Cost To Supervise A Foundation Of 2storey Building Of 6flats << /Lang (EN-GB) /P 10 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) << endobj /Pages 4 0 R /K 20 /Lang (EN-GB) /K 16 You can also subscribe below for even better posts. 105 0 R 106 0 R 107 0 R 108 0 R 109 0 R 110 0 R 111 0 R 112 0 R 113 0 R 114 0 R How To Calculate Architect's Fees - Archccess /K 57 308 0 R 309 0 R 310 0 R 311 0 R 111 0 R 112 0 R 113 0 R 114 0 R] >> /P 10 0 R endobj /Length 743 /C2_0 374 0 R 50 0 obj >> /K 62 >> /S /P endobj >> >> Lagos Badagry Expressway Expansion Project. /Lang (EN-GB) /P 10 0 R /P 418 0 R /K 72 /S /LBody /P 391 0 R Adobe PDF Library 11.0 150 0 obj endobj /P 417 0 R >> endobj << endobj /Lang (EN-US) 9v|aAzz-w{n5|b#g1H7"G!|yNOhDN`cFT%*@q=@W rO!zU /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.2 841.92] /P 453 0 R /P 504 0 R /Pg 18 0 R All substructure is charged fully, while the superstructure is charged as below. /Lang (EN-GB) /P 430 0 R /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P /Pg 16 0 R 173 0 obj >> 258 0 obj 276 0 obj /S /P >> >> /S /P endobj >> << /Lang (EN-GB) endobj /Pg 15 0 R /P 452 0 R /Pg 18 0 R /P 10 0 R << >> /Lang (EN-GB) 154 0 obj >> How To Supervise Building Projects - Nigeria Real Estate Hub 85 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) 125 0 obj 87 0 obj 159 0 obj /P 10 0 R Take the total and that is your total professional fee. I trust you are doing good too. /TT2 375 0 R /S /P /K 25 80 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P /Im1 369 0 R /Pg 20 0 R |T4) Fy0jXTm]ntE2V@O! {x3QkSl3 //6juC5+[jWG ]2jrmZkLMZ,NEh`Yx}sx@tz_pu`d?ikez-Ugk4tK.xmWe_u u>Pn)8q]YS|;+75v>?-BmX57uX_?mI6;X'ovvlzK}_6[d >> /S /P endobj /Lang (EN-GB) /K 20 3 [54 0 R 55 0 R 56 0 R 57 0 R 58 0 R 59 0 R 60 0 R 61 0 R 62 0 R 63 0 R fat Hi Tayo, thanks for your observation. << endobj endobj 10 [123 0 R null null 322 0 R null null null 323 0 R null null /Pg 14 0 R /S /P /Lang (EN-US) /Lang (EN-GB) Whatever kind of material you are purchasing; make sure they will be ready when you need them, in their right amounts. << >> endobj /K 1 << PDF An Assessment of Major Factors Affecting Construction, Project Cost in /P 10 0 R 107 0 obj endobj /Lang (EN-GB) /K 27 /P 10 0 R endobj . /K 1 Quite educative, Sir. /Pg 21 0 R endobj /Pg 21 0 R /Pg 19 0 R /K 28 /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 17 0 R << >> 55 0 obj << /K 1 /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.2 841.92] /S /P >> /S /P << /K 25 Lagos Ibadan Railway Modernisation Project. 140 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) 111 0 obj /P 461 0 R >> /Lang (EN-US) 77 0 obj >> 180 0 obj /P 435 0 R >> << /TT2 361 0 R /Font << >> /P 463 0 R /TT3 375 0 R << Carry out checks on the construction materials required to obtain assurance that the work has been carried out in accordance with the specifications. >> /K 101 /K 13 endobj endobj 280 0 obj endobj 174 0 obj /TT2 356 0 R /K 4 How To Supervise Your Building Project. - Properties - Nigeria - Nairaland /K 128 The balance of 60% is shared among the other consultants. /SourceModified (D:20151028174204) /S /P xref /P 10 0 R endobj Schedule and cost data of building projects were accessed from randomly selected frontline quantity surveying firms in the study area. /P 501 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) /S /LBody /P 487 0 R List Of All Sheets Required In A Complete Architectural Drawing, From Victorian to Parametric: The Emerging Trends in Architecture, Additional site visits other than the single monthly meetings, Site visit or work done during the defect liability period. endobj 286 0 obj /P 467 0 R 53 0 obj 340 0 obj /Pg 20 0 R /Pg 24 0 R >> /Lang (EN-GB) /P 450 0 R /K 43 113 0 obj /Pg 20 0 R ETC is the preliminary amount the Quantity surveyor (QS) arrives at and says would be the approximate cost at which the construction will be executed. << /K 19 /K 15 141 0 obj << 333 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) Once you are ready to start your construction, make sure to have a clear budget, showing how you will spend your money on each element or item on your building project. >> 223 0 obj /S /P endobj /Pg 22 0 R /K 22 endobj endobj /S /P /K 92 /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) 27 0 obj Completed substructure of a duplex by the author /S /P /Pg 20 0 R The total cost of construction in normal [4 circumstances is expected to be the sum of the following cost: Materials, Labours, Site overheads, Equipment/ Plant, Head office cost and profit but in many parts of the world particularly in Nigeria, there are other costs to >> endobj /Pg 14 0 R >> /P 493 0 R /Pg 22 0 R /S /P 135 0 obj 1 0 obj 17 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) endobj /Lang (EN-GB) /K 4 /P 10 0 R endstream /S /P I will focus on the scale of fees but briefly shed some light on time charges. /Lang (EN-GB) /S /L /P 10 0 R /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.2 841.92] >> /Lang (EN-GB) /P 456 0 R /K 16 >> 64 0 R 65 0 R 66 0 R 67 0 R 68 0 R 69 0 R 70 0 R 71 0 R null null 307 0 obj /Pg 17 0 R stream /Length 928 /Lang (EN-GB) /ParentTreeNextKey 11 88 0 obj endobj /S /LBody /P 10 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) /Resources << /Pg 21 0 R /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) Payment system for supervision of work is periodically adjusted every month project value and duration of project implementation. /P 464 0 R /P 10 0 R /P 442 0 R >> stream /TT3 356 0 R /Parent 8 0 R 229 0 obj /S /L /Lang (EN-US) << /S /P How Much Would You Pay Your Architect For The Supervision Of A Four /K 5 /K 7 endobj endobj meet the requirement. >> /Parent 9 0 R endobj /Pg 18 0 R /K 6 64 0 obj endobj Location, project duration, scope of work e.t.c should be considered. /TT7 363 0 R /K 4 /Filter /FlateDecode endobj 43 0 obj 25 0 obj /K 59 /Pg 20 0 R /K 19 171 0 obj How to Calculate Architects fees using the most recent condition of engagement (2016) by clicking here. /S /P << << endobj /K 45 /P 10 0 R /P 408 0 R >> /P 471 0 R /CS0 [/ICCBased 353 0 R] The cost of the road project selected from Nigeria was estimated at $190,200 per km. /S /P /Pg 18 0 R /Pg 20 0 R /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.2 841.92] >> << % endobj << /S /P /K 8 /Tabs /S /Pg 21 0 R /P 460 0 R /Tabs /S /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 17 0 R << /K 46 Make sure everyone is qualified for the job at hand and dont allow any contractor to decide for you. /K 7 95 0 R 96 0 R 97 0 R 98 0 R 99 0 R 100 0 R 101 0 R 102 0 R 103 0 R 104 0 R null 320 0 R null null null 321 0 R null null] endobj /K 5 /Lang (EN-GB) 240 0 obj /Resources << endobj 66 0 obj << /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) /K 2 endobj /S /P /K 37 /S /P 8 0 obj /A 392 0 R << 33 0 obj >> endobj /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P /P 10 0 R /Pg 21 0 R /Pg 14 0 R << /K 24 /S /Table What Are Typical Construction Management Fees? - HomeAdvisor /K 19 << endobj << /TT1 357 0 R endobj << /TT0 356 0 R << /Author (fat) /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) endobj 6 [95 0 R 96 0 R 97 0 R 135 0 R 136 0 R 137 0 R 138 0 R 139 0 R 140 0 R 141 0 R /S /P /P 10 0 R 52 0 obj null 313 0 R null null null 314 0 R null null null 315 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) * Provide advice on contractual and commercial matters. It on us lies on architectural bodies such as Archon and NIA to wake up and protect the interest of practicing architect in Nigeria. /S /P /S /P << /Pg 20 0 R /Pg 17 0 R /P 467 0 R /ColorSpace << /Lang (EN-GB) /Company () /Pg 19 0 R 161 0 obj << /P 465 0 R /P 10 0 R /Subtype /Link 341 0 obj endobj /P 500 0 R << << /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P >> >> Once you break down your ETC with the above template, you then multiply each segment by its corresponding percentage. trailer /TT4 361 0 R /Parent 8 0 R endobj endobj /Rect [0.0 813.736 595.2 841.92] endobj /Pg 24 0 R /K 26 << << >> Make sure this person is actually capable and qualified for the job. /Lang (EN-GB) >> /Lang (EN-GB) How honest is he and which of his past jobs can he point to? /Lang (EN-GB) /K 70 /Lang (EN-GB) 199 0 obj /P 431 0 R /K 18 /Lang (EN-US) /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P >> H|Un8}W,V$%Rl@}YAh- dXx9s8ea?eWMiphvHXQ3rVf@Vdp in]nn=1UBiDmn|Z|&' Q.jf@/Vp?0>(@6_\BK 9gD|DnnM$mvYY@\D~v)JC^L\m1sF"|L0x,IvXoi^3N*bOS:q5(g%9Bgc@KGM+h(xY)V47Fha endobj I explain very clearly, up front, to my clients that "Cost" includes all materials, labor, labor overhead, direct job overhead costs, i.e. ZMP+lzQP#(\( [fuJxh(,z^/jKRyb^w4Fqc)]X?[`%)4#9IS!bQR)?7{'oiq 1u.pv2hYA;A!3aiG/NFDDaRO>{h4FrMJOY}Euf +S19=I z (PDF) Cost Management and Control of Building Projects in Nigeria; The /Pg 20 0 R endobj endobj >> endobj endobj /S /P >> << /P 496 0 R endobj >> But managing the construction in your . << /S /GoTo /S /P << >> /Pg 20 0 R << /P 489 0 R Oversee the implementation of construction works in terms of quality, quantity and rate of progress of work achievement. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S /P /TT4 361 0 R /P 387 0 R /P 507 0 R * Prepare and review project budgets, cost plans and cash flow projections. >> 291 0 obj >> /S /P /Pg 23 0 R Ideally, every architect who negotiates should negotiate without going less than the total cost of the professional manpower needed, material costs such as printing, travel, utilities etc and profit margin. /K 21 endobj /K 29 Today, over 110 companies operate in the zone that have made significant contributions to Nigerias economy through their businesses of pipe-coating, selling pipes, treating waste, and building boats as well as other activities. endobj endobj >> 204 0 obj Everyday tasks include working with and supervising both cost and planning engineers to develop work breakdown structures, performance analysis and provide recommendations and be the direct line of contact to the client for day to day activities. >> /TT0 363 0 R << You can also provide a canteen for the workers welfare and free drinking water to prevent dehydration. <>>> /P 469 0 R /S /P /S /LBody The total amount of cost overruns for any construction project can be fully determined once the project is completed. /P 10 0 R /CS0 [/ICCBased 353 0 R] 177 0 obj /S /P /Type /Page /Pg 20 0 R >> /TT8 364 0 R endobj /Pg 20 0 R endobj /K 25 /S /LBody As a result, there is an urgent need to address the high cost of these products which is said to have slowed down the growth of the building and construction sector in Nigeria.Building materials constitute the largest single input in housing construction. /K 33 /Pg 21 0 R /S /P << /S /LBody >> >> 263 0 obj /P 10 0 R The Federal Ocean Terminal has 750 meters of quay and three births. /K 112 /K 82 >> /Lang (EN-GB) /K 0 /P 10 0 R /K 9 K8\Bk4q/8Ql[gk_]GHi$q /i~$GFVpwbuSPY5?,j~6>I(I'GovHK5CC. /ParentTree 11 0 R /S /L /K 24 >> /S /P /S /P /P 10 0 R /Pg 23 0 R /P 10 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) endobj /P 10 0 R << 65 0 obj /P 10 0 R >> /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P << /K 23 (2017) An investigation into cost overruns for ongoing building projects in Abuja, Nigeria. 123 0 obj /P 460 0 R Your email address will not be published. >> /Marked true /P 10 0 R /Pg 24 0 R /Pg 17 0 R /TT0 363 0 R >> IFB - Nigeria - Development Plus Operations & Maintenance of Solar This article teaches you how to calculate the fees of architects either as an architect yourself or a client. /S /P /Type /Page Centenary City is a master-planned development overseen by Centenary City Developers FZE, in a joint venture agreement with Centenary City PLC and Front Range Developers FZE, as part of Nigerias vision to create the city of the future smart cityalong the same lines asDubai,MonacoandSingapore. Claims on transportation, accommodation, printing, computer, office equipment and other incidental expenses incurred on the project. An Appraisal of The Effectiveness Supervision on Building Projects in >> endobj 81 0 obj << >> >> /Last 7 0 R 48 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) 4 0 obj >> I also hope that ARCON, NIA and now ANCA will do more to provide value for us, their members and the profession of architecture. /K 27 >> /Pg 20 0 R /K 24 /S /P /S /P << AJOL and the millions of African and international researchers who rely on our free services are deeply grateful for your contribution. << endstream /P 451 0 R >> /K 4 /S /P Your email address will not be published. /K 19 /Type /Annot /K 399 0 R endobj 175 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 21 0 R >> /K 119 /S /P /S /P >> /Pg 20 0 R /Type /Annot >> >> /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) >> >> /K 43 << /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P "I probably come close to someone who marks up 1.67, but I know my exact costs," he says. /S /P >> One of the things to put into cognizance if you are to supervise building projects is that you will always be expected to spend more at the end of the day, so earmark at least 20% of the estimate for your building for contingencies. /Lang (EN-GB) /S /LBody << /P 490 0 R /Lang (EN-US) << endobj endobj It is not an absolute amount. /P 389 0 R endobj endstream endobj 40 0 obj <> endobj 41 0 obj <> endobj 42 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> endobj 43 0 obj <> endobj 44 0 obj <> endobj 45 0 obj <> endobj 46 0 obj <>stream /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P /K 6 /K 109 << /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) 303 0 obj >> 271 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) << The calculations in this post were done using the 1996 condition of engagement for architects which is still commonly used today. endobj /K 37 /Pg 20 0 R endobj endobj /P 10 0 R 260 0 obj >> endobj /P 468 0 R /Resources << << << /Pg 20 0 R /Pg 20 0 R Its good to hear from you. >> 317 0 obj /P 10 0 R /S /P In that case what should the architect base his judgement on. >> << << endobj /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 21 0 R /Pg 22 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) 298 0 obj 18 0 obj >> endobj >> Actual cost, cost overrun, estimated cost, Nigeria, building projects. @*V1LPx} aJfHZp 4YoGGW@y`d,71DCJu;F 16 0 obj endobj << endobj /Pg 20 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P /K 0 /P 467 0 R /Pg 20 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) '#g[ 274 0 obj /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) endobj 298 0 R 299 0 R 300 0 R 301 0 R 302 0 R 303 0 R 304 0 R 305 0 R 306 0 R 307 0 R The city is to be built from scratch on a 1,260 hectares of virgin land located several kilometres southeast of Nigerias capital,Abujaand five kilometers from the International Airport. >> /Lang (EN-US) /K [387 0 R 388 0 R 389 0 R 390 0 R 391 0 R] >> /Length 759 >> /Pg 22 0 R 8,47kO:d^"fp`~. endobj AJOL is a non-profit, relying on your support. /Lang (EN-US) /K 15 >> /P 388 0 R 2015-10-28T20:42:14+03:00 endobj >> 139 0 obj /ExtGState << In that case, what will you use to fight back or at least be paid compensation for your property? /Lang (EN-GB) So, its a business decision. /K 14 /K 41 /K 0 Sometimes, because of the emergency nature of the initial presentation and the need to hastily win over clients, architects are often not opportune to quickly consult the QS before submitting their fee. /S /P endobj null 334 0 R null null null 335 0 R null null null 336 0 R /K 10 49 0 obj << >> /Pg 14 0 R >> >> Fig 1.1 Map of Nigeria . << mjd%-@ysqUc465 WDSeL|k|:SUJ%}[I3[;v~/@GK6|wc:m~}gN: ! q:SXtsr.Zbbs3,FfY>fD@,sgro^,kL}Yal]zjg8nrU>pa+|cWa|`o"k[f^_Ck^^7Y U+A5{qj;l/luhTQ'bV, }5k[fcG #QCU Q[(T|YYm /S /LBody << Nov 2022 - Present5 months. /Lang (EN-GB) /K 102 /TT3 356 0 R /P 10 0 R 230 0 obj endobj >> 54 0 obj This means that author/s may upload a second copy to institutional repositories. /S /P PDF Causes and Effects of Cost Overruns in Public Building Construction /Pg 18 0 R /P 450 0 R /D [20 0 R /XYZ 126 396 null] /Font << endobj Delay costs FG additional N679b on road projects | The Guardian Nigeria << >> /Lang (EN-GB) << /P 10 0 R << /Rotate 0 /K 5 << Have your budget. /Font << << /S /LBody /Pg 20 0 R 325 0 obj << Centenary City is the largest and most expensive construction project in Nigeria. << >> << << /Lang (EN-GB) >> /S /P << /StructParents 0 Katya Da Silva - Lead Cost Engineer - Wood | LinkedIn These expenses add to the direct cost of a project and increase the base to which he adds markup. 186 0 obj /P 10 0 R 318 0 obj endobj /S /P endobj 181 0 obj Since you never know what the future brings, the government can decide to turn your building into a road or even a seaport(you never can tell these days). 2 [45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 48 0 R 49 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R 53 0 R] /Pg 15 0 R >> 254 0 obj endobj Please use the link above to donate via Paypal. /Pg 20 0 R /S /P 346 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Waqas Amin PMP - Planning and cost Engineer - Alpago Group | LinkedIn endobj 22 0 obj /S /P /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) /Type /Page /Lang (EN-GB) endobj << startxref endobj /Pg 21 0 R << /Lang (EN-GB) >> endobj 36 0 obj /Pg 20 0 R 166 0 obj /K 89 Supervision of building project ranges from employing project manager to self supervision, depending on the size and kind of project. >> endobj null null null 318 0 R null null null 319 0 R null null 226 0 obj /Parent 8 0 R endobj endobj /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) There must be a setting out of a cost target that will be spent on the proposed project. /K 13 >> 130 0 obj >> <> /S /Table /K 10 56 0 obj /Pg 20 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) stream /Font << /TT2 356 0 R Labour cost for mixing, pouring and consolidation of concrete = 170,000 Supervision cost = 50,000 Casting of ground floor slab = 1,633,300 Therefore, the tentative cost of raising the building from foundation to DPC is 5,193,935 without the contractor's profit and overhead. /Type /Pages >> /P 10 0 R << endobj /P 456 0 R endobj 335 0 obj /K 13 << It may ruin your plans and you may land in a problem with which you have to incur greater cost of solving, than seeking professional advice. /Pg 22 0 R /K 20 endobj endobj Next 30=20%. Are they free from deterioration and loss of strength? /K 30 /Pg 20 0 R /Pg 21 0 R >> /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.2 841.92] /Pg 14 0 R /Pg 24 0 R /S /P /K 7 /Strikeout /Span /S /P 1.2.2 OBJECTIVES This project has the following objectives: To identify the behavioural pattern of building cost within a given period of time. /S /P /K 108 >> iii) In building projects, time frame is part of what is put into when embarking on a project. >> endobj /S /P << /K 78 /S /P endobj /S /P << It has been positioned to offer the South-West zone strategic shipping market and huge job opportunity, with a high prospect of redefining the economic power of the zone. /TT0 363 0 R /Lang (EN-GB)
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