Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City, N.M., is aiming to have a new CEO and CFO in place by the end of the year, according to the Silver City Daily Press. Mr. Lieb said the firm will identify a longer-term interim CEO over the next several weeks. 39 followers 36 connections. Consideration of January 2023 Indigent Health Claims for Recommended Approval in the Amount of $3,642.75w. The price was fully negotiated and brought down by $18,000, and the company will haul out the old machine, Lieb said. I do want to be clear, we will ensure this when we transition from one provider to the next, all of our patients will be cared for appropriately. Gila Regional will be receiving a brand-new machine after a little more than two years of repairs to their old machine, according to Lieb. So providers hadnt gotten raises, so we bumped them up a bit and locked them in on our contract template, rather than their paper. HealthTechS3 consultant and executive recruiter Michael Lieb said the hospital's search for a permanent CEO and CFO should be completed soon, with the goal of filling both positions by the end of December. Scott is an accomplished senior healthcare executive with more than a 25-year history of raising the bar on financial and operational performance for healthcare providers. Gila Regional Medical Center is the largest hospital in a 100-mile radius of Silver City, NM. For our offices in Athens, we want to hire a responsible person who will undertake the following tasks: The board presented the outgoing executives with awards of recognition. Governing Board Chair Alicia Edwards, who also serves as District 3 county commissioner, said she wants to make sure that they plan a great celebration. Investments in technology and certified caregivers provide quality care delivery through a patient-centered approach. One hospital should not, and cannot, bear the health care costs of a national migrant problem that is deeply impacting Arizona and our community, he told the committee. Commissioners said he needs help. Kelly Rodriguez, the hospitals chief nursing officer, also spoke to the importance of patient safety. Thompson is well-experienced hes ready to dive in, and you guys will be in good hands with him, Lieb said. Gila Regional Medical Center has 233 employees. Consideration of Gila Senior Center Lease Agreement with HMSq. Gila Regional Medical Center 14 years 6 months CEO Aug 2013 - Feb 20173 years 7 months Silver City, NM AVP of Operations Jul 2008 - Aug 20135 years 2 months Director of Rehabilitation Sep. "The search committee narrowed the 120 applicants down to two strong candidates," said Mr. Ontiveros. The CEO of the Wilson N. Jones Regional Medical Center is Glenn T. Carney Who are Tonya Price's peers at other companies? "GRMC has undergone massive change over the past year and a half; most of it extremely positive," Mr. Lieb added. ", "The committee put in a lot of hours to make the best decision possible," said Mr. Trujillo. Consideration of February 2023 Indigent Burial Claim in the Amount of $600.00XV. We need a payor source for those individuals, thats what we need.. An interim CEO, G. Scott Manis of Dallas, will take over the job on Monday. Tyrone 7). Hes jumped right in. High Desert Humane Society Annual Report Heidi Ogasc. Gila Regional gets another interim CEO Written by Jordan Archunde on March 23, 2022 The Gila Regional Medical Center Governing Board welcomed Marion "Tony" Thompson as the county-owned hospital's new interim CEO at their meeting Tuesday afternoon. We have a number of locum search firm agreements. (PHI) for you or your dependent. One Click to Local News. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +923008504627, +925813457050, +923335044414, +923015044414, +923438926352 Hunza Guides Pakistan - Tours, Trekking & Expeditions Call to Order, II. He made asimilar plealast week when Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee held a fieldhearing in Yuma. Lamb testified that human trafficking incidents in his county have grown four-fold over the past two years, while seizures of fentanyl pills have grown by more than 600% in the same period. Those new to providing news releases to the Beat are asked to please check out submission guidelines at KRWG | Brian Robinson, M.D . Molitor told the Daily Press that the institution was now strong enough to attract a permanent CEO, and that she would try to build a more cohesive organization in the meantime. It was a theme repeated by Republicans through much of thethree-hour hearing titled Every State is a Border State: Examining Secretary Mayorkas Border Crisis who argued that fentanyl smuggling and human trafficking are harming communities not just along the border, but across the country. This is huge, especially in the context of what weve been through over the last two years, she said. For . If you are an individual with a disability in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter or any other form of auxiliary aide or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact the Grant County Manager at 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver City, New Mexico at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Washington, United States, Series A The agreements were unchanged from last years, and the board approved them. We are Southwest New Mexico's medical hub and provide a wide range of services and medical specialties to the people of Grant, Luna, Hidalgo and Catron counties. ATLANTA (AP) Sam's Club plans to open a new $142 million fulfillment center in Georgia, creating an estimated 600 jobs. Here for YOU: Consider the Beat your DAILY newspaper for up-to-date information about Grant County. Gila Regional Medical Center And Similar Companies CEOs CEO Bio J Jon Ness Kootenai Health D Deborah J. Wilson Lawrence General Hospital Deb Wilson is a President/CEO at Lawrence General Hospital. Scott served for many years as a CEO in organizations of various types and sizes, commented Neil Todhunter, president of HealthTechS3. 2022 Gila Regional Medical Staff Officers. I really believe we can have a conversation about immigration and about border security. Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb spoke at the hearing, along with Rebecca Kiessling of Michigan, Robert Trenschel, President and CEO of Yuma Regional Medical Center, and David Bier,. He is succeeding Richard Stokes, GRMCs chief financial officer, who has served recently as interim chief executive officer following the resignation in February of Taffy Arias. Copyright © 2023 Becker's Healthcare. ", "Mrs. Arias has diverse experience in both clinical and administrative positions," added Mr. Ontiveros. Technology, Information and Internet. Daily Press Staff Gila Senior Center 403 Highway 211 Gila, NM 88038 Phone: (575) 535-2888 OPEN: Monday - Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm Services Available: Senior Center. It is home to the Gila Regional Cancer Center; the Surgical Center of the Southwest and was rated a 4-Star Quality Care Hospital by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. The motion by commissioner Chris Ponce died as it was not seconded. They are also responsible to engage in short term and long term planning to prepare for future growth and expanded services, while remaining cognizant of the ever-increasing cost of health care. Recess as the Grant County Board of Commissioners and Convene as the Grant County Health Care Claims Boardv. Request forms are available in the County Manager's Office.V. We are a level four trauma center. Make no mistake, there is lots of work yet to be done, and we will need the help of everyone as we go forward. document.write("© 2010-"+now.getFullYear()) Pledge of Allegiance & Salute to State FlagIII. Trenschel testified Tuesday that the Yuma Regional Medical Center has racked up $26 million in uncompensated health care in the past year from treating migrants who have no ability to pay. Consideration of March 2, 2023, Expenditure ReportXI. Opponents of the operation also said they would continue with their civil lawsuit despite a federal judge denying a restraining order last week. Gila Regional Medical Center is a Hospital & Health Care company and has headquarters in Silver City, New Mexico, United States. Additionally, Greg Brickner is finishing up his tenure as interim CFO. R-23-23; Colonias Infrastructure Fund Application Authorization Crum Road Improvements Planning and Design (Amended)u. Nurses and case managers will be able to look up local services using the website and offer patients that information on the spot. "First, under the terms of our management agreement with Grant County, the CEO is our employee, and hiring and firing decisions are ours" according to a news release from HealthTech S3. Its a big deal, and a lot to be proud of. 20th Annual Spine, Orthopedic & Pain Management-Driven ASC Conference, 8th Annual Health IT + Digital Health + RCM Conference, 29th Annual Meeting - The Business & Operations of ASCs, Conference Reviewers: Request for More Information, Beckers Digital Health + Health IT Podcast, Becker's Ambulatory Surgery Centers Podcast, Becker's Cardiology + Heart Surgery Podcast, Current Issue - Becker's Clinical Leadership & Infection Control, Past Issues - Becker's Clinical Leadership & Infection Control, Revenue Cycle Management Companies in Healthcare to Know, Hospitals and Health Systems with Great Neurosurgery and Spine Programs, Hospitals and Health Systems with Great Heart Programs, 50 hospitals and health systems with great orthopedic programs headed into 2023, 100 of the largest hospitals and health systems in America | 2023, 60 hospitals and health systems with great oncology programs headed into 2023, 150 top places to work in healthcare | 2019, Texas hospital set to close, asks University Health to take over, 20+ US hospitals among Newsweek's top 100 global hospitals, Nurse impostor treated patients for 15 years, police say, Some innocent nurses may be caught up in degree scheme, 8th Annual Becker's Health IT + Digital Health + RCM Annual Meeting. Box 1371 Send your information to and we will post it as soon as we can. HealthTechS3 provides a full scope of financial and operational services, with a special focus on rural, sole community, and governmental hospitals with their associated clinics, providers and community services. Approval of Regular Meeting AgendaIV. The former software failed us, so it's just a category now, with prices posted. Paul has held a number of interim CFO positions for HealthTechS3 over the recent years," Mr. Lieb said. Cookie Policy. Daily Press Staff Founded in 1883, Gila Regional Medical Center is a not-for-profit hospital with a commitment to provide healthcare to the community. On Friday, January 28, 2022, Dan Otero, HMS CEO, appointed Oliver Hayes, DO, as the Hidalgo Medical Services (HMS) Sponsoring Institution's Designated Institutional Official (DIO). Gila Gamliel, Israel's Minister of Intelligence Hadas Gold, Jerusalem Correspondent for CNN Dr. Esther (Eti) Luzzatto, CEO of the Luzzatto Group Yifat Oron, Senior Managing Director and Head of. We should not have assumed she would accept that offer immediately, and we deeply regret our premature announcement. Operating expenses were $5.8 million, which was higher than both the budget and the prior year. Gila Regional Medical Center Reports - Margie Moliter, Interim CEO VIII. The Gila National Forest announced Tuesday that contractors had Silver City Independent Publishing Co. LLC, A high-flying life | Retired Arenas Valley pilot pens book on his cockpit experiences, Forest supervisor: Cattle shooting mission over, Hurley leaders, residents hatch chicken regulations, Forest Service shoots 19 cattle in wilderness. She gave examples of patients who are high fall risks or who need psychiatric supervision. Richard Stokes is having to perform double-duty as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, and that is asking too much even of someone as highly competent as Richard., We have therefore contracted with a national firm specializing in rural hospital management to supply us with an interim Chief Executive Officer, Ponce said, and we will be working closely with the three remaining trustees to establish a new, collaborative relationship that will move us forward towards three goals: 1) contracting with HealthTechS3 to provide management services; 2) filling vacancies on the Board of Trustees; and 3) and returning the hospital to financial health.. See who you know. Chicago, United States, Grant (575) 535-2888 Mimbres Mimbres Valley Clinic 2743 B Highway 35 North Mimbres, NM 88049 Temporarily Closed Vigil told the board about a new program to hire a patient safety associate, a staff member tasked with providing compassionate and empathetic care for patients that require one to one or close monitoring, according to Vigil. Box 1371 We look forward to working with the staff, physicians, commissioners, and the community to help GRMC become the strong hospital it needs to be for the region it serves.. Silver City, N.M.-based Gila Regional Medical Center is negotiating the departure of Kathleen Cahill as CEO of the county-owned facility, the hospital confirmed to Becker's. {{{label}}}: {{{title}}} Approval of Minutes g. February 09, 2023 Work Session/Regular Meeting Minutesh. "Even though the committee consisted of different people from different career fields throughout the community, the end decision came down across the board in favor of the two candidates we interviewed.". Get notified about new Personal Assistant To Chief Executive Officer jobs in Athens, Attiki, Greece. "We want to thank Kathleen for all of her hard work over the past several months, and wish her all success in the future," a hospital statement said. The NPI number of this provider is 1831555366 and was assigned on January 2016. This leaves the Board of Trustees nominally in charge of the county-owned hospital. I think when you have a high turnover of executives, the employees are like, When are we finally going to get our permanent person? And I understand that totally. Gila Regional's new interim CEO, Margie Molitor, introduces herself to the hospital's Governing Board at their meeting Thursday. Education . Consideration of Resolution No. Michelle Lujan Grisham. But Trenschels testimony was largely overlooked by committee members. Ive lived both obviously, being an immigrant and also living in a border community.. Scott holds a masters degree in Healthcare Administration from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas and a bachelors degree in Biology from the University of Texas-San Antonio. The meeting will be livestreamed on the County Facebook Page: and available later as a recording on the County's website at Copyright © 2023 Becker's Healthcare. Gila Regional Medical Center is a county-owned, not-for-profit, 68-bed acute care hospital with a strong commitment to the people they serve. Jordan Archunde may be reached at [emailprotected] Everybody here has really come through, and we will be preparing a press release and internal celebrations for this stuff right away. Mr. In his place we are fortunate to have as interim CFO, Paul Rogers. A new project for process improvement around their hinged equipment in the operating room has been identified, for instance. Ive gotten to see things that people who arent pilots By JUNO OGLE R-23-21; 2023 Grant County Maintained Roadss. OMAHA, Neb. Proclamationsa. Grant Countys Board of Commissioners today rejected a resolution that would have revoked the governing authority of the Board of Trustees of Gila Regional Medical Center (GRMC). Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City, N.M., is aiming to have a new CEO and CFO in place by the end of the year, according to the Silver City Daily Press. As far as additional projects, we are looking at our cardiac monitors across the organization we are going to have to implement a different cardiac monitor system. Area fire chiefs met with contractors Tuesday afternoon behind By JUNO OGLE She will start on May 29, 2017. For example, obituaries are always provided by the funeral home or a family member. R-23-24; Budget Adjustment Request Amending FY2023 Approved BudgetXIV. photo courtesy Alexis Weiss/CRONKITE NEWS: Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb and Robert Trenshell Center, President and CEO of Yuma Regional Medical Center, testified before the House Homeland Security Committee on the impact of rising immigration on communities .. To Alexis Weiss/ Cronkite News. Our model had been blessed by the attorney, so we were good to go. She said she was a chief nursing officer for 14 years and a CEO in other institutions for 18 years, and lives in Wyoming, although she grew up in Minnesota. We are incredibly grateful for their continued commitment to helping GRMC remain as this communitys bedrock provider of healthcare., The remaining Trustees and we Commissioners agreed that it is vitally important to bring additional management resources to our hospital as soon as possible, Ponce said. O-23-03 entitled, Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, Regulating the Siting and Permitting of Wireless Communications Facilitiest. The hospital contracted. Boston, United States. Your trusted source for news of the Gila Valley and more. Gila Regional has a strong commitment to the people we serve. The process went very smoothly and produced a very good pick for our new CEO. Cookie Policy. Area fire chiefs met with contractors Tuesday afternoon behind By JUNO OGLE The position of the CEO is occupied by Taffy Arias. Help GRMC welcome Mrs. Taffy Arias as the new CEO of Gila Regional Medical Center. CCC Community Counseling Center CEO Chief Executive Officer Cert. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Plaisio - by 2x. New York, United States, Venture The professional services agreement for Emergency Department provider coverage by Innova Emergency Medical Associates was also approved. By JUNO OGLE Daily Press Staff Two area broadcasters were knocked off the air here when a transmitter tower north of Silver City collapsed last week, but hope to be back soon perhaps as soon as this week. Images: We have received complaints about large images blocking parts of other articles. Trenschel and Lamb said its not just a federal problem: Those issues are spilling over into their communities. Thursday mornings meeting of the Gila Regional Medical Center Governing Board marked another turning point for an executive staff that has already seen much turnover. He is a turnaround specialist known for developing strategic plans and implementing tactical solutions to revitalize struggling enterprises. Gila Regional Medical Center is a county-owned, not-for-profit, 68-bed acute care hospital with a strong commitment to the people they serve. "My hope is to be here as long as you will have me.". Investments in technology and certified caregivers provide quality care delivery through a patient-centered approach. The leadership changes come after county commissioners contracted with HealthTechS3 in 2020 to help the hospital conduct a financial turnaround. If you encounter this problem, click on the title of the article you want to read and it will take you to that article's page, which shows only that article without any intruders.
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