[4][5], In the early 2000s, Lesko became involved in the Peoria Unified School District. Arizona Congresswoman Debbie Lesko is under scrutiny for a statement made to the House in which she said she would rather shoot her five grandchildren than have a gun safety bill advance. Matthew Simon is currently the Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Debbie Lesko who represents Arizona's 8 th Congressional District. Index of Rep. Debbie Lesko's staff, past and present Adler, Chad R. Babb, Alison Dyer Bender, Jeannine M. Branson, Ross W. Bravo, Roberto S. III (Bobby) Byers, Charles G. Jr. (Chuck) Castillo, John Michael Clark, Annie N. Crouch, Sarah G. Delaney, Regan E. DiGuglielmo, Giulia R. Doherty, Kathryn J. 20515-0308 (202) 225 . But there is so much more to do especially in the area of improving healthcare, border security and fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Rep. Debbie Lesko, a Republican from Arizona, added her voice to those calling for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas to resign or face impeachment. Reps. Andy Biggs, Debbie Lesko and Paul Gosar. [1] Post-election analysis He was released from prison in 1992. First Name * Rep. Debbie Lesko, center, speaks at an Arizona Republican Party news conference, Nov. 5, 2020, in Phoenix. > Leadership Previously he served as the National Executive Director of the Childrens Defense Fund, where he was since 2017, whose mission is to provide a strong, effective, and independent voice for all the children in America, with particular attention paid to the needs of poor children, children of color, and children with disabilities. "[42], In 2017, Lesko championed legislation that would allow payday lenders to provide loans at annual interest rates as high as 164%. Hello! 115, introduced by Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ), seeks to implement a "Women's Bill of Rights," so as to "reaffirm legal protections afforded to women under Federal law." The resolution, however, directly challenges liberal gender norms by limiting the statutes to "biological differences between the sexes." What Does Aff Mean In Architectural Drawings?, [22] When asked about the public health risk the rally posed, she responded, "I think the Trump administration and the campaign is doing all it can by doing temperature checks and handing out masks. According to Breitbart News, a total of 80 Republicans voted in favor of the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act. But there is so much more to do especially in the area of improving healthcare, border security, and fighting againstPresident Bidens radical agenda. Paul Gosar's chief of staff tried to intercept a plane rumored to be full of fake votes for Biden: court docs . Senior Intelligence Research Specialist @ US Department of the Treasury. In 2012, Mr. Lesko was the Get-Out-the-Vote Director for President Obamas campaign in Ohio, drawing from his 19 months with Obama for America in 2007 and 2008. Her name changes were associated with Ignas, who also went by different names. She brings over a decade of experience on Capitol Hill. I welcome Chuck to the team in my Glendale office, and I look forward to working with him to assist veterans in our community. [18] The PAC raised almost no other cash and used the money to support Lesko with yard signs, while her congressional campaign spent heavily on television ads. She filed for divorce in September 1993. All for just $15 (U.P. I served as a Representative and Senator from the West Valley for 16 years and also served as Senate President. Her current term ends on January 3, 2025. Since first being elected, my staff and I have dedicated ourselves to helping constituents and addressing issues that affect our district, our state and our nation. Raw files are only available for electronic filers. Box 45388 [55][bettersourceneeded], Lesko was among 60 Republicans voting against condemning Trump's withdrawal from Syria.[56]. Donate, As Governor, Debbie Lesko worked closely with me to toughen immigration laws, cut taxes, and make tough decisions to balance our State budget and support public education. Rep. Debbie Lesko Asked for Safety Plan Ahead of Capitol Riot - NBC New York Skip to content Buffalo Supermarket Shooter Gets Life Sentence for Racist-Driven Massacre Local Weather. Deputy Ed. Top Republican on the Transportation and Maritime Security Subcommittee, Republican Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Womens Issues, Co-Chair of the U.S. House Working Group to End Domestic Violence, Member of the Republican Study Committee Steering Committee, Member of the Border Security Caucus, Western Caucus, Native American Caucus, Values Action Team, Pro-Life Caucus, Fragile X Caucus, General Aviation Caucus, International Religious Freedom Caucus, Suburban Caucus, Baby Caucus, Direct Selling Caucus, Congressional Lung Cancer Caucus, Taiwan Caucus, Congressional Cyber Security Caucus, Congressional Caucus on Diabetes, Congressional Air Force Caucus, Congressional Army Caucus, Congressional Defense Communities Caucus, Congressional Joint Strike Fighter Caucus, Congressional Military Family Caucus, Missile Defense Caucus, United Service Organizations Congressional Caucus, Creative Rights Caucus, Explosive Ordinance Disposal Caucus, Colorado River Caucus, Candy Caucus, Women Veterans Task Force, Bachelors degree in Business Administration, Arizona Senate President Pro-Tempore & Appropriations Chairman 2017 Jan. 2018, Arizona State Senator Legislative District 21, 2015 Jan. 2018, Arizona State Representative Legislative District 21, 2008 2014, Advisory Council member, Faith House Domestic Violence Shelter, Supporter and former member of Fighter Country Partnership (, Served as member of the Ironwood High School Booster Club, Served on the Desert Valley Elementary School Site Council (, Served as PTA fund-raising chairman for childrens school, Served as neighborhood leader with the City of Glendale Community Partnership program, Served as Arizona Federation of Taxpayers Board Member, Served as Elected Officer of the State and County Republican Party, Served on the 2025 City of Glendale Master Plan committee, Served as a hearing officer in the North Valley Justice Court, Served as Legislative District 9 Republican Chairman, Served as voter registration chairman for the Maricopa County Republican Party, Served as 1st Vice President of the Arrowhead Republican Women Club. School administrators disappointed a GOP member of Congress after she was heckled for giving a political speech at a graduation ceremony."Arizona Republican Congresswoman Debbie Lesko, who . A St. Louis, MO-area native transplanted to the Washington, D.C. metro area, I earned my undergraduate degrees in Political Science and German Language in . Debbie Lesko is our best choice for Congress." Governor Jan Brewer She placed fourth out of five candidates. We also need to continue investing in missile defense so that insane madmen like Kim Jung Un cannot threaten our country with nuclear attack. "[52] Lesko introduced a resolution to recognize Medicare and Social Security as an important benefit that should be strengthened for future generations. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. The case files show Lesko was known as Debbie Harris, Debra Ignas, Debra Schultz and Debra Howard. Lesko attended the 2019 "Pro-Life Con" event at the Family Research Council, a Southern Poverty Law Center designated hate group. . Washington, D.C., June 25, 2018 Tags: National Defense , Veterans WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08) announced the newest staff member to the Glendale District Office, Charles "Chuck" G. Byers, Jr. Chuck will assist Arizona veterans and active duty servicemembers in the Eighth Congressional District. "I have five. A A. Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz., on Friday told Newsmax TV that President Donald Trump has a "right" to tweet about ongoing cases involving the Department of Justice, but admitted that he does give Democrats "fodder" to attack. Click here to download my Campaign Headshot. Glasgow Courier Police Blotter, The 118th United States Congress is the current meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.It convened in Washington, D.C., on January 3, 2023, and is scheduled to continue until January 3, 2025, during the final two years of President Joe Biden's current term. [47], Lesko opposes changes to existing gun laws, saying "I think there's enough laws. Her state senate district included the bulk of the congressional district. The case was dropped in 1994. Debbie Lesko ( Republican Party) is a member of the U.S. House, representing Arizona's 8th Congressional District. She also announced that her resignation from the Arizona Senate. Dump Truck Owner Operator Jobs In Georgia, in Political Science and Master in Public Administration. ", I proudly support Debbie's bid for Congress so that she can join me in fighting for a secure border and efficient federal government. Matthew most recently served as Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08), where he managed both the Washington D.C. and Surprise, AZ district offices. Also in 1988, Lesko's then-husband Jeffrey Allen Ignas was sentenced to 10 years in prison for fraud. I will push for this tax simplification. Paul Gosar's chief of staff tried to intercept a plane rumored to be full of fake votes for Biden: court docs . Heading into the election the incumbent was Republican Debbie Lesko, who was first elected in 2018. I will support federal block grants back to states so that we in Arizona can continue to decide how best to spend our money not bureaucrats in Washington. Phil Lovas, a candidate in the Republican primary, complained to the Federal Election Commission and Arizona Attorney General alleging multiple violations in February 2018. $174,000 (2023 House of Representatives Default Member Salary salary), Alternate Names: Debbie Ignas, Debbie Lorenz, Debra Kay Lorenz, Debra Kay Ignas, Debra Kay Lesko, Federal and Congressional Communications Dashboard, Banking lobbyist comes back to Sen. Kennedy, Ex-Rep. John Sullivan (R-Okla.) registers as first-time lobbyist, Trent Lott's grandson finds his way to the Senate, Senate Budget Republicans add judicial-advocacy lobbyist, Sen. Whitehouse adds environmental lobbyist in Budget Committee climate-change fight, LegiStorm has published preliminary staff lists for nearly all members-elect, LegiStorm adds second-quarter house salaries, expenses and vendor data, Congressional Record search and alerts are now available, LegiStorm expands privately funded congressional travel search capabilities, The GOPs Ukraine supporters begin to summon their voice, D.C. > Chief of Staff, Max S. Lesko, J.D. Fact Check. What Does The Bible Say About Forcing Religion On Others, The episode is one of the most outlandish in the . She uses an American common-sense approach to point out the flawed thinking of those who argue that infringing on the. [31] Lesko introduced the Dismemberment Abortion Ban Act in the 117th Congress. Debbie Lesko, the Republican candidate for Tuesday's special election to Arizona's 8th Congressional District, cut her teeth in the state legislature, where she has long . I know a leader when I see one. Trump's former chief of staff, from blocking its subpoenas for more information from him about the runup to the riot. Salary Negotiation Skills: Expected Salary, won her Arizona districts special election. "As Governor, Debbie Lesko worked closely with me to toughen immigration laws, cut taxes, and make tough decisions to balance our State budget and support public education. Learn how and when to remove this template message, 2018 Arizona's 8th congressional district special election, 2018 United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona District 8, 2020 United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona District 8, 2022 United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona District 8, 2021 United States Electoral College vote count, Women in the United States House of Representatives, "Trent Franks stepping down from Congress amid complaints from 2 former female staffers", "Ready for Congress: Meet Rep.-Elect Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz", "Rep. Debbie Lesko's past includes debt, criminal charge she links to 'con-man' ex-husband", "Rep. Lesko faced legal, money problems during 1st marriage", "Debbie Lesko is officially running for Congress for Trent Franks' seat", "Debbie Lesko resigns from Arizona Senate to focus on Congress run", Arizona Special Primary Election Results: Eighth House District, "Democrats aren't expecting an Arizona miracle, but their eyes are on November", "Debbie Lesko Wins Arizona Special Election for Congress, Rallying G.O.P. Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz., is a powerful voice for conservative women across America. "I. She was reelected in 2010 and 2012. In May 2018, she was sworn in to the U.S. House of Representatives after . [22], As of October 2021, Lesko had voted in line with Joe Biden's stated position 13.9% of the time.[23]. [House Hearing, 117 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] TECHNOLOGY MODERNIZATION FUND: REWRITING OUR IT LEGACY ===== HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION _____ MAY 25, 2022 _____ Serial No. Contact | Site Map, Debbie Lesko for Congress . [4] Ignas, now known as Jeffrey Allen Herald, was again incarcerated at the Arizona Department of Corrections, and released in June 2022 on supervised probation. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) caused a stir this week when she took the floor of the House to oppose a gun safety bill and in the process seemed to vow to shoot her own grandchildren. Additionally, he served in the Department of Homeland Security in the Office of Legislative Affairs and the National Protection and Programs Directorate. Prior to coming to HHS, Mr. Lesko most recently served on the Biden Transition Team working on the Domestic COVID response. . Lesko said she liked Franks and never intended to challenge him in a regular election. [42] She opposed Arizona's expansion of Medicaid coverage and sued former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer after she expanded the program. "[22] She defended the rally organizers' decision not to require face masks. Name Title Phone Email; Abadam, Vidalina : Agricultural Economist: 202-690-0734: vidalina.abadam@usda.gov: Adam, Brian D. Branch Chief, Crops: 816-412-4101 Two Republican members of Arizona's Congressional Caucus, David Schweikert and Debbie Lesko, are being accused of joining all Democrats to pass a piece of legislation which would fund a federal vaccination database. I have never seen a tax I didnt want to cut, and I have a proud record of voting for common-sense tax reforms. [34], In December 2020, Lesko was one of 126 Republican members of the House of Representatives to sign an amicus brief in support of Texas v. Pennsylvania, a lawsuit filed at the United States Supreme Court contesting the results of the 2020 presidential election, in which Biden defeated Trump. Debbie Lesko, the Republican candidate for Tuesday's special election to Arizona's 8th Congressional District, cut her teeth in the state legislature, where she has long served as the point. During the time, she posted pictures of herself among people; in some pictures she wore a mask, in others she did not. Ross Branson was most recently senior vice president of EXIM's Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs. Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Debbie Lesko. She and Biggs were among 120 House Republicans to join a long-shot lawsuit that day . from Georgetown University Law Center. [1] Lesko also served as a member of Arizona House of Representatives from 2009 until 2015. The Democrats push for a complete government takeover of health care will leave the American people with fewer options, lower quality of care, increased taxes and saddle our country with trillions more in debt. In this episode, we sit down with Arizona Congresswoman Debbie Lesko, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, to discuss President Trump's election-related lawsuits, the impact of House Speaker. The laws need to be enforced. Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Peoria, wants to continue to focus on the economy. President Obama was a tax-and-spend liberal, and in his short reign, he accumulated more debt than all previous Presidents combined. You can selectively provide your consent below to allow such third party embeds. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Office of Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ) 2 years 5 months Deputy Chief Of Staff Feb 2022 - Present1 year Washington, District of Columbia, United States Director Of Operations Jan 2022 -. Her parents are Delores and Don Lorenz. Senior Staff Editor - Special Projects, NY NYT. In 2017, Lesko sponsored and passed a bill in the Arizona State Senate that created a process for challenging a surprise medical bill[51] when care is received from an out-of-network doctor at an in-network facility. Section Chief, Intelligence Research Specialist @ Financial Crimes Enforcement Network/Department of the Treasury. Arizona Republican Rep. Debbie Lesko opposes Democrats' climate change plans. ", 2018 Debbie Lesko for Congress "I have five. Republican Debbie Lesko represents Arizona's 8th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. I would do anythinganythingto protect my five grandchildren. Wade. ", "McCain and Flake ripped Trump's Putin performance, but other Ariz. reps mostly silent", "Republicans aren't taking chances in the Arizona special election to replace Trent Franks", "Contraception exemption bill may be finished", "Glendale lawmaker defends her birth-control bill", "Birth-control-exclusion bill goes to Arizona Senate", "House approves unannounced, warrantless abortion clinic inspections", "My statement on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson", "How Each Arizona Representative Voted on President Donald Trump's Impeachment", "Arizona lawmakers split, as House takes historic vote to impeach Trump", "The GOP's closing impeachment argument: Denying basic facts", "Biden officially secures enough electors to become president", "Supreme Court Rejects Texas Suit Seeking to Subvert Election", "Brief from 126 Republicans supporting Texas lawsuit in Supreme Court", "Supreme court rejects Trump-backed Texas lawsuit aiming to overturn election results", "Pelosi Statement on Supreme Court Rejecting GOP Election Sabotage Lawsuit", "The 147 Republicans Who Voted to Overturn Election Results", "Lesko, Tipirneni contrast views on health, taxes and guns in final CD8 joint appearance", "Effort to offer high-interest loans in Arizona appears to be dead", "Backers of higher Arizona minimum wage use extra cash to target candidates", "Replacing Trent Franks: GOP nervous even in heavily Republican Arizona district", "Here's where West Valley congressional candidates stand on climate change", "Measure allows utilities to charge separate rates for solar customers", "Your Freedom is Under Attack!
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