Please can you provide the current/latest organisational structure for Childrens Services and Adult Social Care teams including the names and job titles of all mid and senior management. Council departments and management Our corporate management team is led by our Chief Executive Hannah Doody and six executive directors. Our Contact Centre is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Deputy Chief Executive Directorate. Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. Strategic leadership team and directors, February 2023. The Governing Body is the main decision-making body of the University. This page shows the structure and salaries of our senior management. They are elected by the local community and serve for a period of 4 years, with one third of the council being re-elected every year. This request has been closed to new correspondence. Specific areas of responsibility include leisure and recreation, tourism, museums, property, markets, regeneration, housing, energy efficiency, employment and skills, planning and transport. About the university Responsibilities and contact information for the university's senior management staff. Below are details of the corporate management team. Read more about using this data on our terms and conditions page. We welcome students from all over the world. CLIC AQUI PARA ESPANOL (powered by Google Translate). Community engagement and volunteering Find out more about our volunteering groups and how. The Community Directorate. Rotherham. We also have staff that are bi-lingual. Decision making. Jun 2018 - Mar 20212 years 10 months. Senior management team - SMT. The Speaker of the Council performs a ceremonial and civic role and is a serving councillor elected to the office of Speaker for one year by fellow council members at their annual meeting. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may Council news, community updates, local events and more. By law, senior council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity. Childrens Services. Download our senior management structure chart and list of statutory roles. If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask Council structure chart. (Monitoring Officer)Director of Policy, Performance & Governance & SIRO, 328506, Interim Director of Finance & Deputy S151 Officer, 328999, Executive Director of Economy, Environment and Infrastructure, 328470, 425019, 324249, 583799, 426336, 425891, Director of Childrens Safeguarding and Care, 583503, Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director Corporate Resources and S151 Officer, 425557, 328483, 324303, Executive Director of Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Communities, 328497, Executive Director of Childrens Services, 583667, Director of Quality, Performance and Strategy, Assistant Director for Integrated Children and Families Commissioning, 328526. The council's management team is led by the Chief Executive and eight corporate directors. For those who wish to, complete the Intake form (PDF) and bring it to the office. Chief Executive and Directorates. The University Leadership Team (ULT) is the senior management decision-making body of the University. Hackney's senior management team constitutes the Chief Executive Officer, Group Directors and Directors. Information about the Health & Safety Unit, policy and training. Job Title Department Team Occupant Reports To GRADE Min for . Please can you provide the current/latest organisational structure for An . Buckinghamshire Council. The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, Woolwich, SE18 6HQ. In May 2018, Sutton Childrens Services underwent a service transformation which focused on increasing our early help offer to families, introducing locality teams and implementing our new model of restorative practice. Contact us if you think it should be reopened. Ameeta Rowland,Director of Corporate Strategy, Callum Wilson, Director of Grenfell Partnerships, 2023 The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Births, deaths, marriages and citizenship, Important information in other languages and formats, Mike Curtis, Executive Director of Resources, Bernie Flaherty, Bi-Borough Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health, Sarah Newman, Bi-Borough Executive Director of Children's Services, Sue Harris, Executive Director of Environment and Communities, Dan Hawthorn, Executive Director for Housing and Social Investment, Sophie Evans, Director of Customer Delivery, Parveen Akhtar, Bi-Borough Director Of Law, Debbie Morris, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development, David Hughes, Tri-Borough Director of Audit, Risk, Fraud and Insurance, Lisa Taylor, Director of Financial Management, Phil Triggs, Tri-Borough Director of Pensions, Gareth Wall, Bi-Borough Director of Integrated Commissioning, Rachel Soni, Director of Health Partnerships, Visva Sathasivam, Director Of Adult Social Care, Manisha Patel, Service Manager Business Analysis, Ian Heggs, Bi-Borough Director of Education, Angela Flahive, Head of Safeguarding, Review and Quality Assurance, Annabel Saunders, Interim Director of Operations and Programmes, Nicky Crouch, Director of Westminster City Council of Family Services, Erin Caseley Chief Libraries Officer (acting up), Amanda Reid, Director of Planning and Place, Mehmet Mazhar, Bi-Borough Director of Transport, Highways, Parks and Leisure, Terry Oliver, Director of Cleaner, Greener and Cultural Services, Pinakin Patel, Strategic Head of Performance and Transformation, Moira Ugoji, Interim Director Of Communities, Anna Benbow, Director of Social Investment and Property, Doug Goldring, Director of Housing Management. Deanna Neilson Head of Early Help, Prevention and Permanence; Antony Madden What's it like to be a postgraduate student at the University of Greenwich? Townwide News MARCH 3: Community Connections from Fred March snow response; BET Budget meetings; Central Middle School forum; Geese management; Cos Cob Association; Community Gardens; Adoptable Yorkie. Our services are provided by a dedicated professional staff and a network of community partners. You can also join our user research group to receive invites to activities and surveys to help shape future improvements to the site. Once leaders transcend into senior leadership, they have to better . The constitution outlines how decisions are made and the procedures . APPENDIX D - PART 7 (MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE) Sheffield City Council - Constitution Part 7 - Management Structure and Statutory/Proper Officers (Revised December 2017) Customer experience, policy and strategy, democratic services, corporate and business planning, communications, Monitoring Officer, values, professionalism and all enabling services including legal, governance, registry, secretariat and human resources. In addition to providing direct services, we connect you to the essential resources of the community. National Customer Contact Centre. The pay policy statement 2023/24 is published for transparency and to meet the . You'll find plenty of courses to choose from, historic campuses, and fellow students from more than 150 countries. Corporate Centre Tan Chong Meng GROUP CEO Caroline Lim GLOBAL HEAD OF HUMAN RESOURCE Lim Pek Suat GROUP CFO Goh Mia Hock HEAD OF GROUP PROCESS EXCELLENCE & GROUP TECHNOLOGY Terence Tan GENERAL COUNSEL & COMPANY SECRETARY Whether you're looking to study in London or just expand your knowledge, come and join us in-person or online and see what the University of Greenwich has to offer. Request for ALL email correspondence between Greenwich LA, IEB of The John Roan School and Headteacher of The John Roan School, Greenwich. A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. giving feedback job titles of all mid and senior management. To view the Department of Human Services' Annual Report, please click here. Senior management structure chart. The current senior management structure. Pinakin Patel, Strategic Head of Performance and Transformation. Our research provides innovative solutions that benefit business, industry and communities in the UK and across the world and has won a series of awards. The Academic Council is the University's most senior academic committee. Staff managed directly. The Council's constitution is the overall set of rules which governs how the Council operates. The table below sets out the following information for senior officers employed by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea who, on a full-time equivalent basis, earn more than 50,000 per year: Main purpose of job. Best regards, Harriet Parker You can contact the ICO Contact. The processes, policies and systems by which the university is administered and directed. Senior Commissioning Manager : Johanna Tuomi-Sharrock : . Email We couldnt load the mail server logs for this message. This resource guide is intended to provide new members of our community and our country with help in navigating their new surroundings and in finding services, such as childcare, healthcare, employment, housing and legal services. Corporate Director of People and Organisational Development and Business Support: Ben Browne. Council Structure Council Structure Contents Senior officers Children and Young People (DCS) Adults and Health Environment and Sustainable Transport People, Policy and Performance Resources. Hammersmith & Fulham Council April 2018 Kim Dero Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service) Lisa Redfern Director Social Care Steve Miley Director Children's Services Rachael Wright-Turner Director Public Service Reform Mark Grimley Director Corporate Services Hitesh Jolapara Strategic Director Finance & Governance (S.151 Officer) Nick Austin . The principles behind these changes were: Since this time, further changes have led to further expanding our early help capacity by having a team of Restorative Family Coaches, a new Integrated Youth Service offering support to at risk adolescents and launching our new Childrens First Contact Service. The principles behind these . Board of Human Services Meeting_2023_03_21, 2023 Greenwich Youth Services Bureau & Greenwich Together Legislative Requests, Greenwich C.A.R.E. The Chief Executive is Patrick Flaherty, and there are three Corporate Directors who head up the following directorates: The Resources Directorate. The council's management team is led by the Chief Executive and eight Executive Directors. request. The Leader is the Chair of the Cabinet, a group of elected councillors who make most of the decisions about what we do.. Read more information about the Chief Executive. Sutton Central Library, St Nicholas Way, Sutton SM1 1EA, Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events in Sutton by signing up to our Council news directly to you. Helping the University and its employees comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection legislation. of Children's Services: Julie Firth: Interim Director of Adults Services: Eleanor Binks: Director of Commissioning and Asset Management: Mark . Download a zip file of all correspondence. Get full access to this article weekly newsletter, Births, deaths, marriages and citizenship, Household Reuse and Recycling Centre at Kimpton Park Way, putting children and young people at the heart of assessment and planning, intervening at the earliest point to prevent escalation of need, promoting a multi agency collaborative approach, offering families a consistent professional relationship. by emailing [2][email address], or by post at Customer Contact, Led by a chief executive, the team recommend parks' policy and strategy to the Board of Trustees, as well as managing an expert and committed workforce of staff and volunteers dedicated to offering you free open space in London. pdf, 2.66 MB. NEW Help improve this site by SLT is also responsible for the forward-looking approach to delivering services and its transformation programme - ensuring the Council is best placed to meet the future needs of the community within the funding available. [Greenwich Borough Council request email]> Subject: FOI-54327: Freedom of Information request - Adult Social Work Teams and Recruitment Process . Director of Culture, Strategy and Engagement: Jess Crowe. Planning and Statistics analyses data for incorporation into external returns and to provide insights for strategic planning purposes. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the American Rescue Plan Act funds were secured to provide direct financial assistance to clients who are experiencing financial hardships related to increase in expenses and/or decrease in income. Produced detailed Statement of Requirements (SoR) in . Monday - Friday8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.After hours (by appointment), Monday-Friday, 5-7 p.m. To view the Greenwich Department of Human Services monthly newsletter, please click here. The Council's constitution. The Academic Council has a number of committees supporting it in its work, including committees responsible for Student Success, Research and Knowledge Exchange, Programmes and Partnerships, Research Ethics and related committees in the University's Faculties. and a limited company (03277032). Management Group - PORT Sellers, Mr. Michael Chief Executive Band 19 107,179 116,139 Permanent 115,000 - 119,999 Responsibilities and contact information for the university's senior management staff. M ission The mission of the Greenwich Department of Human Services is to support our residents by providing direct services, collaborating with community partners, and focusing on life-enhancing initiatives. Your browser does not allow scripting so some of the features of this page may not work. Profile Population 290,891 Households 121,924 Inland Area 1,905 hectares Council Tax (band D) Budget 2022/23 263.0m A sportsbook is an online gambling site that allows you to place bets on a wide variety of different sporting events. As a graduate, youll be part of our global community of more than 250,000 alumni. It states: "The current structure has some difficult legacy issues, particularly following the mid-year changes in 2019/20. reference number above. services through our wholly owned subsidiary Encourage meaningful delegation. Application Due by March 8, 2023. Mehmet Mazhar, Bi-Borough Director of Transport, Highways, Parks and Leisure. Find out how we can help you join our friendly community. quoting the reference number above. These structure charts provide information about the Council and senior management teams including contact details. After hours appointments are available on request. About Greenwich. Also, could you please provide the names and job titles of those who are responsible for the Commissioning of services for Adult Social Care and Childrens Services. out why you are dissatisfied. Director of Finance: Jon Warlow. NEWS FLASH: The 2023 Campership enrollment is now open! PO Box 544. Through partnerships we create opportunities for our students to thrive, and for organisations to benefit from our people, research and leading-edge facilities. Well help you stay connected and get all the professional and personal benefits this provides. The executive directors and their portfolios are as. The council management team is responsible for managing our staff's activities and advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions. Map showing London Borough Councils. Within each of the groups are a number of services, each run by a. Whether you're looking to study in London or just expand your knowledge, come and join us in-person or online and see what the University of Greenwich has to offer. Find out how we can help you join our friendly community. Furthermore, firms structure their public affairs responsibilities into three common activity sets: communications, collaborations, and local activities. Deputy Chief Executive: Shazia Hussain. If you wish to do this, please contact us in writing, setting The Royal Borough of Greenwich has six departments. Cost of living support; Council Tax; Education; Housing; Parking; Planning and building; Rubbish and recycling; Adult Social Care (MyLife) . Council senior management salary Find information on senior officer salaries, updated annually and available in both PDF and CSV formats. Read more. guidance; salary; grading structure; academic; support pay spine; payscales and ranges, Pay Spine and Grading Structures for Academic and Support Staff. Telephone from outside the UK (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm . 1234 Downloads 725.01 KB Download ( pdf ) . The management of the university encompasses various areas including the University Governing Body, health and safety and Faculties. Childrens social care, child protection, youth offending, schooling, jobs and skills, apprenticeships, lifelong learning and education for all ages. The Speaker. It has the ultimate responsibility for setting and monitoring the strategy of the University. 5468 . Budgetary responsibilities. Senior management structure Chief Executive, Bayo Dosunmu Strategic Director, Cost of Living Response, Fiona McDermott Director of Legal & Governance, Raymond Prince Director of Strategy &. Alere Price List 44. Council Leadership Team Chief Executive Andy Donald. Help us improve our site by giving feedback. The art of meaningful delegation can improve the management capacity of any senior leader. 1. Are you the owner of any commercial copyright on this page? Senior Management Team. The University of Greenwich is a charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England. Change language to. The Leader of the Council is Councillor Georgia Gould. Paul French - Corporate Head of Financial Services (Deputy . Management Health & safety Organisational development and learning & development . The council's corporate management team and senior staff organisation charts. These resources provide the support you may need, such as: The available services are diverse and support all ages. Get the latest news and information about the topics that interest you, straight to your inbox. Senior Housing Practitioner -Kevin O'Shaunghnessy-Ext 4214 kevin.o' Senior Housing Practitioner -Dave Neale -Ext 2094 Investment & Housing Strategy Team Manager -Nick Yates -Ext. SocietyWorks Ltd Councillors, senior staff and decision making, Health Protection, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Corporate Policy, Vision and Corporate Plan, Corporate Employment and Skills and Havering Works, Community Resilience (includes Emergency Planning, HVC and CAB), Principal Social Worker and Social Care Academy, Copyright The London Borough of Havering. Your donations keep this site and others like it running. Director of Children's Services: Ann Graham.
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