I love this authors work. Excellent a new story to read, just in time for the holidays. 3. "Someone who's immune to my power." Therapy is a Worm Fanfic by frommerman. Note that while she cannot enter the ghost realm if observed, she can "prime" herself to enter that state, such that she will then go ghost if unobserved for even a microsecond. Why hold back the sleeper cells? I'll pass your proposal to the Protectorate. JavaScript is disabled. "An older model, communicator only?" "Yeah." In his most even voice, Weld spoke. Was interesting cause it went with the concept and I wanna give it a reread but can't remember what the rest of the fic was about. They sat on a veranda at the top of a hill overlooking the city, Taylor savoring a sundae, Weld admiring the sunset. She gestured for him to walk. Chapter 3 He asked. Piggot's frown deepened, the wrinkles in her brow tightening even while the skin under her eyes and cheeks seemed to sag. And if so, is there a difference in the power draw between active and passive participants? The difference was that these Amazons weren't quite as beautiful as the myths told of. Taylor spoke overly formal, but there was a tension there. Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. Since both of them were close to each other, both shard buds pinged off each other to communicate and modify each other, and the recursive modification caused a feedback loop that eventually caused Path to Victory to reset itself without any restrictions, She would deny until her dying day that she cried, almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. It may not display this or other websites correctly. ", "A threat." You took Brockton Bay over in four weeks and then you just stopped at the city limits. Taylor vs Squealer vs Oni Lee. As Weld walked further downhill, she faded from view. "Narcissa targeted us early in her campaign and managed to infiltrate us before we understood the full extent of her abilities. Contessa makes it clear to him with a single. Taylor discovers that she can also smear the smear (e.g., smearing something up, then smearing the smear itself to the right), resulting in the object following the path of the smear (up then right), if the object is light enough. Location United States Nov 17, 2018 #25 . Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. ][references the PHO interlude], Camera Shy is an Alt-Power fic, not an AU fic, Delays due to unfortunate correlation between the story and real life, Reader Feedback Request (for those caught up to 3.1 only! To use the same suit of armor example (see the Thinker power's description), Taylor would be able to enter her Breaker state because she is concealed within the armor. After the locker she ends up sharing a recovery room with one Colin Wallis, injured in his CID, and is one of my favourite Armsmasters. Taylor handed the phone back to Weld and he pocketed it. Get insights SPL Payroll Outsourcing Pvt. Different circumstances cause Taylor to gain different powers and left her blinded in the aftermath. Pretending to be totally blind even when I could see my surroundings through someone else wasnt nearly as hard as you might think. Dec 22, 2020. Why? "Why what? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Tried searching for it and got nothing. They would have to be. The words came out strained. Queen of Owls on QQ. Remaining in the ghost world rapidly causes Taylor to feel fatigued, becoming exhausted after only a few minutes. She was smiling again. Taylor is correct that she is a grab-bag cape. She said icily. Press J to jump to the feed. On screens (e.g., computer, TV, etc.) Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. That's amazing! As I hit refresh I get a second chapter. Summary: Taylor Hebert triggers with a rather strange ability, and this causes the domino effect across the events of Brockton Bay, where creatures of sexual lust and living make their home, and Taylor becomes the Breeder taking care of them. So Taylor with AOE music powers that include rapid full regeneration type healing. Weld blinked slowly. "We will lead you out.". Very NSFW. And if I have to read "Then I went ghost" one more time I swear to GoD someone's getting hurt. Read that one already. The hours I was in there had messed with my eyes and the last few days everything had gone from murky to just a mess of grays where any sort of light was painful. There it was. The screech of metal greeted Weld as he entered the warehouse. He looked up and he saw Taylor watching him, her brow knitted together. Of those three, Split recently completed while the other two are languishing in indefinite hiatus. I can't think of any story where it's just 'Taylor in a wheelchair, living normally'. I want things like Alma Wade!Taylor or Grudge or The Ring!Taylor or Dominion!Taylor. She was probably feeling the pressure from the higher-ups. Thoughts as Light as a Feather - Simurgh!Taylor. I don't know where to begin. He had been given a disturbing amount of leeway as far as this meeting went. Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend. "We're on schedule to get the city back in working order in a matter of weeks. Camera Shy is a Worm alt-power fic by TheGreatGimmick. Taylor can see through her own eyes in her Breaker state, as her Thinker power causes her blindness and is disabled in Breaker form. "I'm not what most people expect." It's well, a Peggy Sue story, with pre-cannon (by a few months) Taylor having memories up to Leviathon (I think that's where it was, can't 100% remember), smol Skitter is just as scary but makes up for her lost height with misunderstandings everywhere. There is not much conflict ypu can have in a wheelchair. We especially love the use of the power by Taylor and the way in which her Cape persona is manifesting to be some kind of phantom vigilante is amazing! "Yeah. There's chronic pain/illnesses, developmental disabilities like ASD, specific learning disabilities, mental illness, personality disorders, sleep disorders, and various genetic disorders. Confirmed, power that seems tailored to disrupting cameras so that she can use her main power actually needed. Thoughts on solutions? Taylor informed him. It was easy to take Piggot's stand-offishness as hostility, but the reality was that this was a woman who had just lost everything. Can I get list of fics featuring Taylor with horrific and terrifying alt!powers. ", Weld's eyes widened and he turned to look at her. The whole world seemed to have stilled. I was blind. Flames, where she uses illusionist powers to get around missing an eye. We will escort you to the bridge. Ooo, definitely a fun start. ", Taylor sighed, looking out beyond the city where the faint black shapes of the military stood. At some point since meeting her, she must have communicated his needs to herself and they had found Weld a chair he could actually sit on. It would have been so much easier to do that. Hopefully, with the Protectorate.". If none of its of interest to you, youd be the first. No handshake then. Taylor is a dragon wyvern. It's not exactly Thinker power (?) One fitting a piece together and passing it along just as the other finished. Lord Doom is a Worm fanfiction posted on Spacebattles Dot Com, here. Silence answered him and Weld mentally berated himself. Sure enough the Taylors at the assembly line worked like clockwork. She sat across from him at a plastic fold-out table, her hands folded together primly in front of her. So: Overhaul, where she was in the car wreck alongside Annette and the PRT are dragging their heels about letting her come up with her own solution for the crippling results. Contessa. Definitely a strong mover power, but a thinker primary. "Alright, fine." Coil manages to kidnap Dinah and plots how to use her to finally defeat Lord Doom not knowing that Lord Doom is about to capture him in both timelines. Taylor's going to love that power soon enough. this is accompanied by static noise. Her dad had taken the incredibly intelligent and rational route of coping with this by denying his teenage daughter in Brockton Bay a cell phone for her safety. She held a palm out. A brief history prior to trigger event, combat logs for the first encounter, medical records, and almost inexplicably a school report card. My story Chimera has Taylor with Grand Admiral Thrawn's memories which makes her a thinker. She's literally almost out the door before she wakes up and realizes what's going on. She was our first representative to the Protectorate just as I am now. Hopefully, but not necessarily. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. For someone that's disabled, it's a gigantic part of your life every day. If he stood in it long enough, he might even feel warm. That," Piggot pointed at the folder, "is all the information we could gather on her with certainty that it wasn't tampered with.". If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. In fact if there was, Weld suspected that would have just slowed down production. And if you're concerned about some sort of class system," She pointed to the girl who had first slowed the assembly line. So this is a revisit of an old fic idea I had. Special Edition - Taylor is a powerful precog. "An older model, communicator only?". Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Still in use in some parts of Africa and India, it involves dislocating the cataract lens with a sharp or blunt instrument, and pushing it back into the posterior chamber of the eye. XXX Taylor sighed as she locked up the store. Shes just as broken as blanket but in a completely different way. Alt-power Taylor in the Worm verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. Camera Shys Taylor is a grab-bag cape whose primary ability is a strange Breaker state. Yes. Weld stepped towards the table, eerily aware of the clomping sound his feet made against the huts thin floor. Cutting Ties - Taylor uses Jack Slash's Thinker power to make friends. Centipede (Tokyo Ghoul alt!power, dead), maybe. Unfortunately for Armsmaster, he was caught on camera and becomes a PHO meme. 43 Kudos: 125 Bookmarks: 33 Hits: 2730 "This and no weapons to speak of." Besides himself, of course, but that was better left unsaid. Taylor the Shopkeeper Summary: In a world without Endbringers, Taylor just wanted to run her store in peace. to see how many boys still checked me out. When are you gonna update the rewrite version of that. Like a winding river, it may flow past familiar shores or cut its own path through solid rock. Piggot looked out the window of the helicopter, watching the landscape blur past them. 2. Mind, I was already posting when I saw yours. Work Search: Grind Chapter 1: 1-1, a X-overs + Worm Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Grind 1.1 I walked into the Library.
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