Overview of the Fairfield Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania (Township). The Upper Fairfield Township Planning Commission will meet on the last Monday of each month at 7:00 pm, as needed. Anthony Township Jonathan M. Ertel Elected/Appointed Elected Elected Term Expires 12/31/2023 Appointment Expires Supervisor . The 52 incorporated municipalities in Lycoming County are the subject of the first list, which gives their names and etymologies, dates settled and incorporated, what they were formed from, area, population, and location within the county. Note that former townships are only known for nine of the twenty counties containing land from Lycoming. Visit our inspections page for more information. Zoning - Washington TownshipWashington Township Provides auto-suggestions when entering text. Two other lists dealing with former parts of Lycoming County are included. the Township of Fairfield, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, as follows: ARTICLE I . Interstate 180 passes through the township, with access from Exit 20 (Fairfield Road) and Exit 21 (Pennsylvania Route 87). We are currently conducting mowing throughout the township. Living in Upper Fairfield Township offers residents a rural feel and most residents own their homes. U.S. Route 220 runs concurrently with I-180 through the township. The minimum amount of acreage you can subdivide for each zoning district is listed below: upperfairfieldtownship@verizon.net Act 44 Disclosure Form for Entities Providing Professional Services to the Clinton Townships Pension System. Jersey Shore, PA17740, Phone: (570) 398-0104 PDF Municipality Contact Information - Lycoming County, Pennsylvania According to a press release from the Lycoming . 2016-03. The Park is open to the public. For other Pennsylvania townships with similar names, see, Map of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania highlighting Fairfield Township, Fairfield Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, Fairfield Township, Pennsylvania (disambiguation), "City and Town Population Totals: 2020-2021", "Muncy, Fairfield, Upper Fairfield, and Mill Creek", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fairfield_Township,_Lycoming_County,_Pennsylvania&oldid=1098363752, This page was last edited on 15 July 2022, at 13:26. ?{0 ZozfL?t4L_wgdBP{Bg>[TcOv=a @/}[ n]%P_Z^m_<=CA:e5j~)Z0ppxs\|ZcIE twf_AHN3c.%olP3**>%A_^[.f$' B5dy2x?EqhTznOks:TpuXzugqx0@wcue@rJ#Vh+*[7aJF0K_iMXQh4x:~34\ O8c1**i W^d];Ij]m]7Wk^lUxV|C+QDW:bTF1, imn!=by}.UKq} Hc]{s8O%KA$q,E& ` ^} The following list represents the communitys future development objectives. Mary Ann Lubinsky maryannlubinsky@yahoo.com, Lycoming County Coordinator Checking rates won't affect your credit score. [2] It is part of the Williamsport Metropolitan Statistical Area . Fax: (570) 522-1327 Lycoming County's townships include one census-designated place (CDP) and 50 villages. 18.5% of all households were made up of individuals, and 8.0% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. This was granted by the passage of an act, January 29, 1853, declaring that hereafter the township "shall be known by the name of Upper Fairfield." The Clinton Township Planning Commission is: Chip Frazier, Secretary - Term Expires 12/31/2024. Please contact the township office or Dave Hines at the Lycoming County Zoning Office at (570) 320-2144. Any municipality in Pennsylvania with more than 10 persons can incorporate as a borough. Niche ranks thousands of places to live based on key statistics from the U.S. Census and expert insights. Lanesboro Borough: Zoning Ordinance (Mar. Should any construction or Development involve a Land Development, as that term is . Lycoming County Genealogy Project, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania - PAGenWeb A zoning permit is required in Anthony Township . [4] Neither CDPs nor villages are actual jurisdictions under Pennsylvania law and their territory is legally part of the township(s) where they are located. Montoursville, PA17754, Phone: (570) 368-2486 Penny Rugerri Loyalsock Creek forms the boundary between Fairfield and Loyalsock townships. NancyJanyszeski@yahoo.com, PAGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator (Eastern Counties) Aside from the town center, it is mostly country side. [2] It is included in the Williamsport, Pennsylvania metropolitan statistical area, whose county seat is Williamsport. To view Upper Fairfield Township's Zoning Permit Application go to: Upper Fairfield Zoning Permit Application. B. | Designed By Benjamin Noll. An EPA report published in November 1997 shows that a single household burn barrel may emit as much toxic chemicals as a well-controlled municipal incinerator. Secretary, Upper Fairfield Township, 4090 Route 87 Highway Services | Piatt Township Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Lycoming County is located in north central Pennsylvania, about 130 miles (209 km) northwest of Philadelphia and 165 miles (266 km) east-northeast of Pittsburgh, as the crow flies. Villages are marked with signs by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The purpose of these Ordinances is to promote, protect and facilitate the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Chris Miller, Chairman - Term Expires 12/31/2023. The township is bounded on the east by Mill Creek, on the north by Plunkett's Creek, on the west by Eldred and Loyalsock, and on the south by Fairfield, the parent township. The population density was 228.8 people per square mile (88.4/km2). The first list also notes the CDP and villages within their respective townships. Fax: (570) 320-2135. 2012-0 Z AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE OF 2007 AND REVISING THE ZONING MAP OF FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP BE IT ORDAINED AND RESOLVED, following proper public notice and public hearing, it is hereby ordained and resolved by the Board of Supervisors of the Upper Fairfield Township was called Pollock Township during its first two years of existence. Hughesville, PA 17737 us (570) 584-2672 Home Page - Clinton Township hTA@27PA t^%rb>}0"@H0pB5:'A-=_R %:}EP e ?(P%l-Z+AxI8};HV- ]? Home Improvements that do not require a permit: * If you are unsure if your project requires a permit contact Central Keystone COG Zoning Department at 570-522-1326 option 2 or email permits@ckcog.com. The Oscars will air on ABC and can be streamed on ABC.com and the ABC app as well as Hulu + Live TV, YouTube TV, AT&T TV or FuboTV. He built a brick house on his farm and donated an acre of land for the construction of Union Church, which was shared by the Lutheran and Presbyterian congregations of Montoursville and Fairfield Township. Permits & Approvals Permits & Approvals are required, but not limited to, the following: Sub-divisions. Phone: (570) 322-1018. According to the census of 1890, the population was 771. The second table lists each of the twenty two known former incorporated areas in the county, and information on the modern township successors of these today. 22, 2010) His plan was to spend his retirement farming in the West Branch Susquehanna Valley. Fax: (570) 398-3041 Clickon themunicipality to find the zoning requirements and other local requirements needed prior to being issued a building permit for your project. Upper Fairfield Township has adopted Zoning and Subdivision & Land Development Ordinances. Discover the schools, companies, and neighborhoods that are right for you. PHONE: 856-451-9284 FAX: 856-455-3056 POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. Mills - Loyalsock creek washes the western, borders of the township. Provide adequate, accessible public facilities, services, and utilities for all Township residents at a reasonable cost. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Building: 3260 Quenshukeny Road The Zoning Officer is the person responsible for all questions related to the Township's Zoning Ordinance. 48 West Third Street The population was 2,833 at the 2020 census. Zoning Ordinances | Fairfield Township NJ GORSLINE v. << (2018) | FindLaw Governor Shulze then took up residence in Montoursville, lost even more lawsuits and eventually moved to Lancaster in 1846, where he lived until his death in 1852. To view Upper Fairfield Township's Zoning Permit Application go to: Upper Fairfield Zoning Permit Application Planning and Development Males had a median income of $37,034 versus $22,826 for females. In addition to zoning permits you may require: For more details visit the CK-COG Building Permits Page. Fairfield Township is located in Pennsylvania with a population of 2,810. 1055 0 obj <>stream Villages - There are three small villages or hamlets in Upper Fairfield, viz: Loyalsockville, Farragut, and Fairfield Centre. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. [3] Contents 1 Municipalities 2 Former townships 3 Clickable map 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References 7 External links Municipalities [ edit] Churches - are the Loyalsockville Evangelical, Obourn Lutheran, Mt. Upper Fairfield Township, PA - Niche A zoning permit is required in Montoursville Borough. [4] As of 2007, Schulze's Montoursville home is the "Governor Schulze House" bed and breakfast.[5]. A petition for the division of Muncy Township was read in court in August 1825. Schools - Upper Fairfield has five school houses, named as follows: Loyalsock, Farragut, Fairfield Centre, Heilman's, and Pleasant Hill. Please. PDF Fairfield Township - Lycoming CountyFairfield Township | Lycoming County 518 Cold Water Town Road 4090 Route 87 Hwy. [2] It is part of the Williamsport Metropolitan Statistical Area. His successors have been: Ezra W. Sweely, appointed April 18, 1864; Joseph 0. Susquehanna Township Zoning Officer hVMo0+:nB( Fax: (570) 745-3748. Lycoming County is located in north central Pennsylvania, about 130miles (209km) northwest of Philadelphia and 165miles (266km) east-northeast of Pittsburgh, as the crow flies.[3]. As of 2012, Lycoming County has 52 incorporated municipalities: one city, nine boroughs, and 42 townships. Named for John Cummings, an associate on the bench; includes the village of Waterville, as well as two state parks: Named for C. D. Eldred, an associate on the bench; includes the village of Warrensville, Named for "beautiful rolling land of the fertile river bottom", Named for James Gamble, the judge who authorized the election that led to its creation; includes the village of Calvert and, Named for William Hepburn, a founding father of Williamsport and Lycoming County; includes the villages of Cogan Station (also in Lycoming Township) and Hepburnville, Named for Alexander Jordan, president judge of the district court when formed; includes the villages of Lungerville and Unityville, Named for Ellis Lewis, president judge of the district court when formed; includes the villages of Bodines, Field Station, and Trout Run, Named for Alexander H. McHenry, a Jersey Shore surveyor; includes the villages of Cammal, Haneyville, Jersey Mills, and Okome, Named for Archibald McIntyre, a founder of the, Named for H. I. McNett, who led the drive for its formation; includes the villages of Chemung, Ellenton, Leolyn, Penbryn, and Roaring Branch, Named for a legend that the acres surveyed here were larger than a standard acre; includes the village of Opp, Named for the Indian phrase, "Nippeno-wi", meaning a warm and genial summer like place; includes the village of Antes Fort, which was named for, Named for William Piatt, an associate county judge when it was created; includes the village of Larryville, Named for its vast stands of pine trees; includes the villages of English Center and Oregon Hill, Originally named "Pollock Township" for local judge, name changed to Fairfield Township in 1853; includes the villages of Farragut and Loyalsockville, Named for Apollos Woodward, an associate judge; includes the village of Linden, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 19:21.
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