investigative news. EIN: 85-2279624 We're legally required to request your consent. A ban in Florida could also jeopardize Bailey`s right to practice law in the only other state where he is allowed, Massachusetts. poverty martha inc. 229 scenes from an execution 235 in sickness and by stealth 247 the strange case of david irving 255 why americans are not taught history 265 a hundred years of muggery 279 unfairenheit 9/11: the lies of . Plus get top natural health news delivered daily. In one of dozens of recent media appearances, Ohio attorney Thomas Renz was claiming that coronavirus vaccines were more harmful than the virus itself. Or six. HereToChop!!! Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close. Renz did not respond to a question about how much 4GFC had raised but said none of that money had yet been spent. Be Alone!!!! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The FDA intends to extend the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Pfizer`s COVID-19 vaccine to adolescents ages 12 to 15. Well, guess what? Children are not affected by COVID, so why should they receive an experimental vaccine? 452 photos. 09. Friends, one year later and they are still trying to brainwash and silence us. It was a planned and carefully orchestrated event that allowed some bad actors to gain control over billions of people, and to shut down the worlds economies, Popper wrote. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. America's Frontline Doctors has officially launched the Legal Eagle Dream Team, and we intend to bring lawsuits across the country to challenge the constitutionality of COVID-19 mandates and restrictions. Publisher - National News & Published Reports. Children's deaths of any kind are rare, researchers noted. Maybe one of the draft picks doesn`t fit the NFL game. A few months later, Renz struck out on a new path, starting law school at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Asked about the passages, Renz said in his email: We do our very best to cite everything properly but I do not have a huge team of attorneys and paralegals on this.. We need more from American Frontline Doctors. HCQ is so safe it is an over-the-counter drug in many countries. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The suits generally deny or play down the severity of the pandemic. This is when you will have to push back and contact an attorney to get advice. LEGAL EAGLE DREAM TEAM. Maybe one of the veterans will be a big disappointment. I Remember You (feat. All of the Texas attorneys mentioned are either dead, no longer working for the office, or were only dealing with autism and vaccination cases. WASHINGTON, D.C. Americas Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), a Project of The Free Speech Foundation, has announced that its Eagle Dream Team is filing cases in court this week to prevent the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from issuing an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the experimental COVID vaccine for 12-15 year old children, and the filings need additional plaintiffs. Did Doctor Merritt just expose one of modern medicine's long held assumptions?" Last Modified on May 21, 2022 Bookmark this article This information is designed to allow Americans to assert their rights. In addition to misinformation about lockdowns, they push propaganda about COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine passports, that COVID-19 is rarely lethal and is easily treatable, and even sell consults with hydroxychloroquine knowledgeable physicians to get people with COVID-19 prescriptions. Regards, I am familiar with David Icke! She said this is not a political, racial, religious, or gender divide. They ALL have been corrupted by the cabal & the cult! He argues that the coronavirus restrictions amounted, in some cases, to unlawful imprisonment of the public and theft of profits because of business closures. Sandra Cassidy. The danger is not from the federal government now, but from schools, state governments, corporations, airlines, etc. Indian Country Today News 6:50AM News NC. But it's not just what Bill does that's so inspiring - it's the way that he does it. As Renz spoke, a message flashed across the screen with his website address. He said 80% of people have turned out to be narcissists who love wielding power over others and are creating tyranny. America's Frontline Doctors Founded by @DrSimoneGold The Trusted Name for Independent Information AFLDS.org Official channel America's Frontline Doctors @AmericasFrontlineDoctors. It`s just a collection of good football players who should help make the Eagles a better team. In late 2014, she alleged, Renz began massaging her neck against her wishes in his office and slipped his hand down the front of my upper breast, and commented oops.. Sarah Westall does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this website. Amber Navran & Swank) 07. Biggest pile of propaganda garbage weve ever read. You Can Flip My Stories On The Flipboard Digital Magazine, Corrections: If you are aware of an inaccuracy or would like to report a correction, we would like to know about it. America's Frontline Doctors, a project of the Free Speech Foundation, is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, charitable organization. Renz and Popper also are members of the team behind For God Family Country (4GFC), the nonprofit that Renz formed in August 2018, according to the groups website and Ohio state incorporation records. Milam Howard Nicandri Dees & Gillam, P.A. Why? For additional details, statistics and legal action being taken, see yesterdays article which further highlights the urgent need to stand our ground for informed consent. You are a Liar and complicit in war crimes ,all Proper gander Nuremburg 2.0, vaccine manufacturers did not skip animal trials when developing their COVID-19 vaccines. A second woman wrote to the CEO alleging that Renz made sexually suggestive comments to her and joked about masturbation. This is when you will have to push back and contact an attorney to get advice. 116K subscribers. Davis and Jurgens are 22, Dean is 21. The group MAFA is not incorporated in Ohio or registered with the IRS as a nonprofit, and legal language on its website states that it is part of Poppers health business. The average length of time required to approve a vaccine is 10-15 years but now, barely six months in, the FDA is poised to test it on children and then request universal approval. This is the difference between informed consent and coercion, free will and slavery. Keep On (feat. Declining to publicly identify the purported whistleblower out of fear for her safety, Renz filed affidavits featuring her allegations in support of his lawsuits in Alabama and Michigan. Allen said Renzs description of his work was inaccurate. There is no guarantee your release will be published; inclusion is at the discretion of our editors. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); BREAKING NEWS! It was a game-changing event in which AFLDS doctors and lawyers provided a insightful summary of the health and constitutional crisis America faces now because of the misguided COVID policies and explored solutions. 171K subscribers. AFLDS exploded on the national scene with their July 27 press conference in front of the US Supreme Court last year. Students who fit those categories can fill out the AFLDS College Student Plaintiff Form and submit it. That still isnt going to bring back your loved ones.. Asked about his litigation experience and his role challenging coronavirus vaccines, Renz said in an email: I sincerely wish that the big firms would step up but they have not so it is left to nobodies like me., In September 2020, Renz filed a federal lawsuit against Ohio Gov. The Litigation arm of AFLDS, the "Legal Eagle Dream Team," has initiated a series of lawsuits aimed at thwarting measures taken to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as . AFLD has been a leading promoter of ivermectin, a medication typically used to treat parasitic worms in livestock, as a "safe and effective treatment" for COVID-19. AFLDS is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization. 284 videos. All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. The Summit discussed how to organize and turn the tide now to protect our health and freedom. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians and soldiers on both sides are believed to have been killed since Russia invaded its pro-Western neighbour a year ago, on February 24, 2022. Legal Eagle Dream Team - America's Frontline Doctors Do you have a legal background and want to help? Gilbert spoke of the starling number of injuries from the COVID shots reported on VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. This site uses cookies for various purposes. Read more: www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/legal/legal-eagle-dream-team U.S. District Judge Patricia Fawsett noted Thursday that despite her denials, Bailey was able to pay a $700,000 bond that would have guaranteed her claim to the $2 million of a legal fund. Kudos to Biden for taking this stance, absolutely the only correct choice to protect constitutional rights--but, he MUST prove a true leader by preventing corporations from similar violations. After law school, Renz struggled to kick-start his legal career. They should be erased from the list. The Post found that several traced to Renzs time as a law student. There are now more than 4,100 deaths related to the experimental COVID vaccine. Allen did not offer details or respond to further questions. Click Here to Take Action for Your Medical Freedom Party Today! Your survival library wont be complete without these books! Follow us for the latest updates. Feel free to send us money, thats always great, he said in one July interview. Mr. McGregor is our staff news reporter who focuses primarily on reviewing and editing (if necessary) all media alerts and press releases for The Published Reporter. List of Attorneys willing to Provide Legal Guidance Against Mandates, All Rights Reserved - Business Game Changers. This is not a dream team. Dr. Gold introduced America's Frontline Doctors Legal Eagle Dream Team at 26:25 minutes in the Summit. The New Republic on a two decade war against medical quackery, Brownstone flack Gabrielle Bauer admits that the Great Barrington Declaration was wrong, The War on LGBTQ+ Kids Is Getting Out of Hand, I contracted chickenpox and it nearly killed me.
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