Jackson Elementary School Our Mission The fundamental purpose of our school is to ensure that ALL students learn at high levels in grade-level content. Departments. Click on the public or private elementary school to view that specific school's details. The notice shall include a reference to the person and the address and telephone number of the staff member designated to coordinate civil rights compliance. I am proud to be a part of the Jackson "PRIDE". var encodedEmail = swrot13('Elna_Jvyfba@tjvaargg.x12.tn.hf'); The school's middle school archery team won the state championship, finishing with a score of 3143 and 100 tens, the highest number of bullseyes scored. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. The percentage of North Jackson Elementary School students on free and reduced lunch assistance (100.0%) is significantly higher than the state average of 77.0%.This may indicate that the area has a higher level of poverty than the state average. I am sure many of you want to know what to expect from me in the upcoming years so I want to let you know some of my educational philosophies as a building administrator. December 21, 2020 . Davenport Community Schools are resource-rich, blending student and family support programs with a wide array of curricular offerings to create a quality learning . Principal: Ashley N. Smith. This directory provides contact information for Montana's School Districts, Schools and staff such as Principals, Superintendents and others. Principal Jackson Elementary School 970-348-1500 idillehay@greeleyschools.org Mrs. Dillehay has been in education for over 30 years. Joe Smith, Grade 5, Teton County School District is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. $('span#sw-emailmask-32981').replaceWith(''); Hawkins Mill Elementary Helpful Achievers Worthy Knowledgeable Soaring to Excellence, Ridgeway International Baccalaureate Middle World Optional School, https://readingresources.mybrightsites.com/, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). As a parent, this opportunity will also allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in an anonymous survey about your childs school. Jackson Elementary Announcements. - Gifted and Talented Education, Curriculum and Instruction - Ashland University, Ed.D. Possess a valid State of Mississippi license with a 486 endorsement; Knowledge of the Institute School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards I believe we are a team in helping your child(ren) reach their academic and social emotional milestones. I look forward to getting to know you and your children personally. Email: Email Charleigh Powell. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AFFIDAVIT OF RESIDENCY CLICK HERE FOR STUDENT WITHDRAWAL CLICK HERE TO REQUEST STUDENT RECORDS District Calendar for NEXT School Year - 2023-2024 - is Approved. On Thursday, December 9, 2021, parents and neighbors were invited to attend a meeting regarding our proposed designs for Jackson Elementary School. Plano Independent School District. var encodedEmail = swrot13('Xnen_Qhggba@tjvaargg.x12.tn.hf'); Jackson Elementary School Bus Routes Canvas Lunch Menu Student Code of Conduct Student Connection Volunteer Services School News Volunteers Needed in the Media Center HOST Information Bus Schedule more Upcoming Events Mar 2 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Math Homework Hotline Mar 6 Non-Student Day Mar 8 My mom taught for 35 years in GCPS, my wife is an assistant principal in GCPS, and my brother is a high school teacher in GCPS. Feb 14, 2023 1 of 2 Lila Herrin, from left, Brandyn Stewart, Aiden Jones, Gunner Boudreaux, Matthen Johnson, Taylor Sims and Dakoda Sullivan were among the recipients of the Jackson Elementary. I pledge my full support, hard work, and dedication to continuing that tradition of excellence. Camden, SC 29020. March 7th: Author Visit for 4th and 5th Grades. The TN Department of Education (TDOE) has partnered with the Governors' Early Literacy Foundation (GELF) to offer FREE booksto all Tennessee families with children in grades K-2! As always, inclement weather or emergencies may impact these dates. Translate . We are rapidly approaching the end of the third quarter. 1101 Jackson Drive Plano, TX 75075. Desert Sands Unified School District consists of eighteen elementary schools, one charter elementary school, six middle schools, one charter middle school, four comprehensive high schools, two continuation high schools, one alternative education school, and preschool. As part of our strategic roadmapping process, community members are invited to attend and participate in activities designed to receive input and gather interests on the following topics: Are you interested in working in one of the highest rated school districts in the state? News. Find Us . Below you will find some brief announcements that are important for the beginning of the school year: As we get ready for the start of the 2021-2022 school year please know that we will be hiring new positions at Jackson for both classroom teachers and para-educators. Data Collaboration Day (No Students), 4340 Edwinstowe Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Phone: 719-328-5800Principal: SARA.MILLER@d11.org. classlink. Stacy Williams Assistant Principal. Home of the Jaguars. The coveted National Blue Ribbon Schools award affirms the hard work of educators, families and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging and engaging content. We are excited to announce that District 205 has adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. Online registration must be done for all new families and returning Jackson students. var encodedEmail = swrot13('Xnera_Qbhturegl@tjvaargg.x12.tn.hf'); At Jackson, we believe in providing students with an all-encompassing education that enables them to grow into fine, knowledgeable individuals. Safety is a top priority in Barren County Schools. The fundamental purpose of our school is to ensure that ALL students learn at high levels in grade-level content. Jackson Elementary (SS:0207) PO Box 835 Jackson, MT 59736 Phone/Extension Fax District Clerk: Rita Munday 834-3435 834-3435 E-mail: rita.munday@outlook.com Memphis-Shelby County Schools offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, creed, age, disability, national origin, or genetic information. Please fill out this form to get new ones made. Dining. Phone 469-752-2100 Fax 469-752-2101. I love being part of the Peachtree Ridge Cluster and Jackson community. Jackson Elementary School Call Website Map. In addition to the student and staff logs that participants fill out throughout the month, the challenge provides families with a log to identify a goal for each day from cooking a healthy meal as a family to having a family dance party. The results provide a picture of student performance to schools, districts, teachers, parents, and the community. My husband, Greg, is a 7th and 8th grade history teacher at Jackson Middle School, and I have 2 children in TCSD schools. CLICK HERE to take the survey for your childs school. Translate . Jackson Elementary; John. For purposes of this School District, that person shall be the Superintendent or Title IX/504/Communications Coordinatorcreynolds@tcsd.orgat 307-733-2704 or PO Box 568, Jackson WY 83001. Principal of Trezevant Career and Technical Center: Edwin M. Robinson Principal of Willow Oaks Elementary School: Kandra Jackson More: At least one of the new principals, at Shady Grove. We will have high expectations for all learners by giving them the supports they need to achieve grade level academic and social emotional learning. See All Posts . This policy governs all matters concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals with whom the School District does business. Our Schools. Live Feed. Choice, Magnet, & HVK12 Applications Opens at 5:00 pm, PRINCIPAL / ADMINISTRATOR:Melody Murphy, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL(S): Jennifer Edelblute-Caggia. Email Stacy Williams. As part of the Peachtree Ridge cluster, we want our students to ASPIRE to pursue their college and career goals. Over the next 15-20 years, CRCSD will build 10 new elementary schools and renovate three others. I am also the Testing Coordinator, Language Arts contact, and share various roles with our Administrative Team. . Students in grades 4-12 and teachers across Illinois will have an opportunity to participate in the eleventh annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. . Programs. Email Deanna Gray. 439 WASD elementary students are now James V. Brown Library card holders. 5th Graders will have their turn on Thursday. As a family, we enjoy biking, camping, and Nordic and downhill skiing together. . Feb. 20th: No School-Presidents Day. If you are looking to move to Jackson, MS consider which grade school your children would attend. Jackson Elementary School. Jackson Elementary is one of only 349 schools across the nation and 24 schools in Texas to be recognized with this honor in 2018. . I want to introduce myself as your new Jackson principal. In addition to being the 1st and 4th grade AP, I also help lead the Jackson STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) initiative as we aim to increase real-world problem solving challenges into our curriculum and classrooms. On May 18, 2021 at approximately 3:20 p.m., the Elmhurst Police Department notified the Bryan Middle School and Jackson Elementary School Administration of an incident near the school communities, requiring the schools to initiate a soft lockdown. Jericho Union Free School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, gender, marital status, creed, religion, honorably discharged veteran, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability. As an educator for over 20 years, I served as a teacher of grades 1st through 5th, Instructional Coach and County Math Instructional Specialist. -DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, Many & Mattos, Learning by Doing Library Media Center Computer Lab Page JES PTO Praesent commodo cursus magna, nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. The Jackson County School Board, meeting in Jefferson, names two new school principals: Amy Adams will be, starting in June, the principal at South Jackson Elementary School, while Johnathan Harris will take over at East Jackson Middle School. I look forward to the new school year and assisting your child(ren) reach their fullest potential as learners. School District 11 cannot be responsible for the content of any site external to its own. Edlio Login. Please do not hesitate to email me if you have questions or concerns guycor@davenportschools.org. Current sophomores and juniors are invited to apply now until March 6 to the Plano Mayors Summer Internship Program, an eight-week learn-and-earn program, June 12-Aug. 4. Our 4th graders participated in the Mock Election on Friday.
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