football, friends, and activities in your daily life now). Work will involve assessment of ADHD and therapeutic work with clients with neurodivergence. Once youre connected to an interpreter youll have a three way conversation with Breathing Space. If the referral is accepted by GPTS, the referrer and GP will be notified and the person will be placed on our assessment waiting list. Our therapy expertise involves using a range of therapy approaches such as: We mainly specialise in EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing. Glasgow Pschological Trauma Service April 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Consultation | Public Engagement Responses received Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service to the 'Participation and Engagement Strategy' Consultation Download PDF Glasgow Pschological Trauma Service People do not need to be good at art to do art psychotherapy. We offer flexibility of working hours as well as a steady stream of clients. Occasionally, people can find parts of the videos upsetting as they remember distressing events from the past. Ability to work with children and teenagers essential. Glasgow aspires to become the Nurturing City and to support this aim Glasgow Psychological Service strives to be a service that keeps the wellbeing of all children, young people and their families at the centre of its work. Attachment-informed EMDR. For someone to meet the criteria for GTPS the CPTSD symptoms they experience, will have a significant impact on their functioning across different areas of their lives. Survive & Thrive is a group-based educational course which provides a Phase one treatment for people who have experienced complex trauma and have mental health needs arising from this. Mae'r dudalen hon hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg. They may also believe that all relationships will be similar and accept this or believe that it is better to be alone. Background. Information provided by (Responsible Party): 2 participants will be randomly allocated to a baseline of 2 weeks before commencing CONNECT intervention. war zones etc EG; very serious stuff that has serious psychological consequences. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there is a staff member available for consultation. You can review this Business and help others by leaving a comment. We offer consultation slots which all staff working with people affected by complex trauma can book into to discuss complex cases or potential referrals. Others include Community Mental health Teams (CMHTs), Alcohol and Drugs Recovery Service (ADRS) and Older Peoples Mental Health Teams (OPMH). Occupational Therapists work in partnership with the person to support recovery and improve their quality of life. Consolidation (session 8) This session directly follows intervention and focuses on consolidating prior learnings from intervention phase. If the trauma happens on multiple occasions, it is called Type 2 trauma, or complex trauma. Taxes, fees not included for deals content. CONNECT will adopt a 'toolbox' approach to learning strategies aimed to reduce dissociation and choice of strategies will therefore vary between participants, as this will be led by their individual preferences. Be specific about your experience and the services that were provided. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. We make every effort to see people as quickly as possible but please note that there are unfortunately currently long waiting times before starting treatment. talking with somebody supportive, talking about the present and things you are interested in and enjoy (e.g. We have a member of staff available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, who can discuss potential referrals or general queries or concerns you may have. This should consist of no additional learning of strategies to target dissociation. For a targeted intervention, like CONNECT, which is predicted to lead to change in voices, even after therapy has stopped, a multiple- baseline design is the most appropriate form of SCED. We also use cookies for functionality and for performance measurement. This supports people to process difficult memories while keeping themselves in the present moment. We encourage you to consider watching these videos at a time when you are unlikely to be interrupted and to take as many breaks as you feel necessary. Scottish Trauma Network | West of Scotland WEST OF SCOTLAND Delivering trauma care to Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Argyle, Dumfries, Ayrshire, Loch Lomond, the Western Isles and Hebrides West of Scotland MAJOR TRAUMA CENTRE Queen Elizabeth University Hospital 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow G51 4TF 0141 435 4344 Network Development Our service is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and is closed on public holidays. If you are on our treatment waitlist or in treatment and struggling, you can call or email and ask to speak to our duty worker who will be happy to support you. Health in Mind. Our service utilises a phase based approach to working with individuals who have are experiencing CPTSD, as recommended by both Cloitre et al (2002) and the NHS Education for Scotland Psychological Therapies Matrix guidance, which provide recommendations regarding delivery of psychological therapy in Scotland. If someone you have referred requires immediate support with their mental health while on the assessment waitlist we would recommend you contact their GP and/or local CMHT. You can get more information from their website: "Voices occurring at least once a day") on the frequency item of the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale (PSYRATS). Offer the opportunity to express and explore difficult feelings through the use of art materials and art making. As well, the person will talk about positive life experiences. For a full description of essential criteria, please refer to the job description. We also have statutory responsibilities in relation to referrals from the Reporters' Department and the provision of a Psychological Service to children Looked After Away from Home by the council and living outwith Glasgow. Use a solution oriented, strengths based approach to build resilience and empower our stakeholders. EMDR helps people to see things from a different perspective and relieves symptoms. Many people also experience mood difficulties such as anxiety, depression or anger. Daytime and Evening appointments available. Many Type 2 traumas can be interpersonal in nature. A person with CPTSD has the symptoms of PTSD, alongside the following difficulties, which can cause a significant impact on their functioning day to day: Traumatic events may produce feelings of fear, loss, abandonment and isolation. These are called grounding strategies and they allow you to feel calmer by helping your mind to connect to the present moment, by focusing on something around you, using one or all of your senses. If following assessment it is indicated that GPTS is not the most appropriate service for someone, the reasons for this will be explained and advice about other options given. Charlotte Davis is in pieces. Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychological treatment that's been found to reduce the symptoms of PTSD. Some people develop PTSD after a traumatic experience. Glasgow Psychological Service has written policies and practice guidelines in key aspects of service provision, which are regularly updated and reviewed. It can also help people to process traumatic events, and heal the impact of needs that were unmet in their childhood. They are open all weekend and during weekdays from 6.00pm to 2.00am. A digital voice recorder belonging to the University of Glasgow will be used which is encrypted and password protected. This study will contribute to the evidence-based for dissociation interventions targeting distressing voices among this population. Randomisation: Participants will be randomised to baseline periods of two, three or four weeks using a pre-determined simple randomisation method. We work with speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and psychiatrists to bring together the most appropriate multi-disciplinary team for each assessment we undertake. As well as daily measures during baseline and intervention phases, there will be four assessment points (baseline, pre-intervention, post-intervention and follow-up). with answers ranging from 0% (never) to 100% (always). If another service seems more appropriate for the individuals needs, then we will make a referral to that service if possible or request that the appropriate person does with a summary of our assessment and recommendations. 7Fisher, C, Goldsmith A, Hurcombe R, Soares C ( 2017) The impacts of child sexual abuse:A rapid evidence assessment IICSA The Psychological Service promotes inclusion of all children and young people to maximise their potential for learning and to enhance their social and emotional wellbeing. Participants will be randomized to 3 baseline periods of two, three or four weeks. Score 2 (i.e. The aim of the current study is to investigate whether targeting dissociation leads to improvements in distressing voices in people with a history of trauma. Please note the duty service is only available Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9am and 5pm. We are a Things to Taste drink of water, some strong tasting food only after some grounding has already taken place, Things to Distract You. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. The second video focuses on helpful coping strategies. The post holder will be . difficulty with trust or rights in relationships and sustaining relationships) and mood and emotional regulation difficulties (e.g. EMDR helps people process negative images, emotions, beliefs and body sensations associated with traumatic memories that seem to be stuck. Open and close communication between the main researcher, the field supervisor and the wider team will be important to manage any ethical issues that may arise. or listen to the radio or TV. We work with and. The basic building blocks of health: sleep, a balanced diet, and gentle exercise are very important when recovering from traumatic events. Please note, we do not accept self-referrals. Language Line is private, confidential and free to use. The GPTS currently offers Safety and Stabilisation groups. Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS / Glasgow City HSCP Michael McGraw Faculty of Advocates, Faculty of Advocates Response 50194051 Response 281933506 Barbara Caldicott TOMMY Doherty Response 957570164 We would like to thank clients attending the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service (GPTS) service user group and clinicians working at the GPTS for their helpful contributions and feedback.. 1. The NHSGGC Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service (GPTS): The Anchor is a specialist mental health service which offers multidisciplinary psychological interventions and treatment to clients who present with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) following experiences of complex trauma. The brain tries the ways it knows how to respond to and cope with a traumatic and overwhelming event or events, and so many of the symptoms a person can experience are normal reactions to abnormal events. What treatments are offered at the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service? is not responsible for content on external web sites. 2023 All Rights reserved. She has extensive NHS-based experience of working therapeutically with survivors of human trafficking, torture, gender-based violence and other human rights abuses. G21 PJ, Copyright Glasgow Psychological Services. Work ethically and support self-reflection to continually improve our service. Tau-U analysis will be used to analyse changes in outcome variables between the four assessment time-points. Why Should I Register and Submit Results? 27/02/2023; Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service Referral Form. It is important that the smell is not associated with any traumatic or upsetting memories. It will be worth contacting your health and social care partnership, when you are planning how you will assist the families you have supported . I offer individual counselling for adults and young people aged 14 and over, both in-person and online (via video link). Will be administered at screening, beginning of baseline, beginning of therapy, end of therapy, 1 month follow-up. This work may include undertaking protocol based psychological assessments, formulation, treatment and delivery of care plans and attendance at MDTs. We offer a range of different assessment and treatment options for CPTSD. Focus will therefore be on relapse prevention, risk management and linking in with other services or clinicians where appropriate. The Rivers Centre is NHS Lothian's specialist service for people of all ages affected by psychological trauma. The role will involve working intensively with a small case load of young people to coordinate and provide emotional and practical support. Its usually helpful to reach out to people you trust, tell them how you are feeling/ask for advice. This study will use a randomized multiple baseline single-case experimental design, meaning that participants will be randomly allocated to a baseline of two, three or four weeks and then will begin eight weeks of Connection to Environment Cognitive Therapy (CONNECT). The service is based in Govan but is Glasgow-wide. Use research to help us improve learning and teaching in all our schools and establishments. Provide the Trauma Counselling Line Scotland for anyone aged 16 or over living in Scotland, who has experienced abuse in their childhood and (any one of these): is from a minority ethnic community. There is still a requirement within EMDR to talk about the trauma the person has experienced. Keep the wellbeing of all children and young people at the centre of our work, especially those who are looked after. Phase two of treatment, also called reprocessing involves talking in detail about the individuals traumatic experiences. Our team also has clinical associates in applied psychology (CAAP), enhanced psychological practitioners (EPP), assistant psychologists and therapists in training. It is hypothesised that reduced levels of dissociation will be associated with reduction in the frequency and distress associated with hearing voices. In the group, people learn about the common responses to the experience of complex trauma, and ways to manage common symptoms. Flexible, toolbox approach including but not limited to grounding strategies using objects, therapy oils and naming objects in the room. The purpose of this phase is to consider future care. Some of the symptoms include the person having dreams or unwanted pictures or images of the trauma coming into their mind, or the person may find they cannot remember the traumatic event(s). How to get to the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service. We offer offices in the centre of Glasgow and the opportunity to generate a part time income with flexible hours. There are specific trauma services which support refugees based in Glasgow, such as Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service and specialist services for survivors of torture, such as Freedom From Torture. For general information, Learn About Clinical Studies. Compassion, both toward the self and toward others, is an emotional response believed to be an essential aspect of wellbeing. difficulties understanding and having ways to regulate emotions). It will therefore inform clinicians of the effectiveness and feasibility of using such strategies in clinical practice and may have good generalizability to practice. CPTSD is more likely to develop after repeated experiences of trauma or if trauma happened early in life, because of the psychological impact of these trauma experiences. We can also offer face to face appointments if required. Here, the study will be discussed in full with reference to the information sheet and any questions will be answered at this point. Please note that unfortunately we currently have long waits for assessments due to the impact of Covid-19 on the service and staffing capacity. Visual data analyses will be conducted to analyse changes between and within phases. It is designed to reduce negative emotional and behavioural responses following trauma. This information was gathered by means of a survey which was circulated by the researcher to the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service (GPTS) staff in February 2019. It may be that another service will be more suitable, or that it is simply not the best time for the individual to be starting trauma focused psychological therapy. Often these feelings start suddenly and can become very powerful and often feel overwhelming. As per SCED methodology, the participants in this study will serve as their own baseline. PMID: This comprises of 12-items with responses ranging from 0 (absent) to 4 (severe). Psychologist with experience of working with clients with ADHD and ASD required to join our busy practice in the centre of Glasgow as a part time associate. They are not a substitute for individual psychological intervention but may help you to have a better understanding of your difficulties and to learn some useful skills for coping with how you feel. 27/02/2023; Search. Be polite - give feedback in a constructive way. However, further research is needed to understand which ER interventions have the most impact . This will be done by delivering an eight session intervention called 'CONNECT' to six individuals within the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service (GPTS) who hear voices, have experienced trauma and are dissociating. If interested in taking part, the GPTS clinician will (with the individual's consent) pass on contact information to the main researcher, who will contact participants to arrange an information sharing appointment. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service, Festival Business Centre, 150 Brand Street, Glasgow G51 1DH, UK. Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service Inverness Women's Aid Law Society Criminal Law Committee Law Society of Scotland Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland Miscarriages of Justice (Scotland) Moira Anderson Foundation NHS NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde People Experiencing Trauma and Loss ( PETAL) Police Scotland Rape Crisis Scotland These feelings can affect mood. Dissemination plans will be discussed with participants who will receive a summary of the results upon completion. Importantly, this study has been carefully designed in close partnership with the GPTS to ensure that it is in line with routine care. A Single-Case Experimental Design, Active Comparator: Baseline Period of 2 weeks, Active Comparator: Baseline Period of 3 weeks, Active Comparator: Baseline Period of 4 weeks, 16 Years and older (Child, Adult, Older Adult), NHS GG&C Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service (The Anchor), Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, G51 1DH. If this does not feel right for you right now we recommend that you make an appointment with your GP to discuss whats going on for you. They do not smell pleasant, but are preferable to leaving a person in a flashback). 3NHS Lanarkshire, Hunter Health Centre, Andrew Street, East Kilbride G74 1AD, UK. This includes a 1 wte vacancy in the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service. It's a specialist service for victims of sexual violence, torture, street homelessness. 2 participants will be randomly allocated to a baseline of 4 weeks before commencing CONNECT intervention. CBT therapist with experience of working with clients with ADHD and ASD required to join our practice as a part-time associate. Our early experiences of care can often affect how we feel about ourselves and impact on the relationships we form with other people. Inverclyde Royal Hospital Mental Health Unit, Royal Alexandra Hospital Mental Health Wards, Mental Health Hospitals, Resource Centres and Primary Care Teams, Frequently asked questions and facts about our food services, Transport, Travel and Parking Information for Patients and Visitors, COVID-19 what to do if you have symptoms, Glasgow and Partners Emergency Social Work Services, Information for pregnant women and their families, Group A streptococcus (GAS) Strep A Guidance, Autumn/Winter Vaccination 2022 NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Organisational Development (OD) and your OD Team, All about money Information for managers, Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) Information for staff, New Smoke-free Perimeter Information for Staff, Interim Board Meeting Agendas, Papers & Minutes, Feedback, Comments, Complaints and Concerns Reports, How to get to the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service, Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service Referral Form. - CONNECT therapy will lead to increased perceived movement towards goals. Rock Trust are delighted to be expanding the successful 'Housing First for Youth' service into Glasgow. Describe a photograph or picture to yourself out loud). Complex trauma can also affect people physically. CPTSD is now recognised as a mental health problem in the ICD-11 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (11th Revision). 2023 The postholder will provide a specialised psychology service to clients of the Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service, and the systems and services supporting them. The intervention (CONNection to Environment with Cognitive Therapy:'CONNECT') was developed incorporating: a) interventions from current literature including previous work from a case-series of cognitive therapy in clients with trauma, dissociative experiences and distressing voices delivered in Manchester by Dr Varese and colleagues and b) interventions used in clinical practice in the GPTS. We have close links with the post-graduate training courses at Strathclyde and Dundee Universities and support trainees from both. GAMH is an independent charity registered in Scotland. Please indicate your consent to this sites use of cookies, Functionality Cookies Its a specialist service for victims of sexual violence, torture, street homelessness. This happens through: learning new psychological skills to reduce the impact of difficult emotions and cognitions so they no longer push people around, hold them back or get in the way of their life goals; clarifying the persons values (how they want to treat themselves, others and the world around them) and use these to guide their actions and enhance their life; and focus attention on what is important to be able to fully engage in whatever activity they chose to do. Objectives Practitioners treating patients with haematological cancers have extensive clinical information available to give to patients, and patients need to be informed. shame, guilt, sense of worthlessness), their relationship with others (e.g. It can also cause bodily reactions such as insomnia and tension. Cookie Notice (WHO, 2018). For more information, please see our Although it is provided in a group format, there is no requirement for people to disclose anything about their own experience of trauma. Experience has shown that too often legal agencies are unable to. The field supervisor has noted this to be feasible within the GPTS. The post holder will also assist with service development projects, audits and research projects as required and undertake literature reviews to assist in delivering evidence based practice. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This 15-point test helps a doctor or other emergency medical personnel assess the initial severity of a brain injury by checking a person's ability to follow directions and move their eyes and limbs. Changes in perceived movement towards personalized goals will be measured through the daily measure question "to what extent do you feel that you have moved towards your goal of X today?". Dr Sharon Doherty is a consultant clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist and trauma specialist. Often this can affect the way someone thinks, feels and behaves. Schema Therapy targets schemas; a term used clinically to describe unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour that interfere with having an individuals needs met and impact on their ability to maintain relationships, and can negatively affect emotional well-being. shakiness, trembling, tension, palpitations, and dizziness). They may find that they try to avoid all things that are related to the trauma. If you would like to know more about the course or would like to book a place on this please contact us on 0141 232 2555. tRAUMA INFO The GCS gives healthcare providers a way to measure a person's functioning in three key areas: Ability to speak, such as whether the person speaks normally, speaks in a way that doesn't make sense, or cannot speak at all Ability to open eyes, including whether the person opens his or her eyes only when asked Ability to move, ranging from moving one's arms easily and on purpose to not . (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)Tel 0141 353 2220 Fax 0141 353 3882 A company limited by guarantee (158867) A registered Scottish charity (SC027577) Website by MID EMDR is a psychotherapy that helps people process and recover from past experiences that are affecting their mental health. Glasgow Fcpsyservices aims to provide skilled and experienced registered psychologists to prepare reports for legal purposes. Please note, these videos are not designed to be used as a training resource and should not be shared with this purpose. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde's Psychological Trauma Service provides a board-wide specialist service to meet the needs of service users with Complex PTSD, through consultation and support to wider services, and through the provision of individual and group therapies.
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