This event honorsDr. Lawrence Siegel and Dr. Robert Isaacson '58, Ortho '62. 3.25 CE credits -Virtual,interactive Q&A, 2.5CE credits -Virtual lectures with live presentations, Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, 2CE credits -Virtual lectures with live presentations, Fri. & Sat., June 18-19,2021- 9:30 am start each day. Held in-person, didactic and laboratory hands-on sessions working with manikins, includesliterature references,supervised by faculty (Dr. Roseanna Graham and Dr. Laureen Zubiaurre). Course participants will become familiar with pathological, traumatic, or developmental abnormalities that cause facial and dental asymmetries and how mild to moderate cases may be managed with orthodontics, orthodontics with TADs, and in some instances in combination with minimally invasive surgery. Each major discpline is covered targeting neurology. Providesan in-depth understanding of contemporary treatment modalities. Includes opportunity for case reviews and interactive discussion. Published: 09/14/2022. ), Refund Policy for non mini-residency courses: Full tuition refund will be given for cancellations received at least two weeks prior to course date. 2020-2021 CE Approval Chart. Click here for course flyer. - $69Alternative Medicine for the Dental healthcare provider. Dental office teams also welcome to attend. Dr. James B. Filter by subject, provider and more. With Dr. James B. rm.1&2. Symposium in Oral & Craniofacial Pathology: Review of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist, oral health consequences of smoking, including vaping and hookah Use, A "St. Louis-Style" Oral Pathology Safari, Evolving Your Practice with Comprehensive Implant Dentistry: Prosthetic & Surgical Treatment Provided by the Same Hands, Orthodontics and the Family Practice Dentist, The Sidney L. Horowitz Lecture in Orthodontics, Comprehensive Implantology Continuum, Part II, Comprehensive Implantology Continuum, Part I. Columbia University Symposium at the GNY Dental Meeting: Infection Prevention in the Dental Setting, Columbia University/ICOI Dental ImplantSymposium, Spanish American Medical and Dental Society of New York: Annual Congress, Click here forDENTAL AGENDA & REGISTRATION, Greater New York Dental Meeting - Columbia CDM Friday afternoon session, Advanced Topics in Orthodontics: International Mini-Residency Seminar, Course description and presenter biography, How the Dental Team Can Coordinate Care with Nutritionists, Annual Comprehensive Implantology Continuum, Part I, Columbia University / ICOI Dental ImplantSymposium, At the Crossroads:MedicineSurgeryDentistry, Held inpartnership with the Department of Medicine, Annual Patricia McLean Symposium for the Dental Hygienist, Course description and learning objectives, Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice:#6 -, Snoring and Sleep Apnea: A Comprehensive Review, 2019 Birnberg Research Program - Birnberg Lecture, Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice:#7 -, 30th Annual Benjamin Tenenbaum Memorial Lecture: The Genomic Basis of the Two Major Diseases, Caries and Periodontitis: Discoveries and Challenges. Ideal biomechanical ergonomic postures will be demonstrated and then applied through audience participation. Starts Sunday, March 8, 2020 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Tues., March 10, 2020 - 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. May 12, 2020 - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, includes refreshments. Includes an exhibit hall featuring the latest innovations in implant technology. Topics will include preventative strategies, creation of an emergency plan, staff responsibilities, communication techniques, emergency medical equipment, emergency drugs and their use, and scenario based simulated medical emergencies with voluntary audience participation. This first session coversAtraumatic Extraction and Socket/Ridge Preservation. The University of Iowa. In addition, some wonderful cases from previous years will show up. Explore the map to see each states required hours, renewal details, deadlines, and more. Audience: experienced dental implant specialists and generatlists using implants. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. We offer a wide range of continuing education opportunities, hosting 50-70 CE events annually for dental health professionals, clinical researchers, biomedical scientists, and dental educators. Sun., March 22, 2020 - 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Fine and Dr. Frank Valdinoto. Participants are invited to bring their own lab coats and loupes to the course. Dr. Gregory Bunza sharesan understanding of working with and the Management of Special Needs Patients including thedevelopmentally disabled, frail older adult, and medically compromised patients of all ages. This session is a littlemore advanced. $149.00 for Dentists and $89.00 for RDH The hotels listed below are within walking distance of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and may offer a Tufts rate to program participants. ),NYC, Contact:CDM CE Office -(212) 305-7124; ICOI -(973) 783-6300, ColumbiaDoctors Midtown - 51 W. 51st Street - Registration to open shortly. Location. This first session covers: The Wisdom of Third Molar Extractions with Dr. Eisig; Elements ofEsthetic Dentistry with Dr. Newgard; The Role of the Prosthodontist with Dr. Bittner; and Dental Implants with Dr. Fine. Face-bows and articulators will be used. Dr. Flora Momen-Heravi discusses theHead and Neck Cancer Research: New horizons for diagnosis and treatment. English Such photographs or video images shall be the exclusive property of the University. The most in-depth focus will be on dental trauma and sports related items. Select one or more of the additional dates: Mon. Contact Fine and guest speaker Dr. Joseph Gaudio. By participating in or registering for this course, each participant/registrant agrees that we may, for no compensation, (I) photograph or videotape such participant/registrant; and (ii) reproduce, distribute, display, use or publish such photographs or video images and likeness, with or without such participant/registrants name, by any method for any lawful purpose, including for example, such purposes as educational programs, publicity, illustration, recruitment, fundraising, advertising and Web content. With Dr. Gunnar Hasselgren, Dr. Helen Lu, Dr. Martin Kim, Dr. Letty Moss-Salentijn and Dr. Jeremy Mao. | January 20 - 22, 2022. *. Refund Policy Continuing Dental Education College of Dentistry . Additional topics/sessions:Periodontal Surgery for the General Practitioner (March 8); and Laser Therapy for Periodontists (March 22-lecture only). The priority for course enrollment is: . The university will also have to deal with HB-7, the new law from the legislature. Includes student scholar presentations. Join our experts from acrossa full spectrum of Medical/Surgical and Dental specialties at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center. For in-person courses, course check-in begins 30 minutes prior to listed course start time. Prior certification is required. The course will offer an update in Oral Maxillofacial Radiology, Endodontics, Restorative Dentistry, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics and Orthodontics. Soft and hard tissue analysis and deficiency, planning and treatment will also be reviewed. Hygienist Continuing Education Requirements. Zoom links are generally sent a few days to a week in advance of the program. Fine with Dr. Amos Yahav present a varety of clinical cases and make a comparison between traditional bone grating techniques to bone cement ones. Join the Orthodontic Alumni Society of Columbia Universityand guest speakers:Dr. Candice Zemnick discussesMaxillofacial Rehabilitation-Intraoral and Extraoral ProsthesesandDr. Pradip Shetye reviews Orthodontic and Surgical Management of Complex Craniofacial Anomalies. This course will provide re-certification for those previously certified in Basic Cardiac Life Support through the American Heart Association. Held in partnership with Jason J. Kim Dental Aesthetics. conf. Access 300+ courses 24/7 with a subscription to ADA CE Online. Practice Management Considerations of an Orofacial Pain/Dental Sleep Medicine Practice. Dentistry for Children is fun, varied, simple yet complicated, challenging, rewarding, and especially important. Finewith Dr. Amos Yahav. Healthcare professionals learn up-to-date information on the pros and cons of cannabis in patient care. Alumni reps Drs. Providesan in-depth understanding of contemporary treatment modalities. Guest Speaker Dr. Bruce A. Dye, dental epidemiologist and director,Dental Public Health & Informatics Fellowship Program, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, discussesCurrent and Future Directions in Oral Diseases Prevention and Control. Medium to long hair must be pinned or tied back for safety reasons. Sample of topics covered, include: Anterior Esthetic Zone Implant Placement & Restorations; Diagnostic Intraoral Scanning for Implant Placement; Advanced Esthetic Treatment Planning;Advanced Temporization Techniques;Lasers; the Virtual Sinus Lift: Options; Systemic Health; and more. Option to receive CDE credit is available - RSVP to attend with Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 707 Parnassus Ave, D-4010. Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Division of Continuing Education is dedicated to providing patient-centered and clinical-based education for the lifelong learning needs of dental professionals. Courses on . About Us UCSF School of Dentistry. Guest speakerDr. Pierpaolo (Sandro) Cortellini, MD, DDS, multidisciplinary private practice in Florence, Italy, discussesHopeless tooth, or hopeless clinician? In the event of inclement weather (such as a snow emergency) or other extenuating circumstances, the Office of Continuing Education may be forced to cancel or postponea course. Additional date:Dec. 15. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. If you have dietary restrictions, please indicate this on your registration form and we will try to accommodate. Supported in part by Augma Biomaterials. With Dr. James B. Includes a typodont and all dental instruments and materials needed for use during the 5-day course. Interactive lecture, literature review, and case discussions. And if it hurts, what will make it feel better? A myriad of topics and cutting edge information will be discussed, and include: What is that thing and how do I treat it? ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, not does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. DMD and JOHN GATTI, DDS, MMSc. All Texas licensees holding an active license to practice in Texas must biennially collect a minimum of twenty-four hours of appropriate continuing education, as required by the Occupations Code at Section 257.005, and the TSBDE Rules and Regulations at Chapter 104 after your initial renewal and . ; Evanthia Lalla, DDS, MS; and Michael Bolden DDS. Oct 15, 2022. Course Director and presenterDr. James B. Course Director Dr. David Momtaheni with Dr. Steven Syrop. /Auxiliaries Learn about our course offerings, or register for our Annual Convention & Expo, which offers educational and social opportunities in Amelia Island, Florida. In this course participants learn how to describe a lesion, develop a differential diagnosis and treat the condition. Coversincision and flap design, minimally invasive osteotomy preparation, selection of bone grafts/membrane, and suturing technique. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Grand Rounds - a semi-monthly lecture series hosted by the UW Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. This course will be rescheduled for late winter - to be informed, please email: Format: Hybrid - in-person lecture at CUIMC and via Zoom, Audience: CDM Perio Alumni/Faculty/Residents,plus Perio invited guests and CDM/CUIMC researchers - and CDM community. This section will also examine abuse and human trafficking. Spring courses are up! Day 1: Didactic lectues with focus on science and technique, literature review and videos, followed by pig-jaw surgery and model-based training. Register through Columbia University CDM. As you know, wisdom teeth can truly wreak havoc in people's mouths. Learn about the program, view CERP recognized providers and look up courses. The conversation will then transition to appropriate prescribing practices and will provide participants with an overview of the pharmacology of pain control and the effective management of acute dental pain using non-opioid and opioid analgesics. Rocky Mountain Dental Convention. Continued Dental Education. Held in partnership with the Columbia Climate School, a workshop ontheimplications and intersections of the climiate crisis andoral health training. If confirmation is not received, please contact our office before attending the course. Take one or more sessions: For help registering, contact 212.305.7124 or email: Guest Speaker Professor Eduardo Couve, University of Valparaiso, Chile. We create and coordinate programs that incorporate all types of educational methodologies, quality training, and the highest standards of oral health care by utilizing a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. All continuing education courses begin promptly at 0730 in Classroom A of the Naval Postgraduate Dental School on the third floor of Building 1 and are held from 0730 to 1600 every day. Refund Policy for Mini-Residency Programs: Full tuition refund or credit will be given for cancellations received at least one month prior to the course start date. Small group setting, participants are encouraged to bring cases to discuss. Finewith GuestSpeakerDr. Candice Zemnickas they continue the conversation and discuss the next level up in digital dentistry for dental implants. Tufts University School of Dental Medicine offers a state-of-the art and professional setting for your business meetings, seminars, conferences, and product demonstrations in a convenient location indowntown Boston. Thisprogram ispresented in partnership with the Association of Dental Alumni and the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of OKU. Leadership & Communication Study Club:Focused Leadership - Writing as a Dentist. Register withColumbia University CDM-Take one or more sessions - click on links below for details/registration: Sat. Gunnar Hasselgrenand Sahng G. Kim with guest speakerDr. Maria Pigg, University of Malm, Sweden, discussing Tooth pain Challenges in diagnosis, management and communication. This is a program offered by the Clinical Skills Evaluation and Examination Center (CSEEC) at the Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Center, Herman Ostrow School . Fine and guest faculty speaker Dr. K.C. The goal of the university is to have a broadly diverse environment to foster success for everyone. As surgical guides are streamlined into routine use by general and specialist dentists alike, understanding the steps involved in designing and fabricating such guides provides a better understanding of their application, limitation and use. For virtual/live-streamed courses, the CE program uses Zoom and the virtual space will open at the start time of the program. We are committed to providing you with access to the best instructors, latest technologies, and highest quality educational experiences. The continuing education (CE) requirement does apply to all licensees who have a current DEA registration or use another DEA number (as permitted by law) to prescribe controlled substances. The MDA's continuing education opportunities are built around you! Bring your practice to the next level in cosmetic rehabilitation - expand your patient base and keep existing patients fully satisfied. Fine and Dr. Frank Valdinoto as theycontinue the conversation from Part 1 on the use of short implants. We request that cell phones be turned to silent or vibrate during the course, as to not distract others in the learning environment. C&A WEBINARS. The Florida Dental Convention offers numerous opportunities to enhance your knowledge and earn CE. Date Title CEUs Speaker Location BODEX. Presenters includeDr. Thomas Cangialosi, Dr. Neal Kravitz and Dr. Ravindra Nanda. Location: OFP Clinic at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, In Person, Hands On. Join CDM Alumni Representatives Drs. Office of Continuing Dental Education. $300.00 for Dentists and $200.00 for RDH The continuing education (CE) requirement does apply to all licensees who have a current DEA registration or use another DEA number (as permitted by law) to prescribe controlled substances. Recent recognition of the markedly high prevalence of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) coupled with the significant morbidity associated with TMJ damage has prompted increased interest in both the clinical and pathological aspects of TMJ arthritis. Fine and guest presenters. Continuing education programs are educational and non-promotional. COVID-19 protocols are currently inplace at CUIMC. Evidence-based approaches for the terminal dentition. with Dr. James B. This session is supported in part with materials from: Hosted by Alumni Representative Dr. Karen Lewkowitz in Great Neck, Long Island, Registration required for CDM alumni and non-CDM affiliated dental professionals -, ColumbiaDoctors Midtown Manhattan - 51 West 51st Street, NYC, Held at One Banquet Hall, 181-08 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows, NY 11366. attendance to, 84CE hours (plus 8 CE hours for Symposium attendance), 8CE hours (4 CEmorning session; 4 CE afternoon session), Fri. 8:00 am - 5:15 pm; Sat. Note to Iowa Dental Professionals: Procter & Gamble is approved by the Iowa Dental Board as a sponsor of dental continuing education courses and programs. Dental teams encouraged to participate. Session include current literature review and case discussion. UCLA is widely recognized as the preeminent continuing dental education provider. A list of courses offered to fulfill the CE requirements of Act 31 and Act 124 is available here. Dr. James B. Franais Common and Unusual Oral Pathologic Lesions- Columbia CDM alumnaOlga A. C. Ibsen, RDH, MS, FAADH,covers oral pathology. With a focus on what hed do differently and where things went wrong, the audience will come away with actionable information that they can bring into their practice when confronted with difficult situations. Pediatric dentistand behavior analyst Dr. Purnima Rathi HernandezdiscussesWorking with Individuals with Special Health Care Needs: Practical Tips. Designed for the public/lay person - this on-going series provides free updates on different aspects of dentistry for those with dental curiosity and no dental training. This is one of the top-rated courses for dental continuing education in 2020, focused on a really important concept - guided surgery. If you prefer in-person seminars, live webinars, or on demand courses, we've got you covered. Take one or more of theseSunday morningCElectures and hands-on, model-based training sessions with Course Director Dr. Philip Kang. Dangling jewelry should be removed prior to performing any hands-on activity. Jun 09, 2023. San Francisco, CA 94143-0430. With Dr. James B. Take one or more of theseSunday morningCElectures and hands-on, model-based training sessions withCourse Director Dr. Philip Kang. Houston Alumni Study Club: Regeneration and Innovation. Dr. Philipone presentsSession 3(March 4) covers acute and chronic vesiculobullous lesions, oral premalignancy and squamous cell carcinoma, and oral manifestations of systemic disease. Speakers Includes extendedinteractive Q&A period. Take one or more sessions: Held in conjunction with the Section of Oral, Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Sciences - Division of Periodontics. Distinguished Alumni awards will be presented to Dr.Dana Graves '80, Dr.Laureen Langer '82, Perio '84, and Dr.Uri Hangorsky '74.
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