The greatest fashion designer of the 20th century, Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, died suddenly in her suite at the swish Hotel Ritz in Paris half a century Antoinette had 5 siblings: Coco Chanel, Julia Chanel, Alphonse Chanel, Lucien Chanel and Augustin Chanel. Adrien Alphonse CHANEL 1885-1953 Married 17 November 1910, Valence, 26000, Drme, to Marie BOURSARIE. Death: Buenos Aires, Argentina (Spanish flu) Immediate Family: Daughter of Henri Albert (Albert) Chanel and Jeanne Eugnie Chanel. 5, which is still extremely popular today. The next morning, January 9, 1971, she died of natural causes at the Hotel Ritz, she was 87 years old. 5 in his department store. Both Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich became private clients. Gabrielle Dite Coco CHANEL 1883-1971. Use what you have. She was instrumental in breaking the stereotype and liberating woman from the stifling . She was born in 1883 to Eugnie Jeanne Devolle Chanel, known as Jeanne and Albert Chanel. Her sister Coco Chanel died on the 10th of January 1971, in Paris, France. Antoinette on the other hand got married to a Canadian-born airman, Oscar Edward Flemming in 1919. In addition to Chanel philosophy, the show featured many models parading in the popular fashions Chanel designed through her long career. I only like fake jewellery because it's provocative. Only a little information is known about Antoinette following this period. Antoinette Julia Flming (Chanel) Also Known As: "Ninette". [5][6] Dincklage was also a collaborator for the German SD; his superiors being Walter Schellenberg and Alexander Waag in Berlin. Twitter Facebook Reddit. [11]:52, At Moulins, Chanel met a young French ex-cavalry officer and textile heir, tienne Balsan. hello everyone. Augustin Chanel, Julie Chanel, Gabrielle Bonheur, Alphonse Chanel, Gabrielle Chanel, Lucien Chanel, June 13 1887 - Issoire, Puy-De-Dme, Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes, France, May 2 1921 - Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.d., Argentina, Adrien Alphonse CHANEL, Gabrielle CHASNEL, Adrien Alphonse CHANEL, Julia Berthe CHANEL, Lucien Albert CHANEL, Augustin Julien CHANEL, Coco Chanel, Julia Chanel, Alphonse Chanel, Lucien Chanel, Augustin Chanel, Henri Albert (Albert) Chanel, Jeanne Eugnie Chanel, Julia Bertha Chanel, Gabrielle Bonheur (Coco) Chanel, Alphonse Adrien Chanel, Lucien Albert Chanel, Pierre Chanel, Augustin Julien Chanel, June 13 1887 - Issoire, Puy De Dme, France, Gabrielle CHANEL, Julia Berthe CHANEL, Adrien Alphonse CHANEL, Lucien Albert CHANEL, Augustin Julien CHANEL, brielle Bonheur (Coco) Chanel, Alphonse Adrien Chanel, Antoinette Julia Flming, Lucien Albert Chanel, Pierre Chanel, Augustin Julien Chanel, Henri Albert CHANEL, Jeanne Eugnie DEVOLLE, Augustin Julien CHANEL, Lucien Albert CHANEL, Gabrielle CHANEL, Adrien Alphonse CHANEL, Adrien Alphonse CHANEL, Julia Berthe CHANEL, May 2 1921 - Ciudad Autnoma De Buenos Aires, Argentina, Adrien Alphone CHANEL, Gabrielle Dite Coco CHANEL, Julia Berthe CHANEL, Lucien Albert CHANEL, Augustin Julien CHANEL, Adrien Alphonse CHANEL, Henri Albert Chanel, Jeanne Eugnie Chanel (geboren Devolle), Gabrielle Bonheur Channel, Alphonse Adrien Channel, Antoinette Julia Channel, Lucien Albert Channel, Pierre Channel, Augustin Julien Channel, Julia Bertha Channel, Gabrielle Bonheur Channel, Alphonse Adrien Channel, Lucien Albert Channel, Pierre Channel, Augustin Julien Channel, Albert Chanel, Jeanne Chanel (born Devolle), Gabrielle Chanel, Julia Chanel, Lucien Chanel, 1918 lnfluenza Pandemic - Argentina: Fatalities, Buenos Aires, Argentina The family members and friends have released an obituary online and there are many speculations about the cause of death as well. They left the costumes in Europe and were re-made, according to Dali's initial designs, by Karinska. Get all latest content delivered to your email a few times a month. She also claimed to have been born a decade later than 1883 and that her mother had died when she was much younger than 11. Interested parties in the proceedings were cognizant that Chanel's Nazi affiliations during wartime, if made public knowledge, would seriously threaten the reputation and status of the Chanel brand. [37], When Vaughan's book was published in August 2011, his disclosure of the contents of recently declassified military intelligence documents generated considerable controversy about Chanel's activities. Here, the two met Gabrielle, their young aunt. A woman calls police worried there's water flowing out from her neighbour's front door. Dincklage purportedly said, The Abwehr had first to bring to France a young Italian woman [Lombardi, who] Coco Chanel was attached to because of her lesbian vices[8]:16364, Unaware of the machinations of Schellenberg and Chanel, Lombardi was led to believe that the forthcoming journey to Spain would be a business trip exploring the potential for establishing Chanel couture in Madrid. Here are nine things you probably didn't know about Coco Chanel: 1. This is probably why she eventually decided to leave her husband and move to Buenos Aires, where she died in 1920. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Everett/Shutterstock (10283571a) Gabrielle Coco Chanel, June 19, 1936 Historical Collection FRANCE - CIRCA 1937: Coco Chanel, French couturier. If you would like to know more about her family, keep reading. However, behind the iconic designer hides a woman with a life she tried so hard to hide. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. While many women in France were punished for "horizontal collaboration" with German officers, Chanel faced no such action. The queers want to be womenbut they are lousy women. Chanel had a total of six siblings but grew up only with some of her sisters as, after her mother died, her brothers were sent to work on farms. Her inability to reinvent the little black dress was a sign of such reality. She said that it was not a time for fashion;[30] as a result of her action, 4,000 female employees lost their jobs. She was a poseuse, a performer who entertained the crowd between star turns. Hollywood wants a lady to look like two ladies. The death of Marie-Antoinette by the sharp blade of the guillotine may have . Print. According to records, he died of a heart attack. According to reports, the witnesses on Antoinette and Oscars marriage certificate were listed as Boy Capell, who had an affair with Antoinettes sister Coco Chanel. Some informers had numbers without being aware of it." Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel (August 19, 1883 - January 10, 1971) was a French fashion designer and founder of the Chanel brand. More importantly, meticulous attention was placed on detail during fittings. He was locked up along with his family in the Temple prison in 1792, and would never be freed. Renoir was favorably impressed by Visconti and brought him in to work on his next film project. Season 1. [20], In 1908, Chanel began an affair with one of Balsan's friends, Captain Arthur Edward 'Boy' Capel. [8]:187, Requested to appear in Paris before investigators in 1949, Chanel left her retreat in Switzerland to confront testimony given against her at the war crime trial of Baron Louis de Vaufreland, a French traitor and highly placed German intelligence agent. Season 1. Coco did not only design clothes but also jewelry, handbags, and perfumes. [8]:169 For this mission, code-named Operation Modellhut, they also recruited Vera Bate Lombardi. Antoinette Chanel was born in 1887, to Albert Chanel and Jeanne Devolle. But Chanel sisters, Julia-Berthe, Gabrielle, and Antoinette dream of something better. Bader was interested in selling Chanel No. The latter sadly died as a baby in 1891. Antoinettes sister Coco Chanel was a milliner, dressmaker, and fashion designer who was well-known and one of the best in the world of fashion. Her duty was to act as a messenger from Hitler's Foreign Intelligence to Churchill, to prove that some of the Third Reich attempted peace with the Allies.[37]. She became a licensed milliner in 1910 and opened a boutique at 21 rue Cambon, Paris, named Chanel Modes. There is only one Chanel. ("Ce n'est pas parce que Coco Chanel avait un numro d'espion qu'elle tait ncessairement implique personnellement. She cut the jackets on the straight grain, without adding bust darts. History of Coco Chanel:. During this time, she fled to Switzerland to avoid criminal charges for her collaborations as a Nazi spy. Julia-Berthe Chanel, Coco Chanel, Alphonse Chanel, Lucien Chanel, Augustin Chanel. Julia Berthe Chanel, ne le 11 septembre 1882 Aubenas, tait la soeur ane de Coco Chanel. "[20], Chanel introduced a line of jewellery that was a conceptual innovation, as her designs and materials incorporated both costume jewellery and fine gem stones. We use our own and third-party cookies to personalize and improve the use and experience of our users on our website. [8]:174 Ultimately, the mission was a failure for the Germans: British intelligence files reveal that the plan collapsed after Lombardi, on arrival in Madrid, proceeded to denounce Chanel and others to the British Embassy as Nazi spies. Chanel was born in France in the late 1800s during La Belle poque (French for The Beautiful Era: "1871" to the start of World War I "1914".). Chanel's designs for film stars in Hollywood were not successful and had not enhanced her reputation as expected. [24]:127 Chanel designed the clothing worn on screen by Gloria Swanson, in Tonight or Never (1931), and for Ina Claire in The Greeks Had a Word for Them (1932). And when we locate people who tick the green flag boxes - we can trust them; they celebrate our wins and help us strategize away from our losses; they don't try to hold us back because of their insecurities . [8]:8081 According to Chandler Burr's The Emperor of Scent, Luca Turin related an apocryphal story in circulation that Chanel was "called Coco because she threw the most fabulous cocaine parties in Paris".[34]. Julia passed away of cause of death in 1933, at age 46 at death place. Her inspirations were global, often inspired by design traditions of the Orient and Egypt. 5 to be free to all GIs. [38], After the jersey suit, the concept of the little black dress is often cited as a Chanel contribution to the fashion lexicon, a style still worn to this day. Coco was also the inventor of her iconic logo with the two intertwined Cs. She shared with many of her circle a conviction that Jews were a threat to Europe because of the Bolshevik government in the Soviet Union. [8]:68 Chanel's verdict was that "Hollywood is the capital of bad taste and it is vulgar. [8]:16971 Schellenberg's SS liaison officer, Captain Walter Kutschmann, acted as bagman, "told to deliver a large sum of money to Chanel in Madrid". At the orphanage, the sisters learned to sew, embroider by hand, and iron, abilities that would change Gabrielle's destiny. She carried out her usual routine of preparing the spring catalogue. [24]:17577[42], Declassified archival documents unearthed by Vaughan reveal that the French Prfecture de Police had a document on Chanel in which she was described as "Couturier and perfumer. Marcella Belle Rinehart: What Happened To Fess Parkers Wife? She was often heavily criticized for this choice. Chanel's millinery career bloomed once theatre actress Gabrielle Dorziat wore her hats in Fernand Nozire's play Bel Ami in 1912. [8], Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel was born in 1883 to Eugnie Jeanne Devolle Chanel, known as Jeanne, a laundrywoman, in the charity hospital run by the Sisters of Providence (a poorhouse) in Saumur, Maine-et-Loire. Chanel was the mistress of some of the most influential men of her time, but she never married. "[8]:9, Chanel had begun designing hats while living with Balsan, initially as a diversion that evolved into a commercial enterprise. [68], The bag's design was informed by Chanel's convent days and her love of the sporting world. [8]:xix[5][6] In late 1943 or early 1944, Chanel and her SS superior, Schellenberg, who had a weakness for unconventional schemes,[5] devised a plan to get Britain to consider a separate peace to be negotiated by the SS. Coco's death occurred as she was working on her collection to be presented in the spring fashion shows this month. Coco Chanel is the only fashion designer mentioned on Time magazines list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. [40], In 1939, at the beginning of World War II, Chanel closed her shops, maintaining her apartment situated above the couture house at 31 Rue de Cambon. Queen Marie Antoinette. [22]:83, Chanel proclaimed "I imposed black; it's still going strong today, for black wipes out everything else around. Daughter of Eugnie Jeanne Devolle and Albert Chanel, Chanel had two sisters (Julia-Berthe and Antoinette) and three brothers (Alphonse, Lucien, and Augustin). The fashions were constructed from humble fabrics such as jersey and tricot, at the time primarily used for men's underwear. 10th May marks the anniversary of the start of the reign of Louis XVI of France and his wife, the Austrian princess Marie Antoinette. Goldwyn offered Chanel a tantalizing proposition. Chanel stayed in France and was criticized during the war for collaborating with the Nazi-German occupiers and the Vichy puppet regime to boost her professional career. "[51], She died on Sunday, 10 January 1971, at the Hotel Ritz, where she had resided for more than 30 years. Episode 2. [11]:128,133 Traditionally relegated to the manufacture of undergarments and sportswear (tennis, golf, and beach attire), jersey was considered too "ordinary" to be used in couture, and was disliked by designers because the knit structure made it difficult to handle compared to woven fabrics. After her romance with Reverdy ended in 1926, they maintained a friendship that lasted some forty years. Coco Chanel came from humble beginnings. He has not entered a plea. [33][24] She said that Pierre Wertheimer was "the bandit who screwed me". [24]:17677 When Chanel came out with her comeback collection in 1954, the French press were cautious due to her collaboration during the war and the controversy of the collection. Count Joseph von Ledebur-Wicheln, a Nazi agent who defected to the British Secret Service in 1944, recalled a meeting he had with Dincklage in early 1943, in which the baron had suggested including Lombardi as a courier. Want to Read. Investigation Discovery's 'Murder Calls: Hanging by a Thread' explores how the authorities discovered there was more to the case than just a . The founder and namesake of the Chanel brand, she was credited in the postWorld War I era with popularizing a sporty, casual chic as the feminine standard of style. [32]:319 In addition to turning out her couture collections, Chanel threw herself into designing dance costumes for the Ballets Russes. She passed away in the year 1920 when she was 33 years old. She was 87 years old. The founder and namesake of the Chanel brand, she was credited in the post-World War I era with popularizing a sporty, casual chic as the feminine standard of style. [13] Her father sent his two sons to work as farm laborers and sent his three daughters to the convent of Aubazine, which ran an orphanage. Lucien Chanel was born in 1889 and died in 1941 at the age of 52 years old. Chanel accepted the offer. Julia-Berthe got pregnant and gave birth to Andr Palasse. In 19121913, the actress Suzanne Orlandi was one of the first women to wear a Chanel little black dress, in velvet with a white collar. At age eighteen, Chanel, too old to remain at Aubazine, went to live in a boarding house for Catholic girls in the town of Moulins. By the mid-1920s, women could be seen lounging on the beach without a hat to shield them from the sun's rays. Coco Chanel revolutionized haute couture as few have done in fashion history. Her parents were not legally married at the time of her birth. 7 The Unfortunate Victims Of The London Beer Flood. [21] In later years, Chanel reminisced of this time in her life: "two gentlemen were outbidding for my hot little body. Coco Chanel felt in love with Paul Iribe and had a tender relationship with him. The story of revolution and resistance in 18th-century France is a complicated one, and no two historians tell the story the same way. Antoinette Bower (1932 - ) The Evil That Men Do (1984) [Claire]: Accidentally shot in the head by the other bad guys when they fire at Charles Bronson's car while she's in the trunk. Unfortunately, no public information about his life is available. PARIS, Jan. 10Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel, one of the greatest couturiers of the 20th century, died tonight in her apartment at the Ritz Hotel. Her signature scent, Chanel No. On 5 May 1941, she wrote to the government administrator charged with ruling on the disposition of Jewish financial assets. Her friends said that a chambermaid discovered that Coco was ill and called a physician. He died in a car accident on 22 December 1919. Few details are known about her real life, but the author contends Antoinette was "responsible for conducting a large portion of . Having been an intimate of the royal family for years, she was formally adopted by the royal couple on 9 November 1788, after the death of her mother, and awarded a pension of 12,000 livres by the king. [67], In an outdoor environment of turf and sea, Chanel took in the sun, making suntans not only acceptable, but a symbol denoting a life of privilege and leisure. . [29] The location was a prime one, in the center of town on a fashionable street. Chanel reportedly had a 10-year affair with the second Duke of . In 1953 she sold her villa La Pausa on the French Riviera to the publisher and translator Emery Reves. In the UK and United States, this period overlapped with the late Victorian Era (1837 - 1901) and Edwardian Era (1901 to 1910). The bottle design for Chanel No. Placement in the orphanage may have contributed to Chanel's future career, as it was where she learned to sew. Marie Antoinette: Legacy . Biographer Justine Picardie, in her 2010 study Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life, suggests that the fashion designer's nephew, Andr Palasse, supposedly the only child of her sister Julia-Berthe who had committed suicide, was Chanel's child by Balsan. [8]:Chapter 11, Sleeping with the Enemy, Coco Chanel and the Secret War written by Hal Vaughan further solidifies the consistencies of the French intelligence documents released by describing Chanel as a "vicious antisemite" who praised Hitler.[37]. Antoinette was welcomed into the world in the year 1887 but her exact date of birth is unavailable. Here are five facts about the famous queen. The former rivals shared happy memories of times with the Duke of Westminster. Antoinette and Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel know they're destined for something better. Coco Chanel was a French fashion designer and business woman. The Chanel Sisters is a fascinating and well written historical fiction story about the French designer Coco and her younger sister Antoinette as told from Antoinette's perspective. In 1931, while in Monte Carlo Chanel became acquainted with Samuel Goldwyn. Meghan Markle. Here Julia learned several skills ranging from sewing to embroidering and ironing. [11]:12425 In Biarritz Chanel met an expatriate aristocrat, the Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich of Russia. Death and Legacy. I like reading books that lead me to Google searches about a topic or to other books about the same subject. Anti-Nazi activist Serge Klarsfeld declared, "Just because Chanel had a spy number doesn't necessarily mean she was personally involved. It was noteworthy as the preferred place of residence for upper-echelon German military staff. Clearly it wasn't the best period to have a love story with a German, even if Baron von Dincklage was English by his mother and she (Chanel) knew him before the War.[47]. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. [38] The fashionable and wealthy loved the creations and made the line wildly successful. A beautiful home in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, was at the center of a murder investigation in May 2008. [8]:3637. [9]:16 With both parents absent, the infant's last name was misspelled, probably due to a clerical error. Wife of Oscar Edouard Flming Her own enthusiastic indulgence in the sporting life led to clothing designs informed by those activities. She realized then that a serious stage career was not in her future. Its heroine and her story had resonated for Chanel since her youth. The first type is madness as an inherent mental illness. Here Chanel sold hats, jackets, sweaters, and the marinire, the sailor blouse. [15][16], Having learned to sew during her six years at Aubazine, Chanel found employment as a seamstress. Jeanne Devolle died of tuberculosis at the age of 32 years. However, Little claims that the younger sister was a key player in Coco's early fashion career, supporting her from her beginnings in Paris in 1910. Years later, Diana Vreeland, editor of Vogue, would insist that "the passionate, focused and fiercely-independent Chanel, a virtual tour de force", and the Prince "had a great romantic moment together". "A milky skin seemed a sure sign of aristocracy." According to The Telegraph, her birthplace was a poorhouse in Saumur, located in western France. Unfortunately, no public information about his life is available. Such was the case with the fictional biography, "The Chanel Sisters," by Judithe Little. Even after Capel married an English aristocrat, Lady Diana Wyndham in 1918, he did not completely break off with Chanel. At the age of twenty-three, Chanel became Balsan's mistress, supplanting the courtesan milienne d'Alenon as his new favourite. Cassini, the fashion designer who famously dressed Jackie Kennedy and movie stunner wife Gene Tierney, left an estate worth estimated worth of $60 million when he died in 2006. Working as a spy, Chanel was directly involved in a plan for the Third Reich to take control of Madrid. Chanel built a villa here, which she called La Pausa[citation needed] ('restful pause'), hiring the architect Robert Streitz. Balsan showered Chanel with the baubles of "the rich life"diamonds, dresses, and pearls. Her grounds for proprietary ownership were based on the claim that Parfums Chanel "is still the property of Jews" and had been legally "abandoned" by the owners. She was the founder and namesake of the Chanel brand. [30] The Biarritz shop was installed not as a store-front, but in a villa opposite the casino. More significantly, Chanel's star had been eclipsed by her premier rival, the designer Elsa Schiaparelli. Julia Berthe CHANEL 1882-1910 With Antoine PALASSE. Unfortunately, little is known about Julias life after her orphanage experience. After the war she moved to Switzerland to escape criminal . [11]:10 For the next three years, she lived with him in his chteau Royallieu near Compigne, an area known for its wooded equestrian paths and the hunting life. Antoinette Chanel rose to fame as the sister of fashion designer Coco Chanel. By 1935, Chanel had become a habitual drug user, injecting herself with morphine on a daily basis: a habit she maintained to the end of her life. In the words of Judithe Little, author of the book Chanel's Sisters: "The past was terribly painful for her. Lucien worked as a farm laborer all his life. Antoinette Chanel is no longer among the living. Gabrielle Dite Bonheur Chanel, 1883 - 1971. [38], Her experience with American film making left Chanel with a dislike for Hollywood's film business and a distaste for the film world's culture, which she called "infantile". Chanel denied all the accusations. [10] Albert Chanel was an itinerant street vendor who peddled work clothes and undergarments,[11]:27 living a nomadic life, traveling to and from market towns. For more information a fun craft post including a list of supplies and instructions, please click on the link to Chanel-Inspired Shadowbox. [24]:150[33], I have an indisputable right of priority the profits that I have received from my creations since the foundation of this business are disproportionate [and] you can help to repair in part the prejudices I have suffered in the course of these seventeen years. "[8]:74, In 1929, Chanel introduced a handbag inspired by soldiers' bags. Feeling she was losing her avant-garde edge, Chanel collaborated with Jean Cocteau on his theatre piece Oedipe Rex. [68] In 2005, the Chanel firm released an exact replica of the original 1955 bag to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its creation. Julia Chanel was born on September 11, 1882, and was Coco's oldest sister. For the sum of a million dollars (approximately US$75million today), he would bring her to Hollywood twice a year to design costumes for his stars. [11]:45 When the Vichy season ended, Chanel returned to Moulins, and her former haunt La Rotonde. 63, No. Meghan Mountbatten Windsor, The Duchess of Sussex. They said that her death came peacefully and that nothing in recent days had indicated she was in bad health. Abandoned by their family years before, they've grown up under the guidance of pious nuns preparing them for simple lives as the wives of tradesmen or shopkeepers. They said that her death came peacefully and that nothing in recent days had indicated she was in . [12] The couple had six[13] childrenJulia, Gabrielle, Alphonse (the first boy, born 1885), Antoinette (born 1887), Lucien, and Augustin (who died at six months)[13]and lived crowded into a one-room lodging in the town of Brive-la-Gaillarde. She designed the neckline to leave the neck comfortably free and added functional pockets. While living in Paris, we know that she met a Canadian pilot named Oscar Fleming, whom she deeply fell in love with. Their jobs involved physical activity and they had to ride trains, buses, and bicycles to get to work. In 1909, Gabrielle, along with Antoinette, moves to Paris to open another hat shop, Chanel Modes. It is hard to understand why Gabrielle would go to such lengths to hide her past, but it is there, present, and years after her death it is worth learning about the people around the designer. [8]:101, During the German occupation, Chanel resided at the Hotel Ritz. [19] As an entertainer, Chanel radiated a juvenile allure that tantalized the military habitus of the cabaret. However, when she moved into the same Hotel Ritz that was housing the German military, her motivations became clear to many. "[24]:175, Chanel hired Ren de Chambrun, Vichy France prime minister Pierre Laval's son-in-law, as her lawyer to sue Wertheimer. Pierre Chanel is one of Coco Chanel's siblings. [29], In 1918, Chanel purchased the building at 31 rue Cambon, in one of the most fashionable districts of Paris. [7] When the war ended, Chanel moved to Switzerland, returning to Paris in 1954 to revive her fashion house. Her sister Coco Chanel died on the 10th of January 1971, in Paris, France. Signale comme suspecte au fichier). The frills, fuss, and constraints endured by earlier generations of women were now pass; under her influencegone were the "aigrettes, long hair, hobble skirts". Chanel did not stiffen the material or use shoulder pads, as was common in contemporary fashion. [3] A prolific fashion creator, Chanel extended her influence beyond couture clothing, realizing her aesthetic design in jewellery, handbags, and fragrance. After one year of operation, the business proved to be so lucrative that in 1916 Chanel was able to reimburse Capel's original investment. Schiaparelli's innovative designs, replete with playful references to surrealism, were garnering critical acclaim and generating enthusiasm in the fashion world. This was greatly appreciated at the time because women were working for the war effort as nurses, civil servants, and in factories. French fashion designer, perfumer and Nazi agent Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, who died exactly 50 years ago, is buried in Lausanne. Antoinette Renee Chase was found dead by her husband after he came home.
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