"Our partnership is a natural fit, because more than half of America's drinking water originates in our forests. The Grand Jury Report outlines all the things CG Roxane should have done, including obtaining a Hazardous Waste Discharge permit and developing a plan for water quality monitoring, required by Lahontan. EWG could not find an Archer Farms water quality report on that website. A Target representative admitted that the report was "not currently set up on target.com" (Target Corporation, Personal Communication, July 17, 2010). A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Additionally, CG Roxane will roll out new features optimizing energy use at its plants, break ground on expanded rPET facilities, furthering its goal to reach a minimum of 50% recycled PET at its plants across the U.S, and strengthen its team with experience in the sustainability arena. (PepsiCo, Inc., Personal Communications, Aug. 27, 2010). Under a Lease and Water Purchase Agreement with the Village of Canajoharie in Montgomery County, the company can presently draw up to 310,000 gpd of spring water from the Village watershed, which is located in the Town of Ephratah . There on a specialized farm, Oregon Rain captures the water, passes it through a one-third micron filter and ozonates it in the bottle. FAQ - New Privacy Policy. As a result, more than 23,000 gallons of the wastewater from the Arsenic Pond allegedly was discharged into a sewer without appropriate treatment. The office said, "To maintain the effectiveness of the sand filters, CG Roxane back-flushed the filters with a sodium hydroxide solution, which generated thousands of arsenic-contaminated wastewater.". They included Fiji, Evian, Trader Joe's and Nestl Waters. (213) 894-6947. While most other major bottled water brands are simply selling filtered tap water, when you drink Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water, youre tasting fresh, pure spring water bottled right at one of our seven natural spring sources. Bottled Water Market Analysis of Industry, Potential Growth, Attractive | Roxane UK is a food production company with two sites in the United Kingdom. CG Roxane Icelandic Glacial Dr Pepper Jianlibao Group Or not. Overall, more than half of the 173 bottled water brands surveyed in 2010 flunked EWG's transparency test. I just bought a Profitec 700 from WholeLatteLove. The Walmart representative again said she knew nothing about a water quality report but promised that the manufacturer would call us directly within a few business days. In March 2013, the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board took a sample from the Arsenic Pond and in 2014 informed CG Roxane that the sample had an arsenic concentration that was more than eight times the hazardous waste limit, creating a risk to the areas groundwater and wildlife. Labels from 2009 listed a specific water source ("Cedar Valley Springs"); only a vague source was listed in 2010 ("Hillsburgh, Erin, Ontario, Canada"). In May 2015, CG Roxane hired two Los Angeles-area entities to remove the hazardous waste and transport it which was done without the proper manifest and without identifying the wastewater as a hazardous material, according to court documents. One Natural Experience Natural Spring Water, Kroger Purified Drinking Water. Revenue. Aircraft Drinking Water Rule (ADWR) Compliance Reports. American forests americanforests.org. The company pleaded guilty on January 9 to one count of unlawful storage of hazardous waste and one count of unlawful transportation of hazardous material. The Lines break down every night because the head of the Maintenance department cant fix anything and hides parts from other maintenance workers. Twenty-nine of the 96 bottled waters EWG surveyed did not comply with key provisions of SB 220, failing to label the required information (and bearing bottling dates after Jan. 1, 2010), or failing to provide a water quality report as promised. In just a single week, those bottles would stretch more than halfway to the moon 155,400 miles. A court case last week led to the firm agreeing to a $5 million fine for the transportation and storing of hazardous waste, federal prosecutors said. SB 220 amended sections of Californias Sherman Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law dealing with bottled water. Instead you need to find the smaller print that identifies the bottling source - currently one of 7 possibilities: Good Morning, and thank you all very much for your prompt replies. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning), Machine Tools, Metalworking and Metallurgy, Aboriginal, First Nations & Native American. Bottled water companies enjoying this massive commercial success may suspect that their customers would turn away if they knew that most of them draw their product from municipal tap water (BMC 2010, Food and Water Watch 2010), or that the plastics used to make the bottles can be laced with chemical additives that leach into the water (EWG 2008). 32 percent provide no information on water treatment. This year's labels include a phone number for consumers; last year's listed no contact information. For water quality and information and a bottled water report, contact CG Roxane LLC at 1-833-276-9263 or by email at ASWinfo (at)cgroxane.com. The Pro 700 should be a piece of cake to descale. We're waiting, we're waiting Bristol Farms Drinking Water - Water quality report? After all, thats what makes it interactive, your thoughts, while you drink it. According to court documents, CG Roxane obtained water by drawing groundwater from the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains that contained naturally occurring arsenic. Hawaiian Springs Young Natural Artesian Water, Famous Ramona Natural Mountain Spring Water*, Good Stuff by AMPM Purified Drinking Water*, Kirkland Signature Premium Drinking Water*, O.N.E. We called again on Nov. 30, 2010. Winds that carry acid rain and pollutants to other parts of the planet just don't come [their] way" (Fiji, 2010). But even though Crystal Geyser is not very . We had better luck on our follow-up call on Nov. 30, 2010, when the company representative promised to mail a water quality report to our office. An official website of the United States government. Each of these components is described below. Last year's label listed no contact information. %PDF-1.3 Roxane Purified Water (16.9 fl oz) Delivery or Pickup Near Me - Instacart Mixed: some new information was listed, but other data provided in 2009 were now missing. Pond sampling by local water quality officials in 2013 found arsenic concentrations above the hazardous waste limit, as did subsequent sampling by state authorities and the company, prosecutors said. U.S. Attorney's Office, Central District of California, Environmental Crimes and Community Safety, Crystal Geyser Water Bottler Ordered to Pay $5 Million Criminal Fine for Illegal Storage, Transportation of Arsenic-Laced Waste, Former Owner of Orange County Wastewater Treatment Company Pleads Guilty to Federal Environmental Criminal Charge, Texas Woman and Riverside County Man Charged with Illegally Transporting and Selling Live Jaguar Cub that Later Was Abandoned, Three Companies Agree to Plead Guilty to Federal Offense and Pay Nearly $13 Million in Federal Fines and Response Costs for Offshore Oil Spill, Crystal Geyser Water Bottler Ordered To Pay $5 Million Criminal Fine For Illegal Storage, Transportation of Arsenic Laced Waste. Read your annual tap water quality report. The tables below detail the factors EWG used to rate the transparency bottled waters. The investigation in this case focused on alleged violations involving the handling, storage and transportation of CG Roxanes wastewater, not the safety or quality of CG Roxanes bottled water. We began bottling in 1977 with mineral water and now offer sparkling spring water as well. H2Om: About Our Water. Stock Market | Daily Penny Alerts Only one means of contacting company for a water report listed on label (a telephone number). 0.5 pts, Report only includes partial documentation of all chemicals tested for Mutual Fund and ETF data provided byRefinitiv Lipper. Explore detailed TOC, tables and figures of Global Carbonated Bottled Water Professional Survey Report 2023 Forecast To 2028. . And following last year's Congressional hearing, GAO report and tremendous pressure from consumer groups, you might expect even the most resistant companies to budge, at least a little. Available: http://fijiwater.com/Ecosystem.aspx [accessed September 22, 2010]. Last year's label listed no contact information. Tommy Gaughan on LinkedIn: Very mixed emotions today as after 7 years The investigation in this matter is being conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Criminal Investigations Division and the . California's labeling lawSource: EWG research, including analysis of 96 bottled waters purchased in California, and personal communication with bottled water companies. Roxane Purified Water, made by CG Roxane LLC, the people who make Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water, is the appropriate alternative to large corporate decisions and mandates. Bottled waters from Kroger, Neuro Aqua, Ralphs and Volvic - Teasing customers with promises of online information that doesn't exist. 2021 CG Roxane, LLC | All Rights Reserved |. 1 pt, Multiple, specific source names and locations listed as possibilities Lists vague water source ("Spring Source: Benton, Tennessee 37307") on this year's label; no geographic source was listed last year. As the first U.S. beverage company to build and run a PET recycling (rPET) plant, were able to recycle nearly one billion bottles worth of plastic a year, which means were not just talking about sustainability were taking action for the planet. Will a RO + Remin system lower my hardness too much? This year's label lists a phone number and website for consumers wanting more information on water quality. Sparkling water dissolves solids like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Subsequent sampling and testing by CG Roxane and its retained laboratory confirmed a similar arsenic concentration in the Arsenic Pond. CG Roxane LLC -3-Pursuant to Water Code sections 13160 and 13260, project proponents are required to file with the Lahontan Water Board a complete Report of Waste Discharge (ROWD) for discharges or proposed discharges of waste that could affect the quality of the waters of the state. For water quality information and a bottled water report, please call: Distributed and Sold Exclusively by Trader Joes, Monrovia, CA 91016, TestAqua All Rights Reserved - 2019-2021 TestAqua Youtube, Alkaline Water Plus Electrolytes pH 9.5+ 1L, Trader Joes Pure New Zealand Artesian Water 3.78L, Trader Joes Sparkling Natural Mineral Water 1.25 L, Electrolytes (Potassium Carbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate, Magnesium Sulfate). Roxane Purified Water, by CG Roxane LLC, from CG Roxane LLC website. Many products bore multiple unique labels; we found that label content varies state-to-state and even within a state and can vary with the bottle size. The investigation in this case focused on alleged violations involving the handling, storage and transportation of CG Roxane's wastewater, not the safety or quality of CG Roxane's bottled water. A bottled water company fully complying with California's law could earn as few as 3.1 out of 10 points in EWG's transparency rating system a "D." To get a higher grade the company would have to also list its treatment method on the label, provide a recent water quality report that contains test results and publish online information on the water's geographic source, treatment methods and purity. Here are some other little known facts that the bottled water industry would rather their consumers not ponder: Footnotes.1 Calculation assumes the water fills 16.9 fluid ounce bottles, 8 inches in height. For only 33 of 96 bottled waters surveyed, all labels and contact routes for water quality data provided the information required under California's labeling law. % The water board referred the matter to the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), which took its own samples that showed the Arsenic Pond had an arsenic concentration almost five times the federal hazardous waste limit. In our test, we found out that Trader Joes pure New Zealand artesian water TDS content was 39ppm and the pH level was about 7. Kicking off supporting SideQuest He had "never heard this request before." To live out these commitments, CG Roxane is promising to create additional opportunities for like-minded individuals to access scholarship and award funds that recognize contributions toward a circular economy. Bottled water tainted with PFAS? New England testing raises alarm When it comes to transparency about bottled water, here are the best and the worst: America's bottled water habit has consequences: every 27 hours Americans drink enough bottles of water to circle the equator with empty plastic containers.2. Agriculture is the leading source of pollution of rivers and streams, but we can protect our water with simple changes in the way we farm. [see all 32], Of brands included in both EWG's 2009 and 2010 surveys, 18 did not label their water source location in either 2009 or 2010. Powered and implemented byFactSet Digital Solutions. 21, 2020 at 12:45 pm. Barcode: 00067867 . About the company. CG Roxane LLC, the privately held, family-owned and operated maker of Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water, announced the brand's second 360 integrated campaign. Archer Farms Natural Spring Water (Target). 2004. Header placeholder lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. CG Roxane Spotlights Sustainability Initiatives, Investment in rPET and For more information, visit crystalgeyserplease.com or follow CG Roxane on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. ?>Ma#ylr'#: %hWr)~O2#iVl YO)n7(?V juP In March 2010, EWG invited the public via common social media outlets to submit the labels of bottled waters they had purchased. The bottled water industry routinely fails to provide information to consumers about the waters specific geographic source, purification methods and the results of purity testing, a new EWG investigation shows. A locked padlock "CG Roxane understands that each tree we plant is one step toward restoring the great outdoors, and together we have brought essential ecosystems back to life all across America with one million trees planted," said Jad Daley, chief executive officer and president of American Forests. Twenty-two bottled waters (13 percent) publish water quality reports that contain no testing results, including Safeway's Refreshe and Walmart's Great Value brands, among many others. Since that time, the company's approach has remained the same, and it's what separates CG Roxane from other U.S. Common forms include sparkling natural mineral water, club soda, and commercially-produced sparkling water. Suite 1200 Basically, the Grand Jury recommends the County needs to never mess up the permitting process when potential impacts are apparent every again. Disappointed in Crystal Geyser Hardness - home-barista.com We started our company in 1990 to do one thing, and one thing only bottle natural, pristine spring water right at the source. NOVATO, Calif. - CG Roxane LLC, the privately held, family-owned and operated maker of Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water, has announced the brand . --- Last year's label listed a phone number and website. practices that could affect the safety of others or the quality of the product: report immediately to . 7-11's bottled spring water label includes this note: "For more information and to obtain additional consumer information relating to water quality including a bottled water report, go to www.niagarawater.com or contact Niagara at (877)ITS-PURE." A statement from the US Attorney's Office noted that the investigation was focused on the handling, storageand transportation of CG Roxane's wastewater, "not the safety or quality of CG Roxane's bottled water. (Private well? Post The label says, "What you hold in your hand is water that is bottled from the purest mountain source," but it does not disclose how or if the water is tested or purified and does not say how to get water quality information. This year's label lists a phone number and website for consumers wanting more information on water quality. "Opening its . EWG is advocating for stricter requirements. Trader Joes sparkling water comes from different municipal sources. On December 14th we finally received an email from the Magnetic Springs Water Company with the promised water quality report, five months after our first request. Roxane Purified Water, by CG Roxane LLC Since that time, our founding principle has remained unchanged. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Crystal Geyser Natural Alpine Spring Water. Couldn't get any better than that. . Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. PDF Water Boards Nothing added or taken away from the water. Last year no water quality report was provided. We expected progress. In 2010, one of 4 labels lists no contact information for consumers wanting more information on water quality. The label directs consumers to a website (www.jrsportwater.com) for water quality information. He had "never heard this request before." Bottler of Crystal Geyser Water Admits to Mishandling Arsenic Waste at A new EWG survey of 173 unique bottled water products finds a few improvements but still too many secrets and too much advertising hype. Perhaps bottled water companies are banking on the state Attorney General's office turning a blind eye, focusing its limited resources on other issues. More than half of the brands EWG surveyed either made no improvements in transparency or revealed even less in 2010 than in 2009. Doing Business As: Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water. This year's label lists water treatment method on label ("carbon filtration, reverse osmosis and ozonation"); last year's did not. 0.5 pts The two companies hired to transport and treat the wastewater United Pumping Services, Inc. and United Storm Water, Inc., both located in the City of Industry each pleaded guilty on June 10 to four counts of negligently causing a violation of a pretreatment program requirement. In 2010, one of 3 labels lists no contact information for consumers wanting more information on water quality. It saves money, it's purer than tap water and it helps shrink the global glut of discarded plastic bottles. See full report. 0.2 pts, Report represents the most current water quality data Working at CG Roxane LLC: Employee Reviews | Indeed.com Quality. Available: http://www.h2omwater.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=53 [accessed November 29, 2010]. 0:03. Taste Radio: Mr. Last year's label showed a specific water source instead ("Ginnie Spring, Gilchrist City, High Springs, FL"). CG Roxane Goes Straight to the Source in its Newest Campaign - Yahoo! She is need to update documents for the Quality Platform. Protect your health. This year's label lists a phone number and email address for consumers wanting more information on water quality. Much evidence, including a revealing October, 2016 New York Times article that quoted the company's founder, pointed to CG Roxane, looking to expand its water bottling operations, as the force behind Roseburg's move to profit off of Weed's water. CG Roxane pleaded guilty to the two felony offenses before United States District Judge S. James Otero, who scheduled a sentencing hearing for February 24. Prosecutors also say the company did use sand filters to reduce the arsenic concentrationthat naturally occurs in spring water to meet federal drinking water standards. It's "coming soon." Public Information Officer Listed multiple possible water sources ("Arrowhead Springs; Millcreek Township, PA/Diamond Spring; Clay Township, PA/ Ephrata Well; Ephrata Township, PA/West Earl Township Municipal Water Supply; Ephrata, PA") on 2009's label; on 2010 labels no geographic source was listed. GREAT TASTE - UNQUESTIONABLE QUALITY - RESPONSIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE - EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST | The Bottled Water That Gives Consumers Greater Choice Roxane Purified Water, by CG Roxane LLC, from the makers of Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water, is a brand of bottled water made specially for the Southeastern Sunbelt. Essentia Purified Water - Water quality report coming soon - we promise. 0.5 pts, Report is either a "typical" analysis or is undated Gerber, in fact, has no water quality report. You decide what best fits your needs. Printer Friendly View. by homeburrero September 29th, 2018, 8:12 pm, #5: Many companies failed to list the mandatory information even in California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42: 1297-1300. Each of these products promises an online water quality report, but EWG researchers found none: 7 Select Spring Water (7-11) - We'll call you back. Get it tested.). Company provides an undated water quality report with information on water's source and processing but it does not disclose the results of water testing. Bottler of Crystal Geyser Water Pleads Guilty to - AllOnGeorgia We represented the overall score as a letter grade based on the key below. Their customers may be swallowing municipal water bottled straight from the tap or pumped from a well to a truck to a bottle and not purified at all. Plastics. Many brands fill their labels with vague claims of a pristine source or perfect purity but no real facts. 0.5 pts, Report lists full SDWA* contaminant list On its website, Fiji claims that its water comes from rain "purified by equatorial winds after traveling thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean.
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