To clean glass attachments, fill with isopropyl alcohol and shake vigorously until all blemishes are removed. Quartz Cup:Asolid, quartz dish insert inside a titanium induction cup. The Switch is currently on the frontlines of vaping technology and its anything but subtle - constructed with premium materials and sporting a loud and flashy design. Advanced Mode offers 25 Power Settings for the advanced user. Secure the Glass Percolator Attachment onto the SWITCH glass top. Included in the basic package are these ten items: Battery charger. Fill glass attachment with water and place on Switch unit. Additionally, there are at least four different bubbler attachments available, including one that is easier to keep clean, and one that is electroplated to have an iridescent hue that changes color with heating. When using the Switch with flower, we recommend starting low temp (around 400) and working your way up to find the best temp for you personal needs. 25 Temperature settings including a self cleaning cycle - 300-780 F, Up to 100 heating cycles on a single charge, Proprietary Charger Cable and Adapter with pass-through charging, 2 year warranty on the Switch battery, charger, and electrical components, Height 9.4", Diameter at Base 4", Diameter at Waist 2.35", Weight 37.6 oz. RED and YELLOW flashing LEDs indicate an error occurred with your device. To get out of Stealth Mode, simply repeat the above process and choose a different Lighting option. The instructions are detailed, but come off a bit confusing with a lot of overcomplicated language. Through average use, this means a whole week before having to stop and recharge! Available on your purchase. The SWITCH is a desktop e-rig vaporizer that's probably more powerful than the Apollo 11 spacecraft (and much cheaper). Do not attempt to use the device without the Glass Percolator Attachment in place. Read the User Manual fully before operating your Dr.Dabber Switch. Dab the wax into the nail, cover it with the carb cap/dab tool and inhale from the mouthpiece. Most issues with the SWITCH can be resolved with a soft reset. Once the GO button is released, the Switch unit will remember this hold time on all further heating cycles in advanced/crystal mode. This seriously compromises flavor and efficacy. When using upgraded carb caps, we recommend using the silicone seal from your standard carb cap and placing it on your Switch glass attachment. Operating the SWITCH with anything other than authentic Dr. Dabber SWITCH Induction Cups may damage the unit or cause bodily harm, and will immediately void all warranty. The electronics are totally shielded from the vaporization environment meaning the unit is leakproof. [receiving transmission] [initiate handshake protocol] [wait.] [the doctor is here] [all systems go for dab]. I bought my switch maybe 6 months ago and I've loved everything about but today my battery died and I went to charge it like I normally would and it doesn't charge my heart dropped at how much money I spent on this for it to stop working so fast has anyone else had this problem is there anything I can do to make it work again? To change light settings, press and hold the (-) button. Cannabis companies grapple with marketing and advertising hurdles. Do not power down the unit until cooling cycle completes. Make sure to clean out any residue inside the induction chamber before using the self cleaning cycle. $ The devices build quality is also top-tier, the Switch and all its accessories are constructed with high-quality materials and glass thats relatively thicker than most. Video for reference. If it seems like a lot of functionality for just a few lights and buttons thats cause it is. The Dr. Dabber Switch is a stand out dab rig / Concentrate Vaporizer considered the best in the game from a trusted name in Dr. Dabber. $ Discontinue use and consult a physician if you experience misuses symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, weakness and rapid heart-beat or hypertension. While most concentrate rigs have four temperatures, the Switch gives you 25! Consider updating to enjoy the website. Acting as a cap for theSwitchInduction Cup, the ceramic filter creates an 'oven' effect when used with flower andkeeps dry herbs inside the induction cup while in use. In Stealth Mode, the SWITCH glass top will not illuminate, and will only indicate functions with the LEDs on the front of the device. While not great for flower, the versatility is a nice feature and would absolutely do the trick for a group of people who were split between dabbing and flower vaping. This filter helps heat the induction cups evenly for better vapor production and keeps dry herbs inside the induction cup while in use. Why broccoli? Far from average. Hold the (GO) button and power your device on by switching it to either Leaf or Oil mode to enter the corresponding advanced mode. Leave it plugged in until the red light on the power adapter turns from red to green, indicating a full charge. Removing the battery will NOT void your warranty. Glass Percolator Attachment 4. Utilizing induction heating means the SWITCH has a number of advantages. Once the unit is plugged in and the Pink lights have stopped flashing, the unit can be used. All these induction heating benefits work together to give you a totally unique, precise and practical vaporizing experience. The unit should go back to normal functionality. If the LED display continues the flashing sequence contact the Dr. Dabber Customer Service Team for further assistance. ${product.price}, ${displayDate(article.published_at)} by ${}, ${ currentVariantPrice } The induction cups heat significantly faster than any other heating method currently available. The SWITCH is capable of cleaning your Ceramic Induction Cup by running a high energy heat cycle that burns away any remaining residue in the Ceramic Induction Cup. Sorry, your browser is not compatible. Enjoy Vapor. Add a few inches of water to the bubbler before fitting it on top of the base. Yes, yes, and yes. Register your Dr. Dabber product upon receiving your unit. & Elevate your vaporizing experience with Dr. Dabber. Press flower down firmly in induction cups (about finger tight) and make sure to stir your flower in between heating cycles to get the most from your materials. To clean glass attachments, fill with isopropyl alcohol and shake vigorously until all blemishes are removed. The Switch is compatible with our 7 different induction cups. Leaving your unit plugged in for extended periods will shorten the lifespan of the battery. The Switch is a show stopper. Once the lights turn green, you may use the device.In standard mode the device will hold the heat profile for 15 seconds which is then followed by a cooldown mode indicated by cascading Blue LEDs. Did this answer your question? done. Learn everything you need to know about the Dr. Dabber Switch below. You may need to repeat this step. Dr. Dabber Switch Problems Hello All, I just recently got a switch and am an avid dabber using various devices two of my favorites being my 710 e-nail and huni badger which out perform this device in it's current state, in my opinion so hard it isn't even funny. Once the base plate is removed, position the retainer clips out of the batterys path to pull out the battery pack. Thanks for the feedback There was a problem submitting your feedback. If you're looking to use multiple dabs, you will have to remove and reinsert the nail each time you want . The main game-changing feature is the machine's patent pending induction heating system, which offers lightning fast heat with no hot spots and temperature accuracy within one percent. Dry cotton swab immediately after every dab. Due to the nature of quartz crystal, a significantly different heating profile is required to produce optimal vapor density and flavor. When using the Switch with wax and other solids, the resulting vapor is top-tier and very flavor-forward- even on the lower, flavor-optimized settings. Plugin your Switch to keep the session going with the convenience of pass-through charging. The Dr. Dabber Switch is our first induction heating unit capable of vaporizing oil or leaf materials with precise power and carefully calibrated temperature profiles. Standard hold time is 15 seconds. If theres any stubborn residue on the induction cups, you can opt to clean them through a self cleaning cycle. A community connecting cannabis consumers, patients, retailers, doctors, and brands since 2008. Glass, induction cups, and accessories are not covered under warranty. Press the (Go) Button, and place the carb cap atop the Glass Percolator Attachment. The unit is turned off by returning the Power Switch to the center position. 2023. The magnetic field is absorbed by the induction cups. Standard charging times range from 60-90 minutes from 10% charge to a full battery. Read the User Manual fully BEFORE operating your Dr. Dabber SWITCH. To change or replace the battery pack, rotate and remove the magnetic base plate from the SWITCH. Standard hold times are 15 seconds. Even so, it is recommended that you clean out the induction cups after each use with a cotton swab and some alcohol. The rig is pre-set to its basic mode, which comes with five heat settings indicated by the five vertical lights on its face, easy enough. The Red escalating LEDs will illuminate indicating the device is heating up. We recommend setting the temp at 420 for a more traditional vaping experience. Advanced Mode: To access advanced mode, start with the switch in the OFF position. Your SWITCH has standard oil and flower modes, advanced mode, and crystal mode. During the preheat phase the SWITCH induces power into the induction cups to get them up to temperature incredibly quickly. Feel free to check out our instruction videos by visiting our Dr. Dabber YouTube Channel or follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Discord, and Facebook. Please note, for optimal results, theSwitchmust be in crystal mode to use the AlN insert. This gadget can be a bit polarizing, some will absolutely love it, while some will find it overly complicated. Advanced and Crystal Mode Approximate Temperature Ranges: The Switch unit will illuminate the current power percentage in Pink after confirming/changing the heat setting. Your SWITCH has standard oil and flower modes, advanced mode, and crystal mode. $ Scoop up a rice grain sized amount of wax using the dab tool and then press the Go button to start the heating process. The rechargeable battery life is good for over 100 hits and takes just an hour to charge, which makes it practical enough to keep out as a permanent fixture. The Switch heats to temperatures that range from 300F to 800+F, and obviously theres a pretty wide margin between those two points. The Vape Guide, All rights reserved. Dead battery got you down? ${item.price}. Sorry, your browser is not compatible. The Induction system will heat any conductive materials placed inside the induction chamber. The LEDs show various colors that signal different temperatures associated with each one its not something thats tough to learn, it simply just takes time. During this process of absorbing the induced magnetic field, heat is created. Welcome, the Dr.Dabber Switch. Using a cotton swab or paper towel dipped inisopropylalcohol, we recommend 91% or higher isopropyl alcohol for best results, clean any residue in and around the induction chamber. If the component cannot be fixed, we will initiate the replacement/return process. The Dr. Dabber Crystal Induction Cup (sold separately) can be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab. A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights.These conditions may trigger previously undetected epileptic symptoms or seizures in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. This feature prevents the unit from ever overheating and causing damage to the advanced electronics. Dead battery got you down? Completely rinse with water and let air dry. Some drawbacks of dual functionality vaporizers are that these units tend to be bigger, heavier, and more pricey than other single-mode desktop vaporizers. The bubbler attachment can also be cleaned by soaking in alcohol, though the design with small tubes can make it a little tricky if it gets significantly dirtied. The interface makes figuring out the advanced features a little tricky. The charging unit includes an indicator light to identify when the unit is charging. So, make sure you dont lose them. *** CRYSTAL INDUCTION CUP MUST BE USED IN CRYSTAL MODE ***, THE SELF CLEANING CYCLE IS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR CERAMIC INDUCTION CUPS AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITH A CRYSTAL INDUCTION CUP, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, USE THE DEVICE WHILE IT IS IN THE SELF CLEANING CYCLE, For helpful tips and trick as well as all the latest accessories, head over to the nailsinside of the electromagnetic coils. To enter Advanced Mode, start with the power switch in the OFF position. The word I would use is okay- which means it wasnt as impressive as the results with dab and is no match for the best dry herb vaporizers. The overall safety, battery efficiency and speed of the rig make it easy enough for first timers to get into the world of dabbing, and embodies technological advancements that will intrigue long time dabbers. We encased all electronics within the glass to allow for simple cleaning and carefree use. Using water in the glass attachment cools and filters vapor for a cleaner hit. In technical terms,induction heating is a precision directed energy delivery system using electromagnetic coupling to transmit energy in the form of an oscillating magnetic field into the induction cups. Both cups are included in all Switch kits. These curves are essential to the grip especially when you consider its massive size of 10 inches or 13 inches with the bubbler attached. Induction heating is significantly faster than any other heating method currently available and designed to create an even heating surface temperature with less hot-spots, providing a consistent flavor during the vaporizing experience. The heating time is as low as 15 seconds. Use constant motion while torching. (continue to hold the (Go) button). Switch from flower to oil instantly with the Switchs patent-pending induction heating technology. From any mode press and release the (+) button. At the end of the day, it's a Dr. Dabber product, so it's no surprise that this machine's specialty is dabbing extracts rather than flower. All said, the hits produced with extracts are reliably impressive in quality and speed. Last updated on October 6, 2022. There was a problem submitting your feedback. ALN Cup: The SWITCH: AlN (Aluminum Nitride) Induction Cup is the most premium induction cup available for the Switch. If your product isn't working properly, you can reach out to our award winning customer service team by email, phone or live chat and we will get you up and running. The future is now. Pink flashing lights indicate the battery contains less than 10% charge. ${item.price}. The versatility of being able to control precision heat is great, and can make a real difference in the efficiency and quality you get from cannabis extracts even if it does take some practice to learn. You may use a torch to clean Quartz, SIC, and Smooth Ceramic induction cups or soak in isopropylalcohol for 10-20 minutes. 1:Stealth (Glass top lights will not illuminate). Add to cart. If you have any issues with your product, please do not hesitate to contact us as we are happy to assist you in finding a solution. Award-winning creators of the most reliable, high-quality vape pens, wax pens, and dab pens. Place the Ceramic Induction Cup into the glass top and cover with the Ceramic Leaf Filter. And while controlling the modes can be tricky, the clearly marked main button that allows users to switch from oils to flower couldn't be easier. The Switch isnt difficult to clean, but it is a lengthy process since the device has several pieces. Designed for use with oil but can also be used for low heat flower vaporization. We only recommend charging your unit once it reaches less than a 20% charge (One Pink LED)and removing your unit from the charger as soon as it is fully charged. There's no shortage of extras for this rig, at least one of which feels like it should have been included in the standard package. We are a small group of avid Vapers that came together to guide users when buying a new vaporizer and reduce the guesses you have to make when searching for the best vaporizer for your needs. Hold down the (+) button and power on the device by flipping the power switch to either (LEAF)or (OIL). That's leagues faster than any of the convection or conduction vaporizers today. Dr. Dabber also makes the Switch Dab Rig, an at-home use style dab rig with better battery life, quicker heat-up times, more temp options, and a personal favorite self-cleaning mode. Please note, for optimal results, the Switch must be in crystal mode to use the Sapphire insert. The dry herbs always produce an ashy smell when heated at high temperatures. Today on Highly Recommended, I check out the Dr Dabber Switch. While convection is considered the better option vs. conduction- manufacturers are still on the hunt for the best heating method and this is where induction heating comes in. 1 Orange LED is the highest Power Setting (profile equivalent to 800 degree range). If you have a warranty issue, just email us at and we will assess your case. When the charging unit is not plugged in, the LED will continue to illuminate Green. Let inserts/cups cool naturally at room temperature. You may train the Switch as many times as you like, it will only remember the most recent train time. Improper operation can lead to damaging the unit, voiding the warranty, and possible harm to the user. Set to the desired power setting by using the (+) or (-) buttons. Dr. Dabber Switch. Inventors of the Boost Evo eRig, the world's first portable electric dab rig, and the SWITCH, the most sophisticated dual-use vaporizer on earth. The warmer the unit, the longer the cool down. You can access twenty-five different power settings as well as various light shows from the light beneath the frosted glass on the top of the unit. Custom Hold Times: Need more heat for longer? SIC Cup:TheSIC (Silicon Carbide) Induction Cup is an ultra premium accessory designed for use specifically with oil for theSwitch. In general, it has a high-tech feel and will delight the tech-obsessed and anyone who's looking for an easy way to dab on the go.. Choose your power setting using the plus and minus buttons. When you are satisfied with the length of the hold time, let go of the (Go) button. Consistent enough to vaporize top-tier solventless, with no terpene degradation. ${item.price}. Still need help? Let's talk about it. 1-855-362-3227 Get Support Dr.Dabber Knowledge Base We've got you covered with support documentation for all of our vaporizers and answers to our most commonly asked questions based on years of assisting hundreds of thousands of customers.
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