0000394293 00000 n The average SAT score at Goose Creek CISD was 1051 for 2019-2020 graduates. 2019-2020 GCISD Staff Instructional Calendar. A student is defined as "economically disadvantaged" if he or she is eligible for free or reduced-price lunch or other public assistance. 0000354745 00000 n . 0000172777 00000 n 0000013523 00000 n Tel: 281.420.4800, Notice to Persons with Disabilities 0000024945 00000 n 2023-2024 Instructional Calendar. 0000096296 00000 n These figures are expressed as a percentage of the total teacher full-time equivalent (FTE) as of the 2020-2021 school year. 0000015104 00000 n District Events Calendar. Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District 4544 Interstate 10 East Baytown, Texas 77521 Tel: 281.420.4800 As of the 2020-2021 school year, an average teacher's salary was $62,839, which is $5,198 more than the state average. 0000096947 00000 n N/A No data is available, or the number is zero. 2017 West Corporation. Global Business Academy mentor session. Students who started eighth grade in 2008 in this region had a college graduation rate of 23.9 percent. 0000066457 00000 n 0000209585 00000 n The total number of students divided by the total full-time equivalent count of teachers for 2020-2021. 0000046513 00000 n 51.4% of students were considered at risk of dropping out of school. The calendars can be viewed and downloaded as PDFs: 0000058589 00000 n hb``b`g```1F%c$ (f`Pagta&USJ$%2030if3j0(2+31g0ciI6cdQ9:C$9y. The overall grades are based on three categories: student achievement (how well students perform academically), school progress (how well students perform over time and compared to students in similar schools) and closing the gaps (how well schools are boosting performance for subgroups such as students with special needs). GCISD Closing Thursday and Friday (January 20-21) 2021 Holiday Card Contest Winners. s m t w t f s s m t w t f s 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 . trailer <<2DD9CF1430114EB3806D84D5C4A52166>]/Prev 424335/XRefStm 2329>> startxref 0 %%EOF 2020 0 obj <>stream 2020-2021 Instructional Calendars - Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District Skip navigation GCISD Home Select a School DISTRICT Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District Elementary Bear Creek Elementary School Bransford Elementary School Cannon Elementary School Colleyville Elementary School Dove Elementary School . Taylor National PTA School of Excellence, Superintendent Dr. Ryan Announces Plans to Retire, National Merit Commended Students Announced 2022, Record Number of GCISD Students Earn AP Capstone Diplomas, Teachers of the Year Win Region 11 Awards, Colleyville MS Band Takes Second at State, GCISD Names New Ex Director of Communications, Class of 2022 Valedictorians and Salutatorians, Two Student-Athletes Win State Championships, Timberline Staff Selected for Harvard Institute, GHS Senior Mentors Elementary Robotics Team, Votes Tallied for May 2022 Trustee Election, Various GCISD Tracks Closed for Public Use, 2022 Board of Trustee Election Information, GCISD Earns Top Music Education Honor for 2022, GHS Soccer Places Second at State Tournament, 2022 Teachers and Paraprofessional of the Year, iUniversity Prep Teacher a Finalist for Top Award, 2022-2023 New Student Registration Open Now, Rick Miller Named Texas Coach of the Year, GCISD Excels at 2022 State DECA Conference, Cannon Students Get Creative with Cardboard City, Adjustments Made to Dismissal Times and Calendar, Todd Raymond Named Executive Director of Athletics, Statement from GCISD and the Board of Trustees, A Message to the GCISD Community: February 24, 2022, GCISD Announces 2022 National Merit Finalists, GCISD CTO and Technology Team Win Top Award, Student Interns Help Prep GCISD For Online Testing, GHS Again Earns Computer Science Female Diversity Award, Updates to STEM and Dual Language Entry Process, Parent Tech Academy: Googles Family Link App, GCISD Closed Thursday and Friday (February 3-4), GCISD Closing Thursday and Friday (January 20-21), Diggs Finalist For Librarian/Media Specialist Award, District-Wide MLK Day of Service Announced, Arencibia Named Texas Principal of the Year, 2022-2023 Instructional Calendar Approved, Kirk Martin Wins Landry Award Coach Of The Year, High School Choirs Perform for State Leadership, GHS Volleyball Places Second at State Tournament, December Parent Tech Academy: Apple Screen Time, Instructional Materials Update to Community, Gerlich Named Athletic Director of Frenship ISD, GCISD Earns Fourth Top 100 Workplace Award, GCISD Esports Hosts First In-Person Tournament, GHS and St. John Win Back-to-Back State Titles, Two Social Studies Teachers Earn Top Awards, GCISD Increases Pay for Numerous Positions, Trailblazer Wally Funk Visits Timberline Elementary, Adventure of a Lifetime - Cannon Student Soars, National Merit Commended Students Announced, Annual Holiday Greeting Card Art Contest Underway, 55 Named National Recognition Program Scholars, Statement from GCISD - September 22, 2021, GCISD Announces 18 National Merit Semifinalists, GCISD Hosting Free COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic, GCISD Board of Trustees Approves Raises for Staff, Parthemore Recognized in Fort Worth Magazine, Taldo Named Top National Certified School Nurse, GCISD Earns Financial Certificate of Achievement, Bally Sports Bringing Texas Football Days to GCISD, Update on 2021-2022 Learning Options and Protocols, GCISD Earns Instructional Technology Recognition, Arencibia Named Region Principal of the Year, GCISD Pair Earns International Science Fair Honors, Votes Tallied for 2021 Trustee Runoff Election, GMS Teachers Earn Air Force Association Awards, Four Take Top Finishes at DECA International, Last Week of School Important Information, CHHS Teacher a Finalist for Top National Award, Class of 2021 Valedictorians and Salutatorians, Dr. Paul Sikes Named GCISD Director of Fine Arts, Letter to Community Regarding COVID-19 Protocols, 2021-2022 Registration Now Open for All Students, Votes Tallied for May 2021 Trustee Election, Cannon Student Up for International Peace Prize, GCISD Announces 2021-2022 Teachers of the Year, GCISD Again Earns Top Music Education Honor, 2021-2022 Registration Begins on April 12, Congresswoman Hosting Elementary and High School Art Contests, Third GCISD Walk of Honor Class Being Inducted, Cheer Teams Excel at NCA High School Nationals, GCISD Earns 2021 ClassLink Award of Excellence, GCISD Purchasing Earns BuyBoard Rebate Check, GCISD Finance Earns 30th Certificate of Excellence. MISSION Goose Creek CISD's mission is "Developing the Whole Child." Goose Creek CISD develops and enhances each learner's intellectual, social, and emotional well-being facilitated by a highly qualified team committed to Growth, Community, Collaboration, Innovation, Success and Determination. Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District | 4544 Interstate 10 East | Baytown, Texas 77521 | 281.420.4800 0000019688 00000 n The average ACT composite score for students graduating in 2019-2020. 0000080540 00000 n GCISD Closing Thursday and Friday (January 20-21) 2021 Holiday Card Contest Winners GHS Cheer Wins UIL State Championship Twelve Named 2022 All-State Musicians COVID-19 Protocols Update Diggs Finalist For Librarian/Media Specialist Award 2021 Hour of Code a Success District-Wide MLK Day of Service Announced The average ACT score was 17.5. Learn more about how four-year graduation rates are defined. Records Public Notice . . Signing Day at GCM. View a more comprehensive breakdown of the higher ed outcomes in Region 04. 0000002329 00000 n 0000118778 00000 n 0000058074 00000 n 0000125652 00000 n Calendars. 0000058474 00000 n <> . 0000126318 00000 n Wednesday, October 21 Early Dismissal for Professional Development Thursday-Friday, November 5-6 1/2 Day Instructional 4 0 obj All Rights Reserved | Website Accessibility, 2019-2020 Instructional Calendars Approved, Course Selection Guide/Program of Studies, Student/Parent Handbook and Code of Conduct, Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District, 3051 Ira E. Woods Avenue Grapevine, TX 76051, Student Emphasize the Importance of Science, Dr. Schnautz Named Finalist for Superintendent, Grapevine High School Hosts Mr. Mustang Pageant, Criminal Justice Teacher Honored with State Award, Cardio Drumming Program Creates Healthy Hearts, GCISD Announces 2023 National Merit Finalists, Nutrition Services Serves Up Literacy Lunch, Students Learn Skills Needed in the Workforce, GCISD Wrestlers Qualify for State Championship, GES Pre-K Creates Excitement Around Learning, GCISD Excels at Region 2-5A Swim & Dive Meet, CTE Students Prepare for Culinary Competition, Bear Creek Elementary Celebrates Diversity, Glenhope Fourth Grader Wins Area Spelling Bee, Middle School Students Preview CTE Programs, Heritage Elementary Starts One School One Book, GCISD Excels at District Swim & Dive Meet, DES Helps Students Find Their Love of Reading, CMS Earns National School to Watch Redesignation, Students Named to All-State Music Ensembles, 2023-2024 Instructional Calendar Approved, Student Wins Martin D. Jenkins Scholar Award, Cannon Elementary Place at Robotics Competition, Therapy Dogs Helps Dove Students with Reading, iUniversity Prep Indy Autonomous Challenge, Teacher Honored as Finalist for Presidential Award, Colleyville Heritage High School Hosts its Ninth Annual Color Run, Rick Miller Named Cross Country Coach of the Year, CMS Band Medal of Distinction Maestro Circle, GCISD Trustees Name Interim Superintendent, Mathematics Monday Comes to School Cafeterias, A Letter of Thanks from the Thompson Family, Cannon Elementary School 2nd STEMapalooza, iUniversity Prep is #1 Online HS in Texas, O.C. GCISD Closing Thursday and Friday (January 20-21) 2021 Holiday Card Contest Winners GHS Cheer Wins UIL State Championship Twelve Named 2022 All-State Musicians COVID-19 Protocols Update Diggs Finalist For Librarian/Media Specialist Award 2021 Hour of Code a Success District-Wide MLK Day of Service Announced 0000065876 00000 n Pre-K Options If your child will be four years of age on or before Sept. 1st of the upcoming school year, it is time to start thinking about pre-kindergarten! . These figures are for students graduating in 2019-2020. 0000063416 00000 n JJxx_GJmn(JXo ^'wp_)>gv[wR~xP41e=?8)`q54oUu#F'm6LWf%U#R|I6uUo{I\$>B ElCT`EGPozoW] h7z#wopno0zWz~;TO%kk'6]`F6nBKo^|'hMc`D# *|}R\J:1Ol endobj gtag('js', new Date()); endobj Masked This statistic is hidden because it may make it possible to identify a student. . As of the 2020-2021 school year, it had 23,257 students. Galleries. On average, teachers had 10.3 years of experience. 0000104113 00000 n . 0000165954 00000 n 1935 86 function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Picked No. 0000015293 00000 n endobj 0000063603 00000 n Calendar window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 0000162601 00000 n 0000390565 00000 n 0000002704 00000 n 0000039966 00000 n 17.9% of. Statement of Non-Discrimination, Copyright {{YEAR}} - Goose Creek Consolodated Independent School District, powered by The maximum score is 36. gtag('config', 'G-SXDP8E0QHS'); 0000035718 00000 n 0000068653 00000 n Goose Creek CISD is a school district in Baytown, TX. 0000031049 00000 n 0000063485 00000 n . The dropout rate for students in grades 9-12 was 1% during the 2019-2020 school year. 0000079667 00000 n A look at the percentage of students enrolled in certain programs offered at schools for the 2020-2021 school year. 0000390091 00000 n Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District Zz PCqvWwv.'n!D. GCM Christmas Trees. 0000058130 00000 n 0000030711 00000 n The maximum score is 2400. Goose Creek CISD is a school district in Baytown, TX . 0000029975 00000 n 51.4% of students were considered at risk of dropping out of school. Congratulations Brock Glasscock! GHS Cheer Wins UIL State Championship. 0000065466 00000 n 0000169268 00000 n 4544 Interstate 10 East Baytown, Texas 77521 Tel: 281.420.4800 . Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District 4544 Interstate 10 East Baytown, Texas 77521 Tel: 281.420.4800 Classes end for the first semester on Wednesday, December 21. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the state, identified as being at risk of dropping out of school, Learn more about how four-year graduation rates are defined, considered college ready in Reading or Math, Latest public education stories in The Texas Tribune. Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. . This figure for the 2020-2021 school year refers to tenure the number of years a teacher has been employed in any district, whether or not there was an interruption in service. Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District 4544 Interstate 10 East Baytown, Texas 77521 Tel: 281.420.4800 0000002016 00000 n Brandon Rupp. 0000111338 00000 n gtag('js', new Date()); Students in Goose Creek CISD are part of the Texas Education Agencys Region 04. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 0000058245 00000 n For the small percentage of students who took the redesigned SAT with a maximum score of 1600, their scores were converted to the equivalent scores on the previous SAT using College Board concordance tables. .5D!*a`^SbWbX v/Ze\ ^fL/g GCM Book Club Poetry Contest. 0000103473 00000 n These figures are expressed as a percentage of the total teacher full-time equivalent. The percentage of students who started ninth grade in 2016-2017 and received a high school diploma on time by Aug. 31, 2021. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [] 0000112019 00000 n . GCM Basketball Team Proclamation. 0000013966 00000 n 0000244972 00000 n It measures the number of students who were absent for at least ten percent of the school year. A passing score on the AP exam is a 3, 4 or 5. gtag('config', 'G-Z7YS9Y3QF3'); 0000096562 00000 n The average SAT score for students graduating in 2019-2020, with critical reading, writing and mathematics results combined.
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