Formerly a Democrat, he has been a member of the Republican Party since 2020. Im also in favor of investing in companies willing to build and manufacture the devices here.. I dont even know how anybody could ever bring that up. The district also includes small portions of Burlington and Camden Counties. In a year of electoral extremes, observers are embracing this as an old-fashioned horse race. Not legal gun owners.. What to Know About Amy Kennedy and Jeff Van Drew's Complicated NJ Former FBI agent Robert Turkavage, who ran and lost in the GOP primary in 2018 but switched parties to run as a Democrat this year, is also in the race., (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) December 19, 2019, Michael Reynolds/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Market data provided by Factset. Jeff Van Drew joins fellow N.J. Republican congressman Chris Smith in Mostly civil debate brings out stark differences between Van Drew Patrick Kennedy's Wife Amy Running For Congress In New Jersey Lisa Bonnano. A recent .css-gegin5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#9a0500;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-gegin5:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}poll shows first-time candidate Kennedy, a Democrat, leading by five points, but Van Drew, a longtime fixture in New Jersey politics who recently changed party affiliation, has launched a counteroffensive that may have evened the odds. Its tally showed that he had received 51.7 percent of the votes, compared with 46.7 percent for Ms. Kennedy. Press News Editor Nick Huba and journalist Clyde Hughes of Frontrunner NJ asked the candidates questions, which came from Stockton students, Press readers and others. Mr. Callaway, who served more than three years in prison for bribery, specializes in delivering mail ballots from low-income precincts in and around Atlantic City, a Democratic stronghold. New Jerseys Trump-Endorsed Conservative Congressman Jeff Van Drew. Ordinarily in down-ballot contestselection races that include presidential ticketsparty affiliation is the major deciding factor. Every item on this page was chosen by a Town & Country editor. A Kennedy and a Professor Compete to Run Against a Trump Backer Congressman Van Drew Surface Authorization Requests, Congressman Van Drew Blasts the Biden Administration for Ignoring the Truth on Offshore Wind Development, Congressman Van Drew Announces Local Hearing on Offshore Wind Projects with Corresponding Legislation, Congressman Van Drew Named Vice Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Among the competitors are Montclair State University political science professor Brigid Harrison, a longtime southern New Jersey resident who has garnered support from Democratic lawmakers already. Amy Kennedy wins Democratic primary to challenge Jeff Van Drew, New I started out not as a wealthy kid, had the opportunity to work hard, got into dental school, graduated, and now Im sitting here next to the president of the United States. that is degrading to another person.Be Proactive. Please enter valid email address to continue. Im a capitalist, Van Drew continued. In December 2019, Van Drew was one of only two Democrats in the House to vote against impeaching Donald Trump. Your email address will not be published. The same radicals trying to install him as their puppet president, he continued. TRENTON, N.J. When Representative Jeff Van Drew, a moderate Democrat who has staunchly opposed impeaching President Trump, decided to jump to the Republican Party, he got Mr. Trump's. Our country is in crisis, and our leaders like Donald Trump and Jeff Van Drew have lost their moral compass," Kennedy said in a statement . Jeff Van Drew Bio, Age, Wife, Impeachment Vote And New Jersey Rep The party had moved from liberal to radical, he said. The commenting option is not going away, however, readers will need to register for a FREE site account to continue sharing their thoughts and feedback on stories. Thats you know, theres a little bit of states rights here. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Kennedy has both outraised and outspent Van Drew. As of 10:10 p.m. and with an estimated 49% of votes reported, Van Drew leads Alexander by a 59%-40% margin, though that may change substantially as more votes come in. So turned off by the impeachment sham, Rep Jeff Van Drew ditches the Democrats and is now a Republican. According toa Monmouth University Polllast month,nearly half of voters in the district arebothered by Van Drew being elected as a Democrat but now running for reelection as a Republican, with 35 percent saying it bothers them a lot and 12 percent a little, while 51 percent say it does not bother them. (P. Kenneth Burns/WHYY) Van Drew made the case that he is working for the district during a debate at Stockton University on Oct. 19 . John Anthony White (n Gillis; born July 9, 1975), is an American musician, singer, songwriter, and music producer, best known as the lead singer and guitarist of the duo the White Stripes.White has enjoyed consistent critical and popular success and is widely credited as one of the key artists in the garage rock revival of the 2000s. Jeff Van Drew Reveals He Was Tempted To Switch Parties For Years. Here And by the way, same way. Also running against Van Drew and Alexander are Libertarian Mike Gallo, of Villas in Lower Township; and perennial candidate Anthony Parisi Sanchez, of Millville. Do Democrats need a past superstar to hold the White House in 2024? "Each state is different," Van Drew said. Van Drew has two grandchildren. At the time Van Drew said he felt Trump had not done anything that rose to an impeachable offense. The front of an anti-gay marriage mailer sent in support of state Sen. Jeff Van Drew (D-Cape May). Our campaigns have worked hand in hand from day one and have continued to do so since Election Night, the posting said. Republican, NJ-02 . Sign up here to receive email newsletter updates. The survey released Friday by Stockton University showed Kennedy with a statistically insignificant lead over Van Drew, the . Jeff Van Drew: They're trying to change America into the 'global new In another close congressional contest in South Jersey, Representative Andy Kim, a first-term Democrat, defeated David Richter, a wealthy Republican businessman who similarly yoked himself to Mr. Trump during the campaign. The district leans Republican, having went for Trump in 2016. The leftwing Democrat running against Rep. Jefferson H. "Jeff" Van Drew (R.-N.J.) has put her money where her mouth is, . What Biden might try next if his student loan forgiveness plan is struck down. Who is Jeff Van Drew? 5 things to know about New Jersey's Republican Ive been a Democrat for a lot of years and I actually had a meeting with somebody about two weeks ago and the individual was a local county chairman in the Democratic Party.. Country of Citizenship. You're Temporarily Blocked. JUST IN: Amy Kennedy, a south Jersey native and wife of former Rep. Patrick Kennedy, announces she's seeking the Democratic nomination to run against Dem-turned-Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew. Jeff Van Drew No one understands the impacts of shifting fish stocks more than commercial and recreational fishermen in my district. During his speech, he said President Trump "made me feel more welcome in the Oval Office than Nancy Pelosi ever made me feel in her caucus. Jeff Van Drew Buskie Alex Cazares as Staci Brandon Scott as Hendershot Eric Bell Jr. With Kelsey Grammer, Connie Nielsen, Hannah Ware, Jeff Hephner. Van Drew said that another reason that he switched parties is because the Democrats are becoming less tolerant of diverse thought as they become more extreme. Van Drew won election in 2018 as a Democrat but announced last month he was becoming a Republican when he said he opposed impeaching Republican President Donald Trump. Despite some Democratic votersfeeling betrayed by Van Drew's party switch, Republican voters in the Garden State accepted the congressman into the party with open arms. Dr. Van Drew previously served as a State Senator, State Assemblyman, and Freeholder in Cape May County as well as Mayor, Township Committeeman, and a Fire Commissioner in his hometown of Dennis Township. During a debate with his opponent, Amy Kennedy, last month, Van Drew pushed back against the movement to defund the police,arguing that it means officers "wont get the equipment, the safety equipment, the vests, whatever else they need to make sure that they stay alive as they take bullets for you.. NEW JERSEY'S GOV. I never have to face that hard choice, Alexander said. First elected to the House two years ago as a Democrat, Mr. Van Drew overcame his opponents lead in most polls, a considerable fund-raising disadvantage and the familiarity of the Kennedy name. Democratic challenger Tim Alexander, left, and incumbent U.S. Rep Jeff Van Drew, R-2nd, debated the issues Wednesday during a Congressional debate, co-sponsored by the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton and The Press of Atlantic City. Its who I always was but there was more tolerance of moderate Democrats, Blue Dog Democrats, conservative Democrats, and I think that is going away. Then, in a scene that would be played repeatedly on news feeds for days to come, he turned to the President and said earnestly, You have my undying support.. Van Drew, who served nearly two decades in the state Legislature, was never popular with the party's progressive base in a state that's turned increasingly blue. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Incumbent U.S. Rep Jeff Van Drew, R-2nd, however, opposes current plans to build offshore wind farms off Atlantic and Cape May counties. You can cancel at any time. This new Democrat Party wasn't just for higher taxes, now they were for open borders, against our police and against our God-given rights.. Your email address will not be published. This is the greatest country on the face of the earth, Van Drew continued. Mrs. Van Drew was born Ricarda Rose Villani on March 18, 1954. Just WHO is Jeff Van Drew? He is married with two children, two grandchildren, and two German shepherds. Van Drew, once an opponent of gay marriage in N.J. legislature, votes Democratic challenger Tim Alexander, left, and incumbent U.S. Rep Jeff Van Drew, R-2nd, debated the issues Wednesday during a Congressional debate, co-sponsored by the William J. Hughes. Mr. Van Drews protracted victory appeared to vindicate his politically fraught decision to cross party lines and align himself with the president during last years impeachment proceedings.
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