Whoa! Characters, and Marlin: Unh! Help! What's that thing that we need to play Blue's Clues? Deema: Yeah!, You Rolled Your Car Into My Blocks and Knocked Them Down, Wubbzy, That Made Me Mad! Where? It's another Blue's Clues day. I know who you're talking about. Marlin: You know, parties are fun, and it's tempting, but we can't--. Bruce: It has been three weeks since my last fish. Steve: Well, Me, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. You're Nemo! Pail: We just think it's a little too soon for him to be out here unsupervised. I love the bubbles! I'll help. Gill: We gotta be quick. Joe: Hey. You got yourself in there. What are your names? He's gonna clean the tank! Bill: Bill. Miss Spider: Dory! Mailbox: This is Our First Time Being on A Disney and Pixar Film! Dory: Well, there has to be someone. Boots: And we're The Nick Jr. characters. Gather. Huh? Daizy: Wonder Who That Is, Oh, Hey, Huggy, What's Wrong? Squirt: Whoa! Instead, the other clues commented on the sound, before they all say Now that were three, what will we be?. Come back! Daizy: You Did That!, You Found Our First Clue! Nick Jr. Face: Oh, we're sorry. Pail: We're playing Gopher's Mystery Box. Characters, Marlin, and Dory snoring]. We live in this anemone, and We're used to these kind of stings. Nick Jr. Face: We don't want to play the gender card right now. Great, thanks. Blue: This frickin-he made-half the series . We skidoo to Blue's school, where we explore sharing and taking turns. ( barks ) Joe: ( shushes ) ( barking ) Joe: Look. Chum: You're an inspiration to all of us! We died. You're ridin' it, dude! ( barking ) Joe: Blue just skiddooed. Mine! We're dead. And clap your hands Marlin: Well, you can't hold on to them forever, can you? So what are we? Pressure! There's a lot of pressure. Nemo! An illustration of two cells of a film strip. I have one, two, three-- That's all I have? How's it going, Bob? Joe: Oh, my Do you know who that is? Mine! The Ring of Fire! Whoo-hoo! Well sometimes there are wolves in stories, so maybe Blue needs help playing a story with a wolf in it where someone holds a basket and wears a cape, yeah. Climb aboard, explorers. Bruce: [Offscreen] [Laughs], Mind your distance, though. It's you! There. Here are the possible solutions for "Pin that's blue holding nothing up" clue. Here are the possible solutions for "Blue tits, goldcrests, greenfinches and other avians collectively" clue. Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones. I only did this just because so many people wanted Kevin to get this right. GIRL: This episode has a lot of allusions to earlier episodes. I do. This is gonna be good. Oswald: You tell him we're not interested in being lunch! "42.". Characters, and Marlin: [Panting]. Nice parry, old man. Blue: ( barks "Hello" ) Grumpy Old Troll: Of course we've stopped. Hey, hey, hey--. He hasn't been decontaminated yet. Come on, kid! Dory: Maybe a different dialect. Then nothing would ever happen to him. An illustration of a heart shape; Contact; Jobs; Volunteer; . Joe ( in high voice ): Why, hello, Wolf. Two cups of pancake mix. Did i do it right Kids: Yes. Joe: Dory, Dory, Dory! Daizy: Right Here?, It's The Clue!, On This, Mouth! I like to help out. ( barking ) I do a great wolf howl. Wait a minute. Whoa! Ohh. Search the history of over 797 billion Now I can dance at the porridge party. Mr. Ray: [Offscreen] Well, I can assure you, he's quite safe with me. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. And maybe he wouldn't have done it if we hadn't been so tough on him. Daizy: Oh, Marshall, You Wanna Make Something Happen Too! Dory: Oh, please, I'm just your little helper. Joe: How do we get the egg out? Periwinkle: A baby bird is coming out. You cannot post new topics in this forumYou cannot reply to topics in this forumYou cannot edit your posts in this forumYou cannot delete your posts in this forumYou cannot post attachments in this forum, 2000-2023 Forever Dreaming. Marlin: We're sorry. Mr. Ray: (Singing) Oh! Mr. Ray, wait. Plex: Clearly, you're not ready and you're not coming back until you are. There's a mollusk, see? Bruce: [Offscreen] Right, then. Mr. Salt: Here goes. Mr. Salt: No, it's not okay. Wubbzy: What Do You Mean, Deema?, What Did I Do to Make Deema Mad? Mine! Blue: (Barks Hi!, I'm Blue!) Characters, Marlin and Dory: [Screaming], Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. You know that we were talking about! Viewer: A green square. Who's with me? It's the ocean, silly. That's what we're doing. First a curving shape like this for the head an oval for the body, pointy ears, eyes, and a circle for the nose a curve with some zigzags for the tail, some lines for the legs. Ohh. Steve: [Offscreen] That's great. That little baby will put you right last Sydney. Dory: Okay! We'll do it. Nemo: Dad, there's no time! Dentist: All right, let's see those pearly whites. Dory: No. Mr. Ray: Okay, okay, don't hurt yourself. Mr. Salt: Okay. Marlin: You just paddle your little tail right back here, Nemo! I'm so sorry. Where? Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Let us see that. You know, with me and you Hey, hey. GIRL: What do you think comes next? "Es-cap-e." I wonder what that means. Blue skiddoo, we can, too. Daddy! Daizy: Oh!, You See A Clue!, Where is It? ( Blue barks "Hello" ) [Laughs] I remembered. It's time for school. Joe: That was great! 1. SHOVEL AND PAIL: Joe, come over here. Joe: Right!, Today, We're Going on A Movie!, So, The Movie We're Gonna Be on is Disney and Pixar's Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, and The Nick Jr. Here's what the original host, Steve Burns, did after he quit the show. Crush: Curl away, my son. It's another Blue's Clues day Nemo: Dad. (The episode starts with Mr. Salt walks into the house.) What's your problem? Steve: We're not gonnatouch it. I am a bug. But when they know, you'll know, you know? Characters: No! Do you? We put it in our notebook I'm going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Viewer: Paw print. Boy, it sure is clear up here. Or if I'm not around, yoh can talk to my sister Flo. Just because you're all scared of the ocean--. Remember, rip it, roll it, and punch it! Blue: ( barking response ) Mrs. Pepper Let's pour the blueberries in. Marlin: Nemo? Hi, Gopher. Viewer: A clue! We are looking for Blue's Clues It's okay. Characters, Marlin, and Dory coughing]. A clue! Dentist: [Offscreen] All right. Oh No, Coral, don't. Fish School Leader: What, are theybothering you again? Bill: You know, I had a tough time with my oldest out at the drop off. Mrs. Pepper: There's gotta be a way to escape! . One, two, three Lofty: Okay. Joe: Yeah! Nigel: An outie. After mail time, Joe nearly tripped over a stuffed zebra, but then he put it back. That's Cinderella. You shouldn't be anymore near here. Characters, and Marlin laughing]. Dory: [Offscreen] Are Are you guys my conscience? Sun's barely up and Gerald's had more than he can handle. Daizy: Yeah, Marshall!, Marshall Did That!, Marshall Made Us All Laugh! Daizy: That's A Neat Looking Dinosaur, Baby Duck!, Roar! Nemo: [Offsceeen] Guys, it's time for you to go now. Gill: No, I'm the one who should be sorry. The egg wiggled! It's morning, everyone! Bruce: All right, anyone else? I forgot something. Clap your hands! The milk fills about half this cup. Would you look at that? Viewer: Notebook! Marlin: Something's wrong with you, really. Baby Bear: Hi. Blue needs help playing the story of "Little Red Riding Hood." I gotta tell you something. While they're doing their silly little impressions, We are miles from home with a fish that can't even remember her name! Gill: Okay,Inside it, you'll see a rotating fan. Thanks. You see a clue? She's going to be eight this week. Coral? Nemo: [Offscreen] It's OK. i'm looking for someone, too. [Echoes] Turn on the Ring of Fire! ( Blue barking ) So a basket. Nope. Joe: It's filled all the way up to the number two. Fish School Leader: Look, pal, we're talking to the lady, not you. We're just trying to get home. Josh: Oh you. Red Van Buskirk (formerly Robobuddies) is a cast member on SnapCube's Real-Time Fandub and member of the streaming group ClownHouse. We promise, We will never let anything happen to you: Nemo. Male Bird 2: in a matter of days. You said you could do it. Characters, and Marlin: The drop off?! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Music Makes Me Move, Makes Me Happy, Got The Groove. Daizy: We Are Gonna Play Marshall's Clues, Cause It's A Really Great Game, Yeah! An illustration of an open book. Joe: Oh, Blue. What am I talking about? and we find a way to help her out. Peach: Potty break! Gurgle: My nerves can't take much more of this. is the 22nd episode of Blue's Clues from Season 5. Thanks. Maybe he only speaks whale. Marlin: [Offscreen] Boy, this is taking a while. Joe: We can help. See? I don't want to forget. Dory: No, it's true. It's like wicked dark down there. ( barks ) Nemo! Keep swimming! Hello! (Nick Jr Airing) (05/13/2008) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Volume 90% 22:23 Blue's Clues 5x33 I Did That! Joe: Thinking chair. Mine! Daizy: We Are Looking for Marshall's Clues, Wonder Where They Are. on August 25, 2021, There are no reviews yet. Ages 3+ Specifications Number of Pieces: 14 We didn't come this far to be breakfast! Salt!, With Mrs. Pepper, Paprika, and Cinnamon! Oh, it's a whale of a tale. Dory: Oh! Dory: [Sighs] I'm glad I got that off my chest. BOTH: To the top of Mount Wannahockaloogie! Thank goodness. Patient: You're getting a little too--Aah! Nigel: He's swimming, and swimming, giving it all he's got, and then three gigantic sharks capture him, and he blows them up and dives thousands of feet, and gets chased by a monster with huge teeth! Mine! Books. Just finish up here. Steve: We just can't afford any more delays, and you're one of those fish that cause delays. Hi. Hey, what's the matter? Every single one of them. Nemo: Come on, Dad. I don't know. Come on. [Gasps] Coral? Toodee: The question is, Dory, are you hungry? Marlin: No, We are not gonna lose you again! ( smacking ) Thank you, thank you so much! Crab: Come on, you guys, stop it! Nemo: It's okay. ( Blue barking ) Hey! He went to the fishing grounds! Gill: Boss must've installed it last night while we were sleeping. Kids: It's blue. "P. Sher Sher--P. Sher--" P. Sher? Our robust financial plan continues to yield results. Let's play the "Let's Not Die" card.). Nigel: Your dad's been fighting the entire ocean, looking for you. what does holetta mean in polish renault clio steering wheel controls not working blue's clues i did that transcripts. Joe: Hmm so, which bowl is small, purple and has pink dots? I understand. Okay, I can't see a thing. The . I know one joke. Periwinkle: [Offscreen] The mask. Today's crossword puzzle clue is a general knowledge one: Blue tits, goldcrests, greenfinches and other avians collectively. Marlin: Shovel, you got a little closer because it was wiggling. Blue: What? Will you help, too? Marlin: And sometimes it's a good thing. Whoa. Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. Marlin: That was my only chance of finding my son. Barbara: Darla, your uncle will see you now. Gurgle: Oh, the human mouth is a disgusting place. What we need you to do is take a pebble inside there, and jam the gears. Bill: You know, for a clownfish, he really isn't that funny. We have to find my son! I don't see it! wake up, wake up! Dory: Don't worry, whales don't eat clownfish. Today's the day! Gill: [Offscreen] Nobody touch him. Don't listen to anything my sister says. Crush: Well, you never really know. Dentist: [Laughs] Beauty, isn't he? Calm down. Fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. Everything's gonna be all right! ( Joe whistling ) Keep it right there. Ha ha ha ha! It's all right. We are looking for Blue's Clues 02x15 - What Game Does Blue Want to Learn? Gill: [Offscreen] That's it, Sharkbait. Would you look at that? Oh. Nemo: I can't go with that girl! Hop in your mouth? Viewer: No, a clue! Let's name the zones of the open sea! ( barks "You're welcome" ) Nigel: Okay. Joe ( in high voice ): What big feet you have, Wolf. Twist: You're showing us which way the boat went! They're my fish. Daizy: Do You Wanna See What Wubbzy Made?, Me Too!, Let's Go! Get out of Mr. Johannsen's yard now! Nemo: No, guys! You just missed an extraction. Joe Steve and Blue teach the viewers about who did what and how to make people feel good. Recap This episode is all about actions and consequences. Hey, look, Sharks! Live in the ocean. But let's find two more clues, just to be sure. Say hi. I'll tell you what we're gonna do, we're gonna get him out of here. I need your help. Nemo: [Offscreen] First day of school! [Chuckles] Huh. Nice porridge party pattern. [Gasps] Stromalitic cyanobacteria! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, and The Nick Jr. Ooh! Next Episode Animals in Our House? Sheldon: Oh, look at me. Daizy: (Laughing), Marshall's Making Us Laugh! ( barks ) Joe: That duck just dove under the water, then popped back up. What story has a wolf in it where someone carries a basket and wears a cape? Joe: You're welcome. We delivered strong fourth quarter 2022 operating earnings . Bubbles: [Offscreen] Too loud! Chum: Oh, thanks, mate. Ha hwa ho ha. You have got to see this. Today's meeting is Step 5: Bring a Fish Friend. Squirt: Whoo-hoo! Mine! (Blue didn't say anything) Blue! Blue's Clues 5x33 I Did That! Joe: Oh, it looks like we need two cups of pancake mix. Henry: Dory! Sign up | Log in. Daizy: (Singing) Now It's Time for So Long, But We'll Sing Just One More Song, Thanks for Doing Your Part, You Sure Are Smart, You Know With Me and You, and Our Friend Marshall We Can Do, Anything, That We Wanna Do!, We Can Do, Anything, That We Wanna Do!, Bye-Bye. Daizy: Bye!, Hey, I Just Remembered, We Still Have Two More Clues to Find, Come On. Where are you guys going? Marlin: Dory, I'm a little fella. Ain't I something?". Oh, a paw print, right ( Blue barks "Hello" ) Daizy: The Doorbell!, I'll Be Right There! And he shall be my Squishy. Gill: Just think about what you need to do. were all about But now we know, don't we that we don't want to touch these again. Come on, go. Gulls: [Offscreen] Mine! Ruby: No, you can't! Say hello to your new mummy. Nigel: All right, Gerald. Let's go surprise Blue. [Making whale sounds]. Josh: Oh Blue. Darla: [Giggling, offscreen] I get fishy, fishy! Now he's with a bunch of sea turtles on the E.A.C., and the word is he's headed this way right nowto Sydney! Mr. Salt: I'll get them. Help! Joe: Thanks. Video. That we want to do. Characters, and Marlin: [Panting] Oh! Big fella. Dory: Well, then, how are we gonna do that unless we give it a shot and hope for the best? Marlin: No! I've seen one of those. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, and The Nick Jr. Daizy: (Laughing), He's Making Me Laugh Too!, This is So Silly! We're not doing anything. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Marlin: Nemo. Dory: There, there. Let's look carefully and see what we can find out. Blue likes her snack. Crab 2: Too right, mate! Blue Makes a Movie with You!/Transcript. Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. Blue: ( barks "Come on in" ), KIDS: A clue, a clue! Dory: [Offscreen] Trench, through it, not over it. Get up! ( clears throat ) Come on in We're gonna help him escape. Diego: Who's that? Gill: He's fine. Gingerbread Boy: Hi. Bob: [Laughing] Swriously, Marty. Nigel: That's it! Shush. Peach: Find a happy place! Viewer: Crack it. Horton, Morton, Jane, and Junior: (with Steve) Blue's Clues. David: We think he's trying to speak to us, We know it! [Gasping] Hey, wait! Murdoch testified that he could hear Trump shouting in the . Do you? Dory: Sydney! And then one more time, out and back in. This tank'll get plenty dirty in that time, but we have to help it along any way we can. Are you guys excited? That's all thanks to you, kid. Patient: [Offscreen] I think so. And here you are! ( barking ) We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? It's the only way that can save Dory! Blue: ( barks happily ) Actually, the mollusk isn't moving. That's it! Characters Skidooing Into Finding Nemo), Nick Jr. Face: We're Inside Disney and Pixar's "Finding Nemo!". Kako: Do you think we cross the entire ocean and not know as much as Sandy Plankton? Mouth: Look What I Can Do!, What Could Marshall Want to Make You Do With A Mouth? Alternate wiggling your fins and your tail. Marlin: Are you sure you want to go to school this year? Tickety: He's not coming back. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. Weee neeed Sidetable: What are you doing? Mother Fish: I'll pick you up after school. I had a feeling this would be a difficult step. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Viewer: There. Gill: Go on, Nemo, it'll be a piece of kelp. Joe: Ahh, "The better to chase us with." Do you? Joe: Well, that's what friends do. It was a beautiful day in the Wubbulous World of Seussville, the Cat in the Hat and his friends are getting ready for their next visit with Steve, Blue and their friends. Dory: Oh, I love parties. english springer spaniel breeders in pennsylvania. Daddy's got you. Just keep swimming! Blue: ( barks ) Where'd you go? Daizy: You See A Clue?, Hold Please!, Where is It? Dentist: Hold still! Just loosen up, Okay, buddy? It's all right, son. What do you guys think? Sidetable Drawer: No problem, Joe. Adventures in Art/Transcript. on the Internet. Joe: Two cups, wow! Viewer: That way. They're in the Amazon. Huh? Is it under the bed? Joe: No, no, kids. Blue Goes to the Beach/Transcript. Dory: [Mutters, offscreen] Are you gonna eat that? Helping along. 02x16 - What Story Does Blue Want to Play. KIDS: We see a clue. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Truly, I am. Characters, and Marlin: Ooh. One cup. (Singing) There's porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphoza, anthozoa, ctemopora, bryozoas, three. Let us all say the pledge. A different phone was answered in this episode. Dory: [Offscreen] Help! 2006 2007 2008 Sources Internal documentation Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Viewer: Notebook. Ready? Geo: Well, aparently, we must've done something you likeddudes. Crush! [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. KIDS: We see a clue. But who cares? This here's Darla. Mine! Dory? (Marshall's Clues) (Song Starts) Daizy: Come On In. Dory: I can read? Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Crush: [Laughs] Oh, dude. Daizy: You See A Clue? Just keep on swimmin'. Joe: Oh, right there. We just want to look. Josh: Okay, let's sing it together. Dory: And, uh, well, I don't think I've ever eaten a fish. Dory: [Offscreen] Hey, look, balloons. No pressure. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Marlin: Nemo! The Fish Tank Gang: Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. Jacques? We're ready to roll. There, a wolf. You'll have to come back later. No hurlin' on the shell, dude, okay? Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. . Aah! Hey, hey, hey! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Sorry if I ever took a snap at you. Oh, sure! You were deas. Joe: Do you want to help? [Whimpering], Nigel: I'm so sorry. He might be hungry. I saw you. We're trying to escape! Crush: Oh, man. What did he use to open? It went, um, this way! Steve: Come on, Nemo. Blue and I are playing hide-and-seek. Sound: Now Make This Sound, (Hee-Hee-Hee). It's P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Not much for little Harpo. Marlin: All right, where's the break? Crush: Okay. ( Blue barking happily ) Mr. Salt: Can you help us? You sure are smart Gill: Okay, Sharkbait's one of us now, agreed? . That we want to do Gill: Keep on him. So what could Blue need help playing with a wolf?Oh now, that's a good idea. I don't know what's going on. Characters, Marlin, and Dory: [Grunting]. BOY: Joe: Do you want to play Gopher's Mystery Box? Bruce: [Offscreen] That's all right, Chum. That's me. Dory: (Singing) Just keep swimming. We swim, swim. Where? Slippery: A whale! I know it's not. Viewer: A clue! Gurgle: That's not a Hedstrom file. Daizy: Hey, Miss Spider, You Know, Getting The Mail Makes Me Wanna Wag My Tail! "I Did That!" is an episode of Blue's Clues . Sound: I'm A Sound Clue!, Listen to Me!, (Hee-Hee-Hee). Bloat: It has a teardrop cross-section. Mine! You offended him. Fish School Leader: [Offscreen] Oh, hey, ma'am. He never even knew his father! Where? Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Marlin: That wasfun! ( Blue barks ) Cat: Normally, they don't talk, sea cucumbers. A party. You won't go belly-up. Marlin! Where's the mask? Give it back! Joe: Blue just skiddooed. Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. Crab 2: [Offscreen] Aah! Fish School Leader: I'm a fish with a nose like a sword. I remember it. Nice and steady. 'Cause you're about to eat our bubbles! Gill: You miss your dad, don't you, Sharkbait? Okay. They help each other. Ming-Ming: Oh, it just swam over the trench. ( barking ) Dory: [Offscreen] A sea monkey has my money. (barks) Joe: What did Blue and Periwinkle find? Here is the transcript of Blue's Story Time. Audio. All right, gang, we have less than 48 hours before Darla gets here. Aah! Marlin: And you're lucky we don't tell your parents who were out there. Get the mask! Dory: Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills, when life gets you down, know what you got to do? They're delay fish. I'll tell you again. Ooh! I wonder who it's from. Nigel: No. ( barks ), ( music begins playing ) Come on in Blue: ( barks "Come on in" ) What did you say? [Panting] Love you, Guys. Marlin: We need to get to the East Austrailian Current. Daizy: So Remember, Marshall's Pawprints Will Be On The Clues, Marshall's Clues!, Hmm. You got serious thrill issues, dude. Joe: Huh? ( Blue barking ) Mr. Ray: [Offscreen] Hold on, here we go! Dentist: Crikey! Daizy: Oh, I'm Sorry, I Did That, I Made Binyah Binyah Feel Sad, May We Please Have Our Notebook? Tasha: Dory, if it wasn't for you, we never would've even made it here. Characters, and Marlin: Aah! Blue Wants to Play a Game/Transcript. I help, I help, do lots of things Baby Bear: I'm having a porridge party later, and I can't find my porridge bowl. [Panting]. She's my niece. It's you. Mr. Salt: Blue, why is Steve in there all depressed? Where are you going? I see it! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Peach: Isn't there another way? This way! ", and then you were, like, "Whoa.". Mr. Ray: (Singing) Mesopelagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic, all the rest are too deep for you and me to see! But which one is two cups? Please, I don't want that to go away. Not the trash can! It looks just like him! What? Gurgle: No offense, kid, but you're not the best swimmer. Hey, little fella. Hey, Side Table Drawer. Fish School Leader: "Will somebody please give usdirections?! Oh, great. The tank is clean! Cinderella: Hi. Marlin: Just so you know, he's got a little fin. An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine. Aquascum: Teamperature: 82 degrees, PH balance: normal. We're cheating death now. I think I lost somebody, but I can't remember. Remember the steps! My first escape, landed on dental tools. Find a happy place! Daizy: Oh!, Right!, Zuma!, You Pushed Marshall Out of The Way, That Made Marshall Feel Sad. Dory: Whoa, whoa, partners. Joe: We're ready to learn and get some knowledge. Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. No, you can't. Little Bear: "P. Sherman" doesn't make any sense! This is the second appearance of Mouth, but Joe did not use a red crayon. We can do anything Marlin: [Offscreen] What do these markings mean? Your exit's coming up, man! ", Fish School Leader: "Blah blah blah, me, me, blah! Joe: Oh, there. Characters, and Marlin: Nemo! Joe: Sure, we're great at helping. Fish School Leader: What you want to follow the E.A.C. Dentist: [Offscreen] Whoops. Question: What does Blue want to make you do? Aah! Facebook. Nemo: Sandy Plankton from next door, he says that sea turtles live to be about 100 years old. Gill: Don't worry. (Steve, Joe, Blue's Friends, and The Nick Jr. [Flies away]. Zuma: Marshall!, What Did I Do?, Why Are You Sad? Dentist: [Offscreen] Barbara, I don't understand it. Come on, let's go find her. Gurgle: [Offscreen] He's swimming to the filter! Viewer: That one. Periwinkle: It moved! Dentist: Uh, must've left your present in the car, sweetie. Joe: So, who should we be in the story? We did it! Gill: You're the only one who can get in and out of that thing. Let's name the species that live in the sea! Aah! Stephanie: Yeah, Marlin. Quick! Marlin: There, there, there. Dory: Look! For example, Tickety makes Shovel mad/angry when she knocks over his block tower and fights each other. Bob: Be nice. Kids and Josh: (sing) Happy Birthday Blue, Happy Birthday to you. We have 4.2 minutes! Uploaded by I promise. ( barks ) Bobby: Hey, come back. I know your son. Welcome aboard, explorers. We're really smart. @jacksablich8356 2023 Amolga Studios Peach: [Offscreen] Root canal, and it's a doozy. Daizy: Another Marshall's Clues Day!, Hooray!, Do You Wanna Play Miss Spider: Hi, Ring The Doorbell So Daizy Knows You're Here! Mine! No, no, no, no! What Blue's Clues Marlin: First, we check to see that the coast is clear. We're bringing blueberry pancakes to Grandma. (Singing) Oh! Let's go. Hold on, wait to cross. KIDS: We see a clue. Don't you, Ted? Marlin: Dory, you don't fully understand--. Tickety: We're in a whale, don't you get it? I was built for speed. Peach: The Aquascum is programmed to scan your tank environment every five minutes?! Blue: ( barks playfully ), Joe: Blue, what do you need help playing? Whoo-hoo! I do, I do. Crab 2: Gotcha! Daizy: Thanks for Helping Me Figure That Out. Nada. Mouth: I Wonder What We Could Do Together! Gill: Swim down! Ha. Ooh, where'd you go? Crab 1: Yeah, that's it, fella. Blue's Clues. Fish got your tongue? We have to find the boat! Marlin: Well, we actually do know one that's pretty good. Mine! Dory: Oh, oh! Bruce: Great! Nemo: I want to go home. Come on. Pick me, pick me, pick me. Joe: I mean, what a great surprise. Perfect for kids and collectors alike! I remember things better with you. Now where is that? Whoa! That's a funny thing to promise. Children: A Clue!, A Clue! Cinderella, wow. Chum: [Offscreen] Don't fall off the wagon! Anyway, he swam out in the open water to this boat, and when he was out there, these divers appeared, and we tried to stop them, but the boat was too fast. And he swims up to a sea-- He dosen't swim up, he runs up. They're dreaming. Insider 26:38 Blue's Clues S03E04 - What's That Sound Blaze and the Monster Machines 20:42 Blue's Clues 03x04 What's That Sound MccloudEloy4674 3:53 The One Moment That Changed Steve From Blues Clues Forever Bloat: Nemo, newcomer of orange and white, you have been called forth, to summit of Mount Wannahockaloogie, to join with us in the fraternal bonds of tankhood. Sort the laundry, socks by two Characters. Crush: [Offscreen] Ha ha! Hi. Lots of legs! Kill the motor, dude. [Gasps] P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. The little dudes are just eggs. Gurgle: Ah, the ocean. To play Blue's Clues, I see it! Dory: Huh. She's nuts. GIRL: Oh. Steve: Why don't we just fry them up now and serve them with chips?! I'll tell you, lad Marlin: Will somebody please give usdirections?! We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue Y'all, Listen To Me. Well, you helped everyone get ready for the porridge party. Joe: Wait. I don't get it. Joe: Don't worry, Mailbox. Hold my fin. Little Bear: Let's Go Meet Them and say hello. Bloat: Hedstrom! Guys! Another Blue's Clues day, hooray! Dory: Yeah. Daizy: Um, Can You Help Them?, What Did Zuma Do to Make Marshall Feel Sad? Mouth: What Does Marshall Want You to Do With Us? It's about to hatch. Teens need the reminder that simply naming emotions is a . Joe: Exuse us, is this where we meet his teacher? Ooh, I'm scared, now! Blue's Clues. Fish School Leader: Hey, you! The phone sound clue clip is mostly similar to the episode. Blue's ABCs/Transcript. And that's our first , Viewer: Clue. Sheldon: Ow! Binyah Binyah: Daizy, You Didn't Say Please, That Makes Me Sad. Just waxed it. Oh, oh. I do my job with lots and lots of pride Clue #1: Hi. NPR's Scott Simon talks with Josh Dela Cruz about what it's like solving mysteries with an animated dog. I need your help! Mrs. Pepper: Hi. Marlin: And I know funny. Rock on! Ooh! So we need two eggs. Nemo: See you after school, Dory! Marlin: How do you know? Wait right here. We'll try over here. I am so glad you're here. Dad, can I go play, too? Mr. Ray: (Singing) Oh! Now, do you all have your friends? Here this thing has a lifetime guarantee, and it breaks! Steve: Marlin, That's nice to meet you and Dory. So, count to three One, two, three And clap your hands Clap your hands! ( barks ) Joe: There's a duck in our pond. While Blue wears the clown nose and flaps her tongue at the viewers, her eyes suddenly go into two different directions, which would be impossible and painful to do in real life. [Continues singing indisitinctly]. Joe: There's a castle. Pelican: Hey, Nigel. Come on. Mailbox: Right this way. Terrence McBird: Wait for me! Come on. Whoa-oh-oh-oh! It went this way! Marlin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Characters, and Marlin: [Gasping, offscreen] Oh. My name is Bruce. June 9, 2022. It's actually shorter than all my other ones. Didn't it sound orca-ish? Daizy: Another Marshall's Clues Day!, Hooray!, Do You Wanna Play. Viewer: No, a clue! See you real soon. How's the lucky fin? Gill: Ha ha! (sing) Happy Birthday Blue, Happy birthday to me. That took guts, kid. Baby Bear: My porridge bowl is small purple, and it has pink dots on it. We just figured out Crush: Alright, we're here, dudes! He won't even talk to me. Clean the room, put my toys away Will you sing it with us? Yes! Coral: Aw, look. Beaver: And we're really, really done talking about this. Did you see what I did? Mr. Salt: Aha! Joe: Hi, Blue. B. Bedtime Business/Transcript.
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