Students have an embedded learner identity where they have a voice and ownership of their learning. In 2015, digital portfolios were introduced to encourage families to discuss student learning at home, promoting a reciprocal relationship between families and the school. Click here to find out more information about the 50th Reunion for the Blair Class of 1970! CoachED Update and GCI Insights are our regular e-publications. I can assure you, they are in verygood and caring hands and that they are smilingand engaged the minute you leave the grounds!On another note I just wanted to let you knowthat I will be taking long service leave duringweek 8 (18/3 22/3) of this term. You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. For more information go to It also provides opportunities for staff and students to collaborate beyond the hours of the school day. The students looked fantastic and it was wonderful to see so many parents join us at school for the celebration. Call Get directions Mail. Suggesting how parents/carers can support their childs learning at home. A strong sense of belonging and pride is evident amongst students, staff and families, as a strong partnership exists between parents and staff, characterised by mutual interest, support and cooperation. Click to learn more. which is found in the region of 7th March 2013 Week 10 [pdf, 2 MB] - Blairmount Public School. << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Resources 6 0 R /Contents 4 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] May 2 Wishing our families celebrating the end of Ramadan a Happy Eid al-Fitr. Student voiceis now a huge driving factor in myleadership. EN. Youtube; Facebook; Twitter; We would like to pay our respects and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and . They. . They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child's wellbeing. 7th March 2013 Week 10 [pdf, 2 MB] - Blairmount Public School. Information about NSW public education, including the school finder, high school enrolment, school safety, selective schools and opportunity classes. Principal Jason Goode says: "We're so lucky that we have a very engaged community of parents, they were so proactive in steering this.". Unfortunately due to my leave I missed our Harmony Day celebrations. Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. Teaching is of the highest standard, and is certified by the local council in Campbelltown and state government in NSW. Nearly half (47%) of Blairmount Public School's 520 students . This change requiredeach teacher to undertake six days of training.We have seen noticeable improvements in ourEnglish results since this change took place.This year we have a significant focus onMathematics and developing a consistentunderstanding of what a quality Mathematicssession in the classroom looks like. have no essentials, {{ firstName }} The school will continue with student voice groups and. Magazine: 7th March 2013 Week 10 [pdf, 2 MB] - Blairmount Public School. School principal Greg Turnbull . School characteristics and challenges The Blairmount area in north-west Campbelltown has a rating of 924 on the Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage1. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . Blairmount Public School We encourage participation and involvement with an emphasis on equity for all students. A student focus group then worked with a graphic designer to develop visual representations for these learner qualities. Our teachers use the language of the learner qualities in the classroom and that reminds me to focus on my work and not give up when things are challenging. Olivia, year 5 student. Teachers from Blairmount Public School are fully qualified and are experts in teaching students in at the Australian level. Call Get directions Mail. So you want to see if a scholarship is an option? D&B Business Directory HOME / BUSINESS DIRECTORY / EDUCATIONAL SERVICES / . The SVA Bright Spots Schools Connection identifies and invests in Powerhouse schools that have demonstrated excellence outcomes despite challenging circumstances. The Visible Learning School Matrix evidence collection process identified that the highest priority was developing a learner identity through the creation of learner qualities. We would like to pay our respects and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and also pay respect to Elders both past and present. Our engagementinThought Leadership Gatherings (TLGs) led to a shift in my mindset around building trust with our students, particularly around the use of learning spaces. Social Ventures Australia acknowledges Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia. They then brainstormed how these learner qualities should be rolled out. The schools change journey was heavily influenced by connections with schools inSouth Australiaand their work around student voice and leadership. Another great shift for us as a school was around reporting to parents and this was inspired and supported by Granville East Public School. This year also saw the roll out of the learner qualities across K-6, led by student voice groupthe Fully Charged team. endobj the school would need to create differentiated professional learning opportunities to ensure meaningful, relevant and personalised professional growth and reflection for teachers at all career stages. Bourke Street Public School: Loving Their School Space The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. First, we are curious and taking risks, then we are in the pit and are problem solvers and challenged and we need to collaborate and be determined and then we are reflective on our learning at the end to improve. But you have no idea what to do, or where to even start. Congratulations Jonathan Ong - APSA Oratory Contest Winner! For more information go to {{ lastName }}, Selective high schools and opportunity classes, Starting school with additinal needs - hot fix. Cherrybrook Public School. To be a good learner means to use all of the learner qualities. UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) is accepting applications from current 10th to 11th grade. Blairmount. . 1st November 2012 Week 44 [pdf, 484 KB] - Blairmount Public School 2022 - Blairmount Public School We recognise the Ongoing Custodians of the lands and waterways where we work and live. Blairmount Public School is a registered education institution and is currently accepting new student enrolments for 2023/2024. The Blairmount Public School community has started a petition to relocate its Badgally Rd crossing as traffic congestion sparks fears for students' safety. The program runs terms 1-4. This has allowed students to use cutting edge technology to engage in the curriculum and opportunities to publish to authentic global audiences. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Thank you also to allkindergarten parents who have ensured thechildren are at school on time, with all theirbelongings labeled. and making LISC more visible across all classrooms. A set of protocols for the implementation of LISC were refined to ensure consistency across the school. learned the following were important to success: In order to plan a consistent approach to visible learning, its necessary to collect evidence from all stakeholders to identify needs and the most ideal entry point. The most productive partnership has been the connections. BPS 2020 Information Book View our 2020 Evidence Book BPS Apple Distinguished School iBook Copyright for this website is owned by the State of New South Wales through the Department of Education. I am sure you will make her feel most welcome during her visit. Blair High School / Homepage - Pasadena Unified School District Campbelltown, The schools change journey was heavily influenced by connections with schools in. Blairmount Public School is a very good option as an Australian school when looking for in the area of NSW. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Find the 2021 NSW primary school ratings in English, Maths and the overall academic performance here. Parents have allowed thechildren to show independence by a kiss and dropstrategy, which ensures a positive and productivestart to the day.We understand that leaving your child at schoolcan be worrying at times, especially if you are anew parent. The school utilises Discovery Time, Project-Based Learning, Self-Organised Learning Environments and Genius Hour, in order to personalise and differentiate learning experiences to ensure individual differences are catered for and nurtured. Bourke Street Public School Address: 590 Bourke St Surry Hills NSW 2010 Phone: 02 9319 7310 Email: Web: It serves 528 students, including: In recent years the school has been the recipient of a number of awards including a Director Generals School Achievement Award for Quality Teaching and Learning, Regional Directors Award for Excellence in Student Welfare and an NAB Schools First Award for Outstanding School and Community Partnerships. 2021 Compare primary schools near Harrington Park NSW 2567 and find best. range in experience from early career teachers to teachers with over 30 years of expertise. Other opportunities for student voice include presentations at internal and external conferences, running Learning Conversations and the launch of theFully Charged team, which played an instrumental role in rolling out the learner qualities, embedding student voice in decision making and empowering students to teach others, including PD sessions in staff meetings. All schools have been provided with an extra School Development to support the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum. Browse properties for sale or to rent within Blairmount Public School Catchment. As part of theprocess K-2 teachers will be learning about theTargeting Early Numeracy (TEN) framework andour 3-6 teachers will be focusing on the TakingOff With Numeracy (TOWN) framework.Both of these programs will require classroomteachers to attend a number of training sessionsand thus may be away from the classroom. % 2021 Compare primary schools near Harrington Park NSW 2567 and find best 2 0 obj Showcasing learning in reading, writing and numeracy. In this short case study interview, we chat to Greg Turnbull & Melissa Clarke of Blairmount Public School in New South Wales. Let's Plan Together! Please choose your currency. We pay respect to Elders past and present as ongoing teachers of knowledge, songlines and stories. English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC), UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP), Facilities Master Plan Virtual Meeting - October 6th, AP World History & IB History Summer Assignments. It has provided me with access to resources, connections and most importantly. All public schools were provided with an extra school development day in term 2 this year to support the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum. High expectations underpin teaching and learning programs with a focus on achievement in literacy and numeracy. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Clarke for doing such a wonderful job as Rel. This website is also independent of any government or school body. Welcome to the official page for Blairmount Public School - please read our rules of engagement in the 'about' section below before posting Blairmount Public School As a result, there is strong ownership and enactment of these qualities supporting an embedded learner identity. Celebrating achievements of learning goals. while loading notifications, Error while Blairmount Public School. The Nanga Mai Awards celebrates an. Blair RHL Boys & Girls Track @ San Marino, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM We would like to pay our respects and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and also pay respect to Elders both past and present. Start small by focusing on their interests and on the Why student voice is important with staff and students. Blairmount Public School provided staff evidence based professional learning, to develop understanding of learner qualities and a consistent language of learning. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present, and emerging. and all the other students as well. A primary school is an institution that typically caters towards students of the ages between 5 and 12. This is imperative for creating sustainable whole school change it shifts culture! The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. This process involved high levels of student voice by inviting students to collaborate with staff on possible learner qualities and where these sit on a learning pit. BlairmountPublic Schoolplans to focus on sustainability of visible learning practices. Please join us for a virtual meeting on October 6 at 6pm to provide input on the Facilities Master Plan for Blair High School. Blairmount Public School Catchment NSW 2559 | Domain BLAIRMOUNT PUBLIC SCHOOL Company Profile | BLAIRMOUNT, NEW SOUTH WALES
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