Lawyers dedicated to professionalism, service, education, and fellowship. Legal Aid of East Tennessee offers legal information about various topics in English and Spanish, and the "Anytime Attorney" series of online videos about Orders of Protection, family law, Social Security, consumer, self-representation, and housing. . Resources for the Bradley County Criminal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Bradley County, Tennessee, and resources applicable to all courts inTennessee. [7] It is not uncommon for a candidate to run unopposed in their party primary and then go on to run unopposed in the general election as well. Jon Baker (R) 1,141 40% "It's one aspect, or one additional option that we can use to get folks that have committed these types of crimes to essentially pay restitution to these children that may be destitute without any other compensation.". Tennessee Juvenile Court, Courts in Tennessee Tennessee judicial elections Judicial selection in Tennessee. Hamilton Co. DA 11th District Neal Pinkston 5451, Coty Wamp 13169 | Search Tennessee Attorney General opinions from 2000 to current, or view the opinions by year. Skip to Main Content. IN THE COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS FOR THE 13TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Selection Criteria:Event Code: ALL Sort By: Defendant Name Pros Id: ALL 03/06/2023-03/06/2023 Offense ProDefense Attorney s Defendant Warrant # Violation Date Acker , Willie 2022A231010 Obscene / Exposure of private parts in a lewd and lascivious manner 10/17/2022 PRO SE . Roddey Coe (R) 608 18%, Chattanooga City Court Judge, Div. Bradley County Justice Center Entrance way at Justice Center 2230 Blythe Avenue SE Cleveland, Tennessee 37312 Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am -4:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Phone: 423-728-7056 JUDGES General Sessions-Criminal (non felony cases) Judge Sheridan C Randolph Circuit Courts-Felony Judge Andrew Mark Freiberg The Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs offers information about consumer complaints, online complaint forms, resources for consumers, and information about common types of scams. Office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p . Judge Randolph graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Magna Cum Laude, and was a recipient of the E.Y. Steve Anderson Constable (District 5) 660 3 11th Dist. Bradley County General Sessions Court Division 1. Rose drafted the bill after a jury found 58-year-old Janet Hinds, a former Soddy-Daisy postmaster with no previous criminal history, guilty of vehicular homicide by intoxication in connection with Galinger's death. Judge Swafford is responsible for general sessions civil, environmental and all juvenile court procedures. * Attorney General - Reported use of in-house lawyers, $63.74 court filing fees * Governor's Office - $182,000 outside legal fees plus $84,289.61 court filing fees, printing costs and attorney's fees * Special Sessions House and Senate 2022 - $175,000 * Senate costs February 7-9, 2023 related to S. 474 - $34,802.42 "Keep your emotions together," Bradley County General Sessions Court Judge Clay Collins told the courtroom. General Sessions Courts in Weakley County Weakley County General Sessions Court 116 West Main Street, Room 203 Dresden, TN 38225 Phone: (731) 364-3455 Fax: (731) 364-6765 Juvenile Court in Weakley County Weakley County Juvenile Court 116 West Main Street, Room 104 Dresden, TN 38225 Phone: (731) 364-2285 Fax: (731) 364-5236 Apply today! Click the "JUSTICE FOR ALL WEBSITE" link for access to more information for self-represented parties about the court system, legal terms, finding a lawyer, forms, local resources, alternatives to court, and legal clinic locations. Types of cases handled, office locations, and an online application form are provided. The Tennessee Driver Services Division offers information about driver licensing and related laws. Justice For All provides information about the Tennessee court system, legal terminology, how to find a lawyer, self-representation, court forms, local resources, legal information by topic, mediation, email and hotline resources, and lists of legal clinics by location. Bradley County is located within the Tenth Judicial District. Tucker McClendon (R) 1,137 47%, GOP Hamilton Co. Comm. Notify Me. The 10th Judicial District Attorney General's Office provides crime victims and witnesses with information about the criminal appeals process and victim's rights and duties, a downloadable victim's compensation application, a link to offender tracking, and brochures with resources for victims of sexual assault and family violence. Assistant District Attorneys appear on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Primary elections in Tennessee serve to designate a party's nomination and narrow the field down to one candidate from that party for a specific office. Tennessee Probate Court The law requires a judge to order any person convicted of vehicular homicide by intoxication or aggravated vehicular homicide by intoxication pay child support to any surviving children of the victims until the child has reached age 18. 901-222-4700. The Tennessee trial court system consists of Circuit Courts, Chancery Courts, Criminal Courts, General Sessions Courts, Juvenile Courts, Probate Courts, and Municipal Courts. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population as well as mayoral, city council, and district attorney election coverage in state capitals outside of the 100 largest cities. The phone number for Bradley County General Sessions Court is 423-728-7048 and the fax number is 423-728-0723. Similarly, candidates may win their primary and go on to run unopposed in the general election. Assistant District Attorneys appear on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Gayla Harris Miller Circuit Court Clerk 11985 Andrew Mark Freiberg Circuit Court Judge (District 10 Part 3) 20868 The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 8,469. Online Tennessee Justice lawyers provide answers to questions submitted by email. Constable District 7 Tim Fowler 836, Jimmy Woody 692 |, Cleveland School Board At Large Charles Cogdill 2397, Matthew Coleman 2599 | For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare Tennessee courts. "This law is a tool in the toolbox," Rose said in a Thursday telephone interview with the Chattanooga Times Free Press. However, primary voters must declare whether or not they will be voting in the Democratic or Republican primary.[7]. Sabrena D. Smedley (R) 14,104 35% Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. Tennessee Circuit Court Below is a directory of court locations in Bradley County. He . The candidate who wins the county primary election in May will then move on to the county general election in August and run against other party candidates that won their respective primaries.[7]. To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info, Bradley County General Sessions Court - Civil, Bradley County General Sessions Court - Criminal, learn more about the Tennessee court system. A new state law affecting drunk driving cases could apply a new penalty in the case of a fatal Christmas day crash in Bradley County. On Dec. 25, Conley crashed his 2004 Isuzu Ascender into the Dillards' 2022 Jeep Wagoneer after Conley lost control of his vehicle while traveling on U.S. Highway 64, according to authorities. The Tennessee Department of Human Services offers legal information and services related to child support, including application for services, paternity establishment, support modification, guidelines and calculators, answers to frequently asked questions, and online payments. The service is free; registration is required. A link near the top of the page leads to a guide to free and reduced-rate legal services. A new state law affecting drunk driving cases could apply a new penalty in the case of a fatal Christmas day crash in Bradley County. Putnam County General Sessions - Criminal Court Docket Page 4 of 21 71GS1-2021-TR-2123 - Cont'd Hearing Type: Case Continued - PTD 71GS1-2021-CR-3504 The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee has jurisdiction in Bradley County. To serve on the court, a judge must be:[7]. Judges, and William K. Sessions III, ** District Judge. The Bradley County TN Jail is a medium-security detention center located at 2290 Blythe Ave SE Cleveland, . We strive to provide accurate information, however, is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. Per Curiam Opinion; Concurrence by Judge Bumatay . The 10th Judicial District Attorney General's Office offers information about expungement of criminal records of some non-violent offenders in Bradley, McMinn, Monroe, and Polk Counties. View information about Recovery Court programs in Tennessee, which can set up treatment in lieu of incarceration for some offenders with substance abuse or mental health problems. Chapin Scholarship to the University of Cincinnati where he received his Juris Doctorate Degree. The Bradley County General Sessions Court is one of 95 General Session Courts in Tennessee. Copyright 2023 by Bradley County Bar Association - All rights reserved Ben Absher is on Facebook. Lawyers dedicated to professionalism, service, education, and fellowship. Pending completion of repairs to the courthouse, the Circuit and Criminal Court Clerk's Office is temporarily located at the Bradley County Jail, 2250 Blythe Avenue SE. View the Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services directory of organizations offering free civil legal assistance and services, searchable by keyword and location. Log in. Loading. She was later sentenced to 11 years in prison. This is a court of limited jurisdiction that hears civil and criminal cases in Bradley County, Tennessee. Bradley County Courthouse 155 North Ocoee Street, Cleveland, TN 37311. View and download Tennessee court forms, including divorce, General Sessions Civil Court, Juvenile Court, mediation, child support, parenting plan, Order of Protection, and Trial & General Sessions Court. Appeals from the Eastern District go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. Table of Contents for Bradley Co Jail. Neither these AP materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and noncommercial use. Tennessee Circuit Court Search through our extensive database of Bradley County public, vital, and criminal record resources to find information for a background search. (c) The Supreme Court shall set the amount of court costs and fees authorized by statute by court order or rule. Phone: 423-728-7048. Why is that any different than a violent crime where somebody pulls out a gun and shoots somebody?". Please visit GoodHire for all your employment screening needs. Bradley County Commission District 6 Seat B Erica Davis 747, Tommy Ledford 975 |, Constable District 1 Daren Brantley 853, Garry D. Moore 1156, Earl Pike 419 | HELP4TN provides free civil legal advice and referrals by toll-free telephone, a directory of free legal clinics, a link to the Law Search Pro lawyer referral service, and self-help information on various topics. Tennessee Court of Appeals William E. (Bill) Winters Bradley County Commission (District 7 Seat B) 1571, Jason Corum Constable (District 3) 1316 . The service is free; registration is required. Administrative proceeding in the Supreme Court, 3. .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} General Sessions Court jurisdiction varies from county to county based on state laws and private acts. No legal advice is offered here and this site is not an alternative to competent legal counsel. Brittany and Dustin Dillard died as a result of the crash, according to an affidavit from the Tennessee Highway Patrol. 5 Always review your subpoena to make sure you have the right date and time. For any questions regarding jury duty, call Bradley County General Sessions Court at (423) 728-7214. Bradley County, Tennessee Court Directory, 10th Judicial District Expungment Information, Legal and Court Information and Resources, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Self-Help Legal Resources, Guides, and Information, Bradley County Lawyers and Legal Assistance, Free Civil Legal Advice, Clinics, and Lawyer Referrals. Conley, who requested a public defender at the hearing and said he would not be able to meet the set bond of $500,000, is due to return to court at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 12 for a status hearing. Bradley County Commission District 5 Seat A Bobby Goins 443, Rachel Ivey Goins 273 | . SUMMARY *** Civil Rights. Mike Dumitru (R) 22,711 62% General Sessions Court begins at different times depending on what county you are in. Bradley County Commission District 2 Seat A Louie Alford 1097, Marc Christian Baker 303, Chris Scoggins 1014 | General Sessions Civil Court jurisdiction is restricted to specific monetary limits and types of actions. Legal Aid of East Tennessee provides free civil legal assistance to income-eligible parties, seniors, domestic violence victims, and some small businesses in 26 counties in eastern Tennessee. Candidate for Bradley County General Sessions Criminal Court Judge 2230 Blythe Ave, Cleveland, TN 37312. Retail sales (in $1000) were $1,164,641, and sales per capita were $12,196. Tennessee Court of Appeals Riverbend introduces new pre-registration ticketing ahead of 40th Anniversary, Fisherman dies after falling into cold Tennessee lake. Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals Greg Beck (D) 1,318 57% However, primary voters must declare whether or not they will be voting in the Democratic or Republican primary.[8]. 2008 2023 PeopleConnect, Inc. All Rights Reserved. . Bradley County Mayor D. Gary Davis 8764, Johnny Mull 4704 |, District Attorney General District 10 Steve Crump 14807, Stephen Hatchett 10896 | Act into the Bradley County Juvenile Court dockets; in 2020, he helped Bradley County establish its first mental health court; and . 21. 901-222-1390. Montrell Besley (D) 589 77% He presently sings tenor at St. Lukes Church and with the Cleveland Madrigal Singers. Contact Us. Mar 2008 - Dec 20157 years 10 months. Gene-O Shipley (R) 2,096 42% Bradley County, Tennessee Court Directory, Bradley County General Sessions Court - Criminal, 10th Judicial District Expungment Information, Legal and Court Information and Resources, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Self-Help Legal Resources, Guides, and Information, Bradley County Lawyers and Legal Assistance, Free Civil Legal Advice, Clinics, and Lawyer Referrals. Managed by, District Attorney General District 10 Steve Crump 14807, Stephen Hatchett 10896 |, Criminal Court Judge District 10 Sandra Donaghy 15461, Paul Rush 8567 |, General Sessions Judge Division 1 (Juvenile) Andrew Morgan 7183, Barrett Painter 5874 |, General Sessions Judge Division 2 (Criminal) David Calfee 3470, Clay Collins 6718, Rebble Johnson 3064 |, Bradley County Commission District 1 Seat A Daniel Beaty 953, Dennis Epperson 891, Don Scoggins 815 |, Bradley County Commission District 2 Seat A Louie Alford 1097, Marc Christian Baker 303, Chris Scoggins 1014 |, Bradley County Commission District 2 Seat B Tyler Blackwell 481, Thomas Crye 990, Zachary J. Kilby 923 |, Bradley County Commission District 3 Seat B Denny H. Collins 967, Randall Howard 527 |, Bradley County Commission District 4 Seat A Scott Donut Gilbert 1276, Charlotte Peak 832 |, Bradley County Commission District 4 Seat B Rich Kienlen 908, Daniel Lautaret 134, Howard Thompson 1055 |, Bradley County Commission District 5 Seat A Bobby Goins 443, Rachel Ivey Goins 273 |, Bradley County Commission District 6 Seat B Erica Davis 747, Tommy Ledford 975 |, Constable District 1 Daren Brantley 853, Garry D. Moore 1156, Earl Pike 419 |, Constable District 2 Ricky R. Humphries 784, Jimmy Kendrick Jr. 777, Jasper McDonald 639 |, Constable District 4 Dewayne Henry 1401, Andrew Underwood 601 |, Constable District 7 Tim Fowler 836, Jimmy Woody 692 |, Cleveland School Board At Large Charles Cogdill 2397, Matthew Coleman 2599 |, Cleveland School Board District 3 Andy Lay 883, Dawn Robinson 621 |, Road Superintendent Bradley County Tom Collins 7040, Sandra Knight 5949 |, Hamilton Co. Mayor Matt Hullander 5984, Sabrena Smedly 6825 |, Hamilton Co. DA 11th District Neal Pinkston 5451, Coty Wamp 13169 |, Circut Court Judge 11th District, Div 2 Mike Dumitru 10575, Jim Exum 6748 |, Michael E. Jenne Circut Court Judge (District 10 Part 1) 20947, J. Michael Sharp Circuit Court Judge (District 10 Part 2) 21370, Andrew Mark Freiberg Circuit Court Judge (District 10 Part 3) 20868, Jerri Saunders Bryant Chancellor (District 10 Part 1) 21620, Donald Leon Shahan Jr Public Defender (District 10) 21068, Mike Hughes Bradley County Commission (District 1 Seat B) 2367, Milan Blake Bradley County Commission (District 3 Seat A) 408, Cindy Slater Bradley County Commission (District 5 Seat B) 140, Tim Mason Bradley County Commission (District 6 Seat A) 1587, Josh Rogers Bradley County Commission (District 7 Seat A) 1456, William E. (Bill) Winters Bradley County Commission (District 7 Seat B) 1571, Steve Anderson Constable (District 5) 660, Peggy Ann Pesterfield Cleveland City Schools (District 4) 1051, Allan Jones Cleveland City Schools (District 5) 839, Jodi Riggins Cleveland City Schools (District 5) 36, Vicki Beaty Bradley County School Board (District 2) 2237, Amanda Lee Bradley County School Board (District 6) 1507, Jeff Lovingood Bradley County School Board (District 7) 1470, Steve Lawson Bradley County Sheriff 12220, Gayla Harris Miller Circuit Court Clerk 11985. 2 11th Dist. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Assistant District Attorneys appear on Tuesdays. Website Judge Daniel R. Swafford. This Court handles both criminal matters and civil lawsuits. Molly Blankenship (D) 103 13% Contact La Shawn Pagn at or 423-757-6476. a district resident for at least one year. The ContinuumCloud Community is a place to find solutions, discuss best practices and connect with fellow users and experts Andrew B. Morgan, a bankruptcy and family law attorney, and Judge Barrett Painter have picked up papers to run for Bradley County General Sessions Court judge, Division 1. To learn more about judicial selection in Tennessee, click here. Fee Schedule. None of the information offered by this site can be used for assessing or evaluating a person's eligibility for employment, housing, insurance, credit, or for any other purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. 2 11th Dist. SoloSuit makes it easy to file in your court: In the General Sessions Court of Bradley County, Tennessee. Tim Colbaugh Constable (District 6) 1586, Peggy Ann Pesterfield Cleveland City Schools (District 4) 1051 The Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct provides information about complaints against judges, a complaint form and instructions, reports of formal charges, and reports of public disciplinary actions since 2008. Tenth Judicial District of Tennessee Bradley County Chancer Court. CJUS8043 Hamilton County General Sessions Court - Criminal Division Master Docket By Agency / Officer 3/1/2023 Page No: 18. Cleveland City Court. Chapin Scholarship to the University of Cincinnati where he received his Juris Doctorate Degree. Trial days are usually Tuesday-Friday. Jail Information. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage . Staff Directory. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. The per capita income is $21,649, the median household income is $41,083, and 19.8% of the persons in Bradley County are considered below poverty level. We strive to provide accurate information, however, is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. Donna Alley Simpson County Clerk 12271 Milan Blake Bradley County Commission (District 3 Seat A) 408 Nathaniel Doss III (D) 350 15% Rose said the bill was warmly received when it was presented before the Tennessee General Assembly on Jan. 19, 2022. We strive to provide accurate information, however, is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. Website. Links are provided to a searchable roster of mediators, and to details about the mediation process, mediation programs, and complaints against mediators. Types of cases handled, office locations, and an online application form are provided. The Rutherford & Cannon County Bar . Bradley County General Sessions Court is located in Bradley county in Tennessee. Ethan and Hailey refers to the children of the late Chattanooga Police Officer Nicholas Galinger, killed by a drunk driver in 2019. Bradley County Commission District 4 Seat B Rich Kienlen 908, Daniel Lautaret 134, Howard Thompson 1055 | Search results include public disciplinary actions, if applicable. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee has jurisdiction in Please contact Bradley County Tax Assessor of Property, Stanley Thompson, at (423) 728-7126. Appeal/other pursuant to one of the following rules, a. Tennessee Rules of Appellate Procedure (TRAP), ii. Please visit GoodHire for all your employment screening needs. Sheridan C. Randolph is the Judge of the Bradley County General Sessions court, Part II, with juvenile court jurisdiction. GOP Circuit Court Judge, Div. Links are provided to a searchable roster of mediators, and to details about the mediation process, mediation programs, and complaints against mediators. ST. of TN vs VICTOR PAUL BRADLEY DOB: 05/01/1972 Atty: Public Defender Count: 1 DRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED Filing: 10/28/2019 . Assistant District Attorneys appear on Wednesdays for Benton Court and every first and third Tuesday in Ducktown. Hamilton County: General Sessions Court: Case Dispositions, Future Court Dates, & Balance Payments: Vince Dean - Sessions Court Clerk: 102 Courts Building @600 Market St Chattanooga, Tn 37402 Phone: (423) 209-7600 Fax: (423) 209-7601 Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00am-4:00pm except designated holidays: For Criminal Court Click Here: Last Name: First Name: . Bradley County General Sessions Court, Tennessee, 100 largest cities in America by population, Tennessee local trial court judicial elections, 2023, Tennessee local trial court judicial elections, 2022, Tennessee local trial court judicial elections, 2021, Tennessee local trial court judicial elections, 2020, Tennessee local trial court judicial elections, 2019, Tennessee local trial court judicial elections, 2018, Tennessee local trial court judicial elections, 2017, Tennessee local trial court judicial elections, 2016, Hamilton County, Tennessee Election Commission: Differences Between Primary Elections & General Elections, accessed May 4, 2014,,_Tennessee&oldid=8149361, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. Helpful Links. Dist. Cleveland School Board District 3 Andy Lay 883, Dawn Robinson 621 |, Bradley County School Board District 4 Chuck Evans 491, Bartlee Norton 581, Josh Taylor 1009 |, Road Superintendent Bradley County Tom Collins 7040, Sandra Knight 5949 | Directions. To learn more about judicial selection in Tennessee, click here. Tennessee Chancery Courts If you would like to help our coverage scope grow, consider donating to Ballotpedia. Shelby County Mayor's Action Center. Circut Court Judge 11th District, Div 2 Mike Dumitru 10575, Jim Exum 6748 |, Michael E. Jenne Circut Court Judge (District 10 Part 1) 20947 Sherry Paty 10,403 56% Bradley County Commission District 2 Seat B Tyler Blackwell 481, Thomas Crye 990, Zachary J. Kilby 923 | Bradley County Courthouse. 10 Bradley County Courthouse Offices 155 North Ocoee Street Cleveland, TN 37311 Circuit Civil Court, Room 104 E-mail filings: Phone: (423) 728-7214 Fax: (423) 728-7210 General Sessions Civil Court, Rooms 204 & 206 E-mail filings: Small Claims and Evictions: (423) 728-7265 BRADLEY M HACKER was booked in Rhea County, Tennessee for VIOLATION OF PROBATION GENERAL SESSIONS. Judges of the general sessions court are elected in nonpartisan elections to eight-year terms. [1], .courts-container { background-color:#fcfcfc; width:100%; border:1px solid black;padding:5px;text-align:center;clear:both; } View All Tennessee Courts. Tennessee Criminal Court Randy Fairbanks (R) 1,918 39% Brentwood, Tennessee, attorney Ben Rose -- who has represented the Galinger family and is not involved in the Conley case -- said the bill was designed for these types of cases. The Supreme Court has established costs and fees for filings in the office of and services of the Appellate Court Clerk as follows: For cases initiated on or after July 9, 2018: Links to forms and self-help resources are also provided.
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