Cessna 210. In fact, the current owner of the third and final 310 used in the show (a 1967 D model), Songbird III, wrote to tell us that its being fully restored. If I ever get the STC to run AGE85 (88% ethanol) that part of the equation is taken care of. In the meantime, Jamie passes all of his knowledge about flying, planes, and flight simulators on to the readers at Aviator Insider. Landing over a 50-foot obstacle in a 310R will consume 1790 feet, compared to a 58 Barons 2498. Then the transfer pumps are run until the idiot lights go on. While propeller-driven aircraft were the primary victims of this paradigm shift, they found a second life in the civilian market. This is primarily because of the exhaust thrust augmenter tubes positioning. FFC constructions meet the Technical Standard TSO-C80. One simple tool that every Cessna owner should use before every flight is a fuel quantity dipstickits a surefire way to determine if the floor of the bladder is out of position and to determine the actual fuel level in bladder tanks. The airplane is powered by two horizontally opposed, six cylinder, direct drive, normally aspirated, air cooled, fuel injected engines. I am a professional aircraft broker who specializes in Cessna twins. Also the landing gear must be adjusted carefully and properly to insure smooth and dependable operation.The 310s fuel system has been unfairly criticized in the past. Long, strong arms are required. Money talks, though, and the true cost of a twin is doubled engine maintenance and fuel bills. Obstruction or Icing of Static Source. If you have a hankering for old and complex airplanes, the 310 might well fit the bill, so long as you know that the initial maintenance bills can be thrilling. With the 240-hp engines, the 310 will turn in cruise speeds of 183 knots (70-percent power at 7,500 feet, burning 25 gallons per hour total) and climb with both engines at better than 1,600 fpm from sea level. Fuel Capacity: 130 Gallons 50 Gallon Mains 15 Gallon Aux Tanks Weight and Balance: Max Allowable: 4830 lbs Basic Empty Weight: 3287 lbs Useful Load: 1543 lbs Empty Arm: 35.19 inches aft datum Empty Moment: 115674 inch lbs Engine Specs: Right: Continental IO470D Serial Number 75850-0-D 1089.7 SMOH Compressions at May 2007 Annual: 72/73/72/75/73 Climb, speed, and range performance on the 58 Baron was on par with the 310s. First came 20-gallon wing-mounted bladders, followed by an additional 11.5-gallon . In 1954, Cessnas entire model line consisted of the 170, 180 and 195; so, the 310 represented a giant leap forward for the company. I elected to have this done at RAM in Waco, Texas, because of their reputation, which is deserved. Cessna Models - 205 / 206 / 207 Models - Fuel Cell/Bladder - Knots 2U, Ltd. (262) 763-5100 Wishlist The Aviator Collection Aero Commander Models Aeronca Models American Champion Models Beechcraft Models Brake and Wheel Parts Cessna Models Cirrus Design Electronics Hardware Lighting Luscomb Models Maintenance Supplies Maule Aircraft Models The cabin on the Cessna 310 traditionally seats four passengers plus one pilot, however starting with the Model 310G, a factory option for six passengers was added. It all started innocently enough, with those 50-gallon tip tanks as the only containers of fuel. In the event of a fuel pump or engine failure, the aux tank on that side becomes uselessno crossfeed from the aux tanks, and no transfer is possible. Though the PA-23 would later be a direct competitor to the 310, the original Apache was far down the scale on power. Because the gear makes the airplane sit up high, new pilots are cautioned to be careful of hard landings. To support buyers I offer a 310 information package [Ed. Used parts- We've parted out over 350 Cessna twins, from 303 thru 441. A fully equipped 310 with wing locker tanks can have up to ten fuel drain points, eight fuel pumps and a rather complex plumbing system. I also had to remove the tank sump quick drain fittings and the fuel quantity transmitter and float. (Such nicknames come from the tank's fish-like profile.) The airplane has a 28-volt, negative ground, direct current electrical system powered by an alternator on each engine and a 24-volt battery. It was a time when many of the now-familiar Cessnas were first introduced: the earlier 140s and 170s were giving way to 172s and 182s. The time between overhaul for the Continental OI-520 engines fitted on the Cessna 310R is of 1400 hours. Twins are popular with some pilots because of the perceived safety advantage of having an extra engine. Approved repair for all makes and models of: Bladder type fuel cells One Year Warranty, Crash-resistant fuel cells One Year Warranty. Distinguishing marks of these early models are multiple rear windows, a straight tail, and tuna tanks, so-called for their shape. If replacing the gaskets on the filler plate and quantity transmitter dont solve the problem, its bladder time. Call (219) 749-2520. Also high up on the list was the fuel system; not for any particular design issue, but simply because theres a lot of plumbing involved. MaintenanceA scan of Service Difficulty Reports shows, not surprisingly, that the majority of squawks arise from the landing gear. More than half of the reports target the main gear. Other variations on the 310 theme will tip you off to the airplane's age. For one thing, the all-electric gear is not particularly quick to stow. The Cessna 310 is not known to be a maintenance hog by most standards. It applies to the 310, 340 and all piston-powered 400 series Cessnas except those with trailing link main gear. The Cessna 310 grew up quickly. LoadingUp through the 310G, the series is about average for baggage space (about average means frequently having to carry some in the cabin). This lesson ought to be clear: Carefully and thoroughly inspect the gear system on any 310 considered for purchase. The Cessna 310 went through gradual changes in performance throughout its evolutions, but the difference between the early and later versions is stark in terms of payload. cessna 310 fuel bladders israeli hummus canned chickpeas Starting on with the Cessna 310I, these were replaced by conventional exhaust plumbing. At the time of our last look at the 310 in 1996, the FAA was considering a stiff update to the AD that thankfully did not come to pass. The 310 makes for a good, stable IFR platform, according to owners, with excellent cruise stability. Beyond the initial production models, fuel was distributed between the two main tip tanks, two optional auxiliary ones, and another optional pair in the wing lockers. Cessna's landmark twin also begat a larger turbocharged model, the 320, in 1963, and provided the basis for the pressurized 340. The spoilers can be deployed at any speed, and the POH permits using 15 degrees of flaps below 160 knots. Ive also followed the advice of many to keep the gear properly rigged and lubricated. If the pulled up section is near the wing root the float part of the fuel level sensor will also be pulled up, and the fuel gauge readings will be wrong. tanks will result in about 8 gal. Depending on the option fitted, this could expand the aircrafts capacity from 102 gallons up to 207 in total. Click here to view the Cessna 310 features guide, Click here to view charts for Resale Values, Payload Compared and Prices Compared, Composite Structures: Limits and Advantages. RAP is an FAA Certified Repair Station (CRS no. As maximum operating weight increased, limits such as maximum landing weight and zero fuel weight became factors. Confused? After removing the screws holding the filler neck plate in place and setting it aside, I worked through the access hole to remove the fuel tank air vent valve. HistoryThe 310 was introduced in 1954, a year after Pipers PA-23 Apache. Well leave it to the reader to decide. A T310R, for example, has a zero fuel weight of 5015 pounds. Crosswind landings are simple due to good aileron and rudder authority. Non-turbocharged models were on offer for around $200000. It is easy to load the airplane, and roughly the same luggage and people which will fit in a full size Chrysler Minivan will fit in the 310, although fuel must be sacrificed to avoid departing over gross. After draining all the fuel from the right tank I started preparing the bladder for removal. That means the 310 flies like other Cessnas, with the caveats about its greater weight and speed taken into account. George, I just did a 182 this summer. The installation has an external filler neck and includes a new lightning-proof fuel cap. In 1969, Cessna consolidated its model line, offering a turbocharged variant of the 310 alongside the normally aspirated 310P instead of the 320. Theres no separate gauge for each tank, though the gauge does switch automatically to read the tank being used (but not the wing locker tanks, which have no fuel level senders). The aux tanks feed directly to the engines, so the only pump that serves these tanks is the engine-driven one. Early models can go four hours. Whether the difference is worth it depends on the desired operational profile, which stands true today where the difference in used prices has kept the same proportions. The result is that, at low speeds, a Cessna 310 equipped with them has a more gradual, smooth transition into a stall instead of snapping into it. Each of the latter can accommodate two sets of golf clubs. The early models can deliver cruise speeds of 175 KTAS, and the later ones better than 190 if needed. At the other end of the airplane, the 310 nose grew, Pinocchio-like, through the decades, making a big leap with the 1975 R model. This, of course, must be balanced against the extra hazard posed by single-engine operations when low and slow. Also, consider it a bonus if the airplane is fitted with retrofit Cleveland brakes; the original Goodyears are known to be somewhat troublesome and expensive to maintain. PROVEN IN THE JUNGLES OF PNG. Reliance AeroProducts International is a FAA Certified Repair Station and provider of fuel cell repairs and re-certifications. Short-field performance is quite good on paper. Cessna fuel selector valve kit 0311070-1 Our PPFSV5 fuel selector valve kit for the 0311070-1 valve, which is common on the Cessna 180, 182, 190, 195, 310 and 320 models. When vents are blocked its not unusual for the floor of the bladder to be pulled up. VGs are also available from Robertson. Smooth landings are the rule instead of the exception. Naturally, the turbocharged 310s are the quickest, showing 198 knots at 10,000 feet (on 74 percent and 31 gph) and 220 knots at 20,000 feet with the same settings. Basic empty weight started at 2840 pounds for the original. The first step is to know which bladder your aircraft uses. Long Range. I think it would sure be worth putting those drains in while I'm changing the bladder. Cessna Models - 205 / 206 / 207 Models - Fuel Cell/Bladder - Knots 2U, Ltd. Many used parts are not listed on our web site partssearch, so please contact us to check stock. The Cessna 310's full-fuel payload varies depending upon the model, equipment and fuel tank arrangement. In the midst of all this, the cabin was enlarged, and the model became a six-seater with the 1963 310H. The competition for the Cessna 310 has changed from its introduction. General opinion of the IO-470 has always been good, and it seems the model has performed quite well in the 310. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. The speed vane housing the Hobbs meter on the bottom of the right wing is a small tab that is compressed by airflow, but due to its diminutive size and sleek profile, and many owners have accidentally snagged it into inoperability. Maximum boost for a sea-level takeoff is a moderate 32 inches. Fuel Cells / Bladders; S/N 18253599 & Up; S/N 18253599 & Up. Takeoff over that same obstacle will take 1700 feet in the 310, while the Baron will want 2100 feet. But the right one was leaking and it did have to be changed. The reputation for Dutch roll and yaw problems is, in my opinion, undeserved. A choice of IO-520 or Voyager IO-550s is offered. horsepower increased and so did demands for fuel. We noted several cases of full or partial gear collapse thanks to parts failures. A year later, this family underwent a modification common to almost all Cessna piston-powered aircraft at the time: the blocky, straight-ended vertical stabilizer and rudder were swapped for the now-iconic swept version with the Cessna 310D. Jamie's partner also works in aviation as a mechanical engineer. At that point the mains may or may not be full, depending on whether the aux tanks have been used and whether the transfer was done with room to spare in the mains. Eagle Fuel Cells notes recommend grounding the airframe to lessen the possibility of generating a static electricity-generated fire. tanks because the engine driven fuel pumps feed more fuel to the engines than they can use except at the highest power settings. It is a challenge to grease the landings, but I make every effort to protect that long, spindly gear. Two major downsides of the Beechcraft offering were the narrow cabin, a holdover from the much smaller Beech 36 Bonanza, and the considerably higher price: in 1980, the base price for the Cessna 310R was $200000, compared to $300000 for a standard-fit Baron. These are managed via a fuel flow selector with main, auxiliary, and crossfeed positions. Due to a spate of less-than-stellar logbook maintenance records that referred to the shop work order numbers in lieu of actually describing the work done, I wasnt able to accurately determine the age or type of the installed bladders. The main reason I went with Eagle fuel cells is because they are made from Nitrile that is happy with ethanol. Re: Cessna 180 fuel bladders. Cessna introduced their canted Stabila-Tip tanks, said to be more aerodynamically efficient than the old tanks. That hot, dry climate went a long way in allaying my concerns about corrosion in the airframe. Early models had Goodyears, which caused some problems. Find more About Us here! if(document.URL.indexOf("/register") > -1){ By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. I fly the aircraft about 100 hours per year and total hourly expenses have been $178. The T-310P had 285 HP Continental TSIO-520-B engines, standard three-bladed props and a 5400-pound gross weight, compared to the 310Ps 260-HP IO-470V Continentals, optional three-bladed props and 5200-pound gross. The flap and engine exhaust configuration makes corrosion a problem which must be monitored continuously and treated when necessary. Sort By: . In an interview with Cessna Flyer, pilot Gale Cawley of USAF, Indiana ANG, and American Airlines experience described his scheduled annual maintenance costs at around $3600 during his 15-year ownership period. According to owners and mechanics, the 470s live a long and happy life under 310 cowls, and the number of service difficulty reports slated for the 470-powered airplanes is proportionally lower than for the IO-520 and TSIO-520 versions. I bought the airplane for $48000 and if I can believe my insurance agent, it would sell today for around $70000. Ells also loves utility and bush-style airplanes and operations. Whether you are looking for maintenance and inspection tips, overhaul and replacement options, or researching the The single-engine ceiling, however, grew considerably in the turbocharged versions. Designed for aisle fit in cabin class aircraft, bottom outlet will work with cabin pressure without transfer pump in most installations. (We do not part out singles. Installation requires approximately 25 man hours; dimensions 29" 17.5" 9". The gap for the turbo models is similar. Most airplanes have just one of these, and its contents cannot be consumed directly by the engines. The props are subject to a couple of ADs: these include the infamous McCauley prop inspection AD (95-24-05) and 94-17-3, repetitive inspection of the prop hub grease fittings. Not so on the 310. We took the plane to a shop in the area with a good reputation for Cessna service. Both bladders were replaced at the same time at the same shop. Control Surfaces!Fresh repaired, exchange, no patches. TurtlePac | Flexible Bladder Tanks for Airplanes This was considered a middle-ground price at the time, but certainly, a jump from the Piper Apache sold for $40000. Although my remans started immediately, ran smoothly, and used very little oil (about 1 qt. About two years ago I installed Power-Pac Spoilers, and likewise have never regretted it. Goodyear Aerospace Corp Cessna 310 RH Fuel Cell Bladder PN 0823343-6 According to Larry Balls The Twin Cessna Flyer, nearly half of all twin Cessna accidents and incidents are directly related to the gear, and a quarter of all accidents and incidents are related to failure of the nose gear idler bellcrank under the pilots feet. Cessna Flyer Association - Step-by-Step Fuel Cell Replacement Next time, Ill polish the outside surface of each tube with a scouring pad and lube the tube with a little light oil to lessen friction. In 1975 a big change occurred with the 310R II and T-310R II. Cessna 310 - AVweb document.getElementById("CountryId").value = 1; When fuel starvation shuts down an engine, the silence is mighty loud. A 310 might not be the most expensive (yet) or high-tech airplane you can own, but in my mind flying one is like cruising in one of Detroits vintage big-block V8s: Shes easy to repair, sounds mean, goes fast, and flat-out looks good. note: Mr. Temple sent us one of these packets. Cessna 310 true cost of ownership | Pilots of America They had 240 HP Continental O-470 engines housed in very tight and aerodynamic (for the time) cowlings. A new bladder for our sample Cessna 182 was quoted at $850, however their Website catalog listed it at over $1000. During the more critical phases of flight like take-offs and landings, these make for a much safer ride for the pilot, particularly in emergencies like a single-engine failure. Removal and replacement labor usually runs between 10 and 12 hours. Prior to installing the new tank I spent quite a bit of time cleaning the bay to remove any fuel stains and dirt. The 310 was Cessnas first modern business twin, reflecting the companys strong growth in the 1950s. Cessna part 1200065-5 Fuel Cell. Come join us! After all the nipples were free and all the hangar clips were removed, I rolled the tank into a tube and slid it out the hole in the top of the wing. According to a report prepared for ASF by Aviation Consumer contributor Mike Busch (a 310 owner), two-thirds of the machine-caused accidents in 310s are gear-related. Float & Fuel Cells - Cessna 310 Series Parts availability has never been a problem. The avionics suite fitted on most Cessna 310s has been found to be on the lacking side by modern standards. from the aux. This is the perfect time to make up a fuel tank quantity dipstick (I know I sound like a dipstick salesman, but they work and they are a simple safety tool) and to make sure you know exactly how much fuel your new bladder holds. . This not only renders the airplane officially unairworthy, its dangerous. As with most structural work, this is a very costly problem to address, but the alternative is retiring the aircraft. This group offers advice and knowledge sharing across all parts of the ownership process, from finding the right Cessna 310 to buy to maintenance or flying tips. Experienced and diligent first time installers must strive to achieve a tank installation where the tank bay is clean and prepped to provide an abrasion-free home for the bladder; where steps are taken to insure that any wrinkles in the bladders bottom surface are minimized and where the nipples arent pulled out of position or stretched during installation. As the maximum weights increased, the single-engine climb rate decreased; the T310R, at its 5,500-pound maximum, is supposed to ascend at 390 fpm at sea level with one feathered. The airplane handles big and is a stable IFR platform. When the auxiliary tank runs empty, it automatically shuts off. The aircraft is certified in the normal category, which means intentional spins and aerobatics are not permitted. Buying Format. The tip tanks became twin Cessna hallmark. That's actually a bit amazing, considering the overall age of the fleet and the complexity of the machines. As for advice, I strongly recommend membership in the Twin Cessna Flyer organization. Used Goodies!We have a nice supply ofthese systems and parts: Engine accessories of all types are in stock, along with many other rotables. The wing locker fuel tanks now have tear-resistant bladders and a new metal containment canister. Micro Aerodynamics makes a kit, and also offers nacelle strakes that reportedly improve stall behavior. Owners groupOwners of twin Cessnas have their own support organization in the form of The Twin Cessna Flyer, headed by Larry Ball. Tanks collapse because the air vent valve tubes and vents get plugged by insects or dirt and dust. These tanks are bladder-type cells which supplement the main tank fuel quantity. This has caused accidents. The attitude that its just another airplane can cost the buyer dearly. Plenty of Model 310 units in the market have undergone a much-needed avionics rework over the years, but it is still possible to run into original spec aircraft, which means a somewhat steep price to bring them to modern standards. You could order one or both of the locker tanks. Hartzell three-blade propellers are installed in a counter-rotating configuration to cancel out the torque, improve single-engine safety, and allow for the best performance out of the engines. The wingtip fuel tanks on the original Cessna 310 carried a total of 100 gallons of fuel. However, this connection returns fuel only to the main tank on the same side as the engine. Installation of the tank was pretty easy. Then I used a mirror and flashlight to make sure I had freed all the clips holding the topand the bottomcorners of the tank in position before removing the bladder. This section of the article is only available for our members. Marine Boat Fuel Bladders; Flexible Water Diesel Holding Yacht Tanks; . Cushioning the edges of the access hole with tape lessens the chances of damaging the bladder during removal (and installation) and reduces the amount of skin rubbed raw while working through the hole. More refinements followed: increases in cabin size, further increases in gross weight, various increases in auxiliary tank size and the availability of three-bladed props. During repair new nipples are installed and repaired tanks are guaranteed for two years. The 1960 Model 310D had a useful load of 1750 lbs, compared to the 2153 lbs achievable in the 1978 Cessna 310R. per 15 hours), the RAM Series I option got me two new props, two RAM converted TSIO 520 EB engines, new hoses, and a Shadin fuel totalizer at a price comparable to what many good shops quote for two reman engine replacements. Cessna Fuel Bladders? - Backcountry Pilot Other recent and notable ADs include: 98-1-8, replacement of two-piece carb venturis with one-piece units; 97-26-17, ultrasonic inspection of the crankshafts with possible replacement; 96-12-22, repetitive inspections of the engine oil filter adapters; and 96-20-7, repetitive inspection of the combustion tubes on the Janitrol cabin heater. Along with that, weight and balance has to be watched more closely. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Goodyear Aerospace Corp Cessna 310 RH Fuel Cell Bladder PN 0823343-6 0823343-4 at the best online prices at eBay! Starting in 1961, the Model 310G replaced the original fuel tank design with the canted ones branded stabila-tip by Cessna, designed with the goal of improving stability. The IO-470s used on earlier airplanes are much less likely to develop cracks. Unique angled tie downs secure bladder tanks for airplanes to fwd 9G plus force safely. The airplane can cover roughly 500 NM in still air with max payload. For the baseline model, the aircraft has a length of 27 ft, with a wingspan of 35 ft and a height of 10 ft 6 in with the landing gear extended. Included with the new bladder was an installation kit that included all new clips, a roll of bay tapeapplied inside the tank bay prior to tank installation to cushion any wear pointscork gaskets and nipple clamps. This 310, with canted tanks, swept fin and short nose, is one of the most attractive light twins ever built. Many were retrofitted with the later, and better, Clevelands. The first 310s, built in 1954, were sold as 1955 models. For example, a Cessna 310R with low-time engines, a Garmin cockpit, fresh paint, and a well-preserved interior can easily break the $200000 mark in asking price. The engines on many 310s are Continental 520s, which have a well-known propensity for case cracking. The almighty dollarAs expected, prices for the 310 vary widely based on age and condition. Fuel capacity of 102 gallons Minimum octane fuel of 100 Average fuel burn of 28 gallons in an hour Takeout weight of 4,830 lbs Landing weight of 4,600 lbs The estimated standard weight of 3.125 lbs Estimated maximum load of 1,750 lbs Baggage capacity of 200 lbs The oil capacity of 12 quarts with each engine Cannot exceed the speed of 215 KIAS FUEL CELL REPAIR Reliance Aero Products UPJR740L). Annuals have averaged $1500-2000, which may seem low-but not unrealistic if you look for an airplane that has been flown and maintained in a consistent manner. Re: Cessna Fuel Bladder replacement, 180/182. Climb rates were also slightly affected: earlier models met their best climb at 1800 fpm, which went down to 1650 fpm by the time production ended. Later model 310s have heavier main gear torque tubes and side brace support brackets. Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days. Call us at 1-800-647-6148. These tanks are bladder-type cells located between the spars in the outboard wing. The aircraft was framed as a purpose-built tool for businessmen to grow and as a long-term alternative to the surplus conversions that had flooded the niche until then. The airplane is approved for day and night VFR/IFR operations when equipped in accordance with F.A.R. Shade the top surface of the wings whenever possible and strive to top off the fuel tanks after each flight since the fuel will moderate bladder surface temperatures by acting as a heat sink. As with most companies products, sourcing spare parts for the Cessna 310 is a relatively painless affair.
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