I'm glad CGtrader and its community of supporters is able to make this situation come to an end. https://vimeo.com/739678 The claim Turbosquid made was that it infringed on Games Workshop IPs. If I am searching for a 3D model, I am not interested in 3D printing services, and vice versa. A real pointless task. I really enjoy the chance to get to know other people's opinions and experiences regarding how they sell, network and do business and that is something I have only been able to do here on CGT. You have to choose a category to get a refresh. Yeah nasty stuff, but hey, I better shut up because I'm one of the hypocrites that keeps supporting that place by having my work on it. Fact is and I have been saying it for years is that there is a super limited amount of people who care about 3D. Hi John, you made very valid points. That place is dead for me. In something limonadinis says is true, but I agree with tomislavveg. A serious problem indeed about Turbosquid is its policy of setting up barriers to avoid having a direct link to customers (this includes banning of al communication technologies). Here at CGtrader you can do all of that and much much more which is awesome!! Also could you elaborate on the search and going backwards issue? I think arguments of differences in search are irrelevant when someone is looking for the same model to compare prices between the two biggest players. CGtrader is founded upon the best ideas and the people hoe believe in it and keep supporting it no matter what and hard work and determination always win. I got a bunch of scanned statues sold for 3D printing, some sci-fi characters that are obviously copyright infringements because made from movie licences, and, at the best, less than 1/2 of original characters models, many of them not being displayed because of "adult content". I hope I'll have better selling results there. In CGtrader you can accumulate many until you set up payment agreement. Most people say you get more sales at Turbosquid than any other 3D marketplace, so even if you get a much lower royalty % in the end you get more money, and while this is true up to a point (NOT x80 sales in any case), what most people don't realize is what happens IF your products are NOT in Turbosquid but you continue to sell in other marketplaces and have a bit of patience. CGTrader has a good plateform for selling already licensed things files but not selling the licence,your trapped into owning the licence. with the recent requirements to upload a 3D product on TS, CGT became my number one no doubt, i'm not gonna wast half my life rendering turntables that wouldn't make much of a difference when every seller is doing the same thing. And I've done the same thing on Turbosquid, in the same period of time. We'll let you know about that soon - all CGT sellers will receive via email, so stay tuned! [quote]1. The last handful of successful high end 3D studios still buy those models because they know that the scenes have to be clean, geometry has no odd manifold or abnormal issues and the modelers have to jump through all kinds of hoops to ensure the quality of the model including providing high quality 360 renders. Maybe they have a much deeper interaction with the clients? On "woman", print-ready jewels and scanned models again come in the way. Tom cat cartoon character rigged for Maya 12. I make very nice sale here, and several each month, not as much as TurboSquid, but with 85% royalties I'm not complaining. Every freelancer is corporation of it's own. Payment Method The motivation to backlink and make marketing efforts for the own store (and the collective trademark ad the same time) would probable also increase. still turbosquid has the most paying clients. I think these are questions that every 3D content creators must honestly answer for themselves. Most people don't care a bit about all this. Anybody else suffered the same blows to their sales in the same months as the web updates? With only a few days on CG trader, i can already see it is miles ahead of turbosquid. In this case a collaborative action could be established to make the product more attractive. Be very wary when the artist is from India or other similar countries. Logout from your account and go to CGTrader home page. Hello, This way we let buyers know that cgtrader got some interesting stuff. If I compare him with the founder of Ts, then it becomes clear to me we have a completely different relationship. Escorts jaipur Like when something breaks that is no longer in production like your favorite mug or something. "This is new era, time of old fashioned corporatism is going to be over. 3dsky.org2. They recently changed their search engine over there and when you search for Free models it comes up with a few free ones and many more paid ones so from that perspective Turbosquid makes your life even harder lol. I think John Hoagland already pointed out very well the most direct benefits of doing business with Cgtrader over Turbosquid. [google14]url:http://www.google.com. Has anyone tried selling 3D models on CGTrader? - Quora No overt similarites in armor designs, guns, vehicles, naming- nothing. They can present the model screenshots straight from their helpdesk and ensure the client is not being screwed? Get this item for $ when you bundle it with the items in your cart. I agree with the last post, searching for models should not be a pain. While i've heard that TS support isn't that great in practice and they always tend to exploit sellers, but impression that they're making on buyers must be really good. Free models are posted for lots of different reasons, not just only to serve as an example to show of artist modeling skills/quality of work (sample data). I have always been amazed at how TS can pull off their selling stunt, I've got better stuff AND cheaper on here than on TS but the sales over there totally dominate. It is pretty difficult to find what you want but if you are only looking for free models then CGTrader's search engine is far better than Turbosquid. - CGTrader pays immediately; TS waits until the end of the month. it is a sad reality, some sellers are ready to buy a model of their competitor to post a bad rating. Batman (Rig) for Maya 10. . Just uploading on turbosquid is a pain in the butt. The site owners could also act on other various levels : Hi adentonclark, @tomislavveg, on the one hand i agree with you about that, but on the other hand if i would be looking for models i would almost certainly choose TS as my first choice and most likely as a last one before buying. its hard to run such a business so i hope cgtrader will survive in the future. Turbosquid / CGTrader - Photorealistic Female Rigged TS has terrible support, i had stupid responses from them during my interaction with them. I'm not sure about your analysis. Fine details have been sculpted on the model down to pores and fine lines on the face and body. Ah crap, not sure how that referal spam sneaked into turbosquid link, here is the clean one: https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/cathedral-paris-notre-dame-3d-obj/933856, I think that subsequently only large studios and squidguild members will remain there. The same goes for student projects. Hmm, i went to your profile and i see no negative feedback. CGTrader. i guess both have different orientationone is cg and one is 3d printing oriented. [http://www.google.com google5 ] First of all make great and spectacular models for it and promote it on forums, facebook, linkedin groups and forums. CGTrader just doesn't have the exposure it needs yet to top Turbosquid but I am confident it will surpass it in time because of the quality of it's products but word of mouth is key in this business and people need to be talking more about them. Considering it as a seller, CGtrader is NOT better because I have almost no sales at all while I have about 10 sales every month on TS. If you look around on the net on all the various forums everyone always mentions Turbosquid be it positively or negatively. See this GFXHub where you needed to pay a fee before you could download 3d models of Humster3d, Turbosquid and many other. Having a direct link/communication is also critical in detecting possible needs and potential new business. Rigged 3D Models | CGTrader 3D Models Buy or download free Rigged 3D Models Rigged 3D models are your best choice when you need a character or object to perform unique movements. What this shows is their weakness. (I prefer not to learn/spent time to handle all the different 3D applications and conversions) Send of two customers so far (here on CGt), hoe asked for a maya version of this model. I know I personally would be Heh.. that's another topic but my top selling model is nude. I'm a bit afraid there's always going to be issues that leaves this community divided, leaving CGpeople with a platform not able to live up to its full potential and leaving 3D print people with a platform not living up to its full potential either. I don't know how reputation points work for sellers, they may work fine if you're an actual modeler, but for end-users it's just a dead-end. There is plenty of "undercutters" everywhere and some short-sighted content developers that seem to only care about quick cash-grabs and most of the time doesn't even have enough data to state a valid opinion based on the contrast of facts over medium-long periods of time. Matt Wisdom describes Turbosquid as "a sort of Ebay" when in fact Turbosquid works exactly the same as classic "supermarket providers" where the reseller profits the most from the producers by keeping them totally apart from the customers. I like the concept of CGtrader very much, hope to see the duality issues resolved. [url=http://www.google.com]google2[/url] 2. I remember fighting them at length to try to put my brand name withing the model description or my website link and eventually lost the battle. If the buyer decided to buy after inspecting a sample, the seller would deduct the sample price from another 3d model. They said fraud protection is only reserved for exclusive sellers. We will rather stick with cgtrader and know our models are safe, although the issue with finding CG models on the site is a little problem, but as long as they stay honest well be supporting them rather than supporting a bunch of thiefs and if we need to up our prices then so be it. A good platform should integrate all next gen communication technologies in order to support curent evolution and technological progress. I removed the download limit until we update the protection so that buyers can download much larger quantities of free models. Many do not search the net, they go directly to TS and search there for models. And yes .. "CG Trader has made their world about 3d printing". Often offer to buy the models in 1020 times more expensive than the price at which the model was exhibited for sale. - Forcing people to choose a proper tagging to their objects so that we don't get scanned high poly print-ready objects in the way when we tick the "low-poly" filter, 3D Model jimmy choo. In one case, the model is promising, commercial, and then set a high price. the only thing that has cgtrader extra is the freelance job posting area. (I'm aware this involves many aspects) The reason the model is sold at low price .some models have so many other sellers which can lose models value . The clients like to waste money for a more expensive model at TSquid, perhaps knowing that the artist will get shafted with a measly 40% return, and that's that. The items from CG and TS do not appear very far from each other in Google. - Explaining on a personal basis to certain designers, even under banning threat, that creating very basic objects afters tutorials and selling them for 10$ with comments like : "my best model ever" will only hamper CGTrader credibility ; also that taking a poser or DAZ model, posing it (or even rigging it) in another software and adding a few details to it is still an obvious copyright infringements, if not a simple steal It is currently selling on the of TS is much higher than on CGT. Add a Payment Method, Add a Payment Being between a rock (TS) and a hard place (CT) is a damn round the clock aggravation. Female Hand, Andrey Gritsuk : Hello Friends, glad to present you my ;), My thoughts exactly.. 3d Printing could be very profitable (for CG Trader, and the modelers)
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