We extend our thanks to the outstanding job of all the law enforcement agencies involved and special thanks to the City of Poughkeepsie Police Department, Hudson Valley Safe Streets Task Force, and Bureau Chief Sara Thompson of our office., City of Poughkeepsie Chief of Police Thomas Pape said: I would like to thank our partners at the Federal, State and Local levels of law enforcement for the unwavering assistance and dedication to their sworn duties. Hughs admissions did not end there. Count Ten (Possession with Intent to Distribute 28 grams and more of Crack Cocaine); The gangs collective fund is the kitty, and guns are referred to as duffle., One of the 16 Gorilla Stone rules orders members to "communicate at all times. Underneath Reid are eight sets, referred to as Caves, including the Money Gang Cave, Immortal Stone Gorilla Gang Cave, the Reign Cave, and Staten Island-based Gorilla Stone Mafia. Casanova was named in an indictment following the arrest and charging of 17 other alleged members of the Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation gang on Tuesday (December 1). Walker has also been intercepted discussing his own acts of violence. A third individual is depicted beating the Victim with a tire iron. In other words, Erskine explicitly admits that getting grants into D.A. Guys will drop their cellphones every 20 days, he said. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; New York City residents deserve communities free of dangerous drugs and the violence that comes with them, and HSI will continue working with our law enforcement partners to bring these offenders to justice. A benefit of that, as Luster explained, was that sometimes they could get away with a bad call. An example of a bad call Luster gave Thomas was a prior decision Luster made to clap his [Reids] man.. Just 15. Perhaps most troublingly is the picture of a firearm with a silencer attached: Santos is also charged with using firearms in the course of drug robberies. Soto also drove the shooter to the location of the shooting, and two days after the murder, Soto texted defendant Thomas to delete the shooters Instagram Account. In one particularly telling call between Erskine and defendant Reid: Your wife, me, everybody else, we need to get paid the correct amount of bread and the only way we going to do that is through donations and grants. He is also currently on New York State parole for one of those firearms possession charges. Most of the kids you got me locked up here with I dont even know, he said. Theyre not stupid.. 2), 40 years in prison; Mandatory minimum of 5 years in prison, Count Eleven: Possession with Intent to Distribute Crack Cocaine (21 U.S.C. Erskines leadership role, and emphasis on violence, has meant that other, more junior members of Gorilla Stone have turned to him to authorize acts of violence. Count Thirteen (Narcotics Conspiracy); and BRANDON SOTO, a/k/a Stacks, is charged in connection with the September 21, 2020, murder of a minor in Poughkeepsie. John Pena, also known as Tragedy and Donn Tragg, the reputed boss of Staten Island's Gorilla Stone Mafia set, was indicted for the March 2021 killing of Mark Bajandas, 26. meant that gang members, not the broader community, would benefit. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The McGann Affidavit sets forth facts showing that Erskine was using the 8755 Number to manage the affairs of Gorilla Stone, including organizing a gang-related meeting, discussing the payment of bail from communal funds for another gang member, and discussing acts of violence with the gang's founder and leader. He missed his target, then was killed by cops. Thorntons Instagram account also shows she is part and parcel of the gangs narcotics trafficking and, in fact, has had resale quantities of crack cocaine seized from her in July 2019. These partnerships are proof that collaborations with agencies at all levels of law enforcement work to bring those responsible for the heinous murder of a 15-year-old on our City streets to justice.. Count Fourteen (Possession of Firearms in Furtherance of Narcotics Conspiracy and Aiding and Abetting the Same). Their name changed in the 1970s to the 5-9 Brims (their home turf being at 59th Street in South LAs Harvard Park) as the Bloods grew and unified out West before an East Coast branch was created in 1993. 102 East Coast Crips. SENIOR pled guilty before U.S. District Judge Philip M. Halpern. He was heard remarking on the youth of the gangs newest prison arrivals. Count Fourteen (Possession of Firearms in Furtherance of Narcotics Conspiracy and Aiding and Abetting the Same). Senior has also personally committed acts of violence. MO3 - Bounty Hunter. Count One (Racketeering Conspiracy); Last week, Naya Austin was convicted of being a prolific drug dealer for the gang and committing a gunpoint robbery at a hotel in Peekskill, New York. THORNTON shot at the rival gang member to maintain and increase her position in the Gorilla Stone racketeering enterprise operating in the Southern District of New York. In one intercepted conversation, Walker admitted that he w[on] [his] way in the crowd by being a shooter. Indeed, Walker has a prior federal gun conviction, which he was convicted of after trial in the Middle District of Pennsylvania in 2003. These arrests highlight the successful investigation that the Department fully assisted with in the pursuit of justice., Dutchess County Chief Assistant District Attorney Matthew A. Weishaupt said: Gorilla Stone Nation, as alleged below, was involved in widespread crimes of violence which erodes the infrastructure and quality of life in our community. In California gangs are a way of life and LA is gangbanger ground zero. The maximum and mandatory minimum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. container.style.width = '100%'; Orchids add beautiful splashes of vivid color to their surroundings and so many people opt to have these rainforest beauties in their homes. Other gangs fear them.. In other words, Trent is trafficking in large amounts of narcotics and seeking to acquire weapons while on parole for having illegally possessed a firearm. In one remarkably brazen assault in March, jailed Mac Baller member Kelvin Melton orchestrated the abduction of a North Carolina prosecutors father. 0:45. Members of the gang refer to acts of violence as "pushing the button," prosecutors claim. Erskine is charged in the following counts: Count One (Racketeering Conspiracy); Official websites use .govA .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Gorilla Stone members violently enforce internal laws and have access to an alarming supply of firearms, Logarajah in a 20-page memo last December. In addition, cellphone extractions have shown Austin and Sligh exchanging surveillance video of a brutal beating of a Victim outside a convenience store on April 9, 2020 in the early evening hours. Count Thirteen (Narcotics Conspiracy); and Soto is charged in the following counts: Count One (Racketeering Conspiracy); 846), Life in prison; Mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison, Count Fourteen: Possession of a Firearm in Furtherance of a Drug Trafficking Crime (18 U.S.C. Through the course of this investigation, law enforcement has Gorilla We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Their unabashed criminal behavior, as alleged, included the murder of a 15 year-old and even extended to defrauding programs meant for people suffering economic hardship due to the pandemic. Washington is a Peekskill-based member of Gorilla Stone. Count Six (Possessing and Brandishing a Firearm in Furtherance of Count Five) Another was the GSG - Gorilla Stone Gangstas. Shaaliver Douse, 14, was told last year he needed to carry out a hit to be accepted. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. In the course of this investigation, the Government has learned that Erskine acts as one of the Instead of helping his companion, Russell bolted and left Ramirez behind. The rapper, born Caswell Senior, admitted to participating in ashootinginFloridain July 2020, a robbery inNew York Cityin August 2018, and conspiring to traffic over 100 kilograms of marijuana. There are more of them than any other Bloods, and theyre highly organized, extremely violent, very powerful. They include Vada Vasquez, 15, a Bronx student who miraculously survived being hit in the head with a stray bullet during a revenge attack on the gang by its well-armed rival, the Gorilla Stone Bloods, in 2009. Im innocent, thats #1. 1090 which stands for 10% loyal & 90% Grimey was established by a Gorilla Stone Blood Charlie Rock in the 2000s. Eight injured, two critically, after U-Haul driver speeds through Brooklyn streets. Austin is charged in the following counts: Count One (Racketeering Conspiracy); But will these roundups dent the Mac Ballers power? Over social media and music videos, Thornton has been active in promoting the gang. Our streets are indeed safer thanks to the great work of the Westchester Safe Streets Task Force and all of the partner agencies that contributed to the success of this complex investigation., DOCCS Acting Commissioner Anthony J. Annuci said: DOCCS has zero tolerance for any criminal activity involving incarcerated individuals in its custody and within our facilities. Nieves has also been captured over Title III wiretaps in this case having detailed discussions with Walker about narcotics trafficking, as well as calls with Erskine and Walker about Gorilla Stone activity. Most concerning is the organizational commitment to violence. As described in that Complaint, Thomas ordered several weapons from a Florida-based Gorilla Stone member and appears to collect orders from other Gorilla Stone members. The Blixkys and PNV for example. 841(a)(1), (b)(1)(B) and 18 U.S.C. 98 Main Street Mafia Crips. He has been captured over wiretaps describing how he strictly enforces requirements on more junior members of Gorilla Stone, wip[ing] them downor kicking them outfor not knowing gang rules and regulations and not letting junior members enter gang meetings if they forgot the Gorilla Stone oath. As described in more detail below, Walker appears to have ordered a retaliatory act of violence in New Rochelle which was undertaken by defendant Stephen Hugh, a/k/a Chino.. Like 12 of his co-defendants, Caswell Senior, an accomplished recording artist and performer, now stands convicted of playing a leadership role in Gorilla Stone, a particularly violent Bloods gang that operates throughout New York and across the country, Manhattan U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said on Wednesday. Count Thirteen (Narcotics Conspiracy); and Their neighborhood spread from 50th Street to Slauson Ave, around Hooper Ave (which is the center of their territory). window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); 1090s & "YGz" Young Gunnaz gang had a alliance but ended up falling out for unknown reasons. Please click here for further information. Nieves faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in prison. His role as a procurer of firearms has also been corroborated by screenshots he has sent Austin of websites selling firearms. advertisement. According to the Indictment, public court filings, and statements made in court: Beginning in at least 2004 and lasting until December 2020, SENIOR participated in and was associated with the Gorilla Stone racketeering conspiracy. Evidence uncovered over the course of the investigation has shown that he works closely with defendant Austin to move large quantities of crack cocaine in the Peekskill area. Located on Boulevard, Grand Boulevard, centralized around various apartment complexes. Despite being under court supervision, Walker is charged with those same crimes, in addition to being charged with being a leader in the Gorilla Stone conspiracy. Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: "As alleged in the Indictment, members of Gorilla Stone committed terrible acts of violence, trafficked in narcotics, and even engaged in brazen fraud by exploiting benefits programs meant to provide assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. } In addition, and disturbingly, Santos had several pictures of firearms stored in his iCloud. They embrace a code of ethics every bit as strict as the Mafias omerta.. We've received your submission. 841(a)(1), (b)(1)(B) and 18 U.S.C. Hugh faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years in prison. Count Thirteen (Narcotics Conspiracy); and Some of these guys have a lot of money, said one source. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); Theyre not stupid. ins.style.minWidth = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; For example, he appeared on a gang anthem this summer, Big Ape, which has garnered over 1.8 million views on YouTube since June 3. The wound from the Slashing stretched the entire left side of the victims face, completely mutilating it. He was going to call it the Staten Island Rangers. SENIOR is the thirteenth defendant in the Gorilla Stone case to plead guilty. Jake Offenhartz. The 35-year-old rapper, whose legal name is Caswell Senior, admitted to shooting someone at a party in Florida in 2020 over a gambling dispute, a 2018 robbery in Manhattan in which a member of his. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Count Nine (Violent Crime in Aid of Racketeering); This conduct is all the more troubling considering Erskines agehe is 37 years oldand has two prior felony convictions for narcotics trafficking. One was named the 59 Brims after its LA counterpart, though it operated independently. And the Government has recovered photos from his iCloud account of several firearms, demonstrating his continued access to weapons. ADVERTISEMENT Woods was proud that he committed the Slashing: over his Instagram account, which the Government obtained pursuant to a search warrant, Woods sent a picture of the victims face after the slashing to defendant Luster. Attorneys Shiva H. Logarajah, David R. Felton, and Courtney L. Heavey are in charge of the prosecution. Bugatti Boys "Bugatti Boys", another sub-set that resides behind the Valdez Street Projects in North Bohan. Santos faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 17 years in prison. Initiation rites range from being jumped in the proposed member must endure a group beating to committing murder. Assistant U.S. Count Thirteen (Narcotics Conspiracy); and and. Murder, robberies, narcotics trafficking, and other associated gang behavior will never be tolerated by the people we serve., Peekskill Police Chief Don Halmy said: While its clear that the alleged actions of these individuals had a negative impact on the quality of life in Peekskill, its also obvious that the extent of their alleged criminal enterprise was much further reaching. Tracklist: 01. That occurred when jailed leader Omar Portee established the United Blood Nation in Rikers to battle the more powerful Latin Kings. Count Fourteen (Possession of Firearms in Furtherance of Narcotics Conspiracy and Aiding and Abetting the Same). container.appendChild(ins); * * *. One St. Andrews Plaza - New York, NY 10007, Brandon Soto, a/k/a Stacks, Is Charged in Connection With the Murder of a Minor in Poughkeepsie, New York, On September 21, 2020, James Margolin, Nicholas Biase Messages recovered from Sotos Instagram account and other cellphones show that he was instrumental in planning the murder. Their reach extends along the Eastern Seaboard, where the gangs operations gunrunning, robbery and kidnapping can be found in Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, Kentucky and Georgia. var pid = 'ca-pub-3315857087083691'; Evidence developed over the wiretapped telephones established a wide reaching criminal enterprise that engaged in a multitude of illegal criminal activities to generate income and exert control over particular areas within Bronx County, as well as other jurisdictions. Due to my incurable racism, I'm going to assume that whatever illiterate toad who named the Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation was attempting to pay homage to the Black Guerilla Family, a black-nationalist prison and street gang whose roots go back further than the Crips and Bloods. ins.id = slotId + '-asloaded'; I commend the NYPD investigators and the many law enforcement agencies involved in this investigation whose hard work resulted in these arrests. Third, and perhaps most troublingly, Thomas is intimately involved in providing firearms to other Gorilla Stone members. Cellphone location data and license plate reader Casanova has entered into a not guilty plea, as have all of the defendants listed below.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'allhiphop_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',887,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-allhiphop_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'allhiphop_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',887,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-allhiphop_com-medrectangle-4-0_1'); .medrectangle-4-multi-887{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}, The violent acts charged in the Indictment include a murder, two attempted murders, two gunpoint drug robberies, and a brutal slashing. Specifically, Austin admitted to shooting at an individual in front of a house party in the early morning hours of August 2, 2020 in Peekskill, New York (during the call captured over the wiretap, Austin specifically said that she fired two shots). She was also captured on surveillance video participating in a violent attack on a victim outside a gas station in Peekskill and was accused of possessing multiple firearms, including an AR-15. Charts containing the names, charges, and maximum penalties for the defendants are set forth below. Count Fourteen (Possession of Firearms in Furtherance of Narcotics Conspiracy And Aiding and Abetting the Same). In addition to his supervisory role, Senior was an active, hands-on participant in the gangs senseless violence.. Gorilla Stone is a violent street gang with a national presence that was founded by Dwight Reid, a/k/a "Dick Wolf." Gorilla Stone has hundreds of members across New York State, including in. The snatching was retaliation: Victim Frank Janssens daughter Colleen, an assistant district attorney in Wake Forest, had put Melton away for life in 2012. There are Mac Ballers who have properties, businesses, real estate companies, houses in New Jersey. Luster faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in prison. This Office was one of the districts affected by the SolarWinds intrusion. Rios killed Anderson and wounded an innocent bystander in the knee. 99 Watts Mafia Crips. A blood-spattered gun used by Shaaliver Douse, 14, in a shooting that ended with police killing him NYPD More On: They are the new Mafia, a ruthless Bronx-based cabal of drug dealers and. All of the alleged. Click here to report information on Amazon warehouses. The majority of the defendants in this case were intercepted discussing the Gorilla Stone enterprise over these wiretaps. Similarly, Erskine was intercepted discussing defendant Stephen Hughs arrest on state charges for a New Rochelle shooting Erskine believed that not putting up the entirety of Hughs bail out of the gangs collective fund (kitty) would allow Hugh to get his name up in prison by slap[ping] a couple n*ggas in the face. Thus, Erskine believed Hughs standing in the gang could be benefited through acts of violence in prison. Sligh has also exchanged messages with guns and, in one particularly telling exchange, Austin sent Sligh a screenshot of a conversation between her (Austin) and Washington about firearms available for purchase through a website. On Christmas Eve (December 24th), Austin appealed the 19.5-year prison sentence. Probation as well as the outstanding investigative work of the CPPD and DOCCS, Office of Special Investigations. In 1972, the LA Brims, Piru St Boys, Athens Park Boys, Bishops, Denver Lanes, Pueblos and Lueders Park Hustlers founded the Bloods after constant attacks on independent gangs by the Crips in addition to Crip and Crip rivalries that also began to surface. Count Fourteen (Possession of Firearms in Furtherance of Narcotics Conspiracy and Aiding and Abetting the Same). Thomas is a leader of the Immortal Stone Gorilla Gang Cave in Gorilla Stone, otherwise known as the Goons. Thomas recently received the leadership mantle for the Goons. 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WOODS slashed the individual in part to maintain and increase his position in the Gorilla Stone racketeering enterprise operating in the Southern District of New York. Mad Stone Bloods members wear red and black and routinely use the letter "K" in place of "C" as a sign of contempt for the Crips. These delicate plants have special watering needs though. D.A. Through wiretaps of Erskines phone, the Government has learned that Erskines role transcends the Cave structure described above. Trent also appears to have messaged Austin photographs of weapons he wished to acquire. That gang member, in turn, fires several rounds in the middle of a crowded Brooklyn street in the early evening hours. Starting in May of 2014, the investigation into the crimes of UGSN members included the use of court-approved wiretaps on an extensive number of cellular telephones belonging to a number of UGSN members. Fields, who has been arrested many times and eventually served seven years for manslaughter for a separate slaying, dared to try to launch his own Bloods set but was turned down by the Mac Baller leaders. indictment (20-cr-626). Lusters admissions about his thirst[] for violence and his ordering of previous acts of violence are punctuated by his open carrying of firearms. The charges reflect a widespread and profitable drug operation throughout New York State, and Casanovas guilty plea suggests that he played a crucial role in the gangs illegal activities. Notable members. Austin faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 24 years in prison. (Bronx, NY July 29, 2015) - Bronx County District Attorney Robert Johnson announces the 217 count Grand Jury indictment of 23 alleged leaders and members of the UNTOUCHABLE GORILLA STONE NATION (UGSN) and the BLACK STONE GORILLA GANGSTAS (BSGG) - a set of the Bloods gang and its affiliates . Manage Settings The gangs financial sophistication spreads beyond that. [10] [11] [12] The gang operates on the East . HUDSON VALLEY, NY Eighteen members of the Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation gang were accused of racketeering, distributing drugs, fraud and more in a 16-count indictment Tuesday from the. Gonzalez was asleep with his girlfriend in his apartment in New Brighton when the killer, believed to be Pena, forced his way inside and shot him in the head, sources told SILive. Sligh is charged in the following counts: Thornton is a Godmother of the Money Gang Cave of Gorilla Stone, making her the highest ranking female member of that Cave. Click here for information on the investigation into the Mount Vernon Police Department. (Gauli-Rufo Decl., Ex. E.M.P.I.R.E., as described over wiretaps and recorded jail calls, was designed to take advantage of non-profit grants to benefit gang members. Click here for information on the investigation into the Mount Vernon Police Department. Count Thirteen (Narcotics Conspiracy); and He tried to drop his flag. During that traffic stop, three cellphones were seized and the Government subsequently applied for warrants for all three cellphones. Among the conduct Washington is charged with is a gunpoint drug robbery in a Peekskill hotel room where the victim was savagely beaten. Hitman Holla - Lueders Park Piru. Rappers we are targets. Officials claim the vehicle was stolen out of an impound lot and torched in a secluded spot in Upper Manhattan. Washington faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 22 years in prison, and is charged in the following counts: Count One (Racketeering Conspiracy); Trent faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison, on powerful proof, and is charged in Count Thirteen of the Indictment. Everybody (Source Codes) Trent is a supplier of crack cocaine to Westchester-based members of Gorilla Stone. Jay Rock - Bounty Hunter. Walker is currently charged in the following counts: On February 2, 2020, during a drug deal where the customer refused to pay Santos, Santos robbed the customer and brandished his gun while threatening the customer. He has also undertaken, as charged in the Indictment, violent acts to cement his status in Gorilla Stone. In short, Gorilla Stone has sophisticated financial operations for a street gang. Santos is a Gorilla Stone member based out of Manhattan. In addition, Luster was captured bragging about the scope of his narcotics trafficking, saying that he was able to afford new jewelry during the COVID19 pandemic because he was working hard outside and in the streets. Luster, like Erskine, is 37 years old, and also has two prior felony convictions (one for narcotics). Thornton is charged in the following counts: Count One (Racketeering Conspiracy); This case is being handled by the Offices White Plains Division and Violent and Organized Crime Unit. Other members are charged with using. 1959(a)(5), (a)(6), and 2), Count Four: Possession and Discharge of a Firearm in Furtherance of a Crime of Violence (18 U.S.C. Last December, federal authorities charged 18 alleged members of UGSN on charges including racketeering, murder, narcotics, firearms and fraud. Brooklyn rapper Casanova was among 18 alleged Untouchable Gorilla Stone Nation Gang members indicted in New York, newly unsealed court papers reveal.
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