But in many cases, its a little more complicated than that alone. The boat transom can be flat with zero degree angles. This, however, is not recommended for the beginning boater. So how to determine the outboard shaft length? motor brackets document.getElementById('cloakd53b59933f6c3f2e8b59f1b4a6d41fa5').innerHTML = ''; These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. See When St. Peters Basketball Games Are Today! The motor length corresponds to the transom height of the boat, measured from the keel to gunwale at the transom. Then, you can pick the right engine. The prop will be in cleaner, harder water as it advances farther aft, making it more efficient. Ill also explain the difference between short and long shafts and how they vary by type of boat. The transom angle is the vertical incline of the transom and is measured in degrees. A long shaft engine requires a height of 20 and extra-long shaft engines will need a transom height of 25. This placement is not only recommended but it will give you the best performance compared to something that is too long or too short. While this is the case there is certain saltwater motors that are extra extra long at 30 and 35 shaft. This is handy if youre shopping for second-hand outboards or looking to sell the one that came with your boat. When the jet drive is on the motor, set the height so that the leading edge of the intake is flush with the boat bottom. The boat transom height is measured from the lowest point on the keel along the center line to the spot where the outboard motor's mounting holes bracket rests. will be to the flat part; if you measure to the bottom of the brackets addyd53b59933f6c3f2e8b59f1b4a6d41fa5 = addyd53b59933f6c3f2e8b59f1b4a6d41fa5 + 'vanssports' + '.' + 'com'; Take your time and understand your boat and your entire transom. Usually speaking, the farther the outboard is set off the transom, the higher the propeller should be in the water (or the higher the outboard can be mounted). Keep these numbers in mind if you ever have a need for a new outboard motor for your boat. Boats with more engine power and weight require longer shaft outboards for better balance. With this in mind, how can I determine if my outboard has a short or long shaft? Upstream Securitys Disruptive Telematics Technology, The challenges of scaling a cloud-based security system, OneStreams unified platform streamlines financial data management, OneStreams impact on the financial software market. If youre looking for a bracket that can handle motors of up to 10/15 horsepower, go no further. }) } }); })(document); Then test the boat and adjust the height, if necessary . logoColor: "original", Amazon has plate extensions to allow adjustments without buying a new motor: T-H Marine Jack Plate Extension. disregard the downward pointing "hooks" at the front of the Check out the Westshore Marine & Leisure google plus page! Knowing how this can affect the overall operation of the boat is a factor to be considered. The outboard comes with mounting holes and brackets. actually have the propshaft above the pad.). For example, you can have the Mercury outboard shaft length by model code. No one wants to have issues with a new transom or boat repairs. boats.com, 1221 Brickell Avenue, 23rd Floor, Miami, FL 33131, USA. It will ensure that the outboards trim will be effective, and it will save you gas too. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". maxMicroAmount: 0.0, and I'll explain it better, (or point you to someone that can help. While this is the case there is certain saltwater motors that are extra extra long at 30. The transom is the flat vertical section at the rear of the boat. There is a simple test to see if your outboard motor is set at the best height. This is the dimension you'll need when selecting a width for your outboard motor's mounting bracket. bassboat can be a bit confusing at times; hopefully this will help sort Yes, if there is adequate space while the engine is tilted in the up position, a larger shaft length than what is specified may be used. The boater must also consider if the boat transomsupport is designed to bear the weight of a higher mount. To achieve this, the motor itself has to be attached at the correct height. Sluggish speeds, poor handling, heavy spray, porpoising, or even water pushing up into the cowling are all signs that an outboard is set too low. Follow Westshore Marine & Leisure on Twitter! Set the end of the tape on the outside edge of the taffrail at the center and measure inward to the inside edge of the taffrail. Having the cavitation plate too low will cause excess drag and reduced performance at high speeds. The motor is what powers the boat so the two go hand-in-hand. Gear case sits just below or at the hull depth due to the deep v. Step 2: Three Variables to Consider We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Adjusting the mounting height of an outboard on the boat transom can affect performance and every boat can be different, so actual on-water testing is best. No one wants to have issues with a new transom or boat repairs. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. if (PayTomorrow) { The average transom angle is around 14 degrees. Generally, the anti-ventilation plate on most engines is aligned with the bottom of the vessel. When the boat transom is too low, the motor could end up underwater. the aluminum plate on top of the transom), to the bottom of the motor endobj If it measures between 17 and 22, youll want to go with a long shaft motor. storeDisplayName: "Marine Parts Warehouse", (616) 364-0666, On all contiguous US part orders over $100. Your email address will not be published. Whats the best height for my boat motor? bracket forward with a straight edge to where you can then measure up This is the dimension you'll need to know when deciding between a short shaft, long shaft or extra long shaft for your outboard motor. 12 Small Fishing Boat Accessories to Buy Today. e-mail I live for the weekends when I can go out on the water and escape the stress of life on land. Always weigh the risks of making adjustments. Pretty easy to figure out but like I said its crucial to pairing a motor with a boat. Workboats, sailboats, and displacement-hulled boats fall into this category. 4 0 obj In the second photo, we've measure down from the top of the Detwiler } The transom is the boats flat vertical part at the back. As a result, the issue is whether my boat need a short shaft or long shaft motor. These are vertically aligned so the boater can make adjustments. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; If we run into that scenario, I would still show you the different options of motors and go over pricing, but I would also ask you to hold off and do one thing before you pull the trigger. Beginning boaters should be aware of the boats measurements. would be more accurate.) Ten years ago I bought my first boat. 2 0 obj The height of the transom is calculated by measuring from the bottom of the hull to the top of the transom, using the center line. ), Al Shields This is also known as the shaft length. To sum up, there is a simple calculator of the shaft length for outboard motors: Outboard Shaft Length = Transom Height +/- Factors. want to measure from the transom to the flat part of this bracket, If you went too long it would still work but it may lack in performance. Another important measurement is the transom angle. Bass boats, ski boats, or center cockpit vessels will want to double-check their measurements to get it just right. This alone can outweigh the negatives when deciding to adjust the mount upwards. Should I take the raft onto the water and measure the exact distance from the top of the transom to the water line? 1 0 obj Raising an outboard higher on the transom can reduce drag and raise top speed. I show you how to consistently measure your prop to pad height. var ptScript = "https://cdn.paytomorrow.com/js/pt-mpe.min.js"; As with anything, there are exceptions to the rule. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. As summer approaches there will be more boaters taking to the water. Whether you already own a boat or looking for your first watercraft we are here to service your needs. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; It varies between different motors and boats. However, youll notice a little increase in drag and a decrease in top-end performance. All rights reserved. Measure the area of the transom directly where the engine will be mounted. |. Trimming in, trimming down, and trimming out are all terms that a beginning boater should learn. But, how do you measure it? Among them will be first-timers or those who have recently purchased their boats. Ask a friend to hold one end of a measuring tape at the extreme outer edge of the top of the transom while you pull the tape across its width to the opposite outer edge to measure the "length of the taffrail," which is the width of the boat across the top edge of the stern. #1: Height var h = d.getElementsByTagName("head"), You need JavaScript enabled to view it. *The Factors indicates the adjustment affected by on your boat type, the outboard working environment, and the transom distance as discussed above. center of the propshaft. Keep these numbers in mind if you ever have a need for a new outboard motor for your boat. resting on the transom if you had the motor all the way down on the boat function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} For boats equipped with a bracket, calculate the same measurement but based on the bracket and not the transom. "brackets". If it measures 15" or with in a inch of that you will need a short shaft outboard. Whether you already own a boat or looking for your first watercraft we are here to service your needs. It is very versatile as it generally . On the downside, a higher mount can interfere with the boaters steering capabilities. of the motor off the transom The mounting height of the outboard engine is the equivalent of the distance between the base of the motor and the top of the propeller. h[0].appendChild(s); With a motor tote, the outboard and boat move as one, independently of the trailer, so there are no concerns about the boat shifting on the trailer, he says. Remanufactured 4 Cylinder 4-Stroke Cylinder Heads, Remanufactured 6 Cylinder 4-Stroke Cylinder Heads, Trim Relays, Trim Solenoids & Sending Units, Remanufactured V6 & V8 4-Stroke Cylinder Heads, Volvo Cobra SX Bearings and Bearing Carriers, Volvo Cobra SX Driveshaft, U-Joints & Parts, Volvo Cobra SX Transom Assembly & Bellows. Among them will be first-timers or those who have recently purchased their boats. Buying a boat can be an exciting purchase. This measurement was approximately 4". Get the latest updates on new products and upcoming sales, 2023 Marine Parts Warehouse Incorporated Or measure from the main engine prop up to the water line? In extremes, the engine can have overheating problems if the boat is raised to a point where the water inlets for the cooling system are out of the water. mpeInit(); Here we look at the effects of standard, lower and higher mounting. the propshaft below or above the pad. The cavitation plate is the horizontal surface of the lower unit immediately above the propeller. Gear Oil Quantity 195ml(6.6 Fl.oz.) For most boaters this is a no brainer, but for the novice or inexperienced boater it may be a tougher question. Its important to note that manufacturers call their models different things. Its where the outboard motor is attached, and its also where some boat owners put the boats name. To measure the transom height, measure from the center on for transom (rear of the boat). Other factors to consider when determining the mounting height of an outboard are related to performance. var BCData = {"csrf_token":"d7ecb6b56891bb66aee12dbc01a80162b3ed582c1acbe30f16fc9f1b2abc362f"}; If it measures anywhere from 17" to around 22", then your going to want to go with a long shaft motor. Anything bigger than that your obviously going to need an extra long shaft. You may wonder how deep your prop should be in the water. #2. Boat hulls are designed in three basic types that range from slow displacement and semi-displacement hulls to the fastest planing hulls. In lower mounting, the engine is set lower than the recommended standard. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <> Place the point of a yardstick at the middle of the top of the boat transom. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. When the boattransom is too low, the motor could end up underwater. Copyright 1999-2023 Boats Group. The dealer just hit you with the long or short shaft question and you have no clue as to what you need or even what he's talking about. displayMicroOffers: false, Beginning boaters should be aware of the boats measurements. A1: Broadly speaking, the outboard motor shaft length for pontoon boat, bass boat, or other larger boats should be long shaft. This exhaust port should be about 1 inch above the water line when the boat is idling. However, you will need an understanding of how the degrees will alter the boats usability. Raising the motor increases the speed of the boat while decreasing the effort needed to turn the boat. Mounting the motor lower on the boat transomcan createexcessive spray, increase case drag, reduce underwater clearance, and negatively impact faster boats. Actual shaft length is 21.5" on those. Engine Oil Mixing Ratio Fuel 50: Engine Oil 1. These are vertically aligned so the boater can make adjustments. Step 2: After you get the transom height, add the radius of the propeller (check the user manual, and then technical drawing for the number) to calculate the minimum shaft length needed to make it work. To make the yard stick long enough to measure the length of all the clubs, tape the ruler to the top. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Whether your on a pontoon boat, fishing boat, or speedboat boating is always one of the best times you can have. Selecting the Correct Size Outboard Shaft, What is the Best Outboard Motor for Saltwater, Diagnosing Common Outboard Motor Problems, Best Beginner Boats Everything You Need to Know. (127 mm). Displacement hulled vessels like sailboats and workboats can benefit from a little more space between the hull and cavitation plate, but not much. I mean, who wants to purchase something as expensive as an outboard to only realize you bought the wrong one. }, 100); And thats usually the case since the electric outboards are designed with larger and more efficient propeller that needs longer shaft. Mounting the motor lower on the boat transom can create excessive spray, increase case drag, reduce underwater clearance, and negatively impact faster boats. Pad to bottom of The standard installation of an outboard has the top of the transom of the boat at the same level as the bottom of the motor portion of the outboard. The first order of business is to measure your boat for the ideal fit. Boaters who consider going with a higher mount can see increased speeds. Now that you have a better understanding of boat transom heights its time to take out the ruler and get the perfect measurements. So you should just measure the height of the boat's transom from the center down to the lowest point of the hull, and compare transom height with the outboard shaft length numbers. The average transom angle is around 14 degrees. If you said you have a pontoon or a larger style boat such as a bass boat or speed boat, I would be pretty confident in saying it needs a long shaft. Your at your local outboard dealer shopping for a new motor and the salesman hits you with the question, "short or long shaft?". However, your boat will have slightly more drag which will reduce your maximum speed. s.setAttribute("src", script); Doing this can have adverse effects. However, the motor should not be raised more than 5 inches above the standard position. Since the length of the shaft of your outboard is associated with the size boat, smaller engines will generally have shorter shafts. %PDF-1.7 Height Measurement: Recommended Shaft Length: 14" - 17.25" 15" Shaft (Short) 17.25" - 19.5" Varies by application 19.5" - 22.5" Repowering your boat is one of the most expensive upgrades you can make. Be sure to measure carefully and research thoroughly before diving in. How high exactly do you have to raise the transom?-. Read the following to get the optimal shaft length for outboard motors! These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. If you have an outboard motor, the distance from one end to another will be found on the side or on a label near its bottom. Trimming in, trimming down, and trimming out are all terms that a beginning boater should learn. An inch or two probably wont make a big difference, but any more than that will lead to trouble. Its still smart to measure it yourself though, just in case, the design changed over the years. enableMoreInfoLink: true, Youll need a short shaft outboard if its 15 or less than an inch shorter. minAmount: 300.0, Owners of bass boats, RIBs, or offshore fishing boats need to get this right. To do so, take a measurement from the very top to the very bottom of the transom in the precise center. Not to measure boat speed, but to gauge the mounting height of the outboard motor on the boat transom. So how to measure outboard shaft length? As summer approaches there will be more boaters taking to the water. Again, make sure that you are measuring to the flat part of the brackets; So you should just measure the height of the boats transom from the center down to the lowest point of the hull, and compare transom height with the outboard shaft length numbers. One of the great things about an outboard motor is how versatile it is. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. var interval = setInterval(function () { This is measured by the propeller shaft being parallel to the vessels bottom. What Types of Documents Can be Sent to your Kindle Library? This will ensure the best performance. bracket. Picking the right shaft length is mostly a factor of the transom height or the back of the boat. s = d.createElement("link"); The pressure behind your hand dropped as you slid your hand back and forth through the water. The transom in a boat today is a place to hang your outboard motor. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Finding the right size is a matter of looking at what youve got and taking out the measuring tape. Rebuilt - What You Need to Know, Lower Unit and Sterndrive Break-In Instructions. How can you figure out what your transom angle is? While this is the case there is certain saltwater motors that are extra extra long at 30 and 35 shaft. Place the rulers end on the ground behind the club and let the club to rest on top of it. Outboard motors can be fitted to a variety of boats, so manufacturers have standardized their engines to go on virtually anything. Here we will guide you in how to get the right boat transom height. Boaters who consider going with a higher mount can see increased speeds. How to Measure Transom Height For vessels with transom-mounted outboards, you can easily figure out which type of outboard you need to get. I hope this helps someone out in their search for a new or newer outboard this season. Increased RPM and additional horsepower feed the need for speed. var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); Outboards designed for saltwater applications usually have longer shafts. (1) Multiply the overall length of your boat (in feet) by it's widest beam at the stern (excluding any Fins and or Shear) (2) Locate that value on the left hand vertical column of the chart below. Safely but briskly accelerate. Determining Your Boat Transom Angle The transom angle - commonly measured in degrees - is the transom's vertical inclination. This is a measurement that has been used for BassCats, I'm What is the Virtual Sundance Film Festival? | Sitemap, The Marine Parts Warehouse Outboard Museum, OBR Powerhead / Shortblock Warranty Claim Form, Remanufactured vs. With the motor trimmed so that the propshaft is parallel to the keel, the anti-ventilation plate should be just about even with your straight edge, and thus even with the boat bottom at the keel. Basically, there are three main ways to measure motor Your goal is to measure how the outboard will sit, so start from the clamping plate and follow the centerline of the hull. The greater the number, the more the drive may sway (also called tuck under or negative trim). steel ruler, etc. A reverse transom that sits too high can impact the propellers of the motor and motor bracket. If so, send me an d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (e) { It is extremely important that the boater understands the significance of the transoms height. High powered boats usually only come in long and extra-long variants. Boat Transom Heights The Beginners Guide, Buying a boat can be an exciting purchase. According to MarinePartsMan.com, the outboard can be raised 1 inch above the standard height for every 10 miles per hour of speed the boat can attain. An outboard motor can drive just about any sort of boat with proper mounting. ), and place it on the bottom of the pad in the center. Safely but briskly accelerate. If the propeller fails to ventilate, the motor is mounted to low. gtag('js', new Date()); Problems with getting the ventilation plate too low include slower hole-shot and lower top-end speeds. Generally, short shaft outboards are 15 inches, long shaft outboards are 20 inches, and extra-long outboards are 25 inches. Industry standards dictate that for short shaft engines the transom height should be 15. It is where the outboard is mounted, and some boat owners place the name of the boat. The form of a boats transom varies depending on the manufacturer and model. from the transom. The standard shaft length for most outboard engines less than 125 horsepower is 20 inches. Mounting the outboard motor in accordance with the industry standards is important. Actually there is no designated letter for short shaft. So if you are measuring the outboard shaft length for smaller boats, inflatables, dinghies, sailboat or other low-speed work boats, the cavitation plate is often about 2 below the bottom. https:/. Ideally, you want the outboards cavitation plate, also called the anti-ventilation plate, to be at the same level as the bottom of your hull.
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