Lightning Manual. So I fire the shotgun first now, and cuss at the rammer, and have 9 chambers of wholy fun otherwise. Easier to load and clean. Allen then started Western Arms which became Allen Arms, and then to Cimarron. There will be no records if you send a physical order and payment via U.S. Post Office, FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc. Armi San Marco 1858 Remington Black Powder replica. Howell Conversions - GATED 1858 Remington Pietta .45 LC. BORE IS VERY GOOD WITH GOOD RIFLING. percussion caps are NOT standard size. ). Contact Fingers McGee or Driftwood Johnson. BORE IS GOOD 44 Caliber; 80% blue, good bore, very good grips, 8'' barrel, REPRODUCTION NEW MODEL ARMY REVOLVER IN VERY GOOD CONDITION. All Armi San Marco black powder cap and ball and cartridge conversion models were discontinued in 2000. He knew the early production were quality gun and at some point there was a move and or change of management and quality went in the crapper. Its trigger was lightened for target use, so its ridiculously easy to fire. I saw it sitting used at a local gunshop a few years ago for $250 bucks. One was an early 50s bolt-action Savage Sporter in .25-20, which would do everything at 125 yards you could reasonably expect from a good .22 at 50. Cleaned properly, and loaded properly, a Remington Style Percussion Revolver, can be as reliable as a modern Cartridge gun. Tsk tsk. If a conversion cylinder (to shoot black powder cowboy loads) 36 Caliber; 70% blue, good bore, good grips, 7.5'' barrel, REPRODUCTION 1861 REVOLVER IN GOOD CONDITION. Armi San Marco is still making guns and they are known for making guns with bad workmanship. I have a pair of ASM-made and marked, EMF Hartford Colt reproduction revolvers in .45 Colt, 5 1/2" barrels. One of these has been on my list of stuff to get for a long, long time. BORE IS NEAR MINT WITH EXCELLENT RIFLING. 1883 Burgess Manual. I load as follows: I had not planned to involve myself in another topic, but there was so much conflicting information about what guns do and do not require involvement of the BATF. 1866 Rifle Manual. The Colt type sighting was crude, to say the very least! There are about three or four brands out there, so find the one that works best. No. I do remember an article about this first revolver in that it was so exactly copied from an original that even experienced Colt collectors had difficulty in telling the prototype from an original. WOW , thanks for the history , I do see parts ,lighter springs even cylinders for these guns BUT not with the ASM manufacture ,parts are crossed to gun type like "1851 navy" ,would one say theres a strong chance they would work in ASM brand "1851 navy" ? 6d 19h left (Thu, 11:33 AM) $29.95 Buy It Now +$7.95 shipping Sponsored Genuine ASM & CVA - Stop Bolt - For Remington 1858 Revolver - Armi San Marco New (Other) $27.95 Buy It Now +$3.99 shipping Sponsored Mounted Shooting 1873 Rifle Cleaning Instructions. Come join the discussion about hunting, fishing, survival, archery gunsmithing, optics, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Grips show some 36 Caliber; 90% blue, very good bore, very good grips, 7.5'' barrel, Navy Arms Model 1861 Navy six shot .36 caliber black powder revolver, made by Uberti. Walnut stock. Very nice article on the 1858 Remington. It has never given me a lick of trouble, and whenever I am at a shoot where I want to do as best I can, it will be in my right holster, with a 3rd Gen Colt in my left. WebArmi San Marco ASM 2nd Model Dragoon ASM 1847 Walker ASM 1849 Pocket ASM 1849 Wells Fargo ASM 1858 1863 pocket ASM 1860 Army ASM 1861 Navy ASM 1862 1849 Wells Fargo ASM 1873 Single Action ASM 1892 Categories Armi San Marco Beretta Pedersoli Uberti Pietta Armi Sport [Chiappa] IAB [Pedretti] Sharps KIRST Years ago ASM had some fine artisans..the guns were good.ASM was under the direction of the Son in Law of Aldo Uberti. When it did fire on time I could hit a coke can at 25 yards most of the time. Black Powder Revolver Manual. Web1858 Remington, Richards Mason & Open Top Conversion Manual. I've never had any problems with them. Retail $300. WebArmi San Marco ASM 2nd Model Dragoon ASM 1847 Walker ASM 1849 Pocket ASM 1849 Wells Fargo ASM 1858 1863 pocket ASM 1860 Army ASM 1861 Navy ASM 1862 1849 Wells Fargo ASM 1873 Single Action ASM 1892 Categories Armi San Marco Beretta Pedersoli Uberti Pietta Armi Sport [Chiappa] IAB [Pedretti] Sharps KIRST .44 Cal percussion. THE BORE HAS GOOD RIFLING. I am sure it will do for deer. They are two different Italian firearms manufacturing companies. These models have steel frames with German silver plated backstrap and trigger guard, inspectors cartouche on grip, and trade for approximately $20-$40 higher than standard ASM attempted to revive its percussion revolvers with limited success and finally closed its doors several years back. If you look closely during that scene, you can see the metallic cartridge loading gate cut into the 1858, as well as the metallic cartridges themselves peeking out of the cylinder that Preacher grabs with his left hand. Please click Accept Cookies to continue to use the site. A) Armi San Marco 1858 New Model Percussion Revolver. Just make sure that you compress the powder with the ball when you press it into the cylinder. It was a good gun but it went down the road in a swap as I don't care for the grip frame on the Remingtons. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. These models have steel frames with German silver plated backstrap and trigger guard, inspectors cartouche on grip, and trade for approximately $20-$40 higher than standard Range, of course, is quite limited. I did not grease the shutgun one time and thought to fire it last. Mounted Shooting 1873 Rifle Cleaning Instructions. WebRemington Rolling Block; Remington Lee; 1865 Springfield (1st Allin) 1866 Springfield (2nd Allin) 1868-70 Springfield (50/70) 1873-1889 Springfield (45/70) 1873 Winchester; 1885 Winchester; 1895 Winchester Lee Navy; Winchester Hotchkiss; Winchester Model 61; Winchester Model 62; Winchester Model 86; Winchester Model 90/06; Winchester Exc condition, appears unfired. The used value of an ARMI SAN MARCO pistol has fallen ($12.42) 1885 Low Wall Manual. I have been told of caps jamming up a Remington Revolver, but in over Twenty Years of shooting Remingtons, have not had a single jam caused by a cap! They were based primarily on the early 1st. Most folks shoot them with charges down in the 20-grain range. Someone asked why they are called .44s if they take a .452 or .454 ball. I send one of their revolvers back after opening it. Yup means I cant sell a converted C&B without using an FFL. Customer Service. In 2004 I orderd a Uberti 1851 Colt part from the very back of the Brownells catalog the Uberti part fit better than the original, with both parts out side by side the Uberti had better finnish, the 'ASM' part had tool marks and general over all rough apperance (probibly why 20?) Told the gunsmith I did not want a race gun, I just wanted it to work. The percussion caps are a standard size. They are all excellent fit and finish. That means that two Colt Peacemakers coming off the line 1 minute apart (11:59PM on Dec 31 1898 and 12:00 AM on Jan 1, 19 99, define the force of the law. Not that theres anything wrong with that. Also, using silicon-impregnated caliber-specific wads between powder and ball forecloses having to smear grease into the chamber mouth re: chain firing. On a Remington 1858, all you have to do is flip down the loading lever, pull the cylinder pin forward, and ECCO! Web44 Caliber; very good+ bore, good grips, 7.75'' barrel, Pietta .44 caliber Remington 1858 style six shot black powder revolver in nickel plate finish. I am very pleased with what i got. Oil finished walnut stock with 44 BP; 97% blue, good bore, good grips, 7.5'' barrel, Made in Italy. A pietta .36 target sighted Remington 1858 was a beautiful pistol but I could not get it to shoot accurately. I shot ASM 58's in my early years. If the shooter was a little rough with the gun, and dropped the hammer into the Half Cock Notch, the tip of the trigger could break off, radically altering the sight picture. Blued finish, brass triggerguard, with walnut grips. It is meat harvesting, pure and simple. In Iowa, muzzle-loading pistols of at least .44 caliber, with barrels at least four inches long and without shoulder stocks are legal for deer hunting. Fine. Thank God I did not shoot my dog that had to have 62 stitches. This version features improved accuracy. Many folks have made the same mistake, though. Fits .44 and .36 7.25 ea + 2.75 shipping via USPS 1 ea. Fordyce Beals. Original blued finish and plain walnut grips. I know we are here because our forefathers were able to bring down food with primitive firearms. As neat as that would seem it can also be a curse. There, you should find a roman numeral or two character alphabetical stamp. I have an Italian-made 1858 replica with an R&D conversion cylinder. WebASM Hammer (1858) Check Stock Price US$38.50 Quantity Item 2 Code 111ASM002 Description Asm Hammer (1863 Pocket) Check Stock Price US$24.20 Quantity Item 3 It is THE most accurate handgun I've ever fired. The firing pin broke on the 3 or 4th shot. I have owned a dozen or more 1860 Army copies. CYLINDER, BARREL AND LOADING ASSEMBLY IS BARE METAL. You could become the next Farinelliif youre lucky. Jim, you mentioned the Ruger Old Army , 44 cal. In the .44 version, each of the six chambers can hold up to 40 grains of black powder. Youll love it! Of course, I didn't run them like the hot shoes. Regulators. Johnnie Roper. In the .44 version, each of the six chambers can hold up to 40 grains of black powder. BORE IS VERY GOOD WITH SHARP RIFLING. Not Richards Mason, but Richards like Tom Selleck had in "Sabre River". A) Armi San Marco 1858 New Model Percussion Revolver. Customer Service. Of course, only shoot from distances from which you know you make clean, ethical kills. He took the gun back. I often find them employed at LGS and they are a good resource. The ASM firing pin holes in the recoil shields weren't hardened so they tend to develop a dimple that the primer flows in to binding the cylinder. Pietta "1858" CCH Hammer with lowered Spur by Ol' #4 30.00 + 2.75 shipping via USPS Selling as a set: Pietta Hammer, Trigger, Hand w/spring, Bolt/Trigger Spring and Hammer Spring 23.00 shipped. Mausers, Lee Enfields, Mosins, Krags etc. Colt's have firing pin/recoil bushing and hardened pressed in bolt cams. This was a very common happening in the field. Rolling Also on the note of black powder, someone with a lesser felony conviction can own a black powder gun as long as the magazine cannot be altered to fire High power center fire ammunition (45-70 and .45 colt cowboy rounds do not apply). The cylinders are pricey, it cost as much as the gun, but I have gotten over the price and enjoy the heck out of shooting and reloading 45s. In the beginning, I had a pair of ASM Colt clones. I have a Uberti 1847 Walker. Look on the revolver barrel or bottom or side of cylinder frame. Same here, EMF Hartford 45s, circa 95-96. I took to to a gunshop that has a lot of cowboy guns. Lock functions well, trigger 44 Caliber; 96% blue, very good bore, very good grips, 7.5'' barrel, Pietta 1851 Navy .44 caliber black powder 6 shot revolver.
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