It's all right! MARLIN: Are you woozy? MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! What! Marlin: No, its not OK. You shouldnt be anywhere near here! Finding Nemo "G'day mate! Nemo is the only surviving egg and he grows up in his father's anemone before getting lost on a crazy adventure! Wheres the mask?! My first escape, landed on dental tools. MARLIN: Wait, I have definitely seen this floating speck before. MOONFISH: What, is he bothering you again? From the ocean. After accidentally landing from the California Current into the wreckage of a sunken container ship, crabs keep shushing Dory, Marlin, and Nemo as they swim along. Hes gonna clean the tank! They were excited to be first-time parents and discussed the eggs' names. CRUSH: Oh, saw the whole thing, dude. How do you know something bad isnt gonna happen?! [sizzling] [Marlin screaming]. I told you all about the deleted version of the barracuda attack from Finding Nemo. Marlin: You better believe they did-- every single one of them. The Ring of Fire, you said you could do it the Ring of Fire! The DVD was released on June 23, 2005. In real life, barracudas do not eat fish eggs and rarely eat clownfish. Finding Marlin Directed by Andrew Stanton Screenplay by Andrew Stanton Bob Peterson Story by Andrew Stanton Produced by Bob Peterson Lee Unkrich Executive Producer (s) John Lasseter Starring Albert Brooks Ferdia Shaw Ellen DeGeneres Elizabeth Perkins Michael Keaton Music by Michael Giacchino Cinematography Jeremy Lasky Edited by Axel Geddes You'll never get out of there yourself. PELICAN: Hey, Nigel. Can you hear me?! He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows. And by the looks of those X-rays. Theres a lot of pressure! BOB: Well, look whos out of the anemone. Come on! But it also ends with a mini cliffhanger: the Tank Gang, a posse of fish stuck with Nemo in a dentist's office, makes it to the ocean stuck in plastic bags. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney." OK, I cant see a thing. Some sort of sportfish or something: tuna, uh, trout NIGEL: Thats it! I do, I do! BILL: You know for a clownfish, he really isn't that funny. Pixar's second feature film, A Bug's Life, was a technological achievement in terms of animation and attention to detail upon its release in 1998 (and remains so 23 years later), and a lot of . (a diver flashes him.) [gasps] I remember what it said! Come on, first day of school! Cause youre about to eat my bubbles!! MARLIN: Hes not coming back. Nemo! I dont believe this! In the afternoon, I was at McDonald's to get a 10-piece Chicken Nuggets, Bacon Cheeseburger, French Fries and Coca-Cola. Dialogue for each scene is seperated by a line | | of equal signs (=). I can read! I need to and theyre gone again. And Im going to need a few cotton rolls. As revealed through the Finding Dory commentary, one of the writers for Finding Dory wanted the final shot of the sequel to be the Barracuda looking hungrily at the reef right before "The End" appears on the screen. It makes its food with the rays of the sun, Mr. Ray: OK, the drop off. Shes my niece. It's worth noting that this was foreshadowed by the aforementioned jump scare. We can look together. Take a guess! You're OK. Hows the lucky fin? Don't do this! "Finding Nemo" has some accurate science facts baked in. We have 4.2 minutes. Maybe he wouldnt have done it if I hadnt been so tough on him, I dont know. NEMO: Wow! Bruce: Thats all right, Chum. NEMO: Dad, youre not gonna freak out like you did at the petting zoo, are you? DORY: P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. MARLIN: I dont want a hurt your feelings.. MARLIN: Well, I mean not. Get up! Hello! You know you cant swim well! Steady! The Barracuda is the overarching antagonist of Finding Nemo. All right, gang. Im not saying youre not looking Kathy: Oh, my gosh! Marlin: Nemo? NIGEL: Nemo?! "Look at me. NEMO: Yay! Lots of legs, lives in the ocean. DORY: OK Im thinking of something, orange. Come on, were gonna swim over this thing. So give me some fin, noggin. finding nemo deleted scenes barracuda. Where does P. Sherman live? Very carefully, wedge that pebble into the fan to stop it turning. Nothing to see. Dory: No, its not. Hope he doesnt get surplus sealer at the portal terminus. Help me, please!!! Just because youre scared of the ocean Marlin: Clearly, youre not ready. GURGLE: My nerves cant take much more of this. Hi, how are you? Fictional Characters Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Yeah! Nemo, Nemo! The barracuda just hanging there in the water silently waiting to strike was pretty terrifying too. Everything goes normal in the scene, but when Marlin says: ''WATCH OUT!!! Go to the window! Its all right, I understand. Marlin: Well, I remember. MOONFISH: [mockingly] Will somebody please give me directions?! Dory: It went, this way! Youre not dead! Big current, cant miss it, its in..that direction. Weeping over the loss of his mate and children, Marlin found the one lonely surviving egg and named it "Nemo" to honor his late mate's wish to name one of their children "Nemo". And at the very beginning, there was a warning. After that horrible experience, we dropped it out, and replaced it with a better one for children and the audience. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. A few years later, when Marlin and Coral's sole surviving son Nemo has grown into a kid (with a little right fin due to slight damage his egg received from the barracuda attack), it is shown that Coral and her children's deaths have greatly affected Marlin, which have caused him to become increasingly overprotective to the point where he does not allow Nemo to go out of the anemone much. Dr. Phillip Sherman: Barbara? Stay awake! BLOAT: Whatre we gonna do when that little brat gets here? Swim down!! Coral is so worried about the eggs she has laid nearby that she cannot bring herself to flee home."[1]. Sherman! MARLIN: Just keep swimming!! Nemos gone and Im going home now. Your tank environment every five minutes?! Coral: My man delivered. Marlin: No!! Whered you go? The DVD opened with the Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo, then it showed the preview of "The Incredibles (2004)". Frank Welker (uncredited) two little clown fish, making to hide. Made worse a scene later when it shows Marlin and Dory in the whale's mouth. Fireworks: Disneyland Forever Happily Ever After Ignite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light Momentous Together Forever: A Pixar Nighttime Spectacular Illuminate! Theres a mollusk, see? Theres a screaming bottom turn, so watch out! Im sorry I couldnt get you back to your father, kid. Im gonna go touch the butt! MARLIN: All right, I know one joke. After eating at McDonald's, I went home from McDonald's. He was taken off the reef by divers and this.. NIGEL: Say that again! In the film, this just makes Marlin that much more protective of his son. Alternate wiggling your fins and your tail. Marlin awakens to find that the barracuda has left from sight. If you find an email that was sent by Pixar about a deleted scene from one of the movies, don't watch it. Im your conscience. Fish got your tongue? TURTLE KID 4: Did you really cross the jellyfish forest? No!! No pressure!!!! What happened to them? Fang Ready or not, here I come!! DORY: You mean [whimpers] You mean you dont like me? And I know funny Im a clownfish! Video of the opening scenes: Finding Nemo - Nemo Egg Scene Theyll wake up, poke their little heads out, and they see a whale! MARLIN: Will somebody please give me directions?! Hey, conscience. In the original storyboard of the movie, there was supposed to be a brief scene where the audience could see Coral and the eggs inside the Barracuda's mouth, but the scene was later deleted. Dory! What is going on?! I dont want to forget. Swim down!! Its time for school! I dont want them to go away. BLOAT: There I go! Think dirty thoughts. BUBBLES: Bubbles!!! Marlin whispered. If you know anything about them they're torpedoes with razor-sharp teeth. You got serious thrill issues, dude. BARBARA: Darla, youre uncle will see you now. GILL: Hes fine, he can do this! In the 3-D re-release, when the barracuda closes its teeth, its bottom lip is shown. Get the mask! WAAAAAAAAAOOOOOO!!! Dory: Sorry, youll have to come back later. GILL: Im thinking, tonight, we give the kid a proper reception. Were just, were..hey, do you guys know how I can get to MOONFISH: Look, pal. Unlike the other sea dwellers who behave slightly human due to the nature of the film, these things have no defining features and behave realistically. (the whale's tongue goes up, making Marlin and Dory fall, they grab the taste buds). Come on, little fella. Lets go! I usually forget things, but I remembered it this time! Where did everybody go? Didnt it sound a little orca-ish? Who is this Sandy Plankton who knows everything wrong? And sometimes its a good thing. This is bad, Dory. Well, actually the mollusk isnt moving. Thats great! And then you were like, whoa. MARLIN No, youre insane!! A screenshot of Barracuda snarling at Marlin and Coral. In a similar vein to Glut the Shark from. The picture broke. Slightly annoyed, Coral reminds him that there's over 400 eggs and at least one of them of bound to like him then swims into the anemone. MARLIN: Dory! hold my fin. Lost Episode Creepypasta Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Helping along, thats me. DORY: Huh. Hey, little fella. GILL: You gotta be quick. Ill talk!!! [Marlin groaning] Coral!!! Thats good! As Marlin rushes in to stop her from getting their children to safety, the barracuda smacks him with his tail, knocking him into unconsciousness. LOCK IN (End of Act One) Finding Nemo: Deleted Coral Death Sequence Edit Coral was originally the wife of Marlin's and Nemo's biological mother. MARLIN: I would feel better if you go play over on the sponge beds. Are you sure you speak whale? Then right as Marlin attempts to swim to him, another diver appears in front of the reef, not only blocking him, but also takes a snapshot of him, with the flash blinding him. Its you!!! Its foolproof! [Beyond The Sea by Robbie Williams playing], Scene 1: Marlin and Coral's New Life/Barracuda Attack/Nemo, Scene 10: Marlin meets Crush/Marlin's story, Scene 14: Inside the Whale/Arriving at Sydney Harbor, Winnie the Pooh: Sing a Song with Pooh Bear/Home media. My mom went to go see her friend to visit. Marlin: Youre gonna get stuck out there, and Ill have to get you before another fish does! It was labelled as "Finding Nemo - Lost Internship Recreation of Barracuda Attack". Its actually shorter than all my other tentacles but you cant really tell.Especially when I twirl them like this. (Marlin is shocked and visibly hurt at what his son just said). - YouTube 0:00 / 0:34 Finding Nemo 3D edits I noticed!! Its gonna be OK. None of them were walking, so forget that I.. BOB: Sheldon! Now, do you all have your friends? RELATED: Finding Nemo's 5 Funniest (& 5 Saddest) Moments. DORY: Im sorry, but if you could just bring it a little closer, I kind of need the light. BUBBLES: Wow. Balloons! DORY: Partner. Shell be here Friday to pick you up. In real life, barracuda do not eat clownfish (or any other kind of fish) eggs. MARLIN: All right, heres the game. MR. RAY: OK, OK, dont hurt yourself. MR. RAY: [singing] Oh Lets name the zones, the zones, the zones. Coral, Marlin (attacking coral) "RAAARARGGGHH!!! PEACH: Honey, your dads probably back at the pet store. Nemo is a young clownfish who lives with his father, Marlin, in a sea anemone. Bruce: Yeah, right a party! The moment she moves, the barracuda attacks. They took my son!!! You think you can do these things but you just cant, Nemo! I really do like it. Shh! Hey, Ive seen a boat. Turtle is my father. MARLIN: No, youre doing fine! MARLIN: Dory! Little red flag going up. Marlin: So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didnt think that we were gonna get the whole ocean, did you? NEMO: We have to tell all the fish to swim down together! DORY: P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. MARLIN: Yep. Its time for school. But, Dory you don't gracefully understand. I was so shocked and my brother started crying. Wait! There are as many protein pairs contained in this. MARLIN: Well, apparently, I mustve done something you all likes dude. The sole survivor of a terrible barracuda attack, Nemo was born with a withered fin. Its because I like you I dont want a be with you. No worries, man! MARLIN: It doesn't sound orca. You probably missed the big reveal, but up on a wall in the shop is the evil barracuda stuffed and mounted. A deleted scene on the film's Blu-Ray shows what might have been. SHERMAN: What the?! When i put the DVD, it shows a menu same like the Finding nemo but when i clicked play, it bring me to the scene selection instead of starting the movie. MARLIN: All right, Im up. Hey! Why should this be any different? Little dudes are just eggs, leave em on the beach to hatch, then coo-coo-ca-choo, they find their way back to the big ol blue. Todays meeting is step five. OK, were done! Plus the way it just comes up from behind them (. I'll do it. What do these markings mean? Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Hes travelled hundreds of miles. Something telling me we should swim through it, not over it. Finding Nemo/Transcript < Finding Nemo View src Contents 1 Transcript 1.1 Scene 1: Marlin and Coral's New Life/Barracuda Attack/Nemo 1.2 Scene 2: First Day of School 1.3 Scene 3: The Drop-Off 1.4 Scene 4: Marlin meets Dory/Sharks 1.5 Scene 5: Nemo meets the Tank Gang 1.6 Scene 6: Anglerfish 1.7 Scene 7: Nemo's Initiation
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