That will get upward towards 10, 11, and even 12,000-hours! So, in the end, to get the most accurate engine hours, you will want to hook the engine up to a computer. The run time record of this almost-new Mercury Optimax outboard shows 2.7 hours of total time, and then breaks the time down in 1000-rpm increments. So there is no way of really telling how many hours an engine has. You need an Owners Manual, sharkbait. Deals, Electrical Hardware, Boat Seat Trailer Winches, Shop If you have checked the battery switch and charged the batteries, but your boat engine still wont start, check the battery cables. How many times was the key switch left on at the sand bar? Suzuki offers an affordable and reliable alternative to other more popular brands out there. Simply tighten any that you notice are loose. You might be asking what they mean and: How Do You Check Boat Engine Hours? If its tilted up, some water may remain in the motor, where it can freeze and cause a cracked block or a ruined water pump housing. Copyright 2019 IBOATS. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Tops, Other Another crucial part of a Suzuki outboard motor is the water pump. Suzuki Outboard 100-Hour Service Checklist - PartsVu Xchange Axles, Boat Trailer Tie Seats, Offshore Boat Have the capability of storing engine hours. Copyright 2019 IBOATS. Each 1000 RPM on tack is 100 hours of run time. To check the fluid, simply remove the power trim cap and look inside. Make sure that you do not over-lubricate, as this can actually cause more problems than it solves. For example, if the tach goes to 4000, that means it has 400 hours.IMPORTANT: if the engine has more than 500 hours, the \"check engine\" light will flash once for each additional 500 hours. Battery Charger, Marine Audio & Deals, Dealer This voltage comes from the key switch, which means. If the ball is leaked and sucking air, you will have to seal it too. Finally, replace the drain plug and tighten it securely. Regularly checking this power trim fluid will help to prolong the life of your outboard motor. Login, Boats Communication, Auto Pilot AN As the water pump impeller ages, it will become less effective and will need to be replaced. Parts, Inflatable I have a new Suzuki 175hp leanburn with the electronic dials. Lights, Boat Trailer Divide the reading number by 10 to get the number of hours. You need to check the fluid level with the engine full up. & Live Bait your boats Gel Coat Match, Shop High Back Reclining Helm Seat, Cabin and Having no leaks requires the next step. Can You Run An Outboard Without A Poppet Valve? How to Check Engine hours? - Suzuki Outboard Forum GPS Chartplotter and Fish Finder Combo, Find Accidentally Put Boat In Reverse While Driving? The Suzuki Multi-Function Display gives you access to all your Suzuki engine information so you can easily and quickly see the performance of your outboard/s in one clear view. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Battery Charger, Marine Audio & You can self-test all of these parts at home with a few tools. Two flash and 1000rph = 1000 + 100 =1100 hours. The tach should jump to a reading between 0 and 5000 3. If the warning buzzer is indicating a problem with oil or overheating, it will also be accompanied by a reduction in maximum RPM. Plumbing, Anchor If the fluid is dirty, then it will need to be replaced. Now when it comes to the longevity of the engine hours though. Your dealer can run a diagnostic report and tell the hours. This question seems to come up quite a bit when we talk about the engine hours of an outboard. Sockets, Marine Electrical Why wont my boat start with a new battery? You are using an out of date browser. Parts, Rule 1500 GPH Automatic An outboard engine can run on an average of about 1500 hours. Biminis, View Question: How To Reset Maintenance On A Suzuki Outboard Gauges. for Sale, Buy A Platforms, Slide The run time record of this almost-new Mercury Optimax outboard shows 2.7 hours of total time, and then breaks the time down in 1000-rpm increments. We believe manual logging has a lot of value, but today is best coupled with electronic methods. Anchor Box Anchors, Fishing Rod & Reel Motors, Fishing Downriggers & Suzuki 140 Hours meter | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums Grills, Boat Drink If the tank is made of fiberglass, then it should be checked for cracks. If the tank is made of aluminum, then it should be inspected for pitting. We will need to go back to the condition issue of the engine. Loosen the straight slot screw on the left side of the engine holder bracket several turns but DO NOT take it out. Suzuki DF140 Specifications and Test Results Test Results (a)Based on 90% fuel capacity (b)Optimum cruising speed Acceleration, 0-30 mph: 8.4 seconds. Engine may not restart. FAQ I Suzuki Marine Parts, Sacrificial Anodes & Racks, Fish Finders, Sounders All rights reserved. If you changed the gauge on the boat, then the hours would be reset and you wouldnt know how many hours were really on the engine. Software, Digital Marble, Engine Turn off the ignition switch and reinstall the stop switch lanyard. Oars, Wakeboard, Wakesurf & 2. 3 Most Common Problems with Suzuki 350 Outboard Deals, Pumps & Plumbing Then you have probably heard about engine hours. Regards Suzuki Outboard Parts jHydroman Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2012 Posts: 163 #3 01-12-2013, 07:02 PM Your tack should indicate the run time when you firt turn the ignition on. If your outboard has a grease gun, use it to lubricate the lower unit once every 100 hours or once yearly. Tubes, Shop & 1.2K views, 7 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Richardson Marine: Checking the engine hours on the Suzuki multi function gauge Category, View Downs, Couplers, Mounts, Thanks. Suzuki outboard - How to find the hours? - YouTube Plumbing, Anchor & Live Bait when I had a Df90.. a few years ago now from memory for boats that don't have an hour meter on the rev counter, the indication of the hours was done by the first 3 seconds when ignition switched on, the rev counter will show the hours (before starting engine). Outboards, Shop Handles, Life Jackets & Hardware, Boat Seat Bilge Pump, Tires, Rims, & Hub Parts, Rule 1500 GPH Automatic Your Suzuki comes equipped with special grease fittings to lubricate and prevent corrosion at key points where the engine pivots and swivels. Acessories, Fishing Outriggers & the system. Maintenance, Boat Cleaners & All, Anchor & If youve got any questions or comments, let us know by subscribing to our YouTube Channel! In case of having leaks, you need to isolate them and seal them. For boats that live in Florida and get used regularly, we would say that the average number of hours for a boat will be around 2,000 hours. Another important step to take into account when doing periodic maintenance is wiring inspection. Here are some other articles that you will find really helpful and informational! Like any other outboard engine brand, a Suzuki outboard engine should typically last 1,500 - 2,000 hours of run time. 3 beeps is Engine problem has occurred. With the Multi-Function Display your boat and engine can now be connected to global weather and be in touch with your surrounding environment as well as control and operate all your other devices on your boat.Control at the touch of a finger with the touch screen glass top design. What does the check engine light of your Suzuki mean? - StartMyCar Make sure that the new belt is the correct size and that it is tight. Instruments, VHF Radios & But. Bilge Pumps, Shop Deals, Dealer Fenders, Boat Trailer Simply remove the old anodes and replace them with new ones. Accessories, Marine Electrical You can brag about how many hours you have racked up on the water! Coupled with service records it will prove you have cared or maintained your boat regularly. Now under great condition, and dealing with a four-stroke outboard. Without knowing what kind of condition the engine is in, then the number of hours doesnt really tell us much. 50 points per route) 5,000 quickpoints, GPS:72 channels / SBAS:1 channel (C/A mode, WAAS), GPS:10 m Max / WAAS:5 m Max / MSAS:7.5 m Max, Anchor, Depth, Arrival, Speed, Trip, Temperature, etc, 300 W or 600 W or 1 kW* (Transducer dependent) *Matching Box MB-1100 required for some specific FURUNO transducers, Input:126992, 127245/ 250/ 251/ 258/ 489/ 493/ 497/ 505, 128259/ 267/ 275, 129025/ 026/ 029/ 038/ 039/ 040/ 041/ 285/ 538/ 540, How to Read Suzuki / Johnson 4 Stroke Outboard Engine Hours - YouTube Covers, Other A few months ago my brother-in-law, Todd, was shopping for a used . Make sure the connections that run between the engine and the battery are not loose or corroded. Financing, Iboats Manage Settings In order to be used by as many customers as possible. 9075 130th Avenue North Unit B-W Largo, FL 33773, Best Place to Buy Suzuki Outboard Parts Online, on How to Maintain Suzuki Outboard Motor 2022, How to Maintain Suzuki Outboard Motor 2022. Now when you hit 500hours you will start over but get one lamp flash. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc. Systems, Lowrance Hook2-4 GPS Contact us today to schedule a service appointment or to learn more about our services. Waxes, Boat Cleaning They can obtain engine information more easily. Switches, Shore Power & AC Aside from the lubricants and fuels, you should also check the outboard motor for tightness to the boat transom. 100-Hour Service Checklist | Are Suzuki Outboards Good & Reliable Enough To Own? Moving throttle lever. Hardware, Boat Cabin This is why the beauty of the engines made since the year 2000 is so nice. Remove the emergency stop switch lanyard. I have looked through the manual and tried every setting in the dials but can't get the engine hours. If it is loose, then you will need to have it tightened by a qualified technician. at each rpm. Vinyl, Floating Boat Hardware, Boat Deals, Electrical Terminals, Marine Fuse Blocks & Which means that we can figure out exactly how many hours the engine has run for! The all Multi-Function Display and its features offer you access to all the information you need to be assured for a comfortable and Ultimate boating experience. The maintenance schedule for most four-stroke outboards calls for an oil and oil filter change every 100 hours, or annually. I assume there must be a more accurate way to tell? Financing, Iboats If the gauge is replaced, then all the hours are reset and its back to zero! SUZUKI MULTI-FUNCTION DISPLAY | MARINE | Global Suzuki Accessories, Big Jon . On the other hand, if it is 30-years old and only has 150 hours on it. Suzuki DF150A L is based on an inline four cylinder DOHC powerhead with a 2,867cm (174.9 Handles, Life Jackets & Grease key points of your outboard engine. When it comes to the engine hours on a boat. These may become looser with time and lead to issues. When you park the boat for the winter keep the motor trimmed or tilted down, especially if its outdoors. You can also replace the fuel or engine oil filter if it is more than two years old, even if you dont see any contaminants. I know historically the revs when you first turn the key showed you but as the first service is at '20 hours!'. Galley, Barbeque How to Check Hours on a Mercury Outboard - PartsVu Xchange Deals, Paint & Maintenance The factors will range also depending on the owner of the boat as well! Make careful to check the tightness of all bolts, nuts, and other fasteners before using your Suzuki outboard. Get Your Own Born Again Boating Apparel! This is located on the back of the engine, so you will need to remove the engine cover to access it. Deals, Electronics The number is only half of the story. Engine hours can be checked by looking at the hour meter for older engines. Riptide Terrova 80 Trolling Motor w/i-Pilot & Bluetooth, Inflatable Copyright 1999-2023 Boats Group. Plug in a diagnostic tool and learn everything to know about your outboard engine's life. This can become very vague, and not very accurate though. Just by going off of the hour meter on the boat. This amount of hours is also what we would consider average. Plumbing, Fresh Water Boat Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Cushions, Lexington Outboard Engine Computer Diagnostics | Boating Mag Professionals. Software, Digital A Suzuki outboard motor, like every other outboard motor brand, should endure between 1,500 and 2,000 hours of use. The program is truly a plug-and-play design as it automatically senses what make and model and displays the information and testing procedures unique to that engine. SDS Mobile works in tandem with our new SMD/SMG. The tach should jump to a reading between 0 and 5000 3. Stalling Issues at Low RPMs your boats Gel Coat Match, Shop The data is stored in your smartphone in a file that you can email straight to your dealer from the app. but the price should reflect its use, because the next guy wont pay top dollar for it either. Output the data from the diagnosis menu on the display, and you'll see three QR codes appear. By following these simple Suzuki maintenance tips, you can keep your outboard motor running smoothly and prevent major problems down the road. Tackle Boxes, Fishing Bait & You can check the condition of the anodes by simply looking at them. On the 1977 through 1979 models, the part after the hyphen starts with a letter, followed by five numbers. Trolling Motors, Shop According to industry surveys, the average boater operates his engine for 200 hours each year. Bullet Skimmer, Paint and To get mine, I press the 'pages' button and scroll through until they show up. That would mean 1,000 hours would be like having 100,000 miles on your car or truck. Accessories, Big Jon I want to make sure and put this in here because it isnt really about the number. If they are corroded or damaged, then they will need to be replaced. The engine itself stores the engine hours on the computer on the engine! ACCOUNT, Find To use it, a smartphone running Android or iOS is required. There are other engines that are used on a regular daily basis. T timlemons Recruit Joined Nov 3, 2006 Messages 4 Nov 5, 2007 #3 Re: Suzuki 140 Hours meter The 100-hour annual outboard maintenance is a more in-depth inspection and service than simple routine maintenance. Every 100 hours of use or once yearly, it is important to do the following: A Suzuki outboard motor should have the oil and filter replaced every 100 hours of use or once yearly, whichever comes first. It will also increase idle speed. There is one kicker though, on some of the manufacturers, like Yamaha, the engine hours were still tracked by the physical gauge. I get no tach indication when I turn the key on and believe I have surpassed the 50 hour time. Axles, Boat Trailer Tie Covers, Boat Seat Technicians can access engine operating hour data from the module and review the number of hours an engine has operated in several preset RPM ranges. It will make more sense when you have more hours on the motor. Protection, Dock Storage & Replacing them regularly will help ensure that your outboard motor runs smoothly and efficiently. PFDs, Roof Racks, Carriers, Cable, Marine Batteries & Prices for a new Suzuki 140 outboard engine start at around $10,000, a very competitive price. View All You can probably see by now, that a lot of the questions surrounding the engine hours of a boat. Tops, Other
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